234 resultados para Boating injuries.


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Emergency medicine physicians aim to stabilize or restore vital functions, establish diagnosis, initiate specific treatments and adequately orientate patients. This year, new evidences have improved our knowledge about diagnostic strategy for patients with acute non traumatic headache, treatment of acute atrial fibrillation and outpatient management of acute pulmonary embolism. Reducing injection pain of local anesthetics, reducing irradiation by using alternative diagnostic tools in appendicitis suspicion, and identification of trauma patients who benefit from tranexamic acid administration are other illustrations of the efforts to improve efficacy, safety and comfort in the management of emergency patients.


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BACKGROUND: Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has become the preferred modality to treat many complex wounds but could be further improved by methods that minimize bleeding and facilitate wound epithelialization. Short fiber poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) are effective hemostatic agents that activate platelets and facilitate wound epithelialization. We hypothesized that sNAG used in combination with the VAC device could be synergistic in promoting wound healing while minimizing the risk of bleeding. METHODS: Membranes consisting entirely of sNAG nanofibers were applied immediately to dorsal excisional wounds of db/db mice followed by application of the VAC device. Wound healing kinetics, angiogenesis, and wound-related growth factor expression were measured. RESULTS: The application of sNAG membranes to wounds 24 hours before application of the VAC device was associated with a significant activation of wounds (expression of PDGF, TGFβ, EGF), superior granulation tissue formation rich in Collagen I as well as superior wound epithelialization (8.6% ± 0.3% vs. 1.8% ± 1.1% of initial wound size) and wound contraction. CONCLUSIONS: The application of sNAG fiber-containing membranes before the application of the polyurethane foam interface of VAC devices leads to superior healing in db/db mice and represents a promising wound healing adjunct that can also reduce the risk of bleeding complications.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and pupillographic features of patients with a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) without visual acuity or visual field loss caused by a lesion in the dorsal midbrain. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Four patients with a dorsal midbrain lesion who had normal visual fields and a clinically detectable RAPD. METHODS: The pupil response from full-field and hemifield light stimulation over a range of light intensities was measured by computerized binocular pupillography. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The mean of the direct and consensual pupil response to full-field and hemifield light stimulation was plotted as a function of stimulus light intensity. RESULTS: All 4 subjects showed decreased pupillographic responses at all intensities to full-field light stimulation in the eye with the clinical RAPD. The pupillographic responses to hemifield stimulation showed a homonymous pattern of deficit on the side ipsilateral to the RAPD, similar to that observed in a previously reported patient with an optic tract lesion. CONCLUSIONS: The basis of a midbrain RAPD is the nasal-temporal asymmetry of pupillomotor input that becomes manifest when a unilateral postchiasmal lesion interrupts homonymously paired fibers traveling in the contralateral optic tract or midbrain pathway to the pupillomotor center, respectively. The pupillographic characteristics of an RAPD resulting from a dorsal midbrain lesion thus resemble those of an RAPD resulting from a unilateral optic tract lesion, but without the homonymous visual field defect. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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Mortality of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains extremely high and only few evidence-based specific treatments are currently available. Protective mechanical ventilation has emerged as the comer stone of the management of ARDS to avoid the occurrence of ventilation-induced lung injuries (VILI). Mechanical ventilation in the prone position has often been considered as a rescue therapy reserved to refractory hypoxemia. Since the publication of the PROSEVA study in 2013, early prone positioning for mechanical ventilation should be recommended to improve survival of patients with severe ARDS. In this article, both the theoretical and practical aspects of mechanical ventilation in prone position are reviewed.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is recognized as a cause of hypopituitarism even after mild TBI. Although over the past decade, a growing body of research has detailed neuroendocrine changes induced by TBI, the mechanisms and risk factors responsible for this pituitary dysfunction are still unclear. Around the world, sports-especially combative sports-are very popular. However, sports are not generally considered as a cause of TBI in most epidemiological studies, and the link between sports-related head trauma and hypopituitarism has not been investigated until recently. Thus, there is a paucity of data regarding this important concern. Because of the large number of young sports participants with near-normal life expectancy, the implications of undiagnosed or untreated postconcussion pituitary dysfunction can be dramatic. Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms and risk factors of hypopituitarism caused by sports injuries is thus an important issue that concerns both medical staff and sponsors of sports. The aim of this paper was to summarize the best evidence for understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms and to discuss the current data and recommendations on sports-related head trauma as a cause of hypopituitarism.


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In vitro studies have shown that stimulation of alpha1-adrenoceptors (ARs) directly induces proliferation, hypertrophy, and migration of arterial smooth muscle cells and adventitial fibroblasts. In vivo studies confirmed these findings and showed that catecholamine trophic activity becomes excessive after experimental balloon injury and contributes to neointimal growth, adventitial thickening, and lumen loss. However, past studies have been limited by selectivity of pharmacological agents. The aim of this study, in which mice devoid of norepinephrine and epinephrine synthesis [dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH-/-)] or deficient in alpha1-AR subtypes expressed in murine carotid (alpha1B-AR-/- and alpha1D-AR-/-) were used, was to test the hypothesis that catecholamines contribute to wall hypertrophy after injury. At 3 wk after injury of wild-type mice, lumen area and carotid circumference increased significantly, and hypertrophy of media and adventitia was in excess of that needed to restore circumferential wall stress to normal. In DBH-/- and alpha1B-AR-/- mice, increases in lumen area, circumference, and hypertrophy of the media and adventitia were reduced by 50-91%, resulting in restoration of wall tension to nearly normal (DBH-/-) or normal (alpha1B-AR-/-). In contrast, in alpha1D-AR-/- mice, increases in lumen area, circumference, and wall hypertrophy were unaffected and wall thickening remained in excess of that required to return tension to normal. When examined 5 days after injury, proliferation and leukocyte infiltration were inhibited in DBH-/- mice. These studies suggest that the trophic effects of catecholamines are mediated primarily by alpha1B-ARs in mouse carotid and contribute to hypertrophic growth after vascular injury.


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The emergency medicine appears more and more as a transversal discipline, leaning on specific competences regularly updated with evidence-based medicine concepts. This selection of recent articles presents an update on frequent conditions, including the place of neuroimaging for patients with seizures or minor head injuries, the management of acute cocaine intoxications, the diagnosis of aortic dissections, or the management of cardiopulmonary arrest. The primary care physician will find elements of diagnostic or therapeutic strategies. This selection reflects the dynamism of emergency medicine.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cannabis use is a growing challenge for public health, calling for adequate instruments to identify problematic consumption patterns. The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) is a 10-item questionnaire used for screening cannabis abuse and dependency. The present study evaluated that screening instrument. METHODS: In a representative population sample of 5,025 Swiss adolescents and young adults, 593 current cannabis users replied to the CUDIT. Internal consistency was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the CUDIT was compared to accepted concepts of problematic cannabis use (e.g. using cannabis and driving). ROC analyses were used to test the CUDIT's discriminative ability and to determine an appropriate cut-off. RESULTS: Two items ('injuries' and 'hours being stoned') had loadings below 0.5 on the unidimensional construct and correlated lower than 0.4 with the total CUDIT score. All concepts of problematic cannabis use were related to CUDIT scores. An ideal cut-off between six and eight points was found. CONCLUSIONS: Although the CUDIT seems to be a promising instrument to identify problematic cannabis use, there is a need to revise some of its items.


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Injuries of peroneal tendons are rare. Diagnosis of traumatic rupture is often late and presents as chronic ankle instability. A case of a complete traumatic rupture of both peroneal longus and brevis tendons with acute clinical and radiological diagnosis is presented. Surgical repair was performed by direct end-to-end suture on the 4th day after trauma, with excellent functional outcome at 1-year follow-up.


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The occurrence of microvascular and small macrovascular lesions and Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related pathology in the aging human brain is a well-described phenomenon. Although there is a wide consensus about the relationship between macroscopic vascular lesions and incident dementia, the cognitive consequences of the progressive accumulation of these small vascular lesions in the human brain are still a matter of debate. Among the vast group of small vessel-related forms of ischemic brain injuries, the present review discusses the cognitive impact of cortical microinfarcts, subcortical gray matter and deep white matter lacunes, periventricular and diffuse white matter demyelinations, and focal or diffuse gliosis in old age. A special focus will be on the sub-types of microvascular lesions not detected by currently available neuroimaging studies in routine clinical settings. After providing a critical overview of in vivo data on white matter demyelinations and lacunes, we summarize the clinicopathological studies performed by our center in large cohorts of individuals with microvascular lesions and concomitant AD-related pathology across two age ranges (the younger old, 65-85 years old, versus the oldest old, nonagenarians and centenarians). In conjunction with other autopsy datasets, these observations fully support the idea that cortical microinfarcts are the only consistent determinant of cognitive decline across the entire spectrum from pure vascular cases to cases with combined vascular and AD lesion burden.


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We describe the most frequent emergencies in pediatrics and discuss their differential diagnosis and therapy. Dyspnea, shock, coma, convulsions, infectious CNS affections, head injury and burns are reported in detail. The importance of correct diagnosis and correct clinical assessment is emphasized, as they influence therapy and further management of the patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Although intracranial hypertension is one of the important prognostic factors after head injury, increased intracranial pressure (ICP) may also be observed in patients with favourable outcome. We have studied whether the value of ICP monitoring can be augmented by indices describing cerebrovascular pressure-reactivity and pressure-volume compensatory reserve derived from ICP and arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveforms. METHOD: 96 patients with intracranial hypertension were studied retrospectively: 57 with fatal outcome and 39 with favourable outcome. ABP and ICP waveforms were recorded. Indices of cerebrovascular reactivity (PRx) and cerebrospinal compensatory reserve (RAP) were calculated as moving correlation coefficients between slow waves of ABP and ICP, and between slow waves of ICP pulse amplitude and mean ICP, respectively. The magnitude of 'slow waves' was derived using ICP low-pass spectral filtration. RESULTS: The most significant difference was found in the magnitude of slow waves that was persistently higher in patients with a favourable outcome (p<0.00004). In patients who died ICP was significantly higher (p<0.0001) and cerebrovascular pressure-reactivity (described by PRx) was compromised (p<0.024). In the same patients, pressure-volume compensatory reserve showed a gradual deterioration over time with a sudden drop of RAP when ICP started to rise, suggesting an overlapping disruption of the vasomotor response. CONCLUSION: Indices derived from ICP waveform analysis can be helpful for the interpretation of progressive intracranial hypertension in patients after brain trauma.


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Recent data have implicated thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) signaling in the acute neuropathological events that occur in microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) following spinal cord injury (SCI) (Benton et al., 2008b). We hypothesized that deletion of TSP-1 or its receptor CD47 would reduce these pathological events following SCI. CD47 is expressed in a variety of tissues, including vascular ECs and neutrophils. CD47 binds to TSP-1 and inhibits angiogenesis. CD47 also binds to the signal regulatory protein (SIRP)α and facilitates neutrophil diapedesis across ECs to sites of injury. After contusive SCI, TSP-1(-/-) mice did not show functional improvement compared to wildtype (WT) mice. CD47(-/-) mice, however, exhibited functional locomotor improvements and greater white matter sparing. Whereas targeted deletion of either CD47 or TSP-1 improved acute epicenter vascularity in contused mice, only CD47 deletion reduced neutrophil diapedesis and increased microvascular perfusion. An ex vivo model of the CNS microvasculature revealed that CD47(-/-)-derived microvessels (MVs) prominently exhibit adherent WT or CD47(-/-) neutrophils on the endothelial lumen, whereas WT-derived MVs do not. This implicates a defect in diapedesis mediated by the loss of CD47 expression on ECs. In vitro transmigration assays confirmed the role of SIRPα in neutrophil diapedesis through EC monolayers. We conclude that CD47 deletion modestly, but significantly, improves functional recovery from SCI via an increase in vascular patency and a reduction of SIRPα-mediated neutrophil diapedesis, rather than the abrogation of TSP-1-mediated anti-angiogenic signaling.