378 resultados para Receptors, Natural Killer Cell
We have studied the role of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains (betaTM/Cyto) in T cell signaling. Upon antigen stimulation, T lymphocytes expressing a TCR with mutant and betaTM and Cyto domains accumulate in large numbers and are specifically defective in undergoing activation-induced cell death (AICD). The mutant TCR poorly recruits the protein adaptor Carma-1 and is subsequently impaired in activating NF-kappaB. This signaling defect leads to a reduced expression of Fas ligand (FasL) and to a reduction in AICD. These beta chain domains are involved in discriminating cell division and apoptosis.
THESIS SUMMARY : Metastasis is a multistep process involving tumour cell-autonomous features, the host tissue stroma of the primary tumour, the blood or lymphatic system as well as a receptive target organ. Most studies on factors influencing metastasis have concentrated on the characteristics of the disseminating tumour cell and on early steps of metastasis including invasion and angiogenesis. Although these steps are necessary for tumour cells to disseminate, it is the challenges encountered in the later steps of metastasis -survival while in the circulation and engraftment and outgrowth in the target organ -that account for the inefficiency of circulating tumour cells in establishing secondary lesions. Full understanding of the metastatic process therefore requires elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate these late steps, and in particular that determine what makes any given tissue permissive for metastatic tumour growth. To address this issue, we assessed the mechanisms whereby a physiological situation -pregnancy -can alter host permissiveness toward metastasis. We show that pregnant NOD/SCID mice -injected intravenously with tumour cells -develop more metastases than their non-pregnant counterparts irrespective of the tumour cell type. There was no direct effect of pregnancy-related circulating factors on tumour cell proliferation, and subcutaneous tumour growth does not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant animals. However, decreased elimination of tumour cells from the lung microvasculature was observed in pregnant mice, prompting us to assess whether pregnancy-related adaptations in innate immunity could account for this differential clearing. We found that natural killer (NK) cell fractions are decreased in blood and spleen of pregnant mice and that NK cell cytotoxicity is impaired, as reported previously. The use of NK-deficient mice or tumour cell lines resistant to NK killing abrogates the difference in metastasis load between pregnant and virgin mice. CD11 b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have previously been shown to accumulate in tumour-bearing mice and to down-modulate NK activity. Accordingly, we show an increase in MDSC in pregnant mouse blood, spleen, lungs and liver. Depletion of MDSC prior to tumour cell injection decreased metastasis load in pregnant NOD/SCID mice but had no effect on virgin mice. Similarly, adoptive transfer of MDSC extracted from pregnant mice into virgin mice lead to increased metastasis take. In parallel, we investigated whether the lung and liver microenvironments are modified during pregnancy thereby providing a more "permissive soil" for the establishment of metastases. A comparative analysis of microarray data of pregnant mouse lungs and liver with "premetastatic niche" gene expression profiles of these organs shows that similar mechanisms could mediate an increase in lung and liver metastasis in pregnant mice and in mice harbouring an aggressive primary tumour. Several commonly up-regulated genes point towards the recruitment of myeloid cells, consistent with the accumulation of MDSC observed in pregnant mice. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy before. Although the role of MDSC in pregnancy requires further investigation we suggest that MDSC accumulation constitutes an important and hitherto unrecognised common denominator of maternal immune tolerance and cancer immune escape. RESUME DE THESE : La métastatisation est un processus en plusieurs étapes qui implique des compétences particulières chez les cellules tumorales, le stroma de la tumeur primaire, les vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques ainsi qu'un organe cible' réceptif. Jusqu'alors, la recherche s'est principalement intéressée aux facteurs qui influencent les étapes précoces de la métastatisation donc aux caractéristiques de la cellule métastatique, et aux processus tels que l'invasion et l'angiogenèse, tandis que peu d'études traitent des étapes tardives tel que la survie dans la circulation sanguine et l'établissement d'une lésion dans l'organe cible. En particulier, l'élucidation des facteurs qui déterminent la permissivité d'un tissu à la greffe de cellules disséminantes est indispensable à la compréhension de ce processus complexe qu'est la métastatisation. Nous proposons ici un modèle de souris récapitulant les étapes tardives de la métastatisation dans un contexte d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide, et nous évaluons les mécanismes impliqués. Les souris gestantes développent plus de métastases après l'injection intraveineuse de cellules tumorales, indépendamment du type de tumeur d'origine. Les taux élevés d'hormones et de facteurs de croissance chez la souris gravide n'inflúencent pas la prolifération des cellules tumorales et fa croissance de tumeurs sous-cutanées n'est pas non plus accélérée par la gestation. En revanche, une fois injectées, les cellules tumorales sont éliminées ` moins rapidement des vaisseaux pulmonaires chez la souris gravide que chez les contrôles. Cette observation est compatible avec un effet de la gestation sur l'immunité innée et nous avons mis en évidence une diminution des proportions de cellules NK (natural killer) dans le sang et la rate en particulier, ainsi qu'une cytotoxicité moindre envers des cellules tumorales. En utilisant des souris déficientes en cellules NK ou en injectant des cellules résistantes à l'attaqué par des cellules NK, la différence entre souris gestantes et non-gestantes disparaît. Il a été démontré chez des souris porteuses de tumeurs, que l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives de la lignée myélo-monocytaire (ou MDSC pour myeloid-derived suppressor tells) pouvait être responsable d'une inhibition de l'activité de cellules NK. Des nombres augmentés de ces cellules, caractérisées par les marqueurs de surface CD11b et Gr-1, ont été trouvés dans le sang, la rate, les poumons et le foie de souris gravides. Leur rôle dans la métastatisation est démontré par le fait que leur dépletion diminue le nombre de lésions secondaires chez la souris gestante, tandis que leur transfert dans des souris non-gestantes augmente le taux de métastases. L'utilisation de puces à ADN sur les foies et poumons de souris gravides a permis de mettre en évidence des différences d'expression génique proches de celles observées dans l'établissement de niches pré-métastatiques. Ceci suggère que des mécanismes similaires pourraient être responsables d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide et chez la souris porteuse d'une tumeur primaire agressive, telle que, en particulier, l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives dans les organes cibles. C'est la première fois que l'accumulation de MDSC est évoquée chez la souris gravide et nous proposons ici que celles-ci jouent un rôle dans la tolérance immunitaire envers le foetus et sont responsables de l'échappement de cellules tumorales injectées à la surveillance immunitaire par des cellules NK.
Valpha14 invariant natural killer T (Valpha14i NKT) cells are a unique lineage of mouse T cells that share properties with both NK cells and memory T cells. Valpha14i NKT cells recognize CDld-associated glycolipids via a semi-invariant T cell receptor (TCR) composed of an invariant Valpha14-Jalpha 18 chain paired preferentially with a restricted set of TCRbeta chains. During development in the thymus, rare CD4+ CD8+ (DP) cortical thymocytes that successfully rearrange the semi-invariant TCR are directed to the Valpha14i NKT cell lineage via interactions with CD d-associated endogenous glycolipids expressed by other DP thymocytes. As they mature, Valphal4i NKT lineage cells upregulate activation markers such as CD44 and subsequently express NK-related molecules such as NKI.1 and members of the Ly-49 inhibitory receptor family. The developmental program of Valpha l4i NKT cells is critically regulated by a number of signaling cues that have little or no effect on conventional T cell development, such as the Fyn/SAP/SLAM pathway, NFkappaB and T-bet transcription factors, and the cytokine IL-15. The unique developmental requirements of Valphal4i NKT cells may represent a paradigm for other unconventional T cell subsets that are positively selected by agonist ligands expressed on hematopoietic cells.
The activation of T cells is vital to the successful elimination of pathogens, but can also have a deleterious role in autoimmunity and transplant rejection. Various signalling pathways are triggered by the T-cell receptor; these have key roles in the control of the T-cell response and represent interesting targets for therapeutic immunomodulation. Recent findings define MALT1 (mucosa-associated-lymphoid-tissue lymphoma-translocation gene 1) as a protein with proteolytic activity that controls T-cell activation by regulating key molecules in T-cell-receptor-induced signalling pathways
Immune responses against tumor-associated antigens rely on efficient epitope presentation. The melanoma-associated antigen (Ag) gp100 contains HLA-A*0201 ligands that are characterized by low to medium binding affinity, among which gp100(209-217) is the most prominent (Kawakami et al., J Immunol 154:3961-3968, 1995). While this epitope is a natural T-cell target, it primes with low-efficiency T-cell responses during immunization. A modified gp100 epitope, gp100(209-217T210M), that contains a Thr to Met substitution at position 2 of the antigenic nonamer is characterized by high binding affinity for HLA-A*0201 and elicits strong and clinically effective T-cell responses. This higher affinity is believed to represent the sole reason for enhanced immunogenicity. Contrasting with this observation is the unpredictable relationship between affinity and immunogenicity observed in other antigen systems. In addition, we noted a striking difference between the capability of endogenously processed gp100(209-217) and gp100(209-217T210M) to induce T-cell responses in an in vitro model. Therefore, we questioned whether factors other than HLA-affinity might play a role in determining the immunogenicity of these epitopes. In the present study, we evaluated the in vitro proteasomal cleavages of 23meric precursor peptides encompassing the native sequence (gp100(201-223)) or the modified sequence (gp100(201-223T210M)). Here we show that the standard proteasome liberates the C-termini of both antigenic peptides but not the N-termini. Quantitative analysis of the digestion products revealed that more of the fragments displaying the final C-termini were produced from the wild-type precursor. However, a stronger TCR engagement was observed when fractions of digested gp100(201-223T210M) were used to activate an HLA-A*0201-expressing target T-cell clone. This difference was also found using separately produced, synthetic nonamers. In conclusion, the high binding affinity of gp100(209-217T210M) seems to compensate for possible differences in proteasomal cleavage at the biological level. Since the final antigenic nonamer is not directly produced by the proteasome, additional further factors may influence the antigenic peptide availability, such as post-proteasomal processing and intracellular peptide transport.
Anergic T cells display a marked decrease in their ability to produce IL-2 and to proliferate in the presence of an appropriate antigenic signal. Two nonmutually exclusive classes of models have been proposed to explain the persistence of T cell anergy in vivo. While some reports indicate that anergic T cells have intrinsic defects in signaling pathways or transcriptional activities, other studies suggest that anergy is maintained by environmental "suppressor" factors such as cytokines or Abs. To distinguish between these conflicting hypotheses, we employed the well-characterized bacterial superantigen model system to evaluate in vivo the ability of a trace population of adoptively transferred naive or anergized T cells to proliferate in a naive vs anergic environment upon subsequent challenge. Our data clearly demonstrate that bacterial superantigen-induced T cell anergy is cell autonomous and independent of environmental factors.
Mature T cells comprise two mutually exclusive lineages expressing heterodimeric alpha beta or gamma delta antigen receptors. During development, beta, gamma, and delta genes rearrange before alpha, and mature gamma delta cells arise in the thymus prior to alpha beta cells. The mechanism underlying commitment of immature T cells to the alpha beta or gamma delta lineage is controversial. Since the delta locus is located within the alpha locus, rearrangement of alpha genes leads to deletion of delta. We have examined the rearrangement status of the delta locus immediately prior to alpha rearrangement. We find that many thymic precursors of alpha beta cells undergo VDJ delta rearrangements. Furthermore, the same cells frequently coexpress sterile T early alpha (TEA) transcripts originating 3' of C delta and 5' of the most upstream J alpha, thus implying that individual alpha beta lineage cells undergo sequential VDJ delta and VJ alpha rearrangements. Finally, VDJ delta rearrangements in immature alpha beta cells appear to be random, supporting models in which alpha beta lineage commitment is determined independently of the rearrangement status at the TCR delta locus.
Intrathymic T-cell maturation critically depends on the selective expansion of thymocytes expressing a functionally rearranged T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. In addition, TCR-independent signals also contribute to normal T-cell development. It is unclear whether and how signals from the 2 types of pathways are integrated. Here, we show that T-cell factor-1 (TCF-1), a nuclear effector of the canonical wingless/int (wnt)/catenin signaling pathway, ensures the survival of proliferating, pre-TCR(+) thymocytes. The survival of pre-TCR(+) thymocytes requires the presence of the N-terminal catenin-binding domain in TCF-1. This domain can bind the transcriptional coactivator beta-catenin and may also bind gamma-catenin (plakoglobin). However, in the absence of gamma-catenin, T-cell development is normal, supporting a role for beta-catenin. Signaling competent beta-catenin is present prior to and thus arises independently from pre-TCR signaling and does not substantially increase on pre-TCR signaling. In contrast, pre-TCR signaling significantly induces TCF-1 expression. This coincides with the activation of a wnt/catenin/TCF reporter transgene in vivo. Collectively, these data suggest that efficient TCF-dependent transcription requires that pre-TCR signaling induces TCF-1 expression, whereas wnt signals may provide the coactivator such as beta-catenin. The 2 pathways thus have to cooperate to ensure thymocyte survival at the pre-TCR stage.
T cell receptor (TCR-CD3) triggering involves both receptor clustering and conformational changes at the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 subunits. The mechanism by which TCRalphabeta ligand binding confers conformational changes to CD3 is unknown. By using well-defined ligands, we showed that induction of the conformational change requires both multivalent engagement and the mobility restriction of the TCR-CD3 imposed by the plasma membrane. The conformational change is elicited by cooperative rearrangements of two TCR-CD3 complexes and does not require accompanying changes in the structure of the TCRalphabeta ectodomains. This conformational change at CD3 reverts upon ligand dissociation and is required for T cell activation. Thus, our permissive geometry model provides a molecular mechanism that rationalizes how the information of ligand binding to TCRalphabeta is transmitted to the CD3 subunits and to the intracellular signaling machinery.
When endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) superantigens (SAg) are expressed in the first weeks of life an efficient thymic deletion of T cells expressing MMTV SAg-reactive T cell receptor (TcR) V beta segments is observed. As most inbred mouse strains and wild mice contain integrated MMTV DNA, knowing the precise extent of MMTV influence on T cell development is required in order to study T cell immunobiology in the mouse. In this report, backcross breeding between BALB.D2 (Mtv-6, -7, -8 and -9) and 38CH (Mtv-) mice was carried out to obtain animals either lacking endogenous MMTV or containing a single MMTV locus, i.e. Mtv-6, -7, -8 or -9. The TcR V beta chain (TcR V beta) usage in these mice was analyzed using monoclonal antibodies specific for TcR V beta 2, V beta 3, V beta 4, V beta 5, V beta 6, V beta 7, V beta 8, V beta 11, V beta 12 and V beta 14 segments. Both Mtv-8+ mice and Mtv-9+ mice deleted TcR V beta 5+ and V beta 11+ T cells. Moreover, we also observed the deletion of TcR V beta 12+ cells by Mtv-8 and Mtv-9 products. Mtv-6+ and Mtv-7+ animals deleted TcR V beta 3+ and V beta 5+ cells, and TcR V beta 6+, V beta 7+ and V beta 8.1+ cells, respectively. Unexpectedly, TcR V beta 8.2+ cells were also deleted in some backcross mice expressing Mtv-7. TcR V beta 8.2 reactivity to Mtv-7 was shown to be brought by the 38CH strain and to result from an amino acid substitution (Asn-->Asp) in position 19 on the TcR V beta 8.2 fragment. Reactivities of BALB.D2 TcR V beta 8.2 and 38CH TcR V beta 8.2 to the exogenous infectious viruses, MMTV(SW) and MMTV(SHN), were compared. Finally, the observation of increased frequencies of TcR V beta 2+, V beta 4+ and V beta 8+ CD4+ T cell subsets in Mtv-8+ and Mtv-9+ mice, and TcR V beta 4+ CD4+ T cells in Mtv-6+ and Mtv-7+ mice, when compared with the T cell repertoire of Mtv- mice, is consistent with the possibility that MMTV products contribute to positive selection of T cells.
Despite major progress in T lymphocyte analysis in melanoma patients, TCR repertoire selection and kinetics in response to tumor Ags remain largely unexplored. In this study, using a novel ex vivo molecular-based approach at the single-cell level, we identified a single, naturally primed T cell clone that dominated the human CD8(+) T cell response to the Melan-A/MART-1 Ag. The dominant clone expressed a high-avidity TCR to cognate tumor Ag, efficiently killed tumor cells, and prevailed in the differentiated effector-memory T lymphocyte compartment. TCR sequencing also revealed that this particular clone arose at least 1 year before vaccination, displayed long-term persistence, and efficient homing to metastases. Remarkably, during concomitant vaccination over 3.5 years, the frequency of the pre-existing clone progressively increased, reaching up to 2.5% of the circulating CD8 pool while its effector functions were enhanced. In parallel, the disease stabilized, but subsequently progressed with loss of Melan-A expression by melanoma cells. Collectively, combined ex vivo analysis of T cell differentiation and clonality revealed for the first time a strong expansion of a tumor Ag-specific human T cell clone, comparable to protective virus-specific T cells. The observed successful boosting by peptide vaccination support further development of immunotherapy by including strategies to overcome immune escape.
The present study evaluates the potential of third-generation lentivirus vectors with respect to their use as in vivo-administered T cell vaccines. We demonstrate that lentivector injection into the footpad of mice transduces DCs that appear in the draining lymph node and in the spleen. In addition, a lentivector vaccine bearing a T cell antigen induced very strong systemic antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in mice. Comparative vaccination performed in two different antigen models demonstrated that in vivo administration of lentivector was superior to transfer of transduced DCs or peptide/adjuvant vaccination in terms of both amplitude and longevity of the CTL response. Our data suggest that a decisive factor for efficient T cell priming by lentivector might be the targeting of DCs in situ and their subsequent migration to secondary lymphoid organs. The combination of performance, ease of application, and absence of pre-existing immunity in humans make lentivector-based vaccines an attractive candidate for cancer immunotherapy.
Previous studies have associated activating Killer cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) genes with protection from cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication after organ transplantation. Whether KIR-associated protection is operating in the context of primary infection, re-activation, or both, remains unknown. Here we correlated KIR genotype and CMV serostatus at the time of transplantation with rates of CMV viremia in 517 heart (n=57), kidney (n=223), liver (n=165) or lung (n=72) allograft recipients reported to the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Across the entire cohort we found B haplotypes-which in contrast to A haplotypes may contain multiple activating KIR genes-to be protective in the most immunosuppressed patients (receiving anti-thymocyte globulin induction and intensive maintenance immunosuppression) (hazard ratio after adjustment for covariates 0.46, 95% confidence interval 0.29-0.75, P=0.002). Notably, a significant protection was detected only in recipients who were CMV-seropositive at the time of transplantation (HR 0.45, 95% CI 0.26-0.77, P=0.004), but not in CMV seronegative recipients (HR 0.59, 95% CI 0.22-1.53, P=0.28). These data indicate a prominent role for KIR-and presumably natural killer (NK) cells-in the control of CMV replication in CMV seropositive organ transplant recipients treated with intense immunosuppression.