195 resultados para Kidney function tests
Crushed seeds of the Moringa oleifera tree have been used traditionally as natural flocculants to clarify drinking water. We previously showed that one of the seed peptides mediates both the sedimentation of suspended particles such as bacterial cells and a direct bactericidal activity, raising the possibility that the two activities might be related. In this study, the conformational modeling of the peptide was coupled to a functional analysis of synthetic derivatives. This indicated that partly overlapping structural determinants mediate the sedimentation and antibacterial activities. Sedimentation requires a positively charged, glutamine-rich portion of the peptide that aggregates bacterial cells. The bactericidal activity was localized to a sequence prone to form a helix-loop-helix structural motif. Amino acid substitution showed that the bactericidal activity requires hydrophobic proline residues within the protruding loop. Vital dye staining indicated that treatment with peptides containing this motif results in bacterial membrane damage. Assembly of multiple copies of this structural motif into a branched peptide enhanced antibacterial activity, since low concentrations effectively kill bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pyogenes without displaying a toxic effect on human red blood cells. This study thus identifies a synthetic peptide with potent antibacterial activity against specific human pathogens. It also suggests partly distinct molecular mechanisms for each activity. Sedimentation may result from coupled flocculation and coagulation effects, while the bactericidal activity would require bacterial membrane destabilization by a hydrophobic loop.
Liver kidney microsomal type 1 (LKM-1) antibodies have been shown to decrease the CYP2D6 activity in vitro and are present in a minority of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. We investigated whether LKM-1 antibodies might reduce the CYP2D6 activity in vivo. All patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study and tested for LKM-1 antibodies were assessed (n = 1723): 10 eligible patients were matched with patients without LKM-1 antibodies. Patients were genotyped for CYP2D6 variants to exclude individuals with a poor metabolizer genotype. CYP2D6 activity was measured by a specific substrate using the dextromethorphan/dextrorphan metabolic ratio to classify patients into four activity phenotypes. All patients had a CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer genotype. The observed phenotype was concordant with the CYP2D6 genotype in most LKM-negative patients, whereas only three LKM-1 positive patients had a concordant phenotype (six presented an intermediate and one a poor metabolizer phenotype). The median DEM/DOR ratio was sixfold higher in LKM-1 positive than in LKM-1 negative patients (0.096 vs. 0.016, P = 0.004), indicating that CYP2D6 metabolic function was significantly reduced in the presence of LKM-1 antibodies. In chronic hepatitis C patients with LKM-1 antibodies, the CYP2D6 metabolic activity was on average reduced by 80%. The impact of LKM-1 antibodies on CYP2D6-mediated drug metabolism pathways warrants further translational studies.
BACKGROUND: A sensitive, feasible and reproducible marker for renal function is necessary to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Fabry nephropathy. Serum creatinine has some limitations and cystatin C has been proposed, in other nephropathies, as a useful marker of renal function. The use of cystatin C as a marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was investigated in Fabry patients receiving ERT. METHODS: Renal function was evaluated with serum creatinine, serum cystatin C and estimated GFR (through Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD], Cockcroft-Gault [C&G] and Hoek formulae) in 21 Fabry patients receiving ERT with agalsidase alfa for 3 years and in 13 Fabry patients receiving agalsidase alfa for 4 years. RESULTS: During years of ERT while serum creatinine remained stable, cystatin C values showed a significant, increasing trend right from the first year of ERT. CONCLUSIONS: In Fabry disease, cystatin C is a sensitive and reliable marker of renal function, and it should be taken into account when evaluating GFR trends during ERT.
INTRODUCTION: Oxidative stress is involved in the development of secondary tissue damage and organ failure. Micronutrients contributing to the antioxidant (AOX) defense exhibit low plasma levels during critical illness. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of early AOX micronutrients on clinical outcome in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with conditions characterized by oxidative stress. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center trial in patients admitted to a university hospital ICU with organ failure after complicated cardiac surgery, major trauma, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stratification by diagnosis was performed before randomization. The intervention was intravenous supplements for 5 days (selenium 270 microg, zinc 30 mg, vitamin C 1.1 g, and vitamin B1 100 mg) with a double-loading dose on days 1 and 2 or placebo. RESULTS: Two hundred patients were included (102 AOX and 98 placebo). While age and gender did not differ, brain injury was more severe in the AOX trauma group (P = 0.019). Organ function endpoints did not differ: incidence of acute kidney failure and sequential organ failure assessment score decrease were similar (-3.2 +/- 3.2 versus -4.2 +/- 2.3 over the course of 5 days). Plasma concentrations of selenium, zinc, and glutathione peroxidase, low on admission, increased significantly to within normal values in the AOX group. C-reactive protein decreased faster in the AOX group (P = 0.039). Infectious complications did not differ. Length of hospital stay did not differ (16.5 versus 20 days), being shorter only in surviving AOX trauma patients (-10 days; P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: The AOX intervention did not reduce early organ dysfunction but significantly reduced the inflammatory response in cardiac surgery and trauma patients, which may prove beneficial in conditions with an intense inflammation. TRIALS REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.gov RCT Register: NCT00515736.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the renal function outcome in children with unilateral hydronephrosis and urinary flow impairment at the pelviureteral junction with respect to the therapeutic strategy. METHODS: We retrospectively selected 45 children with iodine-123-hippuran renography performed at diagnosis and after 3 or more years of follow-up. All children had bilateral nonobstructive pattern findings on diuretic renography at follow-up. Eleven children were treated conservatively, and 34 underwent unilateral pyeloplasty. Split and individual renal function, measured by an accumulation index, was computed from background-corrected renograms for the affected and contralateral kidneys at diagnosis and the follow-up examination. RESULTS: Of 11 children treated conservatively, 9 had normal bilateral function at diagnosis, all had reached normal function at follow-up. Of the 34 operated kidneys, 12 (38%) had initially normal function that remained normal at the follow-up examination, and 22 had impaired function that had normalized at the follow-up examination in 15 (68%). The function of the contralateral kidneys was increased in 5 of 8 children with persistently abnormal affected kidneys. Pyeloplasty was performed in 23 children (68%) and 11 children (32%) younger and older than 1 year, respectively. The function of the affected kidneys increased in both groups, but normalization occurred only in the younger children. CONCLUSIONS: Of the children selected for conservative treatment, 82% had normal bilateral renal function at diagnosis that was normal in all at the follow-up examination. Of the children treated surgically, 65% had initially impaired function of the affected kidney that improved in 87% after pyeloplasty. Normalization of function was observed only in children who were younger than 1 year old at surgery. Persistently low function of the affected kidney was compensated for by the contralateral one regardless of the age at surgery.
Au vu de l'augmentation de la prévalence de l'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC), une détection précoce a été proposée. Certaines organisations de santé proposent des mesures de détection précoce (par exemple : taux de filtration glomérulaire). L'efficacité du dépistage de l'IRC n'est cependant pas connue puisqu'aucune étude randomisée contrôlée n'a été conduite. Si le test de dépistage de l'IRC est simple et peu onéreux, un dépistage n'est justifié que s'il améliore le pronostic par rapport à l'absence de dépistage avec un rapport risques-bénéfices favorable et un rapport coût-efficacité acceptable. Sur la base d'études observationnelles et de modèles de rapport coût-efficacité, le dépistage de l'IRC doit être proposé chez les patients hypertendus et/ou diabétiques mais pas dans la population générale. [Abstract] Given the increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD), early detection has been proposed. Some organizations recommend CKD screening. Yet, the efficacy of CKD screening is unknown given the absence of randomized controlled trial conducted so far. While CKD screening tests (e.g., glomerular filtration rate) are simple and inexpensive, CKD screening can only be justified if it reduces CKD-related mortality and/or CKD-related morbidity compared to no screening. In addition, CKD screening must provide more benefits than risks to the participants and must be cost-effective. Based on observational studies and cost-effectiveness models, CKD screening has to be proposed to high risk population (patients with hypertension and/or diabetes) but not to the general population.
Urinary indices are classically believed to allow differentiation of transient (or pre-renal) acute kidney injury (AKI) from persistent (or acute tubular necrosis) AKI. However, the data validating urinalysis in critically ill patients are weak. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Pons and colleagues demonstrate in a multicenter observational study that sodium and urea excretion fractions as well as urinary over plasma ratios performed poorly as diagnostic tests to separate such entities. This study confirms the limited diagnostic and prognostic ability of urine testing. Together with other studies, this study raises more fundamental questions about the value, meaning and pathophysiologic validity of the pre-renal AKI paradigm and suggests that AKI (like all other forms of organ injury) is a continuum of injury that cannot be neatly divided into functional (pre-renal or transient) or structural (acute tubular necrosis or persistent).
Natural Killer (NK) cells are of special interest in solid organ transplantation (SOT) because classical immunosuppressive drugs could enhance NK cells activity.We studied NK cells after kidney transplantation in three different situations. First, we analysed the peripheral repertoire reconstitution and function of NK cells after a polyclonal rabbit anti-thymocytes globulin (rATG) induction therapy, in 20 patients transplanted with living donor and with a low immunological risk. Second, we analysed the influence of KIR genes on the risk of CMV primo-infection or reactivation in 224 transplanted patients during the first year. Finally, we studied the risk of rejection and graft function during the first 5 years according to the KIR genes. Our study demonstrates that after an intial drop, NK cell reconstitution is fast with a ratio of CD56+/CD3− cells versus CD3+ cells that remains identical. The fraction of NK cells expressing the inhibitory receptor NKG2A significantly increases and the activating receptor NKG2D decreases after transplantation to retrieve the pretransplantation value after one year. The secretion of INF-f × and the cytotoxicity is maintained over time after transplantation. Then, we demonstrated that the presence of 2 KIR missing ligands and a large number of activating KIR gene protected against CMV primo-infection or reactivation during the first year post transplantation. Finally, the KIR genes and their HLA ligands do not influence the long term graft function after univariate and multivariate analysis. Our data suggest that despite the modification of the receptor repertoire, NK cell activity is preserved. NK cells are an important player of the immune response in the first year after transplantation mainly thanks to their anti-infectious activity.
Renal excretion of water and major electrolytes exhibits a significant circadian rhythm. This functional periodicity is believed to result, at least in part, from circadian changes in secretion/reabsorption capacities of the distal nephron and collecting ducts. Here, we studied the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms in the distal nephron segments, i.e., distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and connecting tubule (CNT) and the cortical collecting duct (CCD). Temporal expression analysis performed on microdissected mouse DCT/CNT or CCD revealed a marked circadian rhythmicity in the expression of a large number of genes crucially involved in various homeostatic functions of the kidney. This analysis also revealed that both DCT/CNT and CCD possess an intrinsic circadian timing system characterized by robust oscillations in the expression of circadian core clock genes (clock, bma11, npas2, per, cry, nr1d1) and clock-controlled Par bZip transcriptional factors dbp, hlf, and tef. The clock knockout mice or mice devoid of dbp/hlf/tef (triple knockout) exhibit significant changes in renal expression of several key regulators of water or sodium balance (vasopressin V2 receptor, aquaporin-2, aquaporin-4, alphaENaC). Functionally, the loss of clock leads to a complex phenotype characterized by partial diabetes insipidus, dysregulation of sodium excretion rhythms, and a significant decrease in blood pressure. Collectively, this study uncovers a major role of molecular clock in renal function.
Background: Optimal valganciclovir (VGC) dosage and duration for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients remains controversial. This study aimed to determine GCV blood levels and efficacy/safety observed under low-dose oral VGC in kidney transplant recipients. Secondly, to quantify the variability of GCV blood levels, and its potential clinical impact. Methods: In this prospective study, each patient at risk for CMV undergoing kidney transplantation received low-dose VGC (450 mg qd) prophylaxis for 3 months, unless GFR was below 40 mL/min, in which case the dose was adapted to 450 mg every other day. GCV levels, at trough (Ctrough) and at peak (C3h) were measured monthly and CMV viremia was assessed during and after prophylaxis using real time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction. Adverse effects were recorded on each GCV sampling. Patients were followed up to one year after transplantation. Results: 38 kidney recipients (19 D+/R+, 11 D+/R-, 8 D-/R+) received 3-month VGC prophylaxis. Most patients (mean GFR of 59 mL/min) received 450 mg qd but the dose was reduced to 450 mg every other day in 6 patients with mean GFR of 22 mL/min. Average GCV C3h and Ctrough (regressed at 24h or 48h) were 3.9 mg/L (CV 33%, range: 1.3-8.2) and 0.4 mg/L (CV 111%, range 0.1-3.3). Population pharmacokinetic analysis showed a fair dispersion of the parameters mainly influenced by renal function. Despite this variability, patients remained aviremic during VGC prophylaxis. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia (grade 2-4) were reported in 4% and 3% of patients respectively. During follow-up, asymptomatic CMV viremia was reported in 25% patients. One year after transplantation, 12% patients (all D+/R-) had developed a CMV disease, which was treated with a therapeutic 6-week course of oral VGC. Conclusion: Average GCV blood levels after oral administration of low-dose VGC in kidney transplant recipients were comparable to those previously reported with oral GCV prophylaxis, efficacious and well tolerated. Thus, a 3-month course of low-dose VGC is appropriate for the renal function of most kidney transplant recipients.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and aortic and carotid vessel wall thickness (VWT) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hypertension as compared with healthy adult volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local medical ethics approval was obtained and the participants gave informed consent. Fifteen patients with hypertension (5 men and 10 women; mean [SD] age, 49 [14] years) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were prospectively included and compared. All participants underwent MRI examination for measuring aortic and carotid VWT and aortic PWV with well-validated MRI techniques at 1.5- and 3-T MRI systems: PWV was assessed from velocity-encoded MRI and VWT was assessed by using dual-inversion black-blood gradient-echo imaging techniques. Paired t tests were used for testing differences between the volunteers and the patients and Pearson correlation (r) and univariable and multivariable stepwise linear regression analyses were used to test associations between aortic and carotid arterial wall thickness and stiffness. RESULTS: Mean values for aortic PWV and aortic and carotid VWT (indexed for body surface area [BSA]) were all significantly higher in patients with hypertension as compared with the healthy volunteers (ie, aortic PWV, 7.0 ± 1.4 m/s vs 5.7 ± 1.3 m/s; aortic VWT/BSA, 0.12 ± 0.03 mL/m vs 0.10 ± 0.03 mL/m; carotid VWT/BSA, 0.04 ± 0.01 mL/m vs 0.03 ± 0.01 mL/m; all P < 0.01). Aortic PWV was highly correlated with aortic VWT/BSA (r = 0.76 and P = 0.002 in the patients vs r = 0.63 and P = 0.02 in the volunteers), and in the patients, aortic PWV was moderately correlated with carotid VWT/BSA (r = 0.50; P = 0.04). In the volunteers, correlation between aortic PWV and carotid VWT/BSA was not significant (r = 0.40; P = 0.13). In addition, aortic VWT/BSA was significantly correlated with carotid VWT/BSA, in both the patients (r = 0.60; P = 0.005) and volunteers (r = 0.57; P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: In the patients with hypertension and the healthy volunteers, the aortic PWV is associated more strongly with aortic wall thickness than with carotid wall thickness, reflecting site-specific coupling between vascular wall thickness and function.
Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are complex traits representing major global health problems. Multiple genome-wide association studies have identified common variants in the promoter of the UMOD gene, which encodes uromodulin, the major protein secreted in normal urine, that cause independent susceptibility to CKD and hypertension. Despite compelling genetic evidence for the association between UMOD risk variants and disease susceptibility in the general population, the underlying biological mechanism is not understood. Here, we demonstrate that UMOD risk variants increased UMOD expression in vitro and in vivo. Uromodulin overexpression in transgenic mice led to salt-sensitive hypertension and to the presence of age-dependent renal lesions similar to those observed in elderly individuals homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants. The link between uromodulin and hypertension is due to activation of the renal sodium cotransporter NKCC2. We demonstrated the relevance of this mechanism in humans by showing that pharmacological inhibition of NKCC2 was more effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients who are homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants than in other hypertensive patients. Our findings link genetic susceptibility to hypertension and CKD to the level of uromodulin expression and uromodulin's effect on salt reabsorption in the kidney. These findings point to uromodulin as a therapeutic target for lowering blood pressure and preserving renal function.
Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease remains an important cause of morbidity after kidney transplantation and has been associated with acute rejection, graft loss and other indirect effects. A 3-month course of VGC prophylaxis reduces the incidence of CMV disease. However, little is known about the indirect effects of lateonset CMV disease after VGC prophylaxis. Objective: To evaluate the impact and indirect consequences of late-onset CMV disease after VGC prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 61 consecutive adult kidney transplant recipient with positive CMV serology (donor or recipient) who received VGC prophylaxis for 3 months and completed a follow-up of at least 2 years post-transplantation. Patients who developed CMV disease within 1 year after transplantation were compared to CMV disease-free patients for renal function (plasma creatinine values) at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months and for the incidence of graft loss, acute rejection, diabetes, cancer and opportunistic infections. Results: 8/61 (13%) patients developed CMV disease at a median of 131 days after transplantation (range: 98-220). The CMV incidence in D+/R- high risk patients was 6/18 (33%), while it was 2/43 (5%) in intermediate-risk patients (p < 0.01). All 8 patients were treated by oral valganciclovir (median 39 days; range: 19-119) with a complete resolution of CMV disease. As shown in the figure, there was no difference in creatinine values between the two groups at any time during follow-up. There was no graft loss, and the incidence of acute rejection, cancer and opportunistic infections did not differ between the two groups. The incidence of post-transplant diabetes was higher (38% vs 15%) in patients with CMV disease, but this difference was not significant (p = 0.4). Conclusions: An incidence of 13% of late-onset CMV disease was observed despite 3 months VGC prophylaxis. However, no indirect consequences were found. Moreover, therapy of CMV disease by oral VGC was effective and safe. Larger trials are needed to study whether late-onset CMV disease is associated with indirect consequences, as described with early-onset CMV.
In AKI, dying renal cells release intracellular molecules that stimulate immune cells to secrete proinflammatory cytokines, which trigger leukocyte recruitment and renal inflammation. Whether the release of histones, specifically, from dying cells contributes to the inflammation of AKI is unknown. In this study, we found that dying tubular epithelial cells released histones into the extracellular space, which directly interacted with Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 (TLR2) and TLR4 to induce MyD88, NF-κB, and mitogen activated protein kinase signaling. Extracellular histones also had directly toxic effects on renal endothelial cells and tubular epithelial cells in vitro. In addition, direct injection of histones into the renal arteries of mice demonstrated that histones induce leukocyte recruitment, microvascular vascular leakage, renal inflammation, and structural features of AKI in a TLR2/TLR4-dependent manner. Antihistone IgG, which neutralizes the immunostimulatory effects of histones, suppressed intrarenal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, and tubular cell necrosis and improved excretory renal function. In summary, the release of histones from dying cells aggravates AKI via both its direct toxicity to renal cells and its proinflammatory effects. Because the induction of proinflammatory cytokines in dendritic cells requires TLR2 and TLR4, these results support the concept that renal damage triggers an innate immune response, which contributes to the pathogenesis of AKI.
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated to a higher stroke risk. Anemia is a common consequence of CKD, and is also a possible risk factor for cerebrovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine if anemia and CKD are independent risk factors for mortality after stroke. METHODS: This historic cohort study was based on a stroke registry and included patients treated for a first clinical stroke in the stroke unit of one academic hospital over a three-year period. Mortality predictors comprised demographic characteristics, CKD, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), anemia and other stroke risk factors. GFR was estimated by means of the simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula. Renal function was assessed according to the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI)-CKD classification in five groups. A value of hemoglobin < 120 g/L in women and < 130 g/L in men on admission defined anemia. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox models were used to describe and analyze one-year survival. RESULTS: Among 890 adult stroke patients, the mean (Standard Deviation) calculated GFR was 64.3 (17.8) ml/min/1.73 m2 and 17% had anemia. Eighty-two (10%) patients died during the first year after discharge. Among those, 50 (61%) had K/DOQI CKD stages 3 to 5 and 32 (39%) stages 1 or 2 (p < 0.001). Anemia was associated with an increased risk of death one year after discharge (p < 0.001). After adjustment for other factors, a higher hemoglobin level was independently associated with decreased mortality one year after discharge [hazard ratio (95% CI) 0.98 (0.97-1.00)]. CONCLUSIONS: Both CKD and anemia are frequent among stroke patients and are potential risk factors for decreased one-year survival. The inclusion of patients with a first-ever clinical stroke only and the determination of anemia based on one single measure, on admission, constitute limitations to the external validity. We should investigate if an early detection and management of both CKD and anemia could improve survival in stroke patients.