189 resultados para Sport Event Sponsorship


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Introduction: Ski mountaineering is an increasingly popular winter sport and leisure activity. Elite athletes practice this sport with a high level of professionalism, but so far little scientific evidence was available to support their approach. The main aim of this work was to develop a specific knowledge about ski mountaineering, allowing providing specific recommendations for the practice. Methods: First we investigated energy cost (EC) and vertical energy cost (ECv). These two parameters were estimated with oxygen uptake, at different gradients (7 to 33%) and different speeds (2 to 7 km·∙h-­‐1) on treadmill with roller skis and on snow with ski mountaineering gear. Then we assessed energy expenditure (EE) during a long duration ski mountaineering event by measuring heart rate and altitude all along the race and associating them with an EE. The EE was compared with the energy intake during the race. Hydration level was estimated by comparing body weight immediately before and after the race. The energy intake during the 4 days preceding the race was estimated with food diaries and compared with the guidelines. Results/discussion: EC and ECv of ski mountaineering were very high and varied with gradient and speed. ECv decreased between 7 and 33% and with increasing speed at steep gradients. For a 5 h 51 ± 53 min race, the mean EE was 22.6 ± 2.6 MJ. The energy intake covered 20 ± 7% of the EE and was about 14% lower than the recommendations. No significant dehydration was observed. For the longest (53 km) race, we can extrapolate the EE as about 40 MJ. Before the race the energy intake and especially the carbohydrate intake were far under the guidelines (83 ± 17% and 46 ± 13% of the recommendations). Conclusions: EC and EE of ski mountaineering are very high. To minimize the EE to reach the top of a mountain and optimize the performance, the skier should choose a steep gradient and combine this steep gradient with a fast speed. The CHO intake should be increased during but, also before the race while the fluid intake seemed to be adequate. -- Introduction : Le ski-­‐alpinisme est un sport d'hiver qui s'est particulièrement développé durant les dernières décennies : de plus en plus de personnes pratiquent cette activité dans un cadre de loisirs et de plus en plus d'athlètes d'élite prennent part à des compétitions qu'ils préparent avec un haut degré de professionnalisme. Cependant, les connaissances scientifiques restent limitées et les athlètes ne disposent pas de recommandations précises et spécifiques. Le but principal de ce travail est donc de développer un savoir spécifique sur le ski-­‐alpinisme, ce qui devrait permettre d'établir des recommandations pour la pratique. Méthode : Le coût énergétique (CE) et le coût énergétique vertical (CEv) du ski-­‐alpinisme ont été calculés en mesurant la consommation d'oxygène à différentes pentes (7 à 33%) et vitesses (2 à 6.8 km·∙h-­‐1) sur tapis roulant avec des skis à roulettes et sur le terrain avec des skis de randonnée. Ensuite, la dépense énergétique (DE) d'une course de ski-­‐alpinisme de longue durée a été évaluée en mesurant la fréquence cardiaque et l'altitude en continu. La DE a été comparée à l'énergie consommée par les ravitaillements. Des carnets alimentaires ont permis d'estimer la consommation d'énergie (boissons et nourriture) pendant les 4 jours précédant la course. Résultats/discussion : Le CE du ski-­‐alpinisme est très élevé. Le CEv diminue entre 2 et 6 km·∙h-­‐1 et entre 7 et 33%. Pour une course de 5 h 51 ± 53 min (26 km), la DE était de 22.6 ± 2.6 MJ, alors que, pour le grand parcours de la Patrouille des Glaciers (53 km), elle serait d'environ 40 MJ. La consommation d'énergie, pendant le parcours de 26 km, couvrait 20 ± 7% de la DE et était inférieure de 14% aux recommandations, alors qu'aucune déshydratation significative n'était constatée. Les jours précédant la course, la consommation d'énergie et surtout d'hydrates de carbone était bien inférieure aux quantités recommandées (83 ± 17% et 46 ± 13% des recommandations). Conclusion : Le CE et la DE étaient très élevés. Pour minimiser la dépense lors d'une ascension, il faut combiner pente et vitesse élevées. La consommation d'hydrates de carbone devrait être massivement augmentée avant et pendant la course, alors que l'hydratation semble adéquate.


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International sport governing bodies (ISGBs) are built on the foundations of freedom of association and traditionally enjoy a large degree of autonomy in their decision-making. Their autonomy is increasingly confined, however, and their hierarchical self-governance is giving way to a more networked governance, in which different stakeholders exert power in different ways and in different contexts in a complex web of interrelationships. Taking a rationalist perspective on the autonomy of ISGBs, this article demonstrates that ISGBs are deploying strategies to safeguard their waning governing monopoly over international sport. Opting for an inductive approach, the authors present four possible conceptualizations of autonomy as applied to ISGBs, namely political autonomy, legal autonomy, financial autonomy and pyramidal autonomy. For each dimension, they describe the different strategies ISGBs wield in order to safeguard different dimensions of their autonomy. This article uses governance theories to hypothesize that the autonomy of ISGBs can be understood as 'pragmatic autonomy' since ISGBs only cede certain aspects of their autonomy under particular circumstances and when being subject to specific threats. Acting in a rationalist manner, they are able to keep control over governance developments in sport by using indirect and more subtle forms of governance.


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Cet article a pour but d'identifier et de mieux comprendre les liens entre les motivations des pratiquantes de sports de remise en forme, les troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA) et les troubles psychologiques associés (i.e., insatisfaction corporelle, dépendance à l'exercice physique). Au total, 1270 pratiquantes ont répondu à un questionnaire et 40 ont participé à un entretien semi-directif. Les motivations de perte de poids et/ou modification de l'apparence corporelle sont en lien avec les TCA et l'insatisfaction corporelle. La dépendance à l'exercice physique n'est pas systématique chez les femmes avec TCA. Les pratiquantes de sports de remise en forme motivées uniquement par la perte de poids et/ou la modification de l'apparence sont plus à risques dans levdéveloppement des TCA. The aim of this study was to identify and to better understand links between females' motives in fitness sports, eating disorders (ED) and associated psychological disorders (i.e. body dissatisfaction, exercise dependence). In all, 1270 women were asked by questionnaire and 40 by semi-structured interview. Weight loss/body appearance change motives are related to ED and body dissatisfaction. Exercise dependence are not systematic in women with ED. Fitness sports are at risk in the development of ED for women motivated only by weight loss/body appearance change motives


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Existing research on sport organisations is imprecise in the use of the concept 'professionalisation'. Furthermore, we do not know if analytical concepts of professionalisation correspond with the understanding in practice. This study explores the perceptions of practitioners and proposes a framework to analyse professionalisation in national sport federations. Expert interviews were conducted with six key people from Swiss national sport federations and then analysed these for characteristics of professionalisation using a hermeneutic approach. The characteristics were divided into three areas: (1) changed management philosophy, (2) functional differentiation and specialisation, and (3) application of management tools. However, professionalisation is primarily perceived to be a matter of 'professional' attitude that transforms into federation culture. The practitioners disclose an ambivalent view of professionalisation, e.g. business-like culture vs. voluntarism, for-profit vs. non-profit orientation, autonomy vs. control. A framework is developed that synthesises analytical concepts and practitioners' perceptions to support future comprehensive research into causes, forms and consequences of professionalisation in national sport federations.