459 resultados para Immune intervention


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The proposed research aims to address the work-related MSD management issue through an interdisciplinary intervention involving clinical and occupational health competencies (rheumatology, occupational medicine, ergonomics). Workers enduring MSD (especially back-pain) and absent from work are selected from volunteering companies (construction, hospitals, public transport, delivery networks). The workers are randomly placed into two groups : the control group benefits from an usual MSD management strategy and the intervention group benefits from a case-management strategy including workhardening treatment (work oriented reeducation) and ergonomic intervention in the workplace. The comparison of health and work-related variables prior and after intervention in the two groups will be used to assess the intervention efficiency and its economic benefits. We expect to produce new strategies for the management of MSD and workplace rehabilitation as well as guidelines for both authorities and companies.


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Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, the study of which might also be of considerable value to the understanding of other inflammatory and autoimmune-type diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and diabetes mellitus. There is clear evidence that T cells and dendritic cells have a central role in psoriasis. Based on recent data from humans and animal models, we propose that a psoriasis lesion can be triggered and sustained by the local network of skin-resident immune cells. This concept focuses attention on local, rather than systemic, components of the immune system for rationalized therapeutic approaches of psoriasis and possibly also other chronic inflammatory diseases.


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INTRODUCTION: Quitting smoking is associated with weight gain, which may threaten motivation to engage or sustain a quit attempt. The pattern of weight gained by smokers treated according to smoking cessation guidelines has been poorly described. We aimed to determine the weight gained after smoking cessation and its predictors, by smokers receiving individual counseling and nicotine replacement therapies for smoking cessation. METHODS: We performed an ancillary analysis of a randomized controlled trial assessing moderate physical activity as an aid for smoking cessation in addition to standard treatment in sedentary adult smokers. We used mixed longitudinal models to describe the evolution of weight over time, thus allowing us to take every participant into account. We also fitted a model to assess the effect of smoking status and reported use of nicotine replacement therapy at each time point. We adjusted for intervention group, sex, age, nicotine dependence, and education. RESULTS: In the whole cohort, weight increased in the first 3 months, and stabilized afterwards. Mean 1-year weight gain was 3.3kg for women and 3.9kg for men (p = .002). Higher nicotine dependence and male sex were associated with more weight gained during abstinence. Age over median was associated with continuing weight gain during relapse. There was a nonsignificant trend toward slower weight gain with use of nicotine replacement therapies. CONCLUSION: Sedentary smokers receiving a standard smoking cessation intervention experience a moderate weight gain, limited to the first 3 months. Older age, male sex, and higher nicotine dependence are predictors of weight gain.


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L'étude a pour objectif de mettre en évidence les effets d'une intervention précoce inspirée des thérapies en Guidance Interactive sur la qualité de l'attachement ainsi que sur la réactivité neuroendocrinienne de stress chez des grands prématurés âgés de 12 mois ainsi que chez leurs mères. La population étudiée comprend 48 grands prématurés (<33 semaines de gestation) et leurs mères. Un programme d'intervention précoce a été proposé aléatoirement à la moitié des dyades incluses dans l'étude. Des mesures de cortisol salivaire ont été effectuées à 12 mois lors d'un épisode de stress modéré (la Situation Étrange) tant chez la mère que chez l'enfant. Les mères ayant bénéficié de l'intervention précoce montrent des taux de cortisol plus élevés que celles n'ayant pas bénéficié de l'intervention. Les auteurs font l'hypothèse que ces mères ont pu développer leur sensibilité envers leur enfant et se montrent, par conséquent, plus concernées lors de l'épisode de stress modéré. The present project aims to assess the effects of an early intervention inspired from Interactive Guidance therapy, on later attachment quality and stress reactivity of prematurely born infants and their mothers. The studied population contends 48 preterm born infants (< 33 weeks og gestational age). Half of the dyads receive an intervention program aiming at promoting the parents' responsivity-sensitivity to infant's cues. Infant's and mother's stress reactivity (salivary cortisol) to mild stressors (Strange Situation) will be assessed at 12 months. Mothers with intervention program show higher cortisol levels than the others. The authors postulate that these mothers enhance their caregiving quality and, subsequently, are more prone to be sensitive to infant's cues and to be concerned during the mild stress episode.


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The SSX-2 gene encodes a tumor-specific antigen expressed in neoplasms of various histological types. By analyzing a tumor-infiltrated lymph node of a melanoma patient bearing an SSX-2-expressing tumor, we have recently identified the first SSX-2-derived CD8(+) T-cell epitope, that corresponds to peptide SSX-2(41-49), and is recognized by specific CTL in an HLA-A2 restricted fashion. Here, we have used fluorescent HLA-A2/SSX-2(41-49) peptide multimeric complexes to analyze the response to SSX-2(41-49) in melanoma patients and healthy donors. Multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in the majority of patients bearing SSX-2-expressing tumors and, at lower proportions, in patients with nonexpressing tumors and healthy donors. Importantly, isolated A2/SSX-2(41-49) multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells exhibited a large functional heterogeneity in terms of antigen recognition and tumor reactivity. SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from tumor-infiltrated lymph node of antigen-expressing patients as well as from the corresponding peripheral blood mononuclear cells exhibited high functional avidity of antigen recognition and efficiently recognized antigen-expressing tumors. In contrast, SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from patients with undetectable responses in the tumor-infiltrated lymph node, as well as from healthy donors, recognized the antigen with decreased functional avidity and were not tumor reactive. Together, these data indicate that CD8(+) T-cell responses to SSX-2(41-49) frequently occur in SSX-2-expressing melanoma patients and suggest that SSX-2(41-49)-specific CTLs of high avidity and tumor reactivity are selectively expanded during immune responses to SSX-2-expressing tumors in vivo.


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RÉSUMÉ La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie démyélinisante du système nerveux central (SNC) qui touche le plus souvent de jeunes femmes. Bien qu'elle ait été décrite pour la première fois il y a plus de 200 ans, son étiologie n'est pas encore complètement comprise. Contrairement à d'autres maladies purement génétiques, l'épidémiologie de la SEP ne peut être que partiellement expliquée par des facteurs génétiques. Ceci suggère que des facteurs environnementaux pourraient être impliqués dans la pathogenèse de la SEP. Parmi ceux-ci, le virus d'Epstein-Barr (EBV) est un excellent candidat, comme cela a été démontré par de larges études séroépidémiologiques ainsi que pax l'évaluation de la réponse cellulaire dans le sang. Bien que le SNC soit en fait la cible des réponses immunitaires anormales dans la SEP, peu d'études ont été accomplies sur les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à EBV dans ce compartiment. Ceci est particulièrement vrai chez des patients vivants chez lesquels des biopsies sont rarement effectuées, ainsi que pour les réponses cellulaires car très peu de cellules immunitaires peuvent être obtenues du SNC. Nous avons donc développé des conditions de cultures et un readout nous permettant d'étudier le nombre réduit de cellules disponibles dans le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), qui représente le seul matériel pouvant être obtenu du SNC de patients SEP vivants. Nous avons trouvé que les réponses cellulaires et humorales spécifiques à EBV étaient augmentées dans le LCR des patients SEP comparé à du sang pairé, ainsi que par rapport à des patients avec d'autres maladies neurologiques inflammatoires et noninflammatoires. Afin de déterminer si les réponses immunitaires augmentées contre EBV étaient spécifiques à ce virus ou si elles reflétaient simplement une hyperactivation immunitaire aspécifique, nous avons comparé les réponses spécifiques à EBV avec celles spécifiques au cytomegalovirus (CNN). En effet, comme EBV, CNN est un herpesvirus neurotropique qui peut établir des infections latentes, mais ce dernier n'est pas considéré comme étant associé à la SEP. De façon intéressante, les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à CNN trouvées dans le LCR étaient plus basses que dans le sang, et ceci dans toutes les catégories de patients. Ces données suggèrent qu'une réactivation d'EBV pourrait avoir lieu dans le SNC des patients SEP à un stade précoce de la maladie et renforcent fortement l'hypothèse qu'EBV pourrait avoir un rôle déclencheur dans cette maladie. Ainsi, il pourrait être intéressant d'explorer si un traitement ou un vaccin efficace contre EBV peut prévenir le développement de la SEP. On ne connaît toujours pas la raison pour laquelle les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à EBV sont augmentées chez les patients SEP. Une hypothèse est que la réponse immunitaire est qualitativement différente chez les patients SEP par rapports aux contrôles. Pour examiner ceci, nous avons évalué le profile cytokinique de lymphocytes T CD4+ et CD8+ stimulés par EBV, mais nous n'avons pas pu mettre en évidence de différence remarquable entre patients SEP et sujets sains. Cette question reste donc ouverte et d'autres études sont justifiées. Il n'existe pas de marqueur fiable de la SEP. Ici, nous avons trouvé que la cytokine IL-26, récemment décrite, était augmentée dans les lymphocytes T CD8+ des patients avec une SEP secondairement progressive comparé à des patients SEP en poussée, des patients avec une SEP primairement progressive, des patients avec d'autres maladies neurologiques inflammatoires, ou des sujets sains. De plus, nous avons identifié des types de cellules dérivées du cerveau (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes et neurones) qui exprimaient le récepteur de l'IL-26. Ceci ouvre la voie à d'autres études afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de l'II.-26 et son interaction avec la. SEP. SUMMARY : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS), mostly in young female adults. Although it was first described 200 years ago, its etiology is still not completely understood. Contrary to other purely genetic diseases, genetics can explain only part of MS epidemiology. Therefore, environmental factors that might be involved in MS pathogenesis were searched for. Among them, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a strong potential candidate, such as shown by large seroepidemiological studies and cellular immune response assessments in the blood. Although the CNS is the actual target of abnormal immune responses in MS, few studies have been performed on EBV-specific immune responses in this compartment. This is particularly true for live patients, from which biopsy material is almost never available, and for cellular immune responses, since very few immune cells are available from the CNS. We therefore developed culture conditions and a readout that were compatible with the study of the reduced number of cells found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the only readily available material from the CNS of live ' MS patients. We found that EBV-specific cellular and humoral immune responses were increased in the CSF of MS patients as compared with paired blood, as well as compared with the CSF of patients with other inflammatory and non-inflammatory neurological diseases. To determine whether the enhanced immune responses against EBV were specific of this virus or simply reflected an aspecific immune hyperactivation, we compared the EBV- with the cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific immune responses. Indeed, like EBV, CMV is a neurotrophic herpesvirus that can establish latent infections, but the latter is not considered to be associated with MS. Interestingly, CSF CMV-specific immune responses were lower than blood ones and this, in all patient categories. These findings suggest that EBV reactivation may be taking place in the CNS of patients at the early stages of MS and strengthen the hypothesis that EBV may have a triggering role in this disease. Therefore, it might be interesting to explore whether an efficient anti-EBV drug or vaccine is able to prevent MS development. The reason why EBV-specific immune responses are increased in MS patients is still missing. One hypothesis might be that the immune response against EBV is qualitatively different in MS patients as compared with controls. To examine this, we assessed the cytokine mRNA profile of EBV-stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but could not find any remarkable difference between MS patients and healthy controls. Therefore, this question remains open and fiirther studies are warranted. Reliable disease markers are lacking for MS. Here, we found that the recently described cytokine IL-26 was increased in CD8+ T cells of patients with secondary progressive MS as compared with relapsing MS, primary progressive MS, other inflammatory neurological diseases and healthy controls. Moreover, we identified brain cell types (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and neurons) that expressed the IL-26 receptor, paring the way for further studies to understand IL-26 function and its interaction with MS.


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Life-history traits and secondary sexual characters often demonstrate condition-dependence, and reproductive success thus ultimately appears to be determined by condition. Here we test the hypothesis that anti-parasite defence is condition-dependent and thus ultimately limits fitness. Animal hosts defend themselves against parasites by an efficient immune system that changes its activity level depending on level of infection. Since immune function is costly, as demonstrated by several field studies, we predicted that large immune defence organs should be maintained when the costs of an elevated immune response were reduced, or when the benefits were increased. Hence, the size of immune defence organs was predicted to increase in response to disease due to increased benefits of investment in immune function, and the; size was predicted to increase in response to high body condition because of reduced costs of investment in immune function. A comparative study of birds demonstrated that the size of the spleen was significantly increased among individuals suffering from parasitic infections and signs of disease as compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, we found evidence for a positive association between spleen size and body condition. These findings are consistent with the hypothesised cost of immune function and hence a cost of anti-parasite defence.


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IL-28 (IFN-λ) cytokines exhibit potent antiviral and antitumor function but their full spectrum of activities remains largely unknown. Recently, IL-28 cytokine family members were found to be profoundly down-regulated in allergic asthma. We now reveal a novel role of IL-28 cytokines in inducing type 1 immunity and protection from allergic airway disease. Treatment of wild-type mice with recombinant or adenovirally expressed IL-28A ameliorated allergic airway disease, suppressed Th2 and Th17 responses and induced IFN-γ. Moreover, abrogation of endogenous IL-28 cytokine function in IL-28Rα(-/-) mice exacerbated allergic airway inflammation by augmenting Th2 and Th17 responses, and IgE levels. Central to IL-28A immunoregulatory activity was its capacity to modulate lung CD11c(+) dendritic cell (DC) function to down-regulate OX40L, up-regulate IL-12p70 and promote Th1 differentiation. Consistently, IL-28A-mediated protection was absent in IFN-γ(-/-) mice or after IL-12 neutralization and could be adoptively transferred by IL-28A-treated CD11c(+) cells. These data demonstrate a critical role of IL-28 cytokines in controlling T cell responses in vivo through the modulation of lung CD11c(+) DC function in experimental allergic asthma. →See accompanying Closeup by Michael R Edwards and Sebastian L Johnston http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/emmm.201100143.


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Objectives The relevance of the SYNTAX score for the particular case of patients with acute ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI)  has previously only been studied in the setting of post hoc analysis of large prospective randomized clinical trials. A "real-life" population approach has never been explored before. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the SYNTAX score for the prediction of the myocardial infarction size, estimated by the creatin-kinase (CK) peak value, using the SYNTAX score in patients treated with primary coronary intervention for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Methods The primary endpoint of the study was myocardial infarction size as measured by the CK peak value. The SYNTAX score was calculated retrospectively in 253 consecutive patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) in a large tertiary referral center in Switzerland, between January 2009 and June 2010. Linear regression analysis was performed to compare myocardial infarction size with the SYNTAX score. This same endpoint was then stratified according to SYNTAX score tertiles: low <22 (n=178), intermediate [22-32] (n=60), and high >=33 (n=15). Results There were no significant differences in terms of clinical characteristics between the three groups. When stratified according to the SYNTAX score tertiles, average CK peak values of 1985 (low<22), 3336 (intermediate [22-32]) and 3684 (high>=33) were obtained with a p-value <0.0001. Bartlett's test for equal variances between the three groups was 9.999 (p-value <0.0067). A moderate Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r=0.4074) with a high statistical significance level (p-value <0.0001) was found. The coefficient of determination (R^2=0.1660) showed that approximately 17% of the variation of CK peak value (myocardial infarction size) could be explained by the SYNTAX score, i.e. by the coronary disease complexity. Conclusion In an all-comers population, the SYNTAX score is an additional tool in predicting myocardial infarction size in patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). The stratification of patients in different risk groups according to SYNTAX enables to identify a high-risk population that may warrant particular patient care.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of brief motivational intervention (BMI) in reducing alcohol use and related problems among binge drinkers randomly selected from a census of 20 year-old French speaking Swiss men and to test the hypothesis that BMI contributes to maintain low-risk drinking among non-bingers. Methods: Randomized controlled trial comparing the impact of BMI on weekly alcohol use, frequency of binge drinking and occurrence of alcohol-related problems. Setting: Army recruitment center. Participants: A random sample of 622 men were asked to participate, 178 either refused, or missed appointment, or had to follow military assessment procedures instead, resulting in 418 men randomized into BMI or control conditions, 88.7% completing the 6-month follow-up assessment. Intervention: A single face-to-face BMI session exploring alcohol use and related problems in order to stimulate behaviour change perspective in a non-judgmental, empathic manner based on the principles of motivational interviewing (MI). Main outcome measures: Weekly alcohol use, binge drinking frequency and the occurrence of 12 alcohol-related consequences. Results: Among binge drinkers, we observed a 20% change in drinking induced by BMI, with a reduction in weekly drinking of 1.5 drink in the BMI group, compared to an increase of 0.8 drink per week in the control group (incidence rate ratio 0.8, 95% confidence interval 0,66 to 0,98, p = 0.03). BMI did not influence the frequency of binge drinking and the occurrence of 12 possible alcohol-related consequences. However, BMI induced a reduction in the alcohol use of participants who, after drinking over the past 12 months, experienced alcohol-related consequences, i.e., hangover (-20%), missed a class (-53%), got behind at school (-54%), argued with friends (-38%), engaged in unplanned sex (-45%) or did not use protection when having sex (-64%). BMI did not reduce weekly drinking in those who experienced the six other problems screened. Among non-bingers, BMI did not contribute to maintain low-risk drinking. Conclusions: At army conscription, BMI reduced alcohol use in binge drinkers, particularly in those who recently experienced alcohol-related adverse consequences. No preventive effect of BMI was observed among non-bingers. BMI is an interesting preventive option in young binge drinkers, particularly in countries with mandatory army recruitment.


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Recent evidence indicates that B cells are required for susceptibility to infection with Leishmania major in BALB/c mice. In this study, we analyzed the role of the IL-10 produced by B cells in this process. We showed that B cells purified from the spleen of BALB/c mice produced IL-10 in response to stimulation with L. major in vitro. In vivo, early IL-10 mRNA expression is detected after L. major infection in B cells from draining lymph nodes of susceptible BALB/c, but not of resistant C57BL/6 mice. Although adoptive transfer of naive wild-type B cells prior to infection in B cell-deficient BALB/c mice restored Th2 cell development and susceptibility to infection with L. major of these otherwise resistant mice, adoptive transfer of IL-10(-/-) B cells mice did not. B cells stimulated by L. major, following in vitro or in vivo encounter, express the CD1d and CD5 molecules and the IL-10 produced by these cells downregulate IL-12 production by L. major-stimulated dendritic cells. These observations indicate that IL-10 secreting B cells are phenotypically and functionally regulatory B cells. Altogether these results demonstrate that the IL-10 produced by regulatory CD1d+ CD5+ B cells in response to L. major is critical for Th2 cell development in BALB/c mice.