256 resultados para Chase family.
The aim of this article is to make a contribution to the regional reflection with regard to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) at a key moment in which the authorities are requested by the users, professionals in the fields of health, pedagogy and education to put forward a structured answer to a multitude of expressed needs. The question for the creation of a competence pole of an academic tertiary level is posed in order to advise in the best possible way the families who do not know how to orient themselves in the maze and contradictions of the proposed solutions and to help the professionals who are submerged by an ever increasing demand of services exceeding the means of the existing institutions and who cannot justify their choices among the various existing theoretical and scientific models.
OBJECTIVE: The Healthy Heart Kit (HHK) is a risk management and patient education kit for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the promotion of CV health. There are currently no published data examining predictors of HHK use by physicians. The main objective of this study was to examine the association between physicians' characteristics (socio-demographic, cognitive, and behavioural) and the use of the HHK. METHODS: All registered family physicians in Alberta (n=3068) were invited to participate in the "Healthy Heart Kit" Study. Consenting physicians (n=153) received the Kit and were requested to use it for two months. At the end of this period, a questionnaire collected data on the frequency of Kit use by physicians, as well as socio-demographic, cognitive, and behavioural variables pertaining to the physicians. RESULTS: The questionnaire was returned by 115 physicians (follow-up rate = 75%). On a scale ranging from 0 to 100, the mean score of Kit use was 61 [SD=26]. A multiple linear regression showed that "agreement with the Kit" and the degree of "confidence in using the Kit" was strongly associated with Kit use, explaining 46% of the variability for Kit use. Time since graduation was inversely associated with Kit use, and a trend was observed for smaller practices to be associated with lower use. CONCLUSION: Given these findings, future research and practice should explore innovative strategies to gain initial agreement among physicians to employ such clinical tools. Participation of older physicians and solo-practitioners in this process should be emphasized.
Purpose: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP; MIM 268000) is a hereditary disease characterized by poor night vision and progressive loss of photoreceptors, eventually leading to blindness. This degenerative process primarily affects peripheral vision due to the loss of rods. Autosomal recessive RP (arRP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. It has been associated with mutations in different genes, including CRB1 (Crumbs homolog 1). The aim of this study was to determine the causative gene in a Tunisian patient with arRP born to non consanguineous parents.Methods: Four accessible family members were included. They underwent full ophthalmic examination with best corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography and fluoroangiography. Haplotype analyses were used to test linkage in the family to 20 arRP loci, including ABCA4, LRAT, USH2A, RP29, CERKL, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRB1, EYS, RP28, MERTK, NR2E3, PDE6A, PDE6B, RGR, RHO, RLBP1, TULP1. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced.Results: A 39 aged affected member was individualized. Best corrected visual acuity was OR: 20/63, OS: 20/80. Visual loss began at the third decade. Funduscopic examination and FA revealed typical advanced RP changes with bone spicule-shaped pigment deposits in the posterior pole and the mild periphery along with retinal atrophy, narrowing of the vessels and waxy optic discs. Haplotypes analysis revealed homozygosity with microsatellites markers D1S412 and D1S413 on chromosome 1q31.3. These markers flanked the CRB1 gene. Our results excluded linkage of all the other arRP loci/ genes tested. Sequencing of the 12 coding exons and splice sites of CRB1 gene disclosed a homozygous missense mutation in exon 7 at nucleotide c.(2291 G>A), resulting in an Arg to Hist substitution (p.R764H).Conclusions: R764H is a novel mutation associated with CRB1-related arRP. Previously, an R764C mutation was observed. Extending the mutation spectrum of CRB1 with additional families is important for genotype-phenotype correlations.
L'hypothyroïdie infraclinique est fréquemment rencontrée et sa prévalence augmente avec l'âge. Les recommandations relatives au dépistage et au traitement de l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique sont controversées. Une enquête internationale auprès des médecins de famille, à laquelle la Suisse a participé, a mis en évidence de fortes variations dans la prise en charge de l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique entre les pays. Ces différences de traitement traduisent avant tout le manque de données fiables quant à la prise en charge de cette condition. L'essai clinique randomisé européen TRUST devrait permettre de clarifier les indications pour le dépistage et la substitution par thyroxine. Une collaboration avec les médecins de famille et le soutien des Instituts universitaires de médecine générale à Lausanne et à Berne pour le recrutement des patients devraient permettre d'obtenir des données directement applicables à une population représentative de la médecine ambulatoire. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a common condition, and its prevalence increases with age. Currently, guidelines regarding the screening and treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism are controversial. An international survey of general practitioners (GPs), to which Swiss GPs also contributed, showed large inter-country variations in treatment strategies for subclinical hypothyroidism. These differences are mainly explained by the lack of strong evidence for the management of this condition. The European randomized-controlled clinical trial TRUST should help clarify recommendations for screening and thyroxin replacement for the elderly with subclinical hypothyroidism. Working in close collaboration with GPs in Switzerland for the recruitment of patients will ensure that the findings from this study will be applicable to primary care settings.
The PHO1 family comprises 11 members in Arabidopsis thaliana. In order to decipher the role of these genes in inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport and homeostasis, complementation of the pho1 mutant, deficient in loading Pi to the root xylem, was determined by the expression of the PHO1 homologous genes under the control of the PHO1 promoter. Only PHO1 and the homologue PHO1;H1 could complement pho1. The PHO1;H1 promoter was active in the vascular cylinder of roots and shoots. Expression of PHO1;H1 was very low in Pi-sufficient plants, but was strongly induced under Pi-deficient conditions. T-DNA knock-out mutants of PHO1;H1 neither showed growth defects nor alteration in Pi transport dynamics, or Pi content, compared with wild type. However, the double mutant pho1/pho1;h1 showed a strong reduction in growth and in the capacity to transfer Pi from the root to the shoot compared with pho1. Grafting experiments revealed that phenotypes associated with the pho1 and pho1/pho1;h1 mutants were linked to the lack of gene expression in the root. The increased expression of PHO1;H1 under Pi deficiency was largely controlled by the transcription factor PHR1 and was suppressed by the phosphate analogue phosphite, whereas the increase of PHO1 expression was independent of PHR1 and was not influenced by phosphite. Together, these data reveal that although transfer of Pi to the root xylem vessel is primarily mediated by PHO1, the homologue PHO1;H1 also contributes to Pi loading to the xylem, and that the two corresponding genes are regulated by Pi deficiency by distinct signal transduction pathways.
The skin is essential for survival and protects our body against biological attacks, physical stress, chemical injury, water loss, ultraviolet radiation and immunological impairment. The epidermal barrier constitutes the primordial frontline of this defense established during terminal differentiation. During this complex process proliferating basal keratinocytes become suprabasally mitotically inactive and move through four epidermal layers (basal, spinous, granular and layer, stratum corneum) constantly adapting to the needs of the respective cell layer. As a result, squamous keratinocytes contain polymerized keratin intermediate filament bundles and a water-retaining matrix surrounded by the cross-linked cornified cell envelope (CE) with ceramide lipids attached on the outer surface. These cells are concomitantly insulated by intercellular lipid lamellae and hold together by corneodesmosmes. Many proteins essential for epidermal differentiation are encoded by genes clustered on chromosomal human region 1q21. These genes constitute the 'epidermal differentiation complex' (EDC), which is divided on the basis of common gene and protein structures, in three gene families: (i) CE precursors, (ii) S100A and (iii) S100 fused genes. EDC protein expression is regulated in a gene and tissue-specific manner by a pool of transcription factors. Among them, Klf4, Grhl3 and Arnt are essential, and their deletion in mice is lethal. The importance of the EDC is further reflected by human diseases: FLG mutations are the strongest risk factor for atopic dermatitis (AD) and for AD-associated asthma, and faulty CE formation caused by TG1 deficiency causes life-threatening lamellar ichthyosis. Here, we review the EDC genes and the progress in this field.
The Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Lausanne has integrated education of family medicine all along its new undergraduate medical curriculum. The Institute of general medicine is in charge to implement those offers among which two are presented hereafter. In the new module "Generalism" several courses cover the specificities of the discipline as for example medical decision in the practice. A mandatory one-month internship in the medical practice offers an experiential immersion into family medicine for all students. In a meeting at the end of their internship, students discuss in group with their peers their individual experiences and are asked to identify, based on their personal experience, the general concepts of the specialty of family medicine and general practice.
The molecular chaperone Hsp90-dependent proteome represents a complex protein network of critical biological and medical relevance. Known to associate with proteins with a broad variety of functions termed clients, Hsp90 maintains key essential and oncogenic signalling pathways. Consequently, Hsp90 inhibitors are being tested as anti-cancer drugs. Using an integrated systematic approach to analyse the effects of Hsp90 inhibition in T-cells, we quantified differential changes in the Hsp90-dependent proteome, Hsp90 interactome, and a selection of the transcriptome. Kinetic behaviours in the Hsp90-dependent proteome were assessed using a novel pulse-chase strategy (Fierro-Monti et al., accompanying article), detecting effects on both protein stability and synthesis. Global and specific dynamic impacts, including proteostatic responses, are due to direct inhibition of Hsp90 as well as indirect effects. As a result, a decrease was detected in most proteins that changed their levels, including known Hsp90 clients. Most likely, consequences of the role of Hsp90 in gene expression determined a global reduction in net de novo protein synthesis. This decrease appeared to be greater in magnitude than a concomitantly observed global increase in protein decay rates. Several novel putative Hsp90 clients were validated, and interestingly, protein families with critical functions, particularly the Hsp90 family and cofactors themselves as well as protein kinases, displayed strongly increased decay rates due to Hsp90 inhibitor treatment. Remarkably, an upsurge in survival pathways, involving molecular chaperones and several oncoproteins, and decreased levels of some tumour suppressors, have implications for anti-cancer therapy with Hsp90 inhibitors. The diversity of global effects may represent a paradigm of mechanisms that are operating to shield cells from proteotoxic stress, by promoting pro-survival and anti-proliferative functions. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000537.
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel is the limiting step in salt absorption. In mice, this channel is composed of three subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma), which are encoded by different genes (Scnn1a, Scnn1b, and Scnn1c, respectively). The functions of these genes were recently investigated in transgenic (knockout) experiments, and the absence of any subunit led to perinatal lethality. More defined phenotypes have been obtained by introducing specific mutations or using transgenic rescue experiments. In this report, these approaches are summarized and a current gene-targeting strategy to obtain conditional inactivation of the channel is illustrated. This latter approach will be indispensable for the investigation of channel function in a wide variety of organ systems.
BACKGROUND: The P-type II ATPase gene family encodes proteins with an important role in adaptation of the cell to variation in external K+, Ca2+ and Na2+ concentrations. The presence of P-type II gene subfamilies that are specific for certain kingdoms has been reported but was sometimes contradicted by discovery of previously unknown homologous sequences in newly sequenced genomes. Members of this gene family have been sampled in all of the fungal phyla except the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; phylum Glomeromycota), which are known to play a key-role in terrestrial ecosystems and to be genetically highly variable within populations. Here we used highly degenerate primers on AMF genomic DNA to increase the sampling of fungal P-Type II ATPases and to test previous predictions about their evolution. In parallel, homologous sequences of the P-type II ATPases have been used to determine the nature and amount of polymorphism that is present at these loci among isolates of Glomus intraradices harvested from the same field. RESULTS: In this study, four P-type II ATPase sub-families have been isolated from three AMF species. We show that, contrary to previous predictions, P-type IIC ATPases are present in all basal fungal taxa. Additionally, P-Type IIE ATPases should no longer be considered as exclusive to the Ascomycota and the Basidiomycota, since we also demonstrate their presence in the Zygomycota. Finally, a comparison of homologous sequences encoding P-type IID ATPases showed unexpectedly that indel mutations among coding regions, as well as specific gene duplications occur among AMF individuals within the same field. CONCLUSION: On the basis of these results we suggest that the diversification of P-Type IIC and E ATPases followed the diversification of the extant fungal phyla with independent events of gene gains and losses. Consistent with recent findings on the human genome, but at a much smaller geographic scale, we provided evidence that structural genomic changes, such as exonic indel mutations and gene duplications are less rare than previously thought and that these also occur within fungal populations.
Constitutive activation of the nuclear factor-KB (NF-KB) transcriptional pathway is the main characteristic of the activated B-cell-like (ABC) subtype of diffuse large B- cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This has been attributed to oncogenic mutations in the CARMA1, CD79A/B, MyD88 or RNF31 signaling proteins, which control NF-kB activation at different levels. Since several of these mutations lead to a state that mimics chronically antigen receptor-stimulated B-cells, and since the antigen receptor also triggers other transcription pathways, these might be important in ABC DLBCL malignancy too. In this study we analyzed whether abnormal expression and activity of members of the AP-1 transcription factor family could contribute to the pathogenesis of ABC DLBCL. Here, we identified activation of Jun as well as ATF members of the dimeric AP-1 transcription factor family, as a hallmark of ABC but not of germinal center B- cell-like (GCB) DLBCL cell lines. ABC DLBCL cell lines harbored an upregulated expression of c-Jun, JunB, JunD and ATF3 proteins. We could show that the upregulation of c-Jun, JunB and ATF3 was dependent on constitutive BCR and MyD88 signaling. Since AP-1 transcription factors need to dimerize to be active, Jun binding partners were investigated and we could demonstrate the presence of several ATF/Jun heterodimers (including c-Jun/ATF2, c-Jun/ATF3, c-Jun/ATF7, JunB/ATF2, JunB/ATF3, JunB/ATF7, JunD/ATF2, JunD/ATF3 and JunD/ATF7 heterodimers). The disruption of ATF/Jun heterodimers by A-Fos, a dominant negative form of Jun members, was toxic to ABC but not to GCB DLBCL cell lines. Finally, ATF3 immunohistochemistry on DLBCL patient samples revealed that samples classified as non-GCB had more intense and preferentially nuclear staining of ATF3, which could be of diagnostic relevance since the histological classification of the ABC and GCB DLBCL subtypes is difficult in clinical practice. In conclusion, we could show that ABC DLBCL are not only addicted to NF-KB signaling, but also to signaling by some members of the AP-1 transcription factor family. Thus, the AP-1 pathway might be a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of ABC DLBCL. Additionally, monitoring ATF3 levels could improve the diagnosis of ABC DLBCL by IHC. -- L'activation constitutive du facteur de transcription NF-KB est l'une des caractéristiques principales des lymphomes B du type ABC-DLBCL. Cette addiction est dépendante de mutations oncogéniques de CARMA1, CD79A/B, MyD88 et RNF31 qui contrôlent NF-KB à différents niveaux. Etant donné que la plupart de ces mutations mène à un état d'activation chronique du récepteur des cellules B (BCR) et que le BCR active d'autres voies de signalisation, d'autres facteurs de transcription pourraient être impliqués dans la lymphomagénèse des ABC-DLBCL. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes demandé si les membres de la famille du facteur de transcription AP-1 contribuaient à la pathogénèse de ce type de lymphome. Dans des lignées cellulaires de lymphomes du type ABC-DLBCL en comparaison avec le type GCB-DLBCL, nous avons pu identifier une activation anormale de plusieurs membres de la famille Jun et ATF, deux sous-familles du facteur de transcription AP-1. Les lignées cellulaires dérivées de lymphomes du type ABC-DLBCL surexpriment les facteurs de transcription c-Jun, JunB, JunD et ATF3. Leur surexpression dépend de l'activation constitutive de la voie du BCR et de MyD88. Etant donné qu'AP-1 requiert la formation de dimères pour être actif, nous nous sommes intéressés aux partenaires d'interactions de c-Jun, JunB et JunD et avons pu montrer la formation de plusieurs hétérodimères Jun/ATF (incluant les hétérodimères c-Jun/ATF2, c-Jun/ATF3, c-Jun/ATF7, JunB/ATF2, JunB/ATF3, JunB/ATF7, JunD/ATF2, JunD/ATF3 et JunD/ATF7). Lorsque l'on empêche la formation de ces hétérodimères avec A-Fos, un dominant négatif des membres Jun, la survie des lignées cellulaires du type ABC-DLBCL est diminuée, tandis que les lignées cellulaires GCB-DLBCL ne sont pas affectées. Pour finir, des immunohistochimies (IHC) pour ATF3 sur des échantillons de patients classifiés comme GCB et non-GCB ont pu montrer une coloration d'ATF3 nucléaire et beaucoup plus intense que les échantillons du type GCB. Ainsi, ATF3 pourrait être potentiellement utile en clinique pour différencier le sous type non-GCB des GCB. En conclusion, nous avons pu montrer que les lymphomes du type ABC- DLBCL ne présentent pas uniquement une addiction à NF-KB, mais également de certains membres de la famille de facteur de transcription AP-1. Par conséquent, AP- 1 pourrait être une cible thérapeutique prometteuse pour le développement de futures stratégies. En outre, la détermination des niveaux d'ATF3 par IHC pourraient améliorer le diagnostic des patients du type ABC DLBCL.
We present the first steps in the validation of an observational tool for father-mother-infant interactions: the FAAS (Family Alliance Assessment Scales). Family-level variables are acknowledged as unique contributors to the understanding of the socio-affective development of the child, yet producing reliable assessments of family-level interactions poses a methodological challenge. There is, therefore, a clear need for a validated and clinically relevant tool. This validation study has been carried out on three samples: one non-referred sample, of families taking part in a study on the transition to parenthood (normative sample; n = 30), one referred for medically assisted procreation (infertility sample; n = 30) and one referred for a psychiatric condition in one parent (clinical sample; n = 15). Results show that the FAAS scales have (1) good inter-rater reliability and (2) good validity, as assessed through known-group validity by comparing the three samples and through concurrent validity by checking family interactions against parents' self-reported marital satisfaction.
Failure to thrive in a girl born into a family affected by familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
Autosomal dominant familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia (FDH)is characterized by modified human serum albumin (HSA) inducing asubstantially higher affinity for thyroxine (T4). Histidin or prolinsubstitution on residue R218 produces localized conformationalchanges of HSA creating additional room for T4 binding, leadingto 14-20 fold normal total T4 (TT4) levels. Affected individuals areconsidered euthyroid. Our patient is an 18 months-old swiss girl bornto a mother known for the rare R218P mutation in the HSA gene.She presented with severe failure to thrive (height -2.92 SD, weight-3.6 SD), habitual hip dislocation without anatomical anomaly, latefontanelle closing and protruding ears. Psychomotor development isslightly retarded. Thyroid function testing confirmed extremely high TT4(1446.0 nmol/l) levels, which are similar to her brother's values (1534.4nmol/l and 1757.6 nmol/l respectively). Free T4 seems slightly elevated(26 pmol/l), probably due to methodological reasons. TSH (0.92 mU/l),free T3 (4.4 pmol/l) and thyroxin binding globulin (32 mg/l) are withinthe normal range. Her two half-brothers, affected by the samemutation, are now 18.7 (P1) and 16.6 (P2) years old and wereoriginally described by S. Pannain et al. in 2000. Both werecharacterized by growth retardation (-2.1 and -2.2 SD) before the ageof 4 years. P1 has reached a normal adult height (-0.4 SD) and P2has caught up to normal growth (-0.68 SD) with moderate bonematuration delay. Pubertal development and anterior pituitary functionare adequate. Primary growth and developmental retardation in thefirst years of life with adequate catch-up seem to be a distinctcharacteristic in FDH with R218P mutation. Hip dislocation is typicallyseen in other situations associated to thyroid disorders, like Downsyndrome. These findings might be explained by altered early thyroidhormone utilization in children with FDH.
Résumé Une caractéristique des cellules eucaryotes est le confinement du matériel génétique (ADN/DNA) dans le noyau. Pour décoder cette information, un ARN messager (mRNA) est d'abord transcrit sous forme d'un ARN prémessager (pré-mRNA). Ce-dernier doit subir plusieurs étapes de maturation pour aboutir à une particule ribonucléoprotéique (mRNP) qui sera exportée vers le cytoplasme et traduite en protéine. La protéine de levure Mex67p et son homologue humain TAP sont des récepteurs d'export médiant la translocation du mRNP au travers des complexes du pore nucléaire (NPC). Mex67p/TAP ne se lient pas directement au mRNA, mais nécessitent la présence de protéines adaptatrices, telles que Yra1p et son homologue humain REF1. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux facteurs impliqués dans l'export des mRNPs ou de nouvelles fonctions pour Yra1p, nous avons effectué un crible génétique avec un mutant thermosensible de Yra1p, GFP-yra 1 -8. Ce mutant présente un défaut d'export des mRNAs et une diminution des niveaux de transcrits du gène rapporteur LacZ ainsi que de certains transcrits endogènes. Nous avons trouvé que la perte de Mlp2p, ou d'une protéine hautement similaire, Mlp1p, restaure la croissance du mutant GFP-yra1-8 à température restrictive. Mlp1p et Mlp2p sont des protéines nucléaires, dont l'homologue humain est TPR. Les Mlp (myosin¬like proteins) ainsi que TPR forment des structures filamenteuses ancrées aux NPC. Bien que la fonction des Mlp ne soit pas clairement définie, un rôle dans la biogenèse et la surveillance des mRNPs a été récemment proposé. Notre étude montre que la perte des Mlp, non seulement restaure la croissance de GFP-yra1-8, mais augmente aussi les niveaux des transcrits LacZ et facilite leur apparition dans le cytoplasme. Des expériences d'immunoprécipitations de la chromatine révèlent que Mlp2p diminue le taux de synthèse du transcrit LacZ dans GFP-yra1-8. Des analyses du transcriptome montrent que Mlp2p réduit aussi les niveaux d'une population de transcrits endogènes dans le mutant. Finalement, des localisations in situ suggèrent que la transcription du rapporteur LacZ a lieu à la périphérie du noyau, à proximité des Mlp. Ainsi, les protéines Mlp pourraient préférentiellement diminuer la transcription de gènes exprimés à la périphérie nucléaire. Nous montrons aussi que Yra1p interagit génétiquement avec Nab2p une protéine liée au mRNA et impliquée dans son export, mais non avec d'autres protéines également impliquées dans l'export des mRNAs. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent un modèle où les protéines Yra1p et Nab2p sont nécessaires à l'arrimage des mRNPs sur la plate-forme des Mlp. Si ces signaux manquent ou sont défectueux, les mRNPs ne peuvent pas poursuivre leur trajet vers le canal central du NPC. Ce bloc induirait par la suite une diminution de la transcription d'une population de gènes potentiellement localisée à la périphérie nucléaire. Dans son ensemble, cette étude suggère que les protéines Mlp établissent un lien entre la transcription de certains mRNAs et leur export au travers du pore nucléaire. Summary A hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the packaging of DNA in the nucleus. To decode the genetic information, a messenger RNA (mRNA) is first synthesized as a pre-mRNA molecule, which undergoes different maturation steps resulting in an mRNP (messenger RNA ribonucleoprotein), which can be actively transported to the cytoplasm and translated into a protein. Yeast Mex67p and its human homologue TAP are export receptors mediating mRNP translocation through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The recruitment of Mex67p/TAP to mRNA is mediated by mRNA export adaptors of the evolutionarily conserved REF (RNA and Export Factor binding) family: yeast Yra1p and human REF1. To uncover new functions of Yra1p or new factors implicated in mRNA export, we performed a genetic screen with a themiosensitive (ts) yra1 mutant, GFP-yra1-8. This mutant exhibits mRNA export defects and a decrease in the levels of LacZ reporter and certain endogenous transcripts. We found that the loss of Mlp2p, or the related Mlp1p protein, substantially rescues the growth defect of the GFP-yra1 -8 mutant. Mlp1p and M1p2p are large non-essential proteins, homologous to human TPR, proposed to form intra-nuclear filamentous structures anchored at the NPC. Their role is not clearly defined, but they have been implicated in mRNP biogenesis and surveillance. Our study shows that loss of Mlp proteins not only restores growth of GFP-yra1-8, but also rescues LacZ mRNA levels and increases their appearance in the cytoplasm. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and pulse chase experiments indicate that Mlp2p down-regulates LacZ mRNA synthesis in GFP-yra1-8. DNA micro- array analyses reveal that Mlp2p also reduces the levels of a subset of cellular transcripts in the yra1 mutant strain. In situ localizations suggest that LacZ transcription occurs at the nuclear periphery, in close proximity to Mlp proteins. Thus, Mlp proteins may preferentially down-regulate genes expressed at the nuclear periphery. Finally, we show that Yra1p genetically interacts with the shuttling mRNA-binding protein Nab2p and that loss of Mlp proteins rescues the growth defect of yra1 and nab2, but not other mRNA export mutants. The data support a model in which Nab2p and Yra1p are required for rnRNP docking to the Mlp platform. Lack of these signals prevents mRNPs from crossing the Mlp gate. This block may then negatively feed-back on the transcription of a subset of genes, potentially located at the nuclear envelope. Overall, this study suggests that perinuclear Mlp proteins establish a link between mRNA transcription and export.