165 resultados para tetanic contraction
We assessed neuromuscular fatigue and recovery of the plantar flexors after playing football with or without severe heat stress. Neuromuscular characteristics of the plantar flexors were assessed in 17 male players at baseline and ∼30 min, 24, and 48 h after two 90-min football matches in temperate (∼20 °C and 55% rH) and hot (∼43 °C and 20% rH) environments. Measurements included maximal voluntary strength, muscle activation, twitch contractile properties, and rate of torque development and soleus EMG (i.e., root mean square activity) rise from 0 to 30, -50, -100, and -200 ms during maximal isometric contractions for plantar flexors. Voluntary activation and peak twitch torque were equally reduced (-1.5% and -16.5%, respectively; P < 0.05) post-matches relative to baseline in both conditions, the latter persisting for at least 48 h, whereas strength losses (∼5%) were not significant. Absolute explosive force production declined (P < 0.05) 30 ms after contraction onset independently of condition, with no change at any other epochs. Globally, normalized rate of force development and soleus EMG activity rise values remained unchanged. In football, match-induced alterations in maximal and rapid torque production capacities of the plantar flexors are moderate and do not differ after competing in temperate and hot environments.
We examined the effect of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) on the activity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) using the pupil as proxy. Eighteen patients with AION (10 unilateral, 8 bilateral) and 29 age-matched control subjects underwent chromatic pupillometry. Red and blue light stimuli increasing in 0.5 log steps were presented to each eye independently under conditions of dark and light adaptation. The recorded pupil contraction was plotted against stimulus intensity to generate scotopic and photopic response curves for assessment of synaptically-mediated ipRGC activity. Bright blue light stimuli presented monocularly and binocularly were used for melanopsin activation. The post-stimulus pupil size (PSPS) at the 6th second following stimulus offset was the marker of intrinsic ipRGC activity. Finally, questionnaires were administered to assess the influence of ipRGCs on sleep. The pupil response and PSPS to all monocularly-presented light stimuli were impaired in AION eyes, indicating ipRGC dysfunction. To binocular light stimulation, the PSPS of AION patients was similar to that of controls. There was no difference in the sleep habits of the two groups. Thus after ischemic injury to one or both optic nerves, the summated intrinsic ipRGC activity is preserved when both eyes receive adequate light exposure.
Since Damasio introduced the somatic markers hypothesis in Damasio (1994), it has spread through the psychological community, where it is now commonly acknowledged that somatic states are a factor in producing the qualitative dimension of our experiences. Present actions are emotionally guided by those somatic states that were previously activated in similar experiences. In this model, somatic markers serve as a kind of embodied memory. Here, we test whether the manipulation of somatic markers can modulate the emotional evaluation of negative memories. Because facial feedback has been shown to be a powerful means of modifying emotional judgements, we used it to manipulate somatic markers. Participants first read a sad story in order to induce a negative emotional memory and then were asked to rate their emotions and memory about the text. Twenty-four hours later, the same participants were asked to assume a predetermined facial feedback (smiling) while reactivating their memory of the sad story. The participants were once again asked to fill in emotional and memory questionnaires about the text. Our results showed that participants who had smiled during memory reactivation later rated the text less negatively than control participants. However, the contraction of the zygomaticus muscles during memory reactivation did not have any impact on episodic memory scores. This suggests that manipulating somatic states modified emotional memory without affecting episodic memory. Thus, modulating memories through bodily states might pave the way to studying memory as an embodied function and help shape new kinds of psychotherapeutic interventions.
OBJECTIVE: In contrast to conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), the use of "wide-pulse, high-frequencies" (WPHF) can generate higher forces than expected by the direct activation of motor axons alone. We aimed at investigating the occurrence, magnitude, variability and underlying neuromuscular mechanisms of these "Extra Forces" (EF). METHODS: Electrically-evoked isometric plantar flexion force was recorded in 42 healthy subjects. Additionally, twitch potentiation, H-reflex and M-wave responses were assessed in 13 participants. CONV (25Hz, 0.05ms) and WPHF (100Hz, 1ms) NMES consisted of five stimulation trains (20s on-90s off). RESULTS: K-means clustering analysis disclosed a responder rate of almost 60%. Within this group of responders, force significantly increased from 4% to 16% of the maximal voluntary contraction force and H-reflexes were depressed after WPHF NMES. In contrast, non-responders showed neither EF nor H-reflex depression. Twitch potentiation and resting EMG data were similar between groups. Interestingly, a large inter- and intrasubject variability of EF was observed. CONCLUSION: The responder percentage was overestimated in previous studies. SIGNIFICANCE: This study proposes a novel methodological framework for unraveling the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in EF and provides further evidence for a central contribution to EF in responders.
The wound healing promoting effect of negative wound pressure therapies (NPWT) takes place at the wound interface. The use of bioactive substances at this site represents a major research area for the development of future NPWT therapies. To assess wound healing kinetics in pressure ulcers treated by NPWT with or without the use of a thin interface membrane consisting of poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) a prospective randomized clinical trial was performed. The safety of the combination of NPWT and sNAG was also assessed in patients treated with antiplatelet drugs. In the performed study, the combination of NPWT and sNAG in 10 patients compared to NPWT alone in 10 patients promoted wound healing due to an improved contraction of the wound margins (p = 0.05) without a change in wound epithelization. In 6 patients treated with antiplatelet drugs no increased wound bleeding was observed in patients treated by NPWT and sNAG. In conclusion, the application of thin membranes of sNAG nanofibers at the wound interface using NPWT was safe and augmented the action of NPWT leading to improved wound healing due to a stimulation of wound contraction.
Many three-dimensional (3-D) structures in rock, which formed during the deformation of the Earth's crust and lithosphere, are controlled by a difference in mechanical strength between rock units and are often the result of a geometrical instability. Such structures are, for example, folds, pinch-and-swell structures (due to necking) or cuspate-lobate structures (mullions). These struc-tures occur from the centimeter to the kilometer scale and the related deformation processes con-trol the formation of, for example, fold-and-thrust belts and extensional sedimentary basins or the deformation of the basement-cover interface. The 2-D deformation processes causing these structures are relatively well studied, however, several processes during large-strain 3-D defor-mation are still incompletely understood. One of these 3-D processes is the lateral propagation of these structures, such as fold and cusp propagation in a direction orthogonal to the shortening direction or neck propagation in direction orthogonal to the extension direction. Especially, we are interested in fold nappes which are recumbent folds with amplitudes usually exceeding 10 km and they have been presumably formed by ductile shearing. They often exhibit a constant sense of shearing and a non-linear increase of shear strain towards their overturned limb. The fold axes of the Morcles fold nappe in western Switzerland plunges to the ENE whereas the fold axes in the more eastern Doldenhorn nappe plunges to the WSW. These opposite plunge direc-tions characterize the Rawil depression (Wildstrubel depression). The Morcles nappe is mainly the result of layer parallel contraction and shearing. During the compression the massive lime-stones were more competent than the surrounding marls and shales, which led to the buckling characteristics of the Morcles nappe, especially in the north-dipping normal limb. The Dolden-horn nappe exhibits only a minor overturned fold limb. There are still no 3-D numerical studies which investigate the fundamental dynamics of the formation of the large-scale 3-D structure including the Morcles and Doldenhorn nappes and the related Rawil depression. We study the 3-D evolution of geometrical instabilities and fold nappe formation with numerical simulations based on the finite element method (FEM). Simulating geometrical instabilities caused by sharp variations of mechanical strength between rock units requires a numerical algorithm that can accurately resolve material interfaces for large differences in material properties (e.g. between limestone and shale) and for large deformations. Therefore, our FE algorithm combines a nu-merical contour-line technique and a deformable Lagrangian mesh with re-meshing. With this combined method it is possible to accurately follow the initial material contours with the FE mesh and to accurately resolve the geometrical instabilities. The algorithm can simulate 3-D de-formation for a visco-elastic rheology. The viscous rheology is described by a power-law flow law. The code is used to study the 3-D fold nappe formation, the lateral propagation of folding and also the lateral propagation of cusps due to initial half graben geometry. Thereby, the small initial geometrical perturbations for folding and necking are exactly followed by the FE mesh, whereas the initial large perturbation describing a half graben is defined by a contour line inter-secting the finite elements. Further, the 3-D algorithm is applied to 3-D viscous nacking during slab detachment. The results from various simulations are compared with 2-D resulats and a 1-D analytical solution. -- On retrouve beaucoup de structures en 3 dimensions (3-D) dans les roches qui ont pour origines une déformation de la lithosphère terrestre. Ces structures sont par exemple des plis, des boudins (pinch-and-swell) ou des mullions (cuspate-lobate) et sont présentés de l'échelle centimétrique à kilométrique. Mécaniquement, ces structures peuvent être expliquées par une différence de résistance entre les différentes unités de roches et sont généralement le fruit d'une instabilité géométrique. Ces différences mécaniques entre les unités contrôlent non seulement les types de structures rencontrées, mais également le type de déformation (thick skin, thin skin) et le style tectonique (bassin d'avant pays, chaîne d'avant pays). Les processus de la déformation en deux dimensions (2-D) formant ces structures sont relativement bien compris. Cependant, lorsque l'on ajoute la troisiéme dimension, plusieurs processus ne sont pas complètement compris lors de la déformation à large échelle. L'un de ces processus est la propagation latérale des structures, par exemple la propagation de plis ou de mullions dans la direction perpendiculaire à l'axe de com-pression, ou la propagation des zones d'amincissement des boudins perpendiculairement à la direction d'extension. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés les nappes de plis qui sont des nappes de charriage en forme de plis couché d'une amplitude plurikilométrique et étant formées par cisaillement ductile. La plupart du temps, elles exposent un sens de cisaillement constant et une augmentation non linéaire de la déformation vers la base du flanc inverse. Un exemple connu de nappes de plis est le domaine Helvétique dans les Alpes de l'ouest. Une de ces nap-pes est la Nappe de Morcles dont l'axe de pli plonge E-NE tandis que de l'autre côté de la dépression du Rawil (ou dépression du Wildstrubel), la nappe du Doldenhorn (équivalent de la nappe de Morcles) possède un axe de pli plongeant O-SO. La forme particulière de ces nappes est due à l'alternance de couches calcaires mécaniquement résistantes et de couches mécanique-ment faibles constituées de schistes et de marnes. Ces différences mécaniques dans les couches permettent d'expliquer les plissements internes à la nappe, particulièrement dans le flanc inver-se de la nappe de Morcles. Il faut également noter que le développement du flanc inverse des nappes n'est pas le même des deux côtés de la dépression de Rawil. Ainsi la nappe de Morcles possède un important flanc inverse alors que la nappe du Doldenhorn en est presque dépour-vue. A l'heure actuelle, aucune étude numérique en 3-D n'a été menée afin de comprendre la dynamique fondamentale de la formation des nappes de Morcles et du Doldenhorn ainsi que la formation de la dépression de Rawil. Ce travail propose la première analyse de l'évolution 3-D des instabilités géométriques et de la formation des nappes de plis en utilisant des simulations numériques. Notre modèle est basé sur la méthode des éléments finis (FEM) qui permet de ré-soudre avec précision les interfaces entre deux matériaux ayant des propriétés mécaniques très différentes (par exemple entre les couches calcaires et les couches marneuses). De plus nous utilisons un maillage lagrangien déformable avec une fonction de re-meshing (production d'un nouveau maillage). Grâce à cette méthode combinée il nous est possible de suivre avec précisi-on les interfaces matérielles et de résoudre avec précision les instabilités géométriques lors de la déformation de matériaux visco-élastiques décrit par une rhéologie non linéaire (n>1). Nous uti-lisons cet algorithme afin de comprendre la formation des nappes de plis, la propagation latérale du plissement ainsi que la propagation latérale des structures de type mullions causé par une va-riation latérale de la géométrie (p.ex graben). De plus l'algorithme est utilisé pour comprendre la dynamique 3-D de l'amincissement visqueux et de la rupture de la plaque descendante en zone de subduction. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à des modèles 2-D et à la solution analytique 1-D. -- Viele drei dimensionale (3-D) Strukturen, die in Gesteinen vorkommen und durch die Verfor-mung der Erdkruste und Litosphäre entstanden sind werden von den unterschiedlichen mechani-schen Eigenschaften der Gesteinseinheiten kontrolliert und sind häufig das Resulat von geome-trischen Istabilitäten. Zu diesen strukturen zählen zum Beispiel Falten, Pich-and-swell Struktu-ren oder sogenannte Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen (auch Mullions). Diese Strukturen kommen in verschiedenen Grössenordungen vor und können Masse von einigen Zentimeter bis zu einigen Kilometer aufweisen. Die mit der Entstehung dieser Strukturen verbundenen Prozesse kontrol-lieren die Entstehung von Gerbirgen und Sediment-Becken sowie die Verformung des Kontaktes zwischen Grundgebirge und Stedimenten. Die zwei dimensionalen (2-D) Verformungs-Prozesse die zu den genannten Strukturen führen sind bereits sehr gut untersucht. Einige Prozesse wäh-rend starker 3-D Verformung sind hingegen noch unvollständig verstanden. Einer dieser 3-D Prozesse ist die seitliche Fortpflanzung der beschriebenen Strukturen, so wie die seitliche Fort-pflanzung von Falten und Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen senkrecht zur Verkürzungsrichtung und die seitliche Fortpflanzung von Pinch-and-Swell Strukturen othogonal zur Streckungsrichtung. Insbesondere interessieren wir uns für Faltendecken, liegende Falten mit Amplituden von mehr als 10 km. Faltendecken entstehen vermutlich durch duktile Verscherung. Sie zeigen oft einen konstanten Scherungssinn und eine nicht-lineare zunahme der Scherverformung am überkipp-ten Schenkel. Die Faltenachsen der Morcles Decke in der Westschweiz fallen Richtung ONO während die Faltenachsen der östicher gelegenen Doldenhorn Decke gegen WSW einfallen. Diese entgegengesetzten Einfallrichtungen charakterisieren die Rawil Depression (Wildstrubel Depression). Die Morcles Decke ist überwiegend das Resultat von Verkürzung und Scherung parallel zu den Sedimentlagen. Während der Verkürzung verhielt sich der massive Kalkstein kompetenter als der Umliegende Mergel und Schiefer, was zur Verfaltetung Morcles Decke führ-te, vorallem in gegen Norden eifallenden überkippten Schenkel. Die Doldenhorn Decke weist dagegen einen viel kleineren überkippten Schenkel und eine stärkere Lokalisierung der Verfor-mung auf. Bis heute gibt es keine 3-D numerischen Studien, die die fundamentale Dynamik der Entstehung von grossen stark verformten 3-D Strukturen wie den Morcles und Doldenhorn Decken sowie der damit verbudenen Rawil Depression untersuchen. Wir betrachten die 3-D Ent-wicklung von geometrischen Instabilitäten sowie die Entstehung fon Faltendecken mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen basiert auf der Finite Elemente Methode (FEM). Die Simulation von geometrischen Instabilitäten, die aufgrund von Änderungen der Materialeigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Gesteinseinheiten entstehen, erfortert einen numerischen Algorithmus, der in der Lage ist die Materialgrenzen mit starkem Kontrast der Materialeigenschaften (zum Beispiel zwi-schen Kalksteineinheiten und Mergel) für starke Verfomung genau aufzulösen. Um dem gerecht zu werden kombiniert unser FE Algorithmus eine numerische Contour-Linien-Technik und ein deformierbares Lagranges Netz mit Re-meshing. Mit dieser kombinierten Methode ist es mög-lich den anfänglichen Materialgrenzen mit dem FE Netz genau zu folgen und die geometrischen Instabilitäten genügend aufzulösen. Der Algorithmus ist in der Lage visko-elastische 3-D Ver-formung zu rechnen, wobei die viskose Rheologie mit Hilfe eines power-law Fliessgesetzes beschrieben wird. Mit dem numerischen Algorithmus untersuchen wir die Entstehung von 3-D Faltendecken, die seitliche Fortpflanzung der Faltung sowie der Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen die sich durch die Verkürzung eines mit Sediment gefüllten Halbgraben bilden. Dabei werden die anfänglichen geometrischen Instabilitäten der Faltung exakt mit dem FE Netz aufgelöst wäh-rend die Materialgranzen des Halbgrabens die Finiten Elemente durchschneidet. Desweiteren wird der 3-D Algorithmus auf die Einschnürung während der 3-D viskosen Plattenablösung und Subduktion angewandt. Die 3-D Resultate werden mit 2-D Ergebnissen und einer 1-D analyti-schen Lösung verglichen.
Les ß2-agonistes sont des bronchodilatateurs qui sont prescrits pour traiter l'asthme et l'asthme induite par l'exercice (AIE). Il est relevant de comprendre s'il y a une utilisation adéquate de ces médicaments pour traiter l'AIE chez les athlètes de haut niveau, ou s'ils sont utilisés pour leur potentiel effet ergogénique sur la performance physique. Ce travail examine les actions centrales et périphériques sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo induits par l'ingestion d'une dose thérapeutique de ß2- agonistes. Le premier but était d'évaluer si les ß2-agonistes exerçaient une potentialisation de la contractilité du muscle humain et/ou un effet "anti¬fatigue" comme observé dans le modèle animal. Les résultats n'ont fournit aucune évidence d'une potentialisation sur le muscle squelettique humain in vivo non-fatigué et fatigué induit par l'administration orale de ß2-agonistes. Tout effet excitateur exercé par ce traitement sur le système nerveux central a été aussi exclu. Le deuxième but était de déterminer si les ß2-agonistes affaiblissaient la contractilité du muscle squelettique humain à contraction lente, et d'évaluer si ce changement pouvait interférer avec le contrôle moteur au muscle. Les résultats ont montré que les ß2-agonistes affaiblissent la contractilité des fibres lentes, comme conséquence de l'effet lusitrope positif se produisant dans ces fibres. La capacité de développer une force maximale n'est pas réduite par le traitement, même si une augmentation de la commande centrale au muscle est requise pour produire la même force lors de contractions sous-maximales. Le but final était d'examiner si une adaptation du contrôle moteur était re¬quis pour compenser l'affaiblissement des fibres lentes exercée par les ß2- agonistes pendant un exercice volontaire, et de déterminer si cette adaptation centrale pouvait accroître la fatigue musculaire. Malgré le fait que les résultats confirment l'effet affaiblissant induit par les ß2-agonistes, ce changement contractile n'influence pas le contrôle moteur au muscle pendant les contractions sous-maximales de l'exercice fatiguant, et n'accroît pas le degré de fatigue. Ce travail éclaircit les actions spécifiques des ß2-agonistes sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo et leurs influence sur le contrôle moteur. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de l'action ergogénique sur la performance physique produit par les ß2-agonistes sont aussi élucidés. -- ß2-Agonists are bronchodilators that are widely prescribed for the treatment of asthma and exercise-induced asthma (EIA). The extensive use of ß2-agonists by competitive athletes has raised the question as to whether there is a valid need for this class of drugs because of EIA or a misuse because of their potential ergogenic effect on exercise performance. This work investigated the central and peripheral actions that were elicited by the ingestion of a therapeutic dose of ß2-agonists on the contractility of human skeletal muscle in vivo. The first objective was to investigate whether ß2-agonists would potentiate muscle contractility and/or exert the "anti-fatigue" effect observed in animal models. The findings did not provide any evidence for the ß2-agonist-induced potentiation of in vivo human non-fatigued and fatigued skeletal muscle. Moreover, the findings exclude any excitatory action of this treatment on the central nervous system. The second objective was to explore whether the weakening action on the contractile function would occur after ß2-agonist intake in human slow-twitch skeletal muscle and to ascertain whether this contractile change may interfere with muscle motor control. The results showed that ß2-agonists weaken the contractility of slow-twitch muscle fibres as a result of the lusitropic effect occurring in these fibres. The maximal force-generating capacity of the skeletal muscle is not reduced by ß2-agonists, even though an augmented neural drive to muscle is required to develop the same force during submaximal contractions. The final objective was to examine whether a motor control adjustment is needed to compensate for the ß2-agonist-induced weakening effect on slow- twitch fibres during a voluntary exercise and to also assess whether this central adaptation could exaggerate muscle fatigue. Despite the findings confirming the occurrence of the weakening action that is exerted by ß2- agonists, this contractile change did not interfere with muscle motor control during the submaximal contractions of the fatiguing exercise and did not augment the degree of the muscle fatigue. This work contributes to a better understanding of the specific actions of ß2-agonists on the contractile function of in vivo human skeletal muscles and their influence on motor control. In addition, the findings elucidate mechanisms that could underlie the ergogenic effect that is exerted by ß2- agonists on physical performance.
BACKGROUND: Studies have recently focused on the effect of running a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) and their results show muscular inflammation, damage and force loss. However, the link between peripheral oedema and muscle force loss is not really established. We tested the hypothesis that, after a MUM, lower leg muscles' swelling could be associated with muscle force loss. The knee extensor (KE) and the plantar flexor (PF) muscles' contractile function was measured by supramaximal electrical stimulations, potentiated low- and high-frequency doublets (PS10 and PS100) of the KE and the PF were measured by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and bioimpedance was used to assess body composition in the runners (n = 11) before (Pre) and after (Post) the MUM and compared with the controls (n = 8). RESULTS: The maximal voluntary contraction of the KE and the PF significantly decreased by 20 % Post-MUM in the runners. Hydration of the non-fat mass (NF-Hyd) and extracellular water volume (Ve) were increased by 12 % Post-MUM (p < 0.001) in the runners. Calf circumference (+2 %, p < 0.05) was also increased. Significant relationships were found for percentage increases in Ve and NF-Hyd with percentage decrease in PS10 of the PF (r = -0.68 and r = -0.70, p < 0.05) and with percentage increase of calf circumference (r = 0.72 and r = 0.73, p < 0.05) in the runners. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that increases in circumference and in hydric volume are associated to contractile impairment in the calf in ultra-marathon runners.
In pig and humans, whose kidneys have a multi-calyceal collecting system, the initiation of ureteral peristalsis takes place in the renal calyces. In the pig and human ureter, recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) is an inhibitory mediator that may be involved in the regulation of peristalsis. This study was designed to assess whether the NO synthase/NO/cyclic GMP pathway modulates the motility of pig isolated calyceal smooth muscle. Immunohistochemistry revealed a moderate overall innervation of the smooth muscle layer, and no neuronal or inducible NO synthase (NOS) immunoreactivities. Endothelial NOS immunoreactivities were observed in the urothelium and vascular endothelium, and numerous cyclic GMP-immunoreactive (-IR) calyceal smooth muscle cells were found. As measured by monitoring the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity was moderate. Assessment of functional effects was performed in tissue baths and showed that NO and SIN-1 decreased spontaneous and induced contractions of isolated preparations in a concentration-dependent manner. In strips exposed to NO, there was a 10-fold increase of the cyclic GMP levels compared with control preparations (P < 0.01). It is concluded that a non-neuronal NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway is present in pig calyces, where it may influence motility. The demonstration of cyclic GMP-IR smooth muscle cells suggests that NO acts directly on these cells. This NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway may be a target for drugs inhibiting peristalsis of mammalian upper urinary tract. Neurourol. Urodynam. 18:673-685, 1999.
Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.
Case: A 11 yo girl with Marfan syndrome was referred to cardiac MR (CMR) to measure the size of her thoracic aorta. She had a typical phenotype with arachnodactyly, abnormally long arms, and was tall and slim (156 cm, 28 kg, body mass index 11,5 kg/m2). She complained of no symptoms. Cardiac auscultation revealed a prominent mid-systolic click and an end-systolic murmur at the apex. A recent echocardiogram showed a moderately dilated left ventricle with normal function and a mitral valve prolapse with moderate mitral valve regurgitation. CMR showed a dilatation of the aortic root (38 mm, Z-score 8.9) and a severe prolapse of the mitral valve with regurgitation. The ventricular cavity was moderately dilated (116 ml/m2) and its contraction was hyperdynamic (stroke volume (SV): 97 ml; LVEF 72%, with the LV volumes measured by modified Simpson method from the apex to the mitral annulus). In this patient however, the mitral prolapse was characterized by a severe backward movement of the valve toward the left atrium (LA) in systole and the dyskinetic movement of the atrioventricular plane caused a ventricularisation of a part of the LA in systole (Figure). This resulted in a significant reduction of LVEF: more than ¼ of the apparent SV was displaced backwards into the ventricularized LA volume, reducing the effective LVEF to 51% (effective SV 69ml). Moreover, by flow measurement, the SV across the ascending aorta was 30 ml (cardiac index 2.0 l/min/m2) allowing the calculation of a regurgitant fraction across the mitral valve of 56%, which was diagnostic for a severe mitral valve insufficiency. Conclusion: This case illustrates the phenomenon of a ventricularisation of the LA where the severe prolapse gives the illusion of a higher attachement of the mitral leaflets within the atrial wall. Besides the severe mitral regurgitation, this paradoxical backwards movement of the valve causes an intraventricular unloading during systole reducing the apparent LVEF of 72% to an effective LVEF of only 51%. In addition, forward flow fraction is only 22% after accounting for the regurgitant volume, as well. This combined involvement of the mitral valve could explain the discrepancy between a low output state and an apparently hyperdynamic LV contraction. Due to its ability to precisely measure flows and volumes, CMR is particularly suited to detect this phenomenon and to quantify its impact on the LV pump function.
Notre système immunitaire joue un rôle important pour la protection envers les maladies infectieuses. Au cours d'une réponse à une infection primaire, des cellules B et des cellules T spécifiques, dirigées contre le pathogène en question, sont générées et certaines d'entre elles deviennent des cellules dites mémoires. Leur fonction est de nous protéger contre une nouvelle infection avec le même pathogène, une infection secondaire. Dans certaines situations, comme c'est par exemple le cas avec la grippe, les pathogènes ne sont pas toujours complètement identiques et les cellules mémoires ne sont pas à même d'assurer leur rôle protecteur et d'empêcher une réinfection. Pourtant, on ne sait à l'heure actuelle que très peu comment une immunité acquise, mais non protectrice, influence le développement d'une réponse immunitaire ultérieure. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié comment les cellules T mémoires cytotoxiques altèrent la réponse de cellules T cytotoxiques nouvellement induites. Au cours d'une réaction immunitaire dirigée contre une infection primaire, un vaste répertoire de lymphocytes T est créé, constitué de cellules T possédant divers degrés d'affinité pour le pathogène. Lors d'une infection secondaire, seules les cellules T ayant une forte affinité pour le pathogène participent à la réponse. Nous avons pu démontrer que ce phénomène de restriction du répertoire des cellules T est principalement causé par les cellules T mémoires qui sont à même de reconnaître un antigène pathogénique présent dans les deux infections. Dans un deuxième projet, nous avons étudié comment l'absence de PTPN2 influence la réponse des cellules T. Chez l'homme, une mutation dans le gène de PTPN2 est associée à des maladies auto-immunes et résulte en une activité réduite de cette phosphatase dans les lymphocytes T. Nous avons montré que la baisse d'activité de la phosphatase PTNP2 conduit à une meilleure expansion des cellules T ayant une qualité comparable à des cellules T auto-antigène spécifiques. De plus, nous avons observé que la survie de ces cellules T effectues ayant une phosphatase diminuée est nettement améliorée. Cela peut conduire à une réponse immunitaire plus efficace ou, éventuellement, à une pathologie auto-immune plus grave. En outre, nos résultats montrent qu'en manipulant l'activité de cette phosphatase, il est possible d'augmenter l'efficacité du transfert des cellules T dans un hôte receveur. Un tel transfert de cellules T est pratiqué chez des patients atteints de tumeurs. Nos travaux suggèrent que la manipulation de la phosphatase PTPN2 pourrait donc représenter une approche thérapeutique novatrice et prometteuse. -- Notre système immunitaire joue un rôle important pour la protection contre les maladies. Les cellules T CD8+ ont une importance primordiale pour le contrôle d'infections primaires causées par des virus ou bactéries, mais également contre certaines tumeurs. Par conséquent, mieux comprendre les exigences nécessaires à l'induction de bonnes réponses des cellules T CD8 pourrait nous permettre de construire des vaccins contre les pathogènes contre lesquels nous n'avons pour l'instant pas de vaccins mais aussi d'améliorer les réactions immunitaires dirigées anti-tumorales. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'influence qu'une immunité préexistante a sur la réponse des cellules T CD8. Nous sommes souvent exposés à des pathogènes qui sont similaires mais pas identiques à ceux que nous avons rencontrés auparavant. De telles infections hétérologues ne sont pas l'objet de beaucoup d'études et certains exemples indiquent même qu'une immunité préexistante partielle peut mener à une aggravation de la maladie. Nous avons étudié le répertoire des lymphocytes T CD8 qui sont générés lors d'une rencontre avec un nouvel antigène, et ce en comparant infection primaire et secondaire. En utilisant le modèle expérimental d'infections à Listeria monocytogenes, nous avons pu montrer que lors d'une infection primaire, un répertoire diversifié comprenant des cellules T CD8 de forte et faible affinité est constitué. Au contraire, dans le cas d'une infection secondaire, le répertoire des cellules T est fortement limité et seulement les lymphocytes T de forte affinité sont impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces Rangements sont provoqués par des cellules T CD8 mémoires capables de reconnaître un antigène présent dans les deux infections. Cette augmentation du seuil d'activation des cellules effectrices est majoritairement causée par les lymphocytes T CD8 mémoires non transférables. Ces observations indiquent que les vaccins visant à induire des cellules T anti-tumorales de faible affinité seraient inefficaces si le vaccin contient des épitopes contre lesquels il existe une mémoire immunologique. Les réponses immunitaires conduites par les cellules T contre les antigènes tumoraux dépendent des cellules T CD8 de faible réactivité contre les antigènes tumoraux puisque les cellules à forte réactivité sont éliminées par les mécanismes de tolérance. Nous basant sur l'existence dans la littérature de preuves indiquant que PTPN2 influence la réponse des cellules T de faible affinité, nous nous sommes intéressés à comprendre comment PTPN2 impacte les réponses des cellules T CD8 en général. Nous avons remarqué que des cellules T CD8 déficientes en PTPN2 exhibent une meilleure capacité à proliférer suite à une faible ou courte stimulation du récepteur des lymphocytes T. La phase effectrice est prolongée et la contraction retardée résultant ainsi à globalement plus de cellules effectrices. Ce phénomène est également accompagné d'une meilleure survie des cellules effectrices de différentiation terminale. Une fois transférées dans un nouvel hôte receveur, les cellules effectrices terminales KLRG1+CD127- déficientes en phosphatase PTPN2 peuvent survivre et se transformer en cellules mémoires CD127+ fonctionnelles. De façon inattendue, nous avons découvert que l'élimination de PTPN2 améliore l'efficacité du transfert et la formation des cellules mémoires ainsi que leur capacité protectrice. Manipuler l'activité de cette phosphatase apparaît donc comme une approche intéressante et prometteuse pour la thérapie cellulaire par transfert adoptif de lymphocytes T. Nos observations montrent que la manipulation d'un facteur intrinsèque, l'absence de PTPN2, peut, dans certaines circonstances, améliorer la réponse des cellules T. Une meilleure connaissance des mécanismes contrôlant la réponse des lymphocytes T CD8 pourrait donc permettre la manipulation de ces derniers et conduire à des réponses immunitaires plus vigoureuses. Si ces réponses sont déclenchées par l'utilisation de vaccins, il est nécessaire de considérer l'historique d'une exposition préalable à des agents pathogènes ou à des vaccins puisque celle-ci peut, comme nous l'avons démontré, influencer le répertoire des cellules T recrutées dans la réponse immunitaire et, par conséquent, modifier l'aptitude de notre système immunitaire à faire face à une infection. -- Our immune system plays an important role in the protection from disease. CD8 T cells are critical for the control of primary infections with most viruses and certain bacteria as well as against some tumors. Therefore, better knowledge of CD8 T cell responses might enable us to generate vaccines against pathogens for which currently no vaccines are available or to improve anti-tumor immune responses. In the first part of this thesis we addressed the issue how previously acquired immunity impacts on the response of CD8 T cells. We are often exposed to pathogens that are related but not identical to the previously encountered ones. Such heterologous infections are not well studied and there are some indications that partial pre-existing immunity may in some cases even lead to an enhancement of disease. We specifically studied the T cell repertoire of CD8 T cells that are responding to a newly encountered antigen in secondary compared to primary infections. Using the experimental model of Listeria monocytogenes infections, we showed that in primary infections a wide repertoire including high and low affinity CD8 T cells is recruited into the immune response. In contrast to this, in secondary infections, the T cell repertoire is severely restricted and only T cells of high affinity are responding. We were able to pinpoint this difference to the presence of memory CD8 T cells that recognize an antigen that is shared between the two subsequent infections. This increase in the activation threshold was most effectively mediated via non-transferable memory CD8 T cells. This would argue that vaccines targeting low affinity tumor-specific T cells would fail if the vaccine contains previously encountered CD8 T cell epitopes. T cell mediated immune responses to tumor antigen rely often on T cells which weakly react to tumor antigen as high affinity T cells are eliminated by tolerance mechanisms. Following indication in the literature that PTPN2 impacts on the response of such weakly antigen-reactive T cells, we investigated how PTPN2 impacts in general the response of CD8 T cells. We observed that CD8 T cells lacking PTPN2 show an enhanced expansion following weak or short-term T cell receptor stimulation. The effector phase is prolonged and contraction delayed thus resulting in overall more effector cells. This is accompanied by a better survival of terminal effector cells. When transferred into new recipients, KLRG1+CD127- terminal effector cells lacking PTPN2 can survive and convert into CD127+ functional memory cells. Surprisingly, we discovered that elimination of PTPN2 enhances the transfer efficacy and formation of memory cells as well as the protective capacity. Targeting PTPN2 might thus be a promising approach for adoptive T cell therapy. Our observations show how the manipulation of an intrinsic factor, the absence of PTPN2, can enhance T cell responses under certain circumstances. A better understanding of underlying mechanisms for the control of CDS T cell responses might enable the manipulation of these and allow for more powerful responses. If these responses are induced through vaccines it is imperative that the previous history of exposure to pathogens or vaccines is considered as it can, as we have shown in this thesis, influence the recruited T cell repertoire and thus possibly the ability to handle the infection.
We assessed knee extensor neuromuscular adjustments following repeated treadmill sprints in different normobaric hypoxia conditions, with special reference to rapid muscle torque production capacity. Thirteen team- and racquet-sport athletes undertook 8 × 5-s "all-out" sprints (passive recovery = 25 s) on a non-motorized treadmill in normoxia (NM; FiO2 = 20.9%), at low (LA; FiO2 = 16.8%) and high (HA; FiO2 = 13.3%) normobaric hypoxia (simulated altitudes of ~1800 m and ~3600 m, respectively). Explosive (~1 s; "fast" instruction) and maximal (~5 s; "hard" instruction) voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of the knee extensors (KE), with concurrent electromyographic (EMG) activity recordings of the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles, were performed before and 1-min post-exercise. Rate of torque development (RTD) and EMG (i.e., Root Mean Square or RMS) rise from 0 to 30, -50, -100, and -200 ms were recorded, and were also normalized to maximal torque and EMG values, respectively. Distance covered during the first 5-s sprint was similar (P > 0.05) in all conditions. A larger (P < 0.05) sprint decrement score and a shorter (P < 0.05) cumulated distance covered over the eight sprints occurred in HA (-8 ± 4% and 178 ± 11 m) but not in LA (-7 ± 3% and 181 ± 10 m) compared to NM (-5 ± 2% and 183 ± 9 m). Compared to NM (-9 ± 7%), a larger (P < 0.05) reduction in MVC torque occurred post-exercise in HA (-14 ± 9%) but not in LA (-12 ± 7%), with no difference between NM and LA (P > 0.05). Irrespectively of condition (P > 0.05), peak RTD (-6 ± 11%; P < 0.05), and normalized peak RMS activity for VL (-8 ± 11%; P = 0.07) and RF (-14 ± 11%; P < 0.01) muscles were reduced post-exercise, whereas reductions (P < 0.05) in absolute RTD occurred within the 0-100 (-8 ± 9%) and 0-200 ms (-10 ± 8%) epochs after contraction onset. After normalization to MVC torque, there was no difference in RTD values. Additionally, the EMG rise for VL muscle was similar (P > 0.05), whereas it increased (P < 0.05) for RF muscle during all epochs post-exercise, independently of the conditions. In summary, alteration in repeated-sprint ability and post-exercise MVC decrease were greater at high altitude than in normoxia or at low altitude. However, the post-exercise alterations in RTD were similar between normoxia and low-to-high hypoxia.
Background: Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) cardiac arrest is defined as a cardiac arrest (CA) presenting with a residual organized electrical activity on the electrocardiogram. In the last decades, the incidence of PEA has regularly increased, compared to other types of CA like ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. PEA is frequently induced by reversible conditions. The "4 (or 5) H" & "4 (or 5) T" are proposed as a mnemonic to asses for Hypoxia, Hypovolemia, Hypo- /Hyperkalaemia, Hypothermia, Thrombosis (cardiac or pulmonary), cardiac Tamponade, Toxins, and Tension pneumothorax. Other pathologies (intracranial haemorrhage, severe sepsis, myocardial contraction dysfunction) have been identified as potential causes for PEA, but their respective probability and frequencies are unclear and they are not yet included into the resuscitation guidelines. The aim of this study was to analyse the aetiologies of PEA out-of-hospital CA, in order to evaluate the relative frequencies of each cause and therefore to improve the management of patients suffering a PEA cardiac arrest. Method: This retrospective study was based on data routinely and prospectively collected for each PEMS intervention. All adult patients treated from January 1st 2002 to December 2012 31st by the PEMS for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, with PEA as the first recorded rhythm, and admitted to the emergency department (ED) of the Lausanne University Hospital were included. The aetiologies of PEA cardiac arrest were classified into subgroups, based on the classical H&T's classification, supplemented by four other subgroups analysis: trauma, intra-cranial haemorrhage (ICH), non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NIC) and undetermined cause. Results: 1866 OHCA were treated by the PEMS. PEA was the first recorded rhythm in 240 adult patients (13.8 %). After exclusion of 96 patients, 144 patients with a PEA cardiac arrest admitted to the ED were included in the analysis. The mean age was 63.8 ± 20.0 years, 58.3% were men and the survival rate at 48 hours was 29%. 32 different causes of OHCA PEA were established for 119 patients. For 25 patients (17.4 %), we were unable to attribute a specific cause for the PEA cardiac arrest. Hypoxia (23.6 %), acute coronary syndrome (12.5%) and trauma (12.5 %) were the three most frequent causes. Pulmonary embolism, Hypovolemia, Intoxication and Hyperkaliemia occurs in less than 10% of the cases (7.6 %, 5.6 %, 3.5%, respectively 2.1 %). Non ischemic cardiomyopathy and intra-cranial haemorrhage occur in 8.3 % and 6.9 %, respectively. Conclusions: According to our results, intra-cranial haemorrhage and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy represent noticeable causes of PEA in OHCA, with a prevalence equalling or exceeding the frequency of classical 4 H's and 4 T's aetiologies. These two pathologies are potentially accessible to simple diagnostic procedures (native CT-scan or echocardiography) and should be included into the 4 H's and 4 T's mnemonic.
Aim: Emerging polyploids may depend on environmental niche shifts for successful establishment. Using the alpine plant Ranunculus kuepferi as a model system, we explore the niche shift hypothesis at different spatial resolutions and in contrasting parts of the species range. Location: European Alps. Methods: We sampled 12 individuals from each of 102 populations of R. kuepferi across the Alps, determined their ploidy levels, derived coarse-grain (100x100m) environmental descriptors for all sampling sites by downscaling WorldClim maps, and calculated fine-scale environmental descriptors (2x2m) from indicator values of the vegetation accompanying the sampled individuals. Both coarse and fine-scale variables were further computed for 8239 vegetation plots from across the Alps. Subsequently, we compared niche optima and breadths of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes by combining principal components analysis and kernel smoothing procedures. Comparisons were done separately for coarse and fine-grain data sets and for sympatric, allopatric and the total set of populations. Results: All comparisons indicate that the niches of the two cytotypes differ in optima and/or breadths, but results vary in important details. The whole-range analysis suggests differentiation along the temperature gradient to be most important. However, sympatric comparisons indicate that this climatic shift was not a direct response to competition with diploid ancestors. Moreover, fine-grained analyses demonstrate niche contraction of tetraploids, especially in the sympatric range, that goes undetected with coarse-grained data. Main conclusions: Although the niche optima of the two cytotypes differ, separation along ecological gradients was probably less decisive for polyploid establishment than a shift towards facultative apomixis, a particularly effective strategy to avoid minority cytotype exclusion. In addition, our results suggest that coarse-grained analyses overestimate niche breadths of widely distributed taxa. Niche comparison analyses should hence be conducted at environmental data resolutions appropriate for the organism and question under study.