299 resultados para Comparative embryology
Reductive evolution and massive pseudogene formation have shaped the 3.31-Mb genome of Mycobacterium leprae, an unculturable obligate pathogen that causes leprosy in humans. The complete genome sequence of M. leprae strain Br4923 from Brazil was obtained by conventional methods (6x coverage), and Illumina resequencing technology was used to obtain the sequences of strains Thai53 (38x coverage) and NHDP63 (46x coverage) from Thailand and the United States, respectively. Whole-genome comparisons with the previously sequenced TN strain from India revealed that the four strains share 99.995% sequence identity and differ only in 215 polymorphic sites, mainly SNPs, and by 5 pseudogenes. Sixteen interrelated SNP subtypes were defined by genotyping both extant and extinct strains of M. leprae from around the world. The 16 SNP subtypes showed a strong geographical association that reflects the migration patterns of early humans and trade routes, with the Silk Road linking Europe to China having contributed to the spread of leprosy.
We present here a draft genome sequence of the red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus. Because the chicken is a modern descendant of the dinosaurs and the first non-mammalian amniote to have its genome sequenced, the draft sequence of its genome--composed of approximately one billion base pairs of sequence and an estimated 20,000-23,000 genes--provides a new perspective on vertebrate genome evolution, while also improving the annotation of mammalian genomes. For example, the evolutionary distance between chicken and human provides high specificity in detecting functional elements, both non-coding and coding. Notably, many conserved non-coding sequences are far from genes and cannot be assigned to defined functional classes. In coding regions the evolutionary dynamics of protein domains and orthologous groups illustrate processes that distinguish the lineages leading to birds and mammals. The distinctive properties of avian microchromosomes, together with the inferred patterns of conserved synteny, provide additional insights into vertebrate chromosome architecture.
Currently 4 classes of antihypertensive drugs - diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors - are most commonly used to treat hypertensive patients. Each class of drug has a distinctive cardiovascular pharmacodynamic profile and even within classes there exist agents with slightly different properties. The effects of the various drug classes on the heart and peripheral circulation, on the kidney and electrolyte metabolism, on the brain and on the renin-angiotensin system are now reasonably well described. Knowledge and understanding of these different cardiovascular effects are extremely important in order to adapt treatment to the needs of an individual patient. Furthermore, when combination therapy becomes necessary, the different cardiovascular aspects of the various drugs can be used to enhance antihypertensive efficacy and to attenuate adverse effects of separate compounds.
Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungal parasite that colonizes specifically humans and turns into an opportunistic pathogen in immunodeficient individuals. The fungus is able to reproduce extracellularly in host lungs without eliciting massive cellular death. The molecular mechanisms that govern this process are poorly understood, in part because of the lack of an in vitro culture system for Pneumocystis spp. In this study, we explored the origin and evolution of the putative biotrophy of P. jirovecii through comparative genomics and reconstruction of ancestral gene repertoires. We used the maximum parsimony method and genomes of related fungi of the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. Our results suggest that the last common ancestor of Pneumocystis spp. lost 2,324 genes in relation to the acquisition of obligate biotrophy. These losses may result from neutral drift and affect the biosyntheses of amino acids and thiamine, the assimilation of inorganic nitrogen and sulfur, and the catabolism of purines. In addition, P. jirovecii shows a reduced panel of lytic proteases and has lost the RNA interference machinery, which might contribute to its genome plasticity. Together with other characteristics, that is, a sex life cycle within the host, the absence of massive destruction of host cells, difficult culturing, and the lack of virulence factors, these gene losses constitute a unique combination of characteristics which are hallmarks of both obligate biotrophs and animal parasites. These findings suggest that Pneumocystis spp. should be considered as the first described obligate biotrophs of animals, whose evolution has been marked by gene losses.
Les recherches qualitatives dans les sciences de la santé sont de plus en plus nombreuses, cependant elles restent difficiles à publier et font souvent l'objet d'une moindre reconnaissance de la part des commanditaires et/ou des experts des revues. Devant cet état de fait, les chercheurs anglo-saxons ont développé un ensemble de grilles et critères qui devraient permettre d'établir les « standards » de qualité d'une recherche qualitative. Dans un premier temps, les auteurs proposent un bref état des lieux concernant les critères de qualité de la recherche qualitative dans les sciences de la santé. Dans un deuxième temps, ils présentent huit grilles, dont la traduction française est inédite, issues de la psychologie/psychiatrie et de la médecine générale. Les auteurs mettent en perspective ces grilles et montrent les difficultés à trouver des accords dans les définitions des critères entre les divers auteurs. Ces difficultés mettent en évidence l'écart entre ces grilles tant au point de vue de l'épistémologie qui les sous-tend, qu'au point de vue des critères retenus (nombre, type, forme, contenus). Les différences entre elles correspondent à la diversité des paradigmes auxquels se réfèrent les créateurs des grilles, sans jamais le mentionner explicitement dans leurs textes de référence. Les auteurs concluent que l'augmentation des travaux de recherche et des publications de type qualitatif n'a pas permis de dépasser les difficultés à établir des critères définis et partagés, et que cette grande hétérogénéité des concepts soulève des problèmes majeurs, non seulement méthodologiques, mais surtout épistémologiques et théoriques.
OBJECTIVE To assess the specific risks of injury to neural and vascular structures inherent in two approaches to transobturator surgery for inserting a suburethral sling, i.e. the outside-in (standard technique) and inside-out approaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study comprised seven cadavers, providing 14 obturator regions. Five specimens had a tape inserted outside-in on one side, and inside-out on the other; of the remaining two cadavers, one had an inside-out tape and one an outside-in tape, bilaterally. After tape insertion, the cadavers were dissected. Particular attention was paid to the distances between the tape and the deep external pudendal vessels, and between the tape and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve. RESULTS With the inside-out technique, the safety margins were reduced, and the external pudendal vessels and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve were at greater risk of injury. CONCLUSION The two techniques are not equivalent, with a lower risk of injury to vascular and nerve structures with the outside-in technique.
Purpose: To compare the efficacy and safety of a slowly resorbable glaucoma implant, Healaflow (HF) and Healon 5 (H5) as spacers injected into failing filtration blebs at the time of bleb needlings, augmented with MMC Methods: Eighty-four glaucoma patients with filtration bleb failure following glaucoma surgery (deep sclerectomy/ trabeculectomy) underwent bleb needling using either HF (n=44) or H5 (n=40) as an intrableb viscoelastic spacer. All needlings were augmented by MMC and performed in the operating room, by a single surgeon. The choice between HF and H5 was randomised. Postoperative data for IOP, number of glaucoma medications (GMs), antimetabolite injections (AMIs), bleb morphology and all complications were recorded at day 1 (D1), weeks 1 (W1), 4 (W4), month 6 (M6) and last visit. Success was defined as IOP≤21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP from baseline Results: Age was comparable between groups (HF vs H5; 66 vs 72 years; p=0.13*). There were no differences in mean postoperative IOP or GMs at any time point between groups (mean IOP = HF vs H5; prior to needling=19.8mmHg vs 18.7mmHg, p=0.48*; D1=10.4mmHg vs 10.2mmHg, p=0.85*; W1=12.3mmHg vs 13.8mmHg, p=0.33*; W4=15.7mmHg vs 15.1mmHg, p=0.69*; M6=14.3mmHg vs 13.8mmHg, p=0.69*. Mean GMs= HF vs H5; prior to needling=1.7 vs 1.7, p=0.96*; M6=0.9 vs 1.1, p=0.66*). Success rates were comparable between HF and H5 groups (74% vs 71%). Requirements for AMIs were similar between groups; post filtration surgery and prior to needling (mean AMIs 1.54 vs 1.65 p=0.82*) and within the first six months following needling ( 0.77 vs 0.65 p=0.70*). Complication rates were infrequent in both groups (9%, HF; 3%, H5) * two-sample t-test Conclusions: The early to mid-term success rates of needlings using intrableb spacers were high. However there were no differences observed between the use of crosslinked and high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate
The developing cardiovascular system is known to operate normally in a hypoxic environment. However, the functional and ultrastructural recovery of embryonic/fetal hearts subjected to anoxia lasting as long as hypoxia/ischemia performed in adult animal models remains to be investigated. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from Hamburger-Hamilton developmental stages 14 (14HH), 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH chick embryos were subjected in vitro to 30 or 60 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. Morphological alterations and apoptosis were assessed histologically and by transmission electron microscopy. Anoxia provoked an initial tachycardia followed by bradycardia leading to complete cardiac arrest, except for in the youngest heart, which kept beating. Complete atrioventricular block appeared after 9.4 +/- 1.1, 1.7 +/- 0.2, and 1.6 +/- 0.3 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. At reoxygenation, sinoatrial activity resumed first in the form of irregular bursts, and one-to-one atrioventricular conduction resumed after 8, 17, and 35 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. Ventricular shortening recovered within 30 min except at stage 27HH. After 60 min of anoxia, stage 27HH hearts did not retrieve their baseline activity. Whatever the stage and anoxia duration, nuclear and mitochondrial swelling observed at the end of anoxia were reversible with no apoptosis. Thus the embryonic heart is able to fully recover from anoxia/reoxygenation although its anoxic tolerance declines with age. Changes in cellular homeostatic mechanisms rather than in energy metabolism may account for these developmental variations.
FGFR1 mutations have been identified in both Kallmann syndrome and normosmic HH (nIHH). To date, few mutations in the FGFR1 gene have been structurally or functionally characterized in vitro to identify molecular mechanisms that contribute to the disease pathogenesis. We attempted to define the in vitro functionality of two FGFR1 mutants (R254W and R254Q), resulting from two different amino acid substitutions of the same residue, and to correlate the in vitro findings to the patient phenotypes. Two unrelated GnRH deficient probands were found to harbor mutations in FGFR1 (R254W and R254Q). Mutant signaling activity and expression levels were evaluated in vitro and compared to a wild type (WT) receptor. Signaling activity was determined by a FGF2/FGFR1 dependent transcription reporter assay. Receptor total expression levels were assessed by Western blot and cell surface expression was measured by a radiolabeled antibody binding assay. The R254W maximal receptor signaling capacity was reduced by 45% (p<0.01) while R254Q activity was not different from WT. However, both mutants displayed diminished total protein expression levels (40 and 30% reduction relative to WT, respectively), while protein maturation was unaffected. Accordingly, cell surface expression levels of the mutant receptors were also significantly reduced (35% p<0.01 and 15% p<0.05, respectively). The p.R254W and p.R254Q are both loss-of-function mutations as demonstrated by their reduced overall and cell surface expression levels suggesting a deleterious effect on receptor folding and stability. It appears that a tryptophan substitution at R254 is more disruptive to receptor structure than the more conserved glutamine substitution. No clear correlation between the severity of in vitro loss-of-function and phenotypic presentation could be assigned.
The Quaternary cold periods in Europe are thought to have heavily influenced the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation in both animals and plants. The phylogeographies of 10 taxa, including mammals (Ursus arctos, Sorex spp., Crocidura suaveolens, Arvicola spp.), amphibians (Triturus spp.), arthropods (Chorthippus parallelus), and plants (Abies alba, Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus spp.), were analysed to elucidate general trends across Europe. Only a small degree of congruence was found amongst the phylogeographies of the 10 taxa, but the likely postglacial colonization routes exhibit some similarities. A Brooks parsimony analysis produced an unrooted area phylogram, showing that: (i) the northern regions were colonized generally from the Iberic and Balkanic refugia; and (ii) the Italian lineages were often isolated due to the presence of the Alpine barrier. The comparison of colonization routes highlighted four main suture-zones where lineages from the different refugia meet. Some of the intraspecific genetic distances among lineages indicated a prequaternary divergence that cannot be connected to any particular cold period, but are probably related mainly to the date of arrival of each taxon in the European continent. As a consequence, molecular genetics so far appears to be of limited use in dating Quaternary events.
The focus of my PhD research was the concept of modularity. In the last 15 years, modularity has become a classic term in different fields of biology. On the conceptual level, a module is a set of interacting elements that remain mostly independent from the elements outside of the module. I used modular analysis techniques to study gene expression evolution in vertebrates. In particular, I identified ``natural'' modules of gene expression in mouse and human, and I showed that expression of organ-specific and system-specific genes tends to be conserved between such distance vertebrates as mammals and fishes. Also with a modular approach, I studied patterns of developmental constraints on transcriptome evolution. I showed that none of the two commonly accepted models of the evolution of embryonic development (``evo-devo'') are exclusively valid. In particular, I found that the conservation of the sequences of regulatory regions is highest during mid-development of zebrafish, and thus it supports the ``hourglass model''. In contrast, events of gene duplication and new gene introduction are most rare in early development, which supports the ``early conservation model''. In addition to the biological insights on transcriptome evolution, I have also discussed in detail the advantages of modular approaches in large-scale data analysis. Moreover, I re-analyzed several studies (published in high-ranking journals), and showed that their conclusions do not hold out under a detailed analysis. This demonstrates that complex analysis of high-throughput data requires a co-operation between biologists, bioinformaticians, and statisticians.
This letter to the Editor comments on the article Practical relevance of pattern uniqueness in forensic science by P.T. Jayaprakash (Forensic Science International, in press).