331 resultados para BH3 Interacting Domain Death Agonist Protein


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Mutants were produced in the A-domain of HbpR, a protein belonging to the XylR family of σ(54)-dependent transcription activators, with the purpose of changing its effector recognition specificity from 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP, the cognate effector) to 2-chlorobiphenyl (2-CBP). Mutations were introduced in the hbpR gene part for the A-domain via error-prone polymerase chain reaction, and assembled on a gene circuitry plasmid in Escherichia coli, permitting HbpR-dependent induction of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp). Cells with mutant HbpR proteins responsive to 2-CBP were enriched and separated in a flow cytometry-assisted cell-sorting procedure. Some 70 mutants were isolated and the A-domain mutations mapped. One of these had acquired true 2-CBP recognition but reacted hypersensitively to 2-HBP (20-fold more than the wild type), whereas others had reduced sensitivity to 2-HBP but a gain of 2-CBP recognition. Sequencing showed that most mutants carried double or triple mutations in the A-domain gene part, and were not located in previously recognized conserved residues within the XylR family members. Further selection from a new mutant pool prepared of the hypersensitive mutant did not result in increased 2-CBP or reduced 2-HBP recognition. Our data thus demonstrate that a one-step in vitro 'evolutionary' adaptation of the HbpR protein can result in both enhancement and reduction of the native effector recognition.


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Mutations of G protein-coupled receptors can increase their constitutive (agonist-independent) activity. Some of these mutations have been artificially introduced by site-directed mutagenesis, others occur spontaneously in human diseases. The analysis of the constitutively active G protein-coupled receptors has provided important informations about the molecular mechanisms underlying receptor activation and drug action.


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hShroom1 (hShrm1) is a member of the Apx/Shroom (Shrm) protein family and was identified from a yeast two-hybrid screen as a protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM). The characteristic signature of the Shrm family is the presence of a unique domain, ASD2 (Apx/Shroom domain 2). mRNA analysis suggests that hShrm1 is expressed in brain, heart, skeletal muscle, colon, small intestine, kidney, placenta and lung tissue, as well a variety of melanoma and other cell lines. Co-immunoprecipitation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) experiments indicate that hShrm1 and MCAM interact in vivo and by immunofluorescence microscopy some co-localization of these proteins is observed. hShrm1 partly co-localises with beta-actin and is found in the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction of melanoma cell extracts. We propose that hShrm1 is involved in linking MCAM to the cytoskeleton.


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Mitochondrial fusion and fission is a dynamic process critical for the maintenance of mitochondrial function and cell viability. During excitotoxicity neuronal mitochondria are fragmented, but the mechanism underlying this process is poorly understood. Here, we show that Mfn2 is the only member of the mitochondrial fusion/fission machinery whose expression is reduced in in vitro and in vivo models of excitotoxicity. Whereas in cortical primary cultures, Drp1 recruitment to mitochondria plays a primordial role in mitochondrial fragmentation in an early phase that can be reversed once the insult has ceased, Mfn2 downregulation intervenes in a delayed mitochondrial fragmentation phase that progresses even when the insult has ceased. Downregulation of Mfn2 causes mitochondrial dysfunction, altered calcium homeostasis, and enhanced Bax translocation to mitochondria, resulting in delayed neuronal death. We found that transcription factor MEF2 regulates basal Mfn2 expression in neurons and that excitotoxicity-dependent degradation of MEF2 causes Mfn2 downregulation. Thus, Mfn2 reduction is a late event in excitotoxicity and its targeting may help to reduce excitotoxic damage and increase the currently short therapeutic window in stroke.


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Résumé : Le Large tumor suppressor, Lats2, est une protéine humaine homologue au suppresseur de tumeur Warts (Lats) de Drosophila melanogaster, qui réprime la prolifération des cellules en altérant leur cycle au niveau des transitions Gl/S et G2/M, et en induisant l'apoptose. Pourtant, la voie moléculaire par laquelle Lats2, une sériase-thréonine kinase, déclenche l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire, est toujours inconnue. Notre équipe a d'abord déterminé que Lats2 était un gène de réponse à la protéine p53 (Kostic et al., 2000). Par la suite, nous avons identifié des protéines interagissant avec Lats2, notamment les modules de reconnaissance du substrat des ligases Colline E3 (des protéines contenant Socs box ou F box) ainsi que deux Bous-unités du Signalosome CSN: CSN4 et CSNS. En outre, Lats2 est connue pour s'associer au Super-complexe composé de CSN et des ligases Colline E3 (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005). Le travail présenté ici sur Lats2 a confirmé que cette protéine est une kinase associée à CSN. Nous avons caractérisé les interactions spécifiques de domaines de Lats2 avec hSocs3, hWsb 1 (des protéines Socs box) et hFBX-7 (une protéine F box), ainsi que les conséquences physiologiques des interactions avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hSocs1. Des expériences de GST pull-down ont montré que les deux domaines, N-terminal et kinase, de Lats2 interagissent avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hFBX-7, ce qui suggère aussi que l'ensemble de la protéine Lats2 est impliqué dans ces interactions. Une étude approfondie des interactions entre Lats2 et hSocs3 indique que le domaine kinase de Lats2 interagit avec la région de hSocs3 contenant un domaine SH2, situé en amont du domaine Socs box de hSocs3. Par ailleurs, Lats2 phosphoryle des régions spécifiques entre les domaines N-terminal et SH2 (Sl), et, entre les domaines SH2 et Socs box (S3) de la protéine hSocs3. Ces résultats révèlent que hSocs3 est un.nouveau substrat de Lats2. Des modifications de l'activité kinase ont aussi révélé que la protéine sauvage Lats2 (wt Lats2) était capable de phosphoryler hSocs3, alors qu'un mutant dead du domaine kinase Lats (poche ATP délétée, Lats2OATP) non. L'analyse des mutations a permis d'identifier deux résidus sériase situés aux positions 1441145 (S3), spécifiquement phosphorylés par wt Lats2. La phosphorylation des protéines représentant un signal de dégradation protéolytique, nous avons envisagé que Lats2 pouvait cibler hSocs3 pour une dégradation protéasomale. Lorsque wt Lats2 est surexprimée dans des cellules HEK293T et COS7, la demi-vie de hSocs3, un élément de la ligase Elongine BC-Colline É3 (ligase EBC), diminue significativement, effet que n'a pas la surexpression de Lats2OATP. De plus, la stabilité de hSocs3 dépend de la phosphorylation des résidus sériase aux positions 144/145 par wt Lats2. Bien que les sites de phosphorylation ne soient pas définis pour les deux autres modules de reconnaissance du substrat de la ligase EBC: hWsb 1 et hSocsl, leurs demi-vies diminuent également quand wt Lats2 est surexprimée. Pour les tests in vivo, nous avons synthétisé des esiRNA pour diminuer l'expression du gène endogène lats2, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation d'un facteur 2 de la demi-vie de hSocs3 et de hWsbl dans les cellules HEK293T. En conclusion, nos résultats suggérent que Lats2, une kinase associée au CSN, est un nouveau régulateur de la fonction des ligases EBC, agissant sur le renouvellement des protéines hSocs3, hSocs1 et hWsb1. Ainsi, Lats2 altère la spécificité et la capacité des ligases EBC, régulant par là même la stabilité de nombreuses protéines, ciblées par les ligases EBC pour une dégradation protéasomale. D'autres études devraient révéler si la modification observée de la fonction de la ligase EBC par Lats2, associée au Super-complexe, est également responsable du renouvellement des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire et des changements dans ce même cycle observés lors de la surexpression de Lats2. Summary : The Large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Warts (Cats) who negatively regulates cell proliferation by altering cell cycle Gl/S and G2/M transition and inducing apoptosis. However, the molecular pathway by which Lats2, a serine-threonine kinase, mediates cell cycle arrest is still unknown. Lats2 was initially identified to be a p53 response gene by our group (Kostic et al., 2000). Subsequently, our group identified interacting candidates of Lats2, including substrate recognition modules of Cullin-based E3 ligases (Socs box or F-box containing proteins) as well as two subunits of the Signalosome (CSN), CSN4 and CSNS. Additionally, Lats2 was shown to associate with a Super-complex, composed of CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005) We hypothesized that Lats2 may perform its physiological function through interaction with CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases. The present work on Lats2 has confirmed that Lats2 is a CSN associated kinase. We defined the domain specific interactions of Lats2 with hSocs3, hWsb1 (Sots box proteins) and hFBX-7 (F box protein), as well as the physiological consequences of interaction with hSocs3, hWsb1 and hSocs1. Both the N-terminal and the kinase domains of Lats2 interact with full-length hSocs3, hWsb1 and hFBX-7, determined in GST pull-down assays suggesting that full-length Lats2 protein is involved in interactions. Refinement of the Lats2 interaction with hSocs3 indicated that the kinase domain of Lats2 interacts with a region of hSocs3 containing a SH2 domain located upstream of the Socs box domain of the hSocs3. Moreover, Lats2 phosphorylated specific regions between the N-terminal and SH2 domain (S l) as well as between the SH2 domain and Socs box domain of hSocs3 (S3).These results indicate that hSocs3 is a novel Lats2 substrate. The kinase assay has also demonstrated that wt Lats2 was able to phosphorylate hSocs3, but not Lats2 kinase dead mutant (deleted ATP pocket, Lats20ATP). Mutational analysis identified two serine residues located at positions 144/145 (S3) to be specifically phosphorylated by wt Lats2. Phosphorylation of proteins has been shown to be a signal for proteolytic degradation of many characterized proteins. Thus we hypothesized that Lats2 could target hSocs3 for proteasomal degradation. When wt Lats2 was over-expressed in HEK293T cells and COST cells, the half-life of hSocs3, as a component of Elongin BC Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligase (EBC ligase), decreased significantly. In contrast, aver-expression of the Lats2OATP did not alter the half-life of hSocs3. Furthermore, the stability of hSocs3 depended on phosphorylation of serine residues at positions 144/145 by wt Lats2. Although the sites of phosphorylation were not defined for two other substrate recognition modules of EBC ligasehWsbl and hSocsl, their half-lives also decreased when wt Lats2 was over-expressed. To test in vivo, we synthesized esiRNA to knock-down endogenous Lats2 and subsequently we measured the half-lives of hSocs3 and hVVsb l . Here we demonstrated that the half-lives of hSocs3 and hWsbl were increased by the factor of two in Lats2-depleted HEK293T cells. In conclusion, our findings suggest that Lats2, a CSN associated kinase, is a novel regulator of EBC ligase function by regulating the turn-over of hSocs3, hSocs1 and hWsb1. Thus, Lats2 alters the specificity and capacity of EBC ligases regulating thereby the stability of numerous proteins which are targeted by EBC ligases for proteasomal degradation. Further studies should reveal whether the observed modulation of EBC ligase function by Lats2 associated with a Super-complex is also responsible for the turn-over of cell cycle regulators and the observed alteration in cell cycle by Lats2 over-expression.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary vascular diseases are increasingly recognised as important clinical conditions. Pulmonary hypertension associated with a range of aetiologies is difficult to treat and associated with progressive morbidity and mortality. Current therapies for pulmonary hypertension include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, or prostacyclin mimetics. However, none of these provide a cure and the clinical benefits of these drugs individually decline over time. There is, therefore, an urgent need to identify new treatment strategies for pulmonary hypertension. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that the PPARbeta/delta agonist GW0742 induces vasorelaxation in systemic and pulmonary vessels. Using tissue from genetically modified mice, we show that the dilator effects of GW0742 are independent of the target receptor PPARbeta/delta or cell surface prostacyclin (IP) receptors. In aortic tissue, vascular relaxant effects of GW0742 were not associated with increases in cGMP, cAMP or hyperpolarisation, but were attributed to inhibition of RhoA activity. In a rat model of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension, daily oral dosing of animals with GW0742 (30 mg/kg) for 3 weeks significantly reduced the associated right heart hypertrophy and right ventricular systolic pressure. GW0742 had no effect on vascular remodelling induced by hypoxia in this model. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These observations are the first to show a therapeutic benefit of 'PPARbeta/delta' agonists in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension and provide pre-clinical evidence to favour clinical trials in man.


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RESUME L'angiogénèse tumorale est un processus essentiel au développement des tumeurs. Les intégrines, molécules d'adhésions transmembranaires, sont d'importants effecteurs de l'angiogenèse. En permettant l'adhésion à la matrice extra-cellulaire, les intégrines transmettant des signaux de survie, de migration, et de prolifération. Le facteur de nécrose tumorale α (TNFα) est utilisé pour le traitement régional de cancers chez l'homme. II agit en détruisant sélectivement les vaisseaux angiogéniques. Cependant, son administration systémique chez l'homme est limitée par les réactions de vaso-dilatation sévères qu'il provoque. Le but de mon travail fut de rechercher des conditions permettant la sensibilisation des cellules endothéliales au TNFα et qui pourraient être applicables en clinique, ceci afin d'accroître l'efficacité de cette molécule. Nous avons testé la possibilité d'interférer avec les signaux de survie provenant des intégrines. Pour cela, des cellules endothéliales furent cultivées dans des conditions d'adhésion ou en suspension, ou alors exposées dans des conditions d'adhésion au zoledronate (biphosphonate contenant du nitrogène). Dans ces conditions, les effets du TNFα sur les cellules endothéliales furent étudiés, en particulier l'induction de la mort cellulaire. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que le zoledronate sensibilise les cellules endothéliales à la nécrose induite par TNFα. Cet effet s'accompagne de l'inhibition de la phosphorylation de FAK, PKB, et JNK, ainsi que de l'inhibition de la prénylation des protéines. En revanche, l'activation de NF-kB et p38 n'est pas perturbée. La restoration de la prénylation des protéines empêche la mort des HUVEC traitées par zoledronate et TNFα, et rétablit la phosphorylation de FAK, PKB, et JNK. Des essais d'angiogénèse in vivo montrent que le zoledronate inhibe l'angiogénèse induite par FGF-2. Le zoledronate encapsulé dans des liposomes permet de ralentir la croissance tumorale et synergise avec le TNFα en l'inhibant. L'inihibtion de la prénylation des protéines est un des mécanismes de sensibilisation du zoledronate au TNFα. In vivo, la synergie de leur association sur la croissance tumorale est efficace. Ces résultats encouragent la poursuite de l'étude des effets de ces deux drogues sur la croissance tumorale. SUMMARY The formation of tumor-associated vessels is essential for tumor progression. Cell adhesion molecules of the integrin family are important mediators of angiogenesis, by providing adhesive signals necessary for endothelial cell migration, proliferation and survival. Anti-angiogenic therapies are currently considered as highly promising in the treatment of human cancer. Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) is used for the regional treatment of human cancer, whose mechanisms of action involved selective disruption of angiogenic tumor vessels. Systemic administration of TNFα in humans, however, induces a severe inflammatory condition that prevents its use far the treatments of tumors localized outside of limbs. The aim of my work was to find strategies to sensitize angiogenic endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death, which could be potentially translated into clinical setting to improve the therapeutic efficacy of TNFα. We specifically tested the hypothesis whether interference with integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling may sensitize endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death. To test this hypothesis we cultured endothelial cells (EC) under conditions of cell-matrix or cell-cell adhesion or exposed matrix-adherent EC to the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate zoledronate, and characterized the effect on TNFα-mediated signaling events and cell death. We show that zoledronate sensitizes HUVEC to TNFα-induced necrosis-like programmed cell death. This effect was associated with suppression of sustained phosphorylation of PKB and JNK and decreased protein prenylation, whereas TNFα-induced activation of NF-kB and p38 were not inhibited. Restoration of protein prenylation rescued HUVEC from zoledronate and TNFα-induced death, and restored FAK, PKB and JNK phosphorylation. By using in vivo angiogenesis assay we showed that zoledronate suppressed FGF-2-induced angiogenesis. Liposome-encapulated zoledronate partially inhibited tumor growth and synergized with TNFα to fully suppress tumor growth. Taken together, this work has identified protein prenylation as a mechanisms by which zoledronate sensitizes endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death in vitro and provides initial evidence that zoledronate synergizes with TNFα in vivo resulting in improved anti-tumor activity. These results warrant further study of the anti-tumor effects of zoledronate and TNFα and should be further studies in view of their clinical relevance.


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Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and gene targeting in mice revealed an essential role for the SH3TC2 gene in peripheral nerve myelination. SH3TC2 expression is restricted to Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system, and the gene product, SH3TC2, localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Here, we show that SH3TC2 interacts with the small guanosine triphosphatase Rab11, which is known to regulate the recycling of internalized membranes and receptors back to the cell surface. Results of protein binding studies and transferrin receptor trafficking are in line with a role of SH3TC2 as a Rab11 effector molecule. Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, SH3TC2 mutations that cause neuropathy disrupt the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction, and forced expression of dominant negative Rab11 strongly impairs myelin formation in vitro. Our data indicate that the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.


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In response to DNA damage, p53-induced protein with a death domain (PIDD) forms a complex called the PIDDosome, which either consists of PIDD, RIP-associated protein with a death domain and caspase-2, forming a platform for the activation of caspase-2, or contains PIDD, RIP1 and NEMO, important for NF-κB activation. PIDDosome activation is dependent on auto-processing of PIDD at two different sites, generating the fragments PIDD-C and PIDD-CC. Despite constitutive cleavage, endogenous PIDD remains inactive. In this study, we screened for novel PIDD regulators and identified heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) as a major effector in both PIDD protein maturation and activation. Hsp90, together with p23, binds PIDD and inhibition of Hsp90 activity with geldanamycin efficiently disrupts this association and impairs PIDD auto-processing. Consequently, both PIDD-mediated NF-κB and caspase-2 activation are abrogated. Interestingly, PIDDosome formation itself is associated with Hsp90 release. Characterisation of cytoplasmic and nuclear pools of PIDD showed that active PIDD accumulates in the nucleus and that only cytoplasmic PIDD is bound to Hsp90. Finally, heat shock induces Hsp90 release from PIDD and PIDD nuclear translocation. Thus, Hsp90 has a major role in controlling PIDD functional activity.


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Mutation of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) severely affects placenta development, leading to embryonic death at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) to E10.5 of most, but not all, PPARbeta/delta-null mutant embryos. While very little is known at present about the pathway governed by PPARbeta/delta in the developing placenta, this paper demonstrates that the main alteration of the placenta of PPARbeta/delta-null embryos is found in the giant cell layer. PPARbeta/delta activity is in fact essential for the differentiation of the Rcho-1 cells in giant cells, as shown by the severe inhibition of differentiation once PPARbeta/delta is silenced. Conversely, exposure of Rcho-1 cells to a PPARbeta/delta agonist triggers a massive differentiation via increased expression of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 and integrin-linked kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of Akt. The links between PPARbeta/delta activity in giant cells and its role on Akt activity are further strengthened by the remarkable pattern of phospho-Akt expression in vivo at E9.5, specifically in the nucleus of the giant cells. In addition to this phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt main pathway, PPARbeta/delta also induced giant cell differentiation via increased expression of I-mfa, an inhibitor of Mash-2 activity. Finally, giant cell differentiation at E9.5 is accompanied by a PPARbeta/delta-dependent accumulation of lipid droplets and an increased expression of the adipose differentiation-related protein (also called adipophilin), which may participate to lipid metabolism and/or steroidogenesis. Altogether, this important role of PPARbeta/delta in placenta development and giant cell differentiation should be considered when contemplating the potency of PPARbeta/delta agonist as therapeutic agents of broad application.


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Objectives In this study, we have investigated the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on myocardial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative/nitrative stress, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways, using a mouse model of type I diabetic cardiomyopathy and primary human cardiomyocytes exposed to high glucose. Background Cannabidiol, the most abundant nonpsychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa (marijuana) plant, exerts anti-inflammatory effects in various disease models and alleviates pain and spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis in humans. Methods Left ventricular function was measured by the pressure-volume system. Oxidative stress, cell death, and fibrosis markers were evaluated by molecular biology/biochemical techniques, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, and flow cytometry. Results Diabetic cardiomyopathy was characterized by declined diastolic and systolic myocardial performance associated with increased oxidative-nitrative stress, nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase (c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p-38, p38 alpha) activation, enhanced expression of adhesion molecules (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, markers of fibrosis (transforming growth factor-beta, connective tissue growth factor, fibronectin, collagen-1, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9), enhanced cell death (caspase 3/7 and poly[adenosine diphosphate-ribose] polymerase activity, chromatin fragmentation, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling), and diminished Akt phosphorylation. Remarkably, CBD attenuated myocardial dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative/nitrative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways. Furthermore, CBD also attenuated the high glucose-induced increased reactive oxygen species generation, nuclear factor-kappa B activation, and cell death in primary human cardiomyocytes. Conclusions Collectively, these results coupled with the excellent safety and tolerability profile of CBD in humans, strongly suggest that it may have great therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetic complications, and perhaps other cardiovascular disorders, by attenuating oxidative/nitrative stress, inflammation, cell death and fibrosis. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56:2115-25) (C) 2010 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


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Most models for tauopathy use a mutated form of the Tau gene, MAPT, that is found in frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) and that leads to rapid neurofibrillary degeneration (NFD). Use of a wild-type (WT) form of human Tau protein to model the aggregation and associated neurodegenerative processes of Tau in the mouse brain has thus far been unsuccessful. In the present study, we generated an original "sporadic tauopathy-like" model in the rat hippocampus, encoding six Tau isoforms as found in humans, using lentiviral vectors (LVs) for the delivery of a human WT Tau. The overexpression of human WT Tau in pyramidal neurons resulted in NFD, the morphological characteristics and kinetics of which reflected the slow and sporadic neurodegenerative processes observed in sporadic tauopathies, unlike the rapid neurodegenerative processes leading to cell death and ghost tangles triggered by the FTDP-17 mutant Tau P301L. This new model highlights differences in the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the pathological processes induced by WT and mutant Tau and suggests that preference should be given to animal models using WT Tau in the quest to understand sporadic tauopathies.


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RESUME Le diabète de type 1 se définit comme un désordre métabolique d'origine auto-immune qui aboutit à la destruction progressive et sélective de la cellule ß-pancréatique sécrétrice d'insuline. Cette maladie représente 10 % des cas de diabète enregistrés dans la population mondiale, et touche les jeunes de moins de 20 ans. Le traitement médical par insulinothérapie corrige le manque d'hormone mais ne prévient pas les nombreuses complications telles que les atteintes cardiaques, neurologiques, rénales, rétiniennes, et les amputations que la maladie provoque. Le remplacement de la cellule ß par transplantation d'îlots de Langerhans est une alternative prometteuse au traitement médical du diabète de type 1. Cependant la greffe d'îlots est encore un traitement expérimental et ne permet pas un contrôle efficace de la glycémie au long terme chez les patients transplantés, et les raisons de cet échec restent mal comprises. L'obstacle immédiat qui se pose est la purification d'un nombre suffisant d'îlots viables et la perte massive de ces îlots dans les premières heures suite à la greffe. Cette tendance presque systématique de la perte fonctionnelle du greffon immédiatement après la transplantation est connue sous le terme de « primary graft non-function » (PNF). En effet, la procédure d'isolement des îlots provoque la destruction des composantes cellulaires et non cellulaires du tissu pancréatique qui jouent un rôle déterminant dans le processus de survie de l'îlot. De plus, la transplantation elle-même expose les cellules à différents stress, notamment le stress par les cytokines inflammatoires qui encourage la mort cellulaire par apoptose et provoque par la suite le rejet de la greffe. L'ensemble de ces mécanismes aboutit a une perte de la masse d'îlot estimée a plus de 60%. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes intéressés à définir les voies majeures de stress qui régissent cette perte massive d'îlot par apoptose lors du processus d'isolement et suite à l'exposition immédiate aux cytokines. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus indique que plusieurs voies de signalisation intracellulaire sont recrutées qui s'activent de manière maximale très tôt lors des premières phases de l'isolement. La mise en culture des îlots deux jours permet aux voies activées de revenir aux taux de base. De ce fait nous proposons une stratégie dite de protection qui doit être 1) initiée aussitôt que possible lors de l'isolement des îlots pancréatiques, 2) devrait probablement bloquer l'activation de ces différentes voies de stress mis en évidence lors de notre étude et 3) devrait inclure la mise en culture des îlots purifiés deux jours après l'isolement et avant la transplantation. RESUME LARGE PUBLIC Le diabète est une maladie qui entraîne un taux anormalement élevé de sucre (glucose) dans le sang du à une insuffisance du pancréas endocrine à produire de l'insuline, une hormone qui régule la glycémie (taux de glucose dans le sang). On distingue deux types majeurs de diabètes; le diabète de type 1 ou juvénile ou encore appelé diabète maigre qui se manifeste souvent pendant l'enfance et qui se traduit par une déficience absolue en insuline. Le diabète de type 2 ou diabète gras est le plus fréquent, et touche les sujets de plus de 40 ans qui souffrent d'obésité et qui se traduit par une dysfonction de la cellule ß avec une incapacité à réguler la glycémie malgré la production d'insuline. Dans le diabète de type 1, la destruction de la cellule ß est programmée (apoptose) et est majoritairement provoquée par des médiateurs inflammatoires appelés cytokines qui sont produites localement par des cellules inflammatoires du système immunitaire qui envahissent la cellule ß-pancréatiques. Les cytokines activent différentes voies de signalisation parmi lesquelles on distingue celles des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) composées de trois familles de MAPKs: ERK1/2, p38, et JNK, et la voie NF-κB. Le traitement médical par injections quotidiennes d'insuline permet de contrôler la glycémie mais ne prévient pas les nombreuses complications secondaires liées à cette maladie. La greffe d'îlots de Langerhans est une alternative possible au traitement médical, considérée avantageuse comparée a la greffe du pancréas entier. En effet l'embolisation d'îlots dans le foie par injection intraportale constitue une intervention simple sans complications majeures. Néanmoins la technique de préparation d'îlots altère la fonction endocrine et cause la perte massive d'îlots pancréatiques. De plus, la transplantation elle-même expose la cellule ß à différents stress, notamment le stress par les cytokines inflammatoires qui provoque le rejet de greffon cellulaire. Dans la perspective d'augmenter les rendements des îlots purifiés, nous nous sommes intéressés à définir les voies majeures de stress qui régissent cette perte massive d'îlot lors du processus d'isolement et suite à l'exposition immédiate aux cytokines après transplantation. L'ensemble de ces résultats indique que le stress induit lors de l'isolement des îlots et celui des cytokines recrute différentes voies de signalisation intracellulaire (JNK, p38 et NF-κB) qui s'additionnent entre-elles pour altérer la fonction et la viabilité de l'îlot. De ce fait une stratégie doit être mise en place pour bloquer toute action synergique entre ces différentes voies activées pour améliorer la viabilité et la fonction de la cellule ß lors du greffon cellulaire. SUMMARY Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the progressive and selective destruction of the pancreatic ß-cells that secrete insulin, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. T1DM accounts for about 10% of all diabetes cases, affecting persons younger than 20 years of age. Medical treatment using daily exogenous insulin injection corrects hormone deficiency but does not prevent devastating complications such as heart attack, neuropathy, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation caused by the disease. Pancreatic islet transplantation (PIT) is one strategy that holds promise to cure patients with T1DM, but purified pancreatic islet grafts have failed to maintain long-term glucose homeostasis in human recipients, the reasons for this failure being still poorly understood. There is however a more immediate problem with islet grafting that is dependent upon poor islet recovery from donors and early islet loss following the first hours of grafting. This tendency of islet grafts to fail to function within a short period after transplantation is termed primary graft non-function (PNF). Indeed, the islet isolation procedure itself destroys cellular and non-cellular components of the pancreas that may play a role in supporting islet survival. Further, islet transplantation exposes cells to a variety of stressful stimuli, notably pro-inflammatory cytokines that encourage ß-cell death by apoptosis and lead to early graft failure. Altogether these mechanisms lead to an estimated loss of 60% of the total islet mass. Here, we have mapped the major intracellular stress signaling pathways that may mediate human islet loss by apoptosis during isolation and following cytokine attack. We found that several stress pathways are maximally activated from the earliest stages of the isolation procedure. Culturing islet for two days allow for the activated pathways to return to basal levels. We propose that protective strategies should 1) be initiated as early as possible during isolation of the islets, 2) should probably target the activated stress pathways that we uncovered during our studies and 3) should include culturing islets for two days post-isolation and prior transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: Mutations in SCN4A may lead to myotonia. METHODS: Presentation of a large family with myotonia, including molecular studies and patch clamp experiments using human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing wild-type and mutated channels. RESULTS: In a large family with historic data on seven generations and a clear phenotype, including myotonia at movement onset, with worsening by cold temperature, pregnancy, mental stress, and especially after rest after intense physical activity, but without weakness, the phenotype was linked with the muscle sodium channel gene (SCN4A) locus, in which a novel p.I141V mutation was found. This modification is located within the first transmembrane segment of domain I of the Na(v)1.4 alpha subunit, a region where no mutation has been reported so far. Patch clamp experiments revealed a mutation-induced hyperpolarizing shift (-12.9 mV) of the voltage dependence of activation, leading to a significant increase (approximately twofold) of the window current amplitude. In addition, the mutation shifted the voltage dependence of slow inactivation by -8.7 mV and accelerated the entry to this state. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the gain-of-function alteration in activation leads to the observed myotonic phenotype, whereas the enhanced slow inactivation may prevent depolarization-induced paralysis.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is the most potent stimulator of glucose-induced insulin secretion and its pancreatic beta-cell receptor is a member of a new subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors which includes the receptors for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, secretin and glucagon. Here we studied agonist-induced GLP-1 receptor internalization in receptor-transfected Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts using three different approaches. First, iodinated GLP-1 bound at 4 degrees C to transfected cells was internalized with a t 1/2 of 2-3 min following warming up of the cells to 37 degrees C. Secondly, exposure to GLP-1 induced a shift in the distribution of the receptors from plasma membrane-enriched to endosomes-enriched membrane fractions, as assessed by Western blot detection of the receptors using specific antibodies. Thirdly, continuous exposure of GLP-1 receptor-expressing cells to iodinated GLP-1 led to a linear accumulation of peptide degradation products in the medium following a lag time of 20-30 min, indicating a continuous cycling of the receptor between the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments. Potassium depletion and hypertonicity inhibited transferrin endocytosis, a process known to occur via coated pit formation, as well as GLP-1 receptor endocytosis. In contrast to GLP-1, the antagonist exendin-(9-39) did not lead to receptor endocytosis. Surface re-expression following one round of GLP-1 receptor endocytosis occurred with a half-time of about 15 min. The difference in internalization and surface re-expression rates led to a progressive redistribution of the receptor in intracellular compartments upon continuous exposure to GLP-1. Finally, endogenous GLP-1 receptors expressed by insulinoma cells were also found to be internalized upon agonist binding. Together our data demonstrate that the GLP-1 receptor is internalized upon agonist binding by a route similar to that taken by single transmembrane segment receptors. The characterization of the pathway and kinetics of GLP-1-induced receptor endocytosis will be helpful towards understanding the role of internalization and recycling in the control of signal transduction by this receptor.