300 resultados para spike-nosed body
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a small, ubiquitous, and potentially toxic aldehyde that is produced in vivo by lipid oxidation and that is able to affect gene expression. Tocopherol deficiency in the vitamin E2 mutant vte2-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to massive lipid oxidation and MDA accumulation shortly after germination. MDA accumulation correlates with a strong visual phenotype (growth reduction, cotyledon bleaching) and aberrant GST1 (glutathione S-transferase 1) expression. We suppressed MDA accumulation in the vte2-1 background by genetically removing tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The resulting quadruple mutant, fad3-2 fad7-2 fad8 vte2-1, did not display the visual phenotype or the aberrant GST1 expression observed in vte2-1. Moreover, cotyledon bleaching in vte2-1 was chemically phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with MDA. These data suggest that products of tri-unsaturated fatty acid oxidation underlie the vte2-1 seedling phenotype, including cellular toxicity and gene regulation properties. Generation of the quadruple mutant facilitated the development of an in situ fluorescence assay based on the formation of adducts of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid at 37 degrees C. Specificity was verified by measuring pentafluorophenylhydrazine derivatives of MDA and by liquid chromatography analysis of MDA-2-thiobarbituric acid adducts. Potentially applicable to other organisms, this method allowed the localization of MDA pools throughout the body of Arabidopsis and revealed an undiscovered pool of the compound unlikely to be derived from trienoic fatty acids in the vicinity of the root tip quiescent center.
Introduction: Growth is a central process in paediatrics. Weight and height evaluation are therefore routine exams for every child but in some situation, particularly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a wider evaluation of nutritional status needs to be performed. Objectives: To assess the accuracy of bio-impedance analysis (BIA) compared to the gold standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in estimating percentage body fat (fat mass; FM) and lean body mass (fat free mass; FFM) in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To compare FM and FFM levels between patients with IBD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy controls (12 females; mean age: 12.7 ± 1.9 years) and 21 patients (11 females; 14.3 ± 1.3 years) were recruited from August 2011 to October 2012 at our institution. BIA was performed in all children and DEXA in patients only. Concordance between BIA and DEXA was assessed using Lin's concordance correlation and the Bland-Altman method. Between-group comparisons were made using analysis of variance adjusting for age. Results: BIA-derived FM% showed a good concordance with DEXA-derived values, while BIA-derived FFM% tended to be slightly higher than DEXA-derived values (table). No differences were found between patients and controls regarding body mass index (mean ± SD: 19.3 ± 3.3 vs. 20.1 ± 2.8 kg/m2, respectively; age-adjusted P = 0.08) and FM% (boys: 25.3 ± 10.2 vs. 22.6 ± 7.1%, for patients and controls, respectively; P = 0.20; girls: 28.2 ± 5.7 vs. 26.4 ± 7.7%; P = 0.91). Also, no differences were found regarding FFM% in boys (74.9 ± 10.2 vs. 77.4 ± 7.1%; P = 0.22) and girls (71.8 ± 5.6 vs. 73.5 ± 7.7%; P = 0.85). Conclusion: BIA adequately assesses body composition (FM%) in children with IBD and could advantageously replace DEXA, which is more expensive and less available. No differences in body composition were found between children with IBD and healthy controls.
Context: Foreign body aspiration (FbA) is a serious problem in children. Accurate clinical and radiographic diagnosis is important because missed or delayed diagnosis can result in respiratory difficulties ranging from life-treatening airway obstruction to chronic wheezing or recurrent pneumonia. Bronchoscopy also has risks and accurate clinical and radiographc diagnosis can support the decision of bronchoscopy. Objective: To rewiev the diagnostic accuracy of clinical presentation (CP) and pulmonary radiograph (PR) for the diagnosis of FbA. There is no previous rewievMethods: A search of Medline is conducted for articles containing data regarding CP and PR signes of FbA. Calculation of likelihood ratios (LR) and pre and post test probability using Bayes theorem were performed for all signs of CP and PR. Inclusion criteria: Articles containing prospective data regarding CP and PR of FbA. Exclusion criteria: Retrospectives studies. Articles containing incomplete data for calculation of LR. Results: Five prospectives studies are included with a total of 585 patients. Prevalence of FbA is 63% in children suspected of FbA. If CP is normal, probability of FbA is 25% and if PR is normal, probability is 14%. If CP is pathologic, probability of FbA is 69-76% with presence of cough (LR = 1.32) or dyspnea (LR = 1.84) or localized crackles (LR = 1.5). Probability is 81-88% if cyanosis (LR = 4.8) or decreased breaths sounds (LR = 4.3) or asymetric auscultation (LR = 2.9) or localized wheezing (LR = 2.5) are present. When CP is anormal and PR show mediatinal shift (LR = 100), pneumomediatin (LR = 100), radio opaque foreign body (LR = 100), lobar distention (LR = 4), atelectasis (LR = 2.5), inspiratory/expiratory abnormal (LR = 7), the probability of FbA is 96-100%. If CP is normal and PR is abnormal the probability is 40-100%. If CP is abnormal and PR is normal the probability is 55-75%. Conclusions: This rewiev of prospective studies demonstrates the importance of CP and PR and an algorithm can be proposed. When CP is abnormal with or without PR pathologic, the probability of FbA is high and bronchoscopy is indicated. When CP and PR are normal the probability of FbA is low and bronchoscopy is not necessary immediatly, observation should be proposed. This approach should be validated with prospective study.
Body fluid biomarkers of central nervous system damage may help improve the prognostic and diagnostic accuracy in ischemic stroke. We studied 53 patients. Stroke severity and outcome was rated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin scale. Ferritin, S100B, and NfH were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Infarct volume was calculated from T2W images. CSF S100B (median 1.00 ng/mL) and CSF ferritin (10.0 ng/mL) levels were elevated in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.62 ng/mL, P < .0001; 2.34 ng/mL, P < .0001). Serum S100B (0.09 ng/mL) was higher in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.01 ng/mL). CSF S100B levels were higher in patients with a cardioembolic stroke (2.88 ng/mL) than in those with small-vessel disease (0.89 ng/mL, P < .05). CSF S100B levels correlated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score on admission (R = 0.56, P < .01) and the stroke volume (R = 0.44, P = .01). CSF S100B and NfH-SMI35 levels correlated with outcome on the modified Rankin scale. CSF S100B levels were related to stroke severity and infarct volume and highest in cardioembolic stroke.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of abdominal radiography in the detection of illegal intracorporeal containers (hereafter, packets), with low-dose computed tomography (CT) as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional ethical review board, with written informed consent. From July 2007 to July 2010, 330 people (296 men, 34 women; mean age, 32 years [range, 18-55 years]) suspected of having ingested drug packets underwent supine abdominal radiography and low-dose CT. The presence or absence of packets at abdominal radiography was reported, with low-dose CT as the reference standard. The density and number of packets (≤ 12 or >12) at low-dose CT were recorded and analyzed to determine whether those variables influence interpretation of results at abdominal radiography. RESULTS: Packets were detected at low-dose CT in 53 (16%) suspects. Sensitivity of abdominal radiography for depiction of packets was 0.77 (41 of 53), and specificity was 0.96 (267 of 277). The packets appeared isoattenuated to the bowel contents at low-dose CT in 16 (30%) of the 53 suspects with positive results. Nineteen (36%) of the 53 suspects with positive low-dose CT results had fewer than 12 packets. Packets that were isoattenuated at low-dose CT and a low number of packets (≤12) were both significantly associated with false-negative results at abdominal radiography (P = .004 and P = .016, respectively). CONCLUSION: Abdominal radiography is mainly limited by low sensitivity when compared with low-dose CT in the screening of people suspected of carrying drug packets. Low-dose CT is an effective imaging alternative to abdominal radiography.
Whole-body counting is a technique of choice for assessing the intake of gamma-emitting radionuclides. An appropriate calibration is necessary, which is done either by experimental measurement or by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. The aim of this work was to validate a MC model for calibrating whole-body counters (WBCs) by comparing the results of computations with measurements performed on an anthropomorphic phantom and to investigate the effect of a change in phantom's position on the WBC counting sensitivity. GEANT MC code was used for the calculations, and an IGOR phantom loaded with several types of radionuclides was used for the experimental measurements. The results show a reasonable agreement between measurements and MC computation. A 1-cm error in phantom positioning changes the activity estimation by >2%. Considering that a 5-cm deviation of the positioning of the phantom may occur in a realistic counting scenario, this implies that the uncertainty of the activity measured by a WBC is ∼10-20%.
Introduction Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women during exercise (1). Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise using a sinusoidal model (SIN) (2). Methods Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index (23.4±0.6 kg.m-2 and 21.5±0.8 kg.m-2, respectively) and aerobic fitness [maximal oxygen uptake ( ) (58.5±1.6 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1 and 55.3±2.0 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1, respectively) and power output ( ) per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)] performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and 7.5% increment on a cycle ergometer. Respiratory and HR values were averaged over the last 2 minutes of each stage. All female study participants were eumenorrheic, reported regular menstrual cycles (28.6 ± 0.8 days) and were not taking oral contraceptives (OC) or other forms of exogenous ovarian hormones. Women were studied in the early follicular phase (FP) of their menstrual cycle (between days 3 and 8, where day 1 is the first day of menses). Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model (2), which includes three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). Results During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35 to 85% , MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mgkg FFM-1min-1) and Fatmax (58.1 ± 1.9 vs. 50.0 ± 2.7% ) (P<0.05) than men. While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (P>0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, P=0.08). Conclusion These results showed that women, eumenorrheic, not taking OC and tested in FP, have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but they also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women compared with men. References 1. Blaak E. Gender differences in fat metabolism. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 4: 499-502, 2001. 2. Cheneviere X, Malatesta D, Peters EM, and Borrani F. A mathematical model to describe fat oxidation kinetics during graded exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 41: 1615-1625, 2009.
The phenotypic effect of some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) depends on their parental origin. We present a novel approach to detect parent-of-origin effects (POEs) in genome-wide genotype data of unrelated individuals. The method exploits increased phenotypic variance in the heterozygous genotype group relative to the homozygous groups. We applied the method to >56,000 unrelated individuals to search for POEs influencing body mass index (BMI). Six lead SNPs were carried forward for replication in five family-based studies (of ∼4,000 trios). Two SNPs replicated: the paternal rs2471083-C allele (located near the imprinted KCNK9 gene) and the paternal rs3091869-T allele (located near the SLC2A10 gene) increased BMI equally (beta = 0.11 (SD), P<0.0027) compared to the respective maternal alleles. Real-time PCR experiments of lymphoblastoid cell lines from the CEPH families showed that expression of both genes was dependent on parental origin of the SNPs alleles (P<0.01). Our scheme opens new opportunities to exploit GWAS data of unrelated individuals to identify POEs and demonstrates that they play an important role in adult obesity.
PURPOSE: To ascertain the prevalence of piercing among a nationally representative sample of adolescents; to assess whether having a piercing is a marker for risk behaviors; and to determine whether having more than one piercing is a cumulative marker for risk behaviors. METHODS: Data were drawn from a cross-sectional survey of a nationally representative sample of adolescents aged 16 to 20 years (N=7548). Controlling for background variables, pierced and non-pierced youth were compared on risk behaviors related to drug use, sexual behavior, and suicide. In a second step, adolescents having one piercing were compared with those having more than one. In both cases, statistically significant variables in the bivariate analysis were included in a logistic regression. Analyses were conducted separately by gender. RESULTS: Overall, 20.2% of our sample had a piercing (excluding earlobes), and it was significantly more prevalent among females than among males (33.8% vs. 7.4%; P<.001). In the bivariate analysis, all risk behaviors were significantly associated with having a piercing, and most of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis. One third of pierced subjects had more than one piercing, with no gender difference in prevalence. In the multivariate analysis, females with more than one piercing were more likely to have had multiple partners and to use cannabis, while no differences were noted for males. CONCLUSIONS: Body piercing is becoming popular among Swiss adolescents, especially females. Having a body piercing seems to be a risk marker for risk behaviors. Moreover, having multiple piercings is a cumulative risk marker for females.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of low fat-free mass index (FFMI) and high and very high body fat mass index (BFMI) after lung transplantation (LTR). A total of 37 LTR patients were assessed prior to and at 1 month, 1 year and 2 years for FFM and compared to 37 matched volunteers (VOL). FFM was calculated by the Geneva equation and normalized for height (kg/m(2)). Subjects were classified as FFMI "low", <or=17.4 in men and <or=15.0 in women; BFMI "high", 5.2-8.1 in men and 8.3-11.7 in women; or "very high" >8.2 kg/m(2) in men and >11.8 kg/m(2) in women. In 23 M/14 F, body mass index (BMI) was 22.3+/-4.4 and 20.1+/-4.9 kg/m(2), respectively. The prevalence of low FFMI was 80% at 1 month and 33% at 2 years after LTR. Prevalence of very high BFMI increased and was higher in patients than VOL after LTR. The prevalence of low FFMI was high prior to and remained important 2 years after LTR, whereas BFMI was lower prior to and higher 2 years after LTR.
Propionibacterium acnes is an important cause of orthopedic-implant-associated infections, for which the optimal treatment has not yet been determined. We investigated the activity of rifampin, alone and in combination, against planktonic and biofilm P. acnes in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. The MIC and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) were 0.007 and 4 μg/ml for rifampin, 1 and 4 μg/ml for daptomycin, 1 and 8 μg/ml for vancomycin, 1 and 2 μg/ml for levofloxacin, 0.03 and 16 μg/ml for penicillin G, 0.125 and 512 μg/ml for clindamycin, and 0.25 and 32 μg/ml for ceftriaxone. The P. acnes minimal biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) was 16 μg/ml for rifampin; 32 μg/ml for penicillin G; 64 μg/ml for daptomycin and ceftriaxone; and ≥128 μg/ml for levofloxacin, vancomycin, and clindamycin. In the animal model, implants were infected by injection of 10⁹ CFU P. acnes in cages. Antimicrobial activity on P. acnes was investigated in the cage fluid (planktonic form) and on explanted cages (biofilm form). The cure rates were 4% for daptomycin, 17% for vancomycin, 0% for levofloxacin, and 36% for rifampin. Rifampin cured 63% of the infected cages in combination with daptomycin, 46% with vancomycin, and 25% with levofloxacin. While all tested antimicrobials showed good activity against planktonic P. acnes, for eradication of biofilms, rifampin was needed. In combination with rifampin, daptomycin showed higher cure rates than with vancomycin in this foreign-body infection model.
Whole-body vibration training improves strength and can increase maximal oxygen consumption ([·V]O(2max)). No study has compared the metabolic demand of synchronous and side-alternating whole-body vibration. We measured [·V]O₂ and heart rate during a typical synchronous or side-alternating whole-body vibration session in 10 young female sedentary participants. The 20-min session consisted of three sets of six 45-s exercises, with 15 s recovery between exercises. Three conditions were randomly tested on separate days: synchronous at 35 Hz and 4 mm amplitude, side-alternating at 26 Hz and 7.5 mm amplitude (peak acceleration matched at 20 g in both vibration conditions), and no vibrations. Mean [·V]O₂ (expressed as %[·V]O(2max)) did not differ between conditions: 29.7 ± 4.2%, 32.4 ± 6.5%, and 28.7 ± 6.7% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively (P = 0.103). Mean heart rate (% maximal heart rate) was 65.6 ± 7.3%, 69.8 ± 7.9%, and 64.7 ± 5.6% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively, with the side-alternating vibrations being significantly higher (P = 0.019). When analysing changes over exercise sessions, mean [·V]O₂ was higher for side-alternating (P < 0.001) than for synchronous and no vibrations. In conclusion, side-alternating whole-body vibration elicits higher heart rate responses than synchronous or no vibrations, and could elevate [·V]O₂, provided the session lasts more than 20 min.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the association between frailty and risk for heart failure (HF) in older adults. BACKGROUND: Frailty is common in the elderly and is associated with adverse health outcomes. Impact of frailty on HF risk is not known. METHODS: We assessed the association between frailty, using the Health ABC Short Physical Performance Battery (HABC Battery) and the Gill index, and incident HF in 2825 participants aged 70 to 79 years. RESULTS: Mean age of participants was 74 ± 3 years; 48% were men and 59% were white. During a median follow up of 11.4 (7.1-11.7) years, 466 participants developed HF. Compared to non-frail participants, moderate (HR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08-1.71) and severe frailty (HR 1.88, 95% CI 1.02-3.47) by Gill index was associated with a higher risk for HF. HABC Battery score was linearly associated with HF risk after adjusting for the Health ABC HF Model (HR 1.24, 95% CI 1.13-1.36 per SD decrease in score) and remained significant when controlled for death as a competing risk (HR 1.30; 95% CI 1.00-1.55). Results were comparable across age, sex, and race, and in sub-groups based on diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular disease at baseline. Addition of HABC Battery scores to the Health ABC HF Risk Model improved discrimination (change in C-index, 0.014; 95% CI 0.018-0.010) and appropriately reclassified 13.4% (net-reclassification-improvement 0.073, 95% CI 0.021-0.125; P = .006) of participants (8.3% who developed HF and 5.1% who did not). CONCLUSIONS: Frailty is independently associated with risk of HF in older adults.