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Le sophiste Dion de Pruse s'est interrogé sur l'expression du divin dans quatre discours datés entre la seconde moitié du Ier et le début du IIe siècle après J.-C. (Or. XI, XII, XXX et XXXVI). Sa réflexion fait d'abord apparaître un problème de langage : il s'agit de recourir aux symboles qui conviennent le mieux au divin et qui offrent le meilleur medium de communication. Dion cherche, d'une part, à renouveler le langage mythique issu des poèmes d'Homère et d'Hésiode, car celui-ci répand des représentations immorales qui ne correspondent plus à la sensibilité religieuse du Haut Empire et qui sont incompatibles avec l'ordre civique et avec l'image du pouvoir. Il ne souhaite pas, d'autre part, rompre avec les cadres de la piété traditionnelle, et en cela il se présente bien comme un représentant de la Seconde Sophistique impliqué dans le culte traditionnel des dieux et cherchant à diffuser une religion philosophique
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health's (FOPH) updated its recommendations on fat consumption in 2013. The report recommends that maximum 10% of the daily caloric intake should come from saturated fatty acids, and the total fat intake should account for 20-35%. There is no limitation to dietary cholesterol consumption. Recent studies have shown that replacing consumption of saturated fatty acids by unsaturated fatty acids is more beneficial in terms of cardiovascular prevention than a low fat diet. The purpose of this article is to review the FOPH recommendations on dietary fat as well as the current evidence about their cardiovascular benefit, and to provide a translation of these scientific recommendations into clinical advice.
Exophthalmos is the main symptom revealing orbital masses. This sign needs to be imaged mainly by MRI and/or CT. As Graves disease is the main etiology of exophthalmos, CT scan should be performed as the initial imaging modality. Indications for US and Doppler are mostly limited to the study of ocular masses, and eventually may help the characterization of extra-ocular lesions. In all cases, imaging is useful to characterize: the precise location of the lesion which can be the intra-conal space (including muscles), the extra-conal space (associated or not to an extra-orbital lesion), or the eyeball; the features of the lesion (density, signal, enhancement.). These findings are used to generate a differential diagnosis. Imaging is also useful to precise the extension of the mass, and in some cases to select the appropriate surgical approach, and for follow-up.
The ternary systems Ruthenium-Silicon-Germanium, Ruthenium-Germanium-Tin and Ruthenium-Silicon-Tin were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. Relations at 900 degrees C between solid phases are given and no ternary compound was found. Solubilities and evolution of lattice parameters have been correlated. Maximum mutual solubilities in the Si-Sn and Ge-Sn systems are given. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
Identification génétique, test de paternité, de fratrie, de maternité, tests génétiques diagnostiques, prédictifs, de porteurs et pharmacogénomiques, pénétrance de 100% ou incomplète... Ma cosa fare in questi casi? Pièges et traquenards...
The primary care center at Lausanne University Hospital trains residents to new models of integrated care. The future GPs discover new forms of collaboration with nurses, pharmacists or social workers. The collaboration model includes seeing patients together or delegating care to other providers, with the aim of improving the efficiency of a patient-centered care approach. The article includes examples of integrated care in consultation for travelers, victims of violence, pharmacist medication adherence counseling, medicosocial team work for alcohol use disorders and nurse practitioners' primary care for asylum seekers.