246 resultados para Resonance Fluorescence


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : Les premières applications cliniques de la thérapie photodynamique (PDT) remontent à plus d'une vingtaine d'années. Basée sur l'activation d'un médicament photosensibilisateur par une source lumineuse à une longueur d'onde spécifique, la PDT permet la destruction sélective de tissus contenant le produit actif. Ce procédé a été expérimenté dans le traitement de cancers en raison de la propriété du médicament à se concentrer dans les tumeurs tout en épargnant les structures normales contigües. Cependant, les photosensibilisateurs utilisés jusqu'à ce jour n'ont pas démontré une accumulation exclusive dans les tissus néoplasiques mais également dans les structures saines avoisinantes induisant une destruction tissulaire non sélective. Notamment, d'importantes complications ont été rapportées suite à l'utilisation de la PDT dans la cavité thoracique après la résection de mésothéliomes pleuraux, et ce malgré l'arrivée de photosensibilisateurs de secondes générations. De ce fait, plusieurs études expérimentales ont été menées afin d'améliorer la sélectivité tumorale du médicament en modulant différentes conditions de traitement et en modifiant la structure du photosensibilisateur par pégylation. Le but de cette étude expérimentale est de corréler l'activité photodynamique, la phototoxicité et la distribution du m-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) et de sa forme pégylée, le PEG-mTHPC. De ce fait, un modèle de souris nues porteur de xenogreffes de mésothéliome humain a été utilisé pour étudier les deux photosensibilisateurs. De récents travaux avec ce modèle ont montré que la mesure de la concentration tissulaire du mTHPC et de sa forme pégylée par HPLC restait limitée afin de prédire l'activité photodynamique. De ce fait, nous pensons que les mesures de fluorescence peuvent être plus appropriée. Le signalement fluorescent est mesuré dans le tissu tumoral et dans une région contrôle de la peau afin d'étudier la distribution et l'intensité des deux sensibilisateurs. Méthode : Des souris nues (cd1nu/nu mice) de 8 semaines ont été transplantées avec des fragments de mésothéliome malin humain (H-meso-1). Ces derniers ont été obtenus à partir d'une suspension cellulaire. Au moins trois passages ont été faits dans les animaux, avant que le traitement soit initié. Deux groupes de 6 souris chacun ont été utilisés pour l'injection intraveineuse par la queue du mTHPC à 0.15 mg/kg et du PEG-mTHPC à dose équimolaire. Après trois jour, la tumeur ainsi qu'une région contrôle de la cuisse ont été illuminées sur une surface d'un diamètre de 1.2 cm et pendant 133 secondes avec un laser à une longueur d'onde à 652 nm (fluence 20 J/cm2, fluence rate 150 mW/cm2). Les animaux ont été ensuite sacrifiés 72 heures après l'illumination. L'étendue de la nécrose tumorale et de la région contrôle ont été déterminées en aveugle par histomorphometrie par un pathologue (HJA). La fluorescence microscopique a été évaluée dans 12 souris à une concentration de 0.15 et 0.5 mg/kg pour le mTHPC, et à doses équimolaires pour le PEG-mTHPC. Trois animaux ont été injectés avec le mTHPC à 0.15 mg/kg, 3 autres à dose équimolaire avec la forme pégylée et 6 souris avec le mTHPC à 0.5 mg/kg et à dose équimolaire. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés 72 heures après injection. L'intensité fluorescente des sensibilisateurs a été mesurée dans la tumeur et la région contrôle. Suite à cela, les coupes ont été fixées par H&E et superposées aux images fluorescentes, afin de localiser la distribution des deux photosensibilisateurs dans les différents compartiments tissulaires. Six souris transplantées n'ayant ni été injectées avec les sensibilisateurs ou illuminées ont servi de groupe contrôle. Résultats : Trois jours après l'illumination, la PDT provoque une nécrose tumorale de 10 ±5.4 mm2 pour le mTHPC à 0.15mg/kg et 5.2 ± 4.6 mm2 pour sa forme pégylée à dose équimolaire. Cependant, la nécrose tumorale induite par les deux formulations du sensibilisateur est significativement plus élevée que dans le groupe contrôle (0.33 ± 0.58 mm2) (P=0.02). Toutefois, le mTHPC pégylé provoque une photosensibilité cutanée moins importante que la forme non-pegylée. Dans les deux groupes, aucune nécrose n'a été observée dans la cuisse des animaux. Trois jours après l'injection du mTHPC et de la forme pégylée à 0.15 mg/kg, aucune activité fluorescente n'a été détectée. Cependant, à 0.5 mg/kg, la fluorescence microscopique révèle une distribution hétérogène des deux photo-sensibilisateurs dans le tissu tumoral avec une accumulation prédominante dans les régions peri-vasculaires. Les deux médicaments montrent une distribution intracellulaire homogène dans le cytoplasme et une absence de signalement dans le nucleus. La mesure de l'intensité fluorescente du mTHPC à 0.5mg/kg ne montre pas de différence significative entre le tissu tumoral et la région contrôle. Par contre, le PEG-mTHPC montre une intensité fluorescente supérieure dans le tissu tumoral que dans la peau (ratio tumeur- peau 0.94 pour le mTHPC et 1.73 pour le PEG-mTHPC). Conclusion : L'utilisation du mTHPC à 0.15mg/kg induit une nécrose tumorale similaire à celle du PEG-mTHPC à dose équimolaire. Cependant, ce dernier démontre une photo-toxicité plus atténuée de la peau. La fluorescence microscopique permet de localiser les deux sensibilisateurs dans les différents compartiments tissulaires à partir d'une dose de 0.5 mg/kg. Le PEG-mTHPC induit un signalement fluorescent supérieur dans le tissu tumoral par rapport à la peau. La mesure du signalement fluorescent a le potentiel de prédire l'activité photodynamique du mTHPC et de sa forme pégylée dans les xénogreffes de mésothéliome humain dans un modèle de souris nue.


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Diffusion-weighting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increases the sensitivity to molecular Brownian motion, providing insight in the micro-environment of the underlying tissue types and structures. At the same time, the diffusion weighting renders the scans sensitive to other motion, including bulk patient motion. Typically, several image volumes are needed to extract diffusion information, inducing also inter-volume motion susceptibility. Bulk motion is more likely during long acquisitions, as they appear in diffusion tensor, diffusion spectrum and q-ball imaging. Image registration methods are successfully used to correct for bulk motion in other MRI time series, but their performance in diffusion-weighted MRI is limited since diffusion weighting introduces strong signal and contrast changes between serial image volumes. In this work, we combine the capability of free induction decay (FID) navigators, providing information on object motion, with image registration methodology to prospectively--or optionally retrospectively--correct for motion in diffusion imaging of the human brain. Eight healthy subjects were instructed to perform small-scale voluntary head motion during clinical diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions. The implemented motion detection based on FID navigator signals is processed in real-time and provided an excellent detection performance of voluntary motion patterns even at a sub-millimetre scale (sensitivity≥92%, specificity>98%). Motion detection triggered an additional image volume acquisition with b=0 s/mm2 which was subsequently co-registered to a reference volume. In the prospective correction scenario, the calculated motion-parameters were applied to perform a real-time update of the gradient coordinate system to correct for the head movement. Quantitative analysis revealed that the motion correction implementation is capable to correct head motion in diffusion-weighted MRI to a level comparable to scans without voluntary head motion. The results indicate the potential of this method to improve image quality in diffusion-weighted MRI, a concept that can also be applied when highest diffusion weightings are performed.


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BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to characterize the performance of fluorine-19 ((19)F) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) for the specific detection of inflammatory cells in a mouse model of myocarditis. Intravenously administered perfluorocarbons are taken up by infiltrating inflammatory cells and can be detected by (19)F-CMR. (19)F-labeled cells should, therefore, generate an exclusive signal at the inflamed regions within the myocardium. METHODS AND RESULTS: Experimental autoimmune myocarditis was induced in BALB/c mice. After intravenous injection of 2×200 µL of a perfluorocarbon on day 19 and 20 (n=9) after immunization, in vivo (19)F-CMR was performed at the peak of myocardial inflammation (day 21). In 5 additional animals, perfluorocarbon combined with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) was administered for postmortem immunofluorescence and flow-cytometry analyses. Control experiments were performed in 9 animals. In vivo (19)F-CMR detected myocardial inflammation in all experimental autoimmune myocarditis-positive animals. Its resolution was sufficient to identify even small inflammatory foci, that is, at the surface of the right ventricle. Postmortem immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry confirmed the presence of perfluorocarbon in macrophages, dendritic cells, and granulocytes, but not in lymphocytes. The myocardial volume of elevated (19)F signal (rs=0.96; P<0.001), the (19)F signal-to-noise ratio (rs=0.92; P<0.001), and the (19)F signal integral (rs=0.96; P<0.001) at day 21 correlated with the histological myocarditis severity score. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo (19)F-CMR was successfully used to visualize the inflammation specifically and robustly in experimental autoimmune myocarditis, and thus allowed for an unprecedented insight into the involvement of inflammatory cells in the disease process.


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PURPOSE: In the present study, the impact of the two different fat suppression techniques was investigated for free breathing 3D spiral coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). As the coronary arteries are embedded in epicardial fat and are adjacent to myocardial tissue, magnetization preparation such as T(2)-preparation and fat suppression is essential for coronary discrimination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fat-signal suppression in three-dimensional (3D) thin- slab coronary MRA based on a spiral k-space data acquisition can either be achieved by signal pre-saturation using a spectrally selective inversion recovery pre-pulse or by spectral-spatial excitation. In the present study, the performance of the two different approaches was studied in healthy subjects. RESULTS: No significant objective or subjective difference was found between the two fat suppression approaches. CONCLUSION: Spectral pre-saturation seems preferred for coronary MRA applications due to the ease of implementation and the shorter cardiac acquisition window.


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The susceptibility of blood changes after administration of a paramagnetic contrast agent that shortens T(1). Concomitantly, the resonance frequency of the blood vessels shifts in a geometry-dependent way. This frequency change may be exploited for incremental contrast generation by applying a frequency-selective saturation prepulse prior to the imaging sequence. The dual origin of vascular enhancement depending first on off-resonance and second on T(1) lowering was investigated in vitro, together with the geometry dependence of the signal at 3T. First results obtained in an in vivo rabbit model are presented.


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Fluorescence imaging for detection of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer is based on the selective production and accumulation of fluorescing porphyrins-mainly, protoporphyrin IX-in cancerous tissues after the instillation of Hexvix®. Although the sensitivity of this procedure is very good, its specificity is somewhat limited due to fluorescence false-positive sites. Consequently, magnification cystoscopy has been investigated in order to discriminate false from true fluorescence positive findings. Both white-light and fluorescence modes are possible with the magnification cystoscope, allowing observation of the bladder wall with magnification ranging between 30× for standard observation and 650×. The optical zooming setup allows adjusting the magnification continuously in situ. In the high-magnification (HM) regime, the smallest diameter of the field of view is 600 microns and the resolution is 2.5 microns when in contact with the bladder wall. With this cystoscope, we characterized the superficial vascularization of the fluorescing sites in order to discriminate cancerous from noncancerous tissues. This procedure allowed us to establish a classification based on observed vascular patterns. Seventy-two patients subject to Hexvix® fluorescence cystoscopy were included in the study. Comparison of HM cystoscopy classification with histopathology results confirmed 32/33 (97%) cancerous biopsies and rejected 17/20 (85%) noncancerous lesions.


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BACKGROUND: In spite of robust knowledge about underlying ischemic myocardial damage, acute coronary syndromes (ACS) with culprit-free angiograms raise diagnostic concerns. The present study aimed to evaluate the additional value of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) over commonly available non-CMR standard tests, for the differentiation of myocardial injury in patients with ACS and non-obstructed coronary arteries. MATERIAL/METHODS: Patients with ACS, elevated hs-TnT, and a culprit-free angiogram were prospectively enrolled into the study between January 2009 and July 2013. After initial evaluation with standard tests (ECG, echocardiography, hs-TnT) and provisional exclusion of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in coronary angiogram, patients were referred for CMR with the suspicion of myocarditis or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC). According to the result of CMR, patients were reclassified as having myocarditis, AMI, TTC, or non-injured myocardium as assessed by late gadolinium enhancement. RESULTS: Out of 5110 patients admitted with ACS, 75 had normal coronary angiograms and entered the study; 69 of them (92%) were suspected for myocarditis and 6 (8%) for TTC. After CMR, 49 patients were finally diagnosed with myocarditis (65%), 3 with TTC (4%), 7 with AMI (9%), and 16 (21%) with non-injured myocardium. The provisional diagnosis was changed or excluded in 23 patients (31%), with a 9% rate of unrecognized AMI. CONCLUSIONS: The study results suggest that the evaluation of patients with ACS and culprit-free angiogram should be complemented by a CMR examination, if available, because the initial work-up with non-CMR tests leads to a significant proportion of misdiagnosed AMI.


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Background: Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are highly sensitive to detect multiple sclerosis (MS) plaques, enabling a quantitative assessment of inflammatory activity and lesion load. In quantitative analyses of focal lesions, manual or semi-automated segmentations have been widely used to compute the total number of lesions and the total lesion volume. These techniques, however, are both challenging and time-consuming, being also prone to intra-observer and inter-observer variability.Aim: To develop an automated approach to segment brain tissues and MS lesions from brain MRI images. The goal is to reduce the user interaction and to provide an objective tool that eliminates the inter- and intra-observer variability.Methods: Based on the recent methods developed by Souplet et al. and de Boer et al., we propose a novel pipeline which includes the following steps: bias correction, skull stripping, atlas registration, tissue classification, and lesion segmentation. After the initial pre-processing steps, a MRI scan is automatically segmented into 4 classes: white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and partial volume. An expectation maximisation method which fits a multivariate Gaussian mixture model to T1-w, T2-w and PD-w images is used for this purpose. Based on the obtained tissue masks and using the estimated GM mean and variance, we apply an intensity threshold to the FLAIR image, which provides the lesion segmentation. With the aim of improving this initial result, spatial information coming from the neighbouring tissue labels is used to refine the final lesion segmentation.Results:The experimental evaluation was performed using real data sets of 1.5T and the corresponding ground truth annotations provided by expert radiologists. The following values were obtained: 64% of true positive (TP) fraction, 80% of false positive (FP) fraction, and an average surface distance of 7.89 mm. The results of our approach were quantitatively compared to our implementations of the works of Souplet et al. and de Boer et al., obtaining higher TP and lower FP values.Conclusion: Promising MS lesion segmentation results have been obtained in terms of TP. However, the high number of FP which is still a well-known problem of all the automated MS lesion segmentation approaches has to be improved in order to use them for the standard clinical practice. Our future work will focus on tackling this issue.


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The isolation of subsets of Ag-specific T cells for in vitro and in vivo studies by FACS is compromised by the fact that the soluble MHC-peptide complexes and Abs used for staining, especially when combined, induce unwanted T cell activation and eventually apoptosis. This is especially a problem for CD8+ CTL, which are susceptible to activation-dependent cell death. In this study, we show that reversible MHC-peptide complexes (tetramers) can be prepared by conjugating MHC-peptide monomers with desthiobiotin (DTB; also called dethiobiotin) and multimerization by reaction with fluorescent streptavidin. While in the cold these reagents are stable and allow good staining, they rapidly dissociate in monomers at elevated temperatures, especially in the presence of free biotin. FACS cloning of Melan-A (MART-1)-specific CTL from a melanoma-infiltrated lymph node with reversible HLA-A2 Melan-A26-35 multimers yielded over two times more clones than when using the conventional biotin-containing multimers. CTL clones obtained by means of reversible multimers killed Melan-A-positive tumor cells more efficiently as compared with clones obtained with the stable multimers. Among the CTL obtained with the reversible multimers, but much less among those obtained with the stable multimers, a high proportion of clones exhibited high functional and physical avidity and died upon incubation with soluble MHC-peptide complexes. Finally, we show that Fab' of an anti-CD8 Ab can be converted in reversible DTB streptavidin conjugates the same way. These DTB reagents efficiently and reversibly stained murine and human CTL without affecting their viability.


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In this investigation, high-resolution, 1x1x1-mm(3) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 T is performed using a multichannel array head coil and a surface coil approach. Scan geometry was optimized for each coil separately to exploit the strengths of both coils. Acquisitions with the surface coil focused on partial brain coverage, while whole-brain coverage fMRI experiments were performed with the array head coil. BOLD sensitivity in the occipital lobe was found to be higher with the surface coil than with the head array, suggesting that restriction of signal detection to the area of interest may be beneficial for localized activation studies. Performing independent component analysis (ICA) decomposition of the fMRI data, we consistently detected BOLD signal changes and resting state networks. In the surface coil data, a small negative BOLD response could be detected in these resting state network areas. Also in the data acquired with the surface coil, two distinct components of the positive BOLD signal were consistently observed. These two components were tentatively assigned to tissue and venous signal changes.


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AIMS: This study was performed to compare the sensitivity of ultrasonography, computerized tomography during arterial portography, delayed computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to detect focal liver lesions. Forty three patients with primary or secondary malignant liver lesions were studied prior to surgical intervention. METHODS: The results of the imaging studies were compared with intraoperative examination of the liver, intraoperative ultrasonography and pathology results (29 patients). In the non-operated (14 patients) group, we compared the number of lesions detected by each technique. RESULTS: One hundred and forty six lesions were detected. There was 84% sensitivity with computerized tomography during arterial portography, 61.3% with delayed scan, 63.3% with magnetic resonance imaging and 51% with ultrasonography in operated patients. In patients who did not undergo surgery, magnetic resonance imaging was more sensitive in detecting lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In operated and non-operated patients series, CT during arterial portography had the highest sensitivity, but magnetic resonance imaging had the most consistent overall results.


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Despite obvious improvements in spectral resolution at high magnetic field, the detection of 13C labeling by 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopy remains hampered by spectral overlap, such as in the spectral region of 1H resonances bound to C3 of glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln), and C6 of N-acetylaspartate (NAA). The aim of this study was to develop, implement, and apply a novel 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopic editing scheme, dubbed "selective Resonance suppression by Adiabatic Carbon Editing and Decoupling single-voxel STimulated Echo Acquisition Mode" (RACED-STEAM). The sequence is based on the application of two asymmetric narrow-transition-band adiabatic RF inversion pulses at the resonance frequency of the 13C coupled to the protons that need to be suppressed during the mixing time (TM) period, alternating the inversion band downfield and upfield from the 13C resonance on odd and even scans, respectively, thus suppressing the detection of 1H resonances bound to 13C within the transition band of the inversion pulse. The results demonstrate the efficient suppression of 1H resonances bound to C3 of Glu and Gln, and C4 of Glu, which allows the 1H resonances bound to C6 of NAA and C4 of Gln to be revealed. The measured time course of the resolved labeling into NAA C6 with the new scheme was consistent with the slow turnover of NAA.


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Normal and abnormal brains can be segmented by registering the target image with an atlas. Here, an atlas is defined as the combination of an intensity image (template) and its segmented image (the atlas labels). After registering the atlas template and the target image, the atlas labels are propagated to the target image. We define this process as atlas-based segmentation. In recent years, researchers have investigated registration algorithms to match atlases to query subjects and also strategies for atlas construction. In this paper we present a review of the automated approaches for atlas-based segmentation of magnetic resonance brain images. We aim to point out the strengths and weaknesses of atlas-based methods and suggest new research directions. We use two different criteria to present the methods. First, we refer to the algorithms according to their atlas-based strategy: label propagation, multi-atlas methods, and probabilistic techniques. Subsequently, we classify the methods according to their medical target: the brain and its internal structures, tissue segmentation in healthy subjects, tissue segmentation in fetus, neonates and elderly subjects, and segmentation of damaged brains. A quantitative comparison of the results reported in the literature is also presented.


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BACKGROUND: Accurate staging is essential to determine the correct management of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. We assess the accuracy of 3T multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with endorectal coil (3TemMRI) in detecting prostate cancer local extension. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed charts from January 2008 to July 2012 from all patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Patients were only included if 3TemMRI and radical prostatectomy were performed at our institution. Based on the presence of extracapsular extension (ECE) at 3TemMRI, prostate cancer was dichotomized into locally advanced or organ-confined disease. The accuracy of 3TemMRI local staging was then evaluated using definitive pathology as a reference. RESULTS: Overall, 177 radical prostatectomies were performed within the timeframe. After applying exclusion criteria, 60 patients were included in the final analysis. The mean patient age was 67 ± 7 (standard deviation) years. Mean prostate-specific antigen value was 12.7 ± 12.7 ng/L. Based on preoperative characteristics, we considered 38 of the 60 patients (63%) patients high risk. 3TemMRI identified an organ-confined tumour in 46 patients and locally advanced disease in 14 patients. When correlated to final pathology, 3TemMRI specificity, sensitivity, negative and positive predictive values, and accuracy in detecting locally advanced prostate cancer were 90%, 35%, 57%, 79% and 62%, respectively. INTERPRETATION: This study shows that the use of preoperative 3TemMRI can be used to identify organ-confined prostate cancer when locally advanced disease is suspected.