330 resultados para Wall Stress
Cells respond to DNA damage in a complex way and the fate of damaged cells depends on the balance between pro- and antiapoptotic signals. This is of crucial importance in cancer as genotoxic stress is implied both in oncogenesis and in classical tumor therapies. p53-induced protein with a death domain (PIDD), initially described as a p53-inducible gene, is one of the molecular switches able to activate a survival or apoptotic program. Two isoforms of PIDD, PIDD (isoform 1) and LRDD (isoform 2), have already been reported and we describe here a third isoform. These three isoforms are differentially expressed in tissues and cell lines. Genotoxic stress only affects PIDD isoform 3 mRNA levels, whereas isoforms 1 and 2 mRNA levels remain unchanged. All isoforms are capable of activating nuclear factor-kappaB in response to genotoxic stress, but only isoform 1 interacts with RIP-associated ICH-1/CED-3 homologous protein with a death domain and activates caspase-2. Isoform 2 counteracts the pro-apoptotic function of isoform 1, whereas isoform 3 enhances it. Thus, the differential splicing of PIDD mRNA leads to the formation of at least three proteins with antagonizing/agonizing functions, thereby regulating cell fate in response to DNA damage
AIMS: Although the coronary artery vessel wall can be imaged non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the in vivo reproducibility of wall thickness measures has not been previously investigated. Using a refined magnetization preparation scheme, we sought to assess the reproducibility of three-dimensional (3D) free-breathing black-blood coronary MRI in vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: MRI vessel wall scans parallel to the right coronary artery (RCA) were obtained in 18 healthy individuals (age range 25-43, six women), with no known history of coronary artery disease, using a 3D dual-inversion navigator-gated black-blood spiral imaging sequence. Vessel wall scans were repeated 1 month later in eight subjects. The visible vessel wall segment and the wall thickness were quantitatively assessed using a semi-automatic tool and the intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan reproducibilities were determined. The average imaged length of the RCA vessel wall was 44.5+/-7 mm. The average wall thickness was 1.6+/-0.2 mm. There was a highly significant intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.94), and inter-scan (r=0.90) correlation for wall thickness (all P<0.001). There was also a significant agreement for intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan measurements on Bland-Altman analysis. The intra-class correlation coefficients for intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.92), and inter-scan (r=0.86) analyses were also excellent. CONCLUSION: The use of black-blood free-breathing 3D MRI in conjunction with semi-automated analysis software allows for reproducible measurements of right coronary arterial vessel-wall thickness. This technique may be well-suited for non-invasive longitudinal studies of coronary atherosclerosis.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a free-breathing three-dimensional (3D) dual inversion-recovery (DIR) segmented k-space gradient-echo (turbo field echo [TFE]) imaging sequence at 3T for the quantification of aortic vessel wall dimensions. The effect of respiratory motion suppression on image quality was tested. Furthermore, the reproducibility of the aortic vessel wall measurements was investigated. Seven healthy subjects underwent 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall with and without respiratory navigator. Subsequently, this sequence with respiratory navigator was performed twice in 10 healthy subjects to test its reproducibility. The signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and vessel wall volume (VWV) were assessed. Data were compared using the paired t-test, and the reproducibility of VWV measurements was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). SNR, CNR, and vessel wall sharpness were superior in scans performed with respiratory navigator compared to scans performed without. The ICCs concerning intraobserver, interobserver, and interscan reproducibility were excellent (0.99, 0.94, and 0.95, respectively). In conclusion, respiratory motion suppression substantially improves image quality of 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall at 3T. Furthermore, this optimized technique with respiratory motion suppression enables assessment of aortic vessel wall dimensions with high reproducibility.
Traumatic hernia of the abdominal wall is a rare and easily missed injury in the presence of major pelvic and abdominal lesions. We present a radiographically documented case of combined pelvic and acetabular fracture with a major contralateral traumatic hernia with avulsion of the internal oblique, the external oblique and the transverse abdominal muscles diagnosed four months after the initial trauma. To our knowledge no similar case has been described in the current literature.
In response to stress or injury the heart undergoes a pathological remodeling process, associated with hypertrophy, cardiomyocyte death and fibrosis, that ultimately causes cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. It has become increasingly clear that signaling events associated with these pathological cardiac remodeling events are regulated by scaffolding and anchoring proteins, which allow coordination of pathological signals in space and time. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) constitute a family of functionally related proteins that organize multiprotein signaling complexes that tether the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) as well as other signaling enzymes to ensure integration and processing of multiple signaling pathways. This review will discuss the role of AKAPs in the cardiac response to stress. Particular emphasis will be given to the adaptative process associated with cardiac hypoxia as well as the remodeling events linked to cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.
The authors report an atypical late onset of a big axillary lymphatic malformation in a 41-year-old male. Considering the patient's history and clinical findings at first presentation, the swelling was highly suspicious for malignancy or cystic echinococcosis. A consequent CT showed non infiltrative growth with inhomogeneous density but remained non conclusive regarding diagnosis. Subsequently incision biopsy revealed lymphatic tissue and raised suspicion for lymphatic malformation. The tumour was excised completely and showed no recurrence in a 1-year follow up. Late onset lymphatic malformations can mimic malignant tumours or other rare conditions such as echinococcosis which has to be taken into consideration as differential diagnosis especially in known areas of hydatid diseases.
La littérature scientifique confirme que les soignants ont besoin de soutien. Par-delà la surchage clinique et administrative, le stress lié à la signifiance des facteurs contextuels est une source de détresse importante. La reconnaissance et la gestion de ce stress peuvent soutenir le clinicien de manière durable. L'article discute les éléments clés de ces stresseurs, notamment le rôle des émotions du soignant, la reconnaissance des limites, la confusion concernant l'empathie, l'influence du développement et de la trajectoire de vie sur l'identité professionnelle ainsi que le conflit que représente le fait d'être un soignant qui a besoin d'aide. A growing body of evidence indicates that health care professionals are in need of support. Beside heavy clinical patient volume or administrative duties, stress related to the significance of contextual factors is an important source of clinician's distress. Identification of and working through such stress can be a durable source of support. This article discusses key elements of these stressors, namely, the role of emotions of the clinician, awareness of limits, confusion about empathy, the influence of development and life trajectory on professional identity and the conflicting roles of the health care provider being in need of support http://titan.medhyg.ch/mh/formation/article.php3?sid=32934
A route of accumulation and elimination of therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs) may be the kidney. Therefore, the interactions of different solid-core inorganic NPs (titanium-, silica-, and iron oxide-based NPs) were studied in vitro with the MDCK and LLC-PK epithelial cells as representative cells of the renal epithelia. Following cell exposure to the NPs, observations include cytotoxicity for oleic acid-coated iron oxide NPs, the production of reactive oxygen species for titanium dioxide NPs, and cell depletion of thiols for uncoated iron oxide NPs, whereas for silica NPs an apparent rapid and short-lived increase of thiol levels in both cell lines was observed. Following cell exposure to metallic NPs, the expression of the tranferrin receptor/CD71 was decreased in both cells by iron oxide NPs, but only in MDCK cells by titanium dioxide NPs. The tight association, then subsequent release of NPs by MDCK and LLC-PK kidney epithelial cells, showed that following exposure to the NPs, only MDCK cells could release iron oxide NPs, whereas both cells released titanium dioxide NPs. No transfer of any solid-core NPs across the cell layers was observed.
Le "Chest wall syndrome" (CWS) est défini comme étant une source bénigne de douleurs thoraciques, localisées sur la paroi thoracique antérieure et provoquées par une affection musculosquelettique. Le CWS représente la cause la plus fréquente de douleurs thoraciques en médecine de premier recours. Le but de cette étude est de développer et valider un score de prédiction clinique pour le CWS. Une revue de la littérature a d'abord été effectuée, d'une part pour savoir si un tel score existait déjà, et d'autre part pour retrouver les variables décrites comme étant prédictives d'un CWS. Le travail d'analyse statistique a été effectué avec les données issues d'une cohorte clinique multicentrique de patients qui avaient consulté en médecine de premier recours en Suisse romande avec une douleur thoracique (59 cabinets, 672 patients). Un diagnostic définitif avait été posé à 12 mois de suivi. Les variables pertinentes ont été sélectionnées par analyses bivariées, et le score de prédiction clinique a été développé par régression logistique multivariée. Une validation externe de ce score a été faite en utilisant les données d'une cohorte allemande (n= 1212). Les analyses bivariées ont permis d'identifier 6 variables caractérisant le CWS : douleur thoracique (ni rétrosternale ni oppressive), douleur en lancées, douleur bien localisée, absence d'antécédent de maladie coronarienne, absence d'inquiétude du médecin et douleur reproductible à la palpation. Cette dernière variable compte pour 2 points dans le score, les autres comptent pour 1 point chacune; le score total s'étend donc de 0 à 7 points. Dans la cohorte de dérivation, l'aire sous la courbe sensibilité/spécificité (courbe ROC) est de 0.80 (95% de l'intervalle de confiance : 0.76-0.83). Avec un seuil diagnostic de > 6 points, le score présente 89% de spécificité et 45% de sensibilité. Parmi tous les patients qui présentaient un CWS (n = 284), 71% (n = 201) avaient une douleur reproductible à la palpation et 45% (n= 127) sont correctement diagnostiqués par le score. Pour une partie (n = 43) de ces patients souffrant de CWS et correctement classifiés, 65 investigations complémentaires (30 électrocardiogrammes, 16 radiographies du thorax, 10 analyses de laboratoire, 8 consultations spécialisées, et une tomodensitométrie thoracique) avaient été réalisées pour parvenir au diagnostic. Parmi les faux positifs (n = 41), on compte trois angors stables (1.8% de tous les positifs). Les résultats de la validation externe sont les suivants : une aire sous la courbe ROC de 0.76 (95% de l'intervalle de confiance : 0.73-0.79) avec une sensibilité de 22% et une spécificité de 93%. Ce score de prédiction clinique pour le CWS constitue un complément utile à son diagnostic, habituellement obtenu par exclusion. En effet, pour les 127 patients présentant un CWS et correctement classifiés par notre score, 65 investigations complémentaires auraient pu être évitées. Par ailleurs, la présence d'une douleur thoracique reproductible à la palpation, bien qu'étant sa plus importante caractéristique, n'est pas pathognomonique du CWS.
Contribution of the gap junction proteins Connexin40 and Connexin43 to the control of blood pressure
Summary Cells in tissues and organs coordinate their activities by communicating with each other through intercellular channels named gap junctions. These channels are conduits between the cytoplasmic compartments of adjacent cells, allowing the exchange of small molecules which may be crucial for hormone secretion. Renin is normally secreted in a regulated manner by specific cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus located within the renal cortex. Gap junctional communication may be requisite to maintain an accurate functioning in coordination of renin-producing cells, more especially as renin is of paramount importance for the control of blood pressure. Connexin43 (Cx43) and Cx40 form gap junctions that link in vivo the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Cx43 links the endothelial cells, whereas gap junctions made of Cx40 connect the endothelial cells, the renin secreting cells, as well as the endothelial cells of to the renin-secreting cells of the afferent arteriole. The observation that loss of Cx40 results in chronic hypertension associated with altered vasomotion and signal conduction along arterioles, has lead us to suggest that connexins may contribute to control blood pressure by participating to the integration of various mechanical, osmotic and electrochemical stimuli involved in the control of renin secretion and by mediating the adaptive changes of the vascular wall induced by elevated blood pressure and mechanical stress. We therefore postulated that the absence of Cx40 could have deleterious effects on the coordinated functioning of the renin-containing cells, hence accounting for hypertension. In the first part of my thesis, we reported that Cx40-deficient mice (Cx40) are hypertensive due to increased plasma renin levels and numbers of renin-producing cells. Besides, we demonstrated that prostaglandins and nitric oxide, which are possible mediators in the regulation of renin secretion by the macula densa, exert a critical role in the mechanisms controlling blood pressure ín Cx40 knockout hypertensive mice. In view of previous studies that stated avessel-specifc increase in the expression of Cx43 during renin-dependent hypertension, we hypothesized that Cx43 channels are particularly well-matched to integrate the response of cells constituting the vascular wall to hypertensive conditions. Using transgenic mice in which Cx43 was replaced by Cx32, we revealed that the replacement of Cx43 by Cx32 is associated with decreased expression and secretion of renin and prevent the renin-dependent hypertension which is normally induced in the 2K1C model. To gain insights into the regulation of connexins in two separate tissues exposed to the same fluid pressure, the second part of my thesis work was dedicated to the study of the impact of chronic hypertension and related hypertrophy on the expression of the cardiovascular connexins (Cx40, Cx37, Cx43 and Cx45) in mouse aorta and heart. Our results documented that the expression of connexins is differentially regulated in mouse aorta. according to the models of hypertension. Thus, blood pressure induces mechanical forces that differentially alter the expression of vascular connexins in order to respond to an adaptation of the aortic wall observed under pathological conditions. Altogether these data provide the first evidences that intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions is required for a proper renin secretion from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in order to control blood pressure.
Stress induced by accumulation of unfolded proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a classic feature of secretory cells and is observed in many tissues in human diseases including cancer, diabetes, obesity, and neurodegeneration. Cellular adaptation to ER stress is achieved by the activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR), an integrated signal transduction pathway that transmits information about the protein folding status at the ER to the nucleus and cytosol to restore ER homeostasis. Inositol-requiring transmembrane kinase/endonuclease-1 (IRE1α), the most conserved UPR stress sensor, functions as an endoribonuclease that processes the mRNA of the transcription factor X-box binding protein-1 (XBP1). IRE1α signaling is a highly regulated process, controlled by the formation of a dynamic scaffold onto which many regulatory components assemble, here referred to as the UPRosome. Here we provide an overview of the signaling and regulatory mechanisms underlying IRE1α function and discuss the emerging role of the UPR in adaptation to protein folding stress in specialized secretory cells and in pathological conditions associated with alterations in ER homeostasis.
But. - Investiguer l'influence d'une hospitalisation prénatale précédant une naissance préma¬turée sur les facteurs de stress parentaux et la relation parent-enfant lors de l'hospitalisation en néonatologie ainsi que sur les symptômes de stress post-traumatique parentaux. Population et méthodes. - Population : 51 enfants prématurés et 25 enfants nés à terme (groupe témoin). Quatre groupes : groupe témoin, prématurés sans hospitalisation prénatale, prématu¬rés avec hospitalisation courte (< 8 jours) et prématurés avec hospitalisation longue (> 8 jours). Instruments: le Parental Stressor Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS: NICU, Miles et al., 1993 [14]) et le Perinatal PTSD Questionnaire (PPQ, Quinnell et Hynan, 1999 [16]). Résultats. -En cas d'hospitalisation prénatale, les parents se disent plus stressés par l'environnement du bébé en néonatologie. Les mères avec une hospitalisation prénatale courte (< 8 jours) se différencient significativement du groupe témoin par plus de symptômes de stress post-traumatique. Les parents présentant plus de symptômes post-traumatiques décrivent la relation avec leur bébé en néonatologie comme significativement plus difficile. Conclusion. - Cette étude indique l'attention à apporter aux patientes hospitalisées brièvement en prénatal (< 8 jours). Il s'agit d'un groupe plus à risque de présenter des symptômes de stress post-traumatique qui peuvent engendrer des troubles dans la relation à l'enfant.
The aim of this study was to identify genes involved in solute and matric stress mitigation in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading Novosphingobium sp. strain LH128. The genes were identified using plasposon mutagenesis and by selection of mutants that showed impaired growth in a medium containing 450 mM NaCl as a solute stress or 10% (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 as a matric stress. Eleven and 14 mutants showed growth impairment when exposed to solute and matric stresses, respectively. The disrupted sequences were mapped on a draft genome sequence of strain LH128, and the corresponding gene functions were predicted. None of them were shared between solute and matric stress-impacted mutants. One NaCl-affected mutant (i.e., NA7E1) with a disruption in a gene encoding a putative outer membrane protein (OpsA) was susceptible to lower NaCl concentrations than the other mutants. The growth of NA7E1 was impacted by other ions and nonionic solutes and by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), suggesting that opsA is involved in osmotic stress mitigation and/or outer membrane stability in strain LH128. NA7E1 was also the only mutant that showed reduced growth and less-efficient phenanthrene degradation in soil compared to the wild type. Moreover, the survival of NA7E1 in soil decreased significantly when the moisture content was decreased but was unaffected when soluble solutes from sandy soil were removed by washing. opsA appears to be important for the survival of strain LH128 in soil, especially in the case of reduced moisture content, probably by mitigating the effects of solute stress and retaining membrane stability.