366 resultados para glioblastoma, WIF1, senescence, autophagy, Wnt pathway
Peroxisome proliferators regulate the transcription of genes by activating ligand-dependent transcription factors, which, due to their structure and function, can be assigned to the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors. Three such peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR alpha, beta, and gamma) have been cloned in Xenopus laevis. Their mRNAs are expressed differentially; xPPAR alpha and beta but not xPPAR gamma are expressed in oocytes and embryos. In the adult, expression of xPPAR alpha and beta appears to be ubiquitous, and xPPAR gamma is mainly observed in adipose tissue and kidney. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that PPARs are nuclear proteins, and that their cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation is independent of exogenous activators. A target gene of PPARs is the gene encoding acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO), which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. A peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE), to which PPARs bind, has been identified within the promoter of the ACO gene. Besides the known xenobiotic activators of PPARs, such as hypolipidemic drugs, natural activators have been identified. Polyunsaturated fatty acids at physiological concentrations are efficient activators of PPARs, and 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), which is the alkyne homolog of arachidonic acid, is the most potent activator of xPPAR alpha described to date. Taken together, our data suggest that PPARs have an important role in lipid metabolism.
The MAPK family is composed of three majors kinases, JNK, p38 and ERK1/2, and is implicated in many degenerative processes, including retinal cell death. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the activation of ERK1/2 kinase, and its potential role in Müller cell gliosis, during photoreceptor cell death in Rpe65(-/-) mice. We assayed ERK1/2 mRNA and protein levels, and evaluated ERK1/2 phosphorylation involved in kinase activation, in 2, 4 and 6 month-old Rpe65(-/-) mice and in age-matched wild-type controls. No differences in ERK1/2 expression were detected between Rpe65(-/-) and wild-type mice, however, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was dramatically increased in the knock out mice at 4 and 6 months-of-age. Phosphorylated ERK1/2 co-localized with GFAP in the ganglion cell layer, and correlated with an increase in GFAP protein expression and retinal cell death. Accumulation of cFOS protein in the ganglion cell layer occurred concomitant with pERK1/2 activation. Müller cell proliferation was not observed. ERK1/2 activation did not occur in 2 month-old Rpe65(-/-) or in the Rpe65(-/-)/Gnat1(-/-) mice, in which no degeneration was evident. The observed activation ERK1/2 and GFAP, both markers of Müller cell gliosis, in the absence of Müller cell proliferation, is consistent with the activation of atypical gliosis occurring during the slow process of degeneration in Rpe65(-/-) mice. As Müller cell gliosis is activated in many neuronal and retinal degenerative diseases, further studies will be needed to determine whether atypical gliosis in Rpe65(-/-) mice contributes to, or protects against, the pathogenesis occurring in this model of Leber congenital amaurosis.
Résumé : Malgré les immenses progrès réalisés depuis plusieurs années en médecine obstétricale ainsi qu'en réanimation néonatale et en recherche expérimentale, l'asphyxie périnatale, une situation de manque d'oxygène autour du moment de la naissance, reste une cause majeure de mortalité et de morbidité neurologique à long terme chez l'enfant (retard mental, paralysie cérébrale, épilepsie, problèmes d'apprentissages) sans toutefois de traitement pharmacologique réel. La nécessité de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour les complications de l'asphyxie périnatale est donc aujourd'hui encore essentielle. Le but général de ce travail est l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques impliquées dans des mécanismes moléculaires pathologiques induits par l'hypoxie-ischémie (HI) dans le cerveau immature. Pour cela, le modèle d'asphyxie périnatale (proche du terme) le plus reconnu chez le rongeur a été développé (modèle de Rice et Vannucci). Il consiste en la ligature permanente d'une artère carotide commune (ischémie) chez le raton de 7 jours combinée à une période d'hypoxie à 8% d'oxygène. Il permet ainsi d'étudier les lésions de type hypoxique-ischémique dans différentes régions cérébrales dont le cortex, l'hippocampe, le striatum et le thalamus. La première partie de ce travail a abordé le rôle de deux voies de MAPK, JNK et p38, après HI néonatale chez le raton à l'aide de peptides inhibiteurs. Tout d'abord, nous avons démontré que D-JNKI1, un peptide inhibiteur de la voie de JNK présentant de fortes propriétés neuroprotectrices dans des modèles d'ischémie cérébrale adulte ainsi que chez le jeune raton, peut intervenir sur différentes voies de mort dont l'activation des calpaïnes (marqueur de la nécrose précoce), l'activation de la caspase-3 (marqueur de l'apoptose) et l'expression de LC3-II (marqueur de macroautophagie). Malgré ces effets positifs le traitement au D-JNKI1 ne modifie pas l'étendue de la lésion cérébrale. L'action limitée de D-JNKI1 peut s'expliquer par une implication modérée des JNKs (faiblement activées et principalement l'isotype JNK3) après HI néonatale sévère. Au contraire, l'inhibition de la voie de nNOS/p38 par le peptide DTAT-GESV permet une augmentation de 20% du volume du tissu sain à court et long terme. Le second projet a étudié les effets de l'HI néonatale sur l'autophagie neuronale. En effet, l'autophagie est un processus catabolique essentiel au bien-être de la cellule. Le type principal d'autophagie (« macroautophagie » , que nous appellerons par la suite « autophagie ») consiste en la séquestration d'éléments à dégrader (protéines ou organelles déficients) dans un compartiment spécialisé, l'autophagosome, qui fusionne avec un lysosome pour former un autolysosome où le contenu est dégradé par les hydrolases lysosomales. Depuis peu, l'excès ou la dérégulation de l'autoptiagie a pu être impliqué dans la mort cellulaire en certaines conditions de stress. Ce travail démontre que l'HI néonatale chez le raton active fortement le flux autophagique, c'est-à-dire augmente la formation des autophagosomes et des autolysosomes, dans les neurones en souffrance. De plus, la relation entre l'autophagie et l'apoptose varie selon la région cérébrale. En effet, alors que dans le cortex les neurones en voie de mort présentent des caractéristiques mixtes apoptotiques et autophagiques, ceux du CA3 sont essentiellement autophagiques et ceux du CA1 sont principalement apoptotiques. L'induction de l'autophagie après HI néonatale semble donc participer à la mort neuronale soit par l'enclenchement de l'apoptose soit comme mécanisme de mort en soi. Afin de comprendre la relation pouvant exister entre autophagie et apoptase un troisième projet a été réalisé sur des cultures primaires de neurones corticaux exposés à un stimulus apoptotique classique, la staurosporine (STS). Nous avons démontré que l'apoptose induite par la STS était précédée et accompagnée par une forte activation du flux autophagique neuronal. L'inhibition de l'autophagie de manière pharmacologique (3-MA) ou plus spécifiquement par ARNs d'interférence dirigés contre deux protéines autophagiques importantes (Atg7 et Atg5) a permis de mettre en évidence des rôles multiples de l'autophagie dans la mort neuronale. En effet, l'autophagie prend non seulement part à une voie de mort parallèle à l'apoptose pouvant être impliquée dans l'activation des calpaïnes, mais est également partiellement responsable de l'induction des voies apoptotiques (activation de la caspase-3 et translocation nucléaire d'AIF). En conclusion, ce travail a montré que l'inhibition de JNK par D-JNKI1 n'est pas un outil neuroprotecteur efficace pour diminuer la mort neuronale provoquée par l'asphyxie périnatalé sévère, et met en lumière deux autres voies thérapeutiques beaucoup plus prometteuses, l'inhibition de nNOS/p38 ou de l'autophagie. ABSTRACT : Despite enormous progress over the last«decades in obstetrical and neonatal medicine and experimental research, perinatal asphyxia, a situation of lack of oxygen around the time of the birth, remains a major cause of mortality and long term neurological morbidity in children (mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning difficulties) without any effective treatment. It is therefore essential to develop new therapeutic strategies for the complications of perinatal asphyxia. The overall aim of this work was to identify new therapeutic targets involved in pathological molecular mechanisms induced by hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the immature brain. For this purpose, the most relevant model of perinatal asphyxia (near term) in rodents has been developed (model of Rice and Vannucci). It consists in the permanent ligation of one common carotid artery (ischemia) in the 7-day-old rat combined with a period of hypoxia at 8% oxygen. This model allows the study of the hypoxic-ischemic lesion in different brain regions including the cortex, hippocampus, striatum and thalamus. The first part of this work addressed the role of two MAPK pathways (JNK and p38) after rat neonatal HI using inhibitory peptides. First, we demonstrated that D-JNKI1, a JNK peptide inhibitor presenting strong neuroprotective properties in models of cerebral ischemia in adult and young rats, could affect different cell death mechanisms including the activation of calpain (a marker of necrosis) and caspase-3 (a marker of apoptosis), and the expression of LC3-II (a marker of macroautophagy). Despite these positive effects, D-JNKI1 did not modify the extent of brain damage. The limited action of D-JNKI1 can be explained by the fact that JNKs were only moderately involved (weakly activated and principally the JNK3 isotype) after severe neonatal HI. In contrast, inhibition of nNOS/p38 by the peptide D-TAT-GESV increased the surviving tissue volume by around 20% at short and long term. The second project investigated the effects of neonatal HI on neuronal autophagy. Indeed, autophagy is a catabolic process essential to the well-being of the cell. The principal type of autophagy ("macroautophagy", that we shall henceforth call "autophagy") involves the sequestration of elements to be degraded (deficient proteins or organelles) in a specialized compartment, the autophagosome, which fuses with a lysosome to form an autolysosome where the content is degraded by lysosomal hydrolases. Recently, an excess or deregulation of autophagy has been implicated in cell death in some stress conditions. The present study demonstrated that rat neonatal HI highly enhanced autophagic flux, i.e. increased autophagosome and autolysosome formation, in stressed neurons. Moreover, the relationship between autophagy and apoptosis varies according to the brain region. Indeed, whereas dying neurons in the cortex exhibited mixed features of apoptosis and autophagy, those in CA3 were primarily autophagíc and those in CA1 were mainly apoptotic. The induction of autophagy after neonatal HI seems to participate in neuronal death either by triggering apoptosis or as a death mechanism per se. To understand the relationships that may exist between autophagy and apoptosis, a third project has been conducted using primary cortical neuronal cultures exposed to a classical apoptotic stimulus, staurosporine (STS). We demonstrated that STS-induced apoptosis was preceded and accompanied by a strong activation of neuronal autophagic flux. Inhibition of autophagy pharmacologically (3-MA) or more specifically by RNA interference directed against two important autophagic proteins (Atg7 and AtgS) showed multiple roles of autophagy in neuronal death. Indeed, autophagy was not only involved in a death pathway parallel to apoptosis possibly involved in the activation of calpains, but was also partially responsible for the induction of apoptotic pathways (caspase-3 activation and AIF nuclear translocation). In conclusion, this study showed that JNK inhibition by D-JNKI1 is not an effective neuroprotective tool for decreasing neuronal death following severe perinatal asphyxia, but highlighted two more promising therapeutic approaches, inhibition of the nNOSlp38 pathway or of autophagy.
PR0X1 est un facteur de transcription très conservé au cours de l'évolution. PROX1 joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses étapes de l'embryogenèse, telles que le développement du système lymphatique ou la migration des hépatocytes. Récemment, il a été démontré que PROX1 contribue à la progression des tumeurs colorectales, en tant que gène cible de la voie de signalisation Wnt. En utilisant des approches de co- immunoprécipitation et de ligature de proximité, nous avons trouvé que PROX1 fait également partie du complexe transcriptionnel TCF/ß-catenin, à la fois dans les cellules humaines de cancer du colon et dans les cellules murines de l'épithélium de l'intestin, dans lesquelles la voie de signalisation Wnt est activée. Dans le but de comprendre le mécanisme d'action de PROX1, nous avons analysé le génome des cellules cancéreuses de colon à la recherche des sites de fixation de PROX1, TCF4 et ß-catenin. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que TCF4, ß-catenin et PROX1 se fixent simultanément sur une sous- population d'amplificateurs génomiques, sur lesquels PROX1 agit comme répresseur. Ces résultats suggèrent que, spécifiquement dans le cadre du cancer du colon, PROX1 agit en tant que modificateur de la voie de transduction du signal Wnt/ß-catenin. De plus, nous proposons que ceci constitue un des mécanismes par lesquels la signalisation durable de Wnt, qui est observée dans la majorité des cancers du colon, transforme le programme génétique des progéniteurs intestinaux, initialement normal, en output spécifique de ce type de cancers, ce qui contribue plus tard à la croissance infinie de la tumeur, à son caractère invasif et à sa dissémination.
BACKGROUND: Cerebral ischemia is associated with the activation of glial cells, infiltration of leukocytes and an increase in inflammatory mediators in the ischemic brain and systemic circulation. How this inflammatory response influences lesion size and neurological outcome remains unclear. D-JNKI1, an inhibitor of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway, is strongly neuroprotective in animal models of stroke. Intriguingly, the protection mediated by D-JNKI1 is high even with intravenous administration at very low doses with undetectable drug levels in the brain, pointing to a systemic mode of action, perhaps on inflammation. FINDINGS: We evaluated whether D-JNKI1, administered intravenously 3 h after the onset of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), modulates secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-6 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine in the plasma and from the spleen and brain at several time points after MCAO. We found an early release of both mediators in the systemic circulation followed by an increase in the brain and went on to show a later systemic increase in vehicle-treated mice. Release of interleukin-6 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine from the spleen of mice with MCAO was not significantly different from sham mice. Interestingly, the secretion of these inflammatory mediators was not altered in the systemic circulation or brain after successful neuroprotection with D-JNKI1. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that neuroprotection with D-JNKI1 after experimental cerebral ischemia is independent of systemic and brain release of interleukin-6 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the early systemic release of interleukin-6 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine may not necessarily predict an unfavorable outcome in this model.
PURPOSE: This study was performed to determine the impact of perfusion and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences on patients during treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Special emphasis has been given to these imaging technologies as tools to potentially anticipate disease progression, as progression-free survival is frequently used as a surrogate endpoint. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Forty-one patients from a phase II temolozomide clinical trial were included. During follow-up, images were integrated 21 to 28 days after radiochemotherapy and every 2 months thereafter. Assessment of scans included measurement of size of lesion on T1 contrast-enhanced, T2, diffusion, and perfusion images, as well as mass effect. Classical criteria on tumor size variation and clinical parameters were used to set disease progression date. RESULTS: A total of 311 MRI examinations were reviewed. At disease progression (32 patients), a multivariate Cox regression determined 2 significant survival parameters: T1 largest diameter (p < 0.02) and T2 size variation (p < 0.05), whereas perfusion and diffusion were not significant. CONCLUSION: Perfusion and diffusion techniques cannot be used to anticipate tumor progression. Decision making at disease progression is critical, and classical T1 and T2 imaging remain the gold standard. Specifically, a T1 contrast enhancement over 3 cm in largest diameter together with an increased T2 hypersignal is a marker of inferior prognosis.
BACKGROUND: Adding temozolomide (TMZ) to standard radiotherapy as a first-line therapy for glioma may increase costs to a disproportionate degree compared with the resulting survival benefits. METHODS: Forty-six consecutive patients (28 males and 18 females; median age, 52 years; age range, 24-70 years) received concomitant TMZ with radiotherapy for 6 weeks followed by adjuvant TMZ for 6 cycles, and they were followed until disease recurrence and then until death. The authors assessed the costs associated with the four phases of treatment from a hospital-centered perspective. RESULTS: Treatment was discontinued early in 3 patients, 9 patients, and 15 patients during concomitant TMZ, before adjuvant TMZ, and during adjuvant TMZ, respectively. Karnofsky index values varied between 85% (at the beginning of treatment) and 76% (at the end of treatment). The nature of care after disease recurrence was diverse. Overall survival ranged from 1.4 months to 64.3 months (median, 15.8 months) and was better if surgical debulking could be carried out before treatment. Global costs amounted to Euros 39,092 +/- Euros 21,948 (concomitant TMZ, Euros 14,539 +/- Euros 4998; adjuvant TMZ, Euros 13,651 +/- Euros 4320; follow-up, Euros 6363 +/- Euros 6917; and recurrence, Euros 12,344 +/- Euros 18,327), with 53% of these costs being related to the acquisition of TMZ; this represented an eightfold increase in cost compared with radiotherapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: TMZ may be an effective but costly adjuvant outpatient therapy for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Definite cost-effectiveness/utility must be assessed in a randomized Phase III trial.
We have previously shown that the eye is a mineralocorticoid-sensitive organ and we now question the role of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in ocular inflammation. The endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU), a rat model of human intraocular inflammation, was induced by systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Evaluations were made 6 and 24 hours after intraocular injection of aldosterone (simultaneous to LPS injection). Three hours after onset of EIU, the MR and the glucocorticoid metabolizing enzyme 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression were down-regulated in iris/ciliary body and the corticosterone concentration was increased in aqueous humor, altering the normal MR/glucocorticoid receptor (GR) balance. At 24 hours, the GR expression was also decreased. In EIU, aldosterone reduced the intensity of clinical inflammation in a dose-dependent manner. The clinical benefit of aldosterone was abrogated in the presence of the MR antagonist (RU26752) and only partially with the GR antagonist (RU38486). Aldosterone reduced the release of inflammatory mediators (6 and 24 hours: TNF-α, IFN-γ, MIP-1α) in aqueous humor and the number of activated microglia/macrophages. Aldosterone partly prevented the uveitis-induced MR down-regulation. These results suggest that MR expression and activation in iris/ciliary body could protect the ocular structures against damages induced by EIU.
To be able to colonize its host, invading Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium must disrupt and severely affect host-microbiome homeostasis. Here we report that S. Typhimurium induces acute infectious colitis by inhibiting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) expression in intestinal epithelial cells. Interestingly, this PPARγ down-regulation by S. Typhimurium is independent of TLR-4 signaling but triggers a marked elevation of host innate immune response genes, including that encoding the antimicrobial peptide lipocalin-2 (Lcn2). Accumulation of Lcn2 stabilizes the metalloproteinase MMP-9 via extracellular binding, which further aggravates the colitis. Remarkably, when exposed to S. Typhimurium, Lcn2-null mice exhibited a drastic reduction of the colitis and remained protected even at later stages of infection. Our data suggest a mechanism in which S. Typhimurium hijacks the control of host immune response genes such as those encoding PPARγ and Lcn2 to acquire residence in a host, which by evolution has established a symbiotic relation with its microbiome community to prevent pathogen invasion.
Inflammation is a local immune response to 'foreign' molecules, infection and injury. Leukotriene B4, a potent chemotactic agent that initiates, coordinates, sustains and amplifies the inflammatory response, is shown to be an activating ligand for the transcription factor PPARalpha. Because PPARalpha regulates the oxidative degradation of fatty acids and their derivatives, like this lipid mediator, a feedback mechanism is proposed that controls the duration of an inflammatory response and the clearance of leukotriene B4 in the liver. Thus PPARalpha offers a new route to the development of anti- or pro-inflammatory reagents.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) act as metabolic sensors and central regulators of fat and glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, PPARγ has been implicated as major catabolic regulator of bone mass in mice and humans. However, a potential involvement of other PPAR subtypes in the regulation of bone homeostasis has remained elusive. Here we report a previously unrecognized role of PPARβ/δ as a key regulator of bone turnover and the crosstalk between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In contrast to activation of PPARγ, activation of PPARβ/δ amplified Wnt-dependent and β-catenin-dependent signaling and gene expression in osteoblasts, resulting in increased expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and attenuation of osteoblast-mediated osteoclastogenesis. Accordingly, PPARβ/δ-deficient mice had lower Wnt signaling activity, lower serum concentrations of OPG, higher numbers of osteoclasts and osteopenia. Pharmacological activation of PPARβ/δ in a mouse model of postmenopausal osteoporosis led to normalization of the altered ratio of tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 11 (RANKL, also called TNFSF11) to OPG, a rebalancing of bone turnover and the restoration of normal bone density. Our findings identify PPARβ/δ as a promising target for an alternative approach in the treatment of osteoporosis and related diseases.
Intratumoural (i.t.) injection of radio-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), a thymidine (dThd) analogue, is envisaged for targeted Auger electron- or beta-radiation therapy of glioblastoma. Here, biodistribution of [(125)I]IdUrd was evaluated 5 hr after i.t. injection in subcutaneous human glioblastoma xenografts LN229 after different intravenous (i.v.) pretreatments with fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd). FdUrd is known to block de novo dThd synthesis, thus favouring DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd. Results showed that pretreatment with 2 mg/kg FdUrd i.v. in 2 fractions 0.5 hr and 1 hr before injection of radio-IdUrd resulted in a mean tumour uptake of 19.8% of injected dose (% ID), representing 65.3% ID/g for tumours of approx. 0.35 g. Tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd in non-pretreated mice was only 4.1% ID. Very low uptake was observed in normal nondividing and dividing tissues with a maximum concentration of 2.9% ID/g measured in spleen. Pretreatment with a higher dose of FdUrd of 10 mg/kg prolonged the increased tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd up to 5 hr. A competition experiment was performed in FdUrd pretreated mice using i.t. co-injection of excess dThd that resulted in very low tumour retention of [(125)I]IdUrd. DNA isolation experiments showed that in the mean >95% of tumour (125)I activity was incorporated in DNA. In conclusion, these results show that close to 20% ID of radio-IdUrd injected i.t. was incorporated in tumour DNA after i.v. pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of FdUrd and that this approach may be further exploited for diffusion and therapy studies with Auger electron- and/or beta-radiation-emitting radio-IdUrd.
Knowledge about signaling in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses is currently restricted to the common symbiosis (SYM) signaling pathway discovered in legumes. This pathway includes calcium as a second messenger and regulates both AM and rhizobial symbioses. Both monocotyledons and dicotyledons form symbiotic associations with AM fungi, and although they differ markedly in the organization of their root systems, the morphology of colonization is similar. To identify and dissect AM-specific signaling in rice (Oryza sativa), we developed molecular phenotyping tools based on gene expression patterns that monitor various steps of AM colonization. These tools were used to distinguish common SYM-dependent and -independent signaling by examining rice mutants of selected putative legume signaling orthologs predicted to be perturbed both upstream (CASTOR and POLLUX) and downstream (CCAMK and CYCLOPS) of the central, calcium-spiking signal. All four mutants displayed impaired AM interactions and altered AM-specific gene expression patterns, therefore demonstrating functional conservation of SYM signaling between distant plant species. In addition, differential gene expression patterns in the mutants provided evidence for AM-specific but SYM-independent signaling in rice and furthermore for unexpected deviations from the SYM pathway downstream of calcium spiking.