202 resultados para Art, Islamic
The present article contributes to the ongoing academic debate on migrants' appropriation of artistic and political spaces in Germany. Cologne, one of the largest cities in Germany, is an interesting example of the tension between political discourse centred around multiculturalism and cultural segregation processes. The 'no fool is illegal' carnival organised by asylum seekers shows their capacity to act, as they reinvent an old local tradition by reinterpreting medieval rituals. Today, different groups and associations appropriate this festive art space: migrants, gays and lesbians, feminists and far-left groups either organise their own parties or take part in the official parties and parades as separate groups. As a result, the celebration of diversity figures on the local political agenda and becomes part of the official carnival festivities. This leads to a blurring of boundaries, whereby mainstream popular culture becomes more and more influenced by multicultural elements.
This paper analyses the early modern transformations of South Asian literary cultures through the production of historiography in Persian, English, and Urdu. In the 18th-19th centuries, South Asian communities experienced and participated in a major restructuring of the languages of the subcontinent. Urdu and English were institutionalized as governmental languages and utilized in new literary productions as Persian was gradually marginalized from the centre of literary and governmental polities. Three interrelated colonial policies reshaped the historical consciousness of South Asia and Britain: the production of new Persian histories commissioned under British patronage, the initiation of Urdu historiography through the translation of Persian and English histories, and the construction of the British history of India written in English. This article explores the historical and social dynamics of these events and situates the origins and evolution of the colonial historiographical project. Major works discussed are the Tārīkh-i Bangālah of Salīm Allāh Munshī (fl. 1763), James Mill's (1773-1836) The History of British India first published in 1817, Mīr Sher ʿAlī Afsos' the Ārāʾish-i mahfil, as well as the production of original Urdu histories such as Muḥammad Zakāʾ-Allāh's (1832-1910) the Tārīkh-i Hindustān.
Cette contribution commence par établir que les expositions universelles sont traversées par un ensemble de dynamiques contradictoires qui reflètent celles intervenant dans le processus de la mondialisation qu'elles ont précisément pour vocation de mettre en scène. Parmi ces différents dynamiques, il en est une qui mérite que l'on s'y arrête de nouveau : celle ayant d'abord opposé sciences et loisirs avant de les associer comme organisateurs de la vie sociale. Comment les expositions universelles ont-elles représenté ces deux types d'activités qui leur ont été centrales ? L'article avance que l'évolution de la fonction de normalisation sociale attachée aux sciences et aux divertissements peut être éclairée par une analyse de l'usage qui a été fait des émotions par les organisateurs et commentateurs de ces manifestations. Le phénomène est examiné à la lumière des concepts d'émotionologie, d'émotif et de communauté émotionnelle développés par les historiens des émotions. This article starts from the premise that international exhibitions are driven by the same contradictory dynamics underlying the process of globalization which they seek to stage. Among these various dynamics, there is need to further study the one that has involved science and leisure as organizers of social life in a dyadic relationship evolving historically from opposition to accommodation. Drawing on the concepts of «emotionolgy », « emotives » and « emotional communities », the study attempts to show how changes in the normalizing functions of science and leisure can be highlighted through the shifting use of emotions by the organizers and commentators of world's fairs.