218 resultados para persistent ductus arteriosus
We screened 735 HIV-infected patients in Switzerland with unexplained alanine aminotransferase elevation for hepatitis E virus (HEV) immunoglobulin G. Although HEV seroprevalence in this population is low (2.6%), HEV RNA can persist in patients with low CD4 cell counts. Findings suggest chronic HEV infection should be considered as a cause of persistent alanine aminotransferase elevation.
Multiple organization indices have been used to predict the outcome of stepwise catheter ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), however with limited success. Our study aims at developinginnovative organization indices from baseline ECG (i.e. during the procedure, before ablation) in orderto identify the site of AF termination by catheter ablation. Seventeen consecutive male patients (age60 ± 5 years, AF duration 7 ± 5 years) underwent a stepwise catheter ablation. Chest lead V6 was placedin the back (V6b). QRST cancelation was performed from chest leads V1 to V6b. Using an innovativeadaptive harmonic frequency tracking, two measures of AF organization were computed to quantify theharmonics components of ECG activity: (1) the adaptive phase difference variance (APD) between theAF harmonic components as a measure of AF regularity, and (2) and adaptive organization index (AOI)evaluating the cyclicity of the AF oscillations. Both adaptive indices were compared to indices computedusing a time-invariant approach: (1) ECG AF cycle length (AFCL), (2) the spectrum based organizationindex (OI), and (3) the time-invariant phase difference TIPD. Long-standing persistent AF was terminatedinto sinus rhythm or atrial tachycardia in 13/17 patients during stepwise ablation, 11 during left atriumablation (left terminated patients - LT), 2 during the right atrium ablation (right terminated patients -RT), and 4 were non terminated (NT) and required electrical cardioversion. Our findings showed that LTpatients were best separated from RT/NT before ablation by the duration of sustained AF and by AOI onchest lead V1 and APD from the dorsal lead V6b as compared to ECG AFCL, OI and TIPD, respectively. Ourresults suggest that adaptive measures of AF organization computed before ablation perform better thantime-invariant based indices for identifying patients whose AF will terminate during ablation within theleft atrium. These findings are indicative of a higher baseline organization in these patients that could beused to select candidates for the termination of AF by stepwise catheter ablation.© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in the prevention of autoimmune diseases as well as in the induction and maintenance of dominant tolerance in transplantation models. While their suppressive function has been extensively studied in vitro, their homeostasis and mechanisms of immunoregulation still remain to be clarifi ed in vivo. Using a murine adoptive transfer and skin allograft model, we analysed the expansion, effector function and traffi cking of effector T cells in the presence or absence of donor-specifi c Tregs. Although hyporesponsive to allogeneic and polyclonal stimulation in vitro, transferred Tregs survived and expanded, in response to an allograft in vivo. When co-transferred with naive CD4+CD25- effector T cells, they specifi cally prevented donor but not 3rd party allograft rejection by inhibiting the production of effector cytokines rather than the proliferation of effector T cells in response to alloantigens. The co-transfer of donor-specifi c Tregs did not affect the homing of effector T cells towards the graft draining lymph nodes, but it markedly reduced the infi ltration of the allograft by these pathogenic cells. Furthermore, in recipients where donor-specifi c transplantation tolerance was induced, Tregs preferentially accumulated in the allograft draining lymph nodes and within the grafted skin itself. Taken together, our results suggest that the suppression of graft rejection is an active process that involves the persistent presence of Tregs at the site of antigenic challenge.
A psychotherapeutic approach for schizophrenia is now recommended as an adjuvant for psychopharmacology, since antipsychotic medications only have a partial impact especially as regards positive symptoms and insight. In addition, cognitive distortions and the lack of metacognitive skills might increase positive symptoms leading to poor social functioning. This underlines the need for specific approaches which target cognitive processes relevant for insight, and abilities in metacognition. Metacognitive training (MCT) is a structured group intervention, which enhances a patient's reflection on cognitive biases and improves problem-solving. The aim of our study was to assess MCTs' short term impact on insight, symptoms and quality of life. Fifty patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and persistent positive symptoms (delusions or hallucinations) were enrolled in the study. After baseline assessment participants were randomised either to supportive therapy or MCT. Both groups used the same design (1h-session twice a week during 8weeks) although the basic knowledge given to participants was different between interventions. Participants were assessed at eight weeks based on the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales, the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia and the Quality of Life Scale. Between-group differences were significant in favour of MCT on the PANSS positive scale. Between-group differences in post- and pre-test values showed a trend in favour of MCT for insight on hallucinations. Results of our study indicate that the MCT has an effect on reducing positive symptomatology, and a trend impact on insight and social functioning.
SUMMARY IN FRENCH Les cellules souches sont des cellules indifférenciées capables a) de proliférer, b) de s'auto¬renouveller, c) de produire des cellules différenciées, postmitotiques et fonctionnelles (multipotencialité), et d) de régénérer le tissu après des lésions. Par exemple, les cellules de souches hematopoiétiques, situées dans la moelle osseuse, peuvent s'amplifier, se diviser et produire diverses cellules différenciées au cours de la vie, les cellules souches restant dans la moelle osseuse et consentant leur propriété. Les cellules souches intestinales, situées dans la crypte des microvillosités peuvent également régénérer tout l'intestin au cours de la vie. La rétine se compose de six classes de neurones et d'un type de cellule gliale. Tous ces types de cellules sont produits par un progéniteur rétinien. Le pic de production des photorécepteurs se situe autour des premiers jours postnatals chez la souris. A cette période la rétine contient les cellules hautement prolifératives. Dans cette étude, nous avons voulu analyser le phénotype de ces cellules et leur potentiel en tant que cellules souches ou progénitrices. Nous nous sommes également concentrés sur l'effet de certains facteurs épigéniques sur leur destin cellulaire. Nous avons observé que toutes les cellules prolifératives isolées à partir de neurorétines postnatales de souris expriment le marqueur de glie radiaire RC2, ainsi que des facteurs de transcription habituellement trouvés dans la glie radiaire (Mash1, Pax6), et répondent aux critères des cellules souches : une capacité élevée d'expansion, un état indifférencié, la multipotencialité (démontrée par analyse clonale). Nous avons étudié la différentiation des cellules dans différents milieux de culture. En l'absence de sérum, l'EGF induit l'expression de la β-tubulin-III, un marqueur neuronal, et l'acquisition d'une morphologie neuronale, ceci dans 15% des cellules présentes. Nous avons également analysé la prolifération de cellules. Seulement 20% des cellules incorporent le bromodéoxyuridine (BrdU) qui est un marqueur de division cellulaire. Ceci démontre que l'EGF induit la formation des neurones sans une progression massive du cycle cellulaire. Par ailleurs, une stimulation de 2h d'EGF est suffisante pour induire la différentiation neuronale. Certains des neurones formés sont des cellules ganglionnaires rétiniennes (GR), comme l'indique l'expression de marqueurs de cellules ganglionnaires (Ath5, Brn3b et mélanopsine), et dans de rare cas d'autres neurones rétiniens ont été observés (photorécepteurs (PR) et cellules bipolaires). Nous avons confirmé que les cellules souches rétiniennes tardives n'étaient pas restreintes au cours du temps et qu'elles conservent leur multipotencialité en étant capables de générer des neurones dits précoces (GR) ou tardifs (PR). Nos résultats prouvent que l'EGF est non seulement un facteur contrôlant le développement glial, comme précédemment démontré, mais également un facteur efficace de différentiation pour les neurones rétiniens, du moins in vitro. D'autre part, nous avons voulu établir si l'oeil adulte humain contient des cellules souches rétiniennes (CSRs). L'oeil de certains poissons ou amphibiens continue de croître pendant l'âge adulte du fait de l'activité persistante des cellules souches rétiniennes. Chez les poissons, le CSRs se situe dans la marge ciliaire (CM) à la périphérie de la rétine. Bien que l'oeil des mammifères ne se développe plus pendant la vie d'adulte, plusieurs groupes ont prouvé que l'oeil de mammifères adultes contient des cellules souches rétiniennes également dans la marge ciliaire plus précisément dans l'épithélium pigmenté et non dans la neurorétine. Ces CSRs répondent à certains critères des cellules souches. Nous avons identifié et caractérisé les cellules souches rétiniennes résidant dans l'oeil adulte humain. Nous avons prouvé qu'elles partagent les mêmes propriétés que leurs homologues chez les rongeurs c.-à-d. auto-renouvellement, amplification, et différenciation en neurones rétiniens in vitro et in vivo (démontré par immunocoloration et microarray). D'autre part, ces cellules peuvent être considérablement amplifiées, tout en conservant leur potentiel de cellules souches, comme indiqué par l'analyse de leur profil d'expression génique (microarray). Elles expriment également des gènes communs à diverses cellules souches: nucleostemin, nestin, Brni1, Notch2, ABCG2, c-kit et son ligand, aussi bien que cyclin D3 qui agit en aval de c-kit. Nous avons pu montré que Bmi1et Oct4 sont nécessaires pour la prolifération des CSRs confortant leur propriété de cellules souches. Nos données indiquent que la neurorétine postnatale chez la souris et l'épithélium pigmenté de la marge ciliaire chez l'humain adulte contiennent les cellules souches rétiniennes. En outre, nous avons développé un système qui permet d'amplifier et de cultiver facilement les CSRs. Ce modèle permet de disséquer les mécanismes impliqués lors de la retinogenèse. Par exemple, ce système peut être employé pour l'étude des substances ou des facteurs impliqués, par exemple, dans la survie ou dans la génération des cellules rétiniennes. Il peut également aider à disséquer la fonction de gènes ou les facteurs impliqués dans la restriction ou la spécification du destin cellulaire. En outre, dans les pays occidentaux, la rétinite pigmentaire (RP) touche 1 individu sur 3500 et la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA) affecte 1 % à 3% de la population âgée de plus de 60 ans. La génération in vitro de cellules rétiniennes est aussi un outil prometteur pour fournir une source illimitée de cellules pour l'étude de transplantation cellulaire pour la rétine. SUMMARY IN ENGLISH Stem cells are defined as undifferentiated cells capable of a) proliferation, b) self maintenance (self-renewability), c) production of many differentiated functional postmitotic cells (multipotency), and d) regenerating tissue after injury. For instance, hematopoietic stem cells, located in bone marrow, can expand, divide and generate differentiated cells into the diverse lineages throughout life, the stem cells conserving their status. In the villi crypt, the intestinal stem cells are also able to regenerate the intestine during their life time. The retina is composed of six classes of neurons and one glial cell. All these cell types are produced by the retinal progenitor cell. The peak of photoreceptor production is reached around the first postnatal days in rodents. Thus, at this stage the retina contains highly proliferative cells. In our research, we analyzed the phenotype of these cells and their potential as possible progenitor or stem cells. We also focused on the effect of epigenic factor(s) and cell fate determination. All the proliferating cells isolated from mice postnatal neuroretina harbored the radial glia marker RC2, expressed transcription factors usually found in radial glia (Mash 1, Pax6), and met the criteria of stem cells: high capacity of expansion, maintenance of an undifferentiated state, and multipotency demonstrated by clonal analysis. We analyzed the differentiation seven days after the transfer of the cells in different culture media. In the absence of serum, EGF led to the expression of the neuronal marker β-tubulin-III, and the acquisition of neuronal morphology in 15% of the cells. Analysis of cell proliferation by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation revealed that EGF mainly induced the formation of neurons without stimulating massively cell cycle progression. Moreover, a pulse of 2h EGF stimulation was sufficient to induce neuronal differentiation. Some neurons were committed to the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) phenotype, as revealed by the expression of retinal ganglion markers (Ath5, Brn3b and melanopsin), and in few cases to other retinal phenotypes (photoreceptors (PRs) and bipolar cells). We confirmed that the late RSCs were not restricted over-time and conserved multipotentcy characteristics by generating retinal phenotypes that usually appear at early (RGC) or late (PRs) developmental stages. Our results show that EGF is not only a factor controlling glial development, as previously shown, but also a potent differentiation factor for retinal neurons, at least in vitro. On the other hand, we wanted to find out if the adult human eye contains retina stem cells. The eye of some fishes and amphibians continues to grow during adulthood due to the persistent activity of retinal stem cells (RSCs). In fish, the RSCs are located in the ciliary margin zone (CMZ) at the periphery of the retina. Although, the adult mammalian eye does not grow during adult life, several groups have shown that the adult mouse eye contains retinal stem cells in the homologous zone (i.e. the ciliary margin), in the pigmented epithelium and not in the neuroretina. These RSCs meet some criteria of stem cells. We identified and characterized the human retinal stem cells. We showed that they posses the same features as their rodent counterpart i.e. they self-renew, expand and differentiate into retinal neurons in vitro and in vivo (indicated by immunostaining and microarray analysis). Moreover, they can be greatly expanded while conserving their sternness potential as revealed by the gene expression profile analysis (microarray approach). They also expressed genes common to various stem cells: nucleostemin, nestin, Bmil , Notch2, ABCG2, c-kit and its ligand, as well as cyclin D3 which acts downstream of c-kit. Furthermore, Bmil and Oct-4 were required for RSC proliferation reinforcing their stem cell identity. Our data indicate that the mice postnatal neuroretina and the adult pigmented epithelium of adult human ciliary margin contain retinal stem cells. We developed a system to easily expand and culture RSCs that can be used to investigate the retinogenesis. For example, it can help to screen drugs or factors involved, for instance, in the survival or generation of retinal cells. This could help to dissect genes or factors involved in the restriction or specification of retinal cell fate. In Western countries, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) affects 1 out of 3'500 individuals and age-related macula degeneration (AMD) strikes 1 % to 3% of the population over 60. In vitro generation of retinal cells is thus a promising tool to provide an unlimited cell source for cellular transplantation studies in the retina.
Abstract: Protective immune responses against pathogen invasion and transformed cells requires the coordinated action of distinct leukocyte subsets and soluble factors, overall termed immunological network. Among antigen-presenting cells (APC), a crucial role is played by dendritic cells (DC), which initiate, amplify and determine the outcome of the immune response. Micro-environmental conditions profoundly influence DC in such ways that the resulting immune response ranges from successful immune stimulation to abortive response or immune suppression. For instance, the presence in the milieu of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) reverts most of the effects mediated on DC by even strong pro-inflammatory agents such as bacterial Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in terms of differentiation, activation and functions. In an environment containing both LPS and IL-10, uncoupling of receptors for inflammatory chemokines already occurs after a few hours and in a reversible manner on DC, allowing scavenging of chemokines and, consequently, attenuation of the inflammatory process which could be deleterious to the organism. By studying the effects on DC of concomitant stimulation by LPS and IL-10 from the gene expression point of view, we were able to define four distinct transcriptional programs: A. the inhibition of inflammation and immunity, B. the regulation of tissue remodeling, C. the tuning of cytokine/growth factor receptors and G protein-coupled receptors, D. the stimulation of B cell function and lymphoid tissue neogenesis. Among the latter genes, we further demonstrated that IL-10 synergizes with Toll-like receptor ligands for the production of functionally active B cell attracting chemokine CXCL13. Our data provide evidence that the combined exposure of APC to LPS and IL-10, via the production of CXCL13, involves humoral immunity by attracting antibody-producing cells. It is well known that the persistent release of CXCL13 leads to the development of ectopic lymphoid tissue aggregates and production of high levels of antibodies, thus favoring the induction of auto-immunity. Our findings suggest that the IL-10 produced in chronic inflammatory conditions may promote lymphoid tissue neogenesis through increased release of CXCL13. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine inhibiting cellular-mediated TH 1-polarized immune responses. In this study we demonstrate that IL- 10 strongly supports the development of humoral immunity. IL-10 and CXCL13 can thus be targets for specific therapies in auto-immune diseases.
Background:¦Infection after total or partial hip arthroplasty (HA) leads to significant long-term morbidity and high healthcare cost. We evaluated reasons for treatment failure of different surgical modalities in a 12-year prosthetic hip joint infection cohort study.¦Method:¦All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected HA were included either retrospectively (1999-‐2007) or prospectively¦(2008-‐2010). HA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissues or synovialfluid culture, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysis was performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.¦Results:¦During the study period, 117 patients with infected HA were identified. We excluded 2 patients due to missing data. The average age was 69 years (range, 33-‐102 years); 42% were female. HA was mainly performed for osteoarthritis (n=84), followed by trauma (n=22), necrosis (n=4), dysplasia(n=2), rheumatoid arthritis (n=1), osteosarcoma (n=1) and tuberculosis (n=1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-‐24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months after surgery). Infected HA were¦treated with (i) two-‐stage exchange in 59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-‐stage exchange in 5 (4.3%, cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in 18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobile¦parts in 17 (14%, cure rate : 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, cure rate: 100%), and (vi) two-‐stage exchange followed by¦removal in 3 (2.6%). Patients were followed for an average of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9 years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected HA. 15 patients (13%) needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons(dislocation of spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridement and retention (8 without change; and 3 with change of mobile parts) and 3 with two-‐stage exchange. The average number of surgery was 2.2 (range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, but the functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistent pain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).¦Conclusions:¦Non-‐respect of current treatment concept leads to treatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of each treatment failure can be used for improving the treatment algorithm leading to better results.
Converging evidence suggests that recurrent excessive calorie restriction causes binge eating by promoting behavioral disinhibition and overeating. This interpretation suggests that cognitive adaptations may surpass physiological regulations of metabolic needs after recurrent cycles of dieting and binging. Intermittent access to palatable food has long been studied in rats, but the consequences of such diet cycling procedures on the cognitive control of food seeking remain unclear. Female Wistar rats were divided in two groups matched for food intake and body weight. One group received standard chow pellets 7 days/week, whereas the second group was given chow pellets for 5 days and palatable food for 2 days over seven consecutive weeks. Rats were also trained for operant conditioning. Intermittent access to palatable food elicited binging behavior and reduced intake of normal food. Rats with intermittent access to palatable food failed to exhibit anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus maze, but displayed reduced locomotor activity in the open field and developed a blunted corticosterone response following an acute stress across the diet procedure. Trained under a progressive ratio schedule, both groups exhibited the same motivation for sweetened food pellets. However, in contrast to controls, rats with a history of dieting and binging exhibited a persistent compulsive-like behavior when access to preferred pellets was paired with mild electrical foot shock punishments. These results highlight the intricate development of anxiety-like disorders and cognitive deficits leading to a loss of control over preferred food intake after repetitive cycles of intermittent access to palatable food.
OBJECTIVE: Meningococcal disease causes septic shock with associated disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemorrhagic skin necrosis. In severe cases, widespread vascular thrombosis leads to gangrene of limbs and digits and contributes to morbidity and mortality. Uncontrolled case reports have suggested that thrombolytic therapy may prevent some complications, and the use of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) has been widespread. Our aim was to summarize the clinical outcome and adverse effects where systemic t-PA has been used to treat children with fulminant meningococcemia. DESIGN: International, multiple-center, retrospective, observational case note study between January 1992 and June 2000. SETTING: Twenty-four different hospitals in seven European countries and Australia. PATIENTS: A total of 62 consecutive infants and children with severe meningococcal sepsis in whom t-PA was used for the treatment of predicted amputations and/or refractory shock (40 to treat severe ischemia, 12 to treat shock, and ten to treat both). INTERVENTIONS: t-PA was administered with a median dose of 0.3 mg.kg(-1).hr(-1) (range, 0.008-1.13) and a median duration of 9 hrs (range, 1.2-83). MAIN RESULTS: Twenty-nine of 62 patients died (47%; 95% confidence interval, 28-65). Seventeen of 33 survivors had amputations (11 below knee/elbow or greater loss; six less severe). In 12 of 50 patients to whom t-PA was given for imminent amputation, no amputations were observed. Five developed intracerebral hemorrhages (five of 62, 8%; 95% confidence interval, 0.5-16). Of these five, three died, one developed a persistent hemiparesis, and one recovered completely. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage in our study raises concerns about the safety of t-PA in children with fulminant meningococcemia. However, due to the absence of a control group in such a severe subset of patients, whether t-PA is beneficial or harmful cannot be answered from the unrestricted use of the drug that is described in this report. Our experience highlights the need to avoid strategies that use experimental drugs in an uncontrolled fashion and to participate in multiple-center trials, which are inevitably required to study rare diseases.
Local increase of arginase activity in lesions of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis in ethiopia.
BACKGROUND: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that is in Ethiopia mainly caused by the parasite Leishmania aethiopica. This neglected tropical disease is common in rural areas and causes serious morbidity. Persistent nonhealing cutaneous leishmaniasis has been associated with poor T cell mediated responses; however, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have recently shown in an experimental model of cutaneous leishmaniasis that arginase-induced L-arginine metabolism suppresses antigen-specific T cell responses at the site of pathology, but not in the periphery. To test whether these results translate to human disease, we recruited patients presenting with localized lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis and assessed the levels of arginase activity in cells isolated from peripheral blood and from skin biopsies. Arginase activity was similar in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients and healthy controls. In sharp contrast, arginase activity was significantly increased in lesion biopsies of patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis as compared with controls. Furthermore, we found that the expression levels of CD3ζ, CD4 and CD8 molecules were considerably lower at the site of pathology as compared to those observed in paired PBMCs. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that increased arginase in lesions of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis might play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease by impairing T cell effector functions.
ABSTRACT : Les infections par le parasite Leishmania guyanensis se caractérisent par une dissémination depuis le site initial d'infection jusqu'aux tissus naso-pharyngés, responsable de la Leishmaniose à lésions secondaires muco-cutanées (LMC). Les lésions des patients atteints de LMC montrent une massive infiltration de cellules immunitaires, une réponse immunitaire élevée et la présence de parasites (bien qu'en très faible quantité). La LMC engendre une augmentation de l'expression de TNFa ainsi qu'un défaut dans le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire caractérisé par une absence de réponse à l'IL 10. La réponse immunitaire de l'hôte ainsi que la virulence du parasite sont deux facteurs reconnus pour le contrôle de l'infection. Le mécanisme de la pathogenèse de la LMC restent grandement incompris, surtout le mécanisme de dissémination de l'infection du site d'inoculation jusqu'aux sites secondaires d'infection (métastases) ainsi que les détails de la réponse de l'hôte contre le pathogène. Dans un modèle d'infection d' hamsters avec des parasites du Nouveau Monde, la classification des parasites Leishmania se fait en fonction de leur capacité à développer des métastases. Ce modéle d'infection a permis de caractériser différentes souches de parasites selon la classification de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (OMS) tel que la souche de référence W>É-II/BR/78/M5313 qui est reconnue comme hautement métastatique alors que ces clones dérivés de M5313 montrent de grandes variations quand a leur capacité à créer des métastases. Les clones 13 et 21 sont métastatiques (M+) alors que les clones 3 et 17 sont nonmétastatiques (NI-). Les objectifs de cette thèse ont été d'étudier le rôle de la réponse immunitaire innée des macrophages après infection in vitro avec différents clones métastatiques et non-métastatiques du parasite L. guyanensis, ainsi que d'étudier la réponse immunitaire générée suite à une infection in vivo par les clones M+ et M- de L. guyanensis dans un modèle marin. L'analyse de la .réponse immunitaire des macrophages in vitro montrent qu'il y aune augmentation significative de leur statut d'activation après infection par des parasites M+ indiquée par la modulation des marqueurs d'activation de surface CD80, CD86 et CD40, ainsi que une augmentation significative de CXCL 10, CCLS, IL6 et TNFa au niveau transcription de l'ARNm et au niveau de la protéine. Cette phénomène d'activation a été observée chez les deux souches de souris C57BL/6 et BALB/c. L'utilisation d'un inhibiteur d'entrée des parasites (Cytochalsin D) ou d'un inhibiteur des fonctions endosomales (Chloroquine) diminue de manière significative la réponse des macrophages aux parasites M+. L'utilisation de macrophages déficients en TLR, MyD88, et TRIF a démontré que la réponse générée après infection par les parasites M+ était dépendante de la voie de signalisation de TRIF et TLR3. Lors d'infection in vivo par des parasites M5313, au moins 50% des souris BALB/c présentent un phénotype sensible caractérisé par des lésions non-nécrotiques qui ne guérissent pas, persistent plus de 13 semaines après infection et contiennent un nombre considérable de parasites. Ces souris développent une réponse immunitaire de type T helper 2 (Th2) avec un niveau élevé d'IL-4 et d'IL-10. Les autres souris ont un phénotype non-sensible, les souris développant peu ou pas de lésion, avec peu de parasites et une réponse immunitaire diminuée, caractérisée par un niveau faible d'IFNy, d'IL4 et d'IL10. De plus, les souris BALB/c infectées par un parasite L. guyanensis isolé à partir des lésions muco-cutanées d'un patient humain atteint de LMC ont démontrés un phénotype similaire aux souris infectées par la souche M5313 avec 50% des souris développant des lésions persistantes, alors qu'un parasite dérivé des lésions cutanées humains n'a montré qu'une faible sensibilité avec une lésion transitoire qui finit par guérir. Nous avons montré que la sensibilité de ces souris BALB/c dépend de l'IL-4 et de l'IL-10 car les souris IL-10-/sur fond génétique BALB/c ainsi que les souris BALB/c traitée avec de l'anti-IL4 étaient capables de contrôler l'infection par M5313. Les souris C57BL/6 sont résistantes à l'infection par le parasite M5313. Elles développent une lésion transitoire qui guérit 9 semaines après infection. Ces souris résistantes ont un très faible taux de parasites au site d'infection et développent une réponse immunitaire de type Thl avec un niveau élevé d'IFNr et peu d'IL4 et d'IL10. Les infections in vivo de souris déficientes en MyD88, TRIF, TLR3 ou TLR9 (sur fond génétique C57BL/6) ont indiqué que MyD88 et TLR9 étaient impliqués dans la résistance à l'infection par L. guyanensi, et que TRIF et TLR3 avaient un rôle important dans la sensibilité. Ce travail met en évidence le fait que la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte est modulée par le parasite selon leur caractérisation d'être soit M+ ou M-. Nous avons démontré également que plusieurs gènes et voies de signalisations étaient impliqués dans cette réponse favorisant le développement d'une LMC. ABSTRACT : Leishmania guyanensis parasites are able to disseminate from the initial site of cutaneous skin infection to the nasopharyngeal tissues resulting in destructive secondary lesions and the disease Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (MCL). The secondary lesions in patients have intense immune cell infiltration, elevated immune responses and the presence (albeit at low levels) of parasites. More specifically, MCL patients produce higher levels of TNFa and display impairment in their ability to control the immune response due to a defect in their ability to respond to IL10. Little is known about the pathogenesis of MCL, especially about the dissemination of the infection from the site of inoculation to secondary sites (metastasis) and the response of the host to the pathogen. The hamster model of L. guyanensis infection has previously characterized the WHO reference strain, L. guyanensis WHI/BR/78/M5313, as being highly metastatic. Clones of parasites derived from this reference strain show a differential ability to metastasize. This thesis studied the differential immune response generated by macrophages in vitro, or by mice in vivo, following infection with L. guyanensis parasites. A significant increase in the activation status of macrophages derived from C57BL/6 or BALB/c mice was observed after in vitro infection with L. guyanensis parasites when compared to non-metastatic parasites. This change in status was evidenced by the increased expression of surface activation markers, together with the chemokines, CXCL 10, CCLS, and cytokines, IL6 and TNFa. Furthermore, in vitro infection of macrophages isolated from mice deficient in either a specific Toll Like Receptor (TLR) or the adaptor molecules MyD88 or TRIF, indicated that the immune response generated following L. guyanensis metastatic parasite infection was reliant on the TRIF dependent TLR3 signalling pathway. In vivo footpad infection of BALB/c mice with the L. guyanensis M5313 parasites showed a reproducible susceptible phenotype, whereby at least 50% of infected mice developed non-healing, nonnecrosing lesions with high parasitemia that persisted over 13 weeks post infection. This phenotype was characterized by a Th2 type cytokine immune response with increased levels of IL4 and IL10 detected in the draining lymph nodes. IL 10 deficient mice on a BALB/c background, or BALB/c mice treated with anti-IL4 were able to control infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites, thereby proving that these cytokines were indeed implicated in the susceptibility to infection. Moreover, infection of BALB/c mice with patient isolated L. guyanensis parasites confirmed that MCL derived parasites were able to induce a susceptibility phenotype similar to that of L. guyanensis M5313. C57BL/6 mice, on the other hand, were highly resistant to infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites and produced transient footpad swelling that healed by week 9 post infection, together with low degrees of footpad parasitemia and a Thl polarized immune response. Infection of mice deficient in MyD88, TRIF, TLR3, and TLR9 (on a C57BL/6 background), indicated that MyD88 and TLR9 were involved in the resistance of these mice to infection, and that TRIF and TLR3 were involved in the susceptibility. This study has shown that the host response can be differentially modulated depending on the infecting parasite with several genes and pathways being identified that could be involved in promoting the development of MCL.
The prevalence of anal anomalies among 4,618,840 births recorded in 33 EUROCAT registries between 1980 and 1994 was 4.05 per 10,000 births. Of the 1,846 recorded cases, 672 (36.4%) were isolated anal anomalies while 1,174 (63.6%) occurred together with other anomalies. Only isolated anal anomalies were analyzed in this study: 75.5% were atresias, 10.1% of which were above and 89.9% were below the level of the levator ani muscle. Fistula occurred in 53% of supralevator and 37% of infralevator atresia. Other anal anomalies were ectopic anus (3.4%), congenital anal fistula (14.7%), and persistent cloaca (0.9%). There was a predominance of males in anal atresia without fistula (male to female (M:F) ratio was 6.7 for supralevator and 2.3 for infralevator atresia), but no significant sex difference in atresias with fistula. There was a predominance of females in ectopic anus and congenital anal fistula (M:F = 0.11 and 0.36 respectively). High frequencies of fetal deaths were recorded in supralevator atresia without fistula (8.3%) and in persistent cloaca (11.1%). Mean gestational length and mean birth weights were reduced for persistent cloaca but were within normal limits for other isolated anal anomalies. Odds ratios (ORs) for mothers above 35 years were increased for supralevator atresia without fistula, supralevator atresia with fistula, and congenital anal fistula. ORs for mothers below 30 years were slightly increased for supralevator atresia without fistula and decreased for persistent cloaca. There were marked differences in prevalence and distribution of anal anomalies among the EUROCAT registries. The results indicated that there are epidemiological differences among the various types of anal anomalies which might reflect different embryological origins.
OBJECTIVES: To review and update the evidence on predictors of poor outcome (death, persistent vegetative state or severe neurological disability) in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, to identify knowledge gaps and to suggest a reliable prognostication strategy. METHODS: GRADE-based systematic review followed by expert consensus achieved using Web-based Delphi methodology, conference calls and face-to-face meetings. Predictors based on clinical examination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from a total of 73 studies was reviewed. The quality of evidence was low or very low for almost all studies. In patients who are comatose with absent or extensor motor response at ≥72 h from arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, bilateral absence of either pupillary and corneal reflexes or N20 wave of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were identified as the most robust predictors. Early status myoclonus, elevated values of neuron-specific enolase at 48-72 h from arrest, unreactive malignant EEG patterns after rewarming, and presence of diffuse signs of postanoxic injury on either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were identified as useful but less robust predictors. Prolonged observation and repeated assessments should be considered when results of initial assessment are inconclusive. Although no specific combination of predictors is sufficiently supported by available evidence, a multimodal prognostication approach is recommended in all patients.
Some patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are experiencing antiretroviral treatment failure have persistent improvement in CD4+ T cell counts despite high plasma viremia. To explore the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, 2 parameters influencing the dynamics of CD4+ T cells were evaluated: death of mature CD4+ T cells and replenishment of the CD4+ T cell pool by the thymus. The improvement in CD4+ T cells observed in patients with treatment failure was not correlated with spontaneous, Fas ligand-induced, or activation-induced T cell death. In contrast, a significant correlation between the improvement in CD4+ T cell counts and thymic output, as assessed by measurement of T cell receptor excision circles, was observed. These observations suggest that increased thymic output contributes to the dissociation between CD4+ T cell counts and viremia in patients failing antiretroviral therapy and support a model in which drug-resistant HIV strains may have reduced replication rates and pathogenicity in the thymus.
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for investigation of chronic diarrhea, management of patients with known inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and for colorectal cancer (CRC) surveillance in such patients, and to report report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews, and primary studies regarding the evaluation of chronic diarrhea, the management of IBD, and colorectal cancer surveillance in IBD was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy for these conditions. RESULTS: According to the literature, colonoscopic evaluation may be justified for patients aged > 50 years with recent-onset chronic diarrhea or with alarm symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy for CRC should be offered to all patients with extensive ulcerative colitis or colonic Crohn's disease of 8 years' duration, and to all patients with less extensive disease of 15 years' duration. Intervals for surveillance colonoscopy depend on duration of evolution, initial diagnosis, and histological findings. The EPAGE II criteria also confirmed the appropriateness of diagnostic colonoscopy for diarrhea of > 4 weeks' duration. They also suggest that, in addition to assessing extent of IBD by colonoscopy, further colonoscopic examination is appropriate in the face of persistent or worsening symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy in IBD patients was generally appropriate after a lapse of 2 years. In the presence of dysplasia at previous colonoscopy, it was not only appropriate but necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Despite or perhaps because of the limitations of the available published studies, the panel-based EPAGE II (http://www.epage.ch) criteria can help guide appropriate colonoscopy use in the absence of strong evidence from the literature.