266 resultados para Sharks identification
An ammonium chloride procedure was used to prepare a bacterial pellet from positive blood cultures, which was used for direct inoculation of VITEK 2 cards. Correct identification reached 99% for Enterobacteriaceae and 74% for staphylococci. For antibiotic susceptibility testing, very major and major errors were 0.1 and 0.3% for Enterobacteriaceae, and 0.7 and 0.1% for staphylococci, respectively. Thus, bacterial pellets prepared with ammonium chloride allow direct inoculation of VITEK cards with excellent accuracy for Enterobacteriaceae and a lower accuracy for staphylococci.
Matrix attachment regions are DNA sequences found throughout eukaryotic genomes that are believed to define boundaries interfacing heterochromatin and euchromatin domains, thereby acting as epigenetic regulators. When included in expression vectors, MARs can improve and sustain transgene expression, and a search for more potent novel elements is therefore actively pursued to further improve recombinant protein production. Here we describe the isolation of new MARs from the mouse genome using a modified in silico analysis. One of these MARs was found to be a powerful activator of transgene expression in stable transfections. Interestingly, this MAR also increased GFP and/or immunoglobulin expression from some but not all expression vectors in transient transfections. This effect was attributed to the presence or absence of elements on the vector backbone, providing an explanation for earlier discrepancies as to the ability of this class of elements to affect transgene expression under such conditions.
Recognition and identification processes for deceased persons. Determining the identity of deceased persons is a routine task performed essentially by police departments and forensic experts. This thesis highlights the processes necessary for the proper and transparent determination of the civil identities of deceased persons. The identity of a person is defined as the establishment of a link between that person ("the source") and information pertaining to the same individual ("identifiers"). Various identity forms could emerge, depending on the nature of the identifiers. There are two distinct types of identity, namely civil identity and biological identity. The paper examines four processes: identification by witnesses (the recognition process) and comparisons of fingerprints, dental data and DNA profiles (the identification processes). During the recognition process, the memory function is examined and helps to clarify circumstances that may give rise to errors. To make the process more rigorous, a body presentation procedure is proposed to investigators. Before examining the other processes, three general concepts specific to forensic science are considered with regard to the identification of a deceased person, namely, matter divisibility (Inman and Rudin), transfer (Locard) and uniqueness (Kirk). These concepts can be applied to the task at hand, although some require a slightly broader scope of application. A cross comparison of common forensic fields and the identification of deceased persons reveals certain differences, including 1 - reverse positioning of the source (i.e. the source is not sought from traces, but rather the identifiers are obtained from the source); 2 - the need for civil identity determination in addition to the individualisation stage; and 3 - a more restricted population (closed set), rather than an open one. For fingerprints, dental and DNA data, intravariability and intervariability are examined, as well as changes in these post mortem (PM) identifiers. Ante-mortem identifiers (AM) are located and AM-PM comparisons made. For DNA, it has been shown that direct identifiers (taken from a person whose civil identity has been alleged) tend to lead to determining civil identity whereas indirect identifiers (obtained from a close relative) direct towards a determination of biological identity. For each process, a Bayesian model is presented which includes sources of uncertainty deemed to be relevant. The results of the different processes combine to structure and summarise an overall outcome and a methodology. The modelling of dental data presents a specific difficulty with respect to intravariability, which in itself is not quantifiable. The concept of "validity" is, therefore, suggested as a possible solution to the problem. Validity uses various parameters that have an acknowledged impact on teeth intravariability. In cases where identifying deceased persons proves to be extremely difficult due to the limited discrimination of certain procedures, the use of a Bayesian approach is of great value in bringing a transparent and synthetic value. RESUME : Titre: Processus de reconnaissance et d'identification de personnes décédées. L'individualisation de personnes décédées est une tâche courante partagée principalement par des services de police, des odontologues et des laboratoires de génétique. L'objectif de cette recherche est de présenter des processus pour déterminer valablement, avec une incertitude maîtrisée, les identités civiles de personnes décédées. La notion d'identité est examinée en premier lieu. L'identité d'une personne est définie comme l'établissement d'un lien entre cette personne et des informations la concernant. Les informations en question sont désignées par le terme d'identifiants. Deux formes distinctes d'identité sont retenues: l'identité civile et l'identité biologique. Quatre processus principaux sont examinés: celui du témoignage et ceux impliquant les comparaisons d'empreintes digitales, de données dentaires et de profils d'ADN. Concernant le processus de reconnaissance, le mode de fonctionnement de la mémoire est examiné, démarche qui permet de désigner les paramètres pouvant conduire à des erreurs. Dans le but d'apporter un cadre rigoureux à ce processus, une procédure de présentation d'un corps est proposée à l'intention des enquêteurs. Avant d'entreprendre l'examen des autres processus, les concepts généraux propres aux domaines forensiques sont examinés sous l'angle particulier de l'identification de personnes décédées: la divisibilité de la matière (Inman et Rudin), le transfert (Locard) et l'unicité (Kirk). Il est constaté que ces concepts peuvent être appliqués, certains nécessitant toutefois un léger élargissement de leurs principes. Une comparaison croisée entre les domaines forensiques habituels et l'identification de personnes décédées montre des différences telles qu'un positionnement inversé de la source (la source n'est plus à rechercher en partant de traces, mais ce sont des identifiants qui sont recherchés en partant de la source), la nécessité de devoir déterminer une identité civile en plus de procéder à une individualisation ou encore une population d'intérêt limitée plutôt qu'ouverte. Pour les empreintes digitales, les dents et l'ADN, l'intra puis l'inter-variabilité sont examinées, de même que leurs modifications post-mortem (PM), la localisation des identifiants ante-mortem (AM) et les comparaisons AM-PM. Pour l'ADN, il est démontré que les identifiants directs (provenant de la personne dont l'identité civile est supposée) tendent à déterminer une identité civile alors que les identifiants indirects (provenant d'un proche parent) tendent à déterminer une identité biologique. Puis une synthèse des résultats provenant des différents processus est réalisée grâce à des modélisations bayesiennes. Pour chaque processus, une modélisation est présentée, modélisation intégrant les paramètres reconnus comme pertinents. À ce stade, une difficulté apparaît: celle de quantifier l'intra-variabilité dentaire pour laquelle il n'existe pas de règle précise. La solution préconisée est celle d'intégrer un concept de validité qui intègre divers paramètres ayant un impact connu sur l'intra-variabilité. La possibilité de formuler une valeur de synthèse par l'approche bayesienne s'avère d'une aide précieuse dans des cas très difficiles pour lesquels chacun des processus est limité en termes de potentiel discriminant.
Cette recherche s'applique aux témoins glaciaires des Chablais dans quatre de leurs dimensions : géopatrimoine, connaissance objective, inventaire de géosites et valorisation. Elle est organisée sur le canevas d'un processus de patrimonialisation auquel elle participe et qu'elle interroge à la fois. En 2009, débutait le projet 123 Chablais, pour une durée de quatre ans. Il concernait l'ensemble du territoire chablaisien, réparti sur deux pays (France et Suisse) et trois entités administratives (département de la Haute-Savoie, cantons de Vaud et du Valais). Ce projet, élaboré dans le cadre du programme Interreg IV France-Suisse, avait pour but de dynamiser le développement économique local en s'appuyant sur les patrimoines régionaux. Le géopatrimoine, identifié comme une de ces ressources, faisait donc l'objet de plusieurs actions, dont cette recherche. En parallèle, le Chablais haut-savoyard préparait sa candidature pour rejoindre l'European Geopark Network (EGN). Son intégration, effective dès 2012, a fait de ce territoire le cinquième géoparc français du réseau. Le Geopark du Chablais fonde son identité géologique sur l'eau et la glace, deux thématiques intimement liées aux témoins glaciaires. Dans ce contexte d'intérêt pour le géopatrimoine local et en particulier pour le patrimoine glaciaire, plusieurs missions ont été assignées à cette recherche qui devait à la fois améliorer la connaissance objective des témoins glaciaires, inventorier les géosites glaciaires et valoriser le patrimoine glaciaire. Le premier objectif de ce travail était d'acquérir une vision synthétique des témoins glaciaires. Il a nécessité une étape de synthèse bibliographique ainsi que sa spatialisation, afin d'identifier les lacunes de connaissance et la façon dont ce travail pouvait contribuer à les combler. Sur cette base, plusieurs méthodes ont été mises en oeuvre : cartographie géomorphologique, reconstitution des lignes d'équilibre glaciaires et datations de blocs erratiques à l'aide des isotopes cosmogéniques produits in situ. Les cartes géomorphologiques ont été élaborées en particulier dans les cirques et vallons glaciaires. Les datations cosmogéniques ont été concentrées sur deux stades du glacier du Rhône : le Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) et le stade de Monthey. Au terme de cette étape, les spécificités du patrimoine glaciaire régional se sont révélées être 1) une grande diversité de formes et des liens étroits avec différents autres processus géomorphologiques ; 2) une appartenance des témoins glaciaires à dix grandes étapes de la déglaciation du bassin lémanique. Le second objectif était centré sur le processus d'inventaire des géosites glaciaires. Nous avons mis l'accent sur la sélection du géopatrimoine en développant une approche basée sur deux axes (temps et espace) identifiés dans le volet précédent et avons ainsi réalisé un inventaire à thèmes, composé de 32 géosites. La structure de l'inventaire a également été explorée de façon à intégrer des critères d'usage de ces géosites. Cette démarche, soutenue par une réflexion sur les valeurs attribuées au géopatrimoine et sur la façon d'évaluer ces valeurs, nous a permis de mettre en évidence le point de vue anthropo - et scientifico - centré qui prévaut nettement dans la recherche européenne sur le géopatrimoine. L'analyse des résultats de l'inventaire a fait apparaître quelques caractéristiques du patrimoine glaciaire chablaisien, discret, diversifié, et comportant deux spécificités exploitables dans le cadre d'une médiation scientifique : son statut de « berceau de la théorie glaciaire » et ses liens étroits avec des activités de la vie quotidienne, en tant que matière première, support de loisir ou facteur de risque. Cette recherche a débouché sur l'élaboration d'une exposition itinérante sur le patrimoine glaciaire des Chablais. Ce produit de valorisation géotouristique a été conçu pour sensibiliser la population locale à l'impact des glaciers sur son territoire. Il présente une série de sept cartes de stades glaciaires, encadrées par les deux mêmes thématiques, l'histoire de la connaissance glaciaire d'une part, les témoins glaciaires et la société, d'autre part. -- This research focuses on glacial witnesses in the Chablais area according to four dimensions : geoheritage, objective knowledge, inventory and promotion of geosites. It is organized on the model of an heritage's process which it participates and that it questions both. In 2009, the project 123 Chablais started for a period of four years. It covered the entire chablaisien territory spread over two countries and three administrative entities (département of Haute-Savoie, canton of Vaud, canton of Valais). This project, developed in the framework of the Interreg IV France-Switzerland program, aimed to boost the local development through regional heritage. The geoheritage identified as one of these resources, was therefore the subject of several actions, including this research. In parallel, the French Chablais was preparing its application to join the European Geopark Network (EGN). Its integration, effective since 2012, made of this area the fifth French Geopark of the network. The Chablais Geopark geological identity was based on water and ice, two themes closely linked to the glacial witnesses. In this context of interest for the regional geoheritage and especially for the glacial heritage, several missions have been assigned to this research which should improve objective knowledge of glacial witnesses, inventory and assess glacial geosites. The objective knowledge's component was to acquire a synthetic vision of the glacial witnesses. It required a first bibliography synthesis step in order to identify gaps in knowledge and how this work could help to fill them. On this basis, several methods have been implemented: geomorphological mapping, reconstruction of the equilibrium-line altitude and dating of glacial erratic blocks using cosmogenic isotopes produced in situ. Geomorphological maps have been developed especially in glacial cirques and valleys. Cosmogenic datings were concentrated on two stages of the Rhone glacier: the Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) and « the stage of Monthey ». After this step, the specificities of the regional glacial heritage have emerged to us as 1) a wide variety of forms and links to various other geomorphological processes; 2) belonging of glacial witnesses to ten major glacial stages of Léman Lake's deglaciation. In the inventory of glacial geosites component we focused on the selection of geoheritage. We developed an approach based on two axes (time and space) identified in the preceding components. We obtained a thematic inventory, consisting of 32 geosites. The structure of the inventory was also explored in the aim to integrate use criteria of geosites. This approach, supported by a thought on the values attributed to the geoheritage and how to assess these values allowed us to highlight the point of view much anthropological - and scientific -centered prevailing in the European research on geoheritage. The analysis of the inventory's results revealed some characteristics of chablaisien glacial heritage, discrete, diverse, and with two features exploitable in the context of a scientific mediation: its status as « cradle of the glacial theory » and its close links with activities of daily life, as raw material, leisure support and risk factor. This research leads to the development of a traveling exhibition on the glacial heritage of the Chablais area. It presents a series of seven glacial stage's cards, framed by the two themes mentioned above: « history of glacial knowledge » and « glacial witnesses and society ».
BACKGROUND: Genotypes obtained with commercial SNP arrays have been extensively used in many large case-control or population-based cohorts for SNP-based genome-wide association studies for a multitude of traits. Yet, these genotypes capture only a small fraction of the variance of the studied traits. Genomic structural variants (GSV) such as Copy Number Variation (CNV) may account for part of the missing heritability, but their comprehensive detection requires either next-generation arrays or sequencing. Sophisticated algorithms that infer CNVs by combining the intensities from SNP-probes for the two alleles can already be used to extract a partial view of such GSV from existing data sets. RESULTS: Here we present several advances to facilitate the latter approach. First, we introduce a novel CNV detection method based on a Gaussian Mixture Model. Second, we propose a new algorithm, PCA merge, for combining copy-number profiles from many individuals into consensus regions. We applied both our new methods as well as existing ones to data from 5612 individuals from the CoLaus study who were genotyped on Affymetrix 500K arrays. We developed a number of procedures in order to evaluate the performance of the different methods. This includes comparison with previously published CNVs as well as using a replication sample of 239 individuals, genotyped with Illumina 550K arrays. We also established a new evaluation procedure that employs the fact that related individuals are expected to share their CNVs more frequently than randomly selected individuals. The ability to detect both rare and common CNVs provides a valuable resource that will facilitate association studies exploring potential phenotypic associations with CNVs. CONCLUSION: Our new methodologies for CNV detection and their evaluation will help in extracting additional information from the large amount of SNP-genotyping data on various cohorts and use this to explore structural variants and their impact on complex traits.
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for a ntiviral intervention but also a key player i n the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TCPTP). T he aim of this study was to identify novel cellular substrates o f the N S3-4A protease and to investigate their role in the replication and pathogenesis of HCV. Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing t he NS3-4A protease were analyzed in basal as well as interferon-α-stimulated states by stable isotopic l abeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. Candidates fulfilling stringent criteria for potential substrates or products of the NS3-4A protease were further i nvestigated in different experimental systems as well a s in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Results: SILAC coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry yielded > 5000 proteins of which 18 candidates were selected for further analyses. These allowed us to identify GPx8, a membrane-associated peroxidase involved in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum, as a n ovel cellular substrate of the H CV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage occurs at cysteine in position 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Further functional studies, involving overexpression and RNA silencing, revealed that GPx8 is a p roviral factor involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or HCV RNA replication. Conclusions: GPx8 is a proviral host factor cleaved by the HCV NS3-4A protease. Studies investigating the consequences of GPx8 cleavage for protein function are underway. The identification of novel cellular substrates o f the HCV N S3-4A protease should yield new insights i nto the HCV life cycle and the pathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel targets for antiviral intervention.
A novel approach for the identification of tumor antigen-derived sequences recognized by CD8(+) cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) consists in using synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries. Here we have screened a library composed of 3.1 x 10(11) nonapeptides arranged in a positional scanning format, in a cytotoxicity assay, to search the antigen recognized by melanoma-reactive CTL of unknown specificity. The results of this analysis enabled the identification of several optimal peptide ligands, as most of the individual nonapeptides deduced from the primary screening were efficiently recognized by the CTL. The results of the library screening were also analyzed with a mathematical approach based on a model of independent and additive contribution of individual amino acids to antigen recognition. This biometrical data analysis enabled the retrieval, in public databases, of the native antigenic peptide SSX-2(41-49), whose sequence is highly homologous to the ones deduced from the library screening, among the ones with the highest stimulatory score. These results underline the high predictive value of positional scanning synthetic combinatorial peptide library analysis and encourage its use for the identification of CTL ligands.
African clawed frogs of the widespread polytypic species Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 (ranging large parts of sub-Saharan Africa) have been spreading since the 1940s, and have established reproductive populations in Europe, Asia and the Americas, where they can have negative impact as competitors of native amphibians and as disease vectors for chytridomycosis or ranaviruses. Here we use two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (RAG 1: Recombination Associated Gene 1) DNA markers to infer the potential origin of invasive clawed frogs from Sicily that represent the largest invasive population in Europe. Identical mtDNA haplotypes match with those of Xenopus laevis, and Sicilian clawed frogs very probably belong to a lineage from the Cape Region of South Africa, most likely originating from a laboratory stock. Nuclear data support this conclusion. Identical mtDNA sequences (cyt b, 16S) of frogs sampled across their range in Sicily suggest the occurrence of a single source population and a potential bottleneck at their release, but faster evolving multilocus nuclear data (microsatellites, SNPs) on the population genetics would be important in the future to better support this hypothesis
Human inhibitor NF-κB kinase 2 (hIKK-2) is the primary component responsible for activating NF-κB in response to various inflammatory stimuli. Thus, synthetic ATP-competitive inhibitors for hIKK-2 have been developed as anti-inflammatory compounds. We recently reported a virtual screening protocol (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016903) that is able to identify hIKK-2 inhibitors that are not structurally related to any known molecule that inhibits hIKK-2 and that have never been reported to have anti-inflammatory activity. In this study, a stricter version of this protocol was applied to an in-house database of 29,779 natural products annotated with their natural source. The search identified 274 molecules (isolated from 453 different natural extracts) predicted to inhibit hIKK-2. An exhaustive bibliographic search revealed that anti-inflammatory activity has been previously described for: (a) 36 out of these 453 extracts; and (b) 17 out of 30 virtual screening hits present in these 36 extracts. Only one of the remaining 13 hit molecules in these extracts shows chemical similarity with known synthetic hIKK-2 inhibitors. Therefore, it is plausible that a significant portion of the remaining 12 hit molecules are lead-hopping candidates for the development of new hIKK-2 inhibitors.
Degradation of unsaturated fatty acids through the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway requires the participation of auxiliary enzymes in addition to the enzymes of the core beta-oxidation cycle. The auxiliary enzyme delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) isomerase has been well studied in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and mammals, but no plant homolog had been identified and characterized at the biochemical or molecular level. A candidate gene (At5g43280) was identified in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) encoding a protein showing homology to the rat (Rattus norvegicus) delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, and possessing an enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase fingerprint as well as aspartic and glutamic residues shown to be important for catalytic activity of the mammalian enzyme. The protein, named AtDCI1, contains a peroxisome targeting sequence at the C terminus, and fusion of a fluorescent protein to AtDCI1 directed the chimeric protein to the peroxisome in onion (Allium cepa) cells. AtDCI1 expressed in Escherichia coli was shown to have delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase activity in vitro. Furthermore, using the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate in yeast peroxisomes as an analytical tool to study the beta-oxidation cycle, expression of AtDCI1 was shown to complement the yeast mutant deficient in the delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, thus showing that AtDCI1 is also appropriately targeted to the peroxisome in yeast and has delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase activity in vivo. The AtDCI1 gene is expressed constitutively in several tissues, but expression is particularly induced during seed germination. Proteins showing high homology with AtDCI1 are found in gymnosperms as well as angiosperms belonging to the Monocotyledon or Dicotyledon classes.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na+ and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. We have previously identified SPLUNC1 as an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC. We have now located the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 to SPLUNC1's N terminus, and a peptide corresponding to this domain, G22-A39, inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold). However, G22-A39 had no effect on the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. G22-A39 preferentially bound to the β-ENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Addition of G22-A39 to CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) resulted in an increase in airway surface liquid height from 4.2±0.6 to 7.9±0.6 μm, comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, which suggests that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the G22-A39 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.
Using an extract of nuclei from the estrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, protein-DNA complexes were assembled in vitro at the 5' end of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B2 that is normally expressed in liver after estrogen induction. The complexes formed were analyzed by electron microscopy after labeling by the indirect colloidal gold immunological method using a monoclonal antibody specific for the human estrogen receptor. As identified by its interaction with protein A-gold, the antibody was found linked to two protein-DNA complexes, the first localized at the estrogen responsive element of the gene and the second in intron I, thus proving a direct participation of the receptor in these two complexes. The procedure used allows the visualization and rapid localization of specific transcription factors bound in vitro to a promoter or any other gene region.