439 resultados para alpine shrew
Evolution of the Red Sea/Gulf of Suez and the Central Atlantic rift systems shows that an initial, transtensive rifting phase, affecting a broad area around the future zone of crustal separation, was followed by a pre-oceanic rifting phase during which extensional strain was concentrated on the axial rift zone. This caused lateral graben systems to become inactive and they evolved into rift-rim basins. The transtensive phase of diffuse crustal extension is recognized in many intra-continental rifts. If controlling stress systems relax, these rifts abort and develop into palaeorifts. If controlling stress systems persist, transtensive rift systems can enter the pre-oceanic rifting stage, during which the rift zone narrows and becomes asymmetric as a consequence of simple-shear deformation at shallow crustal levels and pure shear deformation at lower crustal and mantle-lithospheric levels. Preceding crustal separation, extensional denudation of the lithospheric mantle is possible. Progressive lithospheric attenuation entails updoming of the asthenosphere and thermal doming of the rift shoulders. Their uplift provides a major clastic source for the rift basins and the lateral rift-rim basins. Their stratigraphic record provides a sensitive tool for dating the rift shoulder uplift. Asymmetric rifting leads to the formation of asymmetric continental margins, corresponding in a simple-shear model to an upper plate and a conjugate lower plate margin, as seen in the Central Atlantic passive margins of the United States and Morocco. This rifting model can be successfully applied to the analysis of the Alpine Tethys palaeo-margins (such as Rif and the Western Alps).
In this study, we used faecal analysis to determine the diet of the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola in the field for the first time. This species consumes mainly insects in spring and fruits and seeds of small herbaceous dicotyledons in summer and autumn. Compared to the two congeneric species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus, which also occur in the Alps, the diet of A. alpicola is rich in contrasts, with a very pronounced difference between spring and summer. The absence of tree seeds also suggests a mostly terrestrial behaviour. We explain these facts by the specificity of the habitat of A. alpicola: the extreme weather conditions produce great seasonal changes in the vegetation, and the rocky ground favours the adaptation to rock climbing rather than to arboreal Living. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Alpine flora and climate change: monitoring of three summits in Valais (Switzerland) during the 20th century Climate change might trigger an upward shift of the flora in the Swiss Alps, especially since these experienced higher change in average than observed on a global scale. Previous investigations in the canton des Grisons (Switzerland) and Austria have revealed an increase of floristic diversity on alpine summits since the beginning of the 20th century. Three summits in Valais were revisited in this study: the Gornergrat (first inventory in 1919), the Torrenthorn (about in 1885) and the Beaufort (about in 1920). Every summit was newly inventoried in 2003 in the framework of the PERMANENT.PLOT.CH project. All showed a strong increase in species richness. On the Gornergrat (3135 m), 16 species were not found anymore, but 35 new ones were observed. The number of species on this exceptionally rich summit rose from 102 to 121. In comparison, the floristic richness increased from 24 to 63 species on the Torrenthorn (2924 m) and from 16 to 48 species on the Beaufort (3048 m). As in previous studies, this increase seems likely to be associated with climate change: the new species prefer, in average, higher temperature conditions than those previously prevailing on the summits. On the Gornergrat and Beaufort, our observations reveal a development of alpine meadows, whereas species typical of rocks and raw soils are predominantly colonising the Torrenthorn. This difference might be related to the important damage caused by wanderers on the vegetation of the Torrenthorn.
Recently, we examined the spermatogenesis cycle length in two shrews species, Sorex araneus characterized by a very high metabolic rate and a polyandric mating system (sperm competition) resulting in a short cycle and Crocidura russula characterized by a much lower metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system showing a longer cycle. In this study, we investigated the spermatogenesis cycle in Neomys fodiens showing an intermediate metabolic rate. We described the stages of seminiferous epithelium according to the spermatid morphology method and we calculated the cycle length of spermatogenesis using incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine into DNA of the germ cells. Twelve males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determination, we applied a recently developed statistical method. The calculated cycle length is 8.69 days and the total duration of spermatogenesis based on 4.5 cycles is approximately 39.1 days, intermediate between the duration of spermatogenesis of S. araneus (37.6 days) and C. russula (54.5 days) and therefore congruent with both the metabolic rate hypothesis and the sperm competition hypothesis. Relative testes size of 1.4% of body mass indicates a promiscuous mating system.
The karyotype, morphology and biology of Crocidura from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) are described. The species has a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 36, thus differing from all other species of the genus. A detailed morphological comparison of the shrews from Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and other islets with C. russula from Morocco revealed specific characters for both taxa. Differences were also observed in biological parameters. It is concluded that the Canary Island populations of Crocidura form a biological species which is consequently named Crocidura canariensis sp. nov.
With regard to semi-aquatic mammals, Schröpfer & Stubbe (1992) distinguished three riparian guilds: the herbivores with the water vole and the beaver; the megacarnivores with the mink and the otter; and the macrocarnivores with water shrews and desmans. Among water shrews, the evolution of aquatic foraging behaviour occurred several times: Nectogale and Chimarrogale in Asia, several species of the genus Sorex in America, and Neomys in Eurasia (Churchfield, 1990). The fairly common European water shrew N. fodiens is the best known. However, the reports on the degree of adaptation to the water habitat are conflicting. Therefore some important findings from the literature are reviewed in this introduction, whereas new data are presented in the following sections. The swimming locomotion of water shrews was analysed by Ruthardt & Schröpfer (1985) and Köhler (1991), and the related morphological adaptation were reviewed by Hutterer (1985) and Churchfield (this volume pp. 49-51). They obviously present a compromise between the requirements for activity on land and in the water. Thermoregulation is a major problem for semi-aquatic mammals, because heat conductance in water is 25-fold greater than in air (Calder, 1969). According to this author, the body temperature of immersed American Sorex palustris dropped by a rate of 2.8 °C per min. However, this may be an experimental artefact, because Neomys fodiens can maintain its body temperature at 37 °C during an immersion of 6 min (Vogel, 1990).
Clonally reproducing hemicryptophytic rosette plants are common in the alpine belt. However, their demography, and indirectly their growth and reproductive strategy in these harsh conditions, was rarely studied. We analysed the morphology, clonal reproduction and demography of one such species, Leontopodium alpinum, in two populations of the Swiss Alps. The species forms small colonies of 1-5 (maximum 30) sterile rosettes with a few flowering stalks. After flowering, the apical meristem dies and one or two new axillary buds grow below the previous rosette in the following year, developing into short rhizomes (<2 cm), which decay after four years. The new stalk produces sterile rosettes before flowering after two to four years, depending on climatic conditions. The apical meristem often dies during the sterile stage, and is replaced by a new axillary bud. Levkovitch matrices on two stages (sterile and flowering rosettes) showed that rosette survival and clonal reproduction maintain long-lived populations (λ = 0.96). Elasticities indicated that a change in the survival of sterile rosettes had the strongest effect on population dynamics, and this stage lasts, on average, 6.8 years at 2480 m. Altogether, L. alpinum is following Tomlinson's architectural model. This growth form appears perfectly adapted to harsh alpine conditions: the clonal ramification ensures longevity to genets and the semelparous behaviour of the rosettes allows an efficient flowering, whatever the climatic conditions. L. alpinum appears to follow a common growth model among rosette possessing hemicryptophytes in the alpine belt.
River flow in Alpine environments is likely to be highly sensitive to climate change because of the effects of warming upon snow and ice, and hence the intra-annual distribution of river runoff. It is also likely to be influenced strongly by human impacts both upon hydrology (e.g. flow abstraction) and river regulation. This paper compares the river flow and sediment flux of two Alpine drainage basins over the last 5 to 7 decades, one that is largely unimpacted by human activities, one strongly impacted by flow abstraction for hydroelectricity. The analysis shows that both river flow and sediment transport capacity are strongly dependent upon the effects of temperature and precipitation availability upon snow accumulation. As the latter tends to increase annual maximum flows, and given the non-linear form of most sediment transport laws, current warming trends may lead to increased sedimentation in Alpine rivers. However, extension to a system impacted upon by flow abstraction reveals the dominant effect that human activity can have upon river sedimentation but also how human response to sediment management has co-evolved with climate forcing to make disentangling the two very difficult.
This study shows how a new generation of terrestrial laser scanners can be used to investigate glacier surface ablation and other elements of glacial hydrodynamics at exceptionally high spatial and temporal resolution. The study area is an Alpine valley glacier, Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Here we use an ultra-long-range lidar RIEGL VZ-6000 scanner, having a laser specifically designed for measurement of snow- and ice-cover surfaces. We focus on two timescales: seasonal and daily. Our results show that a near-infrared scanning laser system can provide high-precision elevation change and ablation data from long ranges, and over relatively large sections of the glacier surface. We use it to quantify spatial variations in the patterns of surface melt at the seasonal scale, as controlled by both aspect and differential debris cover. At the daily scale, we quantify the effects of ogive-related differences in ice surface debris content on spatial patterns of ablation. Daily scale measurements point to possible hydraulic jacking of the glacier associated with short-term water pressure rises. This latter demonstration shows that this type of lidar may be used to address subglacial hydrologic questions, in addition to motion and ablation measurements.
The natural flow hydrological characteristics (such as the magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change of discharge) of Alpine streams, dominated by snowmelt and glacier melt, have been established for many years. More recently, the ecosystems that they sustain have been described and explained. However, natural Alpine flow regimes may be strongly modified by hydroelectric power production, which impacts upon both river discharge and sediment transfer, and hence on downstream flora and fauna. The impacts of barrages or dams have been well studied. However, there is a second type of flow regulation, associated with flow abstraction at intakes where the water is transferred laterally, either to another valley for storage, or at altitude within the same valley for eventual release downstream. Like barrages, such intakes also trap sediment, but because they are much smaller, they fill more frequently and so need to be flushed regularly. Downstream, while the flow regime is substantially modified, the delivery of sediment (notably coarser fractions) remains. The ecosystem impacts of such systems have been rarely considered. Through reviewing the state of our knowledge of Alpine ecosystems, we outline the key research questions that will need to be addressed in order to modify intake management so as to reduce downstream ecological impacts. Simply redesigning river flows to address sediment management will be ineffective because such redesign cannot restore a natural sediment regime and other approaches are likely to be required if stream ecology in such systems is to be improved.