265 resultados para ACID-LABILE SUBUNIT


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RESUME: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse Les canaux sodiques ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) participent à la signalisation neuronale dans les systèmes nerveux périphérique et central. Ces canaux non voltage dépendants sont impliqués dans l'apprentissage, l'expression de la peur, la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et la douleur. Les bases moléculaires sous-tendant leur activité ne sont pas encore totalement comprises. Ces canaux sont activés par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire et régulés, entre autres, par des ions tels que le Ca2+, le Zn2+ et le CI". La cristallisation de ASIC inactivé a été publiée. Le canal est un trimére de sous-unités identiques ou homologues. Chaque sous-unité a été décrite en analogie à un avant bras, un poignet et une main constituée d'un pouce, d'un doigt, d'une articulation, une boule β et une paume. Nous avons appliqué une approche bioinformatique systématique pour identifier les pH senseurs putatifs de ASICIa. Le rôle des pH senseurs putatifs a été testé par mutagénèse dirigée et des modifications chimiques combinées à une analyse fonctionnelle afin de comprendre comment les variations de ρ H ouvrent ces canaux. Les pH senseurs sont des acides aspartiques et glutamiques éparpillés sur la boucle extracellulaire suggérant que les changements de pH contrôlent l'activation et l'inactivation de ASIC en (dé)protonant ces résidus en divers endroits de la protéine. Par exemple lors de l'activation, la protonation des résidus à l'interface entre le pouce, la boule β et le doigt d'une même sous-unité induit un mouvement du pouce vers la bouie β et le doigt. De même lors de l'inactivation du canal les paumes des trois sous-unités formant une cavité se rapprochent. D'après notre approche bioinformatique, aucune histidine n'est impliquée dans la détection des variations de pH extracellulaire c'est-à-dire qu'aucune histidine ne serait un pH-senseur. Deux histidines de ASIC2a lient le Zn2+ et modifient l'affinité apparente du canal pour les protons. Une seule des deux est conservée parmi tous les ASICs, hASICIa H163. Elle forme un réseau de liaison hydrogène avec ses voisins conservés. L'étude détaillée de ce domaine, Pinterzone, montre son importance dans l'expression fonctionnelle des canaux. La perturbation de ce réseau par l'introduction d'un résidu hydrophobe (cystéine) par mutagénèse dirigée diminue l'expression du canal à la membrane plasmique. La modification des cystéines introduites par des réactifs spécifiques aux groupements sulfhydryle inhibe les canaux mutés en diminuant leur probabilité d'ouverture. Ces travaux décrivent les effets de l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire sur les canaux ASICs. ABSTRACT: Study of pH-dependent activation and inactivation of ASIC channels Benoîte BARGETON, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1G05 Lausanne, Switzerland The ASIC (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) sodium channels are involved in neuronal signaling in the central and peripheral nervous system. These non-voltage-gated channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia and pain sensation. The molecular bases underlying their activity are not yet fully understood. ASICs are activated by extracellular acidification and regulated, eg by ions such as Ca2+, the Zn2+ and CI". The crystallization of inactivated ASIC has been published. The channel is a trimer of identical or homologous subunits. Each subunit has been described in analogy to a forearm, wrist and hand consisting of a thumb, a finger, a knuckle, a β-ball and a palm. We applied a systematic computational approach to identify putative pH sensor(s) of ASICIa. The role of putative pH sensors has been tested by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification combined with functional analysis in order to understand how changes in pH open these channels. The pH sensors are aspartic and glutamic acids distributed throughout the extracellular loop, suggesting that changes in pH control activation and inactivation of ASIC by protonation / deprotonation of many residues in different parts of the protein. During activation the protonation of various residues at the interface between the finger, the thumb and the β-ball induces the movement of the thumb toward the finger and the β-ball. During inactivation of the channel the palms of the three subunits forming a cavity approach each other. No histidine has been shown to be involved in extracellular pH changes detection, i.e. no histidine is a pH- sensor. Two histidines of ASIC2 bind Zn2+ and alter the apparent affinity of channel for protons. Only one of the two His is conserved among all ASICs, hASICIa H163. This residue is part of a network of hydrogen bonding with its conserved neighbors. The detailed study of this area, the interzone, shows its importance in the functional expression of ASICs. Disturbance of this network by the introduction of hydrophobic residues decreases the cell surface channel expression. Chemical modification of the introduced cysteines by thiol reactive compounds inhibits the mutated channels by a reduction of their open probability. These studies describe the effects of extracellular acidification on ASICs. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse La transmission synaptique est un processus chimique entre deux neurones impliquant des neurotransmetteurs et leurs récepteurs. Un dysfonctionnement de certains types de synapses est à l'origine de beaucoup de troubles nerveux, tels que certaine forme d'épilepsie et de l'attention. Les récepteurs des neurotransmetteurs sont de très bonnes cibles thérapeutiques dans de nombreuses neuropathologies. Les canaux ASICs sont impliqués dans la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et les bloquer pourraient permettre aux patients d'avoir moins de séquelles. Les canaux ASICs sont des détecteurs de l'acidité qui apparaît lors de situations pathologiques comme l'ischémie et l'inflammation. Ces canaux sont également impliqués dans des douleurs. Cibler spécifiquement ces canaux permettrait d'avoir de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques car à l'heure actuelle l'inhibiteur de choix, l'amiloride, bloque beaucoup d'autres canaux empêchant son utilisation pour bloquer les ASICs. C'est pourquoi il faut connaître et comprendre les bases moléculaires du fonctionnement de ces récepteurs. Les ASICs formés de trois sous-unités détectent les variations de l'acidité puis s'ouvrent transitoirement pour laisser entrer des ions chargés positivement dans la cellule ce qui active la signalisation neuronale. Afin de comprendre les bases moléculaires de l'activité des ASICs nous avons déterminé les sites de liaison des protons (pH-senseurs), ligands naturels des ASICs et décrit une zone importante pour l'expression fonctionnelle de ces canaux. Grâce à une validation systématique de résultats obtenus en collaboration avec l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, nous avons décrit les pH-senseurs de ASICIa. Ces résultats, combinés à ceux d'autres groupes de recherche, nous ont permis de mieux comprendre comment les ASICs sont ouverts par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire. Une seconde étude souligne le rôle structural crucial d'une région conservée parmi tous les canaux ASICs : y toucher c'est diminuer l'activité de la protéine. Ce domaine permet l'harmonisation des changements dus à l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire au sein d'une même sous-unité c'est-à-dire qu'elle participe à l'induction de l'inactivation due à l'activation du canal Cette étude décrit donc quelle région de la protéine atteindre pour la bloquer efficacement en faisant une cible thérapeutique de choix.


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The azole antifungal fluconazole possesses only fungistatic activity in Candida albicans and, therefore, this human pathogen is tolerant to this agent. However, tolerance to fluconazole can be inhibited when C. albicans is exposed to fluconazole combined with the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A, which is known to inhibit calcineurin activity in yeast. A mutant lacking both alleles of a gene encoding the calcineurin A subunit (CNA) lost viability in the presence of fluconazole, thus making calcineurin essential for fluconazole tolerance. Consistent with this observation, tolerance to fluconazole was modulated by calcium ions or by the expression of a calcineurin A derivative autoactivated by the removal of its C-terminal inhibitory domain. Interestingly, CNA was also essential for tolerance to other antifungal agents (voriconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, amorolfine) and to several other metabolic inhibitors (caffeine, brefeldin A, mycophenolic acid, fluphenazine) or cell wall-perturbing agents (SDS, calcofluor white, Congo red), thus indicating that the calcineurin pathway plays an important role in the survival of C. albicans in the presence of external growth inhibitors. Several genes, including PMC1, a vacuolar calcium P-type ATPase, were regulated in a calcineurin- and fluconazole-dependent manner. However, PMC1 did not play a direct role in the survival of C. albicans when exposed to fluconazole. In addition to these different properties, calcineurin was found to affect colony morphology in several media known to modulate the C. albicans dimorphic switch. In particular, calcineurin was found to be essential for C. albicans viability in serum-containing media. Finally, calcineurin was found to be necessary for the virulence of C. albicans in a mice model of infection, thus making calcineurin an important element for adequate adaptation to the conditions of the host environment.


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The PHO1 protein is involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the root xylem. Ten genes homologous to AtPHO1 are present in the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn genome. From this gene family, transcript levels of only AtPHO1, AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 were increased by Pi-deficiency. While the up-regulation of AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 by Pi deficiency followed the same rapid kinetics and was dependent on the PHR1 transcription factor, phosphite only strongly suppressed the expression of AtPHO1;H1 and had a minor effect on AtPHO1;H10. Addition of sucrose was found to increase transcript levels of both AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 in Pi-sufficient or Pi-deficient plants, but to suppress AtPHO1:H10 under the same conditions. Treatments of plants with auxin or cytokinin had contrasting effect depending on the gene and on the Pi status of the plants. Thus, while both hormones down-regulated expression of AtPHO1 independently of the plant Pi status, auxin and cytokinin up-regulated AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 expression in Pi-sufficient plants and down-regulated expression in Pi-deficient plants. Treatments with abscisic acid inhibited AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 expression in both Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient plants, but increased AtPHO1;H10 expression under the same conditions. The inhibition of expression by abscisic acid of AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1, and of the Pi-starvation responsive genes AtPHT1;1 and AtIPS1, was dependant on the ABI1 type 2C protein phosphatase. These results reveal that various levels of cross talk between the signal transduction pathways to Pi, sucrose and phytohormones are involved in the regulation of expression of the three AtPHO1 homologues.


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The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on the growth of maize roots maintained in the dark is investigated in relation to the root varieties and the root age, the mode of application, the concentration used and the duration of both the treatment and the culture. In all the assays, when ABA produces a significant change in root elongation, it shows an inhibitory effect which is enhanced with increasing ABA concentration. The data strongly support the hypothesis that ABA could be one of the growth inhibitors which are formed in or released from the root cap.


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We evaluated the benefits of a novel formulation of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) based on the incorporation of VIP-loaded rhodamine-conjugated liposomes (VIP-Rh-Lip) within hyaluronic acid (HA) gel (Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip) for the treatment of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in comparison with VIP-Rh-Lip alone. In vitro release study and rheological analysis showed that interactions between HA chains and liposomes resulted in increased viscosity and reinforced elasticity of the gel. In vivo a single intravitreal injection of Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip was performed in rats 7 days prior to uveitis induction by subcutaneous lipopolysaccharide injection. The maximal ocular inflammation occurs within 16-24 h in controls (VIP-Rh-Lip, unloaded-Rh-Lip). Whereas intraocular injection of VIP-Rh-Lip had no effect on EIU severity compared with controls, Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip reduced significantly the clinical score and number of inflammatory cells infiltrating the eye. The fate of liposomes, VIP and HA in the eyes, regional and inguinal lymph nodes and spleen was analyzed by immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy. Retention of liposomes by HA gel was observed in vitro and in vivo. Inflammation severity seemed to impact on system stability resulting in the delayed release of VIP. Thus, HA gel containing VIP-Rh-Lip is an efficient strategy to obtain a sustained delivery of VIP in ocular and lymph node tissues.


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Understanding the role of gene duplications in establishing vertebrate innovations is one of the main challenges of Evo-Devo (evolution of development) studies. Data on evolutionary changes in gene expression (i.e., evolution of transcription factor-cis-regulatory elements relationships) tell only part of the story; protein function, best studied by biochemical and functional assays, can also change. In this study, we have investigated how gene duplication has affected both the expression and the ligand-binding specificity of retinoic acid receptors (RARs), which play a major role in chordate embryonic development. Mammals have three paralogous RAR genes--RAR alpha, beta, and gamma--which resulted from genome duplications at the origin of vertebrates. By using pharmacological ligands selective for specific paralogues, we have studied the ligand-binding capacities of RARs from diverse chordates species. We have found that RAR beta-like binding selectivity is a synapomorphy of all chordate RARs, including a reconstructed synthetic RAR representing the receptor present in the ancestor of chordates. Moreover, comparison of expression patterns of the cephalochordate amphioxus and the vertebrates suggests that, of all the RARs, RAR beta expression has remained most similar to that of the ancestral RAR. On the basis of these results together, we suggest that while RAR beta kept the ancestral RAR role, RAR alpha and RAR gamma diverged both in ligand-binding capacity and in expression patterns. We thus suggest that neofunctionalization occurred at both the expression and the functional levels to shape RAR roles during development in vertebrates.


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Short-TE MRS has been proposed recently as a method for the in vivo detection and quantification of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain at 3 T. In this study, we investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of short-TE MRS measurements of GABA at 3 T using both simulations and experiments. LCModel analysis was performed on a large number of simulated spectra with known metabolite input concentrations. Simulated spectra were generated using a range of spectral linewidths and signal-to-noise ratios to investigate the effect of varying experimental conditions, and analyses were performed using two different baseline models to investigate the effect of an inaccurate baseline model on GABA quantification. The results of these analyses indicated that, under experimental conditions corresponding to those typically observed in the occipital cortex, GABA concentration estimates are reproducible (mean reproducibility error, <20%), even when an incorrect baseline model is used. However, simulations indicate that the accuracy of GABA concentration estimates depends strongly on the experimental conditions (linewidth and signal-to-noise ratio). In addition to simulations, in vivo GABA measurements were performed using both spectral editing and short-TE MRS in the occipital cortex of 14 healthy volunteers. Short-TE MRS measurements of GABA exhibited a significant positive correlation with edited GABA measurements (R = 0.58, p < 0.05), suggesting that short-TE measurements of GABA correspond well with measurements made using spectral editing techniques. Finally, within-session reproducibility was assessed in the same 14 subjects using four consecutive short-TE GABA measurements in the occipital cortex. Across all subjects, the average coefficient of variation of these four GABA measurements was 8.7 ± 4.9%. This study demonstrates that, under some experimental conditions, short-TE MRS can be employed for the reproducible detection of GABA at 3 T, but that the technique should be used with caution, as the results are dependent on the experimental conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Changes in bone mineral density and bone strength following treatment with zoledronic acid (ZOL) were measured by quantitative computed analysis (QCT) or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). ZOL treatment increased spine and hip BMD vs placebo, assessed by QCT and DXA. Changes in trabecular bone resulted in increased bone strength. INTRODUCTION: To investigate bone mineral density (BMD) changes in trabecular and cortical bone, estimated by quantitative computed analysis (QCT) or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and whether zoledronic acid 5 mg (ZOL) affects bone strength. METHODS: In 233 women from a randomized, controlled trial of once-yearly ZOL, lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, and trochanter were assessed by DXA and QCT (baseline, Month 36). Mean percentage changes from baseline and between-treatment differences (ZOL vs placebo, t-test) were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean between-treatment differences for lumbar spine BMD were significant by DXA (7.0%, p < 0.01) and QCT (5.7%, p < 0.0001). Between-treatment differences were significant for trabecular spine (p = 0.0017) [non-parametric test], trabecular trochanter (10.7%, p < 0.0001), total hip (10.8%, p < 0.0001), and compressive strength indices at femoral neck (8.6%, p = 0.0001), and trochanter (14.1%, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Once-yearly ZOL increased hip and spine BMD vs placebo, assessed by QCT vs DXA. Changes in trabecular bone resulted in increased indices of compressive strength.


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Needle-free procedures are very attractive ways to deliver vaccines because they diminish the risk of contamination and may reduce local reactions, pain or pain fear especially in young children with a consequence of increasing the vaccination coverage for the whole population. For this purpose, the possible development of a mucosal malaria vaccine was investigated. Intranasal immunization was performed in BALB/c mice using a well-studied Plasmodium berghei model antigen derived from the circumsporozoite protein with the modified heat-labile toxin of Escherichia coli (LTK63), which is devoid of any enzymatic activity compared to the wild type form. Here, we show that intranasal administration of the two compounds activates the T and B cell immune response locally and systemically. In addition, a total protection of mice is obtained upon a challenge with live sporozoites.


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The rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 promotes the growth of various crop plants and protects them against root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. The main mechanism of disease suppression by this strain is the production of the antifungal compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT). Direct plant growth promotion can be achieved through solubilization of inorganic phosphates by the production of organic acids, mainly gluconic acid, which is one of the principal acids produced by Pseudomonas spp. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of gluconic acid production in CHA0. Therefore, mutants were created with deletions in the genes encoding glucose dehydrogenase (gcd) and gluconate dehydrogenase (gad), required for the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid and gluconic acid to 2-ketogluconate, respectively. These enzymes should be of predominant importance for rhizosphere-colonizing biocontrol bacteria, as major carbon sources provided by plant root exudates are made up of glucose. Our results show that the ability of strain CHA0 to acidify its environment and to solubilize mineral phosphate is strongly dependent on its ability to produce gluconic acid. Moreover, we provide evidence that the formation of gluconic acid by CHA0 completely inhibits the production of PLT and partially inhibits that of DAPG. In the Deltagcd mutant, which does not produce gluconic acid, the enhanced production of antifungal compounds was associated with improved biocontrol activity against take-all disease of wheat, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. This study provides new evidence for a close association of gluconic acid metabolism with antifungal compound production and biocontrol activity in P. fluorescens CHA0.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the major causes of pain and of outpatient's clinics. 15 years ago, physiopathology of OA and its potential therapeutic targets were announced to be better understood, but the results of therapeutic trials were finally not as convincing as expected. Slow Acting Drugs (SADs) are part of the treatments evaluated in OA. Even if evidence based medicine is low, positive effects of SADs have been observed. We can reasonably propose these treatments for a short test period. It can sometimes enable us to decrease the dosage of others treatment such as NSAIDs. In any case, the physician must properly inform the patient about products available in Switzerland and must be aware of degrees of purity and costs of the products available on the intemet.


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Identification and relative quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins within complex biological samples have become realistic with the emergence of stable isotope labeling in combination with high throughput mass spectrometry. However, all current chemical approaches target a single amino acid functionality (most often lysine or cysteine) despite the fact that addressing two or more amino acid side chains would drastically increase quantifiable information as shown by in silico analysis in this study. Although the combination of existing approaches, e.g. ICAT with isotope-coded protein labeling, is analytically feasible, it implies high costs, and the combined application of two different chemistries (kits) may not be straightforward. Therefore, we describe here the development and validation of a new stable isotope-based quantitative proteomics approach, termed aniline benzoic acid labeling (ANIBAL), using a twin chemistry approach targeting two frequent amino acid functionalities, the carboxylic and amino groups. Two simple and inexpensive reagents, aniline and benzoic acid, in their (12)C and (13)C form with convenient mass peak spacing (6 Da) and without chromatographic discrimination or modification in fragmentation behavior, are used to modify carboxylic and amino groups at the protein level, resulting in an identical peptide bond-linked benzoyl modification for both reactions. The ANIBAL chemistry is simple and straightforward and is the first method that uses a (13)C-reagent for a general stable isotope labeling approach of carboxylic groups. In silico as well as in vitro analyses clearly revealed the increase in available quantifiable information using such a twin approach. ANIBAL was validated by means of model peptides and proteins with regard to the quality of the chemistry as well as the ionization behavior of the derivatized peptides. A milk fraction was used for dynamic range assessment of protein quantification, and a bacterial lysate was used for the evaluation of relative protein quantification in a complex sample in two different biological states


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BACKGROUND: Hyperhomocysteinaemia has been identified as an independent cardiovascular risk factor and is found in more than 85% of patients on maintenance haemodialysis. Previous studies have shown that folic acid can lower circulating homocysteine in dialysis patients. We evaluated prospectively the effect of increasing the folic acid dosage from 1 to 6 mg per dialysis on plasma total homocysteine levels of haemodialysis patients with and without a history of occlusive vascular artery disease (OVD). METHODS: Thirty-nine stable patients on high-flux dialysis were studied. Their mean age was 63 +/-11 years and 17 (43%) had a history of OVD, either coronary and/or cerebral and/or peripheral occlusive disease. For several years prior to the study, the patients had received an oral post-dialysis multivitamin supplement including 1 mg of folic acid per dialysis. After baseline determinations, the folic acid dose was increased from 1 to 6 mg/dialysis for 3 months. RESULTS: After 3 months, plasma homocysteine had decreased significantly by approximately 23% from 31.1 +/- 12.7 to 24.5 +/- 9 micromol/l (P = 0.0005), while folic acid concentrations had increased from 6.5 +/- 2.5 to 14.4+/-2.5 microg/l (P < 0.0001). However, the decrease of homocysteine was quite different in patients with and in those without OVD. In patients with OVD, homocysteine decreased only marginally by approximately 2.5% (from 29.0 +/- 10.3 to 28.3 +/- 8.4 micromol/l, P = 0.74), whereas in patients without OVD there was a significant reduction of approximately 34% (from 32.7+/-14.4 to 21.6+/-8.6 micromol/l, P = 0.0008). Plasma homocysteine levels were reduced by > 15% in three patients (18%) in the group with OVD compared with 19 (86%) in the group without OVD (P = 0.001), and by > 30% in none of the patients (0%) in the former group compared with 13 (59%) in the latter (P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the homocysteine-lowering effect of folic acid administration appears to be less effective in haemodialysis patients having occlusive vascular disease than in those without evidence of such disease.


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Sera from transgenic mice (TM) carrying human genes of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid or ORM) have been analyzed by isoelectrofocusing and subsequent immunoblotting with antihuman ORM antibodies. With this technique it is possible to reveal selectively the human protein secreted in the TM sera. Orosomucoid bands present in TM sera have been compared with those of the most common human ORM phenotypes to correlate the products of specific genes to previously identified genetic variants. In this paper, we report the identification of the genes encoding for variants ORM1 F1 and ORM2 A, which are genes AGP-A and AGP-B/B' respectively. The nucleotide sequences of these genes are known; therefore a direct correlation between variants and specific amino acid sequences can be established.