218 resultados para Invasive insect
Risk maps summarizing landscape suitability of novel areas for invading species can be valuable tools for preventing species' invasions or controlling their spread, but methods employed for development of such maps remain variable and unstandardized. We discuss several considerations in development of such models, including types of distributional information that should be used, the nature of explanatory variables that should be incorporated, and caveats regarding model testing and evaluation. We highlight that, in the case of invasive species, such distributional predictions should aim to derive the best hypothesis of the potential distribution of the species by using (1) all distributional information available, including information from both the native range and other invaded regions; (2) predictors linked as directly as is feasible to the physiological requirements of the species; and (3) modelling procedures that carefully avoid overfitting to the training data. Finally, model testing and evaluation should focus on well-predicted presences, and less on efficient prediction of absences; a k-fold regional cross-validation test is discussed.
Abstract The giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) has successfully invaded 19 European countries as well as parts of North America. It has become a problematic species due to its ability to displace native flora and to cause public health hazards. Applying population genetics to species invasion can help reconstruct invasion history and may promote more efficient management practice. We thus analysed levels of genetic variation and population genetic structure of H. mantegazzianum in an invaded area of the western Swiss Alps as well as in its native range (the Caucasus), using eight nuclear microsatellite loci together with plastid DNA markers and sequences. On both nuclear and plastid genomes, native populations exhibited significantly higher levels of genetic diversity compared to invasive populations, confirming an important founder event during the invasion process. Invasive populations were also significantly more differentiated than native populations. Bayesian clustering analysis identified five clusters in the native range that corresponded to geographically and ecologically separated groups. In the invaded range, 10 clusters occurred. Unlike native populations, invasive clusters were characterized by a mosaic pattern in the landscape, possibly caused by anthropogenic dispersal of the species via roads and direct collection for ornamental purposes. Lastly, our analyses revealed four main divergent groups in the western Swiss Alps, likely as a consequence of multiple independent establishments of H. mantegazzianum.
The induction of plant defences and their subsequent suppression by insects is thought to be an important factor in the evolutionary arms race between plants and herbivores. Although insect oral secretions (OS) contain elicitors that trigger plant immunity, little is known about the suppressors of plant defences. The Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome was analysed in response to wounding and OS treatment. The expression of several wound-inducible genes was suppressed after the application of OS from two lepidopteran herbivores, Pieris brassicae and Spodoptera littoralis. This inhibition was correlated with enhanced S. littoralis larval growth, pointing to an effective role of insect OS in suppressing plant defences. Two genes, an ERF/AP2 transcription factor and a proteinase inhibitor, were then studied in more detail. OS-induced suppression lasted for at least 48 h, was independent of the jasmonate or salicylate pathways, and was not due to known elicitors. Interestingly, insect OS attenuated leaf water loss, suggesting that insects have evolved mechanisms to interfere with the induction of water-stress-related defences.
Rapport de synthèse1. Partie de laboratoireCette première étude décrit le développement et la validation, selon les standards internationaux, de deux techniques de mesure des concentrations sanguines de voriconazole, un nouvel agent antifongique à large spectre: 1) la chromatographic en phase liquide à haute pression et 2) le bio-essai utilisant une souche mutante de Candida hypersensible au voriconazole. Ce travail a aussi permis de mettre en évidence une importante et imprévisible variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle des concentrations sanguines de voriconazole malgré l'utilisation des doses recommandées par le fabriquant. Ce travail a été publié dans un journal avec "peer-review": "Variability of voriconazole plasma levels measured by new high- performance liquid chromatography and bioassay methods" by A. Pascual, V. Nieth, T. Calandra, J. Bille, S. Bolay, L.A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, P.A. Majcherczyk, D. Sanglard, 0. Marchetti. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, 2007; 51:137-432. Partie CliniqueCette deuxième étude a évalué de façon prospective l'impact clinique des concentrations sanguines de voriconazole sur l'efficacité et sécurité thérapeutique chez des patients atteints d'infections fongiques. Des concentrations sanguines élevées étaient significativement associés à la survenue d'une toxicité neurologique (encéphalopathie avec confusion, hallucinations et myoclonies) et des concentrations sanguines basses à une réponse insuffisante au traitement antifongique (persistance ou progression des signes cliniques et radiologiques de l'infection). Dans la majorité des cas, un ajustement de la dose de voriconazole, sur la base des concentrations mesurées, a abouti à une récupération neurologique complète ou à une résolution de l'infection, respectivement. Ce travail a été publié dans un journal avec "peer-review": " Voriconazole Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Patients with Invasive Mycoses Improves Efficacy and Safety Outcomes" by A. Pascual, T. Calandra, S. Bolay, T. Buclin, J. Bille, and O. Marchetti. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2008 January 15; 46(2): 201-11.Ces deux études, financées de façon conjointe par un "grant" international de la Société suisse d'infectiologie et la Société internationale de maladies infectieuses et par la Fondation pour le progrès en microbiologie médicale et maladies infectieuses (FAMMID, Lausanne), ont été réalisées au sein du Service des Maladies Infectieuses, Département de Médecine, au CHUV, en étroite collaboration avec la Division de Pharmacologie Clinique, Département de Médecine, au CHUV et l'Institut de Microbiologie du CHUV et de l'Université de Lausanne.
We report the case of a young woman who presented with an acute fulminant meningoencephalitis as the first sign of an invasive pituitary macroadenoma. This rare and dramatic complication is described in detail, and the different management steps, from the lumbar puncture to the bifrontal craniectomy, are discussed. In conclusion, this clinical presentation highlights the importance of early diagnosis and urgent management of this uncommon complication.
Caspofungin at standard dose was evaluated as first-line monotherapy of mycologically documented probable/proven invasive aspergillosis (IA) (unmodified European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group criteria) in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients. The primary efficacy end point was complete or partial response at end of caspofungin treatment. Response at week 12, survival and safety were additional end points. Enrollment was stopped prematurely because of low accrual, with 42 enrolled and 24 eligible, giving the study a power of 85%. Transplant was from unrelated donors in 16 patients; acute or chronic GVHD was present in 15. In all, 12 patients were neutropenic (<500/microl) at baseline, 10 received steroids and 16 calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus. Median duration of caspofungin treatment was 24 days. At the end of caspofungin therapy, 10 (42%) patients had complete or partial response (95% confidence interval: 22-63%); 1 (4%) and 12 (50%) had stable and progressing disease, respectively; one was not evaluable. At week 12, eight patients (33%) had complete or partial response. Survival rates at week 6 and 12 were 79 and 50%, respectively. No patient had a drug-related serious adverse event or discontinued because of toxicity. Caspofungin first-line therapy was effective and well tolerated in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients with mycologically documented IA.
As culture-based methods for the diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases (IFD) in leukemia and hematopoietic SCT patients have limited performance, non-culture methods are increasingly being used. The third European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL-3) meeting aimed at establishing evidence-based recommendations for the use of biological tests in adult patients, based on the grading system of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The following biomarkers were investigated as screening tests: galactomannan (GM) for invasive aspergillosis (IA); β-glucan (BG) for invasive candidiasis (IC) and IA; Cryptococcus Ag for cryptococcosis; mannan (Mn) Ag/anti-mannan (A-Mn) Ab for IC, and PCR for IA. Testing for GM, Cryptococcus Ag and BG are included in the revised EORTC/MSG (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group) consensus definitions for IFD. Strong evidence supports the use of GM in serum (A II), and Cryptococcus Ag in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (A II). Evidence is moderate for BG detection in serum (B II), and the combined Mn/A-Mn testing in serum for hepatosplenic candidiasis (B III) and candidemia (C II). No recommendations were formulated for the use of PCR owing to a lack of standardization and clinical validation. Clinical utility of these markers for the early management of IFD should be further assessed in prospective randomized interventional studies.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a North American tree that is rapidly invading European forests. This species was introduced first as an ornamental plant, then it was massively planted by foresters in many countries, but its origins and the process of invasion remain poorly documented. Based on a genetic survey of both native and invasive ranges, the invasion history of black cherry was investigated by identifying putative source populations and then assessing the importance of multiple introductions on the maintenance of gene diversity. METHODS: Genetic variability and structure of 23 populations from the invasive range and 22 populations from the native range were analysed using eight nuclear microsatellite loci and five chloroplast DNA regions. KEY RESULTS: Chloroplast DNA diversity suggests there were multiple introductions from a single geographic region (the north-eastern United States). A low reduction of genetic diversity was observed in the invasive range for both nuclear and plastid genomes. High propagule pressure including both the size and number of introductions shaped the genetic structure in Europe and boosted genetic diversity. Populations from Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany showed high genetic diversity and low differentiation among populations, supporting the hypothesis that numerous introduction events, including multiple individuals and exchanges between sites, have taken place during two centuries of plantation. CONCLUSIONS: This study postulates that the invasive black cherry has originated from east of the Appalachian Mountains (mainly the Allegheny plateau) and its invasiveness in north-western Europe is mainly due to multiple introductions containing high numbers of individuals.
Plants activate direct and indirect defenses in response to insect egg deposition. In Arabidopsis thaliana, oviposition by the butterfly Pieris brassicae triggers cellular and molecular changes that are similar to the changes caused by biotrophic pathogens. Even though this innate immune response did not affect egg survival in Arabidopsis, we could show that different insect eggs elicit specific gene expression changes. Additionally, egg- induced necrosis could be observed in a variety of plants from different families ranging from dicotyledonous plants to monocots, suggesting that insect-egg detection by plants is a widespread mechanism and that different insect species contain elicitors of immune responses. Extracts from caterpillars and eggs contain elicitors that co-purified over several extraction steps. Chemical fractionation of caterpillar extracts lead to the characterisation of an active compound that was determined to be a triglyceride by NMR analysis. The exact structure of the side chains as well as the elicitor's presence in insect eggs have yet to be confirmed.We also found that the plant defense signal salicylic acid (SA) accumulates at the site of oviposition. This is unexpected, as the SA pathway controls the defense against fungal and bacterial pathogens whereas it negatively interacts with the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway, which is crucial for the defense against herbivores. Application of P. brassicae or Spodoptera littoralis egg extract onto leaves reduced the induction of insect-responsive genes after challenge with caterpillars, suggesting that egg-derived elicitors suppress plant defense. Consequently, larval growth of the generalist herbivore S. littoralis, but not of the specialist P. brassicae, was significantly higher on plants treated with egg extract than on control plants. In contrast, suppression of gene induction and enhanced S. littoralis performance were not found in the SA-deficient mutant sid2-l, indicating that SA mediates this phenomenon. These data reveal an intriguing facet of the crosstalk between SA- and JA-signalling pathways and suggest that insects have evolved a way to suppress the induction of defense genes by laying eggs that release elicitors. Additionally, we demonstrated that mutants of known crosstalk regulators, including nprl-1, tga2356, ein2-l and wrky70-l, are not affected in egg-induced suppression of herbivore defenses. JA treatment was not able to alleviate this SA/JA negative crosstalk, suggesting that this suppression operates through a novel mechanism downstream of JA biosynthesis.
Introduction : Les carcinomes de la conjonctive sont les tumeurs oculaires épithéliales des plus fréquentes. Ces tumeurs peuvent se limiter à la membrane basale ou l'envahir pour devenir des tumeurs invasifs. Le diagnostic différentiel entre tumeurs intra‐épithéliales (CIN) et invasifs est exclusivement fait histologiquement. Le but de la présente étude est de définir les caractéristiques cliniques qui sont en faveur du diagnostic d'une CIN ou d'un carcinome invasif afin de améliorer le traitement. Méthode : étude rétrospective des carcinomes de la conjonctive examinés et traités à la Clinique Ophtalmologique Universitaire de Lausanne. Au total 100 dossiers de patients sont étudiés : divers signes cliniques sont notés et analysé selon le type de tumeur (intra‐épithélial et invasif). Résultats : 20 des tumeurs étudié étaient invasifs et 80 intra‐épihteliales, avec une moyenne d'âge de 65 ans. La lésion conjonctivale était localisée pour 40 cas sur 100 dans la région nasale, 22 temporale, 7 inférieures, 3 supérieurs. La forme gélatineuse de la tumeur se présente dans 36 cas sur 100 avec une fréquence relative de 17% en tumeur invasive et 83% en CIN. La forme nodulaire apparait dans 26 cas sur 100 avec 15% en tumeurs invasive et 85% en CIN. La forme papillaire elle se trouve dans 17 cas sur 100 avec 24% invasif et 76% CIN. 21 cas sur 100 sont de type diffus avec 29% invasif et 71% CIN. La kératine était présente dans 40 cas sur 100 avec 23% dans la tumeur invasive et 77% dans CIN. La cornée était touchée dans 74 cas sur 100 avec 20% des cas invasifs et 80% CIN. La taille la plus commune avec 57 cas sur 100 cas est la petite, 21 cas étaient de taille moyenne et 22 cas de taille volumineuse. La grande partie des tumeurs se présente avec un vasodilatation et 45 tumeurs avaient un vascularisation des muscles rectilignes VxR (18% invasif et 82% CIN), 25 cas avaient une vascularisation conjonctivale VxC (0% invasif et 100% CIN), et 30 cas plutôt une vascularisation mixte VxM (33% invasif et 67% CIN). On a trouvé qu'une vasodilatation de la vascularisation mixte (P=0,0294) est statistiquement significative pour caractériser une tumeur invasive et une vasodilatation de la vascularisation de la conjonctive est indicatif pour diagnostiquer un CIN (P=0,0159). La taille de la tumeur joue aussi un rôle important ; dans notre cas la taille volumineuse est statistiquement significative pour déterminer le risque d'avoir une tumeur invasive (P=0,0234). Conclusion : Pour le moment l'excision de la lésion est la méthode la plus plausible pour différencier les carcinomes de la conjonctive. Différents critères permettent de suspecter si la tumeur est invasive ou un CIN, mais ils ne sont pas suffisamment forts pour baser la décision thérapeutique là dessus.
Fit produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is a novel insect toxin in root colonizing pseudomonads, of which a homologue is described in Photorhabdus species.However, occurrence and abundance of insect pathogenicity in plant-associated pseudomonads is still unclear. An extensive screening outside the P. fluorescens complex identified strains of Pseudomonas chlororaphis as further Fit toxin producing candidates. Sequences of five different P. chlororaphis strains generated in this study were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Fit toxin gene and to analyse its mode of evolution. We found that P. chlororaphis is closely associated with a small subgroup of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and pyoluteorin- producing pseudomonads, both when analyzing four housekeeping genes and the nucleotide sequences for the Fit toxin gene. Additionally, we identified purifying selection to be the predominant mode of Fit toxin evolution.