314 resultados para Rigid-body
Male dominance hierarchies are usually linked to relative body size and to weapon size, that is, to determinants of fighting ability. Secondary sexual characters that are not directly used as weapons could still be linked to dominance if they reveal determination or overall health and vigour and hence, indirectly, fighting ability. We studied the mating behaviour of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, a cyprinid fish in which males develop breeding tubercles during the spawning season. The function of these breeding tubercles is still not clear. Using microsatellite markers, we determined male reproductive success under controlled conditions. The minnows were territorial and quickly established a dominance hierarchy at the beginning of the spawning season. Dominance was strongly and positively linked to fertilization success. Although body size and number of breeding tubercles were not significantly correlated in our sample, both large males and males with many breeding tubercles were more dominant and achieved higher fertilization success than small males or males with few tubercles. We found multimale fertilization in most clutches, suggesting that sperm competition is important in this species. Females showed behaviour that may be linked to spawning decision, that is, male dominance might not be the only determinant of male reproductive success in minnows
OBJECTIVE: Although dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the preferred method to estimate adiposity, body mass index (BMI) is often used as a proxy. However, the ability of BMI to measure adiposity change among youth is poorly evidenced. This study explored which metrics of BMI change have the highest correlations with different metrics of DEXA change. METHODS: Data were from the Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth cohort, a prospective cohort of children (8-10 years at recruitment) from Québec, Canada (n=557). Height and weight were measured by trained nurses at baseline (2008) and follow-up (2010). Metrics of BMI change were raw (ΔBMIkg/m(2) ), adjusted for median BMI (ΔBMIpercentage) and age-sex-adjusted with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth curves expressed as centiles (ΔBMIcentile) or z-scores (ΔBMIz-score). Metrics of DEXA change were raw (total fat mass; ΔFMkg), per cent (ΔFMpercentage), height-adjusted (fat mass index; ΔFMI) and age-sex-adjusted z-scores (ΔFMz-score). Spearman's rank correlations were derived. RESULTS: Correlations ranged from modest (0.60) to strong (0.86). ΔFMkg correlated most highly with ΔBMIkg/m(2) (r = 0.86), ΔFMI with ΔBMIkg/m(2) and ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.83-0.84), ΔFMz-score with ΔBMIz-score (r = 0.78), and ΔFMpercentage with ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.68). Correlations with ΔBMIcentile were consistently among the lowest. CONCLUSIONS: In 8-10-year-old children, absolute or per cent change in BMI is a good proxy for change in fat mass or FMI, and BMI z-score change is a good proxy for FM z-score change. However change in BMI centile and change in per cent fat mass perform less well and are not recommended.
Brown adipocytes oxidize fatty acids to produce heat in response to cold or to excessive energy intake; stimulation of brown fat development and function may thus counteract obesity. Brown adipogenesis requires activation of the transcription factor C/EBPβ and recruitment of the zinc finger protein Prdm16, but upstream inducers of these proteins are incompletely defined. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of Plac8, a gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved protein, induces cold intolerance, and late-onset obesity, as well as abnormal morphology and impaired function of brown adipocytes. Using brown preadipocyte lines we show that Plac8 is required for brown fat differentiation, that its overexpression induces C/EBPβ and Prdm16, and that upon induction of differentiation Plac8 associates with C/EBPβ and binds to the C/EBPβ promoter to induce its transcription. Thus, Plac8 is a critical upstream regulator of brown fat differentiation and function that acts, at least in part, by inducing C/EBPβ expression.
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects. The metabolic response to WBV has not been well documented. Three groups of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance (END) and strength trained (SPRINT) underwent a session of side-alternating WBV composed of three 3-min exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), and repeated at three frequencies (20, 26 and 32 Hz). VO(2), heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Twenty-seven healthy young subjects (10 SED, 8 SPRINT and 9 END) were included. When expressed in % of their maximal value recorded in a treadmill test, both the peak oxygen consumption (VO(2)) and heart rate (HR) attained during WBV were greatest in the SED, compared to the other two groups (VO(2): 59.3 % in SED vs 50.8 % in SPRINT and 48.0 % in END, p<0.01; HR 82.7 % in SED vs 80.4 % in SPRINT and 72.4 % in END, p<0.05). In conclusions, the heart rate and metabolic response to WBV differs according to fitness level and type, exercise type and vibration frequency. In SED, WBV can elicit sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness and thus be a potentially useful modality for the reduction of cardiovascular risk.
This volume reflects a variegated and fruitful dialogue between classical and medieval philologists and historians of science, philosophy, literature and language as well as of medicine - the diverse range of interests that the history of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world and the medieval West continues to stimulate and draw on. A recurrent theme is the transformation of medical knowledge in different languages, literary forms and cultural milieux. Several papers concern editorial work in progress on unpublished texts, available only in manuscript or early printed editions. Ce recueil met en dialogue des spécialistes des textes médicaux latins de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Certaines analyses adoptent une approche sociolinguistique, d'autres s'intéressent à des questions de transmission et de réception, d'autres enfin livrent des études sur le lexique médical. Mais toutes concourent à éclairer une histoire culturelle de la médecine qui s'inscrit dans un monde en mutation. With a preface by D. R. Langslow, and contributions by M. Baldin, J. P. Barragán Nieto, P. P. Conde Parrado, D. Crismani, M. Cronier, C. de la Rosa Cubo, A. Ferraces Rodríguez, K.-D. Fischer, P. Gaillard-Seux, A. García González, V. Gitton-Ripoll, G. Haverling, F. Le Blay, B. Maire, G. Marasco, A. I. Martín Ferreira, I. Mazzini, F. Messina, Ph. Mudry, V. Nutton, M. Pardon-Labonnelie, R. Passarella, M. J. Pérez Ibáñez, S. Sconocchia, A. M. Urso, M. E. Vázquez Buján, and H. von Staden.
In order to evaluate the influence of continental crustal rocks on trace element budgets of serpentinized peridotites incorporated into the continental crust, we have analyzed the chemical composition of whole rock samples and minerals of the Geisspfad ultramafic complex (Swiss-Italian Alps). This complex represents a relict oceanic succession composed of serpentinites, ophicarbonates and metabasic rocks, emplaced into crustal gneisses during Alpine collision. Following peak metamorphic amphibolite facies conditions, fluid flow modified some of the trace element contents of ophicarbonates and deformed serpentinites close to the contact with country rocks. The fluid originated from the surrounding continental crustal rocks as documented by the increase of Pb in the serpentinites, and by the strongly negative all) values (-112 parts per thousand) of some ultramafic rocks close to the contact with surrounding gneisses. Little or no modification of the fluid mobile elements Li, B or U was observed in the serpentinite. In-situ analysis of light elements of serpentinite minerals indicate redistribution of light elements coupled to changes of mineral modes towards the outer 100-150 m of the massif. In the centre of the massif, Li is preferentially concentrated in olivine, while Be and B are hosted by tremolite. In contrast, at the outer rim of the massif, Li and Be are preferentially incorporated into diopside, and B into antigorite. This redistribution of light elements among the different minerals is visible in the serpentinite, at a maximum distance of -100-150 m from the ophicarbonate-metabasite contact. Our results show that interaction of ultramafic rocks and crust-derived fluids can be easily detected by studies of Pb and partial derivative D in whole rocks. We argue that small ultramafic bodies potentially record an emplacement-related trace element signature, and that crustal light element values in ultramafic rocks are not necessarily derived from a subducting slab. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pendant la grossesse, la pression artérielle reste stable malgré une nette augmentation du volume d'éjection systolique et du débit cardiaque. Cette stabilité vient d'un côté d'une vasodilatation périphérique entraînant une diminution des résistances périphériques et d'un autre côté d'une moindre rigidité des principales artères notamment l'aorte. En conséquence, l'amplitude des ondes de pouls est atténuée, de même que leur vitesse de propagation dans le sens tant antérogade que rétrograde (ondes réfléchies). Les ondes réfléchies tendent ainsi à atteindre l'aorte ascendante plus tard durant la systole, voire durant la diastole, ce qui peut contribuer à diminuer la pression puisée. La prééclampsie perturbe massivement ce processus d'adaptation. Il s'agit d'une maladie hypertensive de la grossesse engendrant une importante morbidité et mortalité néonatale et maternelle. Il est à remarquer que la diminution de la rigidité artérielle n'est pas observée chez les patientes atteintes avec pour conséquence une forte augmentation de la pression systolique centrale (aortique) par les ondes réfléchies. Ce fait a été établi grâce à l'existence de la tonométrie d'aplanation, une méthode permettant l'évaluation non invasive de l'onde de pouls centrale. Dans cette méthode, un senseur de pression piézo-électrique permet de capter l'onde de pouls périphérique, le plus souvent sur l'artère radiale. Par la suite, un algorithme validé permet d'en déduire la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale et de visualiser à quel moment du cycle cardiaque s'y ajoutent les ondes réfléchies. Plusieurs études font état d'une forte augmentation de la pression systolique centrale par les ondes réfléchies chez les patientes atteintes de prééclampsie, suggérant l'utilisation de cette méthode pour le diagnostic et le monitoring voire pour le dépistage de ces patientes. Pour atteindre ce but, il est nécessaire d'établir des normes en rapport notamment avec l'âge gestationnel. Dans la littérature, les données pertinentes actuellement disponibles sont variables, voire contradictoires. Par exemple, les ondes réfléchies proéminentes dans la partie diastolique de l'onde de pouls centrale disparaissaient chez des patientes enceintes au 3eme trimestre comparées à des contrôles non enceintes dans une étude lausannoise, alors que deux autres études présentent l'observation contraire. Autre exemple, certains auteurs décrivent une diminution progressive de l'augmentation systolique jusqu'à l'accouchement alors que d'autres rapportent un nadir aux environs du 6ème mois, suivi d'un retour à des valeurs plus élevées en fin de grossesse. Les mesures effectuées dans toutes ces études différaient dans leur exécution, les patientes étant notamment dans des postions corporelles différentes (couchées, semi-couchées, assises, en décubitus latéral). Or nous savons que le status hémodynamique est très sensible aux changements de position, particulièrement durant la grossesse où l'utérus gravide est susceptible d'avoir des interactions mécaniques avec les veines et possiblement les artères abdominales. Ces différences méthodologiques pourraient donc expliquer, au moins en partie, l'hétérogénéité des résultats concernant l'onde de pouls chez la femme enceinte, ce qui à notre connaissance n'a jamais été exploré. Nous avons mesuré l'onde de pouls dans les positions assise et couchée chez des femmes enceintes, au 3eme trimestre d'une grossesse non compliquée, et nous avons effectué une comparaison avec des données similaire obtenues chez des femmes non enceintes en bonne santé habituelle. Les résultats montrent que la position du corps a un impact majeur sur la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale. Comparée à la position assise, la position couchée se caractérise par une moindre augmentation systolique et, par contraste, une augmentation diastolique plus marquée. De manière inattendue, cet effet s'observe aussi bien en présence qu'en l'absence de grossesse, suggérant que la cause première n'en réside pas dans les interactions mécaniques de l'utérus gravide avec les vaisseaux sanguins abdominaux. Nos observations pourraient par contre être expliquées par l'influence de la position du corps, via un phénomène hydrostatique simple, sur la pression transmurale des artères éloignées du coeur, tout particulièrement celles des membres inférieurs et de l'étage abdominal. En position verticale, ces vaisseaux augmenteraient leur rigidité pour résister à la distension de leur paroi, ce qui y accroîtrait la vitesse de propagation des ondes de pression. En l'état, cette explication reste hypothétique. Mais quoi qu'il en soit, nos résultats expliquent certaines discordances entre les études conduites à ce jour pour caractériser l'influence de la grossesse physiologique sur la forme de l'onde de pouls central. De plus, ils indiquent que la position du corps doit être prise en compte lors de toute investigation utilisant la tonométrie d'applanation pour déterminer la rigidité des artères chez les jeunes femmes enceintes ou non. Il sera aussi nécessaire d'en tenir compte pour établir des normes en vue d'une utilisation de la tonométrie d'aplanation pour dépister ou suivre les patientes atteintes de prééclampsie. Il serait enfin intéressant d'évaluer si l'effet de la position sur la forme de l'onde de pouls central existe également dans l'autre sexe et chez des personnes plus âgées.
The MHC (major histocompatibility complex) is a group of genes that play a crucial role in immune recognition and in tolerance of tissue grafting. The MHC has also been found to influence body odors, body odor preferences, and mate choice in mice and humans. Here we test whether verbal descriptions of human body odors can be linked to the MHC. We asked 45 male students to live as odor neutral as possible for two consecutive days and to wear a T-shirt during the nights. The odors of these T-shirts were then described by five evaluators: two professional perfumers and three laymen. One of the perfumers was able to describe the T-shirt odors in such a way that some of the allelic specificity of the MHC was significantly revealed (after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing). This shows that, although difficult, some people are able to describe MHCcorrelated body odor components.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a small, ubiquitous, and potentially toxic aldehyde that is produced in vivo by lipid oxidation and that is able to affect gene expression. Tocopherol deficiency in the vitamin E2 mutant vte2-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to massive lipid oxidation and MDA accumulation shortly after germination. MDA accumulation correlates with a strong visual phenotype (growth reduction, cotyledon bleaching) and aberrant GST1 (glutathione S-transferase 1) expression. We suppressed MDA accumulation in the vte2-1 background by genetically removing tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The resulting quadruple mutant, fad3-2 fad7-2 fad8 vte2-1, did not display the visual phenotype or the aberrant GST1 expression observed in vte2-1. Moreover, cotyledon bleaching in vte2-1 was chemically phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with MDA. These data suggest that products of tri-unsaturated fatty acid oxidation underlie the vte2-1 seedling phenotype, including cellular toxicity and gene regulation properties. Generation of the quadruple mutant facilitated the development of an in situ fluorescence assay based on the formation of adducts of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid at 37 degrees C. Specificity was verified by measuring pentafluorophenylhydrazine derivatives of MDA and by liquid chromatography analysis of MDA-2-thiobarbituric acid adducts. Potentially applicable to other organisms, this method allowed the localization of MDA pools throughout the body of Arabidopsis and revealed an undiscovered pool of the compound unlikely to be derived from trienoic fatty acids in the vicinity of the root tip quiescent center.
RÉSUME Les techniques de résection muqueuse endoscopique utilisées actuellement ne permettent pas d'effectuer une résection circonférentielle d'un long segment de muqueuse oesophagienne. Une telle résection permettrait le traitement de foyers multicentriques de dysplasies de haut grade (HGIN) ou d'adénocarcinomes précoces (AC) développés sur oesophage de Barrett. Sachant que la prévalence des métastases ganglionnaires régionales est d'environ 7 % pour les adénocarcinomes intra-muqueux (Tis,T1a), les méthodes de traitement non-chirurgicales et moins invasives sont actuellement préférées à une oesophagectomie, dont la morbidité et la mortalité restent élevées en comparaison avec les mucosectomies endoscopiques. Un oesophagoscope rigide modifié a été développé à Lausanne en collaboration avec la maison Karl Storz GmbH, de façon à permettre des résections muqueuses étendues dans l'oesophage. Cette étude animale pilote a investigué la faisabilité et la fiabilité des résections muqueuses circonférentielles de différentes longueurs dans l'oesophage du mouton. Des résections circonférentielles de 2,2 cm (n=6), 3,3 cm (n=6), 4,4 cm (n=7) et 5,5 cm (n=5) de longueur ont été effectuées dans l'oesophage de 24 moutons. Elles consistaient en 2 mucosectomies hémi-circonférentielles opposées. Les animaux ont été suivis par des examens endoscopiques à une semaine puis chaque mois pendant 6 mois ou jusqu'à réépithélialisation complète sans sténose. Au cours du processus de guérison, les sténoses cicatricielles ont été traitées par une ou plusieurs dilatations avec les bougies de Savary. Des résections circonférentielles de 2,2 à 5,5 cm de longueur ont été réalisées avec succès dans 23/24 des cas. Une seule perforation, secondaire à une erreur de manipulation, est survenue directement après la mucosectomie. A l'analyse histologique, une profondeur de résection précise à travers la sousmuq Tyrp1ueuse a été obtenue dans 85% des specimens. Les sténoses cicatricielles ont été contrôlées dans 95% des cas par dilatations avec les bougies de Savary. L'oesophagoscope rigide modifié a permis de réaliser des résections muqueuses circonférentielles et étendues en une seule séance endoscopique d'une durée de moins d'une demi-heure. L'utilisation de ce résectoscope chez l'homme devrait permettre l'éradication complète de l'oesophage de Barrett avec HGIN et/ou AC précoce dans un avenir très proche.
Introduction: Growth is a central process in paediatrics. Weight and height evaluation are therefore routine exams for every child but in some situation, particularly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a wider evaluation of nutritional status needs to be performed. Objectives: To assess the accuracy of bio-impedance analysis (BIA) compared to the gold standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in estimating percentage body fat (fat mass; FM) and lean body mass (fat free mass; FFM) in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To compare FM and FFM levels between patients with IBD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy controls (12 females; mean age: 12.7 ± 1.9 years) and 21 patients (11 females; 14.3 ± 1.3 years) were recruited from August 2011 to October 2012 at our institution. BIA was performed in all children and DEXA in patients only. Concordance between BIA and DEXA was assessed using Lin's concordance correlation and the Bland-Altman method. Between-group comparisons were made using analysis of variance adjusting for age. Results: BIA-derived FM% showed a good concordance with DEXA-derived values, while BIA-derived FFM% tended to be slightly higher than DEXA-derived values (table). No differences were found between patients and controls regarding body mass index (mean ± SD: 19.3 ± 3.3 vs. 20.1 ± 2.8 kg/m2, respectively; age-adjusted P = 0.08) and FM% (boys: 25.3 ± 10.2 vs. 22.6 ± 7.1%, for patients and controls, respectively; P = 0.20; girls: 28.2 ± 5.7 vs. 26.4 ± 7.7%; P = 0.91). Also, no differences were found regarding FFM% in boys (74.9 ± 10.2 vs. 77.4 ± 7.1%; P = 0.22) and girls (71.8 ± 5.6 vs. 73.5 ± 7.7%; P = 0.85). Conclusion: BIA adequately assesses body composition (FM%) in children with IBD and could advantageously replace DEXA, which is more expensive and less available. No differences in body composition were found between children with IBD and healthy controls.
Context: Foreign body aspiration (FbA) is a serious problem in children. Accurate clinical and radiographic diagnosis is important because missed or delayed diagnosis can result in respiratory difficulties ranging from life-treatening airway obstruction to chronic wheezing or recurrent pneumonia. Bronchoscopy also has risks and accurate clinical and radiographc diagnosis can support the decision of bronchoscopy. Objective: To rewiev the diagnostic accuracy of clinical presentation (CP) and pulmonary radiograph (PR) for the diagnosis of FbA. There is no previous rewievMethods: A search of Medline is conducted for articles containing data regarding CP and PR signes of FbA. Calculation of likelihood ratios (LR) and pre and post test probability using Bayes theorem were performed for all signs of CP and PR. Inclusion criteria: Articles containing prospective data regarding CP and PR of FbA. Exclusion criteria: Retrospectives studies. Articles containing incomplete data for calculation of LR. Results: Five prospectives studies are included with a total of 585 patients. Prevalence of FbA is 63% in children suspected of FbA. If CP is normal, probability of FbA is 25% and if PR is normal, probability is 14%. If CP is pathologic, probability of FbA is 69-76% with presence of cough (LR = 1.32) or dyspnea (LR = 1.84) or localized crackles (LR = 1.5). Probability is 81-88% if cyanosis (LR = 4.8) or decreased breaths sounds (LR = 4.3) or asymetric auscultation (LR = 2.9) or localized wheezing (LR = 2.5) are present. When CP is anormal and PR show mediatinal shift (LR = 100), pneumomediatin (LR = 100), radio opaque foreign body (LR = 100), lobar distention (LR = 4), atelectasis (LR = 2.5), inspiratory/expiratory abnormal (LR = 7), the probability of FbA is 96-100%. If CP is normal and PR is abnormal the probability is 40-100%. If CP is abnormal and PR is normal the probability is 55-75%. Conclusions: This rewiev of prospective studies demonstrates the importance of CP and PR and an algorithm can be proposed. When CP is abnormal with or without PR pathologic, the probability of FbA is high and bronchoscopy is indicated. When CP and PR are normal the probability of FbA is low and bronchoscopy is not necessary immediatly, observation should be proposed. This approach should be validated with prospective study.
Body fluid biomarkers of central nervous system damage may help improve the prognostic and diagnostic accuracy in ischemic stroke. We studied 53 patients. Stroke severity and outcome was rated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin scale. Ferritin, S100B, and NfH were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Infarct volume was calculated from T2W images. CSF S100B (median 1.00 ng/mL) and CSF ferritin (10.0 ng/mL) levels were elevated in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.62 ng/mL, P < .0001; 2.34 ng/mL, P < .0001). Serum S100B (0.09 ng/mL) was higher in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.01 ng/mL). CSF S100B levels were higher in patients with a cardioembolic stroke (2.88 ng/mL) than in those with small-vessel disease (0.89 ng/mL, P < .05). CSF S100B levels correlated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score on admission (R = 0.56, P < .01) and the stroke volume (R = 0.44, P = .01). CSF S100B and NfH-SMI35 levels correlated with outcome on the modified Rankin scale. CSF S100B levels were related to stroke severity and infarct volume and highest in cardioembolic stroke.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of abdominal radiography in the detection of illegal intracorporeal containers (hereafter, packets), with low-dose computed tomography (CT) as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional ethical review board, with written informed consent. From July 2007 to July 2010, 330 people (296 men, 34 women; mean age, 32 years [range, 18-55 years]) suspected of having ingested drug packets underwent supine abdominal radiography and low-dose CT. The presence or absence of packets at abdominal radiography was reported, with low-dose CT as the reference standard. The density and number of packets (≤ 12 or >12) at low-dose CT were recorded and analyzed to determine whether those variables influence interpretation of results at abdominal radiography. RESULTS: Packets were detected at low-dose CT in 53 (16%) suspects. Sensitivity of abdominal radiography for depiction of packets was 0.77 (41 of 53), and specificity was 0.96 (267 of 277). The packets appeared isoattenuated to the bowel contents at low-dose CT in 16 (30%) of the 53 suspects with positive results. Nineteen (36%) of the 53 suspects with positive low-dose CT results had fewer than 12 packets. Packets that were isoattenuated at low-dose CT and a low number of packets (≤12) were both significantly associated with false-negative results at abdominal radiography (P = .004 and P = .016, respectively). CONCLUSION: Abdominal radiography is mainly limited by low sensitivity when compared with low-dose CT in the screening of people suspected of carrying drug packets. Low-dose CT is an effective imaging alternative to abdominal radiography.