201 resultados para World cinemas : transnational perspectives


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The highly pathogenic Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) and the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) use α-dystroglycan as a cellular receptor and enter the host cell by an unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the viruses are delivered to acidified endosomes in a Rab5-independent manner bypassing classical routes of incoming vesicular trafficking. Here we sought to identify cellular factors involved in the unusual and largely unknown entry pathway of LASV and LCMV. Cell entry of LASV and LCMV required microtubular transport to late endosomes, consistent with the low fusion pH of the viral envelope glycoproteins. Productive infection with recombinant LCMV expressing LASV envelope glycoprotein (rLCMV-LASVGP) and LCMV depended on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), an unusual phospholipid that is involved in the formation of intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of the multivesicular body (MVB) of the late endosome. We provide evidence for a role of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) in LASV and LCMV cell entry, in particular the ESCRT components Hrs, Tsg101, Vps22, and Vps24, as well as the ESCRT-associated ATPase Vps4 involved in fission of ILV. Productive infection with rLCMV-LASVGP and LCMV also critically depended on the ESCRT-associated protein Alix, which is implicated in membrane dynamics of the MVB/late endosomes. Our study identifies crucial cellular factors implicated in Old World arenavirus cell entry and indicates that LASV and LCMV invade the host cell passing via the MVB/late endosome. Our data further suggest that the virus-receptor complexes undergo sorting into ILV of the MVB mediated by the ESCRT, possibly using a pathway that may be linked to the cellular trafficking and degradation of the cellular receptor.


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The object of this study was to compare the protective action of a new barrier cream (Excipial Protect, Spirig Pharma AG, Egerkingen, Switzerland) to its vehicle in the context of hand irritation of apprentice hairdressers caused by repeated shampooing and exposure to hair-care products. This was a double-blind cross-over comparing Excipial Protect (containing aluminium chlorohydrate 5% as active ingredient) against its vehicle alone. The efficacy of the creams was evaluated taking into account: (1) clinical scores by researchers, (2) biometric measurements, (3) subjective opinions of the subjects. An analysis of variance was performed considering order of application, degree of atopy, and reported number of shampoos. We observed very little difference in efficacy between the protective cream and its vehicle. The presence, however, of aluminium chlorhydrate in the protective cream was shown to have a positive effect against work-related irritation. The cosmetic qualities of the creams seemed, to the participants, to be as important as their real protective and hydrating properties, an important factor in compliance issues.


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Pour faire évoluer la science forensique, il faut pouvoir analyser des notions élémentaires appartenant au quotidien et non se focaliser exclusivement sur le développement de nouvelles techniques. Encore non étudiée sous cette perspective, la pertinence fait partie de ces notions fondamentales forensiques pour lesquelles une telle analyse mérite d'être menée. En tenant compte du constat formulé par Inman et Rudin (2000), à savoir que la tâche la plus compliquée est de pouvoir reconnaître des traces matérielles pertinentes, s'interroger sur la pertinence de la trace soulève bien plus qu'une question. Cela met en évidence une multitude de paramètres intervenant dans les processus de raisonnement et de décision opérés sur les lieux d'investigations. Du reste trois facteurs susceptibles d'avoir une influence notable sur la recherche de traces apparaissent : Savoir, Formation et Expérience ou S.F.E. Ils forment, en étant regroupés, un bagage spécifique au spécialiste, composant sa connaissance dans le domaine et à même de jouer un rôle d'importance dans son travail opéré sur les lieux. Afin de déterminer l'influence de ce bagage sur le concept de pertinence, la démarche expérimentale se conduit en deux temps. Dans une première phase, l'approche se veut exploratoire au travers d'un stage réalisé dans une unité d'interventions, permettant de poser des bases statistiques et de dresser une réalité du travail sur le terrain. Puis au cours de la phase expérimentale, la conduite d'entretiens semi-directifs, couplés à un sondage, vise à déterminer quelle perception du concept de pertinence ressort parmi les volontaires interrogés. Ces derniers sont issus de groupes composés de futurs criminalistes, qui suivent une formation forensique à l'Université de Lausanne, et de praticiens expérimentés de formation police et / ou scientifique. En tentant de clarifier le concept de pertinence, l'objectif est de fournir des outils pour renforcer ou orienter la formation de spécialistes sur le terrain, en ayant permis d'amorcer une démarche de réflexion logique face aux champs d'investigations. En se voulant utile pour mieux formaliser la détection et la collecte des traces pertinentes sur les lieux, cela constitue une aide à la gestion : un atout non négligeable à l'heure où les contrôles qualité et les standards ne sont plus seulement une tendance mais une réalité qui s'impose.


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Today's approach to anti-doping is mostly centered on the judicial process, despite pursuing a further goal in the detection, reduction, solving and/or prevention of doping. Similarly to decision-making in the area of law enforcement feeding on Forensic Intelligence, anti-doping might significantly benefit from a more extensive gathering of knowledge. Forensic Intelligence might bring a broader logical dimension to the interpretation of data on doping activities for a more future-oriented and comprehensive approach instead of the traditional case-based and reactive process. Information coming from a variety of sources related to doping, whether directly or potentially, would feed an organized memory to provide real time intelligence on the size, seriousness and evolution of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of doping, integrating analytical chemical results and longitudinal monitoring of biomarkers with physiological, epidemiological, sociological or circumstantial information might provide a logical framework enabling fit for purpose decision-making. Therefore, Anti-Doping Intelligence might prove efficient at providing a more proactive response to any potential or emerging doping phenomenon or to address existing problems with innovative actions or/and policies. This approach might prove useful to detect, neutralize, disrupt and/or prevent organized doping or the trafficking of doping agents, as well as helping to refine the targeting of athletes or teams. In addition, such an intelligence-led methodology would serve to address doping offenses in the absence of adverse analytical chemical evidence.