347 resultados para Digestione anaerobica, VFA, P y-AD, PHA
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked progressive muscle disease. Since the discovery of the dystrophin gene responsible for the condition, various therapeutic strategies have been elaborated. In this paper we introduce three of them, which are well into clinical trials. The first is based on the ability to read through premature stop codons, the second is based on the technique of exon skipping. Both strategies are examples of "personalized medicines", tailored for specific mutation types. The third approach is a pharmacological one, potentially useful for all Duchenne patients, regardless of their mutation type. These first clinical trials raise many questions for researchers as well as for patients and their families, some of which are discussed.
Background and Aims: Genetic polymorphisms near IL28Bhave been associated with spontaneous and treatment-inducedclearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV). This is believed to proceed viathe appropriate activation of innate and adaptive immune responsestargeting infected hepatocytes. Intrahepatic inflammation is thereflection of the host cell immune response, but its relationshipwith IL28B polymorphisms has yet to be fully appreciated.Methods: We analyzed the association of IL28B polymorphismswith Metavir activity (≥1) and fibrosis scores (≥2) in 1114 HCVinfectedCaucasian patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C CohortStudy (629, 127, 268 and 110 infected with HCV genotype 1, 2, 3and 4, respectively). In a subgroup of 915 patients with an estimateddate of infection, the association between IL28B polymorphismsand fibrosis progression rate (FPR > median) was assessed. Singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of interest were extracted froma dataset generated in a genome-wide association study and/orgenotyped by TaqMan assay. Associations of alleles with differentdegrees of activity and fibrosis were evaluated using an additivemodel of inheritance by multivariate logistic regression, accountingfor all relevant covariates.Results: The rare G allele at marker rs8099917 was associated withlower activity (P = 0.008) and fibrosis (P = 0.01), as well as slower FPR(P = 0.02). Most striking associations were observed among patientsinfected with non-1 genotypes (P = 0.002 for activity, P = 0.002 forfibrosis and P = 0.005 for FPR). In genotype 1-infected patients, theassociation with activity was observed only in the recessive model(P = 0.04), whereas other associations were not significant (P = 0.7for fibrosis and P = 0.4 for FPR).Conclusions: In chronic hepatitis C, IL28B polymorphisms linkedwith a poor virological response to therapy are also associated withreduced intrahepatic necroinflammation and slower liver diseaseprogression. These observations underscore the role played by thehost immune response in clearing HCV, especially in patients withHCV genotypes non-1.
BACKGROUND: Many factors affect survival in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Our aim was to study whether quality of clinical care may affect survival in this population, when adjusted for demographic characteristics and co-morbidities. METHODS: We studied survival in 553 patients treated by chronic HD during March 2001 in 21 dialysis facilities in western Switzerland. Indicators of quality of care were established for anaemia control, calcium and phosphate product, serum albumin, pre-dialysis blood pressure (BP), type of vascular access and dialysis adequacy (spKt/V) and their baseline values were related to 3-year survival. The modified Charlson co-morbidity index (including age) and transplantation status were also considered as a predictor of survival. RESULTS: Three-year survival was obtained for 96% of the patients; 39% (211/541) of these patients had died. The 3-year survival was 50, 62 and 69%, respectively, in patients who had 0-2, 3 and >or=4 fulfilled indicators of quality of care (test for linear trend, P < 0.001). In a Cox multivariate analysis model, the absence of transplantation, a higher modified Charlson's score, decreased fulfilment of indicators of good clinical care and low pre-dialysis systolic BP were independent predictors of death. CONCLUSION: Good clinical care improves survival in HD patients, even after adjustment for availability of transplantation and co-morbidities.
Pulmonary-artery pressure and exhaled nitric oxide in Bolivian and Caucasian high altitude dwellers.
There is evidence that high altitude populations may be better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than low altitude natives, but the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. In Tibetans, increased pulmonary respiratory NO synthesis attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. It has been speculated that this mechanism may represent a generalized high altitude adaptation pattern, but direct evidence for this speculation is lacking. We therefore measured systolic pulmonary-artery pressure (Doppler chocardiography) and exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in 34 healthy, middle-aged Bolivian high altitude natives and in 34 age- and sex-matched, well-acclimatized Caucasian low altitude natives living at high altitude (3600 m). The mean+/-SD systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient (24.3+/-5.9 vs. 24.7+/-4.9 mmHg) and exhaled NO (19.2+/-7.2 vs. 22.5+/-9.5 ppb) were similar in Bolivians and Caucasians. There was no relationship between pulmonary-artery pressure and respiratory NO in the two groups. These findings provide no evidence that Bolivian high altitude natives are better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than Caucasian low altitude natives and suggest that attenuation of pulmonary hypertension by increased respiratory NO synthesis may not represent a universal adaptation pattern in highaltitude populations.
L'évaluation des résultats des arthroplasties totales du genou demande une évaluation du geste thérapeutique ou clinique, mais doit également tenir compte de l'impact de ce geste sur l'état de santé global du patient (somatique, psychologique, social) et intégrer son degré de satisfaction. La complexité croissante des instruments de mesure du suivi a de quoi décourager le chirurgien praticien déjà surchargé par son activité clinique quotidienne. L'apparition des scores, des études prospectives et des analyses statistiques, telles les courbes de survie, ont certainement permis une appréciation plus objective de nos résultats, tout en accroissant nos connaissances et en améliorant notre pratique quotidienne. La question aujourd'hui n'est plus de savoir si un suivi clinique de nos patients est utile, mais plutôt de choisir les bons instruments et de définir les buts de l'analyse tout en cherchant comment implanter cette démarche de manière réaliste dans nos pratiques. Les scores classiques, aussi imparfaits soient-ils, restent pour l'instant utiles. Largement diffusés à travers le monde, appliqués de manière prospective, ces outils de suivi orientés vers la clinique et la radiologie sont le fondement du suivi prospectif des implants. Au quotidien, ils permettent un suivi en temps réel des implants d'un service ou d'une institution. Cependant, leur faiblesse intrinsèque résidant dans l'inaptitude à saisir le point de vue du patient, il semble inéluctable d'y adjoindre des instruments psychométriques. Dans l'avenir, la recherche devrait se concentrer vers le développement d'outils adaptés, capables de cerner avec une plus grande précision l'attente des patients et de technologies accessibles à chaque praticien pour mesurer objectivement les capacités fonctionnelles de leurs patients avec plus d'acuité. Le développement de systèmes permettant une évaluation objective de la fonction quotidienne du patient revêt un intérêt tout particulier. Parallèlement, un effort doit être fait au niveau des sociétés spécialisées nationales et internationales pour harmoniser leurs protocoles de suivi.
The timely regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion requires a GABAergic signal. We hypothesized that GEC1, a protein promoting the transport of GABA(A) receptors, could represent a circadian effector in GnRH neurons. First, we demonstrated that gec1 is co-expressed with the GABA(A) receptor in hypothalamic rat GnRH neurons. We also confirmed that the clock genes per1, cry1 and bmal1 are expressed and oscillate in GnRH secreting GnV-3 cells. Then we could show that gec1 is expressed in GnV-3 cells, and oscillates in a manner temporally related to the oscillations of the clock transcription factors. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that these oscillations depend upon Per1 expression. Finally, we observed that GABA(A) receptor levels at the GnV-3 cell membrane are timely modulated following serum shock. Together, these data demonstrate that gec1 expression is dependent upon the circadian clock machinery in GnRH-expressing neurons, and suggest for the first time that the level of GABA(A) receptor at the cell membrane may be under timely regulation. Overall, they provide a potential mechanism for the circadian regulation of GnRH secretion by GABA, and may also be relevant to the general understanding of circadian rhythms.
Invasive studies suggest that healthy children living at high altitude display pulmonary hypertension, but the data to support this assumption are sparse. Nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by the respiratory epithelium regulates pulmonary artery pressure, and its synthesis was reported to be increased in Aymara high-altitude dwellers. We hypothesized that pulmonary artery pressure will be lower in Aymara children than in children of European ancestry at high altitude, and that this will be related to increased respiratory NO. We therefore compared pulmonary artery pressure and exhaled NO (a marker of respiratory epithelial NO synthesis) between large groups of healthy children of Aymara (n = 200; mean +/- SD age, 9.5 +/- 3.6 years) and European ancestry (n = 77) living at high altitude (3,600 to 4,000 m). We also studied a group of European children (n = 29) living at low altitude. The systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient in the Aymara children was normal, even though significantly higher than the gradient measured in European children at low altitude (22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg vs 17.7 +/- 3.1 mm Hg, p < 0.001). In children of European ancestry studied at high altitude, the pressure gradient was 33% higher than in the Aymara children (30.0 +/- 5.3 mm Hg vs 22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg, p < 0.0001). In contrast to what was expected, exhaled NO tended to be lower in Aymara children than in European children living at the same altitude (12.4 +/- 8.8 parts per billion [ppb] vs 16.1 +/- 11.1 ppb, p = 0.06) and was not related to pulmonary artery pressure in either group. Aymara children are protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension at high altitude. This protection does not appear to be related to increased respiratory NO synthesis.
Alloreactive T cells are thought to be a potentially rich source of high-avidity T cells with therapeutic potential since tolerance to self-Ags is restricted to self-MHC recognition. Given the particularly high frequency of alloreactive T cells in the peripheral immune system, we used numerous MHC class I multimers to directly visualize and isolate viral and tumor Ag-specific alloreactive CD8 T cells. In fact, all but one specificities screened were undetectable in ex vivo labeling. In this study, we report the occurrence of CD8 T cells specifically labeled with allo-HLA-A*0201/Melan-A/MART-1(26-35) multimers at frequencies that are in the range of 10(-4) CD8 T cells and are thus detectable ex vivo by flow cytometry. We report the thymic generation and shaping of tumor Ag-specific, alloreactive T cells as well as their fate once seeded in the periphery. We show that these cells resemble their counterparts in HLA-A*0201-positive individuals, based on their structural and functional attributes.
Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.
Objective: Recovery-oriented care for patients with schizophrenia involves consideration of cultural issues, such as religion and spirituality. However, there is evidence that psychiatrists rarely address such topics. This study examined acceptance of a spiritual assessment by patients and clinicians, suggestions for treatment that arose from the assessment, and patient outcomes-in terms of treatment compliance and satisfaction with care (as measured by treatment alliance). Methods: Outpatients with psychosis were randomly assigned to two groups: an intervention group that received traditional treatment and a religious and spiritual assessment (N=40) and a control group that received only traditional treatment (N=38). Eight psychiatrists were trained to administer the assessment to their established and stable patients. After each administration, the psychiatrist attended a supervision session with a psychiatrist and a psychologist of religion. Baseline and three-month data were collected. Results: The spiritual assessment was well accepted by patients. During supervision, psychiatrists reported potential clinical uses for the assessment information for 67% of patients. No between-group differences in medication adherence and satisfaction with care were found at three months, although patients in the in- tervention group had significantly better appointment attendance dur- ing the follow-up period. Their interest in discussing religion and spirituality with their psychiatrists remained high. The process was not as well accepted by psychiatrists. Conclusions: Spiritual assessment can raise important clinical issues in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia. Cultural factors, such as religion and spirituality, should be considered early in clinical training, because many clinicians are not at ease addressing such topics with patients.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of genetic polymorphisms on the susceptibility to Candida colonization and intra-abdominal candidiasis, a blood culture-negative life-threatening infection in high-risk surgical ICU patients. DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study. SETTING: Surgical ICUs from two University hospitals of the Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland. PATIENTS: Eighty-nine patients at high risk for intra-abdominal candidiasis (68 with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation and 21 with acute necrotizing pancreatitis). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Eighteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 16 genes previously associated with development of fungal infections were analyzed from patient's DNA by using an Illumina Veracode genotyping platform. Candida colonization was defined by recovery of Candida species from at least one nonsterile site by twice weekly monitoring of cultures from oropharynx, stools, urine, skin, and/or respiratory tract. A corrected colonization index greater than or equal to 0.4 defined "heavy" colonization. Intra-abdominal candidiasis was defined by the presence of clinical symptoms and signs of peritonitis or intra-abdominal abscess and isolation of Candida species either in pure or mixed culture from intraoperatively collected abdominal samples. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in three innate immune genes were associated with development of a Candida corrected colonization index greater than or equal to 0.4 (Toll-like receptor rs4986790, hazard ratio = 3.39; 95% CI, 1.45-7.93; p = 0.005) or occurrence of intra-abdominal candidiasis (tumor necrosis factor-α rs1800629, hazard ratio = 4.31; 95% CI, 1.85-10.1; p= 0.0007; β-defensin 1 rs1800972, hazard ratio = 3.21; 95% CI, 1.36-7.59; p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: We report a strong association between the promoter rs1800629 single-nucleotide polymorphism in tumor necrosis factor-α and an increased susceptibility to intra-abdominal candidiasis in a homogenous prospective cohort of high-risk surgical ICU patients. This finding highlights the relevance of the tumor necrosis factor-α functional polymorphism in immune response to fungal pathogens. Immunogenetic profiling in patients at clinical high risk followed by targeted antifungal interventions may improve the prevention or preemptive management of this life-threatening infection.
Purpose : Spirituality and religiousness have been shown to be highly prevalent in patients with schizophrenia. Religion can help instil a positive sense of self, decrease the impact of symptoms and provide social contacts. Religion may also be a source of suffering. In this context, this research explores whether religion remains stable over time. Methods : From an initial cohort of 115 out-patients, 80% completed the 3-years follow-up assessment. In order to study the evolution over time, a hierarchical cluster analysis using average linkage was performed on factorial scores at baseline and follow-up and their differences. A sensitivity analysis was secondarily performed to check if the outcome was influenced by other factors such as changes in mental states using mixed models. Results : Religion was stable over time for 63% patients; positive changes occurred for 20% (i.e., significant increase of religion as a resource or a transformation of negative religion to a positive one) and negative changes for 17% (i.e., decrease of religion as a resource or a transformation of positive religion to a negative one). Change in spirituality and/or religiousness was not associated with social or clinical status, but with reduced subjective quality of life and self-esteem; even after controlling for the influence of age, gender, quality of life and clinical factors at baseline. Conclusions : In this context of patients with chronic schizophrenia, religion appeared to be labile. Qualitative analyses showed that those changes expressed the struggles of patients and suggest that religious issues need to be discussed in clinical settings.