263 resultados para projectile-like product
The oligomeric state of BAFF (B cell activing factor), a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokine that plays a critical role in B cell development and survival, has been the subject of recent debate. Myc-tagged BAFF starting at residue Gln136 was previously reported to crystallize as trimers at pH 4.5, whereas a histidine-tagged construct of BAFF, starting at residue Ala134, formed a virus-like cluster containing 60 monomers when crystallized at pH 9.0. The formation of the BAFF 60-mer was pH dependent, requiring pH >or= 7.0. More recently, 60-mer formation was suggested to be artificially induced by the histidine tag, and it was proposed that BAFF, like all other TNF family members, is trimeric. We report here that a construct of BAFF with no amino-terminal tag (Ala134-BAFF) can form a 60-mer in solution. Using size exclusion chromatography and static light scattering to monitor trimer to 60-mer ratios in BAFF preparations, we find that 60-mer formation is pH-dependent and requires histidine 218 within the DE loop of BAFF. Biacore measurements established that the affinity of Ala134-BAFF for the BAFF receptor BAFFR/BR3 is similar to that of myc-Gln136-BAFF, which is exclusively trimeric in solution. However, Ala134-BAFF is more efficacious than myc-Gln136-BAFF in inducing B cell proliferation in vitro. We additionally show that BAFF that is processed and secreted by 293T cells transfected with full-length BAFF, or by a histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U937) that expresses BAFF endogenously, forms a pH-dependent 60-mer in solution. Our results indicate that the formation of the 60-mer in solution by the BAFF extracellular domain is an intrinsic property of the protein, and therefore that this more active form of BAFF may be physiologically relevant.
Glial cells are increasingly recognized as active players that profoundly influence neuronal synaptic transmission by specialized signaling pathways. In particular, astrocytes have been shown recently to release small molecules, such as the amino acids l-glutamate and d-serine as "gliotransmitters," which directly control the efficacy of adjacent synapses. However, it is still controversial whether gliotransmitters are released from a cytosolic pool or by Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis from secretory vesicles, i.e., by a mechanism similar to the release of synaptic vesicles in synapses. Here we report that rat cortical astrocytes contain storage vesicles that display morphological and biochemical features similar to neuronal synaptic vesicles. These vesicles share some, but not all, membrane proteins with synaptic vesicles, including the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) synaptobrevin 2, and contain both l-glutamate and d-serine. Furthermore, they show uptake of l-glutamate and d-serine that is driven by a proton electrochemical gradient. d-Serine uptake is associated with vesicle acidification and is dependent on chloride. Whereas l-serine is not transported, serine racemase, the synthesizing enzyme for d-serine, is anchored to the membrane of the vesicles, allowing local generation of d-serine. Finally, we reveal a previously unexpected mutual vesicular synergy between d-serine and l-glutamate filling in glia vesicles. We conclude that astrocytes contain vesicles capable of storing and releasing d-serine, l-glutamate, and most likely other neuromodulators in an activity-dependent manner.
BACKGROUND: The genome of Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, a Parachlamydia-related endosymbiont of free-living amoebae, was recently published, providing the opportunity to search for genomic islands (GIs). RESULTS: On the residual cumulative G+C content curve, a G+C-rich 19-kb region was observed. This sequence is part of a 100-kb chromosome region, containing 100 highly co-oriented ORFs, flanked by two 17-bp direct repeats. Two identical gly-tRNA genes in tandem are present at the proximal end of this genetic element. Several mobility genes encoding transposases and bacteriophage-related proteins are located within this chromosome region. Thus, this region largely fulfills the criteria of GIs. The G+C content analysis shows that several modules compose this GI. Surprisingly, one of them encodes all genes essential for F-like conjugative DNA transfer (traF, traG, traH, traN, traU, traW, and trbC), involved in sex pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization, strongly suggesting that, similarly to the other F-like operons, the parachlamydial tra unit is devoted to DNA transfer. A close relatedness of this tra unit to F-like tra operons involved in conjugative transfer is confirmed by phylogenetic analyses performed on concatenated genes and gene order conservation. These analyses and that of gly-tRNA distribution in 140 GIs suggest a proteobacterial origin of the parachlamydial tra unit. CONCLUSIONS: A GI of the UWE25 chromosome encodes a potentially functional F-like DNA conjugative system. This is the first hint of a putative conjugative system in chlamydiae. Conjugation most probably occurs within free-living amoebae, that may contain hundreds of Parachlamydia bacteria tightly packed in vacuoles. Such a conjugative system might be involved in DNA transfer between internalized bacteria. Since this system is absent from the sequenced genomes of Chlamydiaceae, we hypothesize that it was acquired after the divergence between Parachlamydiaceae and Chlamydiaceae, when the Parachlamydia-related symbiont was an intracellular bacteria. It suggests that this heterologous DNA was acquired from a phylogenetically-distant bacteria sharing an amoebal vacuole. Since Parachlamydiaceae are emerging agents of pneumonia, this GI might be involved in pathogenicity. In future, conjugative systems might be developed as genetic tools for Chlamydiales.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gastrointestinal hormone that potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. The mechanisms of interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways are not well understood. Here we studied the coupling of the cloned GLP-1 receptor, expressed in fibroblasts or in COS cells, to intracellular second messengers and compared this signaling with that of the endogenous receptor expressed in insulinoma cell lines. Binding of GLP-1 to the cloned receptor stimulated formation of cAMP with the same dose dependence and similar kinetics, compared with the endogenous receptor of insulinoma cells. Compared with forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation, that induced by GLP-1 proceeded with the same initial kinetics but rapidly reached a plateau, suggesting fast desensitization of the receptor. Coupling to the phospholipase C pathway was assessed by measuring inositol phosphate production and variations in the intracellular calcium concentration. No GLP-1-induced production of inositol phosphates could be measured in the different cell types studied. A rise in the intracellular calcium concentration was nevertheless observed in transfected COS cells but was much smaller than that observed in response to norepinephrine in cells also expressing the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. Importantly, no such increase in the intracellular calcium concentration could be observed in transfected fibroblasts or insulinoma cells, which, however, responded well to thrombin or carbachol, respectively. Together, our data show that interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways in beta cells may be mediated uniquely by an increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration, with the consequent activation of protein kinase A and phosphorylation of elements of the glucose-sensing apparatus or of the insulin granule exocytic machinery.
The prescription information (summary of product characteristics, SPC) is compiled by the pharmaceutical industry as required by the national regulatory authorities. They vary in their content about the properties of drugs and about the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the blood of patients. Based on a previous study carried out in Germany, the degree of agreement of French SPC for 59 psychotropic drugs with the existing medico-scientific evidence in the area of TDM was examined using a recently developed instrument. A summary score of SPC content (SPCC) related to TDM (SPCC(TDM)) has been calculated and compared with the level of recommendation of TDM of the AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines for TDM in psychiatry [AGNP: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (Association for neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacopsychiatry)]. Among the antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquillizers/hypnotic agents and mood stabilizers, the highest SPCC(TDM) scores in the French SPC were reached for imipramine (16), haloperidol (6), clonazepam (8) and lithium (23), respectively. Results were similar to those obtained from the analysis of German SPC, and considerable disagreement was found between the information on TDM in SPC and existing medico-scientific evidence, albeit less in the case of mood stabilizers. Taking into account the recommendations of the AGNP-TDM expert group guidelines, there is a deficit in the French SPC concerning TDM-relevant information. An amelioration of this situation could help to improve the clinical practice of TDM of psychotropic drugs, as the SPC is a widely used tool.
BACKGROUND: The clinical course of HIV-1 infection is highly variable among individuals, at least in part as a result of genetic polymorphisms in the host. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a key role in innate immunity and mutations in the genes encoding these receptors have been associated with increased or decreased susceptibility to infections. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR2-4 and TLR7-9 influenced the natural course of HIV-1 infection. METHODS: Twenty-eight SNPs in TLRs were analysed in HAART-naive HIV-positive patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. The SNPs were detected using Sequenom technology. Haplotypes were inferred using an expectation-maximization algorithm. The CD4 T cell decline was calculated using a least-squares regression. Patients with a rapid CD4 cell decline, less than the 15th percentile, were defined as rapid progressors. The risk of rapid progression associated with SNPs was estimated using a logistic regression model. Other candidate risk factors included age, sex and risk groups (heterosexual, homosexual and intravenous drug use). RESULTS: Two SNPs in TLR9 (1635A/G and +1174G/A) in linkage disequilibrium were associated with the rapid progressor phenotype: for 1635A/G, odds ratio (OR), 3.9 [95% confidence interval (CI),1.7-9.2] for GA versus AA and OR, 4.7 (95% CI,1.9-12.0) for GG versus AA (P = 0.0008). CONCLUSION: Rapid progression of HIV-1 infection was associated with TLR9 polymorphisms. Because of its potential implications for intervention strategies and vaccine developments, additional epidemiological and experimental studies are needed to confirm this association.
The use of herbicides in agriculture may lead to environmental problems, such as surface water pollution, with a potential risk for aquatic organisms. The herbicide glyphosate is the most used active ingredient in the world and in Switzerland. In the Lavaux vineyards it is nearly the only molecule applied. This work aimed at studying its fate in soils and its transfer to surface waters, using a multi-scale approach: from molecular (10-9 m) and microscopic scales (10-6 m), to macroscopic (m) and landscape ones (103 m). First of all, an analytical method was developed for the trace level quantification of this widely used herbicide and its main by-product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Due to their polar nature, their derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC-Cl) was done prior to their concentration and purification by solid phase extraction. They were then analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The method was tested in different aqueous matrices with spiking tests and validated for the matrix effect correction in relevant environmental samples. Calibration curves established between 10 and 1000ng/l showed r2 values above 0.989, mean recoveries varied between 86 and 133% and limits of detection and quantification of the method were as low as 5 and 10ng/l respectively. At the parcel scale, two parcels of the Lavaux vineyard area, located near the Lutrive River at 6km to the east of Lausanne, were monitored to assess to which extent glyphosate and AMPA were retained in the soil or exported to surface waters. They were equipped at their bottom with porous ceramic cups and runoff collectors, which allowed retrieving water samples for the growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Results revealed that the mobility of glyphosate and AMPA in the unsaturated zone was likely driven by the precipitation regime and the soil characteristics, such as slope, porosity structure and layer permeability discrepancy. Elevated glyphosate and AMPA concentrations were measured at 60 and 80 cm depth at parcel bottoms, suggesting their infiltration in the upper parts of the parcels and the presence of preferential flow in the studied parcels. Indeed, the succession of rainy days induced the gradual saturation of the soil porosity, leading to rapid infiltration through macropores, as well as surface runoff formation. Furthermore, the presence of more impervious weathered marls at 100 cm depth induced throughflows, the importance of which for the lateral transport of the herbicide molecules was determined by the slope steepness. Important rainfall events (>10 mm/day) were clearly exporting molecules from the soil top layer, as indicated by important concentrations in runoff samples. A mass balance showed that total loss (10-20%) mainly occurred through surface runoff (96%) and, to a minor extent, by throughflows in soils (4%), with subsequent exfiltration to surface waters. Observations made in the Lutrive River revealed interesting details of glyphosate and AMPA dynamics in urbanized landscapes, such as the Lavaux vineyards. Indeed, besides their physical and chemical properties, herbicide dynamics at the catchment level strongly depend on application rates, precipitation regime, land use and also on the presence of drains or constructed channels. Elevated concentrations, up to 4970 ng/l, observed just after the application, confirmed the diffuse export of these compounds from the vineyard area by surface runoff during main rain events. From April to September 2011, a total load of 7.1 kg was calculated, with 85% coming from vineyards and minor urban sources and 15% from arable crops. Small vineyard surfaces could generate high concentrations of herbicides and contribute considerably to the total load calculated at the outlet, due to their steep slopes (~10%). The extrapolated total amount transferred yearly from the Lavaux vineyards to the Lake of Geneva was of 190kg. At the molecular scale, the possible involvement of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in glyphosate and copper transport was studied using UV/Vis fluorescence spectroscopy. Combined with parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis, this technique allowed characterizing DOM of soil and surface water samples from the studied vineyard area. Glyphosate concentrations were linked to the fulvic-like spectroscopic signature of DOM in soil water samples, as well as to copper, suggesting the formation of ternary complexes. In surface water samples, its concentrations were also correlated to copper ones, but not in a significant way to the fulvic-like signature. Quenching experiments with standards confirmed field tendencies in the laboratory, with a stronger decrease in fluorescence intensity for fulvic-like fluorophore than for more aromatic ones. Lastly, based on maximum concentrations measured in the river, an environmental risk for these compounds was assessed, using laboratory tests and ecotoxicity data from the literature. In our case and with the methodology applied, the risk towards aquatic species was found negligible (RF<1).
PURPOSE: The immunomodulatory properties of Toll-like receptors (TLR) agonists have inspired their use as experimental adjuvants for vaccination of cancer patients. However, it is now well recognized that TLR expression is not restricted to immune cells but can also be found in many cell types, including those giving rise to tumors. It is therefore mandatory to explore the potential effects of TLR triggering directly on tumor cells. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: In the present work, we have investigated TLR3 protein expression in melanoma cell lines derived from patients, and analyzed the effects of TLR3 agonists on tumor cell survival. Moreover, we used RNA interference to stably knock down TLR3 expression and study the involvement of this receptor in dsRNA-induced effects on melanoma cells viability. RESULTS: Human melanoma cells can express functional TLR3 protein. Interestingly, the engagement of the receptor by TLR3 agonists can directly inhibit cell proliferation and induce tumor cell death when combined to treatment with either type I IFN or protein synthesis inhibitors. These effects were shown by RNA interference to be largely dependent on TLR3. Moreover, TLR3-mediated cell death involves the activation of caspases and engages both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. CONCLUSION: TLR3 protein can be expressed in human melanoma cells, where it can deliver proapoptotic and antiproliferative signaling. Altogether, these results suggest that TLR3 agonists represent very promising adjuvants for cancer vaccines not only based on their well-described immunostimulatory properties, but also due to their newly identified cytostatic and cytotoxic effects directly on tumor cells.
Résumé : Le Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) est synthétisé par les cellules L du tractus gastro-intestinal et est sécrété dans le sang lors du repas. Grâce à ses fonctions d'hormone de satiété et d'incrétine, il joue un rôle important dans le système complexe de l'homéostase énergétique. Dans ce contexte, cette molécule est intéressante dans la thérapie du diabète sucré de type 2 et de l'obésité. Comme tous les peptides, le GLP-1 est rapidement dégradé par l'acidité gastrique et les enzymes digestifs lors de son administration orale ;c'est pourquoi il est administré uniquement par voie intra-veineuse ou sous-cutanée. Le but de cette étude était d'analyser l'absorption intestinale du GLP-1 administré simultanément avec une molécule de type «promoteur de l'absorption». C'était une étude phase 1, ouverte, placébo-contrôlée, avec un «cross-ovér» à 5 bras à des doses croissantes. Le promoteur de l'absorption était une molécule appelée SNAC (sodium N-(8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino) caprylate) qui protège les peptides de la dégradation intestinale et améliore leur absorption. Les valeurs de GLP-1, d'insuline et de glucose mesurées dans les prises de sang ont montré clairement que le peptide a pu être absorbé grâce à la molécule SNAC et a de ce fait stimulé la sécrétion d'insuline. Lors du deuxième dosage, cette sécrétion d'insuline avait déjà atteint un niveau maximal qui n'augmentait plus, même avec des dosages plus élevés. Les concentrations de GLP-1 ont atteint des valeurs pharmacologiques et ont augmenté en fonction de la dose (pour la AUC et pour Cmax). En comparaison avec l'administration veineuse de GLP-1, l'administration orale a démontré une biodisponibilité calculée de 4% en moyenne. L'étude montre que le GLP-1 peut être administré par voie orale grâce à des promoteurs de l'absorption. Dès lors, des études thérapeutiques avec le GLP-1 administré oralement peuvent être entreprises.
SUMMARY The results presented here contribute to a better understanding of the crucial molecular relationships and signalling cues exchanged by several fundamental cell types (epidermal keratinocytes, dermal fibroblasts, immune and endothelial cells) of the skin. Importantly we provide evidence to directly implicate Wnt/ß-catenin signalling as a putative player in different cell types (keratinocytes and neutrophils) in mediation of the cutaneous inflammatory response (Fart A). Finally we highlight the importance of several molecules, specifically expressed in the hair follicle stem cell niche to the morphogenesis and homeostasis of the hair follicle (Part B). PART A Currently the body of work pertaining to Wnt signalling and immune cells largely focuses on Wnt signalling in the development of these cells. The data presented here suggests a novel mechanism in which Wnt signalling appears to modulate immune cell recruitment to the skin. Keratinocytes are major contributors to early inflammatory responses by the release of chemokines which recruit immune cells. The resultant inflammatory response is a dynamic process of sequentially infiltrating immune cells governed by a network of growth factors, chemokines and cytokines. In wild type mice the response is typified by a rapid and substantial infiltration of neutrophils followed at later time points by macrophages and Tcells. The expression of the canonical Wnt pathway activating ligand, Wnt3a, is able to induce a strong neutrophil infiltration in the dermis. This response originates in keratinocytes, as it is abrogated upon keratinocyte-specific ablation of ß-catenin. Notably, this suggests that the crucial cross talk between these resident cells and recruited immune cells is, in part, mediated by Wnt signalling. In corroboration of this role of Wnt-mediated recruitment of neutrophils, expression of the Wnt inhibitory ligand sFRPI during acute inflammation results in a dramatic 'dampening' of immune cell infiltration in particular of neutrophil chemoattraction. Importantly, an intrinsic Wnt signalling pathway is essential for neutrophil chemoattraction in response to inflammatory stimuli. There is a marked reduction of neutrophil infiltration in mice grafted with a ß-catenin deficient bone marrow upon TPA induced cutaneous inflammation. Additionally, neutrophils lacking Wnt/ß-catenin fail to respond to IFNγ, an early inflammatory cue, in vitro. In combination, these data indicate a potent function of Wnt signalling in immune cell recruitment and the modulation of the inflammatory response. PART B Tissue specific stem cells form the cellular base on which tissue homeostasis and repair of adult tissue relies. The maintenance of this stem cell pool is highly dependent on the immediate environment or niche. We have identified three genes, the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), serpin protease inhibitor (serpin F1) and the haematopoietic cell phosphatase (Hcph) to be specifically expressed in a small population of stromal cells which are in close contact to bulge stem cells. These specialized stromal cells might represent an essential mesenchymal component of the skin stem cell niche and may regulate stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Multiple FGFR1 isoforms are generated through alternate transcript splicing and are able to interact with both FGFs and cell adhesion molecules. Two predominant forms of the receptor are FGFR1-α and FGFR1-ß. Expression of a dominant negative form of the alpha isoform prevents hair follicle morphogenesis altogether. Given that FGFR1-ß signals principally through the FGF ligands, this data indicates that FGF signalling is dispensable for follicle morphogenesis. Moreover the loss of follicular morphogenesis upon suggests a requirement for signalling via cell adhesion molecule association with the receptor as FGFR1 α has a greater affinity for these molecules. The expression of the second candidate niche gene serpin f1, lead to the complete ablation of hair follicle morphogenesis. The serpin f1 product, pigment-epithelial derived factor (PEDF) has potent anti-angiogenic effects. Immunohistochemical analysis using CD31, a endothelial cell marker, revealed that although these cells are present, they have are disorganised and do not form vessels. Interestingly, endothelial cells have been found to contribute to the neuronal stem cell niche and our results suggest a similar mechanism in the skin. SHP1, the Hcph gene product, is a phosphatase which acts in the haematopoetic system. Motheaten mice carrying spontaneous mutations in the Hcph gene have patchy alopecia in their skin and severe defects in their haematopoietic system. However the haematopoietic rescue of the mouse does not result in normal follicular homeostasis. Additionally, ablation of Hcph in either the dermal or keratinocyte compartments of the skin produces hair follicles with abberant morphologies. This data indicates that although SHP1 is not essential for hair follicle morphogenesis it is required in both epidermal and dermal compartments to maintain follicular morphology. RÉSUMÉ PARTIE A Jusqu'à présent, les travaux dédiés à l'étude de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans le système immunitaire se sont essentiellement concentrés sur son rôle dans le développement des cellules immunitaires. Les données présentées ici suggèrent fortement et de manière nouvelle, l'existence d'un mécanisme par lequel la voie de signalisation Wnt/ß-caténine module le recrutement de cellules immunitaires dans un tissu périphérique, la peau, et ainsi la réponse inflammatoire cutanée. La réponse inflammatoire cutanée est un processus dynamique d'infiltration séquentielle de diverses cellules immunitaires, orchestré par un réseau de facteurs de croissance, chémokines et cytokines. Les kératinocytes sont des contributeurs majeurs à la réponse inflammatoire précoce par la libération de chémokines qui permettent ensuite de recruter les cellules immunitaires. Dans des souris sauvages, la réponse est d'abord caractérisée par une infiltration rapide et substantielle de neutrophiles, suivie par celle des macrophages et des lymphocytes T. L'expression d'un ligand activateur de le voie canonique de signalisation Wnt (après injection infra-dermique de fibroblastes sur-exprimant Wnt-3a) induit une infiltration dermique très marquée de neutrophiles. De plus, la réponse est éliminée en l'absence de ß-caténine spécifiquement dans les kératinocytes, indiquant que ces cellules sont à l'origine de la réponse. De manière remarquable, ceci suggère qu'une signalisation cruciale entre ces cellules résidentes de la peau et les cellules immunitaires recrutées est, au moins en partie, médiée par la voie Wnt. Corroborant ce rôle de la voie Wnt/ß-caténine dans le recrutement des neutrophiles, l'expression d'un ligand inhibiteur de la voie (sFRP1) résulte au cours d'une inflammation aigüe en une réduction spectaculaire de l'infiltration des cellules immunitaires en général, et des neutrophiles en particulier. De manière importante, la voie de signalisation Wnt est intrinsèquement requise pour la chémoattraction des neutrophiles en réponse à un stimulus inflammatoire. En effet, suite à une inflammation cutanée induite par un ester de phorbol (TPA), une réduction notable de l'infiltration des neutrophiles est observée dans des souris préalablement greffées avec de la moelle osseuse constituée de cellules déficientes en ß-caténine. De plus, in vitro, les neutrophiles sans ß-caténine ne répondent pas à une stimulation par l'interféron γ, qui est pourtant un signal inflammatoire établi in vivo. En conclusion, nos données indiquent que la voie de signalisation Wnt/ß-caténine joue une fonction active dans le recrutement des cellules immunitaires vers un organe périphérique, la peau, ainsi que dans la modulation, à plusieurs niveaux, de la réponse inflammatoire cutanée. PARTIE B Les cellules souches tissu-spécifiques forment la base cellulaire sur laquelle repose l'homéostase et la réparation tissulaires chez l'adulte. La maintenance de ce réservoir de cellules souches est hautement dépendante de leur environnement cellulaire immédiat, encore appelé «niche des cellules souches». Dans la peau, ces cellules stromales spécialisées représentent un compartiment mésenchymateux essentiel de la niche des cellules souches en régulant leurs prolifération et différentiation. Nous avons identifié trois gènes, le «récepteur 1 àux facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes » (Fgfr1 ), l' «inhibiteur de protéase à sérine » (serpinf1 ou pedf) et la « phosphatase des cellules hématopoiétiques » (Hcph ou Ptpn6), comme spécifiquement exprimés par une petite population de cellules stromales qui sont étroitement associées aux cellules souches de la peau (localisées au niveau du bombement du follicule pileux). Pour analyser leur fonction dans ce contexte, nous avons utilisé un test de reconstitution complète de peau murine en combinaison à des. transductions géniques basées sur l'utilisation de lentivirus. Ce test repose sur le mélange de deux compartiments cellulaires, épidermique (kératinocytes) et dermique (fibroblastes), greffés sur une zone ouverte de peau du dos d'une souris pour ensemble reconstituer la peau. Des isoformes multiples de FGFR1 sont générées par épissage alternatif de transcrits et sont capables d'interagir à la fois avec les FGFs (facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes) et les molécules d'adhésion cellulaires. Les deux formes prédominantes du récepteur, FGFR1-α et FGFR1-ß, ne différent que par le «domaine ressemblant aux immunoglobulines 1 » (immunoglobulin-like 1 domain), absent de FGFR1-ß. De plus, FGFR1-ß a une affinité plus grande pour les FGFs et plus faible pour les molécules d'adhésion cellulaires telles que la Ncadhérine (connue pour activer FGFR). La sur-expression de l'une ou l'autre des formes n'empêche pas la morphogenèse folliculaire mais conduit à la formation de follicules aberrants. Toutefois, une différence phénotypique majeure est observée lorsqu'une forme «Dominant-Négatif » (DN) est exprimée dans le compartiment dermique. La sur-expression de FGFR1-ß DN conduit en effet à la formation de follicules petits et tronqués, avec des gaines épithéliales et un bulbe élargis ainsi qu'une petite papille dermique. Par contre, l'expression de FGFR1-α DN abolit complètement la morphogenèse folliculaire. Etant donné que la signalisation par FGFR1-ß est principalement dépendante des ligands FGFs, ces données indiquent que la signalisation par ceux-cì est non-nécessaire à la morphogenèse folliculaire. De plus, l'abolition du processus par la sur-expression de FGFR1-a DN suggëre une signalisation nécessaire entre le récepteur FGFR1 et une ou des molécules d'adhésion cellulaire. L'expression de notre second candidat comme gène spécifique de la niche des cellules souches de la peau, serpinf1, prévient la morphogenèse folliculaire. Seules de petites structures ressemblant à des cystes sont observées après reconstitution de la peau. De plus, dans ces transplants, aucune cellule CD34-positive (marqueur des cellules souches) n'est retrouvée associé à ces cystes. Le produit du gène serpin f1, le «facteur dérivé d'épithélium pigmentaire » (PEDF) est un puissant facteur anti-angiogénique. Nous avons donc analysé la vascularisation des transplants par immunohistochirnies utilisant CD31, un marqueur des cellules endothéliales. Nos résultats révèlent que les cellules endothéliales sont bien présentes, mais de manière désorganisée et ne formant pas de vaisseaux. De manière intéressante, les cellules endothéliales contribuent activement à la niche des cellules souches neuronales, et nos résultats suggèrent donc l'existence possible d'un mécanisme similaire dans la peau. SHP1, le produit du gène Hcph, est une phosphatase quì agit dans le système hématopoiétique. Les souris « motheaten »qui portent des mutations spontanées du gène ont une alopécie inégale au niveau de la peau et de sévères troubles du système hématopoiétique. Pour s'assurer que le phénotype observé au niveau de la peau n'est pas une conséquence d'un défaut du système hématopoiétique, nous avons transplanté des souris Hcph -/- avec de la moelle osseuse sauvage afin de restaurer la fonction de SHP 1 dans le système hématopoiétique. Toutefois, le défaut de morphologie folliculaire est maintenu. De plus, l'ablation d'Hcph dans le compartiment dermique ou épidermique d'essais de reconstitution de peau conduit à la production de follicules pileux avec des morphologies aberrantes. Ces données indiquent que SHP1 n'est pas essentiel à la morphogenèse folliculaire mais est toutefois requis à la fois dans les compartiments épidermiques et dermiques pour la maintenance de la forme du follicule.
Purpose: To assess the MDCT features of bone lesions that mimic osteoid osteoma (OO-like lesions) and evaluate their treatment by radiofrequency (RF) ablation. Methods and materials: All percutaneous RF ablations performed between May 2002 and June 2009 for a presumed (clinical and MDCT features) diagnosis of OO were retrospectively reviewed. Per-procedural biopsies were always performed and histopathological diagnoses were noted. The following MDCT features of all bone lesions were assessed by two musculoskeletal radiologists in consensus: skeletal distribution and location within the bone, size, central calcification, surrounding osteosclerosis and periosteal reaction. Clinical success was also evaluated. Results: Eighty patients (54 males, 26 females, mean age 24.1 years, range 5-48) underwent RF ablation. The histopathological diagnoses were: 54 non-contributory biopsies, 16 OO, 10 OO-like lesions (5 chronic osteomyelitis, 3 chondroblastoma, 1 eosinophilic granuloma, 1 fibrous dysplasia). The OO-like lesions were significantly greater in size (p = 0.001) and exhibited trends toward medullary location within the bone, moderate surrounding osteosclerosis and less periosteal reaction, compared to OO. Primary clinical success for OO-like lesions was 100% at 1 month, 85.7% at 6 and 12 months, and 66.7% at 24 months. Secondary success was 100%. Conclusion: Greater size, medullary location within the bone, lesser surrounding osteosclerosis and periosteal reaction on MDCT may help differentiate OO-like lesions from OO. OO-like lesions are safely and successfully treated by RF ablation.
CD1d is a major histocompatibility complex class 1-like molecule that regulates the function and development of natural killer T (NKT) cells. Previously, we identified a critical role for the CD1d-NKT cell arm of innate immunity in promoting the development of UVB-induced p53 mutations, immune suppression, and skin tumors. Sunburn, an acute inflammatory response to UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury, represents a clinical marker for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) risk. However, the innate immune mechanisms controlling sunburn development are not considered relevant in NMSC etiology, and remain poorly investigated. Here we found that CD1d knockout (CD1d(-/-)) mice resist UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation compared with wild-type (WT) mice. This resistance was coupled with a faster epithelial tissue healing response. In contrast, the skins of UVB-irradiated invariant NKT cell-knockout (Jα18(-/-)) and NKT cell-deficient (TCRα(-/-)) mice, which express CD1d but are deficient in CD1d-dependent NKT cells, exhibited as much cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation as WT mice. In the absence of NKT cells, CD1d-deficient keratinocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages exhibited diminished basal and stress-induced levels of pro-inflammatory mediators. Thus, our findings identify an essential role for CD1d in promoting UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation. They also suggest sunburn and NMSC etiologies are immunologically linked.
Purpose: To characterize the clinical, morphological and immunohistological features of epithelial ingrowth cells after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or Automated Lamellar Therapeutic Keratoplasty (ALTK) with specific reference to current markers of corneal stem cells.Methods: Four patients were included in this interventional non-comparative case series. Full ophthalmologic examination was performed. Epithelial ingrowth specimens from 4 patients were removed surgically and immunostained for cytokeratin 3 (CK3), cytokeratin 15 (CK15), cytokeratin 19 (CK19), Muc5AC, p63α, C/EBPδ, Bmi-1, BCRP/ABCG2 and Ki-67.Results: The time interval between LASIK/ALTK and ingrowth surgical removal was, 3, 11, 15 and 36 months. On slit lamp examination, early epithelial ingrowth appeared as whitish pearls and late epithelial ingrowth as confluent whitish opacities. Microscopically, the epithelial ingrowths showed features of a squamous non keratinizing epithelium. No mitotic figure was seen. Ki-67 labelling of 3 cases showed a proliferation index of 3-4%. Superficial squamous cells strongly expressed CK3. Expression of C/EBPδ, BCRP/ABCG2 and p63α was seen in more than 70% of cells and Bmi-1 was positive in up to 30% of cells in the specimens tested. There was no expression of CK19 or CK15.Conclusions: Epithelial ingrowths can persist for up to 3 years following LASIK surgery. They show a capacity for self-renewal and corneal differentiation. Besides, they express p63α, C/EBPδ, Bmi-1, BCRP/ABCG2 which have been proposed as markers of stem cell phenotype. These observations suggest that post-LASIK/ALTK epithelial inclusions could derive from stem-like cells located in the peripheral corneal epithelium.