197 resultados para visual processes


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Rats, like other crepuscular animals, have excellent auditory capacities and they discriminate well between different sounds [Heffner HE, Heffner RS, Hearing in two cricetid rodents: wood rats (Neotoma floridana) and grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster). J Comp Psychol 1985;99(3):275-88]. However, most experimental literature concerning spatial orientation almost exclusively emphasizes the use of visual landmarks [Cressant A, Muller RU, Poucet B. Failure of centrally placed objects to control the firing fields of hippocampal place cells. J Neurosci 1997;17(7):2531-42; and Goodridge JP, Taube JS. Preferential use of the landmark navigational system by head direction cells in rats. Behav Neurosci 1995;109(1):49-61]. To address the important issue of whether rats are able to achieve a place navigation task relative to auditory beacons, we designed a place learning task in the water maze. We controlled cue availability by conducting the experiment in total darkness. Three auditory cues did not allow place navigation whereas three visual cues in the same positions did support place navigation. One auditory beacon directly associated with the goal location did not support taxon navigation (a beacon strategy allowing the animal to find the goal just by swimming toward the cue). Replacing the auditory beacons by one single visual beacon did support taxon navigation. A multimodal configuration of two auditory cues and one visual cue allowed correct place navigation. The deletion of the two auditory or of the one visual cue did disrupt the spatial performance. Thus rats can combine information from different sensory modalities to achieve a place navigation task. In particular, auditory cues support place navigation when associated with a visual one.


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Changes of functional connectivity in prodromal and early Alzheimer's disease can arise from compensatory and/or pathological processes. We hypothesized that i) there is impairment of effective inhibition associated with early Alzheimer's disease that may lead to ii) a paradoxical increase of functional connectivity. To this end we analyzed effective connectivity in 14 patients and 16 matched controls using dynamic causal modeling of functional MRI time series recorded during a visual inter-hemispheric integration task. By contrasting co-linear with non co-linear bilateral gratings, we estimated inhibitory top-down effects within the visual areas. The anatomical areas constituting the functional network of interest were identified with categorical functional MRI contrasts (Stimuli>Baseline and Co-linear gratings>Non co-linear gratings), which implicated V1 and V3v in both hemispheres. A model with reciprocal excitatory intrinsic connections linking these four regions and modulatory inhibitory effects exerted by V3v on V1 optimally explained the functional MRI time series in both subject groups. However, Alzheimer's disease was associated with significantly weakened intrinsic and modulatory connections. Top-down inhibitory effects, previously detected as relative deactivations of V1 in young adults, were observed neither in our aged controls nor in patients. We conclude that effective inhibition weakens with age and more so in early Alzheimer's disease.