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Ischaemic stroke and myocardial infarction often result from the sudden rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. The subsequent arterial thrombosis occluding the vessel lumen has been widely indicated as the crucial acute event causing peripheral tissue ischaemia. A complex cross-talk between systemic and intraplaque inflammatory mediators has been shown to regulate maturation, remodeling and final rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes (released by several cell subsets within atherosclerotic plaques), which favour atherogenesis and increase plaque vulnerability. Thus, the assessment of intraplaque levels and activity of MMP might be of pivotal relevance in the evaluation of the risk of rupture. New imaging approaches, focused on the visualisation of inflammation in the vessel wall and plaque, may emerge as tools for individualised risk assessment and prevention of events. In this review, we summarize experimental findings of the currently available invasive and noninvasive imaging techniques, used to detect the presence and activity of MMPs in atherosclerotic plaques.
The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological and biomechanical changes occurring in a subject after running 8,500 km in 161 days (i.e. 52.8 km daily). Three weeks before, 3 weeks after (POST) and 5 months after (POST+5) running from Paris to Beijing, energy cost of running (Cr), knee flexor and extensor isokinetic strength and biomechanical parameters (using a treadmill dynamometer) at different velocities were assessed in an experienced ultra-runner. At POST, there was a tendency toward a 'smoother' running pattern, as shown by (a) a higher stride frequency and duty factor, and a reduced aerial time without a change in contact time, (b) a lower maximal vertical force and loading rate at impact and (c) a decrease in both potential and kinetic energy changes at each step. This was associated with a detrimental effect on Cr (+6.2%) and a loss of strength at all angular velocities for both knee flexors and extensors. At POST+5, the subject returned to his original running patterns at low but not at high speeds and maximal strength remained reduced at low angular velocities (i.e. at high levels of force). It is suggested that the running pattern changes observed in the present study were a strategy adopted by the subject to reduce the deleterious effects of long distance running. However, the running pattern changes could partly be linked to the decrease in maximal strength.
PHO1 was previously identified in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) as a protein involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) into the xylem of roots and its expression was associated with the vascular cylinder. Seven genes homologous to AtPHO1 (PpPHO1;1-PpPHO1;7) have been identified in the moss Physcomitrella patens. The corresponding proteins harbor an SPX tripartite domain in the N-terminal hydrophilic portion and an EXS domain in the conserved C-terminal hydrophobic portion, both common features of the plant PHO1 family. Northern-blot analysis showed distinct expression patterns for the PpPHO1 genes, both at the tissue level and in response to phosphate deficiency. Transgenic P. patens expressing the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene under three different PpPHO1 promoters revealed distinct expression profiles in various tissues. Expression of PpPHO1;1 and PpPHO1;7 was specifically induced by Pi starvation. P. patens homologs to the Arabidopsis PHT1, DGD2, SQD1, and APS1 genes also responded to Pi deficiency by increased mRNA levels. Morphological changes associated with Pi deficiency included elongation of caulonemata with inhibition of the formation of side branches, resulting in colonies with greater diameter, but reduced mass compared to Pi-sufficient plants. Under Pi-deficient conditions, P. patens also increased the synthesis of ribonucleases and of an acid phosphatase, and increased the ratio of sulfolipids over phospholipids. These results indicate that P. patens and higher plants share some common strategies to adapt to Pi deficiency, although morphological changes are distinct, and that the PHO1 proteins are well conserved in bryophyte despite the lack of a developed vascular system.
PURPOSE: Chemotherapy (CT) combined with radiation therapy (RT) is the standard treatment for limited disease small-cell lung cancer (LDSCLC). Many questions including RT dose, fractionation, and sequence of RT/CT administration remain controversial. In this paper, we retrospectively assessed the outcome of patients with LDSCLC treated with radiation of at least 50 Gy.METHODS AND MATERIALS: From December 1997 to January 2006, 69 consecutive patients with LDSCLC were treated at our institutions. Treatment consisted of at least 4 cycles of CT, and 3D conformal thoracic RT. The median age was 61 years (range, 37-78 years). Sequential or concomitant CT/RT was given in 47 (68%) and 22 (32%) of the patients, respectively. The median RT dose was 60 Gy. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) was administered in 47 (68%) patients.RESULTS: With a median follow-up of 36 months (range, 6-107), 16 patients were alive without disease. The median overall survival time was 24 months, with a 3-year survival rate of 29%. The 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and loco-regional control (LRC) rates were 23% and 60%, respectively. A better DFS was significantly associated with performance status (PS) 0 (p = 0.004), complete response to treatment (p = 0.03), and PCI group (p = 0.03). A trend towards improved overall survival (OS) was observed for patients who underwent PCI (p = 0.07). Patients treated with sequential CT/RT had a better outcome than those treated with concomitant treatment (3-year DFS rate 27% vs. 13%; p = 0.04). However, PCI was delivered more frequently for the sequential group. No significant dose-response relationship was found in terms of LRC. The multivariate analysis showed that complete response to treatment was the only significant factor for OS.CONCLUSION: Complete response to treatment was the most important factor for OS. A better DFS was significantly associated with the PCI group. We did not find a significant difference in outcome between patients receiving doses of 60 Gy or more and patients receiving 60 Gy or less.
Cephalochordates, urochordates, and vertebrates evolved from a common ancestor over 520 million years ago. To improve our understanding of chordate evolution and the origin of vertebrates, we intensively searched for particular genes, gene families, and conserved noncoding elements in the sequenced genome of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae, commonly called amphioxus or lancelets. Special attention was given to homeobox genes, opsin genes, genes involved in neural crest development, nuclear receptor genes, genes encoding components of the endocrine and immune systems, and conserved cis-regulatory enhancers. The amphioxus genome contains a basic set of chordate genes involved in development and cell signaling, including a fifteenth Hox gene. This set includes many genes that were co-opted in vertebrates for new roles in neural crest development and adaptive immunity. However, where amphioxus has a single gene, vertebrates often have two, three, or four paralogs derived from two whole-genome duplication events. In addition, several transcriptional enhancers are conserved between amphioxus and vertebrates--a very wide phylogenetic distance. In contrast, urochordate genomes have lost many genes, including a diversity of homeobox families and genes involved in steroid hormone function. The amphioxus genome also exhibits derived features, including duplications of opsins and genes proposed to function in innate immunity and endocrine systems. Our results indicate that the amphioxus genome is elemental to an understanding of the biology and evolution of nonchordate deuterostomes, invertebrate chordates, and vertebrates.
Phase sensitive X-ray imaging methods can provide substantially increased contrast over conventional absorption-based imaging and therefore new and otherwise inaccessible information. The use of gratings as optical elements in hard X-ray phase imaging overcomes some of the problems that have impaired the wider use of phase contrast in X-ray radiography and tomography. So far, to separate the phase information from other contributions detected with a grating interferometer, a phase-stepping approach has been considered, which implies the acquisition of multiple radiographic projections. Here we present an innovative, highly sensitive X-ray tomographic phase-contrast imaging approach based on grating interferometry, which extracts the phase-contrast signal without the need of phase stepping. Compared to the existing phase-stepping approach, the main advantages of this new method dubbed "reverse projection" are not only the significantly reduced delivered dose, without the degradation of the image quality, but also the much higher efficiency. The new technique sets the prerequisites for future fast and low-dose phase-contrast imaging methods, fundamental for imaging biological specimens and in vivo studies.
OBJECTIVE: Blood pressure (BP) measured in obese patients with a large arm circumference using a cuff of standard width may be overestimated. METHODS: We compared in this study the BP readings obtained with oscillometric devices at the left arm (OMRON HEM 705-CP) and the left wrist (OMRON R6) (Omron Medizintechnik, Mannheim, Germany) in lean (n=15) and obese (n=11) patients. RESULTS: No difference was found in diastolic BP between the two groups, nor between the arm and the wrist. Systolic BP measured at the arm was, however, significantly lower in obese (99+/-9 mmHg, mean+/-SD) than in lean (107+/-14 mmHg; P<0.001) patients, whereas systolic BP determined at the wrist averaged 106 mmHg in both groups. CONCLUSION: The use of validated wrist BP measuring devices appears therefore particularly appealing in obese individuals with a large arm circumference
BACKGROUND: Expression of heterologous genes in mammalian cells or organisms for therapeutic or experimental purposes often requires tight control of transgene expression. Specifically, the following criteria should be met: no background gene activity in the off-state, high gene expression in the on-state, regulated expression over an extended period, and multiple switching between on- and off-states. METHODS: Here, we describe a genetic switch system for controlled transgene transcription using chimeric repressor and activator proteins functioning in a novel regulatory network. In the off-state, the target transgene is actively silenced by a chimeric protein consisting of multimerized eukaryotic transcriptional repression domains fused to the DNA-binding tetracycline repressor. In the on-state, the inducer drug doxycycline affects both the derepression of the target gene promoter and activation by the GAL4-VP16 transactivator, which in turn is under the control of an autoregulatory feedback loop. RESULTS: The hallmark of this new system is the efficient transgene silencing in the off-state, as demonstrated by the tightly controlled expression of the highly cytotoxic diphtheria toxin A gene. Addition of the inducer drug allows robust activation of transgene expression. In stably transfected cells, this control is still observed after months of repeated cycling between the repressed and activated states of the target genes. CONCLUSIONS: This system permits tight long-term regulation when stably introduced into cell lines. The underlying principles of this network system should have general applications in biotechnology and gene therapy.
Sequentially along B cell differentiation, the different classes of membrane Ig heavy chains associate with the Ig alpha/Ig beta heterodimer within the B cell receptor (BCR). Whether each Ig class conveys specific signals adapted to the corresponding differentiation stage remains debated. We investigated the impact of the forced expression of an IgA-class receptor throughout murine B cell differentiation by knocking in the human C alpha Ig gene in place of the S mu region. Despite expression of a functional BCR, homozygous mutant mice showed a partial developmental blockade at the pro-B/pre-BI and large pre-BII cell stages, with decreased numbers of small pre-BII cells. Beyond this stage, peripheral B cell compartments of reduced size developed and allowed specific antibody responses, whereas mature cells showed constitutive activation and a strong commitment to plasma cell differentiation. Secreted IgA correctly assembled into polymers, associated with the murine J chain, and was transported into secretions. In heterozygous mutants, cells expressing the IgA allele competed poorly with those expressing IgM from the wild-type allele and were almost undetectable among peripheral B lymphocytes, notably in gut-associated lymphoid tissues. Our data indicate that the IgM BCR is more efficient in driving early B cell education and in mucosal site targeting, whereas the IgA BCR appears particularly suited to promoting activation and differentiation of effector plasma cells.
This article presents an experimental study about the classification ability of several classifiers for multi-classclassification of cannabis seedlings. As the cultivation of drug type cannabis is forbidden in Switzerland lawenforcement authorities regularly ask forensic laboratories to determinate the chemotype of a seized cannabisplant and then to conclude if the plantation is legal or not. This classification is mainly performed when theplant is mature as required by the EU official protocol and then the classification of cannabis seedlings is a timeconsuming and costly procedure. A previous study made by the authors has investigated this problematic [1]and showed that it is possible to differentiate between drug type (illegal) and fibre type (legal) cannabis at anearly stage of growth using gas chromatography interfaced with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based on therelative proportions of eight major leaf compounds. The aims of the present work are on one hand to continueformer work and to optimize the methodology for the discrimination of drug- and fibre type cannabisdeveloped in the previous study and on the other hand to investigate the possibility to predict illegal cannabisvarieties. Seven classifiers for differentiating between cannabis seedlings are evaluated in this paper, namelyLinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Nearest NeighbourClassification (NNC), Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), Radial Basis Function Support Vector Machines(RBF SVMs), Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The performance of each method wasassessed using the same analytical dataset that consists of 861 samples split into drug- and fibre type cannabiswith drug type cannabis being made up of 12 varieties (i.e. 12 classes). The results show that linear classifiersare not able to manage the distribution of classes in which some overlap areas exist for both classificationproblems. Unlike linear classifiers, NNC and RBF SVMs best differentiate cannabis samples both for 2-class and12-class classifications with average classification results up to 99% and 98%, respectively. Furthermore, RBFSVMs correctly classified into drug type cannabis the independent validation set, which consists of cannabisplants coming from police seizures. In forensic case work this study shows that the discrimination betweencannabis samples at an early stage of growth is possible with fairly high classification performance fordiscriminating between cannabis chemotypes or between drug type cannabis varieties.