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The discovery of hypocretins (orexins) and their causal implication in narcolepsy is the most important advance in sleep research and sleep medicine since the discovery of rapid eye movement sleep. Narcolepsy with cataplexy is caused by hypocretin deficiency owing to destruction of most of the hypocretin-producing neurons in the hypothalamus. Ablation of hypocretin or hypocretin receptors also leads to narcolepsy phenotypes in animal models. Although the exact mechanism of hypocretin deficiency is unknown, evidence from the past 20 years strongly favours an immune-mediated or autoimmune attack, targeting specifically hypocretin neurons in genetically predisposed individuals. These neurons form an extensive network of projections throughout the brain and show activity linked to motivational behaviours. The hypothesis that a targeted immune-mediated or autoimmune attack causes the specific degeneration of hypocretin neurons arose mainly through the discovery of genetic associations, first with the HLA-DQB1*06:02 allele and then with the T-cell receptor α locus. Guided by these genetic findings and now awaiting experimental testing are models of the possible immune mechanisms by which a specific and localised brain cell population could become targeted by T-cell subsets. Great hopes for the identification of new targets for therapeutic intervention in narcolepsy also reside in the development of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell systems.
Nationwide surveys on radiation dose to the population from medical radiology are recommended in order to follow the trends in population exposure and ensure radiation protection. The last survey in Switzerland was conducted in 1998, and the annual effective dose from medical radiology was estimated to be 1 mSv y(-1) per capita. The purpose of this work was to follow the trends in diagnostic radiology between 1998 and 2008 in Switzerland and determine the contribution of different modalities and types of examinations to the collective effective dose from medical x-rays. For this reason, an online database (www.raddose.ch) was developed. All healthcare providers who hold a license to run an x-ray unit in the country were invited to participate in the survey. More than 225 examinations, covering eight radiological modalities, were included in the survey. The average effective dose for each examination was reassessed. Data from about 3,500 users were collected (42% response rate). The survey showed that the annual effective dose was 1.2 mSv/capita in 2008. The most frequent examinations are conventional and dental radiographies (88%). The contribution of computed tomography was only 6% in terms of examination frequency but 68% in terms of effective dose. The comparison with other countries showed that the effective dose per capita in Switzerland was in the same range as in other countries with similar healthcare systems, although the annual number of examinations performed in Switzerland was higher.
The adaptive immune system plays a critical role in protection at the time of secondary infection. It does so through the rapid and robust reactivation of memory T cells which are maintained long-term, in a phenotypically heterogeneous state, following their primary encounter with Ag. Although most HLA-A*0201/influenza matrix protein(58-66)-specific CD8 T cells from healthy donors display characteristics typical of memory T cells, through our extensive phenotypic analysis we have further shown that up to 20% of these cells express neither the IL-7 receptor CD127 nor the costimulatory molecule CD28. In contrast to the majority of CD28(pos) cells, granzyme B and perforin were frequently expressed by the CD28(neg) cells, suggesting that they are effector cells. Indeed, these cells were able to kill target cells, in an Ag-specific manner, directly ex vivo. Thus, our findings demonstrate the remarkable long-term persistence in healthy humans of not only influenza-specific memory cells, but also of effector T cells. We further observed that granzyme B expression in influenza-specific CD8 T cells paralleled levels in the total CD8 T cell population, suggestive of Ag-nonspecific bystander activation. Sequencing of TCR alpha- and beta-chains showed that the TCR repertoire specific for this epitope was dominated by one, or a few, T cell clonotype per healthy donor. Moreover, our sequencing analysis revealed, for the first time in humans, that identical clonotypes can coexist as both memory and effector T cells, thereby supporting the principle of multipotent clonotypic differentiation.
ABSTRACT: Aims To assess the prevalence, awareness and treatment levels of Type 2 diabetes in a Swiss city. Methods Population-based cross-sectional study of 6181 subjects (3246 women) aged 35-75 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Type 2 diabetes was defined as fasting plasma glucose >/= 7 mmol/l and/or oral hypoglycaemic treatment and/or insulin. Results Total prevalence of Type 2 diabetes was 6.3% (95% confidence interval: 5.7-7.0%), higher in men (9.1%) than in women (3.8%, P < 0.001) and increased with age. Two-thirds (65.3%; 60.4-70.0%) of participants with Type 2 diabetes were aware of their status and among those aware 86.0% (81.5-90.3%) were treated. Treatment was more frequent in men (91.3%) than in women (75.9%, P < 0.001). Two-thirds of those treated for Type 2 diabetes were on monotherapy. Biguanides were prescribed in 65.0% of Type 2 diabetes patients and represented 48% of all antidiabetic drugs. Multivariable analysis showed male gender, increasing age, waist or BMI to be positively associated with prevalence of Type 2 diabetes, while leisure-time physical activity and alcohol consumption were negatively associated. Among participants presenting with Type 2 diabetes, increasing age was positively associated with awareness of Type 2 diabetes. Among subjects diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, male gender and increasing age were positively associated with treatment. Conclusion Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Switzerland is estimated to be between 5.7% and 7.0%. Two-thirds of patients with Type 2 diabetes are aware of their status, and over three quarters of those aware are treated.
Enjeux La réussite d'une transplantation rénale ou hépatique intègre non seulement le succès de l'acte chirurgical et sa prise en charge médicale post-greffe, mais également pour le patient greffé l'assurance d'une nouvelle qualité de vie dont le retour au travail fait partie. Le retour au travail après greffe est cependant généralement peu étudié dans la littérature et peu discuté semble-t-il au niveau médical que ce soit avant ou après greffe, quand bien même d'un point de vue médico-socio-économique il s'agit d'un sujet important compte tenu des coûts liés à un arrêt de travail prolongé ou à une rente pour incapacité de travail. Contexte Après une greffe réussie, il n'existe théoriquement plus de facteur limitant et peu de contre-indications médicales liées à la greffe pour empêcher une reprise progressive de l'activité professionnelle. Or en réalité le taux de retour au travail après greffe est généralement faible, variant entre 30 et 60% selon la littérature. Ceci a incité l'auteur de cette présente étude à essayer d'en connaître les raisons. Ainsi, l'hypothèse a été que certains facteurs professionnels (« en activité professionnelle ou non avant greffe », « être diplômé ou non»), individuels («âge», «genre», «type d'organe greffé») ou médicaux (« complications médicales aiguës de moins de 6 mois post greffe ») influencent négativement ou positivement le retour au travail des patients greffés. L'étude a porté sur un petit collectif volontaire de patients greffés rénaux et hépatiques opérés entre 1993 et 2003 et suivis depuis lors au centre de transplantation d'organes (CTO) du CHUV. Il leur a été administré en face à face un questionnaire médical spécialement conçu pour l'étude. Conclusion L'étude montre que le taux de retour au travail après greffe rénale ou hépatique s'élève à 39% et qu'il existe effectivement des facteurs pouvant influencer le retour au travail après greffe. Ainsi, être « âgé de moins de 45 ans », être « au bénéfice d'une formation (diplôme) » et « travailler les deux ans précédent la greffe » sont des facteurs significatifs de retour au travail après greffe. Perspective Gage de qualité de vie, le retour au travail après greffe doit être encouragé et favorisé quand il se peut, en s'aidant des facteurs connus qui l'influencent positivement ou négativement. Pour cela, il est indispensable qu'au stade pré greffe déjà s'instaure un dialogue sur le sujet entre patients en attente de greffe et personnel médico-social, afin de mettre en oeuvre le plus précocement possible les mesures socio-professionnelles adéquates comme cela se fait déjà en Allemagne ou aux Etats-Unis par exemple.
Numerous drug exposures do occur unintentionally at the beginning of pregnancy. On the other hand, pursuing drug treatment may be necessary in women who wish to be pregnant. In these situations risk evaluation has to be done in a precise and differentiated manner, taking into account at the same time the risk for the fetus and maternal health. Teratovigilance services are able to give a thorough information enabling to avoid unwarranted drug arrests or pregnancy terminations. In return, physician's catamnesis about the outcome of the pregnancy exposed to one or several therapeutic agents will increase the bulk of knowledge health professionals and pregnant women have at their disposal.