236 resultados para Thyroid hormone responsive


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CE is a powerful analytical tool used to separate intact biomolecules such as proteins. The coupling of CE with TOF/MS produces a very promising method that can be used to detect and identify proteins in different matrices. This paper describes an efficient, rapid, and simple CE-ESI-TOF/MS procedure for the analysis of endogenous human growth hormone and recombinant human growth hormone without sample preparation. Operational factors were optimized using an experimental design, and the method was successfully applied to distinguish human growth hormone and recombinant human growth hormone in unknown samples.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore how foot growth relates to musculoskeletal loading in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). STUDY DESIGN: In 37 children with PWS, foot length (FL) before and after 6 years of growth hormone therapy (GHT) was retrospectively evaluated with parental and sibling's FL, height, and factors reflecting musculoskeletal loading, such as weight for height (WfH), lean body mass (LBM; dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, deuterium labeled water), physical activity (accellerometry), and walk age. Because of the typically biphasic evolution of body mass and the late walk age in PWS, 2 age groups were separated (group 1, >2.5 years; group 2, < or =2.5 years). RESULTS: Children with PWS normalized height, but not FL after 6 years of GHT. Parental FL correlation with PWS's FL was lower than with sibling's FL. In group 1, FL positively correlated with WfH, LBM, and physical activity. In group 2, FL negatively correlated with age at onset of independent ambulation. Foot catch-up growth with GHT was slower in group 2 compared with group 1. CONCLUSION: In PWS, FL is positively associated with musculoskeletal loading. Small feet in children with PWS before and during long-term GHT may be more than just another dysmorphic feature, but may possibly reflect decreased musculoskeletal loading influencing foot growth and genetic and endocrine factors.


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Background: This study analyzed prognostic factors and treatment outcomes of primary thyroid lymphoma. Patients and Methods: Data were retrospectively collected for 87 patients (53 stage I and 34 stage II) with median age 65 years. Fifty-two patients were treated with single modality (31 with chemotherapy alone and 21 with radiotherapy alone) and 35 with combined modality treatment. Median follow-up was 51 months. Results: Sixty patients had aggressive lymphoma and 27 had indolent lymphoma. The 5- and 10-year overall survival (OS) rates were 74% and 71%, respectively, and the disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 68% and 64%. Univariate analysis revealed that age, tumor size, stage, lymph node involvement, B symptoms, and treatment modality were prognostic factors for OS, DFS, and local control (LC). Patients with thyroiditis had significantly better LC rates. In multivariate analysis, OS was influenced by age, B symptoms, lymph node involvement, and tumor size, whereas DFS and LC were influenced by B symptoms and tumor size. Compared with single modality treatment, patients treated with combined modality had better 5-year OS, DFS, and LC. Conclusions: Combined modality leads to an excellent prognosis for patients with aggressive lymphoma but does not improve OS and LC in patients with indolent lymphoma.


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A hospital-based case-control study of 86 cases of thyroid cancer and 317 controls was done in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. Patients with thyroid cancer tended to be better educated (odds ratio [OR] 2.1 for greater than or equal to 14 vs. less than or equal to 8 years of education 95% CI 1.1-4.1) and of higher social class than controls. Cases more often had a history of benign thyroid nodules (OR 25.2, 95% CI 7.6-83.6) and non-toxic goitre (OR 5.3, 95% CI 2.5-11.2). Furthermore, patients with thyroid cancer were more likely to have resided in endemic goitre areas (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.0-3.0) and to have had first-degree relatives affected by benign thyroid disease (OR 3.9, 95% CI 2.1-7.1). Therefore, this study offers quantitative evidence of the association between various thyroid diseases and the risk of thyroid cancer which, despite difficulties in the classification of benign and malignant thyroid diseases, is remarkably consistent in studies from different countries.


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In the plant-beneficial, root-colonizing strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway positively regulates the synthesis of biocontrol factors (mostly antifungal secondary metabolites) and contributes to oxidative stress response via the stress sigma factor RpoS. The backbone of this pathway consists of the GacS/GacA two-component system, which activates the expression of three small regulatory RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) and thereby counters translational repression exerted by the RsmA and RsmE proteins on target mRNAs encoding biocontrol factors. We found that the expression of typical biocontrol factors, that is, antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide (involving the phlA and hcnA genes), was significantly lower at 35 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. The expression of the rpoS gene was affected in parallel. This temperature control depended on RetS, a sensor kinase acting as an antagonist of the GacS/GacA system. An additional sensor kinase, LadS, which activated the GacS/GacA system, apparently did not contribute to thermosensitivity. Mutations in gacS or gacA were epistatic to (that is, they overruled) mutations in retS or ladS for expression of the small RNAs RsmXYZ. These data are consistent with a model according to which RetS-GacS and LadS-GacS interactions shape the output of the Gac/Rsm pathway and the environmental temperature influences the RetS-GacS interaction in P. fluorescens CHA0.


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Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. Estrogen exerts its effects on healing via numerous cell types by signalling through the receptors ERα and ERβ, which bind to the Estrogen Responsive Element (ERE) and initiate gene transcription. The ERE-luciferase transgenic mouse model has been influential in assessing real-time in vivo estrogen receptor activation across a range of tissues and pathologies. Using this model we demonstrate novel temporally regulated peri-wound activation of estrogen signalling in female mice. Using histological methods we reveal that this signal is specifically localised to keratinocytes of the neoepidermis and wound margin dermal cells. Moreover using pharmacological agonists we reveal that ERβ induces ERE-mediated signal in both epidermal and dermal cells while ERα induces ERE-mediated signal in dermal cells alone. Collectively these novel data demonstrate rapid and regional activation of estrogen signalling in wounded skin. A more complete understanding of local hormonal signalling during repair is essential for the focussed development of new therapies for wound healing.


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Using an extract of nuclei from the estrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, protein-DNA complexes were assembled in vitro at the 5' end of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B2 that is normally expressed in liver after estrogen induction. The complexes formed were analyzed by electron microscopy after labeling by the indirect colloidal gold immunological method using a monoclonal antibody specific for the human estrogen receptor. As identified by its interaction with protein A-gold, the antibody was found linked to two protein-DNA complexes, the first localized at the estrogen responsive element of the gene and the second in intron I, thus proving a direct participation of the receptor in these two complexes. The procedure used allows the visualization and rapid localization of specific transcription factors bound in vitro to a promoter or any other gene region.


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Rapport de synthèse : Objectif de l'étude : étudier si l'administration orale ou vaginale d'hormones contraceptives influence les concentrations sériques d'hormone antimüllérienne (AMH). Design : essai prospectif chez des femmes recrutées par annonce. Les femmes désireuses d'avoir une contraception ont été randomisées entre une contraception orale et une contraception vaginale. Celles qui ne souhaitaient pas de contraception ont été incluses dans le groupe témoin. Cadre de l'étude : unité de médecine de la reproduction d'un hôpital universitaire. Patientes : vingt-quatre jeunes femmes en bonne santé avec des cycles menstruels réguliers qui n'avaient pas utilisé de contraception hormonale pendant les trois mois précédant l'étude. Intervention : contraception orale ou vaginale du 5ème au 25ème jour du cycle menstruel dans les groupes contraception versus pas de contraception dans le groupe témoin. Mesure d'issue : variations inter et intra-cycle des concentrations sériques d'AMH dans les trois groupes: groupe témoin en cycle spontané et groupes sous contraception oestroprogestative orale ou vaginale. Résultats : les fluctuations d'AMH observées pendant le cycle menstruel (variations intra-cycle) restent dans les valeurs des variations entre deux cycles (variations inter-cycles) tant chez les femmes en cycle spontané que chez les femmes sous contraception orale ou vaginale. Conclusions : nos résultats confirment que les concentrations sériques d'AMH restent stables pendant le cycle menstruel et indiquent qu'elles ne sont pas influencées par l'administration exogène de stéroïdes sexuels contraceptifs, que ce soit par voie orale ou vaginale.


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In the liver of oviparous vertebrates vitellogenin gene expression is controlled by estrogen. The nucleotide sequence of the 5' flanking region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin genes A1, A2, B1 and B2 has been determined. These sequences have been compared to each other and to the equivalent region of the chicken vitellogenin II and apo-VLDLII genes which are also expressed in the liver in response to estrogen. The homology between the 5' flanking region of the Xenopus genes B1 and B2 is higher than between the corresponding regions of the other closely related genes A1 and A2. Four short blocks of sequence homology which are present at equivalent positions in the vitellogenin genes of both Xenopus laevis and chicken are characterized. A short sequence with two-fold rotational symmetry (GGTCANNNTGACC) was found at similar positions upstream of the five vitellogenin genes and is also present in two copies close to the 5' end of the chicken apo-VLDLII gene. The possible functional significance of this sequence, common to liver estrogen-responsive genes, is discussed.


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One approach to analyzing the molecular mechanisms of gene expression in vivo is to reconstitute these events in cell-free systems in vitro. Although there is some evidence for tissue-specific transcription in vitro, transcriptionally active extracts that mimic a steroid hormone-dependent enhancement of transcription have not been described. In the study reported here, nuclear extracts of liver from the frog Xenopus laevis were capable of estrogen-dependent induction of a homologous vitellogenin promoter that contained the estrogen-responsive element.


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Rapport de Synthèse : Introduction : outre son effet bénéfique sur le poids, la chirurgie bariatrique améliore de façon considérable l'homéostasie glucide chez les patients diabétiques. Cette amélioration survient très tôt dans la période post-opératoire, avant que le poids ne soit réduit de manière importante. De plus, les interventions chirurgicales qui "court-circuitent" une partie de l'intestin grêle, telle que le by-pass gastrique, apparaissent être plus efficaces que les interventions purement restrictives, telles que le cerclage gastrique. Objectifs : cette étude a pour but d'étudier la cinétique du glucose et la sécrétion d'hormones gastro-intestinales, consécutive à l'ingestion d'une dose charge de glucose, chez des patients opérés d'un by-pass ou d'un cerclage gastrique. Méthodes : nous avons comparé des groupes de femmes non diabétiques ayant bénéficié d'un by-pass gastrique (BPG, n=8) ou d'un cerclage gastrique (CG, n=6) à un groupe de femmes contrôles d'âge et de poids appariées n'ayant subi aucune intervention bariatrique (C, n=8). L'étude a été réalisée alors que le poids des volontaires était stable, soit entre 9 et 48 mois après le BPG, et 25 à 85 mois après le CG. Nous avons étudié, pendant les 4 heures qui ont suivies l'ingestion d'une dose charge de glucose; la cinétique du glucose ingéré et du glucose total à l'aide d'un glucose radio-activement marqué, ainsi que la cinétique de l'insuline et de différentes hormones gastro-intestinales. Résultats : l'apparition du glucose exogène dans la circulation systémique est plus rapide chez les patients opérés d'un BPG et s'accompagne d'une hyperglycémie postprandiale plus brève. La réponse insulinique est également plus précoce et plus importante que dans les deux autres groupes. S'agissant des hormones gastro-intestinales, on observe dans la période postprandiale une augmentation de PYY et de GLP-1 et une suppression de la grehline significativement plus importante après BPG. Discussion : ces différentes observations suggèrent que le BPG est associé à de profonds changements de la cinétique du glucose et des altérations de la régulation d'hormones gastro-intestinales. Les modifications susmentionnées apparaissant être secondaires aux modifications anatomiques consécutives au BPG, i.e. la mise "hors-circuit" de l'estomac distal et de l'intestin grêle proximal, compte tenu du fait qu'elles ne sont pas observées après CG. Finalement, la stimulation de PYY et de GLP-1 ainsi que la suppression postprandiale plus importante de ghréline est compatible avec la diminution spontanée de la prise alimentaire observée chez les patients opérés d'un BPG.


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Rapport de synthèse : OBJECTIF : étudier si les fluctuations sériques du taux d'hormone anti-müllérienne (AMH) sont liées à des différences méthodologiques entre les deux tests ELISA commercialement disponibles le kit de Beckman Coulter Immunotech (Fullerton, CA) et le kit de Diagnostic Systems Laboratories (Webster, TX). DESIGN : étude prospective au sein de deux services universitaires de médecine de la reproduction. POPULATION ETUDIEE : cent soixante-huit échantillons sanguins provenant de trois populations différentes ainsi que des dosages itératifs au cours du même cycle menstruel dans une population de dix volontaires. INTERVENTIONS : doubles mesures en aveugle des taux sériques d'AMH dans les 168 sera avec les deux kits commercialement disponibles. Sept dosages itératifs au cours du même cycle menstruel chez 10 volontaires normo-ovulantes. ANALYSE STATISTIQUE : régression linéaire pour l'étude de la corrélation entre les deux méthodes de dosage. Analyse des variances pour les dosages sériés en cours de cycle menstruel. RÉSULTATS : nous avons démontré une relation linéaire entre les deux méthodes, avec un coefficient de corrélation de 0,88 ainsi qu'une diminution faible mais statistiquement significative et concomitante avec l'ovulation du taux d'AMH sérique. CONCLUSION : les variations en cours de cycle menstruel rapportées par certains auteurs ne sont pas liées à des problèmes méthodologiques. La chute du taux d'AMH lors de l'ovulation est faible mais statistiquement significative. Les variations observées en cours de cycle restent toutefois inférieures aux variations intercycles et ne représentent de ce fait pas un obstacle au dosage de l'AMH à n'importe quel jour du cycle menstruel.


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INTRODUCTION: International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trial 11-93 is the largest trial evaluating the role of the addition of chemotherapy to ovarian function suppression/ablation (OFS) and tamoxifen in premenopausal patients with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. METHODS: IBCSG Trial 11-93 is a randomized trial comparing four cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy (AC: doxorubicin or epirubicin, plus cyclophosphamide) added to OFS and 5 years of tamoxifen versus OFS and tamoxifen without chemotherapy in premenopausal patients with node-positive, endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. There were 174 patients randomized from May 1993 to November 1998. The trial was closed before the target accrual was reached due to low accrual rate. RESULTS: Patients randomized tended to have lower risk node-positive disease and the median age was 45. After 10 years median follow up, there remains no difference between the two randomized treatment groups for disease-free (hazard ratio=1.02 (0.57-1.83); P=0.94) or overall survival (hazard ratio=0.97 (0.44-2.16); P=0.94). CONCLUSION: This trial, although small, offers no evidence that AC chemotherapy provides additional disease control for premenopausal patients with lower-risk node-positive endocrine-responsive breast cancer who receive adequate adjuvant endocrine therapy. A large trial is needed to determine whether chemotherapy adds benefit to endocrine therapy for this population.


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A hormone-controlled in vitro transcription system derived from Xenopus liver nuclear extracts was exploited to identify novel cis-acting elements within the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter region. In addition to the already well-documented estrogen-responsive element (ERE), two elements were found within the 140 base pairs upstream of the transcription initiation site. One of them, a negative regulatory element, is responsible for the lack of promoter activity in the absence of the hormone and, as demonstrated by DNA-binding assays, interacts with a liver-specific transcription factor. The second is required in association with the estrogen-responsive element to mediate hormonal induction and is recognized by the Xenopus liver homolog of nuclear factor I.