176 resultados para violence - marriage - immigrants
Elaborated Literary Violence: Genre and Ideology of the Two Stories I Sam 22,6-23 and II Sam 21,1-14
The present article focuses on two stories dealing with acts of big blood shed. I Sam 22,6-23 relates the massacre of the priests of Nob; II Sam 21,1-14 is about the execution of seven descendents of Saul, as atonement for Saul's attempt to exterminate the Gibeonites. Most researchers consider both stories or at least certain parts of them old.1 For both stories few verses are regarded as secondary. In this paper I try to reassess the analysis of these stories and will point to indices favoring a late date of origin for both of them. They concern the language in use, intertextual connections and particular motifs. A further indication consists in the fact that the reported events of the stories lack significant resonance in the corpus of the Hebrew Bible. There are only two texts, I Sam 2,33 and Ps 52,2, which allude or refer to I Sam 22,6-23.With regard to the importance of the related events and acts this silence in the Biblical context is astonishing. Interestingly, also in the Book of Chronicles one does not find any allusions to these stories. This raises the question whether the latter were composed after the formation of the book of Chronicles.
La violence parmi les jeunes est un thème récurrent dans les médias qui suscite de nombreuses inquiétudes dans la population. Les enquêtes standardisées répétées auprès des jeunes sur la violence qu'ils ont expérimentée, en tant qu'auteurs ou victimes, constituent une source précieuse de données pour étudier l'évolution de ce phénomène ainsi que d'autres formes de délinquance et de comportements à risque. Elles permettent également de décrire et de mieux comprendre les contextes dans lesquels les incidents violent se produisent et quelles sont les causes potentielles du passage à l'acte. Ces enquêtes sont un moyen efficace de dresser un état des lieux qui va bien au-delà de ce que peuvent montrer les statistiques officielles de la police et de la justice. En vue des enquêtes de 2014, les méthodologies des deux études cantonales ont été harmonisées de manière à augmenter les possibilités de comparaison. Ce processus d'harmonisation ainsi que la présente étude comparative ont été financés par l'Office fédéral des assurances sociales (OFAS). Par ailleurs, les habitudes des jeunes ayant évolué au cours des dix dernières années, un certain nombre de comportements ont été intégrés dans les questionnaires vaudois et zurichois de 2014, comme le cyber-harcèlement et la violence au sein des jeunes couples. La présente étude cherche à répondre à deux questions fondamentales : 1. Comment la violence parmi les jeunes ainsi que ses contextes et facteurs de risque ont-ils évolué ces dernières années ? 2. Quelles similarités et différences trouvons-nous entre les cantons de Vaud et de Zurich en 2014 ? Par conséquent, l'étude est divisée en deux parties : la première traite de l'évolution de la violence et d'autres problèmes comportementaux entre 1999 (Zurich) respectivement 2004 (Lausanne) et 2014 chez les jeunes habitants la ville de Lausanne ou de Zurich ; la seconde partie dresse le portrait de la situation en 2014 dans les cantons de Vaud et de Zurich. Pour des raisons d'échantillonnage les analyses dans le temps sont limitées à des comparaisons inter-villes plutôt qu'inter-cantonales.
Using a social identity theory approach, we theorized that recruiters might be particularly biased against skilled immigrant applicants. We refer to this phenomenon as a skill paradox, according to which immigrants are more likely to be targets of employment discrimination the more skilled they are. Furthermore, building on the common ingroup identity model, we proposed that this paradox can be resolved through human resource management (HRM) strategies that promote inclusive hiring practices (e.g., by emphasizing fit with a diverse clientele). The results from a laboratory experiment were consistent with our predictions: Local recruiters preferred skilled local applicants over skilled immigrant applicants, but only when these applicants were qualified for a specific job. This bias against qualified and skilled immigrant applicants was attenuated when fit with a diverse clientele was emphasized, but not when fit with a homogeneous clientele was emphasized or when the hiring strategy was not explained. We discuss the implications of our findings for research on employment discrimination against skilled immigrants, including the role of inclusiveness for reducing discriminatory biases.
Past studies on the personnel selection demonstrated that a supervisor's advice to discriminate can lead to compliant behaviours. This study had the aim to extend past findings by examining what can overcome the powerful influence of the hierarchy. 50 Swiss managers participated to an in-basket exercise. The main task was to evaluate Swiss candidates (in-group) and foreigners (out-groups: Spanish and Kosovo Albanians) and to select two applicants for a job interview. Main results were the effect of codes of conduct to prevent discrimination against out-group applicants in the presence of a supervisor's advice to prefer in-group members. But, when participants were accountable to an audience, this beneficial effect disappears because participants followed the supervisor's advice. The second aim was to assess if the difference in responses between participants was related to their difference in moral attentiveness. Results showed some significant relationships but not always in the direction expected.