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C4-dicarboxylates are one of the preferred carbon and energy sources for the growth of P. aeruginosa, a ubiquitous and metabolically versatile bacterium. However, despite their importance, C4-dicarboxylates sensing and uptake systems were poorly understood in P. aeruginosa and only little information was available in the literature. In our work, the C4-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) system in P. aeruginosa was found to be composed of a novel two-component system, called DctB/DctD, regulating together with the sigma factor RpoN the expression of two newly identified C4-dicarboxylate transporters: DctA and DctPQM. Inactivation of the dct A, dctB or dctD gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating their major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of redundant C4-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the kdctA mutant, combined with a screening for growth on succinate, led to the identification of a second Dct system, the DctPQM transporter, belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. AdctAAdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate albeit residual growth on succinate suggested that additional transporters for succinate are present. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at μΜ concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at mM concentrations. For the first time, high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate (DctA and DctPQM) are reported to function co-ordinately to transport C4- dicarboxylates. Most probably, the presence of redundant uptake systems contributes to the versatility of this bacterium. Next, the regulation of the Dct system was investigated. While performing a parallel study about the carbon catabolite repression (CCR) phenomenon in P. aeruginosa, a link between the CCR cascade (CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc) and the Dct system was observed. Crc is a translational repressor acting when preferred carbon sources (like C4-dicarboxylates) are present. CrcZ is a small RNA acting as a functional antagonist of Crc and induced by the CbrA/CbrB two-component system when non preferred carbon sources (like mannitol) are utilized. Novel targets of the CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc system in P. aeruginosa were identified using transcriptome analysis; among them dctA and dctPQM were detected. CCR is regulating the dct transporter genes expression depending on the succinate concentrations in the medium of growth; this modulation of CCR is possible because, at the same time, succinate concentrations tune CCR. In a medium containing high succinate concentrations, CrcZ levels were low and therefore Crc inhibited the translation of mRNA targets. Whereas in a medium containing low succinate concentrations, the subsequent increase of CrcZ levels sequestered Crc, inhibiting its activity. This model shows for the first time that CCR possesses a feedback-based circuitry, a very important type of regulatory loop that confers the best adaptive response under changing environmental conditions. The expression of the dct transporter genes is also found to be regulated by the RNA chaperone protein Hfq. Hfq has the same post-transcriptional effect than Crc at high concentration of succinate, i.e. inhibiting dctP and dctR and indirectly favouring dctA expression. Moreover, an additional indirect positive regulation of dctP expression by Hfq was found. Finally, a metabolome approach was performed to investigate the internal signals modulating CCR via induction of CbrA activity in P. aeruginosa PAOl and P. putida KT2442. The results of the analysis are currently under study in the laboratory. - Les acides C4-dicarboxyliques font partie des sources de carbone et d'énergie préférés de P. aeruginosa, une bactérie versatile et ubiquitaire. Néanmoins, malgré leur importance, comment la présence des acides C4-dicarboxyliques dans le milieu est sentie par la bactérie et comment ils sont transportés dans la cellule chez P. aeruginosa n'étaient pas connus. De plus, peu d'informations sur ces procédés ont été répertoriées dans la littérature. Grace à notre travail, le système de transport des acides C4-dicarboxyliques (Dct) chez P. aeruginosa a pu être caractérisé. En effet, il est composé d'un nouveau système à deux composants, nommé DctB/DctD, qui régule, en combinaison avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN, l'expression des deux nouveaux transporteurs des acides C4-dicarboxyliques: DctA et DctPQM. L'inactivation des gènes dctA, dctB or dctD cause un défaut de croissance des souches mutantes dans un milieu minimum contenant du succinate, fumarate ou malate; confirmation de leur rôle dans le Dct. Cependant, une croissance résiduelle du mutant dctA dans ces milieux suggérerait une redondance des transporteurs d'acides Grdicarboxyliques. Une expérience de mutagenèse dans la souche AdctA, utilisant le transposon Tn5, combiné avec un criblage génétique sur la croissance dans le succinate, nous a permis d'identifier le deuxième transporteur DctPQM. DctPQM appartient à la famille des transporteurs TRAP (tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic). Un double mutant AdctAAdctPQM ne pousse pas dans du malate ou fumarate mais par contre présente une croissance résiduelle dans le succinate suggérant l'existence de transporteurs supplémentaires pour le succinate. En réalisant des expériences de compétitions nous avons démontré que le transporteur DctPQM est plus efficace que le transporteur DctA pour l'utilisation de succinate à une concentration de l'ordre du μΜ. Par contre, DctA est le transporteur le plus important pour une concentration de succinate de l'ordre du raM. Pour la première fois, deux systèmes de transport, un avec une forte- et un avec une faible-affinité (DctA et DctPQM) pour le succinate, sont coordonnés dans leur activité de transport des acides C4- dicarboxyliques, probablement contribuant à la versatilité de la bactérie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la régulation du system Dct. En effectuant, en parallèle, une étude sur le phénomène de la répression catabolique (RC) chez P. aeruginosa, un lien entre la RC et le système Dct a été observé. La cascade des régulateurs formant la RC est composée de CbrA/CbrB, CrcZ et Crc. Crc est un répresseur traductionnel qui agit quand des sources de carbone préférées (comme les acides C4-dicarboxyliques) sont présentes dans le milieu. CrcZ est un petit ARN non-codant qui agit comme antagoniste de Crc. L'expression de CrcZ est induite par le système à deux composants CbrA/CbrB lorsque une source de carbone non-préférée est utilisée (comme le mannitol). Des nouvelles cibles du système CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc chez P. aeruginosa ont été identifiées grâce à une analyse du transcriptome des souches mutantes des régulateurs de la cascade. Parmi les cibles identifiées, les gènes dctA et dctPQM étaient présents. La RC régule l'expression des transporteurs dct en fonction de la concentration de succinate dans le milieu de croissance. Cette régulation est possible parce que, en même temps, les acides C4- dicarboxyliques régulent la RC. Dans un milieu contenant une grande concentration du succinate, le niveau d'expression de CrcZ est faible, donc Crc peut inhiber l'expression de ces ARN messagers cibles. Par contre, dans un milieu avec une faible concentration de succinate, l'augmentation de l'expression de CrcZ titre Crc et inhibe son activité. Ce modèle de régulation rétroactive est très important pour le phénomène de la RC, parce qu'il permet à la bactérie d'accorder une meilleure réponse à un changement environnemental. L'expression des gènes codant pour les transporteurs dct sont aussi régulés par la protéine chaperonne d'ARN Hfq. Hfq semble avoir le même effet traductionnelle que Crc, lorsqu'il y a une forte concentration de succinate. Nous avons ainsi observé une régulation négative de l'expression du gène dct Ρ et dctR, qui code pour un répresseur de la transcription de dctA. Nous avons aussi observé une régulation positive de la transcription de dctP par Hfq, probablement de façon indirecte. Enfin, une analyse du metabolome a était utilisée pour chercher les signaux internes modulant la RC et, en particulier, l'activité de la protéine senseur CbrA chez P. aeruginosa PAOl et P. putida KT2442. Les résultats de l'analyse sont en cours d'étude dans le laboratoire.
During a search for genes controlling conidial dormancy in Aspergillus fumigatus, two dehydrin-like genes, DprA and DprB, were identified. The deduced proteins had repeated stretches of 23 amino acids that contained a conserved dehydrin-like protein (DPR) motif. Disrupted DprAΔ mutants were hypersensitive to oxidative stress and to phagocytic killing, whereas DprBΔ mutants were impaired in osmotic and pH stress responses. However, no effect was observed on their pathogenicity in our experimental models of invasive aspergillosis. Molecular dissection of the signaling pathways acting upstream showed that expression of DprA was dependent on the stress-activated kinase SakA and the cyclic AMP-protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA) pathways, which activate the bZIP transcription factor AtfA, while expression of DprB was dependent on the SakA mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, and the zinc finger transcription factor PacC. Fluorescent protein fusions showed that both proteins were associated with peroxisomes and the cytosol. Accordingly, DprA and DprB were important for peroxisome function. Our findings reveal a novel family of stress-protective proteins in A. fumigatus and, potentially, in filamentous ascomycetes.
MicroRNAs are important regulators of gene expression. The vast majority of the cells in our body rely on hundreds of these tiny non-coding RNA molecules to precisely adjust their protein repertoire and faithfully accomplish their tasks. Indeed, alterations in the microRNA profile can lead to cellular dysfunction that favours the appearance of several diseases. A specific set of microRNAs plays a crucial role in pancreatic beta cell differentiation and is essential for the fine-tuning of insulin secretion and for compensatory beta cell mass expansion in response to insulin resistance. Recently, several independent studies reported alterations in microRNA levels in the islets of animal models of diabetes and in islets isolated from diabetic patients. Surprisingly, many of the changes in microRNA expression observed in animal models of diabetes were not detected in the islets of diabetic patients and vice versa. These findings are unlikely to merely reflect species differences because microRNAs are highly conserved in mammals. These puzzling results are most probably explained by fundamental differences in the experimental approaches which selectively highlight the microRNAs directly contributing to diabetes development, the microRNAs predisposing individuals to the disease or the microRNAs displaying expression changes subsequent to the development of diabetes. In this review we will highlight the suitability of the different models for addressing each of these questions and propose future strategies that should allow us to obtain a better understanding of the contribution of microRNAs to the development of diabetes mellitus in humans.
Particle physics studies highly complex processes which cannot be directly observed. Scientific realism claims that we are nevertheless warranted in believing that these processes really occur and that the objects involved in them really exist. This dissertation defends a version of scientific realism, called causal realism, in the context of particle physics. I start by introducing the central theses and arguments in the recent philosophical debate on scientific realism (chapter 1), with a special focus on an important presupposition of the debate, namely common sense realism. Chapter 2 then discusses entity realism, which introduces a crucial element into the debate by emphasizing the importance of experiments in defending scientific realism. Most of the chapter is concerned with Ian Hacking's position, but I also argue that Nancy Cartwright's version of entity realism is ultimately preferable as a basis for further development. In chapter 3,1 take a step back and consider the question whether the realism debate is worth pursuing at all. Arthur Fine has given a negative answer to that question, proposing his natural ontologica! attitude as an alternative to both realism and antirealism. I argue that the debate (in particular the realist side of it) is in fact less vicious than Fine presents it. The second part of my work (chapters 4-6) develops, illustrates and defends causal realism. The key idea is that inference to the best explanation is reliable in some cases, but not in others. Chapter 4 characterizes the difference between these two kinds of cases in terms of three criteria which distinguish causal from theoretical warrant. In order to flesh out this distinction, chapter 5 then applies it to a concrete case from the history of particle physics, the discovery of the neutrino. This case study shows that the distinction between causal and theoretical warrant is crucial for understanding what it means to "directly detect" a new particle. But the distinction is also an effective tool against what I take to be the presently most powerful objection to scientific realism: Kyle Stanford's argument from unconceived alternatives. I respond to this argument in chapter 6, and I illustrate my response with a discussion of Jean Perrin's experimental work concerning the atomic hypothesis. In the final part of the dissertation, I turn to the specific challenges posed to realism by quantum theories. One of these challenges comes from the experimental violations of Bell's inequalities, which indicate a failure of locality in the quantum domain. I show in chapter 7 how causal realism can further our understanding of quantum non-locality by taking account of some recent experimental results. Another challenge to realism in quantum mechanics comes from delayed-choice experiments, which seem to imply that certain aspects of what happens in an experiment can be influenced by later choices of the experimenter. Chapter 8 analyzes these experiments and argues that they do not warrant the antirealist conclusions which some commentators draw from them. It pays particular attention to the case of delayed-choice entanglement swapping and the corresponding question whether entanglement is a real physical relation. In chapter 9,1 finally address relativistic quantum theories. It is often claimed that these theories are incompatible with a particle ontology, and this calls into question causal realism's commitment to localizable and countable entities. I defend the commitments of causal realism against these objections, and I conclude with some remarks connecting the interpretation of quantum field theory to more general metaphysical issues confronting causal realism.
Abstract Sitting between your past and your future doesn't mean you are in the present. Dakota Skye Complex systems science is an interdisciplinary field grouping under the same umbrella dynamical phenomena from social, natural or mathematical sciences. The emergence of a higher order organization or behavior, transcending that expected of the linear addition of the parts, is a key factor shared by all these systems. Most complex systems can be modeled as networks that represent the interactions amongst the system's components. In addition to the actual nature of the part's interactions, the intrinsic topological structure of underlying network is believed to play a crucial role in the remarkable emergent behaviors exhibited by the systems. Moreover, the topology is also a key a factor to explain the extraordinary flexibility and resilience to perturbations when applied to transmission and diffusion phenomena. In this work, we study the effect of different network structures on the performance and on the fault tolerance of systems in two different contexts. In the first part, we study cellular automata, which are a simple paradigm for distributed computation. Cellular automata are made of basic Boolean computational units, the cells; relying on simple rules and information from- the surrounding cells to perform a global task. The limited visibility of the cells can be modeled as a network, where interactions amongst cells are governed by an underlying structure, usually a regular one. In order to increase the performance of cellular automata, we chose to change its topology. We applied computational principles inspired by Darwinian evolution, called evolutionary algorithms, to alter the system's topological structure starting from either a regular or a random one. The outcome is remarkable, as the resulting topologies find themselves sharing properties of both regular and random network, and display similitudes Watts-Strogtz's small-world network found in social systems. Moreover, the performance and tolerance to probabilistic faults of our small-world like cellular automata surpasses that of regular ones. In the second part, we use the context of biological genetic regulatory networks and, in particular, Kauffman's random Boolean networks model. In some ways, this model is close to cellular automata, although is not expected to perform any task. Instead, it simulates the time-evolution of genetic regulation within living organisms under strict conditions. The original model, though very attractive by it's simplicity, suffered from important shortcomings unveiled by the recent advances in genetics and biology. We propose to use these new discoveries to improve the original model. Firstly, we have used artificial topologies believed to be closer to that of gene regulatory networks. We have also studied actual biological organisms, and used parts of their genetic regulatory networks in our models. Secondly, we have addressed the improbable full synchronicity of the event taking place on. Boolean networks and proposed a more biologically plausible cascading scheme. Finally, we tackled the actual Boolean functions of the model, i.e. the specifics of how genes activate according to the activity of upstream genes, and presented a new update function that takes into account the actual promoting and repressing effects of one gene on another. Our improved models demonstrate the expected, biologically sound, behavior of previous GRN model, yet with superior resistance to perturbations. We believe they are one step closer to the biological reality.
Recognition systems play a key role in a range of biological processes, including mate choice, immune defence and altruistic behaviour. Social insects provide an excellent model for studying recognition systems because workers need to discriminate between nestmates and non-nestmates, enabling them to direct altruistic behaviour towards closer kin and to repel potential invaders. However, the level of aggression directed towards conspecific intruders can vary enormously, even among workers within the same colony. This is usually attributed to differences in the aggression thresholds of individuals or to workers having different roles within the colony. Recent evidence from the weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina suggests that this does not tell the whole story. Here I propose a new model for nestmate recognition based on a vector template derived from both the individual's innate odour and the shared colony odour. This model accounts for the recent findings concerning weaver ants, and also provides an alternative explanation for why the level of aggression expressed by a colony decreases as the diversity within the colony increases, even when odour is well-mixed. The model makes additional predictions that are easily tested, and represents a significant advance in our conceptualisation of recognition systems.
SUMMARY The human auditory cortex, located on the supratemporal plane of the temporal lobe, is divided in a primary auditory area and several non-primary areas surrounding it. These different areas show anatomical and functional differences. Many studies have focussed on auditory areas in non-human primates, using investigation techniques such as electrophysiological recordings, tracing of neural connections, or immunohistochemical and histochemical staining. Some of these studies have suggested parallel and hierarchical organization of the cortical auditory areas as well as subcortical auditory relays. In humans, only few studies have investigated these regions immunohistochemically, but activation and lesion studies speak in favour of parallel and hierarchical organization, very similar to that of non-human primates. Calcium-binding proteins and metabolic markers were used to investigate possible correlates of hierarchical and parallel organization in man. Calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin, calretinin and calbindin, modulate the concentration of intracellular free calcium ions and were found in distinct subpopulations of GABAergic neurons in non-human primates species. In our study, their distribution showed several differences between auditory areas: the primary auditory area was darkly stained for both parvalbumin and calbindin, and their expression rapidly decreased while moving away from the primary area. This staining pattern suggests a hierarchical organization of the areas, in which the more darkly stained areas could correspond to an earlier integration level and the areas showing light staining may correspond to higher level integration areas. Parallel organization of primary and non-primary auditory areas was suggested by the complementarity, within a given area, between parvalbumin and calbindin expression across layers. To investigate the possible differences in the energetic metabolism of the cortical auditory areas, several metabolic markers were used: cytochrome oxidase and LDH1 were used as oxidative metabolism markers and LDH5 was used as glycolytic metabolism marker. The results obtained show a difference in the expression of enzymes involved in oxidative metabolism between areas. In the primary auditory area the oxidative metabolism markers were maximally expressed in layer IV. In contrast, higher order areas showed maximal staining in supragranular layers. The expression of LDH5 varied in patches, but did not differ between the different hierarchical auditory areas. The distribution of the two LDH enzymes isoforms also provides information about cellular aspects of metabolic organization, since neurons expressed the LDH1 isoform whereas astrocytes express primarily LDH5, but some astrocytes also contained the LDH1 isoform. This cellular distribution pattern supports the hypothesis of the existence of an astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle, previously suggested in rodent studies, and in particular of lactate transfer from astrocytes, which produce lactate from the glucose obtained from the circulation, to neurons that use lactate as energy substrate. In conclusion, the hypothesis of parallel and hierarchical organization of the auditory areas can be supported by CaBPs, cytochrome oxidase and LDH1 distribution. Moreover, the two LDHs cellular distribution pattern support the hypothesis of an astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle in human cortex.
We performed whole genome sequencing in 16 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP), a disease characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and caused by mutations in over 50 genes, in search of pathogenic DNA variants. Eight patients were from North America, whereas eight were Japanese, a population for which ARRP seems to have different genetic drivers. Using a specific workflow, we assessed both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome, including the evaluation of highly polymorphic SNPs, structural and copy number variations, as well as 69 control genomes sequenced by the same procedures. We detected homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 7 genes associated with ARRP (USH2A, RDH12, CNGB1, EYS, PDE6B, DFNB31, and CERKL) in eight patients, three Japanese and five Americans. Fourteen of the 16 mutant alleles identified were previously unknown. Among these, there was a 2.3-kb deletion in USH2A and an inverted duplication of ∼446 kb in EYS, which would have likely escaped conventional screening techniques or exome sequencing. Moreover, in another Japanese patient, we identified a homozygous frameshift (p.L206fs), absent in more than 2,500 chromosomes from ethnically matched controls, in the ciliary gene NEK2, encoding a serine/threonine-protein kinase. Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2 mRNA. In addition to identifying a previously undescribed ARRP gene, our study highlights the importance of rare structural DNA variations in Mendelian diseases and advocates the need for screening approaches that transcend the analysis of the coding sequences of the human genome.
Connexin 40 (Cx40) is expressed by the renin-producing cells (RSCs) of the kidneys and the endothelial cells of blood vessels. Cx40 null mice (Cx40(-/-)) feature a much increased renin synthesis and secretion, which results in chronic hypertension, and also display an altered endothelium-dependent relaxation of the aorta because of reduced eNOS levels and nitric oxide production. To discriminate the effect of Cx40 in renin secretion and vascular signaling, we targeted Cx40 to either the RSCs or the endothelial cells of Cx40 null mice. When compared with Cx40(-/-) controls, the animals expressing Cx40 in RSCs were less hypertensive and featured reduced renin levels, still numerous RSCs outside the wall of the afferent arterioles. In contrast, mice expressing Cx40 in the endothelial cells were as hypertensive as Cx40(-/-) mice, in spite of control levels of Cx37 and eNOS. Our data show that blood pressure is improved by restoration of Cx40 expression in RSCs but not in endothelial cells, stressing the prominent role of renin in the mouse hypertension linked to loss of Cx40.
BACKGROUND: Clients of street sex workers may be at higher risk for HIV infection than the general population. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding HIV testing of clients of sex workers in developed countries. METHOD: This pilot study assessed the feasibility and acceptance of rapid HIV testing by the clients of street-based sex workers in Lausanne, Switzerland. For 5 evenings, clients in cars were stopped by trained field staff for face-to-face interviews focusing on sex-related HIV risk behaviors and HIV testing history. The clients were then offered a free anonymous rapid HIV test in a bus parked nearby. Rapid HIV testing and counselling were performed by experienced nurse practitioners. Clients with reactive tests were offered confirmatory testing, medical evaluation, and care in our HIV clinic. RESULT: We intercepted 144 men, 112 (77.8%) agreed to be interviewed. Among them, 50 (46.6%) had never been tested for HIV. A total of 31 (27.7%) rapid HIV tests were performed, 16 (51.6%) in clients who had not previously been tested. None were reactive. Initially, 19 (16.9%) additional clients agreed to HIV testing but later declined due to the 40-minute queue for testing. CONCLUSION: This pilot study showed that rapid HIV testing in the red light district of Lausanne was feasible, and that the clients of sex workers accepted testing at an unexpectedly high rate. This setting seems particularly appropriate for targeted HIV screening, since more than 40% of the clients had not previously been tested for HIV even though they engaged in sex-related HIV risk behaviour.
Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed in germ cells only, yet are reactivated and expressed in some tumors. Of the approximately 40 CT genes or gene families identified to date, 20 are on the X chromosome and are present as multigene families, many with highly conserved members. This indicates that novel CT gene families may be identified by detecting duplicated expressed genes on chromosome X. By searching for transcript clusters that map to multiple locations on the chromosome, followed by in silico analysis of their gene expression profiles, we identified five novel gene families with testis-specific expression and >98% sequence identity among family members. The expression of these genes in normal tissues and various tumor cell lines and specimens was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR, and a novel CT gene family with at least 13 copies was identified on Xq24, designated as CT47. mRNA expression of CT47 was found mainly in the testes, with weak expression in the placenta. Brain tissue was the only positive somatic tissue tested, with an estimated CT47 transcript level 0.09% of that found in testis. Among the tumor specimens tested, CT47 expression was found in approximately 15% of lung cancer and esophageal cancer specimens, but not in colorectal cancer or breast cancer. The putative CT47 protein consists of 288 amino acid residues, with a C-terminus rich in alanine and glutamic acid. The only species other than human in which a gene homologous to CT47 has been detected is the chimpanzee, with the predicted protein showing approximately 80% identity in its carboxy terminal region.
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) display plasticity and self-renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells, but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We recently identified CSCs in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFTs) and showed that they retain mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) plasticity. In the present study, we addressed the mechanisms that underlie ESFT CSC development. We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated with 85%-90% of ESFTs and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG in human pediatric MSCs (hpMSCs) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSCs expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWS-FLI-1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene, SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a CSC phenotype.
OBJECTIVE:: Report of a 16q24.1 deletion in a premature newborn, demonstrating the usefulness of array-based comparative genomic hybridization in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn and multiple congenital malformations. DESIGN:: Descriptive case report. SETTING:: Genetic department and neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care children's hospital. INTERVENTIONS:: None. PATIENT:: We report the case of a preterm male infant, born at 26 wks of gestation. A cardiac malformation and bilateral hydronephrosis were diagnosed at 19 wks of gestation. Karyotype analysis was normal, and a 22q11.2 microdeletion was excluded by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. A cesarean section was performed due to fetal distress. The patient developed persistent pulmonary hypertension unresponsive to mechanical ventilation and nitric oxide treatment and expired at 16 hrs of life. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:: An autopsy revealed partial atrioventricular canal malformation and showed bilateral dilation of the renal pelvocaliceal system with bilateral ureteral stenosis and annular pancreas. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis (Agilent oligoNT 44K, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) showed an interstitial microdeletion encompassing the forkhead box gene cluster in 16q24.1. Review of the pulmonary microscopic examination showed the characteristic features of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. Some features were less prominent due to the gestational age. CONCLUSIONS:: Our review of the literature shows that alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins is rare but probably underreported. Prematurity is not a usual presentation, and histologic features are difficult to interpret. In our case, array-based comparative genomic hybridization revealed a 16q24.1 deletion, leading to the final diagnosis of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. It emphasizes the usefulness of array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis as a diagnostic tool with implications for both prognosis and management decisions in newborns with refractory persistent pulmonary hypertension and multiple congenital malformations.
OBJECTIVE: In order to improve the quality of our Emergency Medical Services (EMS), to raise bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation rates and thereby meet what is becoming a universal standard in terms of quality of emergency services, we decided to implement systematic dispatcher-assisted or telephone-CPR (T-CPR) in our medical dispatch center, a non-Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System. The aim of this article is to describe the implementation process, costs and results following the introduction of this new "quality" procedure. METHODS: This was a prospective study. Over an 8-week period, our EMS dispatchers were given new procedures to provide T-CPR. We then collected data on all non-traumatic cardiac arrests within our state (Vaud, Switzerland) for the following 12months. For each event, the dispatchers had to record in writing the reason they either ruled out cardiac arrest (CA) or did not propose T-CPR in the event they did suspect CA. All emergency call recordings were reviewed by the medical director of the EMS. The analysis of the recordings and the dispatchers' written explanations were then compared. RESULTS: During the 12-month study period, a total of 497 patients (both adults and children) were identified as having a non-traumatic cardiac arrest. Out of this total, 203 cases were excluded and 294 cases were eligible for T-CPR. Out of these eligible cases, dispatchers proposed T-CPR on 202 occasions (or 69% of eligible cases). They also erroneously proposed T-CPR on 17 occasions when a CA was wrongly identified (false positive). This represents 7.8% of all T-CPR. No costs were incurred to implement our study protocol and procedures. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates it is possible, using a brief campaign of sensitization but without any specific training, to implement systematic dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a non-Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System such as our EMS that had no prior experience with systematic T-CPR. The results in terms of T-CPR delivery rate and false positive are similar to those found in previous studies. We found our results satisfying the given short time frame of this study. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to improve the quality of emergency services at moderate or even no additional costs and this should be of interest to all EMS that do not presently benefit from using T-CPR procedures. EMS that currently do not offer T-CPR should consider implementing this technique as soon as possible, and we expect our experience may provide answers to those planning to incorporate T-CPR in their daily practice.
INTRODUCTION: The management of large lesions of the skull base, such as vestibular schwannomas (VS) is challenging. Microsurgery remains the main treatment option. Combined approaches (planned subtotal resection followed by gamma knife surgery (GKS) for residual tumor long-term control) are being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The current study aims to prospectively evaluate the safety-efficacy of combined approach in patients with large VS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present our experience with planned subtotal resection followed by gamma knife surgery (GKS) in a consecutive a series of 20 patients with large vestibular schwannomas, treated between 2009 and 2014 in Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Clinical and radiological data and audiograms were prospectively collected for all patients, before and after surgery, before and after GKS, at regular intervals, in dedicated case-report forms. Additionally, for GKS, dose-planning parameters were registered. RESULTS: Twenty patients (6 males and 14 females) with large VS had been treated by this approach. The mean age at the time of surgery was 51.6years (range 34.4-73.4). The mean presurgical diameter was 36.7 (range 26.1-45). The mean presurgical tumor volume was 15.9cm(3) (range 534.9). Three patients (15%) needed a second surgical intervention because of high volume of the tumor remnant considered too large for a safe GKS. The mean follow-up after surgery was 27.2months (range 6-61.3). The timing of GKS was decided on the basis of the residual tumor shape and size following surgery. The mean duration between surgery and GKS was 7.6months (range 413.9, median 6months). The mean tumor volume at the time of GKS was 4.1cm(3) (range 0.5-12.8). The mean prescription isodose volume was 6.3cm(3) (range 0.8-15.5). The mean number of isocenters was 20.4 (range 11-31) and the mean marginal prescription dose was 11.7Gy (range 11-12). We did not have any major complications in our series. Postoperative status showed normal facial nerve function (House-Brackmann grade I) in all patients. Six patients with useful pre-operative hearing (GR class 1) underwent surgery with the aim to preserve cochlear nerve function; of these patients, 5 (83.3%) of them remained in GR class 1 and one (16.7%) lost hearing (GR class 5). Two patients having GR class 3 at baseline remained in the same GR class, but the tonal audiometry improved in one of them during follow-up. Eleven patients (57.8%) were in GR class 5 preoperatively; one patient improved hearing after surgery, passing to GR class 3 postoperatively. Following GKS, there were no new neurological deficits, with facial and hearing function remaining identical to that after surgery. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection followed by GKS has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to retaining facial and cochlear nerve function. This represents a paradigm shift of the treatment goals from a complete tumor excision perspective to that of a surgery designed to preserve neural functions. As long-term results emerge, this approach of a combined treatment (microsurgery and GKS) will most probably become the standard of care in the management of large vestibular schwanomma.