366 resultados para MRI quantitative
Purpose: SIOPEN scoring of 123I mIBG imaging has been shown to predict response to induction chemotherapy and outcome at diagnosis in children with HRN.Method: Patterns of skeletal 123I mIBG uptake were assigned numerical scores (Mscore) ranging from 0 (no metastasis) to 72 (diffuse metastases) within 12 body areas as described previously. 271 anonymised, paired image data sets acquired at diagnosis and on completion of Rapid COJEC induction chemotherapy were reviewed, constituting a representative sample of 1602 children treated prospectively within the HR-NBL1/SIOPEN trial. Pre-and post-treatment Mscores were compared with bone marrow cytology (BM) and 3 year event free survival (EFS).Results: Results 224/271 patients showed skeletal MIBG-uptake at diagnosis and were evaluable forMIBG-response. Complete response (CR) on MIBG to Rapid COJEC induction was achieved by 66%, 34% and 15% of patients who had pre-treatment Mscores of <18 (n¼65, 29%), 18-44 (n¼95,42%) and Y ´ 45 (n¼64, 28.5%) respectively (chi squared test p<.0001). Mscore at diagnosis and on completion of Rapid COJEC correlated strongly with BM involvement (p<0.0001). The correlation of pre score with post scores and response was highly significant (p<0.001). Most importantly, the 3 year EFS in 47 children with Mscore 0 at diagnosis was 0.68 (A ` 0.07), by comparison with 0.42 (A` 0.06), 0.35 (A` 0.05) and 0.25 (A` 0.06) for patients in pre-treatment score groups <18, 18-44 and Y ´ 45, respectively (p<0.001). AnMscore threshold ofY ´ 45 at diagnosis was associated with significantly worse outcome by comparison with all other Mscore groups (p¼0.029). The 3 year EFS of 0.53 (A` 0.07) of patients in metastatic CR (mIBG and BM) after Rapid Cojec (33%) is clearly superior to patients not achieving metastatic CR (0.24 (A ` 0.04), p¼0.005).Conclusion: SIOPEN scoring of 123I mIBG imaging has been shown to predict response to induction chemotherapy and outcome at diagnosis in children with HRN.
Diffusion MRI is a well established imaging modality providing a powerful way to non-invasively probe the structure of the white matter. Despite the potential of the technique, the intrinsic long scan times of these sequences have hampered their use in clinical practice. For this reason, a wide variety of methods have been proposed to shorten acquisition times. [...] We here review a recent work where we propose to further exploit the versatility of compressed sensing and convex optimization with the aim to characterize the fiber orientation distribution sparsity more optimally. We re-formulate the spherical deconvolution problem as a constrained l0 minimization.
Changes in bone mineral density and bone strength following treatment with zoledronic acid (ZOL) were measured by quantitative computed analysis (QCT) or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). ZOL treatment increased spine and hip BMD vs placebo, assessed by QCT and DXA. Changes in trabecular bone resulted in increased bone strength. INTRODUCTION: To investigate bone mineral density (BMD) changes in trabecular and cortical bone, estimated by quantitative computed analysis (QCT) or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and whether zoledronic acid 5 mg (ZOL) affects bone strength. METHODS: In 233 women from a randomized, controlled trial of once-yearly ZOL, lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, and trochanter were assessed by DXA and QCT (baseline, Month 36). Mean percentage changes from baseline and between-treatment differences (ZOL vs placebo, t-test) were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean between-treatment differences for lumbar spine BMD were significant by DXA (7.0%, p < 0.01) and QCT (5.7%, p < 0.0001). Between-treatment differences were significant for trabecular spine (p = 0.0017) [non-parametric test], trabecular trochanter (10.7%, p < 0.0001), total hip (10.8%, p < 0.0001), and compressive strength indices at femoral neck (8.6%, p = 0.0001), and trochanter (14.1%, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Once-yearly ZOL increased hip and spine BMD vs placebo, assessed by QCT vs DXA. Changes in trabecular bone resulted in increased indices of compressive strength.
PURPOSE: To develop a breathhold method for black-blood viability imaging of the heart that may facilitate identifying the endocardial border. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) images were obtained almost simultaneously during the same acquisition using three different demodulation values. Two of the three images were used to construct a black-blood image of the heart. The third image was a T(1)-weighted viability image that enabled detection of hyperintense infarcted myocardium after contrast agent administration. The three STEAM images were combined into one composite black-blood viability image of the heart. The composite STEAM images were compared to conventional inversion-recovery (IR) delayed hyperenhanced (DHE) images in nine human subjects studied on a 3T MRI scanner. RESULTS: STEAM images showed black-blood characteristics and a significant improvement in the blood-infarct signal-difference to noise ratio (SDNR) when compared to the IR-DHE images (34 +/- 4.1 vs. 10 +/- 2.9, mean +/- standard deviation (SD), P < 0.002). There was sufficient myocardium-infarct SDNR in the STEAM images to accurately delineate infarcted regions. The extracted infarcts demonstrated good agreement with the IR-DHE images. CONCLUSION: The STEAM black-blood property allows for better delineation of the blood-infarct border, which would enhance the fast and accurate measurement of infarct size.
Aim: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a non-invasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes the targeting of the ventro-intermediate (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus for tremor. We currently perform an indirect targeting, using the "quadrilatere of Guyot," as the Vim nucleus is not visible on current 3 Tesla (T) MRI acquisitions. The primary objective of the current study was to enhance anatomic imaging for Vim GKS using high-field (7 T) MRI, with the aim of refining the visualization and precision of anatomical targeting. Method: Five young healthy subjects (mean age 23 years) were scanned both on 3 and 7 T MRI in Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM). Classical T1-weighted MPRAGE, T2 CISS sequences (replacing former ventriculography) and diffusion tensor imaging were acquired at 3T. We obtained high-resolution susceptibility weighted images (SWI) at 7T for the visualization of thalamic subparts. SWI was further integrated for the first time into Leksell Gamma Plan® (LGP) software and co-registered with the 3T images. A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using the "quadrilatere of Guyot" methodology on the 3T images. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target on SWI was performed. The atlas of Morel et al. was used to confirm the findings on a detailed computer analysis outside LGP. Also, 3T and 7T MRI of one patient undergoing GKS Vim thalamotomy, were obtained before and 2 years after the procedure, and studied similarly. Results: The use of SWI provided a superior resolution and improved image contrast within the central gray matter. This allowed visualization and direct delineation of groups of thalamic nuclei in vivo, including the Vim. The position of the target, as assessed with the "quadrilatere of Guyot" method on 3 T, perfectly matched with the supposed one of the Vim on the SWI. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional model of the Vim target area was created on the basis of 3T and 7T images. Conclusion: This is the first report of the integration of SWI high-field MRI into the LGP in healthy subjects and in one patient treated GKS Vim thalamotomy. This approach aims at the improvement of targeting validation and further direct targeting of the Vim in tremor. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T seems to show a very good anatomical matching.
Evidence from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies shows that healthy aging is associated with profound changes in cortical and subcortical brain structures. The reliable delineation of cortex and basal ganglia using automated computational anatomy methods based on T1-weighted images remains challenging, which results in controversies in the literature. In this study we use quantitative MRI (qMRI) to gain an insight into the microstructural mechanisms underlying tissue ageing and look for potential interactions between ageing and brain tissue properties to assess their impact on automated tissue classification. To this end we acquired maps of longitudinal relaxation rate R1, effective transverse relaxation rate R2* and magnetization transfer - MT, from healthy subjects (n=96, aged 21-88 years) using a well-established multi-parameter mapping qMRI protocol. Within the framework of voxel-based quantification we find higher grey matter volume in basal ganglia, cerebellar dentate and prefrontal cortex when tissue classification is based on MT maps compared with T1 maps. These discrepancies between grey matter volume estimates can be attributed to R2* - a surrogate marker of iron concentration, and further modulation by an interaction between R2* and age, both in cortical and subcortical areas. We interpret our findings as direct evidence for the impact of ageing-related brain tissue property changes on automated tissue classification of brain structures using SPM12. Computational anatomy studies of ageing and neurodegeneration should acknowledge these effects, particularly when inferring about underlying pathophysiology from regional cortex and basal ganglia volume changes.
Purpose: In the last years, MRI appears as a complementary diagnostic method to US in the diagnosis of congenital lung lesions. Focal homogeneous pulmonary hyperintensity on T2-WI constitutes a frequent pattern observed. Our purpose is to determine if this finding is associated with a characteristic pulmonary lesion. Materials and methods: Between 01.01.00 and 31.12.07, a total of 50 prenatal MRI in fetuses with echographic diagnosis of thoracic pathology were performed in our institution, including 12 cases of suspected congenital pulmonary lesions. Prenatal images were correlated with post-natal diagnosis. Results: In 12 cases, fetal MRI detected congenital pulmonary lesions. In 8 patients, typical signs (cystic lesions, septations, anomalous vasculature) clearly suggested a specific pathology. In 4 cases, MRI showed a focal homogeneous increase of the signal intensity (SI) on T2-WI of the pathologic lung related to the normal one. The final diagnosis of these fetuses included 1 patient with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation type III, 1 patient with segmental emphysema and 2 cases of bronchial atresia. In all 4 cases, a significant post-natal reduction of the lesion size related to prenatal MRI studies was observed. Conclusion: Our study suggests that a focal increment of the SI of the lung on T2-WI is a non specific sign of congenital lung disease, present in different pathologies. Therefore, a prospective diagnosis is not possible.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: We present an overview of recent concepts in mechanisms underlying cognitive decline associated with brain aging and neurodegeneration from the perspective of MRI. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent findings challenge the established link between neuroimaging biomarkers of neurodegeneration and age-related or disease-related cognitive decline. Amyloid burden, white matter hyperintensities and local patterns of brain atrophy seem to have differential impact on cognition, particularly on episodic and working memory - the most vulnerable domains in 'normal aging' and Alzheimer's disease. Studies suggesting that imaging biomarkers of neurodegeneration are independent of amyloid-β give rise to new hypothesis regarding the pathological cascade in Alzheimer's disease. Findings in patients with autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease confirm the notion of differential temporal trajectory of amyloid deposition and brain atrophy to add another layer of complexity on the basic mechanisms of cognitive aging and neurodegeneration. Finally, the concept of cognitive reserve in 'supernormal aging' is questioned by evidence for the preservation of neurochemical, structural and functional brain integrity in old age rather than recruitment of 'reserves' for maintaining cognitive abilities. SUMMARY: Recent advances in clinical neuroscience, brain imaging and genetics challenge pathophysiological hypothesis of neurodegeneration and cognitive aging dominating the field in the last decade and call for reconsidering the choice of therapeutic window for early intervention.
Identification and relative quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins within complex biological samples have become realistic with the emergence of stable isotope labeling in combination with high throughput mass spectrometry. However, all current chemical approaches target a single amino acid functionality (most often lysine or cysteine) despite the fact that addressing two or more amino acid side chains would drastically increase quantifiable information as shown by in silico analysis in this study. Although the combination of existing approaches, e.g. ICAT with isotope-coded protein labeling, is analytically feasible, it implies high costs, and the combined application of two different chemistries (kits) may not be straightforward. Therefore, we describe here the development and validation of a new stable isotope-based quantitative proteomics approach, termed aniline benzoic acid labeling (ANIBAL), using a twin chemistry approach targeting two frequent amino acid functionalities, the carboxylic and amino groups. Two simple and inexpensive reagents, aniline and benzoic acid, in their (12)C and (13)C form with convenient mass peak spacing (6 Da) and without chromatographic discrimination or modification in fragmentation behavior, are used to modify carboxylic and amino groups at the protein level, resulting in an identical peptide bond-linked benzoyl modification for both reactions. The ANIBAL chemistry is simple and straightforward and is the first method that uses a (13)C-reagent for a general stable isotope labeling approach of carboxylic groups. In silico as well as in vitro analyses clearly revealed the increase in available quantifiable information using such a twin approach. ANIBAL was validated by means of model peptides and proteins with regard to the quality of the chemistry as well as the ionization behavior of the derivatized peptides. A milk fraction was used for dynamic range assessment of protein quantification, and a bacterial lysate was used for the evaluation of relative protein quantification in a complex sample in two different biological states
Quantitative approaches in ceramology are gaining ground in excavation reports, archaeological publications and thematic studies. Hence, a wide variety of methods are being used depending on the researchers' theoretical premise, the type of material which is examined, the context of discovery and the questions that are addressed. The round table that took place in Athens on November 2008 was intended to offer the participants the opportunity to present a selection of case studies on the basis of which methodological approaches were discussed. The aim was to define a set of guidelines for quantification that would prove to be of use to all researchers. Contents: 1) Introduction (Samuel Verdan); 2) Isthmia and beyond. How can quantification help the analysis of EIA sanctuary deposits? (Catherine Morgan); 3) Approaching aspects of cult practice and ethnicity in Early Iron Age Ephesos using quantitative analysis of a Protogeometric deposit from the Artemision (Michael Kerschner); 4) Development of a ceramic cultic assemblage: Analyzing pottery from Late Helladic IIIC through Late Geometric Kalapodi (Ivonne Kaiser, Laura-Concetta Rizzotto, Sara Strack); 5) 'Erfahrungsbericht' of application of different quantitative methods at Kalapodi (Sara Strack); 6) The Early Iron Age sanctuary at Olympia: counting sherds from the Pelopion excavations (1987-1996) (Birgitta Eder); 7) L'aire du pilier des Rhodiens à Delphes: Essai de quantification du mobilier (Jean-Marc Luce); 8) A new approach in ceramic statistical analyses: Pit 13 on Xeropolis at Lefkandi (David A. Mitchell, Irene S. Lemos); 9) Households and workshops at Early Iron Age Oropos: A quantitative approach of the fine, wheel-made pottery (Vicky Vlachou); 10) Counting sherds at Sindos: Pottery consumption and construction of identities in the Iron Age (Stefanos Gimatzidis); 11) Analyse quantitative du mobilier céramique des fouilles de Xombourgo à Ténos et le cas des supports de caisson (Jean-Sébastien Gros); 12) Defining a typology of pottery from Gortyn: The material from a pottery workshop pit, (Emanuela Santaniello); 13) Quantification of ceramics from Early Iron Age tombs (Antonis Kotsonas); 14) Quantitative analysis of the pottery from the Early Iron Age necropolis of Tsikalario on Naxos (Xenia Charalambidou); 15) Finding the Early Iron Age in field survey: Two case studies from Boeotia and Magnesia (Vladimir Stissi); 16) Pottery quantification: Some guidelines (Samuel Verdan)
Cerebral perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) in neonates is known to be technically difficult and there are very few published studies on its use in preterm infants. In this paper, we describe one convenient method to perform PWI in neonates, a method only recently used in newborns. A device was used to manually inject gadolinium contrast material intravenously in an easy, quick and reproducible way. We studied 28 newborn infants, with various gestational ages and weights, including both normal infants and those suffering from different brain pathologies. A signal intensity-time curve was obtained for each infant, allowing us to build perfusion maps. This technique offered a fast and easy method to manually inject a bolus gadolinium contrast material, which is essential in performing PWI in neonates. Cerebral PWI is technically feasible and reproducible in neonates of various gestational age and with various pathologies.
Plain film radiography often underestimates the extent of injury in children with epiphyseal fracture. Especially Salter-Harris V fractures (crush fracture of the epiphyseal plate) are often primarily not detected. MRI of the ankle was performed in 10 children aged 9-17 (mean 14) years with suspected epiphyseal injury using 1.0-T Magnetom Expert. The fractures were classified according to the Salter-Harris-Rang-Odgen classification and compared with the results of plain radiography. In one case MRI could exclude epiphyseal injury; in four cases the MRI findings changed the therapeutic management. The visualisation of the fracture in three orthogonal planes and the possibility of detection of cartilage and ligamentous injury in MR imaging makes this method superior to conventional radiography and CT. With respect to radiation exposure MRI instead of CT should be used for the diagnosis of epiphyseal injuries in children.
AIM: MRI and PET with 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (FET) have been increasingly used to evaluate patients with gliomas. Our purpose was to assess the additive value of MR spectroscopy (MRS), diffusion imaging and dynamic FET-PET for glioma grading. PATIENTS, METHODS: 38 patients (42 ± 15 aged, F/M: 0.46) with untreated histologically proven brain gliomas were included. All underwent conventional MRI, MRS, diffusion sequences, and FET-PET within 3±4 weeks. Performances of tumour FET time-activity-curve, early-to-middle SUVmax ratio, choline / creatine ratio and ADC histogram distribution pattern for gliomas grading were assessed, as compared to histology. Combination of these parameters and respective odds were also evaluated. RESULTS: Tumour time-activity-curve reached the best accuracy (67%) when taken alone to distinguish between low and high-grade gliomas, followed by ADC histogram analysis (65%). Combination of time-activity-curve and ADC histogram analysis improved the sensitivity from 67% to 86% and the specificity from 63-67% to 100% (p < 0.008). On multivariate logistic regression analysis, negative slope of the tumour FET time-activity-curve however remains the best predictor of high-grade glioma (odds 7.6, SE 6.8, p = 0.022). CONCLUSION: Combination of dynamic FET-PET and diffusion MRI reached good performance for gliomas grading. The use of FET-PET/MR may be highly relevant in the initial assessment of primary brain tumours.