329 resultados para Fungal exposure


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Measurements and simulations were performed to assess workers' exposure to solvent vapors and aerosols during the waterproofing of a tiled surface. This investigation followed two recent incidents in the same company where workers experienced acute respiratory illness after spraying a stain-repellent resin containing fluorinated polymers on stone-tiled walls and floors. Because the waterproofing activity had been done for years at the tile company without encountering any exposure problems prior to these cases, it was strongly suspected that the incidents were linked to a recent change in the composition of the coating mixture. Experimental measurements and simulations indicated that the emission rate of particles smaller than 10 microm may be estimated at 0.66 mg/sec (SD 0.10) for the old resin and at 0.37 mg/sec (SD 0.04) for the new one. The measurement of the solvent emission rate from surfaces coated with the two resins indicated that shortly after spraying, the emission was in the range of 18 to 20 mg/sec x m2 and was similar for both products. Solvent and overspray emission rates were introduced in a two-zone compartment model. The results obtained in the near-field indicate significant exposure to overspray mist (7 and 34 mg/m3 for new resin) and solvent vapors (80 to 350 ppm for the new resin). It was also shown that the introduction of the new resin tended to significantly decrease the levels of solvents and particulates in the workers' breathing zone. These results strongly suggest that cases of acute respiratory illness are related to the specific toxicity of the fluorinated polymer itself. The fact that the same polymer is used in various commercial products raises concern regarding other possible occupational and domestic exposures.


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BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal infection (IFI) is associated with high mortality after heart transplantation (HTx). After two undiagnosed fatal cases of early disseminated fungal infections in our heart transplant program, a retrospective analysis was conducted to identify risk factors for the development of IFI and implement a new antifungal prophylaxis policy. METHODS: Clinical characteristics of HTx recipients hospitalized in our center (2004-2010) were recorded (Period 1), and risk factors associated with IFI were investigated using Cox regression analysis. From October 2010 to October 2012 (Period 2), targeted caspofungin prophylaxis was administered to all recipients at high risk for IFI, based on the results of the Period 1 analysis. RESULTS: During Period 1, 10% (6/59) of the patients developed IFI at a median onset of 9 days after transplantation. By multivariate analysis, the use of posttransplant extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was the strongest predictor for fungal infection (OR, 29.93; 95% CI, 1.51-592.57, P=0.03), whereas renal replacement therapy (RRT) and Aspergillus colonization were significant predictors only by univariate analysis. During Period 2, only 4% (1/26) of the patients developed IFI. In patients at high risk for IFI, antifungal prophylaxis was administered to 17% (4/23) in Period 1 versus 100% (13/13) in Period 2 (P<0.01). By survival analysis, antifungal prophylaxis was associated with a reduction in 90-day IFI incidence (HR, 0.14; 95% CI, 0.03-0.84, P=0.03) and 30-day mortality (HR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.09-0.8, P=0.02). CONCLUSION: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was identified an important risk factor for IFI after HTx, and its use may require targeted administration of antifungal prophylaxis in the immediate posttransplant period.


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The likelihood of significant exposure to drugs in infants through breast milk is poorly defined, given the difficulties of conducting pharmacokinetics (PK) studies. Using fluoxetine (FX) as an example, we conducted a proof-of-principle study applying population PK (popPK) modeling and simulation to estimate drug exposure in infants through breast milk. We simulated data for 1,000 mother-infant pairs, assuming conservatively that the FX clearance in an infant is 20% of the allometrically adjusted value in adults. The model-generated estimate of the milk-to-plasma ratio for FX (mean: 0.59) was consistent with those reported in other studies. The median infant-to-mother ratio of FX steady-state plasma concentrations predicted by the simulation was 8.5%. Although the disposition of the active metabolite, norfluoxetine, could not be modeled, popPK-informed simulation may be valid for other drugs, particularly those without active metabolites, thereby providing a practical alternative to conventional PK studies for exposure risk assessment in this population.


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Concerns have been raised about the use of topical retinoids since the publication of isolated cases of characteristic retinoid embryopathy, originally described after oral use. A collaborative study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services was carried out to evaluate the rate of congenital malformations following first-trimester topical retinoid exposure. A population of 235 exposed pregnant women was compared with 444 controls. No significant differences were observed between groups with regard to the rates of spontaneous abortion (odds ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.5 [0.8-2.7]), minor birth defects (1.3 [0.4-3.7]), and major birth defects (1.8 [0.6-5.4]). No child showed features of retinoid embryopathy. The rate of elective termination in the exposed group was increased 3-fold (3.4 [1.5-7.8]). In conclusion, these results do not suggest an increased risk of retinoid embryopathy. However, according to current knowledge, topical retinoids cannot be advised for use during pregnancy because their risk/benefit ratio remains questionable.


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Existing antifungal agents are still confronted to activities limited to specific fungal species and to the development of resistance. Several improvements are possible either by tackling and overcoming resistance or exacerbating the activity of existing antifungal agents. In Candida glabrata, azole resistance is almost exclusively mediated by ABC transporters (including C. glabrata CDR1 [CgCDR1] and CgCDR2) via gain-of-function mutations in the transcriptional activator CgPDR1 or by mitochondrial dysfunctions. We also observed that azole resistance was correlating with increasing virulence and fitness of C. glabrata in animal models of infection. This observation motivated the re-exploitation of ABC transporter inhibitors as a possible therapeutic intervention to decrease not only the development of azole resistance but also to interfere with the virulence of C. glabrata. Milbemycins are known ABC transporter inhibitors, and here we used commercially available milbemycin A3/A4 oxim derivatives to verify this effect. As expected, the derivatives were inhibiting C. glabrata efflux with the highest activity for A3 oxim below 1 μg/ml. More surprising was that oxim derivatives had intrinsic fungicidal activity above 3.2 μg/ml, thus highlighting effects additional to the efflux inhibition. Similar values were obtained with C. albicans. Our data show that the fungicidal activity could be related to reactive oxygen species formation in these species. Transcriptional analysis performed both in C. glabrata and C. albicans exposed to A3 oxim highlighted a core of commonly regulated genes involved in stress responses, including genes involved in oxidoreductive processes, protein ubiquitination, and vesicle trafficking, as well as mitogen-activated protein kinases. However, the transcript profiles contained also species-specific signatures. Following these observations, experimental treatments of invasive infections were performed in mice treated with the commercial A3/A4 oxim preparation alone or in combination with fluconazole. Tissue burden analysis revealed that oxims on their own were able to decrease fungal burdens in both Candida species. In azole-resistant isolates, oxims acted synergistically in vivo with fluconazole to reduce fungal burden to levels of azole-susceptible isolates. In conclusion, we show here the potential of milbemycins not only as drug efflux inhibitors but also as effective fungal growth inhibitors in C. glabrata and C. albicans.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an ecologically important group of fungi. Previous studies showed the presence of divergent copies of beta-tubulin and V-type vacuolar H+-ATPase genes in AMF genomes and suggested horizontal gene transfer from host plants or mycoparasites to AMF. We sequenced these genes from DNA isolated from an in vitro cultured isolate of Glomus intraradices that was free of any obvious contaminants. We found two highly variable beta-tubulin sequences and variable H+-ATPase sequences. Despite this high variation, comparison of the sequences with those in gene banks supported a glomeromycotan origin of G. intraradices beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase sequences. Thus, our results are in sharp contrast with the previously reported polyphyletic origin of those genes. We present evidence that some highly divergent sequences of beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase deposited in the databases are likely to be contaminants. We therefore reject the prediction of horizontal transfer to AMF genomes. High differences in GC content between glomeromycotan sequences and sequences grouping in other lineages are shown and we suggest they can be used as an indicator to detect such contaminants. H+-ATPase phylogeny gave unexpected results and failed to resolve fungi as a natural group. beta-Tubulin phylogeny supported Glomeromeromycota as sister group of the Chytridiomycota. Contrasts between our results and trees previously generated using rDNA sequences are discussed.


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An assessment of wood workers' exposure to airborne cultivable bacteria, fungi, inhalable endotoxins and inhalable organic dust was performed at 12 sawmills that process mainly coniferous wood species. In each plant, samples were collected at four or five different work sites (debarking, sawing, sorting, planing and sawing cockpit) and the efficiency of sampling devices (impinger or filter) for determining endotoxins levels was evaluated. Results show that fungi are present in very high concentrations (up to 35 000 CFU m(-3)) in all sawmills. We also find that there are more bioaerosols at the sorting work site (mean +/- SD: 7723 +/- 9919 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 614 +/- 902 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 19 438 +/- 14 246 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 7.0 +/- 9.0 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 2.9 +/- 4.8 g m(-3) for dust) than at the sawing station (mean +/- SD: 1938 +/- 2478 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 141 +/- 206 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 12 207 +/- 10 008 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 2.1 +/- 1.9 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 0.75 +/- 0.49 mg m(-3) for dust). At the same time, the species composition and concentration of airborne Gram-negative bacteria were studied. Penicillinium sp. were the predominant fungi, while Bacillus sp. and the Pseudomonadacea family were the predominant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria encountered, respectively. [Authors]


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RésuméLes champignons sont impliqués dans les cycles biogéochimiques de différentes manières. En particulier, ils sont reconnus en tant qu'acteurs clés dans la dégradation de la matière organique, comme fournisseurs d'éléments nutritifs via l'altération des minéraux mais aussi comme grands producteurs d'acide oxalique et de complexes oxalo-métalliques. Toutefois, peu de choses sont connues quant à leur contribution à la genèse d'autres types de minéraux, tel que le carbonate de calcium (CaCO3). Le CaCO3 est un minéral ubiquiste dans de nombreux écosystèmes et il joue un rôle essentiel dans les cycles biogéochimiques du carbone (C) et du calcium (Ca). Le CaCO3 peut être d'origine physico-chimique ou biogénique et de nombreux organismes sont connus pour contrôler ou induire sa biominéralisation. Les champignons ont souvent été soupçonnés d'être impliqué dans ce processus, cependant il existe très peu d'informations pour étayer cette hypothèse.Cette thèse a eu pour but l'étude de cet aspect négligé de l'impact des champignons dans les cycles biogéochimiques, par l'exploration de leur implication potentielle dans la formation d'un type particulier de CaCO3 secondaires observés dans les sols et dans les grottes des environnements calcaires. Dans les grottes, ces dépôts sont appelés moonmilk, alors que dans les sols on les appelle calcite en aiguilles. Cependant ces deux descriptions correspondent en fait au même assemblage microscopique de deux habitus particulier de la calcite: la calcite en aiguilles (au sens strict du terme cette fois-ci) et les nanofibres. Ces deux éléments sont des habitus aciculaires de la calcite, mais présentent des dimensions différentes. Leur origine, physico-chimique ou biologique, est l'objet de débats intenses depuis plusieurs années déjà.L'observation d'échantillons environnementaux avec des techniques de microscopie (microscopie électronique et micromorphologie), ainsi que de la microanalyse EDX, ont démontré plusieurs relations intéressantes entre la calcite en aiguilles, les nanofibres et des éléments organiques. Premièrement, il est montré que les nanofibres peuvent être organiques ou minérales. Deuxièmement, la calcite en aiguilles et les nanofibres présentent de fortes analogies avec des structures hyphales, ce qui permet de confirmer l'hypothèse de leur origine fongique. En outre, des expériences en laboratoire ont confirmé l'origine fongique des nanofibres, par des digestions enzymatiques d'hyphes fongiques. En effet, des structures à base de nanofibres, similaires à celles observées dans des échantillons naturels, ont pu être produites par cette approche. Finalement, des enrichissements en calcium ont été mesurés dans les parois des hyphes et dans des inclusions intrahyphales provenant d'échantillons naturels de rhizomorphes. Ces résultats suggèrent une implication de la séquestration de calcium dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et/ou des nanofibres.Plusieurs aspects restent à élucider, en particulier la compréhension des processus physiologiques impliqués dans la nucléation de calcite dans les hyphes fongiques. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse ont permis de confirmer l'implication des champignons dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et des nanofibres. Ces découvertes sont d'une grande importance dans les cycles biogéochimiques puisqu'ils apportent de nouveaux éléments dans le cycle couplé C-Ca. Classiquement, les champignons sont considérés comme étant impliqués principalement dans la minéralisation de la matière organique et dans l'altération minérale. Cette étude démontre que les champignons doivent aussi être pris en compte en tant qu'agents majeurs de la genèse de minéraux, en particulier de CaCO3. Ceci représente une toute nouvelle perspective en géomycologie quant à la participation des champignons au cycle biologique du C. En effet, la présence de ces précipitations de CaCO3 secondaires représente un court-circuit dans le cycle biologique du C puisque du C inorganique du sol se retrouve piégé dans de la calcite plutôt que d'être retourné dans l'atmosphère.AbstractFungi are known to be involved in biogeochemical cycles in numerous ways. In particular, they are recognized as key players in organic matter recycling, as nutrient suppliers via mineral weathering, as well as large producers of oxalic acid and metal-oxalate. However, little is known about their contribution to the genesis of other types of minerals such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Yet, CaC03 are ubiquitous minerals in many ecosystems and play an essential role in the biogeochemical cycles of both carbon (C) and calcium (Ca). CaC03 may be physicochemical or biogenic in origin and numerous organisms have been recognized to control or induce calcite biomineralization. While fungi have often been suspected to be involved in this process, only scarce information support this hypothesis.This Ph.D. thesis aims at investigating this disregarded aspect of fungal impact on biogeochemical cycles by exploring their possible implication in the formation of a particular type of secondary CaC03 deposit ubiquitously observed in soils and caves from calcareous environments. In caves, these deposits are known as moonmilk, whereas in soils, they are known as Needle Fibre Calcite (NFC - sensu lato). However, they both correspond to the same microscopic assemblage of two distinct and unusual habits of calcite: NFC {sensu stricto) and nanofibres. Both features are acicular habits of calcite displaying different dimensions. Whether these habits are physicochemical or biogenic in origin has been under discussion for a long time.Observations of natural samples using microscopic techniques (electron microscopy and micromorphology) and EDX microanalyses have demonstrated several interesting relationships between NFC, nanofibres, and organic features. First, it has shown that nanofibres can be either organic or minera! in nature. Second, both nanofibres and NFC display strong structural analogies with fungal hyphal features, supporting their fungal origin. Furthermore, laboratory experiments have confirmed the fungal origin of nanofibres through an enzymatic digestion of fungal hyphae. Indeed, structures made of nanofibres with similar features as those observed in natural samples have been produced. Finally, calcium enrichments have been measured in both cell walls and intrahyphal inclusions of hyphae from rhizomorphs sampled in the natural environment. These results point out an involvement of calcium sequestration in nanofibres and/or NFC genesis.Several aspects need further investigation, in particular the understanding of the physiological processes involved in hyphal calcite nucleation. However, the results obtained during this study have allowed the confirmation of the implication of fungi in the formation of both NFC and nanofibres. These findings are of great importance regarding global biogeochemical cycles as they bring new insights into the coupled C and Ca cycles. Conventionally, fungi are considered to be involved in organic matter mineralization and mineral weathering. In this study, we demonstrate that they must also be considered as major agents in mineral genesis, in particular CaC03. This is a completely new perspective in geomycology regarding the role of fungi in the short-term (or biological) C cycle. Indeed, the presence of these secondary CaC03 precipitations represents a bypass in the short- term carbon cycle, as soil inorganic C is not readily returned to the atmosphere.


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The number of pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive therapy is increasing. Use of immunosuppressants during pregnancy is indicated for anti-rejection therapy in transplantation patients and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Despite the maternal and fetal risks of these pregnancies, the proportion of surviving infants is improving and the possibility that a pregnancy could occur in these women during their childbearing years should be considered. All immunosuppressant drugs and their metabolites cross the placenta, raising questions about the long-term outcome of the children exposed to these agents in utera. There is no increased risk of congenital anomalies. However, there is an elevated incidence of prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and therefore low birthweight, as well as maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. The most frequent neonatal complications are those associated with prematurity and IUGR, as well as adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids, immunological disturbances with azathioprine and cyclosporin, and hyperkalemia with tacrolimus. The long-term follow-up of infants exposed to immunosuppressants in utero is still limited and experimental studies raise the question whether there could be an increased incidence at adult age of some pathologies including renal insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes. The follow-up of these infants should be carefully organized and multidisciplinary, taking the perinatal context into account.


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Members of the genus Sphingomonas are important catalysts for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil, but their activity can be affected by various stress factors. This study examines the physiological and genome-wide transcription response of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 in biofilms to solute stress (invoked by 450 mM NaCl solution), either as an acute (4-h) or a chronic (3-day) exposure. The degree of membrane fatty acid saturation was increased as a response to chronic stress. Oxygen consumption in the biofilms and phenanthrene mineralization activities of biofilm cells were, however, not significantly affected after imposing either acute or chronic stress. This finding was in agreement with the transcriptomic data, since genes involved in PAH degradation were not differentially expressed in stressed conditions compared to nonstressed conditions. The transcriptomic data suggest that LH128 adapts to NaCl stress by (i) increasing the expression of genes coping with osmolytic and ionic stress such as biosynthesis of compatible solutes and regulation of ion homeostasis, (ii) increasing the expression of genes involved in general stress response, (iii) changing the expression of general and specific regulatory functions, and (iv) decreasing the expression of protein synthesis such as proteins involved in motility. Differences in gene expression between cells under acute and chronic stress suggest that LH128 goes through changes in genome-wide expression to fully adapt to NaCl stress, without significantly changing phenanthrene degrading activity.


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BACKGROUND: In May 2010, Switzerland introduced a heterogeneous smoking ban in the hospitality sector. While the law leaves room for exceptions in some cantons, it is comprehensive in others. This longitudinal study uses different measurement methods to examine airborne nicotine levels in hospitality venues and the level of personal exposure of non-smoking hospitality workers before and after implementation of the law. METHODS: Personal exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) was measured by three different methods. We compared a passive sampler called MoNIC (Monitor of NICotine) badge, to salivary cotinine and nicotine concentration as well as questionnaire data. Badges allowed the number of passively smoked cigarettes to be estimated. They were placed at the venues as well as distributed to the participants for personal measurements. To assess personal exposure at work, a time-weighted average of the workplace badge measurements was calculated. RESULTS: Prior to the ban, smoke-exposed hospitality venues yielded a mean badge value of 4.48 (95%-CI: 3.7 to 5.25; n = 214) cigarette equivalents/day. At follow-up, measurements in venues that had implemented a smoking ban significantly declined to an average of 0.31 (0.17 to 0.45; n = 37) (p = 0.001). Personal badge measurements also significantly decreased from an average of 2.18 (1.31-3.05 n = 53) to 0.25 (0.13-0.36; n = 41) (p = 0.001). Spearman rank correlations between badge exposure measures and salivary measures were small to moderate (0.3 at maximum). CONCLUSIONS: Nicotine levels significantly decreased in all types of hospitality venues after implementation of the smoking ban. In-depth analyses demonstrated that a time-weighted average of the workplace badge measurements represented typical personal SHS exposure at work more reliably than personal exposure measures such as salivary cotinine and nicotine.


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Horses (Equus caballus) belong to the group of seasonally polyestrous mammals. Estrous cycles typically start with increasing daylight length after winter, but mares can differ greatly in the timing of onset of regular estrus cycles. Here, we test whether spatial proximity to a stallion also plays a role. Twenty-two anestrous mares were either exposed to one of two stallions (without direct physical contact) or not exposed (controls) under experimental conditions during two consecutive springs (February to April). Ovarian activity was monitored via transrectal ultrasound and stallion's direct contact time with each mare was determined three times per week for one hour each. We found that mares exposed to a stallion ovulated earlier and more often during the observational period than mares that were not exposed to stallions. Neither stallion identity nor direct contact time, mare age, body condition, size of her largest follicle at the onset of the experiment, or parasite burden significantly affected the onset of cyclicity. In conclusion, the timing of estrous cycles and cycle frequency, i.e., crucial aspects of female reproductive strategy, strongly depend on how the mares perceive their social environment. Exposing mares to the proximity of a stallion can therefore be an alternative to, for example, light programs or elaborated hormonal therapies to start the breeding season earlier and increase the number of estrous cycles in horses.