259 resultados para Analytical validation
Photopolymerization is commonly used in a broad range of bioapplications, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, and surgical implants, where liquid materials are injected and then hardened by means of illumination to create a solid polymer network. However, photopolymerization using a probe, e.g., needle guiding both the liquid and the curing illumination, has not been thoroughly investigated. We present a Monte Carlo model that takes into account the dynamic absorption and scattering parameters as well as solid-liquid boundaries of the photopolymer to yield the shape and volume of minimally invasively injected, photopolymerized hydrogels. In the first part of the article, our model is validated using a set of well-known poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate hydrogels showing an excellent agreement between simulated and experimental volume-growth-rates. In the second part, in situ experimental results and simulations for photopolymerization in tissue cavities are presented. It was found that a cavity with a volume of 152 mm3 can be photopolymerized from the output of a 0.28-mm2 fiber by adding scattering lipid particles while only a volume of 38 mm3 (25%) was achieved without particles. The proposed model provides a simple and robust method to solve complex photopolymerization problems, where the dimension of the light source is much smaller than the volume of the photopolymerizable hydrogel.
Fondements : La recherche sur l'oedème postopératoire consécutif à la chirurgie prothétique du genou est peu développée, notamment en raison de l'absence d'une méthode de mesure adaptée. Une collaboration entre physiothérapeutes et ingénieurs a permis de développer et valider une méthode de mesure innovante et facilement applicable. Les physiothérapeutes ont identifié un besoin clinique, les ingénieurs ont apporté leur savoir technologique, et l'équipe a conjointement élaboré le protocole de mesure et effectué l'étude de validation. Introduction : La bioimpédance est fréquemment utilisée pour évaluer l'oedème par l'analyse d'un signal électrique passant au travers du corps, en extrapolant la résistance théorique à une fréquence égale à zéro (R0). La mesure s'avère fiable et rapide, mais n'a jamais été appliquée et validée pour l'évaluation de l'oedème en chirurgie orthopédique. Objectif : L'objectif de l'étude est de valider la mesure de l'oedème du membre inférieur par bioimpédance, chez des patients ayant bénéficié d'une prothèse totale de genou (PTG). Questionnement : Après nous être assurés de l'absence d'influence de l'implant métallique de la PTG sur la mesure, nous nous questionnions sur la validité et la fiabilité des mesures de bioimpédance dans ce contexte. Méthodes : Deux évaluateurs ont mesuré à tour de rôle et à deux reprises successives l'oedème chez 24 patients opérés d'une PTG, à trois temps différents (préopératoire, J+2, J+8). L'oedème a été évalué par bioimpédance (R0) et par conversion en volume de mesures centimétriques du membre inférieur (MI). Nous avons calculé le ratio moyen des MI pour chaque méthode. Nous avons évalué la reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs de la bioimpédance (coefficient de corrélation intraclasse, CCI) et la corrélation entre méthodes (Spearman). Résultats : Le ratio moyen opéré/sain du volume des MI est de 1.04 (SD ± 0.06) en préopératoire, 1.18 (SD ± 0.09) à J+2 et 1.17 (SD ± 0.10) à J+8. Le ratio sain/opéré des MI de R0 est de 1.04 (SD ± 0.07) en préopératoire, 1.51 (SD ± 0.22) à J+2 et 1.65 (SD ± 0.21) à J+8. En préopératoire, à J+2 et J+8, les CCI tous supérieurs à 0.95 pour la reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs de la bioimpédance. La corrélation entre méthodes est de 0.71 en préopératoire, 0.61 à J2 et 0.33 à J8. Analyse et conclusion : La variation du ratio des MI entre les temps préopératoire, J+2 et J+8 est plus marquée pour R0. La mesure de bioimpédance bénéficie d'une excellente reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs. L'évolution dans le temps de la corrélation entre méthodes peut être expliquée par l'influence potentielle de facteurs confondants sur R0 (modification de la composition liquidienne) et par l'influence de l'atrophie musculaire postopératoire sur la mesure de volume. La collaboration physiothérapeutes-ingénieurs a permis le développement et l'évaluation d'une nouvelle méthode de mesure.
Carbapenemases should be accurately and rapidly detected, given their possible epidemiological spread and their impact on treatment options. Here, we developed a simple, easy and rapid matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF)-based assay to detect carbapenemases and compared this innovative test with four other diagnostic approaches on 47 clinical isolates. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) was also used to determine accurately the amount of antibiotic present in the supernatant after 1 h of incubation and both MALDI-TOF and MS-MS approaches exhibited a 100% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. By comparison, molecular genetic techniques (Check-MDR Carba PCR and Check-MDR CT103 microarray) showed a 90.5% sensitivity and a 100% specificity, as two strains of Aeromonas were not detected because their chromosomal carbapenemase is not targeted by probes used in both kits. Altogether, this innovative MALDI-TOF-based approach that uses a stable 10-μg disk of ertapenem was highly efficient in detecting carbapenemase, with a sensitivity higher than that of PCR and microarray.
BACKGROUND: The Marburg Heart Score (MHS) aims to assist GPs in safely ruling out coronary heart disease (CHD) in patients presenting with chest pain, and to guide management decisions. AIM: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of the MHS in an independent sample and to evaluate the generalisability to new patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional diagnostic study with delayed-type reference standard in general practice in Hesse, Germany. METHOD: Fifty-six German GPs recruited 844 males and females aged ≥ 35 years, presenting between July 2009 and February 2010 with chest pain. Baseline data included the items of the MHS. Data on the subsequent course of chest pain, investigations, hospitalisations, and medication were collected over 6 months and were reviewed by an independent expert panel. CHD was the reference condition. Measures of diagnostic accuracy included the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and predictive values. RESULTS: The AUC was 0.84 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.80 to 0.88). For a cut-off value of 3, the MHS showed a sensitivity of 89.1% (95% CI = 81.1% to 94.0%), a specificity of 63.5% (95% CI = 60.0% to 66.9%), a positive predictive value of 23.3% (95% CI = 19.2% to 28.0%), and a negative predictive value of 97.9% (95% CI = 96.2% to 98.9%). CONCLUSION: Considering the diagnostic accuracy of the MHS, its generalisability, and ease of application, its use in clinical practice is recommended.
The use of laparoscopic surgery has increased rapidly. However, a technically feasible procedure is not automatically recommendable. Thus, if cholecystectomy and fundoplication are currently fully validated techniques, this does not hold true for gastroplasty and kidney harvesting for transplantation: these operations are feasible indeed but their efficacy remains to be proved. Laparoscopic oncology has been shown to be feasible too, but its efficacy has not been documented yet.
OBJECTIVES: Coarctation of the aorta is one of the most common congenital heart defects. Its diagnosis may be difficult in the presence of a patent ductus arteriosus, of other complex defects or of a poor echocardiographic window. We sought to demonstrate that the carotid-subclavian artery index (CSA index) and the isthmus-descending aorta ratio (I/D ratio), two recently described echocardiographic indexes, are effective in detection of isolated and complex aortic coarctations in children younger and older than 3 months of age. The CSA index is the ratio of the distal aortic arch diameter to the distance between the left carotid artery and the left subclavian artery. It is highly suggestive of a coarctation when it is <1.5. The I/D ratio defined as the diameter of the isthmus to the diameter of the descending aorta, suggests an aortic coarctation when it is less than 0.64. METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care children's hospital. Review of all echocardiograms in children aged 0-18 years with a diagnosis of coarctation seen at the author's institution between 1996 and 2006. An age- and sex-matched control group without coarctation was constituted. Offline echocardiographic measurements of the aortic arch were performed in order to calculate the CSA index and I/D ratio. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients were included in the coarctation group, 24 in the control group. Patients with coarctation had a significantly lower CSA index (0.84+/-0.39 vs 2.65+/-0.82, p<0.0001) and I/D ratio (0.58+/-0.18 vs 0.98+/-0.19, p<0.0001) than patients in the control group. Associated cardiac defects and age of the child did not significantly alter the CSA index or the I/D ratio. CONCLUSIONS: A CSA index less than 1.5 is highly suggestive of coarctation independent of age and of the presence of other cardiac defects. I/D ratio alone is less specific than CSA alone at any age and for any associated cardiac lesion. The association of both indexes improves sensitivity and permits diagnosis of coarctation in all patients based solely on a bedside echocardiographic measurement.
Background/Aim: Cocktail approach is generally preferred to individual administration of probes in order to characterize the activity of multiple enzymes. However, cocktail strategy has several drawbacks such as drug-drug interactions, tolerability and toxicity. Hence, there is a need to develop cocktails using low doses of probes. Our aim was to investigate whether the simultaneous oral administration of microdoses of midazolam (MDZ) and dextromethorphan (DEM) can be used to assess the simultaneous activities of CYP3A and CYP2D6. Methods: As part of a 5 arm randomized cross-over control trial on the analgesic efficacy of oxycodone, ten healthy young non-smoking males received the following combinations of drugs: Quinidine (Q)+ ketoconazole (K) or Q+placebo (P) or K+P or P+P. In all cases MDZ (0.075 mg) and DEM (2.5 mg) were administrated 1 hour after Q, K or P. CYP2D6 and CYP3A activities were determined after urine collection during 8 hours (ratio DEM/DOR), and a blood sample (EDTA) after 30 min (ratio 1-OH-MDZ/MDZ). DEM and DOR analysis was performed using LC-fluorescence. MDZ and 1-OH-MDZ determination was performed using GC-MS. Allele's variants of CYP2D6 were detected using the AmpliChipTMCYP450 (Roche). Results: CYP2D6 genotype predicted 1 poor (PM), 1 intermediate (IM), 7 extensive (EM) and 2 ultra rapid (UM) metabolizers. A good correlation was obtained between the predicted and the measured phenotypes except for 1 EM phenotyped as UM. Two duplications for alleles *41/*41xN and *1/*2xN were detected and the two volunteers were phenotyped as UM. A potent inhibition of CYP2D6 or CYP3A4 was obtained when Q or K were used. Mean metabolic ratio DEM/DOR in P and K groups were 0.015 (±0.028) and 0.015 (±0.019). It significantly increased in Q and QK groups (0.668 (±0.676) and 0.743 (±1.038)). Mean 1-OH-MDZ/MDZ in P, Q were 2.73 (±1.05) and 2.55 (±1.40) while it significantly decreased in K and QK groups (0.11 (±0.05), 0.10 (±0.05)). Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences between QK and K sessions for CYP3A and between QK and Q for CYP2D6 which indicate that there is no interaction between the two metabolic pathways. Conclusion: Simultaneous assessment of CYP3A and CYP2D6 activities can be obtained by low oral doses (micro-cocktail) of MDZ and DEM. Specific inhibitors such as Q or K modulates selectively CYP2D6 or CYP3A activities.
Le but de cette étude est de répondre aux 3 questions suivantes: - 1) Le test de MAST est-il applicable, dans sa traduction française, à la population d'un service de médecine interne d'un hôpital universitaire en Suisse romande ? - 2) Le test de MAST apporte-t-il des résultats concordants avec le diagnostic clinique d'une part, et avec les résultats tirés de la littérature d'autre part ? - 3) De quelles façons peut-on définir et choisir deux valeurs critiques du test afin d'optimaliser l'utilisation du test de MAST dans l'étude comparative projetée ? ANNEXE: Traduction littérale en langue française du : "Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test" (MAST); etc.
This paper presents a new non parametric atlas registration framework, derived from the optical flow model and the active contour theory, applied to automatic subthalamic nucleus (STN) targeting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. In a previous work, we demonstrated that the STN position can be predicted based on the position of surrounding visible structures, namely the lateral and third ventricles. A STN targeting process can thus be obtained by registering these structures of interest between a brain atlas and the patient image. Here we aim to improve the results of the state of the art targeting methods and at the same time to reduce the computational time. Our simultaneous segmentation and registration model shows mean STN localization errors statistically similar to the most performing registration algorithms tested so far and to the targeting expert's variability. Moreover, the computational time of our registration method is much lower, which is a worthwhile improvement from a clinical point of view.
The Summer Olympic Games constitute the biggest concentration of human sports and activities in a particular place and time since 776 BCE, when the written history of the Olympic Games in Olympia began. Summer and Winter Olympic anti-doping laboratories, accredited by the International Olympic Committee in the past and the World Anti-Doping Agency in the present times, acquire worldwide interest to apply all new analytical advancements in the fight against doping in sports, hoping that this major human event will not become dirty by association with this negative phenomenon. This article summarizes the new analytical progresses, technologies and knowledge used by the Olympic laboratories, which for the vast majority of them are, eventually, incorporated into routine anti-doping analysis.
A new device for the analyses of nurses' satisfaction has been developed and validated on two types of general and intensive treatments at the University Hospital in Vaudois, Switzerland. A questionnaire has been elaborated for identifying the variables linked with characteristics of the nurse's work, as well as personal variables of the employer which could have an influence on the level of satisfaction. In identifying the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, it has been possible to propose recommendations and corrective measures in order to improve the level of global satisfaction of the nursing team.
This study aimed to assess the psychometric robustness of the French version of the Supportive Care Needs Survey and breast cancer (BC) module (SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr). Breast cancer patients were recruited in two hospitals (in Paris, France and Lausanne, Switzerland) either in ambulatory chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or surgery services. They were invited to complete the SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr as well as quality of life and patient satisfaction questionnaires. Three hundred and eighty-four (73% response rate) BC patients returned completed questionnaires. A five-factor model was confirmed for the SCNS-SF34-Fr with adequate goodness-of-fit indexes, although some items evidenced content redundancy, and a one-factor was identified for the SCNS-BR8-Fr. Internal consistency and test-retest estimates were satisfactory for most scales. The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr scales demonstrated conceptual differences with the quality of life and satisfaction with care scales, highlighting the specific relevance of this assessment. Different levels of needs could be differentiated between groups of BC patients in terms of age and level of education (P < 0.001). The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr present adequate psychometric properties despite some redundant items. These questionnaires allow for the crucial endeavour to design appropriate care services according to BC patients' characteristics.
The antifungal agent fluconazole (FLC) is widely used in clinical practice. Monitoring FLC levels is useful in complicated clinical settings and in experimental infection models. A bioassay using Candida pseudotropicalis, a simple and cost-effective method, is validated only for FLC levels ranging from 5 to 40 mg/liter. An extension of the analytical range is needed to cover most yeast MICs. A new bioassay in RPMI agar containing methylene blue was developed using C. albicans DSY1024, a mutant rendered hypersusceptible to FLC constructed by the deletion of the multidrug efflux transporter genes CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1. Reproducible standard curves were obtained with FLC concentrations in plasma ranging from 1 to 100 mg/liter (quadratic regression coefficient > 0.997). The absolute sensitivity was 0.026 microg of FLC. The method was internally validated according to current guidelines for analytical method validation. Both accuracy and precision lied in the required +/-15% range. FLC levels measured by bioassay and by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) performed with 62 plasma samples from humans and rats showed a strong correlation (coefficients, 0.979 and 0.995, respectively; percent deviations of bioassay from HPLC values, 0.44% +/- 15.31% and 2.66% +/- 7.54%, respectively). In summary, this newly developed bioassay is sensitive, simple, rapid, and inexpensive. It allows nonspecialized laboratories to determine FLC levels in plasma to within the clinically relevant concentration range and represents a useful tool for experimental treatment models.
Agricultural workers are exposed to folpet, but biomonitoring data are limited. Phthalimide (PI), phthalamic acid (PAA), and phthalic acid (PA) are the ring metabolites of this fungicide according to animal studies, but they have not yet been measured in human urine as metabolites of folpet, only PA as a metabolite of phthalates. The objective of this study was thus to develop a reliable gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to quantify the sum of PI, PAA, and PA ring-metabolites of folpet in human urine. Briefly, the method consisted of adding p-methylhippuric acid as an internal standard, performing an acid hydrolysis at 100 °C to convert ring-metabolites into PA, purifying samples by ethyl acetate extraction, and derivatizing with N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoro acetamide prior to GC-MS analysis. The method had a detection limit of 60.2 nmol/L (10 ng/mL); it was found to be accurate (mean recovery, 97%), precise (inter- and intra-day percentage relative standard deviations <13%), and with a good linearity (R (2) > 0.98). Validation was conducted using unexposed peoples urine spiked at concentrations ranging from 4.0 to 16.1 μmol/L, along with urine samples of volunteers dosed with folpet, and of exposed workers. The method proved to be (1) suitable and accurate to determine the kinetic profile of PA equivalents in the urine of volunteers orally and dermally administered folpet and (2) relevant for the biomonitoring of exposure in workers.