220 resultados para Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has historically been a major complication among immunocompromised patients, such as solid-organ and stem-cell transplant recipients and patients with advanced HIV infection. While the introduction of antiretroviral therapy has almost eradicated CMV infection in HIV-infected patients, CMV disease remains a significant problem in transplant recipients once antiviral prophylaxis is discontinued. QuantiFERON(®)-CMV allows the assessment of cellular immunity against CMV by detecting the production of IFN-γ following in vitro stimulation with CMV antigens. Preliminary studies have shown a correlation between a lack of detectable cell-mediated immunity measured by the QuantiFERON-CMV assay and a higher incidence of CMV infection and disease in immunocompromised patients. Measurement of cell-mediated immunity against CMV appears to be a promising strategy to identify patients at highest risk for the development of CMV disease and, therefore, to individualize preventive strategies for CMV in transplant recipients.
A woman's risk of breast cancer is strongly affected by her reproductive history. The hormonal milieu is also a key determinant of the course of the disease. Combining mouse genetics with tissue recombination techniques, we have established that the female reproductive hormones, estrogens, progesterone, and prolactin, act sequentially on the mammary epithelium to trigger distinct developmental steps. The hormones impinge directly on a subset of luminal mammary epithelial cells that express the respective hormone receptors and act as sensor cells translating and amplifying systemic signals into local stimuli. Local signaling is stage and age specific. During puberty, estrogens promote proliferation using the EGF family member, amphiregulin, as essential paracrine mediator. In adulthood, progesterone, rather than estrogen, is the major inducer of stem cell activation and cell proliferation of the mammary epithelium. Hormonal signaling modulates crucial developmental pathways that impinge on mammary stem cell populations, while Notch signaling, by inhibiting p63, is central to mammary cell fate determination. Cell proliferation occurs in two waves. The first results from direct stimulation of the small fraction of hormone receptor positive cells. It is followed by a second wave of progesterone-induced proliferation involving mostly hormone receptor negative cells, in which RANKL is a key mediator. A model in which repeated activation of paracrine signaling by progesterone with resulting stem cell activation promotes breast carcinogenesis is proposed.
Cellular metabolism is emerging as a potential fate determinant in cancer and stem cell biology, constituting a crucial regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool [1-4]. The extremely low oxygen tension in the HSC microenvironment of the adult bone marrow forces HSCs into a low metabolic profile that is thought to enable their maintenance by protecting them from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although HSC quiescence has for long been associated with low mitochondrial activity, as testified by the low rhodamine stain that marks primitive HSCs, we hypothesized that mitochondrial activation could be an HSC fate determinant in its own right. We thus set to investigate the implications of pharmacologically modulating mitochondrial activity during bone marrow transplantation, and have found that forcing mitochondrial activation in the post-transplant period dramatically increases survival. Specifically, we examined the mitochondrial content and activation profile of each murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor compartment. Long-term-HSCs (LT-HSC, Lin-cKit+Sca1+ (LKS) CD150+CD34-), short-term-HSCs (ST-HSC, LKS+150+34+), multipotent progenitors (MPPs, LKS+150-) and committed progenitors (PROG, Lin-cKit+Sca1-) display distinct mitochondrial profiles, with both mitochondrial content and activity increasing with differentiation. Indeed, we found that overall function of the hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell compartment can be resolved by mitochondrial activity alone, as illustrated by the fact that low mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM low) can provide efficient long-term engraftment, while high mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM high) cannot engraft in lethally irradiated mice. Moreover, low mitochondrial activity can equally predict efficiency of engraftment within the LT-HSC and ST-HSC compartments, opening the field to a novel method of discriminating a population of transitioning ST-HSCs that retain long-term engraftment capacity. Based on previous experience that a high-fat bone marrow microenvironment depletes short-term hematopoietic progenitors while conserving their long-term counterparts [5], we set to measure HSC mitochondrial activation in high-fat diet fed mice, known to decrease metabolic rate on a per cell basis through excess insulin/IGF-1 production. Congruently, we found lower mitochondrial activation as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR analysis as well as a depletion of the short-term progenitor compartment in high fat versus control chow diet fed mice. We then tested the effects of a mitochondrial activator known to counteract the negative effects of high fat diet. We first analyzed the in vitro effect on HSC cell cycle kinetics, where no significant change in proliferation or division time was found. However, HSCs responded to the mitochondrial activator by increasing asynchrony, a behavior that is thought to directly correlate with asymmetric division [6]. As opposed to high-fat diet fed mice, mice fed with the mitochondrial activator showed an increase in ST-HSCs, while all the other hematopoietic compartments were comparable to mice fed on control diet. Given the dependency on short-term progenitors to rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis following bone marrow transplantation, we tested the effect of pharmacological mitochondrial activation on the recovery of mice transplanted with a limiting HSC dose. Survival 3 weeks post-transplant was 80% in the treated group compared to 0% in the control group, as predicted by faster recovery of platelet and neutrophil counts. In conclusion, we have found that mitochondrial activation regulates the long-term to short-term HSC transition, unraveling mitochondrial modulation as a valuable drug target for post-transplant therapy. Identification of molecular pathways accountable for the metabolically mediated fate switch is currently ongoing.
Résumé : c-Myc, le premier facteur de transcription de la famille Myc a été découvert il y a maintenant trente ans. Il reste à l'heure actuelle parmi les plus puissants proto-oncogènes connus. c-Myc est dérégulé dans plus de 50% des cancers, où il promeut la prolifération, la croissance cellulaire, et la néoangiogenèse. Myc peut aussi influencer de nombreuses autres fonctions de par sa capacité à activer ou à réprimer la transcription de nombreux gènes, et à agir globalement sur le génome à travers des modifications épigénétiques de la chromatine. La famille d'oncogènes Myc comprend, chez les mammifères, trois protéines structurellement proches: c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc. Ces protéines ont les mêmes proprietés biochimiques, exercent les mêmes fonctions mais sont le plus souvent exprimées de façon mutuellement exclusive. Myc a été récemment identifié comme un facteur clef dans la maintenance des cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes ainsi que dans la réacquisition des proprietés des cellules souches. Nous avons précédemment démontré que l'élimination de c-Myc provoque une accumulation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) suite à un défaut de différenciation lié à la niche. Les CSH sont responsables de la production de tous les éléments cellulaires du sang pour toute la vie de l'individu et sont définies par leur capacité à s'auto-renouveler tout en produisant des précurseurs hématopoïétiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de Myc dans les CSH, nous avons choisi de combiner l'utilisation de modèles de souris génétiquement modifiées à une caractérisation systématique des schémas d'expression de c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc dans tout le système hématopoïétique. Nous avons ainsi découvert que les CSH les plus immatures expriment des quantités équivalentes de transcrits de c-myc et N-myc. Si les CSH déficientes en N-myc seulement ont une capacité d'auto-renouvellement à long-terme réduite, l'invalidation combinée des gènes c-myc et N-myc conduit à une pan-cytopénie suivie d'une mort rapide de l'animal, pour cause d'apoptose de tous les types cellulaires hématopoïétiques. En particulier, les CSH en cours d'auto-renouvelemment, mais pas les CSH quiescentes, accumulent du Granzyme B (GrB), une molécule fortement cytotoxique qui provoque une mort cellulaire rapide. Ces données ont ainsi mis au jour un nouveau mécanisme dont dépend la survie des CSH, à savoir la répression du GrB, une enzyme typiquement utilisée par le système immunitaire inné pour éliminer les tumeurs et les cellules infectées par des virus. Dans le but d'évaluer l'étendue de la redondance entre c-Myc et N-Myc dans les CSH, nous avons d'une part examiné des souris dans lesquelles les séquences codantes de c-myc sont remplacées par celles de N-myc (NCR) et d'autre part nous avons géneré une série allèlique de myc en éliminant de façon combinatoire un ou plusieurs allèles de c-myc et/ou de N-myc. Alors que l'analyse des souris NCR suggère que c-Myc et N-Myc sont qualitativement redondants, la série allélique indique que les efficiences avec lesquelles ces deux protéines influencent des procédés essentiels à la maintenance des CSH sont différentes. En conclusion, nos données génétiques montrent que l'activité générale de MYC, fournie par c-Myc et N-Myc, contrôle plusieurs aspects cruciaux de la fonction des CSH, notamment l'auto-renouvellement, la survie et la différenciation. Abstract : c-Myc, the first Myc transcription factor was discovered 30 years ago and is to date one of the most potent proto-oncogenes described. It is found to be misregulated in over 50% of all cancers, where it drives proliferation, cell growth and neo-angiogenesis. Myc can also influence a variety of other functions, owing to its ability to activate and repress transcription of many target genes and to globally regulate the genome via epigenetic modifications of the chromatin. The Myc family of oncogenes consists of three closely related proteins in mammals: c-Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc. These proteins share the same biochemical properties, exert mostly the same functions, but are most often expressed in mutually exclusive patterns. Myc is now emerging as a key factor in maintenance of embryonic and adult stem cells as well as in reacquisition of stem cell properties, including induced reprogramming. We previously showed that c-Myc deficiency can cause the accumulation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) due to a niche dependent differentiation defect. HSCs are responsible for life-long replenishment of all blood cell types, and are defined by their ability to self-renew while concomitantly giving rise to more commited progenitors. To gain further insight into the function of Myc in HSCs, in this study we combine the use of genetically-modified mouse models with the systematic characterization of c-myc, N-myc and L-myc transcription patterns throughout the hematopoietic system. Interestingly, the most immature HSCs express not only c-myc, but also about equal amounts of N-myc transcripts. Although conditional deletion of N-myc alone in the bone marrow does not affect steady-state hematopoiesis, N-myc null HSCs show impaired long-term self-renewal capacity. Strikingly, combined deficiency of c-Myc and N-Myc results in pan-cytopenia and rapid lethality, due to the apoptosis of most hematopoietic cell types. In particular, self-renewing HSCs, but not quiescent HSCs or progenitor cell types rapidly up-regulate and accumulate the potent cytotoxic molecule GranzymeB (GrB), causing their rapid cell death. These data uncover a novel pathway on which HSC survival depends on, namely repression of GrB, a molecule typically used by the innate immune system to eliminate tumor and virus infected cells. To evaluate the extent of redundancy between c-Myc and N-Myc in HSCs, we examined mice in which c-myc coding sequences are replaced by that of N-myc (NCR) and also generated an allelic series of myc, by combinatorially deleting one or several c-myc and/or N-myc alleles. While the analysis of NCR mice suggests that c-Myc and N-Myc are qualitatively functionally redundant, our allelic series indicates that the efficiencies with which these two proteins affect crucial HSC maintenance processes are likely to be distinct. Collectively, our genetic data show that general "MYC" activity delivered by c-Myc and N-Myc controls crucial aspects of HSC function, including self-renewal, survival and niche dependent differentiation.
Background: Activating mutations of the anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase gene (ALK) were identified in both somatic and familial neuroblastoma. The most common somatic mutation, F1174L, is associated with NMYC amplification and displayed an efficient transforming activity in vivo. In addition, both AKL-F1174L and NMYC were shown cooperate in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis in animal models. To analyse the role of ALK mutations in the oncogenesis of neuroblastoma, ALK wt and various ALK mutants were transduced in murine neural crest stem cells (MONC1). Methods: ALK-wt, and F1174L, and R1275Q mutants were stably expressed by retroviral infection using the pMIGR1 vector in the murine neural crest stem cell line MONC-1, previously immortalised with v-myc, and further implanted subcutaneously or orthotopically in nude mice. Results: Both MONC1-ALK-F1174L and -R1275Q cells displayed a rapid tumour forming capacity upon subcutaneous injection in nude mice compared to control MONC1-MIGR or MONC1 cells. Interestingly, the transforming capacity of the F1174L mutant was much more potent compared to that of R1275Q mutant in murine neural crest stem cells, while ALK-wt was not tumorigenic. In addition, mice implanted orthotopically in the left adrenal gland with MONC1-ALK-F1174L cells developed highly aggressive tumours in 100% of mice within three weeks, while MONC1-Migr or MONC1 derived tumours displayed a longer latency and a reduced tumour take. Conclusions: The activating ALK-F1174L mutant is highly tumorigenic in neural crest stem cells. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude a functional implication of the v-myc oncogene used for MONC1 cells immortalisation. Indeed, the control MONC1-Migr and MONC1 cells were also able to derive subcutaneous and orthotopic tumours, although with considerable reduced efficiency. Further investigations using neural crest stem cell lacking exogenous myc expression are currently on way to assess the exclusive role of ALK mutations in NB oncogenesis.
Integration without cytotoxic effects and long-term expression of a transgene constitutes a major challenge in gene therapy and biotechnology applications. In this context, transposons represent an attractive system for gene transfer because of their ability to promote efficient integration of a transgene in a variety of cell lines. However, the transgene integration can lead to insertional mutagenesis and/or unstable transgene expression by epigenetic modifications. These unwanted events may be limited by the use of chromatin control elements called MARs (matrix attachment regions). Indeed, the insertion of these DNA elements next to the transgene usually results in higher and more stable expression by maintaining transgene chromatin in an active configuration and preventing gene silencing. In this study, we tested if the inclusion of the MAR 1-68 in the piggyBac transposon system may lead to efficient and safer transgene integration and ensure reliable stable and long-term expression of a transgene. The MAR-containing transposon construct was tested in CHO cells, for biotechnology applications, and in mesoangioblast cells that can differentiate into muscle cells and are important candidates for potential stem cell therapies of myopathies. We showed that the addition of the MAR 1 -68 in the piggyBac transposon did not interfere with transposition, thereby maintaining high frequency of transgene integrations in these cells. Moreover, the MAR allowed higher transgene expression from fewer transposon integration events. We also found that enriched transgene-expressing cell populations could be obtained without the need of selection pressure. Since antibiotic-enforced selection protocols often result in a higher integrated copy number and mosaic expression patterns, this strategy could benefit many applications in which a low copy number of integrated transgenes and antibiotic-free conditions are desired. In addition, the intramuscular transplantation of mouse tibialis anterior muscles with mesoangioblasts containing the transposon led to widespread and sustained myofiber transgene expression after differentiation of these cells in vivo. These findings indicated that piggyBac vectors may provide a viable approach to achieve stable gene transfer in the context of Duchenne muscular dystrophy therapy. - L'intégration sans effets cytotoxiques et l'expression à long terme d'un transgène constituent un défi majeur en thérapie génique et en biotechnologie. Dans ce contexte, les transposons représentent un système attrayant pour le transfert de gènes en raison de leur capacité à promouvoir l'intégration efficace d'un transgène dans une variété de lignées cellulaires. Toutefois, l'intégration d'un transgène peut conduire à une mutagénèse insertionnelle et/ou à une expression instable due au silençage du transgène suite à des modifications épigénétiques. Ces événements indésirables de silençage génique peuvent être diminués par l'utilisation d'éléments de contrôle de la chromatine appelés MAR (matrix attachment region). En effet, l'insertion de ces éléments d'ADN à proximité du transgène se traduit généralement par une expression plus élevée et plus stable de celui-ci, en permettant le maintien d'une chromatine dans une configuration active autour du transgène et en empêchant l'inactivation du gène. Dans cette étude, nous avons testé si l'inclusion du MAR 1-68 dans le système transposon piggyBac peut améliorer l'efficacité d'intégration de façon sécuritaire et l'expression à long terme d'un transgène. Le transposon contenant l'élément MAR a été testé dans les cellules CHO, couramment utilisées en biotechnologie, et dans des cellules progénitrices appelées mésoangioblastes, qui peuvent se différencier en cellules musculaires, et qui constituent ainsi des candidats prometteurs pour la thérapie à partir de cellules souches de patients souffrant de myopathie. Nous avons montré que l'addition du MAR 1-68 dans le transposon piggyBac n'interfère pas avec la transposition et permet de maintenir une fréquence élevée d'intégration du transgène dans ces deux types cellulaires. De plus, il semble que cette association mène à une meilleure expression du transgène à partir de peu d'événements d'intégration du transposon. En outre, ces populations enrichies en cellules exprimant de façon stable le transgène ont pu être obtenues sans avoir recours à une pression de sélection. Etant donné que les protocoles de sélection basée sur l'utilisation d'antibiotiques conduisent souvent à un nombre plus élevé de copies intégrées et à la variégation de l'expression du transgène et qu'ils impliquent une longue culture in vitro, cette stratégie pourrait profiter à des applications pour lesquelles on souhaite un faible nombre de copies intégrées et/ou l'utilisation d'antibiotiques n'est pas souhaitable. De plus, la transplantation intramusculaire de mésoangioblastes contenant le transposon dans le muscle tibial antérieur de souris a conduit, après la différentiation de ces cellules in vivo, à une expression constante et étendue du transgène dans les myofibres. Ces résultats indiquent que les vecteurs piggyBac pourraient fournir une approche viable pour assurer un transfert de gènes stables dans le contexte d'un traitement de la dystrophic musculaire de Duchenne.
Le cancer est défini comme la croissance incontrôlée des cellules dans le corps. Il est responsable de 20 % des décès en Europe. Plusieurs expériences montrent que les tumeurs sont issues et se développent grâce à un petit nombre de cellules, que l'on appelle cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC). Ces CSC sont également responsables de l'apparition de métastases et de la résistance aux médicaments anticancéreux. De ce fait, l'identification des gènes qui contribuent aux propriétés de ces CSC (comme la survie des tumeurs, les métastases et la résistance aux médicaments) est nécessaire pour mieux comprendre la biologie des cancers et d'améliorer la qualité des soins des patients avec un cancer. A ce jour, de nombreux marqueurs ont été proposés ainsi que de nouvelles thérapies ciblées contre les CSC. Toutefois, et malgré les énormes efforts de la recherche dans ce domaine, la quasi-totalité des marqueurs de CSC connus à ce jour sont aussi exprimés dans les cellules saines. Ce projet de recherche visait à trouver un nouveau candidat spécifique des CSC. Le gène BORIS (pour Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites), nommé aussi CTCFL (CTCF-like), semble avoir certaines caractéristiques de CSC et pourrait donc devenir une cible prometteuse pour le traitement du cancer. BORIS/CTCFL est une protéine nucléaire qui se lie à l'ADN, qui est exprimée dans les tissus normaux uniquement dans les cellules germinales et qui est réactivée dans un grand nombre de tumeurs. BORIS est impliqué dans la reprogrammation épigénétique au cours du développement et dans la tumorigenèse. En outre, des études récentes ont montré une association entre l'expression de BORIS et un mauvais pronostic chez des patients atteints de différents types de cancers. Nous avons développé une nouvelle technologie basée sur les Molecular Beacon pour cibler l'ARNm de BORIS et cela dans les cellules vivantes. Grâce à ce système expérimental, nous avons montré que seule une toute petite sous-population (0,02 à 5%) de cellules tumorales exprimait fortement BORIS. Les cellules exprimant BORIS ont pu être isolées et elles présentaient les caractéristiques de CSC, telles qu'une forte expression de hTERT et des gènes spécifiques des cellules souches (NANOG, SOX2 et OCT4). En outre, une expression élevée de BORIS a été mise en évidence dans des populations enrichies en CSC ('side population' et sphères). Ces résultats suggèrent que BORIS pourrait devenir un nouveau et important marqueur de CSC. Dans des études fonctionnelles sur des cellules de cancer du côlon et du sein, nous avons montré que le blocage de l'expression de BORIS altère largement la capacité de ces cellules à former des sphères, démontrant ainsi un rôle essentiel de BORIS dans l'auto- renouvellement des tumeurs. Nos expériences montrent aussi que BORIS est un facteur important qui régule l'expression de gènes jouant un rôle clé dans le développement et la progression tumorale, tels le gène hTERT et ceux impliqués dans les cellules souches, les CSC et la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT). BORIS pourrait affecter la régulation de la transcription de ces gènes par des modifications épigénétiques et de manière différente en fonction du type cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats fournissent la preuve que BORIS peut être classé comme un gène marqueur de cellules souches cancéreuse et révèlent un nouveau mécanisme dans lequel BORIS jouerait un rôle important dans la carcinogénèse. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour mieux comprendre la biologie de la progression tumorale et offre la possibilité de développement de nouvelles thérapies anti-tumorales et anti-CSC avec BORIS comme molécule cible. - Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. It causes 20% of deaths in the European region. Current evidences suggest that tumors originate and are maintained thanks to a small subset of cells, named cancer stems cells (CSCs). These CSCs are also responsible for the appearance of metastasis and therapeutic resistance. Consequently, the identification of genes that contribute to the CSC properties (tumor survival, metastasis and therapeutic resistance) is necessary to better understand the biology of malignant diseases and to improve care management. To date, numerous markers have been proposed to use as new CSC- targeted therapies. Despite the enormous efforts in research, almost all of the known CSCs markers are also expressed in normal cells. This project aimed to find a new CSC-specific candidate. BORIS (Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites) or CTCFL (CTCF-like) is a DNA binding protein involves in epigenetic reprogramming in normal development and in tumorigenesis. Recent studies have shown an association of BORIS expression with a poor prognosis in different types of cancer patients. Therefore, BORIS seems to have the same characteristics of CSCs markers and it could be a promising target for cancer therapy. BORIS is normally expressed only in germinal cells and it is re-expressed in a wide variety of tumors. We developed a new molecular beacon-based technology to target BORIS mRNA expressing cells. Using this system, we showed that the BORIS expressing cells are only a small subpopulation (0.02-5%) of tumor cells. The isolated BORIS expressing cells exhibited the characteristics of CSCs, with high expression of hTERT and stem cell genes (NANOG, SOX2 and OCT4). Furthermore, high BORIS expression was observed in the CSC-enriched populations (side population and spheres). These results suggest that BORIS might be a novel and powerful CSCs marker. In functional studies, we observed that BORIS knockdown significantly impairs the capacity to form spheres in colon and breast cancer cells, thus demonstrating a critical role of BORIS in the self-renewal of tumors. The results showed in the functional analysis indicate that BORIS is an important factor that regulates the expression of key-target genes for tumor development and progression, such as hTERT, stem cells, CSCs markers and EMT (epithelial mesenchymal transition)-related marker genes. BORIS could affect the transcriptional regulation of these genes by epigenetic modification and in a cell type dependent manner. In summary, our results support the evidence that BORIS can be classified as a cancer stem cell marker gene and reveal a novel mechanism in which BORIS would play a critical role in tumorigenesis. This study opens new prospective to understand the biology of tumor development and provides opportunities for potential anti-tumor drugs.
SPINK5 (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5) encodes the putative proteinase inhibitor LEKTI (lympho-epithelial Kazal-type related inhibitor). In skin, LEKTI expression is restricted to the stratum granulosum of the epidermis and the inner root sheath of hair follicles. Mutations that create premature termination codons in SPINK5 have been reported as the cause of Netherton syndrome (NS), a human autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis with defective cornification, a specific hair shaft defect known as trichorrexis invaginata or 'bamboo hair', and severe atopic manifestations, including atopic dermatitis and hayfever. Althought recombinant human LEKTI inhibits a battery of serine proteases including plasmin, trypsin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, and elastase, the precise role of LEKTI in the physiopathology of NS remains unclear. Spink5−/− mice display a NS-like phenotype. Surprisingly, a psoriasis-like hyperplasia, basement membrane breakdown followed by evagination of spindle-shaped epidermal cells into the dermal compartment, and the presence of numerous sweat gland-like structures were also observed when the skin of Spink5−/− newborn mice, which die at birth, was transplanted onto the back of nude mice. Collectively, these observations suggest that LEKTI may play a role on cell proliferation and stem cell fate. Our current work aims at elucidating the mechanisms by which LEKTI impact these biological processes. Using keratinocyte stem cells obtained from NS patients, we have identified LEKTI as a regulator node in several signaling pathways involved in stem cell behavior.
Early revascularization of pancreatic islet cells after transplantation is crucial for engraftment, and it has been suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) plays a significant role in this process. Although VEGF gene therapy can improve angiogenesis, uncontrolled VEGF secretion can lead to vascular tumor formation. Here we have explored the role of temporal VEGF expression, controlled by a tetracycline (TC)-regulated promoter, on revascularization and engraftment of genetically modified beta cells following transplantation. To this end, we modified the CDM3D beta cell line using a lentiviral vector to promote secretion of VEGF-A either in a TC-regulated (TET cells) or a constitutive (PGK cells) manner. VEGF secretion, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and stimulated insulin secretion were assessed in vitro. VEGF secretion was increased in TET and PGK cells, and VEGF delivery resulted in angiogenesis, whereas addition of TC inhibited these processes. Insulin secretion by the three cell types was similar. We used a syngeneic mouse model of transplantation to assess the effects of this controlled VEGF expression in vivo. Time to normoglycemia, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, graft vascular density, and cellular mass were evaluated. Increased expression of VEGF resulted in significantly better revascularization and engraftment after transplantation when compared to control cells. In vivo, there was a significant increase in vascular density in grafted TET and PGK cells versus control cells. Moreover, the time for diabetic mice to return to normoglycemia and the stimulated plasma glucose clearance were also significantly accelerated in mice transplanted with TET and PGK cells when compared to control cells. VEGF was only needed during the first 2-3 weeks after transplantation; when removed, normoglycemia and graft vascularization were maintained. TC-treated mice grafted with TC-treated cells failed to restore normoglycemia. This approach allowed us to switch off VEGF secretion when the desired effects had been achieved. TC-regulated temporal expression of VEGF using a gene therapy approach presents a novel way to improve early revascularization and engraftment after islet cell transplantation.
Maintenance of the blood system is dependent on dormant haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with long-term self-renewal capacity. After injury these cells are induced to proliferate to quickly re-establish homeostasis. The signalling molecules promoting the exit of HSCs out of the dormant stage remain largely unknown. Here we show that in response to treatment of mice with interferon-alpha (IFNalpha), HSCs efficiently exit G(0) and enter an active cell cycle. HSCs respond to IFNalpha treatment by the increased phosphorylation of STAT1 and PKB/Akt (also known as AKT1), the expression of IFNalpha target genes, and the upregulation of stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1, also known as LY6A). HSCs lacking the IFNalpha/beta receptor (IFNAR), STAT1 (ref. 3) or Sca-1 (ref. 4) are insensitive to IFNalpha stimulation, demonstrating that STAT1 and Sca-1 mediate IFNalpha-induced HSC proliferation. Although dormant HSCs are resistant to the anti-proliferative chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluoro-uracil, HSCs pre-treated (primed) with IFNalpha and thus induced to proliferate are efficiently eliminated by 5-fluoro-uracil exposure in vivo. Conversely, HSCs chronically activated by IFNalpha are functionally compromised and are rapidly out-competed by non-activatable Ifnar(-/-) cells in competitive repopulation assays. Whereas chronic activation of the IFNalpha pathway in HSCs impairs their function, acute IFNalpha treatment promotes the proliferation of dormant HSCs in vivo. These data may help to clarify the so far unexplained clinical effects of IFNalpha on leukaemic cells, and raise the possibility for new applications of type I interferons to target cancer stem cells.
Résumé : Le positionnement correct du fuseau mitotique est crucial pour les divisions cellulaires asymétriques, car il gouverne le contrôle spatial de la division cellulaire et assure la ségrégation adéquate des déterminants cellulaires. Malgré leur importance, les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique sont encore mal compris. Chez l'embryon au stade une-cellule du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, le fuseau mitotique est positionné de manière asymétrique durant l'anaphase grâce à l'action de générateurs de force situés au cortex cellulaire, et dont la nature était jusqu'alors indéterminée. Ces générateurs de force corticaux exercent une traction sur les microtubules astraux et sont dépendants de deux protéines Gα et de leurs protéines associées. Cette thèse traite de la nature de la machinerie responsable pour la génération des forces de tractions, ainsi que de son lien avec les protéines Gα et associées. Nous avons combiné des expériences de coupure par faisceau laser du fuseau mitotique avec le contrôle temporel de l'inactivation de gènes ou de l'exposition à des produits pharmacologiques. De cette manière, nous avons établi que la dynéine, un moteur se déplaçant vers l'extrémité négative des microtubules, ainsi que la dynamique des microtubules, sont toutes deux requises pour la génération efficace des forces de tractions. Nous avons démontré que les protéines Gα et leurs protéines associées GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 interagissent in vivo avec LIS-1, un composant du complexe de la dynéine. De plus, nous avons découvert que les protéines Gα, GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 promeuvent la présence du complexe de la dynéine au cortex cellulaire. Nos résultats suggèrent un mécanisme par lequel les protéines Gα permettent le recrutement cortical de GPR-1/2 et LIN-5, assurant ainsi la présence de la dynéine au cortex. Conjointement avec la dynamique des microtubules, ce mécanisme permet la génération des forces de tractions afin d'obtenir une division cellulaire correcte. Comme les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique et les divisions cellulaires asymétriques sont conservés au cours de l'évolution, nous espérons que les mécanismes élucidés par ce travail sont d'importance générale pour la génération de la diversité cellulaire durant le développement. De plus, ces mécanismes pourraient être applicables à d'autres divisions asymétriques, comme celle des cellules souches, dont le disfonctionnement peut entraîner la génération de cellules cancéreuses. Abstract : Proper spindle positioning is crucial for asymmetric cell division, because it controls spatial aspects of cell division and the correct inheritance of cell-fate determinants. However, the mechanisms governing spindle positioning remain incompletely understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell stage embryo, the spindle becomes asymmetrically positioned during anaphase through the action of as-yet unidentified cortical force generators that pull on astral microtubules and that depend on two Gα proteins and associated proteins. This thesis addresses the nature of the force generation machinery and the link with the Gα and associated proteins. By performing spindle-severing experiments following temporally restricted gene inactivation and drug exposure, we established that microtubule dynamics and the minus-end directed motor dynein are both required for generating efficient pulling forces. We discovered that the Gα proteins and their associated proteins GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 interact in vivo with LIS-1, a component of the dynein complex. Moreover, we uncovered that LIN-5, GPR-1/2 and the Gα proteins promote the presence of the dynein complex at the cell cortex. Our findings suggest a mechanism by which the Gα proteins enable GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 recruitment to the cortex, thus ensuring the presence of cortical dynein. Together with microtubule dynamics, this allows pulling forces to be exerted and proper cell division to be achieved. Because the mechanisms of spindle positioning and asymmetric cell division are conserved across evolution, we expect the underlying mechanism uncovered here to be of broad significance for the generation of cell diversity during development. Moreover, this mechanism could be relevant for other asymmetric cell divisions, such as stem cell divisions, whose dysfunction may lead to the generation of cancer cells.
While cell sorting usually relies on cell-surface protein markers, molecular beacons (MBs) offer the potential to sort cells based on the presence of any expressed mRNA and in principle could be extremely useful to sort rare cell populations from primary isolates. We show here how stem cells can be purified from mixed cell populations by sorting based on MBs. Specifically, we designed molecular beacons targeting Sox2, a well-known stem cell marker for murine embryonic (mES) and neural stem cells (NSC). One of our designed molecular beacons displayed an increase in fluorescence compared to a nonspecific molecular beacon both in vitro and in vivo when tested in mES and NSCs. We sorted Sox2-MB(+)SSEA1(+) cells from a mixed population of 4-day retinoic acid-treated mES cells and effectively isolated live undifferentiated stem cells. Additionally, Sox2-MB(+) cells isolated from primary mouse brains were sorted and generated neurospheres with higher efficiency than Sox2-MB(-) cells. These results demonstrate the utility of MBs for stem cell sorting in an mRNA-specific manner.
Abstract The adult rat brain subventricular zone (SVZ) contains proliferative precursors that migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) and differentiate into mature neurons. Recruitment of precursors constitutes a potential avenue for brain repair. We have investigated the kinetics and cellular specificity of transgene expression mediated by AAV2/1 vectors (i.e., adeno-associated virus type 2 pseudotyped with AAV1 capsid) in the SVZ. Self-complementary (sc) and single-stranded (ss) AAV2/1 vectors mediated efficient GFP expression, respectively, at 17 and 24 hr postinjection. Transgene expression was efficient in all the rapidly proliferating cells types, that is, Mash1(+) precursors (30% of the GFP(+) cells), Dlx2(+) neuronal progenitors (55%), Olig2(+) oligodendrocyte progenitors (35%), and doublecortin-positive (Dcx(+)) migrating cells (40%), but not in the slowly proliferating glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive (GFAP(+)) neural stem cell pool (5%). Because cell cycle arrest by wild-type and recombinant AAV has been described in primary cultures, we examined SVZ proliferative activity after vector injection. Indeed, cell proliferation was reduced immediately after vector injection but was normal after 1 month. In contrast, migration and differentiation of GFP(+) precursors were unaltered. Indeed, the proportion of Dcx(+) cells was similar in the injected and contralateral hemispheres. Furthermore, 1 month after vector injection into the SVZ, GFP(+) cells, found, as expected, in the OB granular cell layer, were mature GABAergic neurons. In conclusion, the rapid and efficient transgene expression in SVZ neural precursors mediated by scAAV2/1 vectors underlines their potential usefulness for brain repair via recruitment of immature cells. The observed transient precursor proliferation inhibition, not affecting their migration and differentiation, will likely not compromise this strategy.
Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death with a rising trend in incidence. These epidemiologic observations underline the need for novel treatment strategies. In this regard, a promising approach takes advantage of the adaptive effector mechanisms of the immune system, using T lymphocytes to specifically target and destroy tumour cells. However, whereas current approaches mainly depend on short-lived, terminally differentiated effector T cells, increasing evidence suggests that long lasting and maximum efficient immune responses are mediated by low differentiated memory T cells. These memory T cells should display characteristics of stem cells, such as longevity, self-renewal capacity and the ability to continuously give rise to further differentiated effectors. These stem celllike memory T (TSCM) cells are thought to be of key therapeutic value as they might not only attack differentiated tumour cells, but also eradicate the root cause of cancer, the cancer stem cells themselves. Thus, efforts are made to characterize TSCM cells and to identify the signalling pathways which mediate their induction. Recently, a human TSCM cell subset was described and the activation of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway by the drug TWS119 during naive CD8+ T (TN) cell priming was suggested to mediate their induction. However, a precise deciphering of the signalling pathways leading to TSCM cell induction and an in-depth characterization of in vitro induced and in vivo occurring TSCM cells remain to be performed. Here, evidence is presented that the induction of human and mouse CD8+ and CD4+ TSCM cells may be triggered by inhibition of mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 with simultaneously active mTOR complex 2. This molecular mechanism arrests a fraction of activated TN cells in a stem cell-like differentiation state independently of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway. Of note, TWS119 was found to also inhibit mTORCl, thereby mediating the induction of TSCM cells. Suggesting an immunostimulatory effect, the acquired data broaden the therapeutic range of mTORCl inhibitors like rapamycin, which are, at present, exclusively used due to their immunosuppressive function. Furthermore, by performing broad metabolic analyses, a well-orchestrated interplay between intracellular signalling pathways and the T cells' metabolic programmes could be identified as important regulator of the T cells' differentiation fate. Moreover, in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells possess superior functional capacities and share fate-determining key factors with their naturally occurring counterparts, assessed by a first-time full transcriptome analysis of in vivo occurring CD4+ TN cell, TSCM cells and central memory (TCM) cells and in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells. Of interest, a group of 56 genes, with a unique expression profile in TSCM cells could be identified. Thus, a pharmacological mechanism allowing to confer sternness to activated TN cells has been found which might be highly relevant for the design of novel T cell-based cancer immunotherapies.
The adult mammalian forebrain contains neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) that generate neurons throughout life. As in other somatic stem cell systems, NSCs are proposed to be predominantly quiescent and proliferate only sporadically to produce more committed progeny. However, quiescence has recently been shown not to be an essential criterion for stem cells. It is not known whether NSCs show differences in molecular dependence based on their proliferation state. The subventricular zone (SVZ) of the adult mouse brain has a remarkable capacity for repair by activation of NSCs. The molecular interplay controlling adult NSCs during neurogenesis or regeneration is not clear but resolving these interactions is critical in order to understand brain homeostasis and repair. Using conditional genetics and fate mapping, we show that Notch signaling is essential for neurogenesis in the SVZ. By mosaic analysis, we uncovered a surprising difference in Notch dependence between active neurogenic and regenerative NSCs. While both active and regenerative NSCs depend upon canonical Notch signaling, Notch1-deletion results in a selective loss of active NSCs (aNSCs). In sharp contrast, quiescent NSCs (qNSCs) remain after Notch1 ablation until induced during regeneration or aging, whereupon they become Notch1-dependent and fail to fully reinstate neurogenesis. Our results suggest that Notch1 is a key component of the adult SVZ niche, promoting maintenance of aNSCs, and that this function is compensated in qNSCs. Therefore, we confirm the importance of Notch signaling for maintaining NSCs and neurogenesis in the adult SVZ and reveal that NSCs display a selective reliance on Notch1 that may be dictated by mitotic state.