198 resultados para prolonged grief disorder
INTRODUCTION: infants hospitalised in neonatology are inevitably exposed to pain repeatedly. Premature infants are particularly vulnerable, because they are hypersensitive to pain and demonstrate diminished behavioural responses to pain. They are therefore at risk of developing short and long-term complications if pain remains untreated. CONTEXT: compared to acute pain, there is limited evidence in the literature on prolonged pain in infants. However, the prevalence is reported between 20 and 40 %. OBJECTIVE : this single case study aimed to identify the bio-contextual characteristics of neonates who experienced prolonged pain. METHODS : this study was carried out in the neonatal unit of a tertiary referral centre in Western Switzerland. A retrospective data analysis of seven infants' profile, who experienced prolonged pain ,was performed using five different data sources. RESULTS : the mean gestational age of the seven infants was 32weeks. The main diagnosis included prematurity and respiratory distress syndrome. The total observations (N=55) showed that the participants had in average 21.8 (SD 6.9) painful procedures that were estimated to be of moderate to severe intensity each day. Out of the 164 recorded pain scores (2.9 pain assessment/day/infant), 14.6 % confirmed acute pain. Out of those experiencing acute pain, analgesia was given in 16.6 % of them and 79.1 % received no analgesia. CONCLUSION: this study highlighted the difficulty in managing pain in neonates who are exposed to numerous painful procedures. Pain in this population remains underevaluated and as a result undertreated.Results of this study showed that nursing documentation related to pain assessment is not systematic.Regular assessment and documentation of acute and prolonged pain are recommended. This could be achieved with clear guidelines on the Assessment Intervention Reassessment (AIR) cyclewith validated measures adapted to neonates. The adequacy of pain assessment is a pre-requisite for appropriate pain relief in neonates.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to differentiate schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and bipolar-I-disorder (BD) in first-episode psychotic mania (FEPM). METHODS: All 134 patients from an epidemiological first-episode psychosis cohort (N=786) with FEPM and an 18-month follow-up final diagnosis of SAD (n=36) or BD (n=98) were assessed with respect to pre-treatment, baseline and outcome differences. Second, patients with baseline BD who shifted (shifted BD) or did not shift to SAD (stable BD) over the follow-up period were compared regarding pre-treatment and baseline differences. RESULTS: SAD patients displayed a significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP; effect size r=0.35), a higher illness-severity at baseline (r=0.20) and more traumatic events (Cramer-V=0.19). SAD patients displayed a significantly higher non-adherence rate (Cramer-V=0.19); controlling for time in treatment and respective baseline scores, SAD patients had significantly worse illness severity (CGI-S; partial η(2)=0.12) and psychosocial functioning (GAF; partial η(2)=0.07) at 18-months, while BD patients were more likely to achieve remission of positive symptoms (OR=4.9, 95% CI=1.8-13.3; p=0.002) and to be employed/occupied (OR=7.7, 95% CI=2.4-24.4, p=0.001). The main discriminator of stable and shifted BD was a longer DUP in patients shifting from BD to SAD. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to distinguish BD with psychotic symptoms and SAD in patients presenting with FEPM. Longer DUP is related to SAD and to a shift from BD to SAD. Compared to BD, SAD had worse outcomes and higher rates of non-adherence with medication. Despite these differences, both diagnostic groups need careful dimensional assessment and monitoring of symptoms and functioning in order to choose the right treatment.
Our objective was to evaluate efficacy and patency of metallic stent placement for symptomatic Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) due to prothrombotic disorders. Eleven patients with proved BCS due to prothrombotic disorders were referred for endovascular treatment because of refractory ascites (n=9), abdominal pain (n=8), jaundice (n=6), and/or gastrointestinal bleeding (n=4). Stents were inserted for stenosed hepatic vein (n=7), inferior vena cava (n=2), or mesenterico-caval shunt (n=2). Clinical efficacy and stent patency was evaluated by clinical and Doppler follow-up. After a mean follow-up of 21 months, 6 patients had fully patent stents without reintervention (primary stent patency: 55%). Two patients with hepatic vein stenosis had stent thrombosis and died 4 months after procedure. Restenosis occurred in 3 cases (2 hepatic vein and 1 mesenterico-caval shunt stenosis) and were successfully treated by balloon angioplasty (n=2) and addition of new stents (n=1) leading to a 82% secondary stent patency. Of 9 patients with patent stent, 7 were asymptomatic (77%) at the end of the study. Stent placement is a safe and effective procedure to control of symptomatic BCS. Prothrombotic disorder does not seem to jeopardize patency in anticoagulated patients.
Objectives: To compare the clinical characteristics, species distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida bloodstream isolates (BSI) in breakthrough (BTC) vs. non-breakthrough candidemia (NBTC) and to study the effect of prolonged vs. short fluconazole (F) exposure in BTC.Methods: Candida BSI were prospectively collected during 2004- 2006 from 27 hospitals (seven university, 20 affiliated) of the FUNGINOS network. Susceptibility to F, voriconazole (V) and caspofungin (C) was tested in the FUNGINOS mycology reference laboratory by microtitre broth dilution method with the Sensititre YeastOneTM test panel. Clinical data were collected using standardized CRFs. BTC was defined as occurring during antifungal treatment/prophylaxis of at least three days duration prior to the candidemia. Susceptibility of BSI was defined according to 2010/2011 CLSI clinical breakpoints.Results: Out of 567 candidemia episodes, 550 Candida BSI were available. Of these, 43 (7.6%) were from BTC (37/43, 86% were isolated after F exposure). 38 BTC (88.4%) and 315 NBTC (55.6%) occurred in university hospitals (P < 0.001). The majority of patients developing BTC were immunocompromised: higher proportions of haematological malignancies (62.8% in BTC vs. 47.1% in NBTC, P < 0.001), neutropenia (37.2% vs. 11.8%, P < 0.001), acute GvHD (14% vs. 0.2%, P < 0.001), immunosuppressive drugs (74.4% vs. 7.8%, P < 0.001), and mucositis (32.6% vs. 2.3%, P < 0.001) were observed. Other differences between BTC and NBTC were higher proportions of patients with central venous catheters in the 2 weeks preceding candidemia (95.3% vs. 83.4%, P = 0.047) and receiving total parenteral nutrition (62.8% vs. 35.9%, P < 0.001), but a lower proportion of patients treated with gastric proton pump inhibitors (23.3% vs. 72.1%, P < 0.001). Overall mortality of BTC and NBTC was not different (34.9% vs. 31.7%, P = 0.73), while a trend to higher attributable mortality in BTC was found (13.9% vs. 6.9%, P = 0.12). Species identification showed a majority of C. albicans in both groups (51.2% in BTC vs. 62.9% in NBTC, P = 0.26), followed by C. glabrata (18.6% vs. 18.5%), C. tropicalis (2.3% vs. 6.3%) and C. parapsilosis (7.0% vs. 4.7%). Significantly more C. krusei were detected in BTC versus NBTC (11.6% vs. 1.6%, P = 0.002). The geometric mean MIC for F, V and C between BTC and NBTC isolates was not significantly different. However, in BTC there was a significant association between duration of F exposure and the Candida spp.: >10 days of F was associated with a significant shift from susceptible Candida spp. (C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. famata) to non-susceptible species (C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. norvegensis). Among 21 BTC episodes occurring after £10 days of F, 19% of the isolates were non-susceptible, in contrast to 68.7% in 16 BTC episodes occurring after >10 days of F (P = 0.003).Conclusions: Breakthrough candidemia occurred more often in immunocompromised hosts. Fluconazole administered for >10 days was associated with a shift to non-susceptible Candida spp.. Length of fluconazole exposure should be taken into consideration for the choice of empirical antifungal treatment.
BACKGROUND/AIM: We have reported that neonatal treatment with monosodium L-glutamate (MSG), which causes damage to the arcuate nucleus, leads to severe hyperleptinemia and reduced adrenal leptin receptor (ob-Rb) expression in adulthood. As a result, rats given MSG neonatally display corticoadrenal leptin-resistance, a defect that is overridden by normalization of corticoadrenal hyperfunction. The aim of the present study was to determine whether negative energy conditions could correct corticoadrenal cell dysfunction in rats given MSG neonatally. METHODS: Normal (CTR) and MSG-treated female rats were subjected to food removal for 1-5 days, or prolonged (24-61 days) food restriction (FR). Plasma levels of several biomarkers and in vitro corticoadrenal function were evaluated following starvation or FR. RESULTS: Fasting for 1-5 days reduced plasma leptin levels in CTR and MSG rats, compared to levels in the respective groups fed ad libitum(p < 0.05), but adrenal leptin-resistance was unchanged. With prolonged FR, isolated adrenal cells from MSG rats became sensitive to leptin, which lowered ACTH-induced glucocorticoid release. This restoration of leptin response was associated with normalization of adrenal ob-Rb gene expression. CONCLUSION: Dietary restriction in some leptin-resistant obese phenotypes may normalize adrenocortical function.
Résumé large public Le glucose est une source d'énergie essentielle pour notre organisme, indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules de notre corps. Les cellules β du pancréas sont chargées de réguler l'utilisation du glucose et de maintenir la glycémie (taux de glucose dans le sang) à un niveau constant. Lorsque la glycémie augmente, ces dernières sécrètent l'insuline, une hormone favorisant l'absorption, l'utilisation et le stockage du glucose. Une sécrétion insuffisante d'insuline provoque une élévation anormale du taux de glucose dans le sang (hyperglycémie) et peut mener au développement du diabète sucré. L'insuline est sécrétée dans le sang par un mécanisme particulier appelé exocytose. Une meilleure compréhension de ce mécanisme est nécessaire dans l'espoir de trouver des nouvelles thérapies pour traiter les 170 millions de personnes atteintes de diabète sucré à travers le monde. L'implication de diverses protéines, comme les SNAREs ou Rabs a déjà été démontrée. Cependant leurs mécanismes d'action restent, à ce jour, peu compris. De plus, l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à des conditions physiopathologiques, comme l'hyperglycémie, est encore à élucider. Le but de mon travail de thèse a été de clarifier le rôle de deux protéines, Noc2 et Tomosyn, dans l'exocytose ; puis de déterminer les effets d'une exposition prolongée à un taux élevé de glucose sur l'ensemble des protéines de la machinerie d'exocytose. Noc2 est un partenaire potentiel de deux Rabs connues pour leur implication dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose, Rab3 et Rab27. Grâce à l'étude de différents mutants de Noc2, j'ai montré que l'interaction avec Rab27 permet à la protéine de s'associer avec les organelles de la cellule β contenant l'insuline. De plus, en diminuant sélectivement l'expression de Noc2, j'ai déterminé l'importance de cette protéine pour le bon fonctionnement du processus d'exocytose et le relâchement de l'insuline. Quant à Tomosyn, une protéine interagissant avec les protéines SNAREs, j'ai démontré son importance dans la sécrétion d'insuline en diminuant de manière sélective son expression dans les cellules β. Ensuite, grâce à une combinaison d'approches moléculaires et de microscopie, j'ai mis en évidence le rôle de Tomosyn dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose. Enfin, puisque la sécrétion d'insuline est diminuée lors d'une hyperglycémie prolongée, j'ai analysé l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à ces conditions. Ceci m'a permis de découvrir que l'expression de quatre protéines essentielles pour le processus d'exocytose, Noc2, Rab3, Rab27 et Granuphilin, est fortement diminuée lors d'une hyperglycémie chronique. L'ensemble de ces données met en évidence l'importance de Noc2 et Tomosyn dans la sécrétion d'insuline. L'inhibition, par un taux élevé de glucose, de l'expression de Noc2 et d'autres protéines indispensables pour l'exocytose suggère que ce phénomène pourrait contribuer au développement du diabète sucré. Résumé L'exocytose d'insuline, en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang, est la fonction principale de la cellule β. Celle-ci permet de stabiliser le taux de glucose sanguin (glycémie). Le diabète de type 2 est caractérisé par une glycémie élevée due, principalement, à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose. La compréhension des mécanismes qui contrôlent l'exocytose d'insuline est essentielle pour clarifier les causes du diabète sucré. Plusieurs composants impliqués dans ce processus ont été identifiés. Ceux-ci incluent les SNAREs Syntaxin-1, VAMP2 et SNAP25 et les GTPases Rab3 et Rab27 qui jouent un rôle dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose. Pendant mon travail de thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de Noc2, un des partenaires de Rab3 et Rab27, dans l'exocytose d'insuline. Nous avons déterminé que Noc2 s'associe aux granules de sécrétion d'insuline grâce à son interaction avec Rab27. La diminution de l'expression de Noc2 dans la lignée cellulaire β INS-1E, par ARN interférence, influence négativement la sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par différents sécrétagogues et prouve que cette protéine Noc2 est essentielle pour l'exocytose d'insuline. L'interaction avec Munc13, une protéine impliquée dans l'arrimage des vésicules, suggère que Noc2 participe au recrutement des granules d'insuline à la membrane plasmique. Ensuite, j'ai analysé l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à des concentrations supraphysiologiques de glucose. Le niveau d'expression de Rab3 et Rab27 et de leurs effecteurs Granuphilin/S1p4 et Noc2 est fortement diminué par une exposition prolongée des cellules β à haut glucose. L'effet observé est en relation avec l'induction de l'expression de ICER, un facteur de transcription surexprimé dans des conditions d'hyperglycémie et également dans des modèles génétiques de diabète de type 2. La surexpression de ICER dans des cellules INS-1E diminue l'expression de Rab3, Rab27, Granuphilin/Slp4 et Noc2 et par conséquent l'exocytose d'insuline. Ainsi, l'induction de ICER, après une exposition prolongée à haut glucose, régule négativement l'expression de protéines essentielles pour l'exocytose et altère la sécrétion d'insuline. Ce mécanisme pourrait contribuer au dysfonctionnement de l'exocytose d'insuline dans le diabète de type 2. Dans la dernière partie de ma thèse, j'ai investigué le rôle de la protéine Tomosyn-1 dans la formation du complexe SNARE. Cette protéine a une forte affinité pour Syntaxin-1 et contient un domaine SNARE. Tomosyn-1 est concentrée dans les régions cellulaires enrichies en granules de sécrétion. La diminution sélective de l'expression de Tomosyn-1 induit une réduction de l'exocytose stimulée par différents sécrétagogues. Cet effet est dû à un défaut de fusion des granules avec la membrane plasmique. Ceci nous indique que Tomosyn-1 intervient dans une phase importante de la préparation des vésicules à la fusion, qui est nécessaire à l'exocytose. Abstract: Insulin exocytosis from pancreatic β-cells plays a central role in blood glucose homeostasis. Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by secretory dysfunctions in pancreatic β-cells and release of amounts of insulin that are inappropriate to maintain blood glucose concentration within normal physiological ranges. To define the causes of β-cell failure a basic understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control insulin exocytosis is essential. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including the SNARE proteins VAMP2, Syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 and the two GTPases, Rab3 and Rab27, that regulate the final steps of insulin secretion. I first investigated the role of Noc2, a potential Rab3 and Rab27 partner, in insulin secretion. I found that Noc2 associates with Rab27 and is recruited by this GTPase on insulin- containing granules. Silencing of the Noc2 gene by RNA interference led to a strong impairment in the capacity of the β-cell line INS-1E to respond to secretagogues, indicating that appropriate levels of the protein are essential for insulin exocytosis. I also showed that Noc2 interacts with Munc13, a protein that controls vesicle priming, suggesting a possible involvement of Noc2 in the recruitment of secretory granules at the plasma membrane. In the second part of my thesis, I investigated the adaptation of the molecular machinery of exocytosis to physiopathological conditions. I found that the expression of Rab3, Rab27 and of their effectors Granuphilin/Slp4 and Noc2 is dramatically decreased by chronic exposure of β-ce1ls to supraphysiological glucose levels. The observed glucotoxic effect is a consequence of the induction of ICER, a transcriptional repressor that is increased by prolonged hyperglycemia and in genetic models of type 2 diabetes. Overexpression of ICER reduced Granuphilin, Noc2, Rab3 and Rab27 levels and inhibited exocytosis. These results suggest that the presence of inappropriate levels of ICER diminishes the expression of a group of proteins essential for exocytosis and contributes to defective insulin release in type 2 diabetes. In the last part of my thesis, I focused my attention on the role of Tomosyn-1, a Syntaxin-1 binding protein possessing a SNARE-like motif, in the control of SNARE complex assembly. I found that Tomosyn-1 is concentrated in cellular compartments enriched in insulin-containing secretory granules. Silencing of Tomosyn-1 did not affect the number of secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane but decreased their release probability, resulting in a reduction in stimulus-induced insulin exocytosis. These findings suggest that Tomosyn-1 is involved in a post-docking event that prepares secretory granules for fusion and is necessary to sustain exocytosis in response to insulin secretagogues.
Aims: To compare the frequency of life events in the year preceding illness onset in a series of Conversion Disorder (CD) patients, with those of a matched control group and to characterize the nature of those events in terms of "escape" potential. Traditional models of CD hypothesise that relevant stressful experiences are "converted" into physical symptoms to relieve psychological pressure, and that the resultant disability allows "escape" from the stressor, providing some advantage to the individual. Methods: The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) is a validated semi-structured interview designed to minimise recall and interviewer bias through rigorous assessment and independent rating of events. An additional "escape" rating was developed. Results: In the year preceding onset in 25 CD patients (mean age 38.9 years ± 8) and a similar matched period in 13 controls (mean age 36.2 years ± 10), no significant difference was found in the proportion of subjects having ≥ 1 severe event (CD 64%, controls 38%; p=0.2). In the last month preceding onset, a higher number of patients experienced ≥1 severe events than controls (52% vs 15%, odds ratio 5.95 (CI: 1.09-32.57)). Patients were twice as much more likely to have a severe escape events than controls, in the month preceding onset (44% vs 7%, odds ratio 9.43 (CI: 1.06-84.04). Conclusion: Preliminary data from this ongoing study suggest that the time frame (preceding month) and the nature ("escape") of the events may play an important role in identifying key events related to CD onset.
Background: Pre-existing psychological factors can strongly influence coping with type 1 diabetes mellitus and interfere with self-monitoring. Psychiatric disorders seem to be positively associated with poor metabolic control. We present a case of extreme compulsive blood testing due to obsessive fear of hypoglycemia in an adolescent with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Case report: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (anti GAD-antibodies 2624 U/l, norm < 9.5) was diagnosed in a boy aged 14.3 years [170 cm (+ 0.93 SDS), weight 50.5 kg (+ 0.05 SDS)]. Laboratory work-up showed no evidence for other autoimmune disease. Family and past medical history were unremarkable. Growth and developmental milestones were normal. Insulin-analog based basal-bolus regime was initiated, associated to standard diabetic education. Routine psychological evaluation performed at the onset of diabetes revealed intermittent anxiety and obsessivecompulsive traits. Accordingly, a close psychiatric follow-up was initiated for the patient and his family. An adequate metabolic control (HbA1c drop from >14 to 8%) was achieved within 3 months, attributed to residual -cell function. In the following 6 months, HbA1c rose unexpectedly despite seemingly adequate adaptations of insulin doses. Obsessive fear of hypoglycemia leading to a severe compulsive behavior developed progressively with as many as 68 glycemia measurements per day (mean over 1 week). The patient reported that he could not bear leaving home with glycemia < 15 mmol/l, ending up with school eviction and severe intra-familial conflict. Despite intensive psychiatric outpatient support, HbA1c rose rapidly to >14% with glycemia-testing reaching peaks of 120 tests/day. The situation could only be discontinued through psychiatric hospitalization with intensive behavioral training. As a result, adequate metabolic balance was restored (HbA1c value: 7.1 %) with acceptable 10-15 daily glycemia measurements. Discussion: The association of overt psychiatric disorders to type 1 diabetes mellitus is very rare in the pediatric age group. It can lead to a pathological behavior with uncontrolled diabetes. Such exceptional situations require long-term admissions with specialized psychiatric care. Slow acceptation of a "less is better" principle in glycemia testing and amelioration of metabolic control are difficult to achieve.
OBJECTIVES: Clinical staging is widespread in medicine - it informs prognosis, clinical course, and treatment, and assists individualized care. Staging places an individual on a probabilistic continuum of increasing potential disease severity, ranging from clinically at-risk or latency stage through first threshold episode of illness or recurrence, and, finally, to late or end-stage disease. The aim of the present paper was to examine and update the evidence regarding staging in bipolar disorder, and how this might inform targeted and individualized intervention approaches. METHODS: We provide a narrative review of the relevant information. RESULTS: In bipolar disorder, the validity of staging is informed by a range of findings that accompany illness progression, including neuroimaging data suggesting incremental volume loss, cognitive changes, and a declining likelihood of response to pharmacological and psychosocial treatments. Staging informs the adoption of a number of approaches, including the active promotion of both indicated prevention for at-risk individuals and early intervention strategies for newly diagnosed individuals, and the tailored implementation of treatments according to the stage of illness. CONCLUSIONS: The nature of bipolar disorder implies the presence of an active process of neuroprogression that is considered to be at least partly mediated by inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and changes in neurogenesis. It further supports the concept of neuroprotection, in that a diversity of agents have putative effects against these molecular targets. Clinically, staging suggests that the at-risk state or first episode is a period that requires particularly active and broad-based treatment, consistent with the hope that the temporal trajectory of the illness can be altered. Prompt treatment may be potentially neuroprotective and attenuate the neurostructural and neurocognitive changes that emerge with chronicity. Staging highlights the need for interventions at a service delivery level and implementing treatments at the earliest stage of illness possible.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent disorder with substantial heritability. Heritability has been shown to be substantial and higher in the variant of MDD characterized by recurrent episodes of depression. Genetic studies have thus far failed to identify clear and consistent evidence of genetic risk factors for MDD. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in two independent datasets. The first GWAS was performed on 1022 recurrent MDD patients and 1000 controls genotyped on the Illumina 550 platform. The second was conducted on 492 recurrent MDD patients and 1052 controls selected from a population-based collection, genotyped on the Affymetrix 5.0 platform. Neither GWAS identified any SNP that achieved GWAS significance. We obtained imputed genotypes at the Illumina loci for the individuals genotyped on the Affymetrix platform, and performed a meta-analysis of the two GWASs for this common set of approximately half a million SNPs. The meta-analysis did not yield genome-wide significant results either. The results from our study suggest that SNPs with substantial odds ratio are unlikely to exist for MDD, at least in our datasets and among the relatively common SNPs genotyped or tagged by the half-million-loci arrays. Meta-analysis of larger datasets is warranted to identify SNPs with smaller effects or with rarer allele frequencies that contribute to the risk of MDD.
BACKGROUND: The diagnostic and clinical overlap between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder is an important nosological issue in psychiatry that is yet to be resolved. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical and functional characteristics of an epidemiological treated cohort of first episode patients with an 18-month discharge diagnosis of schizophrenia (FES) or schizoaffective disorder (FESA). METHODS: This study was part of the larger First Episode Psychosis Outcome Study (FEPOS) which involved a medical file audit study of all 786 patients treated at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre between 1998 and 2000. Of this cohort, 283 patients had an 18-month discharge diagnosis of FES and 64 had a diagnosis of FESA. DSM-IV diagnoses and clinical and functional ratings were derived and validated by two consultant psychiatrists. RESULTS: Compared to FES patients, those with FESA were significantly more likely to have a later age of onset (p=.004), longer prodrome (p=.020), and a longer duration of untreated psychosis (p<.001). At service entry, FESA patients presented with a higher illness severity (p=.020), largely due to the presence of more severe manic symptoms (p<.001). FESA patients also had a greater number of subsequent inpatient admissions (p=.017), had more severe depressive symptoms (p=.011), and higher levels of functioning at discharge. DISCUSSION: The findings support the notion that these might be considered two discernable disorders; however, further research is required to ascertain the ways and extent to which these disorders are discriminable at presentation and over time.
La réponse métabolique de l'obèse apparemment « sainen situation d'agression aiguë (polytraumatisés, traumatisés crâniens, patients chirurgicaux, grands brûlés, opérations électives) ne se distingue pas ou peu de celle de l'individu non-obèse. Cependant, les complications médicales liées à l'agression (insuffisances respiratoire et cardiaque, bronchopneumonie, infections de plaies, thrombophlébites et embolies) demeurent plus importantes chez l'obèse morbide que chez l'individu de poids normal. Grâce à l'inflation de ses réserves énergétiques, l'obèse apparemment sain est avantagé, par rapport au sujet mince, au cours d'une agression nutritionnelle chronique telle que le jeûne prolongé. Le facteur fonctionnel limitant la survie dépend avant tout de la composition corporelle initiale et du degré d'adaptation métabolique (et comportementale) en particulier du degré de conservation de la masse maigre par rapport à la masse grasse. La mobilisation accrue de la masse grasse associée à la perte de poids chez l'obèse (par rapport à son homologue non-obèse) est favorable à une prolongation de la vie, car, en brûlant davantage de graisse corporelle, la part des protéines corporelles endogènes utilisée à des fins énergétiques est plus faible. Il s'ensuit chez l'obèse qu'un niveau de masse maigre critique pour la survie n'est atteint qu'après une réduction très marquée de ses réserves énergétiques. En revanche, le sujet mince perd davantage de masse maigre lors de l'amaigrissement et, par conséquent, son métabolisme de repos diminuera plus rapidement que celui du sujet obèse. Cela peut constituer un avantage énergétique évident en termes d'économie d'énergie consécutive à l'adaptation métabolique, mais un inconvénient majeur quant à la durée de la survie. The metabolic response of « apparently healthyobese individuals following acute injury (multiple trauma, head injury and surgical patients, extended burns, elective surgery) is not dramatically different from that of a non-obese individuals. However, the medical complications following the injury (respiratory and cardiac insufficiency, broncho-pneumonia, infections of wounds, trombophlebitis and embolism) are more prevalent in morbid obese patients than in individuals of normal body weight. Because of a large increase in their individuals energy store, "apparently healthy" obese individuals have an advantage over very lean subjects when exposed to a chronic nutritional aggression such as total fasting. The functional limiting factor for survival depends primarily on initial body composition and the magnitude of metabolic adaptation (including behavioral adaptation). The key factor is the extent to which the fat-free mass is maintained (versus to the fat mass) during weight loss. The increased proportion of body fat mobilized during weight loss in obese patients, compared with their non-obese counterparts, favors prolonged survival, because more adipose tissue is burned off, the fraction of body protein endogenously utilized for energy purpose individuals, is smaller. This implies that obese individuals do not reach a fat-free mass "critical" for their survival until their energy stores reach very low values. In contrast, lean subject tend to lose more fat-free mass during weight loss than obese subjects and, as a result, their energy expenditure drops more rapidly. This may offer a potential advantage in terms of energy economy (more energy saving) but a major disadvantage in terms of duration of survival.