397 resultados para Melanoma uveal


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A national information program, focusing on the main recognized risk factors (primary prevention) and on the potential benefits of early detection (secondary prevention) of cutaneous malignant melanoma, was launched in Switzerland in May 1988. The first campaign, based on a pilot study conducted in 1986 in the canton of Basel, was followed by a recall campaign in July 1989. This report describes the organization of this program and presents an assessment of its initial impact. The number of newly diagnosed cases increased more than twofold (+ 116%) in the two months following the launch of the first campaign (May to June 1988). This trend was accompanied by a statistically significant shift of case distribution towards younger ages (< 60 years; p = 0.003), and a non-significant shift was observed towards less advanced lesions (thickness < or = 1.5 mm). The incidence decreased quickly, though in the twelve month period between the two campaigns it remained 21% higher than before the inception of the program. No appreciable effects were detected from the recall campaign and no difference was seen among regions or between sexes.


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To defend the host from malignancies, the immune system can spontaneously raise CD8(+) T-cell responses against tumor antigens. Investigating the functional state of tumor-reactive cytolytic T cells in cancer patients is a key step for understanding the role of these cells in tumor immunosurveillance and for evaluating the potential of immunotherapeutic approaches of vaccination against cancer. In this study we identified a subset of circulating tumor-reactive CD8(+) T lymphocytes, which specifically secreted IFN-gamma after exposition to autologous tumor cell lines in stage IV metastatic melanoma patients. Additional phenotypic characterization using multicolor flow cytometry revealed that a significant fraction of these cells were CD45RA(+)CCR7(-), a phenotype that has been proposed recently to characterize cytolytic effectors potentially able to home into inflamed tissues. In the case of an HLA-A2-expressing patient, the antigen specificity of this population was identified by using HLA-A2/peptide multimers incorporating a tyrosinase-derived peptide. Consistently with their phenotypic characteristics, A2/tyrosinase peptide multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells, isolated by cell sorting, were directly lytic ex vivo and able to specifically recognize tyrosinase-expressing tumor cells. Overall, these results provide the first evidence that a proportion of melanoma patients have circulating tumor-reactive T cells, which are lytic effectors cells.


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Some cancer patients mount spontaneous T- and B-cell responses against their tumor cells. Autologous tumor reactive CD8 cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) and CD4 T-cell clones as well as antibodies from these patients have been used for the identification of genes encoding the target antigens. This knowledge opened the way for new approaches to the immunotherapy of cancer. In this review, we describe the characterization of the structure-function properties of the melanocyte/melanoma tumor antigen Melan-A/MART-1, the assessment of the T-cell repertoire available against this antigen in healthy individuals, and the analysis of naturally acquired and/or vaccine-induced CTL responses to this antigen in patients with metastatic melanoma.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the mechanism(s) of resistance to the RAF-inhibitor vemurafenib, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the genetic alterations occurring in metastatic lesions from a patient with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma who, after a first response, underwent subsequent rechallenge with this drug. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We obtained blood and tissue samples from a patient diagnosed with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma that was treated with vemurafenib and achieved a near-complete response. At progression, he received additional lines of chemo/immunotherapy and was successfully rechallenged with vemurafenib. Exome and RNA sequencing were conducted on a pretreatment tumor and two subcutaneous resistant metastases, one that was present at baseline and previously responded to vemurafenib (PV1) and one that occurred de novo after reintroduction of the drug (PV2). A culture established from PV1 was also analyzed. RESULTS: We identified two NRAS-activating somatic mutations, Q61R and Q61K, affecting two main subpopulations in the metastasis PV1 and a BRAF alternative splicing, involving exons 4-10, in the metastasis PV2. These alterations, known to confer resistance to RAF inhibitors, were tumor-specific, mutually exclusive, and were not detected in pretreatment tumor samples. In addition, the oncogenic PIK3CA(H1047R) mutation was detected in a subpopulation of PV1, but this mutation did not seem to play a major role in vemurafenib resistance in this metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: This work describes the coexistence within the same patient of different molecular mechanisms of resistance to vemurafenib affecting different metastatic sites. These findings have direct implications for the clinical management of BRAF-mutant melanoma. Clin Cancer Res; 19(20); 5749-57. ©2013 AACR.


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The treatment of stage IV melanoma has been revolutionized over the last years with the development of immunotherapies that, for the first time, have shown a significant benefit in overall survival, as well as with extremely effective targeted therapies, that also led to improved survival. These results are the fruits of an important translational research effort that allowed a rational approach with a very fast clinical development. The treatment of metastatic melanoma is, therefore, an illustration of the new paradigms of modern molecular research in oncology. In this review, we will present the various agents that have made the proof of their clinical benefit, as well as the scientific discoveries that allowed their development. Some of the remaining questions will be touched upon with the ongoing clinical trials. Inclusion of patients in these studies remains the top priority to improve on the clinical care.


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Optimal vaccine strategies must be identified for improving T-cell vaccination against infectious and malignant diseases. MelQbG10 is a virus-like nano-particle loaded with A-type CpG-oligonucleotides (CpG-ODN) and coupled to peptide(16-35) derived from Melan-A/MART-1. In this phase IIa clinical study, four groups of stage III-IV melanoma patients were vaccinated with MelQbG10, given (i) with IFA (Montanide) s.c.; (ii) with IFA s.c. and topical Imiquimod; (iii) i.d. with topical Imiquimod; or (iv) as intralymph node injection. In total, 16/21 (76%) patients generated ex vivo detectable Melan-A/MART-1-specific T-cell responses. T-cell frequencies were significantly higher when IFA was used as adjuvant, resulting in detectable T-cell responses in all (11/11) patients, with predominant generation of effector-memory-phenotype cells. In turn, Imiquimod induced higher proportions of central-memory-phenotype cells and increased percentages of CD127(+) (IL-7R) T cells. Direct injection of MelQbG10 into lymph nodes resulted in lower T-cell frequencies, associated with lower proportions of memory and effector-phenotype T cells. Swelling of vaccine site draining lymph nodes, and increased glucose uptake at PET/CT was observed in 13/15 (87%) of evaluable patients, reflecting vaccine triggered immune reactions in lymph nodes. We conclude that the simultaneous use of both Imiquimod and CpG-ODN induced combined memory and effector CD8(+) T-cell responses.


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BRAF inhibitory therapy is the mainstream treatment for BRAF mutant advanced melanoma. However vemurafenib, a type I mutant BRAF V600 inhibitor, induces an array of proliferative skin disorders from keratosis pilaris-like and keratoacanthoma-like lesions to locally aggressive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cuSCC). Dual BRAF/MEK inhibition is known to lower the incidence of such manifestations, but it is not known whether it can counteract established lesions. Here we show, for the first time, a dramatic response and a restitution ad integro upon dual inhibition of a widespread proliferative affection induced by BRAF monotherapy. A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with a BRAF V600E mutated metastatic melanoma. Following dacarbazine (DTIC) and ipilimumab, the patient was started on 960 mg twice daily vemurafenib (Zelboraf), which resulted in complete response, but the patient also developed grade IV skin toxicity. Despite dose-reduction to 720 mg twice daily the side effects persisted. We hypothesized that a switch to double inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway with dabrafenib and trametinib could lead to improvement of the skin lesions, while preserving tumor control. The patient was closely followed for changes in skin lesions. We witnessed a rapid regression followed by complete disappearance of all side effects of vemurafenib except for grade I fatigue. The biopsied skin lesions show regression of established keratoacanthoma-like lesions with signs of apoptosis. Switching from the current standard of care vemurafenib therapy to the double BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF mutant melanoma patients results in rapid disappearance of established proliferative skin disorders.


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The treatment of stage IV melanoma has witnessed a very impressive pace of innovation in recent years, to a point where the management of these patients has very little in common to what was standard practice 5 years ago. If the gain in overall survival, the high response rates or the induction of a significant fraction of long survivors are all very exciting news for our patients and their families, the path that led to these discoveries is as important. Rather than empirical, the development of these new strategies has been extremely rational, based on state-of-the-art basic biology and immunology, exemplary translational research and, finally, hypothesis-driven targeted trials that led to rapid approval. In this review, we will cover all the new targeted therapies that have emerged as the results of these translational programs, focusing mainly on signaling pathway- and immune checkpoint-targeted therapies. Taken collectively, these new developments set the bar for a new paradigm in future translational and clinical research in both melanoma as well as other tumor types.


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Résumé Etude de la valeur pronostique de la biopsie du ganglion sentinelle dans une étude prospective monocentrique de 327 patients atteints de mélanome malin But II s'agit de confirmer la validité de la biopsie du ganglion sentinelle, d'en définir la morbidité, d'investiguer les facteurs prédictifs pour le statut du ganglion sentinelle ainsi que de déterminer les facteurs pronostiques pour la survie sans récidive et la survie spécifique liée à la maladie. Matériel et méthode D'octobre 1997 à décembre 2004, 327 patients consécutifs présentant un mélanome cutané primaire des membres, du tronc et de la tête, sans adénopathie clinique ni métastase à distance ont été inclus. La biopsie du ganglion sentinelle a été réalisée selon la triple technique (lymphoscintigraphie, colorant bleu vital et sonde de détection gamma). Les paramètres et la survie ont été évalués par différentes analyses de régression logistique multiple selon Cox et la survie évaluée selon Kaplan Meier. Résultats Vingt-trois pour cent des patients présentaient au moins un ganglion sentinelle métastatique, ce qui était associé de façon significative à l'épaisseur selon Breslow (p<0.001). Le taux de succès de la biopsie du ganglion sentinelle était de 99.1% et sa morbidité de 7.6%. Avec une durée médiane de suivi de 33 mois, la survie sans récidive à 5 ans était de 43% pour les patients avec un ganglion sentinelle positif et de 83.5% pour ceux avec un ganglion sentinelle négatif. La survie spécifique liée à la maladie à 5 ans était de 49% pour les patients avec un ganglion sentinelle positif et de 87.4% pour ceux avec un ganglion sentinelle négatif. Le taux de faux négatif de la biopsie du ganglion sentinelle était de 8.6%. L'analyse multivariée a démontré que la survie sans récidive était significativement péjorée par :l'épaisseur selon Breslow (RR=5.6, p<0.001), un ganglion sentinelle positif (RR=5.0, p<0.001), et le sexe masculin (RR=2.9, p=0.001). La survie spécifique liée à la maladie était significativement diminuée par : un ganglion sentinelle métastatique (RR=8.4, p<O.OOI), le sexe masculin (RR=6.1, p<0.001), l'épaisseur selon Breslow (RR=3.2, p=0.013), et la présence d'une ulcération (RR=2.6, p=0.015). Conclusion La biopsie du ganglion sentinelle est une procédure fiable avec une haute sensibilité (91.4%) et une faible morbidité (7.6%). L'épaisseur selon Breslow était le seul facteur prédictif significatif pour le statut du ganglion sentinelle. La survie sans récidive était péjorée selon un ordre décroissant par :l'épaisseur selon Breslow, un ganglion sentinelle métastatique, et le sexe masculin. De façon similaire la survie spécifique liée à la maladie était péjorée par : un ganglion sentinelle métastatique, le sexe masculin, l'épaisseur selon Breslow, et une ulcération. Ces données renforcent le statut du ganglion sentinelle en tant que puissant moyen pour évaluer le stade tumoral ainsi que le pronostic.


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In 19th century, the anatomo-clinical school of Paris linked clinical signs with anatomical lesions establishing clinical medicine. One of the most enlightened promoters of this method was the French physician René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec, known as the inventor of stethoscope. In our article, we reveal his work on pulmonary melanoma.


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Enhancing immune responses with immune-modulatory monoclonal antibodies directed to inhibitory immune receptors is a promising modality in cancer therapy. Clinical efficacy has been demonstrated with antibodies blocking inhibitory immune checkpoints such as cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) or PD-1/PD-L1. Treatment with ipilimumab, a fully human CTLA-4-specific mAb, showed durable clinical efficacy in metastatic melanoma; its mechanism of action is, however, only partially understood. This is a study of 29 patients with advanced cutaneous melanoma treated with ipilimumab. We analyzed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and matched melanoma metastases from 15 patients responding and 14 not responding to ipilimumab by multicolor flow cytometry, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) assay, and immunohistochemistry. PBMCs and matched tumor biopsies were collected 24 h before (i.e., baseline) and up to 4 wk after ipilimumab. Our findings show, to our knowledge for the first time, that ipilimumab can engage ex vivo FcγRIIIA (CD16)-expressing, nonclassical monocytes resulting in ADCC-mediated lysis of regulatory T cells (Tregs). In contrast, classical CD14(++)CD16(-) monocytes are unable to do so. Moreover, we show that patients responding to ipilimumab display significantly higher baseline peripheral frequencies of nonclassical monocytes compared with nonresponder patients. In the tumor microenvironment, responders have higher CD68(+)/CD163(+) macrophage ratios at baseline and show decreased Treg infiltration after treatment. Together, our results suggest that anti-CTLA-4 therapy may target Tregs in vivo. Larger translational studies are, however, warranted to substantiate this mechanism of action of ipilimumab in patients.