294 resultados para beneficial microbe


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Because of their beneficial impact on forest ecosystems, European red wood ants (Formica rufa group) are protected by law in many European countries and are considered to be among the most reliable bioindicators of forest stability. However, their taxonomy has been much debated and, unfortunately, it is too often neglected. This happens mainly because the morphology-based method for species delimitation requires lots of time and experience. We therefore employed 9 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (COI gene) to verify the power of genetic markers for red wood ant species delimitation and to investigate the cryptic diversity of these ants within the Eastern Swiss Alps. We analyzed 83 nests belonging to all red wood ant species that occur in the Swiss National Park area. Genetic data indicated that these species represent different genetic pools. Moreover, results showed that Formica aquilonia YARROW, 1955 and F. paralugubris SEIFERT, 1996 often hybridize within the Park, confirming that these two species are genetically very close and could have diverged only recently. Nevertheless, microsatellites also revealed that one entire population, located in the Minger Valley and morphologically identified as F. lugubris ZETTERSTEDT, 1838, is genetically different to all other analyzed F. lugubris populations found within the same area and to other red wood ant species. These findings, confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analyses, suggest the existence of a new cryptic species within the Eastern Swiss Alps. This putative cryptic species has been provisionally named F. lugubris-A2. These results have a great importance for future conservation plans, monitoring and evolutionary studies on these protected ants.


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Tigecycline has been investigated in combination with other antibacterials against a wide range of susceptible and multiresistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Combinations have been analysed in vitro, in animal models and in human case reports. In vitro, tigecycline combined with other antimicrobials produces primarily an indifferent response (neither synergy nor antagonism). Nevertheless, synergy occurred when tigecycline was combined with rifampicin against 64-100% of Enterococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp. and Brucella melitensis isolates. Combinations of tigecycline with amikacin also showed synergy for 40-100% of Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus spp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates. Moreover, bactericidal synergisms occurred with tigecycline plus amikacin against problematic Acinetobacter baumannii and Proteus vulgaris, and with colistin against K. pneumoniae. Data from animal experiments and case reports, although limited, displayed consistent beneficial activity of tigecycline in combination with other antibacterials against multiresistant organisms, including vancomycin against penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae in experimental meningitis, gentamicin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in experimental pneumonia, daptomycin against Enterococcus faecium endocarditis, and colistin against K. pneumoniae bacteraemia and P. aeruginosa osteomyelitis. Antagonism was extremely rare in vitro and was not reported in vivo. Thus, tigecycline may be combined with a second antimicrobial as part of a combination regimen.


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Summary : PPARα is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. In rodents, PPARα is highly expressed in liver, especially in parenchymal cells, where it has an impact on several hepatic functions such as nutrient metabolism, inflammation and metabolic stress. Ligands for PPARα comprise long chain unsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoids and lipid lowering fibrate drugs. In liver, many metabolic processes are orchestrated by the hepatic circadian clock. The aim of the hepatic clock is to synchronize cellular pathways allowing animals to adapt their metabolism to predictable daily changes in the environment. Indeed, similar to PPARα, the hepatic clock influences nutrient metabolism and detoxification through circadian output regulators :the PAR-domain basic leucine zipper proteins called PAR blip proteins. In this report, we showed that through a positive feedback loop mechanism, PAR. blip, proteins participate to the availability of PPARα endogenous ligands that contribute to the circadian expression and functions of PPARα. Interestingly, we also discovered some unexpected hepatic sexual dimorphic functions of PPARα. These functions are determined b PPARα sumoylation, interaction with DNA methylation mechanism and with unexpected proteins with gender specificity. The connection between circadian clock and hepatic sexual dimorphism opens new perspectives regarding the chronobiology of PPARα activity and the beneficial effects of PPARα agonist in the treatment of diseases related to steroid hormones metabolism characterized by inflammation and hepatotoxicity. Résumé : PPARα est un facteur de transcription activé par un ligand, membre de la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires. Chez les rongeurs, PPARα est fortement exprimé dans le foie, spécialement dans les cellules du parenchyme dans lesquelles il joue un role important dans les fonctions hépatiques tels que le métabolisme des nutriments, l'inflammation et les stress métaboliques. Les ligands pour PPARα comprennent les acides gras à longues chaînes, les eicosanoides et les médicaments hypolipidémiques (fibrates). Dans le foie, beaucoup de processus métaboliques sont orchestrés par l'horloge circadienne hépatique. Le but de cette horloge est de synchroniser les voies métaboliqués permettant aux animaux d'adapter leurs métabolismes aux changements journaliers. Ainsi, l'horloge hépatique influence le métabolisme des nutriments tels que l'utilisation des lipides à travers certains régulateurs circadians appelés facteurs de transcription PAR bZips. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons montré qu'à travers une boucle de régulation, les protéines PAR bZip contrôlent la production des ligands endogènes à PPARα, jouant un rôle dans l'expression circadienne et les fonctions de PPARα. Nous avons également découvert des aspects méconnus des fonctions liées au dimorphisme sexuel de PPARα. Nous avons montré que PPARα est différemment sumoylisé entre les sexes et interagit avec la méthylation de l'ADN ainsi qu'avec des protéines insoupçonnées comme partenaires de PPARα. De part leur lien avec l'horloge circadienne et le dimorphisme sexuel, nos découvertes ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives concernant la chronobiologie de l'activité de PPARα et les effets bénéfiques des ses activateurs dans le traitement des maladies liées au métabolisme des hormones stéroides.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Memantine, a frequently prescribed anti-dementia drug, is mainly eliminated unchanged by the kidneys, partly via tubular secretion. Considerable inter-individual variability in plasma concentrations has been reported. We aimed to investigate clinical and genetic factors influencing memantine disposition. METHODS: A population pharmacokinetic study was performed including data from 108 patients recruited in a naturalistic setting. Patients were genotyped for common polymorphisms in renal cation transporters (SLC22A1/2/5, SLC47A1, ABCB1) and nuclear receptors (NR1I2, NR1I3, RXR, PPAR) involved in transporter expression. RESULTS: The average clearance was 5.2 L/h with a 27 % inter-individual variability (percentage coefficient of variation). Glomerular filtration rate (p = 0.007) and sex (p = 0.001) markedly influenced memantine clearance. NR1I2 rs1523130 was identified as the unique significant genetic covariate for memantine clearance (p = 0.006), with carriers of the NR1I2 rs1523130 CT/TT genotypes presenting a 16 % slower memantine elimination than carriers of the CC genotype. CONCLUSION: The better understanding of inter-individual variability of memantine disposition might be beneficial in the context of individual dose optimization.


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We studied for the first time the occurrence of multiple paternity, male reproductive success, and neonate survival in wild, low-density adder (Vipera berus) populations using 13 microsatellite loci. Paternity was assigned for 15 clutches, collected during 3 years. Our data demonstrated that multiple paternity can occur at a high level (69%) in natural populations of V. berus, even if the density of adults is low. The high proportion of multiple sired clutches was comparable to the proportion observed in captive populations. Male reproductive success significantly increased with body length, and only the largest males successfully sired entire clutches. Finally, no relationship was detected between the number of fathers per clutch and neonate survival. These results suggest that multiple matings could be beneficial in populations with high level of inbreeding or low male fecundity.


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Summary : Lipid metabolism disorders, leading to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, are a major public health issue worldwide. These diseases have been treated by drugs and surgery, leading to tremendous costs and secondary morbidity. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the mechanisms of actions of a new, micronutrition-based, approach to prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This specific combination of micronutrients, Lipistase, incorporated into any dietary ail can be used in the daily food. Micronutrients are substances used by the living organism in small quantities to maintain physiological homeostasis. However, the human body is not able to produce them and has to obtain them from dietary sources. The combination of micronutrients investigated here, is composed of 26 compounds including trace elements, vitamins, minerals, ails and plant extracts, known to have individually a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism regulation. These specific micronutrients are used for the first time in a combinatorial mode targeting several metabolic pathways for better homeostasis control as opposed to a single target treatment, either chemical or natural. Short and long term studies, in different mouse strains, showed a significant decrease in plasma triglycerides, body weight gain and body fat mass in animals that were fed with a standard diet containing Lipistase. Additionally, a greatly reduced fat accumulation was observed in adipose tissue and liver of Lipistase-treated animals, while lipid and glucose utilization by skeletal muscle was enhanced. Moreover, the size of atherosclerotic plaques was significantly reduced in mice whose masher was treated during pregnancy and suckling, without showing any adverse effect. Finally, Lipistase has been shown to increase longevity by 20%. The control mice that did not receive Lipistase in their diet did not show all these beneficial effects. These micronutrients are used at the lowest dosage ever reported for treating Lipid disorders, resulting in far much lower costs as well as probably a higher safety. This is the first approach being very suitable for an effective large scale prevention policy for obesity and cardiovascular diseases, like iodine in dietary salt has been for goiter. Résumé : Les dysrégulations du métabolisme des lipids, à l'origine d'obésité et de maladies cardiovasculaires, sont un problème de santé publique majeur et mondial. Ces maladies impliquent des traitements médicamenteux et chirurgicaux dont le coût la morbidité secondaire sont très important. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier les mécanismes d'action d'une nouvelle approche préventive, basée sur la micronutrition. Cette combinaison spécifique de micronutriments, Lipistase, peut être incorporée dans n'importe quelle huile alimentaire et utilisée dans l'alimentation quotidienne. Les micronutrirnents sont des substances essentielles, à très faibles doses, pour le maintien de l'homéostasie physiologique des organismes vivants. Cependant, étant incapable de les synthétiser, le corps humain est dépendant en cela de l'apport alimentaire. La combinaison de micronutriments que nous avons étudié contient 26 composants, incluant des extraits de plantes, des huiles, des vitamines, des métaux et des minéraux, tous connus pour avoir individuellement des effets bénéfiques sur la régulation du métabolisme des lipides. Ces micronutriments spécifiques sont utilisés pour la première fois en mode combinatoire, ciblant ainsi plusieurs voies métaboliques pour un meilleur control de l'homéostasie, par opposition monothérapies chimiques ou naturelles. Des expériences de court et long terme, avec divers modèles de souris, ont montré une diminution significative des taux de triglycérides plasmatiques, de la prise de poids et de la masse graisseuse corporelle chez les animaux qui ont reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture standard. Une accumulation significativement moins importante des graisses a été observée dans le tissu adipeux et hépatique des souris traitées, alors que l'utilisation des lipides et glucose a été favorisée dans le muscle. En outre, la taille des plaques d'athérosclérose aété significativement réduite chez les souris dont la mère a été traitée pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, sans montrer aucun effet indésirable. Enfin, les souris traitées par Lipistase ont vécu 20% plus longtèmps. Les souris contrôles qui n'ont pas reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture n'ont montré aucun de ces effets bénéfiques. Ces micronutriments sont utilisés au dosage le plus faible jamais rapporté pour le traitement des maladies du métabolisme lipidique, permettant ainsi un coût plus faible et surtout une meilleure sécurité. C'est une approche adéquate pour une politique de prévention de santé publique à large échelle de l'obésité et des maladies cardiovasculaires. C'est en cela et sous bien d'autres aspects, une première dans la prise en charge des maladies du métabolisme lipidique et pourrait même être pour ces dernières ce que l'iode du sel de cuisine a été pour le goitre.


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Genome-wide scans of genetic differentiation between hybridizing taxa can identify genome regions with unusual rates of introgression. Regions of high differentiation might represent barriers to gene flow, while regions of low differentiation might indicate adaptive introgression-the spread of selectively beneficial alleles between reproductively isolated genetic backgrounds. Here we conduct a scan for unusual patterns of differentiation in a mosaic hybrid zone between two mussel species, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. One outlying locus, mac-1, showed a characteristic footprint of local introgression, with abnormally high frequency of edulis-derived alleles in a patch of M. galloprovincialis enclosed within the mosaic zone, but low frequencies outside of the zone. Further analysis of DNA sequences showed that almost all of the edulis allelic diversity had introgressed into the M. galloprovincialis background in this patch. We then used a variety of approaches to test the hypothesis that there had been adaptive introgression at mac-1. Simulations and model fitting with maximum-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation approaches suggested that adaptive introgression could generate a "soft sweep," which was qualitatively consistent with our data. Although the migration rate required was high, it was compatible with the functioning of an effective barrier to gene flow as revealed by demographic inferences. As such, adaptive introgression could explain both the reduced intraspecific differentiation around mac-1 and the high diversity of introgressed alleles, although a localized change in barrier strength may also be invoked. Together, our results emphasize the need to account for the complex history of secondary contacts in interpreting outlier loci.


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With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Various end-stage organ failures have now become common co-morbidities and are primary causes of mortality in HIV-infected patients. Solid-organ transplantation therefore has been proposed to these patients, as HIV infection is not anymore considered an absolute contraindication. The initial results of organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients are encouraging with no differences in patient and graft survival compared with non-HIV-infected patients. The use of immunosuppressive drug therapy in HIV-infected patients has so far not shown major detrimental effects, and some drugs in combination with HAART have even demonstrated possible beneficial effects for specific HIV settings. Nevertheless, organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients remains a complex intervention, and more studies will be required to clarify open questions such as long-term effects of drug interactions between antiretroviral and immunosuppressive drugs, outcome of recurrent HCV infection in HIV-infected patients, incidence of graft rejection, or long-term graft and patient survival. In this article, we first review the immunological pathogenesis of HIV infection and the rationale for using immunosuppression combined with HAART. We then discuss the most recent results of solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.


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About a third of obese adolescents also suffer from some kind of eating disorders which have to be recognized and included in the therapeutic frame. Besides this co-morbidity, most of these patients also require a psychological support. The group approach represents an adequate response to these problems, in providing a space for exchanges and an opportunity for mutual support. The group approach may even prove more beneficial than an individual treatment. Involving the parents too reinforces the improvement that adolescents can get from their participation in such groups.


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Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular risk and the well-being in patients with type 2 diabetes. Thereby, both aerobic physical activities and resistance activities are recommended. DIAfit is a programm for patients with type 2 diabetes that is being implemented in Switzerland. Its objective is to allow the initiation of a structured physical activity in the setting of a pluridisciplinary team to promote a healthy lifestyle.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is well established by a large number of randomized controlled trials that lowering blood pressure (BP) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by drugs are powerful means to reduce stroke incidence, but the optimal BP and LDL-C levels to be achieved are largely uncertain. Concerning BP targets, two hypotheses are being confronted: first, the lower the BP, the better the treatment outcome, and second, the hypothesis that too low BP values are accompanied by a lower benefit and even higher risk. It is also unknown whether BP lowering and LDL-C lowering have additive beneficial effects for the primary and secondary prevention of stroke, and whether these treatments can prevent cognitive decline after stroke. RESULTS: A review of existing data from randomized controlled trials confirms that solid evidence on optimal BP and LDL-C targets is missing, possible interactions between BP and LDL-C lowering treatments have never been directly investigated, and evidence in favour of a beneficial effect of BP or LDL-C lowering on cognitive decline is, at best, very weak. CONCLUSION: A new, large randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the optimal level of BP and LDL-C for the prevention of recurrent stroke and cognitive decline.


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The spatial configuration of metapopulations (numbers, sizes, and localization of patches) affects their ability to resist demographic extinction and genetic drift, but sometimes with opposite effects. Small and isolated patches, for instance, contribute marginally to demography but may play a large role in genetics by maintaining a sizeable amount of genetic variance among demes. In source-sink systems, similarly, connectivity may be beneficial in terms of effective size, but detrimental in terms of survival, by lowering the reproductive value of source populations. How to reconcile these opposite effects? Here we propose an analytical framework that integrates fixation time (ability to resist genetic drift) and extinction time (ability to resist demographic extinction) into a single index of resistance, measuring the ability of a metapopulation to maintain its demo-genetic integrity. We then illustrate with numerical examples how conflicting demands may be resolved.


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In coronary magnetic resonance angiography, a magnetization-preparation scheme for T2 -weighting (T2 Prep) is widely used to enhance contrast between the coronary blood-pool and the myocardium. This prepulse is commonly applied without spatial selection to minimize flow sensitivity, but the nonselective implementation results in a reduced magnetization of the in-flowing blood and a related penalty in signal-to-noise ratio. It is hypothesized that a spatially selective T2 Prep would leave the magnetization of blood outside the T2 Prep volume unaffected and thereby lower the signal-to-noise ratio penalty. To test this hypothesis, a spatially selective T2 Prep was implemented where the user could freely adjust angulation and position of the T2 Prep slab to avoid covering the ventricular blood-pool and saturating the in-flowing spins. A time gap of 150 ms was further added between the T2 Prep and other prepulses to allow for in-flow of a larger volume of unsaturated spins. Consistent with numerical simulation, the spatially selective T2 Prep increased in vivo human coronary artery signal-to-noise ratio (42.3 ± 2.9 vs. 31.4 ± 2.2, n = 22, P < 0.0001) and contrast-to-noise-ratio (18.6 ± 1.5 vs. 13.9 ± 1.2, P = 0.009) as compared to those of the nonselective T2 Prep. Additionally, a segmental analysis demonstrated that the spatially selective T2 Prep was most beneficial in proximal and mid segments where the in-flowing blood volume was largest compared to the distal segments. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium and biocontrol model organism Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the GacS/GacA two-component system upregulates the production of biocontrol factors, i.e. antifungal secondary metabolites and extracellular enzymes, under conditions of slow, non-exponential growth. When activated, the GacS/GacA system promotes the transcription of a small regulatory RNA (RsmZ), which sequesters the small RNA-binding protein RsmA, a translational regulator of genes involved in biocontrol. The gene for a second GacA-regulated small RNA (RsmY) was detected in silico in various pseudomonads, and was cloned from strain CHA0. RsmY, like RsmZ, contains several characteristic GGA motifs. The rsmY gene was expressed in strain CHA0 as a 118 nt transcript which was most abundant in stationary phase, as revealed by Northern blot and transcriptional fusion analysis. Transcription of rsmY was enhanced by the addition of the strain's own supernatant extract containing a quorum-sensing signal and was abolished in gacS or gacA mutants. An rsmA mutation led to reduced rsmY expression, via a gacA-independent mechanism. Overexpression of rsmY restored the expression of target genes (hcnA, aprA) to gacS or gacA mutants. Whereas mutants deleted for either the rsmY or the rsmZ structural gene were not significantly altered in the synthesis of extracellular products (hydrogen cyanide, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, exoprotease), an rsmY rsmZ double mutant was strongly impaired in this production and in its biocontrol properties in a cucumber-Pythium ultimum microcosm. Mobility shift assays demonstrated that multiple molecules of RsmA bound specifically to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. In conclusion, two small, untranslated RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ, are key factors that relieve RsmA-mediated regulation of secondary metabolism and biocontrol traits in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.