270 resultados para Membrane glycoproteins


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Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) plays an essential role in the formation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex. It is an integral membrane protein that has been only poorly characterized to date. It is believed to comprise a cytosolic N-terminal part, a central part harboring four transmembrane passages, and a cytosolic C-terminal part. Here, we describe an amphipathic alpha-helix at the C terminus of NS4B (amino acid residues 229 to 253) that mediates membrane association and is involved in the formation of a functional HCV replication complex.


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Securin and separase play a key role in sister chromatid separation during anaphase. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that in addition to regulating chromosome segregation, securin and separase display functions implicated in membrane traffic in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila. Here we show that in mammalian cells both securin and separase associate with membranes and that depletion of either protein causes robust swelling of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) along with the appearance of large endocytic vesicles in the perinuclear region. These changes are accompanied by diminished constitutive protein secretion as well as impaired receptor recycling and degradation. Unexpectedly, cells depleted of securin or separase display defective acidification of early endosomes and increased membrane recruitment of vacuolar (V-) ATPase complexes, mimicking the effect of the specific V-ATPase inhibitor Bafilomycin A1. Taken together, our findings identify a new functional role of securin and separase in the modulation of membrane traffic and protein secretion that implicates regulation of V-ATPase assembly and function.


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Bordetella pertussis is the bacterial agent of whooping cough in humans. Under iron-limiting conditions, it produces the siderophore alcaligin. Released to the extracellular environment, alcaligin chelates iron, which is then taken up as a ferric alcaligin complex via the FauA outer membrane transporter. FauA belongs to a family of TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters that function using energy derived from the proton motive force. Using an in-house protocol for membrane-protein expression, purification and crystallization, FauA was crystallized in its apo form together with three other TonB-dependent transporters from different organisms. Here, the protocol used to study FauA is described and its three-dimensional structure determined at 2.3 A resolution is discussed.


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The expression of Ia-associated human Invariant (In) chain glycoproteins was studied in the Raji B cells as well as in their RJ 2.2.5 Ia-negative derived variant cells by using a specific rabbit anti-human In chain antiserum. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates from either biosynthetically labeled or surface labeled cells were analyzed. In addition, flow microfluorometric analysis of stained cells was performed. The results indicate that the In chain is constitutively produced in the Ia-negative B cell variant. Moreover, it appears that several forms of In chain-related molecules, with different charges and distinct m.w. are equally expressed in Ia-positive and Ia-negative B cells. Finally, no evidence could be obtained that the In molecular family was expressed on the cell surface of Ia-positive Raji and Ia-negative RJ 2.2.5 cells.


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The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), represented by nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B), belongs to a class of integral membrane proteins termed tail-anchored proteins. Its membrane association is mediated by the C-terminal 21 amino acid residues, which are dispensable for RdRp activity in vitro. For this study, we investigated the role of this domain, termed the insertion sequence, in HCV RNA replication in cells. Based on a structural model and the amino acid conservation among different HCV isolates, we designed a panel of insertion sequence mutants and analyzed their membrane association and RNA replication. Subgenomic replicons with a duplication of an essential cis-acting replication element overlapping the sequence that encodes the C-terminal domain of NS5B were used to unequivocally distinguish RNA versus protein effects of these mutations. Our results demonstrate that the membrane association of the RdRp is essential for HCV RNA replication. Interestingly, certain amino acid substitutions within the insertion sequence abolished RNA replication without affecting membrane association, indicating that the C-terminal domain of NS5B has functions beyond serving as a membrane anchor and that it may be involved in critical intramembrane protein-protein interactions. These results have implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex and provide new insights into the expanding spectrum of tail-anchored proteins.


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Land plants need precise thermosensors to timely establish molecular defenses in anticipation of upcoming noxious heat waves. The plasma membrane-embedded cyclic nucleotide-gated Ca(2+) channels (CNGCs) can translate mild variations of membrane fluidity into an effective heat shock response, leading to the accumulation of heat shock proteins (HSP) that prevent heat damages in labile proteins and membranes. Here, we deleted by targeted mutagenesis the CNGCd gene in two Physcomitrella patens transgenic moss lines containing either the heat-inducible HSP-GUS reporter cassette or the constitutive UBI-Aequorin cassette. The stable CNGCd knockout mutation caused a hyper-thermosensitive moss phenotype, in which the heat-induced entry of apoplastic Ca(2+) and the cytosolic accumulation of GUS were triggered at lower temperatures than in wild type. The combined effects of an artificial membrane fluidizer and elevated temperatures suggested that the gene products of CNGCd and CNGCb are paralogous subunits of Ca(2+)channels acting as a sensitive proteolipid thermocouple. Depending on the rate of temperature increase, the duration and intensity of the heat priming preconditions, terrestrial plants may thus acquire an array of HSP-based thermotolerance mechanisms against upcoming, otherwise lethal, extreme heat waves.


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Size and copy number of organelles are influenced by an equilibrium of membrane fusion and fission. We studied this equilibrium on vacuoles-the lysosomes of yeast. Vacuole fusion can readily be reconstituted and quantified in vitro, but it had not been possible to study fission of the organelle in a similar way. Here we present a cell-free system that reconstitutes fragmentation of purified yeast vacuoles (lysosomes) into smaller vesicles. Fragmentation in vitro reproduces physiological aspects. It requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p, V-ATPase pump activity, cytosolic proteins, and ATP and GTP hydrolysis. We used the in vitro system to show that the vacuole-associated TOR complex 1 (TORC1) stimulates vacuole fragmentation but not the opposing reaction of vacuole fusion. Under nutrient restriction, TORC1 is inactivated, and the continuing fusion activity then dominates the fusion/fission equilibrium, decreasing the copy number and increasing the volume of the vacuolar compartment. This result can explain why nutrient restriction not only induces autophagy and a massive buildup of vacuolar/lysosomal hydrolases, but also leads to a concomitant increase in volume of the vacuolar compartment by coalescence of the organelles into a single large compartment.


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PURPOSE: The outer limiting membrane (OLM) is considered to play a role in maintaining the structure of the retina through mechanical strength. However, the observation of junction proteins located at the OLM and its barrier permeability properties may suggest that the OLM may be part of the retinal barrier. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Normal and diabetic rat, monkey, and human retinas were used to analyze junction proteins at the OLM. Proteome analyses were performed using immunohistochemistry on sections and flat-mounted retinas and western blotting on protein extracts obtained from laser microdissection of the photoreceptor layers. Semi-thin and ultrastructure analyses were also reported. RESULTS: In the rat retina, in the subapical region zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), junction adhesion molecule (JAM), an atypical protein kinase C, is present and the OLM shows dense labeling of occludin, JAM, and ZO-1. The presence of occludin has been confirmed using western blot analysis of the microdissected OLM region. In diabetic rats, occludin expression is decreased and glial cells junctions are dissociated. In the monkey retina, occludin, JAM, and ZO-1 are also found in the OLM. Junction proteins have a specific distribution around cone photoreceptors and Müller glia. Ultrastructural analyses suggest that structures like tight junctions may exist between retinal glial Müller cells and photoreceptors. CONCLUSIONS: In the OLM, heterotypic junctions contain proteins from both adherent and tight junctions. Their structure suggests that tight junctions may exist in the OLM. Occludin is present in the OLM of the rat and monkey retina and it is decreased in diabetes. The OLM should be considered as part of the retinal barrier that can be disrupted in pathological conditions contributing to fluid accumulation in the macula.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus belonging to a basal lineage of the Ascomycotina, the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. It is a parasite specific to humans that dwells primarily in the lung and can cause severe pneumonia in individuals with debilitated immune system. Despite its clinical importance, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, at least in part because of the lack of a continuous in vitro cultivation system. The present thesis consists in the genome reconstruction and comparative genomics of P. jirovecii. It is made of three parts: (i) the de novo sequencing of P. jirovecii genome starting from a single broncho- alveolar lavage fluid of a single patient (ii) the de novo sequencing of the genome of the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans, a fungus closely related to P. jirovecii, and (iii) the genome scale comparison of P. jirovecii to other Taphrinomycotina members. Enrichment in P. jirovecii cells by immuno-precipitation, whole DNA random amplification, two complementary high throughput DNA sequencing methods, and in silico sorting and assembly of sequences were used for the de novo reconstruction of P. jirovecii genome from the microbiota of a single clinical specimen. An iterative ad hoc pipeline as well as numerical simulations was used to recover P. jirovecii sequences while purging out contaminants and assembly or amplification chimeras. This strategy produced a 8.1 Mb assembly, which encodes 3,898 genes. Homology searches, mapping on biochemical pathways atlases, and manual validations revealed that this genome lacks (i) most of the enzymes dedicated to the amino acids biosyntheses, and (ii) most virulence factors observed in other fungi, e.g. the glyoxylate shunt pathway and specific peptidases involved in the degradation of the host cell membrane. The same analyses applied to the available genomic sequences from Pneumocystis carinii the species infecting rats and Pneumocystis murina the species infecting mice revealed the same deficiencies. The genome sequencing of T. deformans yielded a 13 Mb assembly, which encodes 5,735 genes. T. deformans possesses enzymes involved plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, the glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, sterol biosynthesis, as well as the biosyntheses of plant hormones such as abscisic acid or indole-3-acetic acid. T. deformans also harbors gene subsets that have counterparts in plant saprophytes or pathogens, which is consistent with its alternate saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles. Mating genes were also identified. The homothallism of this fungus suggests a mating-type switching mechanism. Comparative analyses indicated that 81% of P. jirovecii genes are shared with eight other Taphrinomycotina members, including T. deformans, P. carinii and P. murina. These genes are mostly involved in housekeeping activities. The genes specific to the Pneumocystis genus represent 8%, and are involved in RNA metabolism and signaling. The signaling is known to be crucial for interaction of Pneumocystis spp with their environment. Eleven percent are unique to P. jirovecii and encode mostly proteins of unknown function. These genes in conjunction with other ones (e.g. the major surface glycoproteins) might govern the interaction of P. jirovecii with its human host cells, and potentially be responsible of the host specificity. P. jirovecii exhibits a reduced genome in size with a low GC content, and most probably scavenges vital compounds such as amino acids and cholesterol from human lungs. Consistently, its genome encodes a large set of transporters (ca. 22% of its genes), which may play a pivotal role in the acquisition of these compounds. All these features are generally observed in obligate parasite of various kingdoms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Moreover, epidemiological studies failed to evidence a free-living form of the fungus and Pneumocystis spp were shown to co-evolved with their hosts. Given also the lack of virulence factors, our observations strongly suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, and which causes disease only in individuals with compromised immune system. The same conclusion is most likely true for all other Pneumocystis spp in their respective mammalian host. - Pneumocystis jirovecii est un champignon appartenant à ine branche basale des Ascomycotina, le sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. C'est un parasite spécifique aux humains qui réside principalement dans les poumons, et qui peut causer des pneumonies sévères chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire déficient. En dépit de son importance clinique, de nombreux aspects de sa biologie demeurent,largement méconnus, au moins en partie à cause de l'absence d'un système de culture in vitro continu. Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction du génome et de la génomique comparative de P. jirovecii. Elle comporte trois parties: (i) le séquençage de novo du génome de P. jirovecii à partir d'un lavage broncho-alvéolaire provenant d'un seul patient, (ii) le séquençage de novo du génome d'un champignon pathogène de plante Taphrina deformans qui est phylogénétiquement proche de P. jirovecii, et (iii) la comparaison du génome de P. jirovecii à celui d'autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Un enrichissement en cellules de P. jirovecii par immuno-précipitation, une amplification aléatoire des molécules d'ADN, deux méthodes complémentaires de séquençage à haut débit, un tri in silico et un assemblage des séquences ont été utilisés pour reconstruire de novo le génome de P. jirovecii à partir du microbiote d'un seul échantillon clinique. Un pipeline spécifique ainsi que des simulations numériques ont été utilisés pour récupérer les séquences de P. jirovecii tout en éliminant les séquences contaminants et les chimères d'amplification ou d'assemblage. Cette stratégie a produit un assemblage de 8.1 Mb, qui contient 3898 gènes. Les recherches d'homologies, de cartographie des voies métaboliques et des validations manuelles ont révélé que ce génome est dépourvu (i) de la plupart des enzymes dédiées à la biosynthèse des acides aminés, et (ii) de la plupart des facteurs de virulence observés chez d'autres champignons, par exemple, le cycle du glyoxylate ainsi que des peptidases spécifiques impliquées dans la dégradation de la membrane de la cellule hôte. Les analyses appliquées aux données génomiques disponibles de Pneumocystis carinii, l'espèce infectant les rats, et de Pneumocystis murina, l'espèce infectant les souris, ont révélé les mêmes déficiences. Le séquençage du génome de T. deformans a généré un assemblage de 13.3 Mb qui contient 5735 gènes. T. deformans possède les gènes codant pour les enzymes impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires des plantes, le métabolisme secondaire, le cycle du glyoxylate, la détoxification, la biosynthèse des stérols ainsi que la biosynthèse d'hormones de plantes telles que l'acide abscissique ou l'acide indole 3-acétique. T. deformans possède également des sous-ensembles de gènes présents exclusivement chez des saprophytes ou des pathogènes de plantes, ce qui est consistent avec son mode de vie alternatif saprophyte et pathogène. Des gènes impliqués dans la conjugaison ont été identifiés. L'homothallisme de ce champignon suggère mécanisme de permutation du type conjuguant. Les analyses comparatives ont démontré que 81% des gènes de P. jirovecii sont présent chez les autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Ces gènes sont essentiellement impliqués dans le métabolisme basai. Les gènes spécifiques au genre Pneumocystis représentent 8%, et sont impliqués dans le métabolisme de l'ARN et la signalisation. La signalisation est connue pour être cruciale pour l'interaction des espèces de Pneumocystis avec leur environnement. Les gènes propres à P. jirovecii représentent 11% et codent en majorité pour des protéines dont la fonction est inconnue. Ces gènes en conjonction avec d'autres (par exemple, les glycoprotéines de surface), pourraient être déterminants dans l'interaction de P. jirovecii avec les cellules de l'hôte humain, et être potentiellement responsable de la spécificité d'hôte. P. jirovecii possède un génome de taille réduite à faible pourcentage en GC et récupère très probablement des composés vitaux comme les acides aminés et le cholestérol à partir des poumons humains. De manière consistante, son génome code pour de nombreux transporteurs (22% de ses gènes), qui pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans l'acquisition de ces composés. Ces caractéristiques sont généralement observées chez les parasites obligatoires de plusieurs règnes (bactéries, protozoaires, champignons). De plus, les études épidémiologiques n'ont pas réussi à prouver l'existence d'ime forme vivant librement du champignon. Etant donné également l'absence de facteurs de virulence, nos observations suggèrent que P. jirovecii est un parasite obligatoire spécialisé dans la colonisation des poumons humains, ne causant une maladie que chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire compromis. La même conclusion est très probablement applicable à toutes les autres espèces de Pneumocystis dans leur hôte mammifère respectif.


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Specialised plant cell types often locally modify their cell walls as part of a developmental program, as do cells that are challenged by particular environmental conditions. Modifications can include deposition of secondary cellulose, callose, cutin, suberin or lignin. Although the biosyntheses of cell wall components are more and more understood, little is known about the mechanisms that control localised deposition of wall materials. During metaxylem vessel differentiation, site-specific cell wall deposition is locally prevented by the microtubule depolymerising protein MIDD1, which disassembles the cytoskeleton and precludes the cellulose synthase complex from depositing cellulose. As a result, metaxylem vessel secondary cell wall appears pitted. How MIDD1 is tethered at the plasma membrane and how other cell wall polymers are locally deposited remain elusive. Casparian strips in the root endodermis represent a further example of local cell wall deposition. The recent discovery of the Casparian Strip membrane domain Proteins (CASPs), which are located at the plasma membrane and are important for the site-specific deposition of lignin during Casparian strip development, establishes the root endodermis as an attractive model system to study the mechanisms of localised cell wall modifications. How secondary modifications are modulated and monitored during development or in response to environmental changes is another question that still misses a complete picture.


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As an approved vaccine adjuvant for use in humans, alum has vast health implications, but, as it is a crystal, questions remain regarding its mechanism. Furthermore, little is known about the target cells, receptors, and signaling pathways engaged by alum. Here we report that, independent of inflammasome and membrane proteins, alum binds dendritic cell (DC) plasma membrane lipids with substantial force. Subsequent lipid sorting activates an abortive phagocytic response that leads to antigen uptake. Such activated DCs, without further association with alum, show high affinity and stable binding with CD4(+) T cells via the adhesion molecules intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1). We propose that alum triggers DC responses by altering membrane lipid structures. This study therefore suggests an unexpected mechanism for how this crystalline structure interacts with the immune system and how the DC plasma membrane may behave as a general sensor for solid structures.


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Red blood cells (RBCs) present unique reversible shape deformability, essential for both function and survival, resulting notably in cell membrane fluctuations (CMF). These CMF have been subject of many studies in order to obtain a better understanding of these remarkable biomechanical membrane properties altered in some pathological states including blood diseases. In particular the discussion over the thermal or metabolic origin of the CMF has led in the past to a large number of investigations and modeling. However, the origin of the CMF is still debated. In this article, we present an analysis of the CMF of RBCs by combining digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with an orthogonal subspace decomposition of the imaging data. These subspace components can be reliably identified and quantified as the eigenmode basis of CMF that minimizes the deformation energy of the RBC structure. By fitting the observed fluctuation modes with a theoretical dynamic model, we find that the CMF are mainly governed by the bending elasticity of the membrane and that shear and tension elasticities have only a marginal influence on the membrane fluctations of the discocyte RBC. Further, our experiments show that the role of ATP as a driving force of CMF is questionable. ATP, however, seems to be required to maintain the unique biomechanical properties of the RBC membrane that lead to thermally excited CMF.


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Purpose:To describe the indications, the surgical procedure and the clinical outcome of MLAM in the treatment of non traumatic corneal perforations and descemetoceles . Methods:A prospective, non comparative, interventional case series of eight consecutive patients (mean age 59 years old, 6 men and 2 women) with non traumatic corneal perforations or descemetoceles.The surgery consisted in a MLAM transplantation of a cryopreservated human amniotic membrane. The series included: three active herpetic keratitis, one rosacea, one perforation of an hydrops, one cicatricial pemphigoid, one perforation after an abcess in a corneal graft and one perforation after protonbeamtherapy. The clinical outcome included: the follow-up, the integrity of the eye, corneal epithelialization, inflammation and neovascularization, and the integration of the MLAM. Stromal thickness was followed precisely with the slit lamp. A corneal graft was performed at one patient after the MLAM, allowing microscopic investigation of the removed MLAM integrated in the cornea. Results:The mean follow-up was 8.78 months (range 3.57 to 30.17). Amniotic membrane transplantation was successful and reduced inflammation in 7 patients out of 8 ,after one procedure.One patient who presented a large herpetic keratitis epithelial defect with corneal anaesthesia had his MLAM dissolved after two weeks with an aqueous leakage. Epithelium healed within 3 weeks above 7 MLAM and remained stable at 3 months in 7 out of 8 patients. MLAM opacification gradually disappeared over a few months, however, stromal layers filling in the corneal perforations or above the descemetoceles remained stable. Conclusions:MLAM transplantation is a safe, effective and useful technique to cure non traumatic corneal perforations and descemetoceles. It can be performed in emergency despite the presence of an active inflammation or infection. By facilitating epithelialization, reducing inflammation and neovascularization, it allows corneal surface reconstruction in patients with persistent epithelial defects and corneal melting that usually ends in a perforation. For full visual rehabilitation, a delayed penetrating keratoplasty is required.