209 resultados para Van Cortlandt family.


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GLUT proteins are encoded by the SLC2 genes and are members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. Fourteen GLUT proteins are expressed in the human and they are categorized into three classes based on sequence similarity. All GLUTs appear to transport hexoses or polyols when expressed ectopically, but the primary physiological substrates for several of the GLUTs remain uncertain. GLUTs 1-5 are the most thoroughly studied and all have well established roles as glucose and/or fructose transporters in various tissues and cell types. The GLUT proteins are comprised of ∼500 amino acid residues, possess a single N-linked oligosaccharide, and have 12 membrane-spanning domains. In this review we briefly describe the major characteristics of the 14 GLUT family members.


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The recent identification of several additional members of the family of sugar transport facilitators (gene symbol SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT) has created a heterogeneous and, in part, confusing nomenclature. Therefore, this letter provides a summary of the family members and suggests a systematic nomenclature for SLC2A and GLUT symbols.


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La littératie en santé est un concept prenant en compte les compétences et les ressources que chacun doit posséder pour gérer l'information nécessaire au maintien d'un bon état de santé. Néanmoins, il n'y pas de consensus sur une définition unique, ce qui complique une intégration adéquate de cette thématique dans le domaine de la santé. Un faible niveau de littératie en santé est un problème fréquent et concernerait près de 50% de la population Suisse (OCDE 2005). Cette problématique est d'une importance majeure car les individus avec un niveau de littératie insuffisant sont plus à risque d'un mauvais état de santé (AMA 1999) et ce phénomène représenterait 3 à 6% des coûts de la santé en Suisse selon une estimation basée sur les chiffres d'études américaines. (Spycher 2006). Les médecins de famille, considérés comme l'une des principales sources d'information en santé pour la population en Suisse, jouent un rôle central dans la promotion d'un bon niveau de santé. L'idée de ce travail vient à la suite des résultats du travail de Maîtrise de de Lara Van Leckwyck qui s'est intéressée à la perception que les médecins de famille de la région lausannoise ont du niveau de littératie de leurs patients. Ces derniers considèrent posséder les ressources nécessaires pour prendre en charge leurs patients avec un faible niveau de littératie mais ils sont ouverts à de nouveaux outils. Nous avons alors voulu tenter l'expérience et créer un outil sous la forme d'une brochure A6 contenant quatre faces dans le but d'aider ces médecins. Les objectifs sont les suivants : 1) sensibiliser et informer les médecins de famille à la problématique de la littératie en santé ; 2) offrir une aide au dépistage du niveau de littératie en santé de leurs patients ; 3) proposer une aide à la prise en charge des patients avec un faible niveau de littératie en fournissant une liste de moyens pratiques basés sur une revue de la littérature pour aider les médecins généralistes internistes dans leur prise en charge et 4) proposer une sélection d'adresses internet utiles en lien avec la problématique de la littératie en santé. Cet outil a été présenté à 15 assistants et chefs de clinique de la Policlinique médicale universitaire (PMU) de Lausanne ainsi qu'à 30 médecins internistes généralistes installés dans la région de Lausanne qui évalueront son utilité dans le cadre d'un prochain travail de Maîtrise. Les limites principales concernant un tel projet sont le format choisi pour l'outil et le fait de récolter et de transcrire des informations sur un sujet principalement étudié dans les pays anglo-saxons. Nous pouvons déjà prévoir que des adaptations sur la traduction de certains éléments de l'outil (notamment les questions de dépistage) seront certainement relevées par les médecins qui auront testé l'outil. Un travail supplémentaire mené de manière différente pourra également faire l'objet d'un futur travail.


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BACKGROUND: Walk-in centres may improve access to healthcare for some patients, due to their convenient location and extensive opening hours, with no need for an appointment. Herein, we describe and assess a new model of walk-in centre, characterised by care provided by residents and supervision achieved by experienced family doctors. The main aim of the study was to assess patients' satisfaction about the care they received from residents and their supervision by family doctors. The secondary aim was to describe walk-in patients' demographic characteristics and to identify potential associations with satisfaction. METHODS: The study was conducted in the walk-in centre of Lausanne. Patients who consulted between 11th and 31st April were automatically included and received a questionnaire in French. We used a five-point Likert scale, ranging from "not at all satisfied" to "very satisfied", converted from values of 1 to 5. We focused on the satisfaction regarding residents' care and supervision by a family doctor. The former was divided in three categories: "Skills", "Treatment" and "Behaviour". A mean satisfaction score was calculated for each category and a multivariable logistic model was applied in order to identify associations with patients' demographics. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 47% [184/395]. Walk-in patients were more likely to be women (62%), young (median age 31), with a high education level (40% of University degree or equivalent). Patients were "very satisfied" with residents' care, with a median satisfaction score between 4.5 and 5, for each category. Over 90% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" that a family doctor was involved in the consultation. Age showed the greatest association with satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Patients were highly satisfied with care provided by residents and with the involvement of a family doctor in the consultation. Older age showed the greatest positive association with satisfaction with a positive impact. The high level satisfaction reported by walk-in patients supports this new model of walk-in centre.


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Superantigens (SAg) are proteins of bacterial or viral origin able to activate T cells by forming a trimolecular complex with both MHC class II molecules and the T cell receptor (TCR), leading to clonal deletion of reactive T cells in the thymus. SAg interact with the TCR through the beta chain variable region (Vbeta), but the TCR alpha chain has been shown to have an influence on the T cell reactivity. We have investigated here the role of the TCR alpha chain in the modulation of T cell reactivity to Mtv-7 SAg by comparing the peripheral usage of Valpha2 in Vbeta6(+) (SAg-reactive) and Vbeta8.2(+) (SAg non-reactive) T cells, in either BALB/D2 (Mtv-7(+)) or BALB/c (Mtv-7(-)) mice. The results show, first, that pairing of Vbeta6 with certain Valpha2 family members prevents T cell deletion by Mtv-7 SAg. Second, there is a strikingly different distribution of the Valpha2 family members in CD4 and CD8 populations of Vbeta6 but not of Vbeta8.2 T cells, irrespective of the presence of Mtv-7 SAg. Third, the alpha chain may play a role in the overall stability of the TCR/SAg/MHC complex. Taken together, these results suggest that the Valpha domain contributes to the selective process by its role in the TCR reactivity to SAg/MHC class II complexes, most likely by influencing the orientation of the Vbeta domain in the TCR alphabeta heterodimer.


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Vitellogenin is synthesized under estrogen control in the liver, extensively modified, transported to the ovary, and there processed to the yolk proteins lipovitellin and phosvitin. In the frog Xenopus laevis there are at least four distinct but related vitellogenin genes. The two genes A1 and A2 have a 95 percent sequence homology in their messenger RNA coding regions, and contain 33 introns that interrupt the coding region (exons) at homologous positions. Sequences and lengths of analogous introns differ, and many introns contain repetitive DNA elements. The introns in these two genes that have apparently arisen by duplication have diverged extensively by events that include deletions, insertions, and probably duplications. Rapid evolutionary change involving rearrangements and the presence of repeated DNA suggests that the bulk of the sequences within introns may not have any specific function.


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Sequence data from regions of five vertebrate vitellogenin genes were used to examine the frequency, distribution, and mutability of the dinucleotide CpG, the preferred modification site for eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases. The observed level of the CpG dinucleotide in all five genes was markedly lower than that expected from the known mononucleotide frequencies. CpG suppression was greater in introns than in exons. CpG-containing codons were found to be avoided in the vitellogenin genes, but not completely despite the redundancy of the genetic code. Frequency and distribution patterns of this dinucleotide varied dramatically among these otherwise closely related genes. Dense clusters of CpG dinucleotides tended to appear in regions of either functional or structural interest (e.g., in the transposon-like Vi-element of Xenopus) and these clusters contained 5-methylcytosine (5 mC). 5 mC is known to undergo deamination to form thymidine, but the extent to which this transition occurs in the heavily methylated genomes of vertebrates and its contribution to CpG suppression are still unclear. Sequence comparison of the methylated vitellogenin gene regions identified C----T and G----A substitutions that were found to occur at relatively high frequencies. The predicted products of CpG deamination, TpG and CpA, were elevated. These findings are consistent with the view that CpG distribution and methylation are interdependent and that deamination of 5 mC plays an important role in promoting evolutionary change at the nucleotide sequence level.


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In this discussion, after a few general comments, I will propose a systems reading of the intervention so elegantly described by Kaija Puura. I will draw parallels between the therapeutic and the family groups as framing-developing systems and formalize the steps taken by the family toward healing under the influence of the therapist's team. En esta discusión, después de algunos comentarios generales, propongo una lectura sistemática de la intervención tan elegantemente descrita por Kaija Puura. Buscaré paralelos entre los grupos terapéuticos y de familia como sistemas de desarrollo enmarcado y formalizaré los pasos tomados por la familia hacia la cicatrización bajo la influencia del equipo del terapista. Après quelques commentaires généraux, je proposerai dans cette discussion une lecture systémique de l'intervention si élégamment décrite par Kaija Puura. J'établirai des parallèles entre les groupes thérapeutiques et familiaux en tant que systèmes d'encadrement-développement et je formaliserai les étapes de guérison franchies par la famille grâce à l'influence de l'équipe thérapeutique. In dieser Diskussion, werde ich nach einigen allgemeineren Aussagen, eine systemische Lesart der von Kaija Puura so eingängig beschriebenen Intervention vorschlagen. Ich werde darin Parallelen zwischen der therapeutischen und Rahmengebenden Familiengruppen ziehen, und die Schritte der Familien hin zu einer Heilung unter dem Einfluss des Therapeutenteams formalisieren.


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For the last 2 decades, supertree reconstruction has been an active field of research and has seen the development of a large number of major algorithms. Because of the growing popularity of the supertree methods, it has become necessary to evaluate the performance of these algorithms to determine which are the best options (especially with regard to the supermatrix approach that is widely used). In this study, seven of the most commonly used supertree methods are investigated by using a large empirical data set (in terms of number of taxa and molecular markers) from the worldwide flowering plant family Sapindaceae. Supertree methods were evaluated using several criteria: similarity of the supertrees with the input trees, similarity between the supertrees and the total evidence tree, level of resolution of the supertree and computational time required by the algorithm. Additional analyses were also conducted on a reduced data set to test if the performance levels were affected by the heuristic searches rather than the algorithms themselves. Based on our results, two main groups of supertree methods were identified: on one hand, the matrix representation with parsimony (MRP), MinFlip, and MinCut methods performed well according to our criteria, whereas the average consensus, split fit, and most similar supertree methods showed a poorer performance or at least did not behave the same way as the total evidence tree. Results for the super distance matrix, that is, the most recent approach tested here, were promising with at least one derived method performing as well as MRP, MinFlip, and MinCut. The output of each method was only slightly improved when applied to the reduced data set, suggesting a correct behavior of the heuristic searches and a relatively low sensitivity of the algorithms to data set sizes and missing data. Results also showed that the MRP analyses could reach a high level of quality even when using a simple heuristic search strategy, with the exception of MRP with Purvis coding scheme and reversible parsimony. The future of supertrees lies in the implementation of a standardized heuristic search for all methods and the increase in computing power to handle large data sets. The latter would prove to be particularly useful for promising approaches such as the maximum quartet fit method that yet requires substantial computing power.


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A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) is a ligand of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family that stimulates tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Expression of APRIL is highly upregulated in many tumors including colon and prostate carcinomas. Here we identify B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) and transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand (CAML) interactor (TACI), two predicted members of the TNF receptor family, as receptors for APRIL. APRIL binds BCMA with higher affinity than TACI. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibits the proliferative activity of APRIL in vitro, decreases tumor cell proliferation in nude mice. Growth of HT29 colon carcinoma cells is blocked when mice are treated once per week with the soluble receptor. These results suggest an important role for APRIL in tumorigenesis and point towards a novel anticancer strategy.


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Adiponutrin (PNPLA3) is a predominantly liver-expressed transmembrane protein with phospholipase activity that is regulated by fasting and feeding. Recent genome-wide association studies identified PNPLA3 to be associated with hepatic fat content and liver function, thus pointing to a possible involvement in the hepatic lipoprotein metabolism. The aim of this study was to examine the association between two common variants in the adiponutrin gene and parameters of lipoprotein metabolism in 23,274 participants from eight independent West-Eurasian study populations including six population-based studies [Bruneck (n = 800), KORA S3/F3 (n = 1644), KORA S4/F4 (n = 1814), CoLaus (n = 5435), SHIP (n = 4012), Rotterdam (n = 5967)], the SAPHIR Study as a healthy working population (n = 1738) and the Utah Obesity Case-Control Study including a group of 1037 severely obese individuals (average BMI 46 kg/m2) and 827 controls from the same geographical region of Utah. We observed a strong additive association of a common non-synonymous variant within adiponutrin (rs738409) with age-, gender-, and alanine-aminotransferase-adjusted lipoprotein concentrations: each copy of the minor allele decreased levels of total cholesterol on average by 2.43 mg/dl (P = 8.87 x 10(-7)), non-HDL cholesterol levels by 2.35 mg/dl (P = 2.27 x 10(-6)) and LDL cholesterol levels by 1.48 mg/dl (P = 7.99 x 10(-4)). These associations remained significant after correction for multiple testing. We did not observe clear evidence for associations with HDL cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations. In conclusion, our study suggests that adiponutrin is involved in the metabolism of apoB-containing lipoproteins.