234 resultados para Burns- prevention


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SummaryThe alcohol use of adolescents and young adults is one of the world's most important and costliest health problems. Particularly, binge drinking (i.e. drinking an important amount of alcohol in one occasion) among young people increase the risk of detrimental consequences such as blackouts, injuries, at-risk sexual behaviors, involvement in violent acts, academic failure, and suicide attempts. In countries with mandatory conscription mechanisms, such as Switzerland, the army provides a unique opportunity to reach a large portion of this high risk population. We used this sample to evaluate the prevalence of binge drinking among young men, to test the efficacy of brief motivational interventions (BMI) as a primary and secondary preventive measure, and to examine the mechanisms underlying BMI in this age group.We showed that binge drinking among young French-speaking Swiss men is less of an exception than it is the norm. Of those using alcohol, 75.5% had a binge drinking episode at least monthly, and 69.3% of all consumption reported in a one-week diary was due to binge drinking days.We used two different inclusion modes to evaluate the success of alcohol BMI. In the first randomized controlled trial, inclusion relied on a random selection of conscripts. BMI efficacy was evaluated in a sample of conscripts who visited the army recruitment centre that is potentially generalizable to the entire population. In the second randomized controlled trial, we included subjects voluntarily participating in BMI. This venue might be more realistic for young adults; it is more akin to the MI spirit, in which it is crucial for individuals to control their own decisions.Regarding BMI efficacy as a secondary prevention measure (i.e. to help decrease alcohol use among at-risk drinkers, defined here as those having a binge drinking episode at least monthly), it was effective among randomly selected at-risk drinkers, whereas it was not effective among at-risk drinkers who voluntarily showed up. Individuals who showed interest in BMI had more severe patterns of alcohol use, which may have made change more difficult and calls for treatment that is more intensive. BMI demonstrated a 20% reduction in weekly alcohol use among randomly selected participants, indicating potential interest in BMI implementation within similar community settings.Regarding BMI efficacy as a primary prevention measure (i.e. to help maintain low levels of use among low-risk drinkers), it had significant protective effects among low-risk drinkers voluntarily showing up whereas it was not effective among low-risk drinkers randomly selected. This suggests that BMI might help young individuals keep their drinking at low levels, especially when they are interested in discussing their alcohol use. Therefore, BMI has potentially promising uses in primary prevention efforts. The content of these interventions for low-risk drinkers who do not seek BMI on their own should be further evaluated.BMI mechanisms were addressed since little is known about exactly which elements of it work, or which of the counselor and subject communication behaviors are most effective in triggering behavior changes. The causal chain hypothesis developed in the motivational interviewing (MI) theory was followed, and it was found that counselor behaviors consistent with the MI approach (MICO) were significantly more likely to be followed by participant language in favor of change (change talk, CT), while behaviors inconsistent with MI (MIIN) were significantly less likely to do so. Several CT dimensions measured during BMI (particularly Ability, Desire, and Need to change) were predictive of change in alcohol use. Our findings lend strong support for the use of MICO behaviors and the avoidance of MIIN behaviors in eliciting CT, and point out that particular attention should be paid to the utterances in several sub-dimensions of CT and to the strength of expression, since these are good indicators of potential actual behavior change in future.RésuméLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes ont été liées à des conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer la prévalence du binge drinking parmi les jeunes hommes, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire, et pour examiner les mécanismes sous-tendant ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. 75.5% des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois et 69.3% du total des boissons alcoolisées reportées comme consommation de la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre, nous avons utilisé deux modes d'inclusion. Dans une première étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des personnes sélectionnées au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des sujets se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'esprit motivationnel dans lequel il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions.En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel d'une implémentation de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif significatif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter cette consommation et aurait ainsi un potentiel intéressant comme mesure de prévention primaire. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné les mécanismes de l'IBM car son fonctionnement est encore peu expliqué et les comportements de l'intervenant et du sujet les plus à même de provoquer le changement ne sont pas bien définis. En suivant l'hypothèse d'une chaine causale développée dans la littérature de l'entretien motivationnel (EM), nous avons pu montrer qu'un discours en faveur du changement chez le sujet était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'EM et moins probable après des comportements à éviter dans l'EM ; et que plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la fréquence et à la force avec laquelle sont exprimées certaines dimensions de ce discours car ceux-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.Résumé vulgariséLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes augmentent fortement les risques de conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer l'importance du phénomène de binge drinking, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention de la consommation à risque d'alcool, et pour examiner comment fonctionne ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. Trois quart des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois. Presque 70% du total des boissons alcoolisées consommées durant la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Nous avons ensuite mené deux études pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre. Dans une première étude, nous avons sélectionné des personnes au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons inclus toutes les personnes se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'approche motivationnelle dans laquelle il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions. Dans les deux études, nous testions l'efficacité de l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire (voir ci-dessous).En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel de la mise en place de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter de cette consommation. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné le fonctionnement de l'IBM et cherché quels comportements de l'intervenant et du jeune homme pouvaient être les plus à même d'amener à un changement dans la consommation. Nous avons pu montrer que 1) un discours en faveur du changement chez le jeune homme était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'approche motivationnelle et moins probable après des comportements non-recommandés ; et 2) plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à certaines dimensions de ce discours car celles-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of propranolol administered either by i.v. infusion or by prolonged oral administration (4 days) during the first 3 weeks following burns. The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of 10 non-infected fasting burned patients (TBSA: 28 per cent, range 18-37 per cent) was determined four times consecutively by indirect calorimetry (open circuit hood system) following: (1) i.v. physiological saline; (2) i.v. propranolol infusion (2 micrograms/kg/min following a bolus of 80 micrograms/kg); (3) oral propranolol (40 mg q.i.d. during 4 +/- 1 days); and (4) in control patients. All patients showed large increases in both RMR (144 +/- 2 per cent of reference values) and in urinary catecholamine excretion (three to four times as compared to control values). The infusion of propranolol induced a significant decrease in RMR to 135 +/- 2 per cent and oral propranolol to 129 +/- 3 per cent of reference values. A decrease in lipid oxidation but no change in carbohydrate and protein oxidation were observed during propranolol administration. It is concluded that the decrease in RMR induced by propranolol was not influenced by the route of administration. The magnitude of the decrease in energy expenditure suggests that beta-adrenergic hyperactivity represents only one of the mediators of the hypermetabolic response to burn injury.


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Switzerland has adopted a prevention strategy including the promotion of non-sharing injection material and use of condoms. The access to sterile equipment has been made easier, but regional differences still exist. Studies conducted between 1989 and 1992 among drug users in different Swiss regions are reviewed in order to examine if progress in prevention occurred. Syringe sharing diminished everywhere, but rather high sharing rates persist where sterile material is less accessible. Condom use increased, but the situation is still unsatisfactory considering the high HIV prevalence among i.v. drug users. Where several surveys have been conducted consecutively, a stabilization of HIV prevalence was observed. This suggests a slowing down of the progression of the epidemic among drug users. These results, obtained in few years, are encouraging in the light of the pessimism which prevailed at the beginning of the epidemic about the ability of drug users to adopt preventive behaviour.


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The serotonin-2A receptor (5-HT(2A)R) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and related inhibitory gating and behavioral inhibition deficits of schizophrenia patients. The hallucinogen psilocybin disrupts automatic forms of sensorimotor gating and response inhibition in humans, but it is unclear so far whether the 5-HT(2A)R or 5-HT(1A)R agonist properties of its bioactive metabolite psilocin account for these effects. Thus, we investigated whether psilocybin-induced deficits in automatic and controlled inhibition in healthy humans could be attenuated by the 5-HT(2A/2C)R antagonist ketanserin. A total of 16 healthy participants received placebo, ketanserin (40 mg p.o.), psilocybin (260 μg/kg p.o.), or psilocybin plus ketanserin in a double-blind, randomized, and counterbalanced order. Sensorimotor gating was measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response. The effects on psychopathological core dimensions and behavioral inhibition were assessed by the altered states of consciousness questionnaire (5D-ASC), and the Color-Word Stroop Test. Psilocybin decreased PPI at short lead intervals (30 ms), increased all 5D-ASC scores, and selectively increased errors in the interference condition of the Stroop Test. Stroop interference and Stroop effect of the response latencies were increased under psilocybin as well. Psilocybin-induced alterations were attenuated by ketanserin pretreatment, whereas ketanserin alone had no significant effects. These findings suggest that the disrupting effects of psilocybin on automatic and controlled inhibition processes are attributable to 5-HT(2A)R stimulation. Sensorimotor gating and attentional control deficits of schizophrenia patients might be due to changes within the 5-HT(2A)R system.


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Major burns are characterized by an initial capillary leak which requires fluid resuscitation for hemodynamic stabilisation. While under-resuscitation was the major cause of death until the 80ies, over-resuscitation has become an important source of complications: abdominal compartment syndrome, escharotomies, impaired gas exchange and prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospital stay. The fluid creep started in the 90ies with an increasing proportion of the first 24 hours' fluid delivery above the 4 ml/kg/% BSA Parkland prediction. The first alerts were published under the form of case reports of increased mortality due to abdominal compartment syndrome and respiratory failure. The paper analyses the causes of this fluid creep, and the ways to prevent it, which includes rationing prehospital fluid delivery, avoiding early colloids and permissive hypovolemia.


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Background: Gout patients initiating urate lowering therapy have an increased risk of flares. Inflammation in gouty arthritis is induced by IL-1b. Canakinumab targets and inhibits IL-1b effectively in clinical studies. This study compared different doses of canakinumab vs colchicine in preventing flares in gout patients initiating allopurinol therapy.Methods: In this 24 week double blind study, gout patients (20-79 years) initiating allopurinol were randomized (1:1:1:1:1:1:2) to canakinumab s.c. single doses of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 mg, or 150 mg divided in doses every 4 weeks (50+50+25+25 mg [q4wk]) or colchicine 0.5 mg p.o. daily for 16 weeks. Primary outcome was to determine the canakinumab dose giving comparable efficacy to colchicine with respect to the number of gout flares occurring during first 16 weeks. Secondary outcomes included number of patients with gout flares and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels during the first 16 weeks.Results: 432 patients were randomized and 391 (91%) completed the study. All canakinumab doses were better than colchicine in preventing flares and therefore, a canakinumab dose comparable to colchicine could not be determined. Based on a negative binomial model, all canakinumab groups, except 25 mg, reduced the flare rate ratio per patient significantly compared to colchicine group (rate ratio estimates 25 mg 0.60, 50 mg 0.34, 100 mg 0.28, 200 mg 0.37, 300 mg 0.29, q4wk 0.38; p<=0.05). The percentage of patients with flares was lower for all canakinumab groups (25 mg 27.3%, 50 mg 16.7%, 100 mg 14.8%, 200 mg 18.5%, 300 mg 15.1%, q4wk 16.7%) compared to colchicine group (44.4%). All patients taking canakinumab were significantly less likely to experience at least one gout flare than patients taking colchicine (odds ratio range [0.22 - 0.47]; p<=0.05 for all). The median baseline CRP levels were 2.86 mg/L for 25 mg, 3.42 mg/L for 50 mg, 1.76 mg/L for 100 mg, 3.66 mg/L for 200 mg, 3.21 mg/L for 300 mg, 3.23 mg/L for q4wk canakinumab groups and 2.69 mg/L for colchicine group. In all canakinumab groups with median CRP levels above the normal range at baseline, median levels declined within 15 days of treatment and were maintained at normal levels (ULN=3 mg/L) throughout the 16 week period. Adverse events (AEs) occurred in 52.7% (25 mg), 55.6% (50 mg), 51.9% (100 mg), 51.9% (200 mg), 54.7% (300 mg), and 58.5% (q4wk) of patients on canakinumab vs 53.7% of patients on colchicine. Serious AEs (SAE) were reported in 2 (3.6%; 25 mg), 2 (3.7%, 50 mg), 3 (5.6%, 100 mg), 3 (5.6%, 200 mg), 3 (5.7%, 300 mg) and 1 (1.9%, q4wk) patients on canakinumab and in 5 (4.6%) patients on colchicine. One fatal SAE (myocardial infarction, not related to study drug) occurred in colchicine group.Conclusion: In this large randomized, double-blind active controlled study of flare prevention in gout patients initiating allopurinol therapy, treatment with canakinumab led to a statistically significant reduction in flares compared with colchicine (standard of care), and was well tolerated.


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The 5-year "Solmobile" skin prevention campaigns carried out between 2001 and 2005 by the Swiss League against Cancer met their objectives. About 21'000 visits were recorded throughout Switzerland and 10'000 clinical skin examinations performed. This report briefly summarises the main results of the epidemiological evaluation of these campaigns.


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A simulation model of the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on hip fractures and their consequences is based on a population of 100,000 post-menopausal women. This cohort is confronted with literature derived probabilities of cancers (endometrium or breast, which are contra-indications to HRT), hip fracture, disability requiring nursing home or home care, and death. Administration of HRT for life prevents 55,5% of hip fractures, 22,6% of years with home care and 4,4% of years in nursing homes. If HRT is administered for 15 years, these results are 15,5%, 10% and 2,2%, respectively. A slight gain in life expectancy is observed for both durations of HRT. The net financial loss in the simulated population is 222 million Swiss Francs (cost/benefit ratio 1.25) for lifelong administration of HRT, and 153 million Swiss Francs (cost/benefit ratio 1.42) if HRT is administered during 15 years.


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Pro-inflammatory cytokines and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Low-dose aspirin for CV prevention is reported to have anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to determine the association between pro-inflammatory cytokines and hs-CRP levels and low-dose aspirin use for cardiovascular prevention in a population-based cohort (CoLaus Study). We assessed blood samples in 6085 participants (3201 women) aged 35-75years. Medications' use and indications were recorded. Among aspirin users (n=1'034; 17%), overall low-dose users (351; 5.8%) and low-dose for cardiovascular prevention users (324; 5.3%) were selected for analysis. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were assessed by a multiplex particle-based flow cytometric assay and hs-CRP by an immunometric assay. Cytokines and hs-CRP were presented in quartiles. Multivariate analysis adjusting for sex, age, smoking status, body mass index, diabetes mellitus and immunomodulatory drugs showed no association between cytokines and hs-CRP levels and low-dose aspirin use for cardiovascular prevention, either comparing the topmost vs. the three other quartiles (OR 95% CI, 0.84 (0.59-1.18), 1.03 (0.78-1.32), 1.10 (0.83-1.46), 1.00 (0.67-1.69) for IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP, respectively), or comparing the topmost quartile vs. the first one (OR 95% CI, 0.87 (0.60-1.26), 1.19 (0.79-1.79), 1.26 (0.86-1.84), 1.06 (0.67-1.69)). Low-dose aspirin use for cardiovascular prevention does not impact plasma pro-inflammatory cytokine and hs-CRP levels in a population-based cohort.


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BACKGROUND: Secondary prevention programs for patients experiencing an acute coronary syndrome have been shown to be effective in the outpatient setting. The efficacy of in-hospital prevention interventions administered soon after acute cardiac events is unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine whether in-hospital, patient-level interventions targeting multiple cardiovascular risk factors reduce all-cause mortality after an acute coronary syndrome. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using a prespecified search strategy, we included controlled clinical trials and before-after studies of secondary prevention interventions with at least a patient-level component (ie, education, counseling, or patient-specific order sets) initiated in hospital with outcomes of mortality, readmission, or reinfarction rates in acute coronary syndrome patients. We classified the interventions as patient-level interventions with or without associated healthcare provider-level interventions and/or system-level interventions. Twenty-six studies met our inclusion criteria. The summary estimate of 14 studies revealed a relative risk of all-cause mortality of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.69 to 0.92; n=37,585) at 1 year. However, the apparent benefit depended on study design and level of intervention. The before-after studies suggested reduced mortality (relative risk [RR], 0.77; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.90; n=3680 deaths), whereas the RR was 0.96 (95% CI, 0.64 to 1.44; n=99 deaths) among the controlled clinical trials. Only interventions including a provider- or system-level intervention suggested reduced mortality compared with patient-level-only interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence for in-hospital, patient-level interventions for secondary prevention is promising but not definitive because only before-after studies suggest a significant reduction in mortality. Future research should formally test which components of interventions provide the greatest benefit.