223 resultados para Alpha(1)-Adrenoceptors
Problématique : La maladie de Fabry est une maladie métabolique à stockage lysosomal. C'est une maladie héreditaire à transmission récessive qui concerne l'enzyme alpha-Galactosidase A. Le gène de l'alpha-Galactosidase A (GLA) se trouve au niveau du bras long du chromosome X «carté en Xq21.33-Xq22 ». L'enzyme muté ne recouvre plus son rôle catabolisateur et il ne métabolise pas le substrat globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Par conséquence le Gb3 s'accumule dans tous les tissus. Dans les parois des vaisseaux sanguins le Gb3 s'accumule dans l'endothelium, la tunique interne des vaisseaux sanguins. Ce déficit métabolique se traduit par l'épaississement de la paroi vasculaire, des processus d'infarctus et ischémies du tissu cardiaque, rénal et cérébral. L'implication cardiaque de la maladie de Fabry est décrite chez plus de 78% des patients affectés par la maladie et se manifeste par une hypertrophie cardiaque du ventricule gauche. Toutefois, il n'existe pas de relation étroite entre hypertrophie cardiaque et le Gb3. La sphingosine 1-phosphate à été identifiée dans notre laboratoire et proposée comme facteur de croissance à l'origine du remodelage cardiovasculaire. De plus, la Globotriaosylsphingosine (Lyso-Gb3) à été aussi proposée comme facteur vasoactif chez les patients Fabry. Objectif : L'identification d'un biomarqueur pour le diagnostic et le suivi thérapeutique de la maladie de Fabry représente une domaine d'investigation active en recherche scientifique. Le Gb3 plasmatique ou dans les urines, la biopsie rénale ou cardiaque qui est mis en évidence grâce à la microscopie électronique sous forme de corps concentrique lamellaires, constituent les biomarqueurs classiques de la maladie de Fabry. Dernièrement, le Lyso-Gb3 et le Sphingosine-1 phosphate (S1P) ont été proposés comme marqueurs du remodelage cardiovasculaire. Le but de ce travail est de rassembler et de discuter la littérature concernant ces nouveaux marqueurs et, d'étudier une possible interaction entre Lyso-Gb3 et le S1P. Méthodologie : Rassembler la littérature scientifique et analyser l'implication de ces marqueurs dans la maladie de Fabry et leur effets cardiovasculaires. De plus, un travail expérimental est effectué. Ce travail consiste en l'identification d'une relation possible entre le Lyso-Gb3 et le S1P. Résultats : Avec ce travail on a cherché à actualiser et mettre à jour les notions concernant les biomarqueurs qui prennent place dans cette pathologie et les connaissances qu'on possède à ce jour sur les manifestations cardiovasculaires et neurologiques.La recherche d'un biomarqueur prime par le fait qu'un nombre considerable de patients est sous-diagnostiqués pour la maladie de Fabry et que entre les taux de substrat enzymatique accumulé dans les tissus et l'hypertrophie cardiaque, on peut constater une discordance. Grâce à ce travail expérimental, on a exclue la possibilité d'un effet précurseur du lyso-Gb3 pour le S1P. Nous avons montré que le Lyso-Gb3 est reconnu par les récepteurs du S1P avec des effets commun pour les S1P1-3 et différents pour le S1P2. Les taux du Lyso-Gb3 et du S1P doivent être mesuré chez les patients Fabry et une stratégie thérapeutique doit prendre en compte le rapport S1P/Lyso-Gb3.
A novel member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family, designated TRAMP, has been identified. The structural organization of the 393 amino acid long human TRAMP is most homologous to TNF receptor 1. TRAMP is abundantly expressed on thymocytes and lymphocytes. Its extracellular domain is composed of four cysteine-rich domains, and the cytoplasmic region contains a death domain known to signal apoptosis. Overexpression of TRAMP leads to two major responses, NF-kappaB activation and apoptosis. TRAMP-induced cell death is inhibited by an inhibitor of ICE-like proteases, but not by Bcl-2. In addition, TRAMP does not appear to interact with any of the known apoptosis-inducing ligands of the TNF family.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of Jules Gonin Eye Hospital on the long-term outcome of anti-TNF-alpha therapy in chronic non-infectious uveitis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified and followed those patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis who received systemic anti-TNF-alpha therapy. Anti-TNF-alpha therapy was administered when no response had been obtained with classical immunosuppressive therapies or in the presence of severe rheumatoid disease. RESULTS: Fifteen patients (28 eyes), 7 male and 8 female (mean age, 43 years; range: 7 to 70 years) were identified. Diagnoses included HLA-B27-associated anterior uveitis (n = 4), sarcoidosis (n = 2), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n = 2), idiopathic retinal vasculitis with uveitis (n = 2), pars planitis (n = 2), Adamantiades-Behçet disease (n = 1), birdshot retinochoroidopathy (n = 1), and Crohn's disease (n = 1). Mean duration of ocular disease was 8 years (range: 1 to 29 years). Treatment with infliximab (n = 11), etanercept (n = 2), or adalimumab (n = 2) was initiated. One patient with etanercept was switched to infliximab due to lack of clinical response. Clinical and angiographic regression of uveitis was observed within the first two months of therapy in all patients, and was maintained throughout the entire follow-up period (mean 18 months; range: 3 - 72 months). Recurrence was observed in 3 patients, and resolved after adjustment of therapy. Adverse events were recorded in only one patient (arterial hypotension). CONCLUSIONS: In this series of patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis, anti-TNF-alpha therapy was effective and safe. Further clinical studies are needed to determine an adequate duration of therapy.
Valpha14 invariant (Valpha14i) NKT cells are a subset of regulatory T cells that utilize a semi-invariant TCR to recognize glycolipids associated with monomorphic CD1d molecules. During development in the thymus, CD4(+)CD8(+) Valpha14i NKT precursors recognizing endogenous CD1d-associated glycolipids on other CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes are selected to undergo a maturation program involving sequential expression of CD44 and NK-related markers such as NK1.1. The molecular requirements for Valpha14i NKT cell maturation, particularly at early developmental stages, remain poorly understood. In this study, we show that CD4-Cre-mediated T cell-specific inactivation of c-Myc, a broadly expressed transcription factor with a wide range of biological activities, selectively impairs Valpha14i NKT cell development without perturbing the development of conventional T cells. In the absence of c-Myc, Valpha14i NKT cell precursors are blocked at an immature CD44(low)NK1.1(-) stage in a cell autonomous fashion. Residual c-Myc-deficient immature Valpha14i NKT cells appear to proliferate normally, cannot be rescued by transgenic expression of BCL-2, and exhibit characteristic features of immature Valpha14i NKT cells such as high levels of preformed IL-4 mRNA and the transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger. Collectively our data identify c-Myc as a critical transcription factor that selectively acts early in Valpha14i NKT cell development to promote progression beyond the CD44(low)NK1.1(-) precursor stage.
BACKGROUND: A novel dinucleotide variant TT/∆G (ss469415590) has been associated with hepatitis C virus clearance. AIM: To assess the role of the ss469415590 variant, compared with the known IL28B polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12979860 and rs12980275) for predicting virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C, and its association with the CXCL10 chemokine serum levels - a surrogate marker of interferon-stimulated genes activation. METHODS: Multivariate analysis of factors predicting rapid and sustained virological response in 280 consecutive, treatment-naïve, nondiabetic, Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with peginterferon alpha and ribavirin. RESULTS: In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, the OR (95% CI) for rapid and sustained virological response for the wild-type ss469415590 TT was 9.88 (1.99-48.99) and 7.25 (1.91-27.51), respectively, similar to those found for rs12979860 CC [9.55 (1.93-47.37) and 6.30 (1.71-23.13)] and for rs12980275 AA [9.62 (1.94-47.77] and 7.83 (2.02-30.34)], but higher than for rs8099917 TT [4.8 (1.73-13.33) and 4.75 (2.05-10.98)]. In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, mean (SD) CXCL10 levels in patients with the TT/TT, TT/∆G and ∆G/∆G variants were, respectively, 355.1 (240.6), 434.4 (247.4) and 569.9 (333.3) (P = 0.04). In patients with genotypes 2 and 3 no significant association was found for TT/∆G with viral response. The predictive value of ss469415590 was stronger in patients with advanced fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The novel IL28B variants at marker ss469415590 predict response to IFN alpha in chronic hepatitis C patients, especially in those with advanced fibrosis. Their determination may be superior to that of known IL28B variants for patient management using IFN-based regimens.
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades regulate a wide variety of cellular processes that ultimately depend on changes in gene expression. We have found a novel mechanism whereby one of the key MAP3 kinases, Mekk1, regulates transcriptional activity through an interaction with p53. The tumor suppressor protein p53 down-regulates a number of genes, including the gene most frequently mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD1). We have discovered that Mekk1 translocates to the nucleus and acts as a co-repressor with p53 to down-regulate PKD1 transcriptional activity. This repression does not require Mekk1 kinase activity, excluding the need for an Mekk1 phosphorylation cascade. However, this PKD1 repression can also be induced by the stress-pathway stimuli, including TNFα, suggesting that Mekk1 activation induces both JNK-dependent and JNK-independent pathways that target the PKD1 gene. An Mekk1-p53 interaction at the PKD1 promoter suggests a new mechanism by which abnormally elevated stress-pathway stimuli might directly down-regulate the PKD1 gene, possibly causing haploinsufficiency and cyst formation.
Metaphyseal chondromatosis with hydroxyglutaric aciduria (MC-HGA) is a generalized skeletal dysplasia, accompanied by urinary excretion of D-2- hydroxyglutarate (HGA), and variable cerebral involvement. By wholeexome sequencing 2 unrelated patients with MC-HGA, we have found mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) at codon 132, as apparent somatic mosaicism. IDH1 is a key enzyme of the Krebs cycle, which converts isocitrate into alpha-ketoglutarate (a-KG). Mutations at IDH1 Arg132 residue have originally been identified in different tumour types (isolated gliomas, leukemias, and chondrosarcomas). These mutations trans-specify the enzyme activity resulting in HGA accumulation and a-KG depletion. This induces activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1a), an important regulator of chondrocyte proliferation at the growth plate. Differently from Arg132 somatic mutations found in isolated tumours, themutation in our patientsmust have occurred very early in embryogenesis to cause a generalized dysplasia with involvement of all long bones metaphyses and mutation detectability in blood. Identical mutations have subsequently been identified in chondromas excised from patients with multiple chondromatosis (Ollier disease). Tissue distribution of themutationmay explain variable cerebral involvement and the susceptibility to develop tumours in other organs. The postulated pathophysiology ofMC-HGA points out the link between Krebs cycle, hypoxia sensing and bone growth.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a member of the TNF family that induces cancer cell death by apoptosis with some selectivity. TRAIL-induced apoptosis is mediated by the transmembrane receptors death receptor 4 (DR4) (also known as TRAIL-R1) and DR5 (TRAIL-R2). TRAIL can also bind decoy receptor 1 (DcR1) (TRAIL-R3) and DcR2 (TRAIL-R4) that fail to induce apoptosis since they lack and have a truncated cytoplasmic death domain, respectively. In addition, DcR1 and DcR2 inhibit DR4- and DR5-mediated, TRAIL-induced apoptosis and we demonstrate here that this occurs through distinct mechanisms. While DcR1 prevents the assembly of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) by titrating TRAIL within lipid rafts, DcR2 is corecruited with DR5 within the DISC, where it inhibits initiator caspase activation. In addition, DcR2 prevents DR4 recruitment within the DR5 DISC. The specificity of DcR1- and DcR2-mediated TRAIL inhibition reveals an additional level of complexity for the regulation of TRAIL signaling.
Glucose exerts inverse effects upon the secretory function of islet alpha- and beta-cells, suppressing glucagon release and increasing insulin release. This diverse action may result from differences in glucose transport and metabolism between the two cell types. The present study compares glucose transport in rat alpha- and beta-cells. beta-Cells transcribed GLUT2 and, to a lesser extent, GLUT 1; alpha-cells contained GLUT1 but no GLUT2 mRNA. No other GLUT-like sequences were found among cDNAs from alpha- or beta-cells. Both cell types expressed 43-kDa GLUT1 protein which was enhanced by culture. The 62-kDa beta-cell GLUT2 protein was converted to a 58-kDa protein after trypsin treatment of the cells without detectable consequences upon glucose transport kinetics. In beta-cells, the rates of glucose transport were 10-fold higher than in alpha-cells. In both cell types, glucose uptake exceeded the rates of glucose utilization by a factor of 10 or more. Glycolytic flux, measured as D-[5(3)H]glucose utilization, was comparable in alpha- and beta-cells between 1 and 10 mmol/liter substrate. In conclusion, differences in glucose transporter gene expression between alpha- and beta-cells can be correlated with differences in glucose transport kinetics but not with different glucose utilization rates.
Maintenance of the blood system is dependent on dormant haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with long-term self-renewal capacity. After injury these cells are induced to proliferate to quickly reestablish homeostasis(1). The signalling molecules promoting the exit of HSCs out of the dormant stage remain largely unknown. Here we show that in response to treatment of mice with interferon-alpha (IFN alpha), HSCs efficiently exit G(0) and enter an active cell cycle. HSCs respond to IFN alpha treatment by the increased phosphorylation of STAT1 and PKB/Akt (also known as AKT1), the expression of IFN alpha target genes, and the upregulation of stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1, also known as LY6A). HSCs lacking the IFN alpha/beta receptor (IFNAR)(2), STAT1 (ref. 3) or Sca-1 (ref. 4) are insensitive to IFN alpha stimulation, demonstrating that STAT1 and Sca-1 mediate IFN alpha-induced HSC proliferation. Although dormant HSCs are resistant to the anti-proliferative chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluoro-uracil(1,5), HSCs pre-treated (primed) with IFN alpha and thus induced to proliferate are efficiently eliminated by 5-fluoro-uracil exposure in vivo. Conversely, HSCs chronically activated by IFN alpha are functionally compromised and are rapidly out-competed by non-activatable Ifnar(-/-) cells in competitive repopulation assays. Whereas chronic activation of the IFN alpha pathway in HSCs impairs their function, acute IFN alpha treatment promotes the proliferation of dormant HSCs in vivo. These data may help to clarify the so far unexplained clinical effects of IFN alpha on leukaemic cells(6,7), and raise the possibility for new applications of type I interferons to target cancer stem cells(8).
BACKGROUND: The renal enzyme renin cleaves from the hepatic alpha(2)-globulin angiotensinogen angiotensin-(1-10) decapeptide [Ang-(1-10)], which is further metabolized to smaller peptides that help maintain cardiovascular homeostasis. The Ang-(1-7) heptapeptide has been reported to have several physiological effects, including natriuresis, diuresis, vasodilation, and release of vasopressin and prostaglandins. METHODS: To investigate Ang-(1-7) in clinical settings, we developed a method to measure immunoreactive (ir-) Ang-(1-7) in 2 mL of human blood and to estimate plasma concentrations by correcting for the hematocrit. A sensitive and specific antiserum against Ang-(1-7) was raised in a rabbit. Human blood was collected in the presence of an inhibitor mixture including a renin inhibitor to prevent peptide generation in vitro. Ang-(1-7) was extracted into ethanol and purified on phenylsilylsilica. The peptide was quantified by radioimmunoassay. Increasing doses of Ang-(1-7) were infused into volunteers, and plasma concentrations of the peptide were measured. RESULTS: The detection limit for plasma ir-Ang-(1-7) was 1 pmol/L. CVs for high and low blood concentrations were 4% and 20%, respectively, and between-assay CVs were 8% and 13%, respectively. Reference values for human plasma concentrations of ir-Ang-(1-7) were 1.0-9.5 pmol/L (median, 4.7 pmol/L) and increased linearly during infusion of increasing doses of Ang-(1-7). CONCLUSIONS: Reliable measurement of plasma ir-Ang-(1-7) is achieved with efficient inhibition of enzymes that generate or metabolize Ang-(1-7) after blood sampling, extraction in ethanol, and purification on phenylsilylsilica, and by use of a specific antiserum.
The cellular response to fasting and starvation in tissues such as heart, skeletal muscle, and liver requires peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARalpha)-dependent up-regulation of energy metabolism toward fatty acid oxidation (FAO). PPARalpha null (PPARalphaKO) mice develop hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in the fasting state, and we previously showed that PPARalpha expression is increased in islets at low glucose. On this basis, we hypothesized that enhanced PPARalpha expression and FAO, via depletion of lipid-signaling molecule(s) for insulin exocytosis, are also involved in the normal adaptive response of the islet to fasting. Fasted PPARalphaKO mice compared with wild-type mice had supranormal ip glucose tolerance due to increased plasma insulin levels. Isolated islets from the PPARalpha null mice had a 44% reduction in FAO, normal glucose use and oxidation, and enhanced glucose-induced insulin secretion. In normal rats, fasting for 24 h increased islet PPARalpha, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1, and uncoupling protein-2 mRNA expression by 60%, 62%, and 82%, respectively. The data are consistent with the view that PPARalpha, via transcriptionally up-regulating islet FAO, can reduce insulin secretion, and that this mechanism is involved in the normal physiological response of the pancreatic islet to fasting such that hypoglycemia is avoided.
ATP, released by both neurons and glia, is an important mediator of brain intercellular communication. We find that selective activation of purinergic P2Y1 receptors (P2Y1R) in cultured astrocytes triggers glutamate release. By total internal fluorescence reflection imaging of fluorescence-labeled glutamatergic vesicles, we document that such release occurs by regulated exocytosis. The stimulus-secretion coupling mechanism involves Ca2+ release from internal stores and is controlled by additional transductive events mediated by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and prostaglandins (PG). P2Y1R activation induces release of both TNFalpha and PGE2 and blocking either one significantly reduces glutamate release. Accordingly, astrocytes from TNFalpha-deficient (TNF(-/-)) or TNF type 1 receptor-deficient (TNFR1(-/-)) mice display altered P2Y1R-dependent Ca2+ signaling and deficient glutamate release. In mixed hippocampal cultures, the P2Y1R-evoked process occurs in astrocytes but not in neurons or microglia. P2Y1R stimulation induces Ca2+ -dependent glutamate release also from acute hippocampal slices. The process in situ displays characteristics resembling those in cultured astrocytes and is distinctly different from synaptic glutamate release evoked by high K+ stimulation as follows: (a) it is sensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibitors; (b) it is deficient in preparations from TNF(-/-) and TNFR1(-/-) mice; and (c) it is inhibited by the exocytosis blocker bafilomycin A1 with a different time course. No glutamate release is evoked by P2Y1R-dependent stimulation of hippocampal synaptosomes. Taken together, our data identify the coupling of purinergic P2Y1R to glutamate exocytosis and its peculiar TNFalpha- and PG-dependent control, and we strongly suggest that this cascade operates selectively in astrocytes. The identified pathway may play physiological roles in glial-glial and glial-neuronal communication.
The performance of mice expressing PDAPP (+/+ or +/-) was studied in the Morris place navigation task. Different lines of questions were investigated using PDAPP+/- mice in which the activity of the cytokine Tumor Necrosing Factor alpha (TNFalpha) was attenuated by chronic treatment with anti-TNF or deleting TNFalpha (TNF-/-). Two different categories of behavior were analyzed in adult (6 months) and middle aged (15 months) subjects. Classically, the cognitive performance was assessed from the escape efficacy and quantitative bias toward the training position in a Morris water maze. Second, stereotyped circling was quantified, along with more qualitative behavioral impairments such as self-mutilation or increased reactivity. Our results can be summarized as follows. (1) All of the PDAPP mice expressed reduced cognitive performance in the Morris task, but only those with a clear-cut amyloid burden in the hippocampus showed behavioral abnormalities such as stereotyped circling. (2) Chronic treatment with anti-TNF prevented the development of pathological circling in the 6-month-old mice but not in the 15-month-old mice and had no significant effect on amyloid burden. (3) The absence of TNFalpha prevented the development of stereotyped circling in 6- and 15-month-old mice but increased amyloid burden after 15 months. These data indicate that PDAPP mice express cognitive impairments disregarding absence of TNF. The pathological behavioral anomalies related to the PDAPP mutation seem reduced by treatments interfering with TNFalpha.
The membrane organization of the alpha-subunit of purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase ((Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphate phosphorylase, EC and of the microsomal enzyme of the kidney of the toad Bufo marinus was compared by using controlled trypsinolysis. With both enzyme preparations, digestions performed in the presence of Na+ yielded a 73 kDa fragment and in the presence of K+ a 56 kDa, a 40 kDa and small amounts of a 83 kDa fragment from the 96 kDa alpha-subunit. In contrast to mammalian preparations (Jørgensen, P.L. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 401, 399-415), trypsinolysis of the purified amphibian enzyme led to a biphasic loss of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity in the presence of both Na+ and K+. These data could be correlated with an early rapid cleavage of 3 kDa from the alpha-subunit in both ionic conditions and a slower degradation of the remaining 93 kDa polypeptide. On the other hand, in the microsomal enzyme, a 3 kDa shift of the alpha-subunit could only be produced in the presence of Na+. Our data indicate that (1) purification of the amphibian enzyme with detergent does not influence the overall topology of the alpha-subunit but produces a distinct structural alteration of its N-terminus and (2) the amphibian kidney enzyme responds to cations with similar conformational transitions as the mammalian kidney enzyme. In addition, anti alpha-serum used on digested enzyme samples revealed on immunoblots that the 40 kDa fragment was better recognized than the 56 kDa fragment. It is concluded that the NH2-terminal of the alpha-subunit contains more antigenic sites than the COOH-terminal domain in agreement with the results of Farley et al. (Farley, R.A., Ochoa, G.T. and Kudrow, A. (1986) Am. J. Physiol. 250, C896-C906).