250 resultados para Late Iberian Culture
Two granitic plutons, the Tso Morari gneiss and the Rupshu metagranite, crop out in the Tso Morari area. The Polokongka La granite, classically interpreted as a young intrusion in the Tso Morari gneiss, has been recognized as the undeformed facies of the latter. Conventional isotope dilution U-Pb zircon dating on single-grain and small multi-grain fractions yielded magmatic ages of 479 +/- 2 Ma for the Tso Morari gneiss and the Polokongka La granite, and 482.5 +/- 1 Ma for the Rupshu granite. There is a great difference in zircon morphology between the Tso Morari gneiss (peraluminous type) and the Rupshu granite (alkaline type). This difference is confirmed by whole-rock chemistry. The Tso Morari gneiss is a typical deformed S-type granite, resulting from crustal anatexis. On the other hand, the Rupshu granite is an essentially metaluminous alkali-calcic intrusion derived from a different source material. Data compilation from other Himalayan Cambro-Ordovician granites reveals huge and widespread magmatic activity all along and beyond the northern Indian plate between 570 and 450 Ma, with a peak at 500-480 Ma. A major, continental-scale tectonic event is required to generate such a large magmatic belt; it has been tentatively compared to the Variscan post-orogenic extensional regime of Western Europe, as a late evolution stage of a Pan-African orogenic event.
Even though the canonical Jesus' infancy stories have always provoked great interest in popular culture and in the arts, they have been neglected in research during the last decades due to the relatively late date of their redaction. Since the monograph by Raymond Brown, The Birth of the Messiah , the researchers working on this topic have not attempted to consider its historical impact. In this volume, an international team of scholars proposes firstly a reconsideration of the historical background of these stories in terms of early Jewish and Christian identity quests. Secondly, they deal with early Christian questions on Jesus' infancy and childhood through canonical and apocryphal Gospels including information from Patristic and documentary literature. On the theological level, this volume illustrates the impact that these apocryphal texts, recognized as "useful for the soul" (a phrase coined by François Bovon), have had on the Christian faith.
Late Triassic submarine alkali basalts and hawaiites were collected from two superimposed tectonic slices belonging to the Kara Dere - Sayrun unit of the Middle Antalya nappes, southwestern Turkey. New determinations on conodont faunas allow to date this sequence to the Lower Carnian (Julian). The volcanic rocks show rather homogeneous compositions, with high TiO2 and relatively low MgO and Ni contents which suggest olivine fractionation. Their primitive mantle-normalised multi-elements plots show Nb and Ta enrichments relative to La, Pb negative anomalies and heavy rare earth element and Y depletions typical of intraplate ocean island basalts. These characteristics are consistent with the major and trace element compositions of their primary clinopyroxene phenocrysts, which do not show any feature ascribable to crustal contamination. The studied lavas display a restricted range of epsilon Nd (+4.6 to +5.2) which falls within the range of ocean island basalts. Their initial (Nd-143/Nd-144)i ratios are too low to be explained by a simple mixing line between depleted MORB mantle (DMM) and HIMU components. Their Pb and Nd isotopic compositions plot along a mixing line between HIMU component and an enriched mantle, the composition of which could be the result of the addition of about 5 to 8% of an EM2 component (recycled marine sediments) to DMM. The lack of evidence for any continental crustal component. in their genesis could be consistent with their emplacement in an intra-oceanic setting.
The eastern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador comprises thick buoyant oceanic plateaus associated with island-arc tholeiites and subduction-related calc-alkaline series, accreted to the Ecuadorian Continental Margin from Late Cretaceous to Eocene times. One of these plateau sequences, the Guaranda Oceanic Plateau is considered as remnant of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Province (CCOP) accreted to the Ecuadorian Margin in the Maastrichtien. Samples studied in this paper were taken from four cross-sections through two arc-sequences in the northern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador, dated as (Rio Cala) or ascribed to (Macuchi) the Late Cretaceous and one arc-like sequence in the Chogon-Colonche Cordillera (Las Orquideas). These three island-arcs can clearly be identified and rest conformably on the CCOP. In all four localities, basalts with abundant large clinopyroxene phenocrysts can be found, mimicking a picritic or ankaramitic facies. This mineralogical particularity, although not uncommon in island arc lavas, hints at a contribution of the CCOP in the genesis of these island arc rocks. The complete petrological and geochemical study of these rocks reveals that some have a primitive island-arc nature (MgO values range from 6 to 11 wt.%). Studied samples display marked Nb, Ta and Ti negative anomalies relative to the adjacent elements in the spidergrams characteristic of subductionrelated magmatism. These rocks are LREE-enriched and their clinopyroxenes show a tholeiitic affinity (FeO(1)-TiO(2) enrichment and CaO depletion from core to rim within a single crystal). The four sampled cross-sections through the island-arc sequences display homogeneous initial Nd, and Pb isotope ratios that suggest a unique mantellic source for these rocks resulting from the mixing of three components: an East-Pacific MORB end-member, an enriched pelagic sediment component, and a HIMU component carried by the CCOP. Indeed, the ankaramite and Mg-basalt sequences that form part of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau are radiogenically enriched in (206)Pb/(204)Pb and (207)Pb/(204)Pb and contain a HIMU component similar to that observed in the Gorgona basalts and Galapagos lavas. The subduction zone that generated the Late Cretaceous arcs occurred far from the continental margin, in an oceanic environment. This implies that no terrigenous detrital sediments interacted with the source at this period. Thus, the enriched component can only result from the melting of subducted pelagic sediments. We have thus defined the East-Pacific MORB, enriched (cherts, pelagic sediments) and HIMU components in an attempt to constrain and model the genesis of the studied island-arc magmatism, using a compilation of carefully selected isotopic data from literature according to rock age and paleogeographic location at the time of arc edification. Tripolar mixing models reveal that proportions of 12-15 wt.% of the HIMU component, 7-15 wt.% of the pelagic sediment end-member and 70-75 wt.% of an East-pacific MORB end-member are needed to explain the measured isotope ratios. These surprisingly high proportions of the HIMU/CCOP component could be explained by the young age of the oceanic plateau (5-15 Ma) during the Late Cretaceous arc emplacement. The CCOP, basement of these arc sequences, was probably still hot and easily assimilated at the island-arc lava source. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
Traditional culture-dependent methods to quantify and identify airborne microorganisms are limited by factors such as short-duration sampling times and inability to count nonculturableor non-viable bacteria. Consequently, the quantitative assessment of bioaerosols is often underestimated. Use of the real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) to quantify bacteria in environmental samples presents an alternative method, which should overcome this problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a real-time Q-PCR assay as a simple and reliable way to quantify the airborne bacterial load within poultry houses and sewage treatment plants, in comparison with epifluorescencemicroscopy and culture-dependent methods. The estimates of bacterial load that we obtained from real-time PCR and epifluorescence methods, are comparable, however, our analysis of sewage treatment plants indicate these methods give values 270-290 fold greater than those obtained by the ''impaction on nutrient agar'' method. The culture-dependent method of air impaction on nutrient agar was also inadequate in poultry houses, as was the impinger-culture method, which gave a bacterial load estimate 32-fold lower than obtained by Q-PCR. Real-time quantitative PCR thus proves to be a reliable, discerning, and simple method that could be used to estimate airborne bacterial load in a broad variety of other environments expected to carry high numbers of airborne bacteria. [Authors]
SUMMARY IN FRENCH Les cellules souches sont des cellules indifférenciées capables a) de proliférer, b) de s'auto¬renouveller, c) de produire des cellules différenciées, postmitotiques et fonctionnelles (multipotencialité), et d) de régénérer le tissu après des lésions. Par exemple, les cellules de souches hematopoiétiques, situées dans la moelle osseuse, peuvent s'amplifier, se diviser et produire diverses cellules différenciées au cours de la vie, les cellules souches restant dans la moelle osseuse et consentant leur propriété. Les cellules souches intestinales, situées dans la crypte des microvillosités peuvent également régénérer tout l'intestin au cours de la vie. La rétine se compose de six classes de neurones et d'un type de cellule gliale. Tous ces types de cellules sont produits par un progéniteur rétinien. Le pic de production des photorécepteurs se situe autour des premiers jours postnatals chez la souris. A cette période la rétine contient les cellules hautement prolifératives. Dans cette étude, nous avons voulu analyser le phénotype de ces cellules et leur potentiel en tant que cellules souches ou progénitrices. Nous nous sommes également concentrés sur l'effet de certains facteurs épigéniques sur leur destin cellulaire. Nous avons observé que toutes les cellules prolifératives isolées à partir de neurorétines postnatales de souris expriment le marqueur de glie radiaire RC2, ainsi que des facteurs de transcription habituellement trouvés dans la glie radiaire (Mash1, Pax6), et répondent aux critères des cellules souches : une capacité élevée d'expansion, un état indifférencié, la multipotencialité (démontrée par analyse clonale). Nous avons étudié la différentiation des cellules dans différents milieux de culture. En l'absence de sérum, l'EGF induit l'expression de la β-tubulin-III, un marqueur neuronal, et l'acquisition d'une morphologie neuronale, ceci dans 15% des cellules présentes. Nous avons également analysé la prolifération de cellules. Seulement 20% des cellules incorporent le bromodéoxyuridine (BrdU) qui est un marqueur de division cellulaire. Ceci démontre que l'EGF induit la formation des neurones sans une progression massive du cycle cellulaire. Par ailleurs, une stimulation de 2h d'EGF est suffisante pour induire la différentiation neuronale. Certains des neurones formés sont des cellules ganglionnaires rétiniennes (GR), comme l'indique l'expression de marqueurs de cellules ganglionnaires (Ath5, Brn3b et mélanopsine), et dans de rare cas d'autres neurones rétiniens ont été observés (photorécepteurs (PR) et cellules bipolaires). Nous avons confirmé que les cellules souches rétiniennes tardives n'étaient pas restreintes au cours du temps et qu'elles conservent leur multipotencialité en étant capables de générer des neurones dits précoces (GR) ou tardifs (PR). Nos résultats prouvent que l'EGF est non seulement un facteur contrôlant le développement glial, comme précédemment démontré, mais également un facteur efficace de différentiation pour les neurones rétiniens, du moins in vitro. D'autre part, nous avons voulu établir si l'oeil adulte humain contient des cellules souches rétiniennes (CSRs). L'oeil de certains poissons ou amphibiens continue de croître pendant l'âge adulte du fait de l'activité persistante des cellules souches rétiniennes. Chez les poissons, le CSRs se situe dans la marge ciliaire (CM) à la périphérie de la rétine. Bien que l'oeil des mammifères ne se développe plus pendant la vie d'adulte, plusieurs groupes ont prouvé que l'oeil de mammifères adultes contient des cellules souches rétiniennes également dans la marge ciliaire plus précisément dans l'épithélium pigmenté et non dans la neurorétine. Ces CSRs répondent à certains critères des cellules souches. Nous avons identifié et caractérisé les cellules souches rétiniennes résidant dans l'oeil adulte humain. Nous avons prouvé qu'elles partagent les mêmes propriétés que leurs homologues chez les rongeurs c.-à-d. auto-renouvellement, amplification, et différenciation en neurones rétiniens in vitro et in vivo (démontré par immunocoloration et microarray). D'autre part, ces cellules peuvent être considérablement amplifiées, tout en conservant leur potentiel de cellules souches, comme indiqué par l'analyse de leur profil d'expression génique (microarray). Elles expriment également des gènes communs à diverses cellules souches: nucleostemin, nestin, Brni1, Notch2, ABCG2, c-kit et son ligand, aussi bien que cyclin D3 qui agit en aval de c-kit. Nous avons pu montré que Bmi1et Oct4 sont nécessaires pour la prolifération des CSRs confortant leur propriété de cellules souches. Nos données indiquent que la neurorétine postnatale chez la souris et l'épithélium pigmenté de la marge ciliaire chez l'humain adulte contiennent les cellules souches rétiniennes. En outre, nous avons développé un système qui permet d'amplifier et de cultiver facilement les CSRs. Ce modèle permet de disséquer les mécanismes impliqués lors de la retinogenèse. Par exemple, ce système peut être employé pour l'étude des substances ou des facteurs impliqués, par exemple, dans la survie ou dans la génération des cellules rétiniennes. Il peut également aider à disséquer la fonction de gènes ou les facteurs impliqués dans la restriction ou la spécification du destin cellulaire. En outre, dans les pays occidentaux, la rétinite pigmentaire (RP) touche 1 individu sur 3500 et la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA) affecte 1 % à 3% de la population âgée de plus de 60 ans. La génération in vitro de cellules rétiniennes est aussi un outil prometteur pour fournir une source illimitée de cellules pour l'étude de transplantation cellulaire pour la rétine. SUMMARY IN ENGLISH Stem cells are defined as undifferentiated cells capable of a) proliferation, b) self maintenance (self-renewability), c) production of many differentiated functional postmitotic cells (multipotency), and d) regenerating tissue after injury. For instance, hematopoietic stem cells, located in bone marrow, can expand, divide and generate differentiated cells into the diverse lineages throughout life, the stem cells conserving their status. In the villi crypt, the intestinal stem cells are also able to regenerate the intestine during their life time. The retina is composed of six classes of neurons and one glial cell. All these cell types are produced by the retinal progenitor cell. The peak of photoreceptor production is reached around the first postnatal days in rodents. Thus, at this stage the retina contains highly proliferative cells. In our research, we analyzed the phenotype of these cells and their potential as possible progenitor or stem cells. We also focused on the effect of epigenic factor(s) and cell fate determination. All the proliferating cells isolated from mice postnatal neuroretina harbored the radial glia marker RC2, expressed transcription factors usually found in radial glia (Mash 1, Pax6), and met the criteria of stem cells: high capacity of expansion, maintenance of an undifferentiated state, and multipotency demonstrated by clonal analysis. We analyzed the differentiation seven days after the transfer of the cells in different culture media. In the absence of serum, EGF led to the expression of the neuronal marker β-tubulin-III, and the acquisition of neuronal morphology in 15% of the cells. Analysis of cell proliferation by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation revealed that EGF mainly induced the formation of neurons without stimulating massively cell cycle progression. Moreover, a pulse of 2h EGF stimulation was sufficient to induce neuronal differentiation. Some neurons were committed to the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) phenotype, as revealed by the expression of retinal ganglion markers (Ath5, Brn3b and melanopsin), and in few cases to other retinal phenotypes (photoreceptors (PRs) and bipolar cells). We confirmed that the late RSCs were not restricted over-time and conserved multipotentcy characteristics by generating retinal phenotypes that usually appear at early (RGC) or late (PRs) developmental stages. Our results show that EGF is not only a factor controlling glial development, as previously shown, but also a potent differentiation factor for retinal neurons, at least in vitro. On the other hand, we wanted to find out if the adult human eye contains retina stem cells. The eye of some fishes and amphibians continues to grow during adulthood due to the persistent activity of retinal stem cells (RSCs). In fish, the RSCs are located in the ciliary margin zone (CMZ) at the periphery of the retina. Although, the adult mammalian eye does not grow during adult life, several groups have shown that the adult mouse eye contains retinal stem cells in the homologous zone (i.e. the ciliary margin), in the pigmented epithelium and not in the neuroretina. These RSCs meet some criteria of stem cells. We identified and characterized the human retinal stem cells. We showed that they posses the same features as their rodent counterpart i.e. they self-renew, expand and differentiate into retinal neurons in vitro and in vivo (indicated by immunostaining and microarray analysis). Moreover, they can be greatly expanded while conserving their sternness potential as revealed by the gene expression profile analysis (microarray approach). They also expressed genes common to various stem cells: nucleostemin, nestin, Bmil , Notch2, ABCG2, c-kit and its ligand, as well as cyclin D3 which acts downstream of c-kit. Furthermore, Bmil and Oct-4 were required for RSC proliferation reinforcing their stem cell identity. Our data indicate that the mice postnatal neuroretina and the adult pigmented epithelium of adult human ciliary margin contain retinal stem cells. We developed a system to easily expand and culture RSCs that can be used to investigate the retinogenesis. For example, it can help to screen drugs or factors involved, for instance, in the survival or generation of retinal cells. This could help to dissect genes or factors involved in the restriction or specification of retinal cell fate. In Western countries, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) affects 1 out of 3'500 individuals and age-related macula degeneration (AMD) strikes 1 % to 3% of the population over 60. In vitro generation of retinal cells is thus a promising tool to provide an unlimited cell source for cellular transplantation studies in the retina.
M. Santos, G. Gold, E. Kövari, F. R. Herrmann, P. R. Hof, C. Bouras and P. Giannakopoulos (2010) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology36, 661-672 Neuropathological analysis of lacunes and microvascular lesions in late-onset depression Aims: Previous neuropathological studies documented that small vascular and microvascular pathology is associated with cognitive decline. More recently, we showed that thalamic and basal ganglia lacunes are associated with post-stroke depression and may affect emotional regulation. The present study examines whether this is also the case for late-onset depression. Methods: We performed a detailed analysis of small macrovascular and microvascular pathology in the post mortem brains of 38 patients with late-onset major depression (LOD) and 29 healthy elderly controls. A clinical diagnosis of LOD was established while the subjects were alive using the DSM-IV criteria. Additionally, we retrospectively reviewed all charts for the presence of clinical criteria of vascular depression. Neuropathological evaluation included bilateral semi-quantitative assessment of lacunes, deep white matter and periventricular demyelination, cortical microinfarcts and both focal and diffuse gliosis. The association between vascular burden and LOD was investigated using Fisher's exact test and univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Results: Neither the existence of lacunes nor the presence of microvascular ischaemic lesions was related to occurrence of LOD. Similarly, there was no relationship between vascular lesion scores and LOD. This was also the case within the subgroup of LOD patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for vascular depression. Conclusions: Our results challenge the vascular depression hypothesis by showing that neither deep white matter nor periventricular demyelination is associated with LOD. In conjunction with our previous observations in stroke patients, they also imply that the impact of lacunes on mood may be significant solely in the presence of acute brain compromise.