193 resultados para nuclear resonance, medical diagnostic, lung


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most frequent of the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. It is a progressive disorderwith a poor prognosis. Its diagnosis requires the careful exclusion of potential causes, and a pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia at high-resolution computed tomography or video-assisted surgical lung biopsy. Several recent randomized trials have profoundly modified the therapeutic management of IPF. The combination of prednisone and azathioprine, often prescribed until recently, has been shown to be harmful and is no longer indicated. N-acetylcystein, also used in the past decade, failed to show an efficacy. However, two new antifibrotic drugs, pirfenidone and nintedanib, have for the first time proven effective in slowing disease progression.


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Chemical shifts of protons can report on metabolic transformations such as the conversion of choline to phosphocholine. To follow such processes in vivo, magnetization can be enhanced by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). We have hyperpolarized in this manner nitrogen-15 spins in (15)N-labeled choline up to 3.3% by irradiating the 94 GHz electron spin resonance of admixed TEMPO nitroxide radicals in a magnetic field of 3.35 T during ca. 3 h at 1.2 K. The sample was subsequently transferred to a high-resolution magnet, and the enhanced polarization was converted from (15)N to methyl- and methylene protons, using the small (2,3)J((1)H,(15)N) couplings in choline. The room-temperature lifetime of nitrogen polarization in choline, T(1)((15)N) approximately 200 s, could be considerably increased by partial deuteration of the molecule. This procedure enables studies of choline metabolites in vitro and in vivo using DNP-enhanced proton NMR.


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Diagnosis in allergology is facing novel challenges because of the availability not only of purified or recombinant allergens, but also of multitests such as allergen micro-arrays. These new diagnostic opportunities contribute to a better understanding of crossreactivities between respiratory and food allergens. In comparison to current diagnosis based on whole allergen extracts, this novel generation of specific IgE tests is expected to provide better information on the risk of reaction to allergens as well as on its severity. However these new technologies are expensive, and will have to be carefully analyzed in terms of medical usefulness and public health costs.


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Nationwide surveys on radiation dose to the population from medical radiology are recommended in order to follow the trends in population exposure and ensure radiation protection. The last survey in Switzerland was conducted in 1998, and the annual effective dose from medical radiology was estimated to be 1 mSv y(-1) per capita. The purpose of this work was to follow the trends in diagnostic radiology between 1998 and 2008 in Switzerland and determine the contribution of different modalities and types of examinations to the collective effective dose from medical x-rays. For this reason, an online database (www.raddose.ch) was developed. All healthcare providers who hold a license to run an x-ray unit in the country were invited to participate in the survey. More than 225 examinations, covering eight radiological modalities, were included in the survey. The average effective dose for each examination was reassessed. Data from about 3,500 users were collected (42% response rate). The survey showed that the annual effective dose was 1.2 mSv/capita in 2008. The most frequent examinations are conventional and dental radiographies (88%). The contribution of computed tomography was only 6% in terms of examination frequency but 68% in terms of effective dose. The comparison with other countries showed that the effective dose per capita in Switzerland was in the same range as in other countries with similar healthcare systems, although the annual number of examinations performed in Switzerland was higher.


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Fungi are divided in 3 groups in the field of medical mycology. The dermatophytes are filamentous fungi able to grow on keratinized tissues from human or animals. They are the main cause of superficial and cutaneous mycoses of the skin and its appendix (hair and nail). The yeasts, or dimorphic fungi, can be responsible of diverse types of infections (superficial to deep mycoses). The moulds include all Non-dermatophyte Filamentous Fungi (NDF). In medical mycology, the most representative moulds are Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Mucor spp. Diagnosis of mycosis is currently based on direct mycological examination of biological samples, as well as macroscopic and microscopic identification of the infectious fungus in culture assay. However, culture assays were found to remain sterile in roughly 40% of cases otherwise positive by direct mycological examinations. Additionally, results from culture assays are often difficult to interpret as various NDF are sometimes isolated. This thesis work is composed of three projects focusing on the development of new assays for direct in situ identification of fungi from dermatological samples. Part 1. A Polymerase Chain Reaction - Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay (PCR-TRFLP) targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophytes and NDF in nails with suspected onychomycosis. This method is faster and more efficient than culture. It further enables the distinction of more than one agent in case of mixed infection. A fast and reliable assay for the identification of dermatophytes and NDF in onychomycosis was found to be highly relevant since onychomycosis with Fusarium spp. or other NDF are weakly responsive or unresponsive to standard onychomycosis treatments with oral terbinafine and itraconazole. Part 2. A nested PCR-sequencing assay targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophyte species in skin and hair samples. This method is especially suitable for tinea capitis where dermatophytes identification is critical for subsequently prescribing the adequate treatment. The challenge presented when performing direct PCR fungi identification in skin and hair differs from that seen in onychomycosis as small amount of material is generally collected, few fungal elements are present in the clinical sample and one dermatophyte among a dozen species must be identified. Part 3. Fusarium spp. is currently isolated from nails with a frequency of 15% of that of dermatophytes in the laboratory of Mycology of the CHUV (2005-2012). The aim of this work was to examine if the intensive use of terbinafine and itraconazole could be a cause of the high incidence of Fusarium nail infections. For that purpose, two different methods, specific PCR and TRFLP, were used to detect both Fusarium spp. and Trichophyton spp. in nails of previously treated or untreated patients. TRFLP assay was found to be less sensitive than classical PCR assays specifically detecting Fusarium spp. or Trichophyton spp. Independently of the detection method used, the prevalence of Fusarium spp. appears not to be higher in patients previously treated by oral standard treatment with terbinafine and azoles which are highly effective to fight Trichophyton spp. in nails. In many cases Fusarium sp. was detected in samples of patients not previously subjected to antifungal therapy. Therefore, these treatments do not appear to favor the establishment of Fusarium spp. after elimination of a dermatophyte in nail infection. - En mycologie médicale, les champignons sont classés en 3 groupes. Les dermatophytes sont des champignons filamenteux capables de se développer dans les tissus kératinisés des hommes et des animaux, ils représentent la principale cause des mycoses superficielles et cutanées de la peau et de ses appendices (ongles et cheveux). Les levures, ou champignons dimorphiques, peuvent être responsables de divers types d'infections (superficielles à profondes). Les moisissures incluent tous les champignons filamenteux non-dermatophytes (NDF), les Aspergillus spp., les Fusarium spp. et les Mucor spp. sont les principales espèces rencontrées. Le diagnostic d'une mycose est basé sur un examen mycologique direct des prélèvements biologiques ainsi que sur l'identification macroscopique et microscopique du champignon infectieux isolé en culture. Cependant, dans environ 40% des cas, l'identification de l'agent pathogène est impossible par cette méthode car la culture reste stérile, bien que l'examen direct soit positif. De plus, la croissance de moisissures et/ou autres contaminants peut rendre l'interprétation de l'examen difficile. Ce travail de thèse est composé de trois projets focalisés sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'identification des champignons directement à partir d'échantillons dermatologiques. Projet 1. Une méthode de Réaction en chaîne de polymérase couplée à du polymorphisme de longueur des fragments de restriction terminaux (PCR-TRFLP), en ciblant l'ADN ribosomal 28S, a été développée pour l'identification des dermatophytes et moisissures dans les ongles avec suspicion d'onychomycoses. Cette technique s'est avérée plus rapide et plus efficace que la culture, permettant l'identification de plusieurs champignons en même temps. Posséder une méthode d'identification rapide et fiable des dermatophytes et des NDF dans les onychomycoses a été jugée nécessaire du fait que les Fusarium et d'autres NDF sont peu ou pas sensibles aux traitements oraux standards à la terbinafine et à Γ itraconazole. Projet 2. Une PCR nichée couplée au séquençage d'un fragment de l'ADN ribosomal 28S a été développée afin de différencier les dermatophytes dans la peau et les cheveux. Cette méthode est particulièrement adaptée au cas de tinea capitis, où l'identification du dermatophyte est essentielle afin de prescrire le traitement adéquat. Le problème de l'identification du pathogène fongique dans les cheveux et la peau diffère des onychomycoses car de petites quantités sont prélevées chez les patients, peu d'éléments fongiques sont présents et il faut discriminer un dermatophyte parmi une douzaine d'espèces potentielles. Projet 3. Au laboratoire de Mycologie du CHUV, les Fusarium ont été isolé dans les ongles à une fréquence de 15% pour la période 2005-2012. Le but de ce travail était d'examiner si l'utilisation intensive de terbinafine et d'itraconazole pouvait être une des causes de la forte incidence des infections des ongles par Fusarium. A cet effet, deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour détecter à la fois Fusarium spp. et Trichophyton spp., la PCR spécifique et le TRFLP. Indépendamment de la méthode choisie, il en résulte que la prévalence des Fusarium η'apparaît pas liée à un traitement au préalable des patients avec de la terbinafine ou des azoles, thérapies très efficaces contre les Trichophyton spp. dans les ongles. De plus, il existe de nombreux cas où Fusarium était détecté chez des patients non traités.


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Les manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien sont fréquentes. La pH-impédancemétrie permet d’évaluer des reflux acides ou non acides et de déterminer leur extension proximale. A la lumière de deux patients de notre collectif, nous observons une corrélation entre reflux non acide et symptômes ORL dans le premier cas et une suppression acide insuffisante dans le deuxième cas. Ces résultats nous orientent vers un traitement spécifique complémentaire aux inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons. La pH-impédancemétrie détecte les reflux aussi bien acides que non acides, et analyse la concordance entre les symptômes et les épisodes de reflux. Elle permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien et une prise en charge thérapeutique mieux adaptée. ENT symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux are frequent. pH-impedance can detect acid and non-acid reflux and measure their proximal extension. The technique identifies the refluxate by changes in impedance. We discuss 2 clinical situations where correlation of symptoms could be explained by a non-acid reflux in the first case, and a lack of acid suppression in the second case, respectively. These results lead to a specific additional treatment to proton pump inhibitors (PPI). This technology provides a better understanding of the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis, and affords the prescription of PPI on a proven diagnosis. Detection of non-acid reflux leads to an optimized medical treatment.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the combination of ultrasound (US) + fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in the assessment of salivary gland tumours in the hands of the otolaryngologist. DESIGN: A retrospective review of case notes was performed. SETTING: Two university teaching hospitals in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and three patients with a total of 106 focal masses of the salivary glands were included. Clinician-operated US + FNA were the first line of investigation for these lesions. All patients underwent surgical excision of the lesion, which allowed for confirmation of diagnosis by histopathology in 104 lesions and by laboratory testing in two lesions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary--diagnostic accuracy in identifying true salivary gland neoplasms and detecting malignancy. Secondary--predicting an approximate and specific diagnosis in these tumours. RESULTS: The combination of US + FNA achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 99% in identifying and differentiating true salivary gland neoplasms from tumour-like lesions. In detecting malignancy, this combination permitted an accuracy of 98%. An approximate diagnosis was possible in 89%, and a specific diagnosis in 69% of our patients. CONCLUSIONS: Due to economic factors and a high diagnostic accuracy, the combination of US + FNA represents the investigation method of choice for most salivary gland tumours. We suggest that the otolaryngologist be employed in carrying out these procedures, as is already the rule in other medical specialties, while computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging should be reserved to those few lesions, which cannot be delineated completely by sonography.


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Normal and abnormal brains can be segmented by registering the target image with an atlas. Here, an atlas is defined as the combination of an intensity image (template) and its segmented image (the atlas labels). After registering the atlas template and the target image, the atlas labels are propagated to the target image. We define this process as atlas-based segmentation. In recent years, researchers have investigated registration algorithms to match atlases to query subjects and also strategies for atlas construction. In this paper we present a review of the automated approaches for atlas-based segmentation of magnetic resonance brain images. We aim to point out the strengths and weaknesses of atlas-based methods and suggest new research directions. We use two different criteria to present the methods. First, we refer to the algorithms according to their atlas-based strategy: label propagation, multi-atlas methods, and probabilistic techniques. Subsequently, we classify the methods according to their medical target: the brain and its internal structures, tissue segmentation in healthy subjects, tissue segmentation in fetus, neonates and elderly subjects, and segmentation of damaged brains. A quantitative comparison of the results reported in the literature is also presented.


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The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) to conventional, ante-mortem computed tomography (CT)-scan, CT-angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the detection and localization of the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhage with fatal outcomes. The medical records and imaging scans of nine individuals who underwent a conventional, ante-mortem CT-scan, CTA or DSA and later died in the hospital as a result of an acute hemorrhage were reviewed. Post-mortem computed tomography angiography, using multi-phase post-mortem CTA, as well as medico-legal autopsies were performed. Localization accuracy of the bleeding was assessed by comparing the diagnostic findings of the different techniques. The results revealed that data from ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological examinations were similar, though the PMCTA showed a higher sensitivity for detecting the hemorrhage source than did ante-mortem radiological investigations. By comparing the results of PMCTA and conventional autopsy, much higher sensitivity was noted in PMCTA in identifying the source of the bleeding. In fact, the vessels involved were identified in eight out of nine cases using PMCTA and only in three cases through conventional autopsy. Our study showed that PMCTA, similar to clinical radiological investigations, is able to precisely identify lesions of arterial and/or venous vessels and thus determine the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhages with fatal outcomes.


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Critical reading and careful interpretation of results of the medical literature is a difficult task for primary care physicians. Being aware of common potential pitfalls that may bias results of a study is helpful. Among common pitfalls, odds ratios are often interpreted as relative risks, which overestimate the impact of a risk factor. Randomized controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of a new drug or a new target disease often use surrogate markers instead of clinical events as outcomes. Results of these trials should be considered with caution before using their results for clinical practice. For screening, observational studies often yield potentially biased or conflicting results. As clinical guidelines and expert opinions are often conflicting, primary care physicians should wait for results of large clinical trials in clinical events before changing their practice for screening or new drugs.


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BACKGROUND: Induction radiochemotherapy, followed by resection, for T4 non-small cell lung cancer, has shown promising long-term survival but may be associated with increased postoperative morbidity and death, depending on patient selection. Here, we determined the effect of induction radiochemotherapy on pulmonary function and whether postinduction pulmonary function changes predict hospital morbidity and death and long-term survival. METHODS: A consecutive prospective cohort of 72 patients with T4 N0-2 M0 non-small cell lung cancer managed by radiochemotherapy, followed by resection, is reported. All patients underwent thoracoabdominal computed tomography or fusion positron emission tomography-computed tomography, brain imaging, mediastinoscopy, echocardiography, ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy, and pulmonary function testing before and after induction therapy. Resection was performed if the postoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 second and diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide exceeded 30% predicted and if the postoperative maximum oxygen consumption exceeded 10 mL/kg/min. RESULTS: The postoperative 90-day mortality rate was 8% (lobectomy, 2%; pneumonectomy, 21%; p=0.01). All deaths after pneumonectomy occurred after right-sided procedures. The 3-year and 5-year survival was 50% (95% confidence interval, 36% to 62%) and 45% (95% confidence interval, 31% to 57%) and was significantly associated with completeness of resection (p=0.004) and resection type (pneumonectomy vs lobectomy, p=0.01). There was no correlation between postinduction pulmonary function changes and postoperative morbidity or death or long-term survival in patients managed by lobectomy or pneumonectomy. CONCLUSIONS: In properly selected patients with T4 N0-2 M0 non-small cell lung cancer, resection after induction radiochemotherapy can be performed with a reasonable postoperative mortality rate and long-term survival, provided the resection is complete and a right-sided pneumonectomy is avoided. Postinduction pulmonary function changes did not correlate with postoperative morbidity or death or with long-term outcome.


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High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. While initially, the aim of high-altitude research was to understand the adaptation of the organism to hypoxia and find treatments for altitude-related diseases, over the past decade or so, the scope of this research has broadened considerably. Two important observations led to the foundation for the broadening of the scientific scope of high-altitude research. First, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) represents a unique model which allows studying fundamental mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension and lung edema in humans. Secondly, the ambient hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure facilitates the detection of pulmonary and systemic vascular dysfunction at an early stage. Here, we review studies that, by capitalizing on these observations, have led to the description of novel mechanisms underpinning lung edema and pulmonary hypertension and to the first direct demonstration of fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.


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BACKGROUND: Stem cell labeling with iron oxide (ferumoxide) particles allows labeled cells to be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and is commonly used to track stem cell engraftment. However, the validity of MRI for distinguishing surviving ferumoxide-labeled cells from other sources of MRI signal, for example, macrophages containing ferumoxides released from nonsurviving cells, has not been thoroughly investigated. We sought to determine the relationship between the persistence of iron-dependent MRI signals and cell survival 3 weeks after injection of syngeneic or xenogeneic ferumoxides-labeled stem cells (cardiac-derived stem cells) in rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied nonimmunoprivileged human and rat cardiac-derived stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells doubly labeled with ferumoxides and beta-galactosidase and injected intramyocardially into immunocompetent Wistar-Kyoto rats. Animals were imaged at 2 days and 3 weeks after stem cell injection in a clinical 3-T MRI scanner. At 2 days, injection sites of xenogeneic and syngeneic cells (cardiac-derived stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells) were identified by MRI as large intramyocardial signal voids that persisted at 3 weeks (50% to 90% of initial signal). Histology (at 3 weeks) revealed the presence of iron-containing macrophages at the injection site, identified by CD68 staining, but very few or no beta-galactosidase-positive stem cells in the animals transplanted with syngeneic or xenogeneic cells, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The persistence of significant iron-dependent MRI signal derived from ferumoxide-containing macrophages despite few or no viable stem cells 3 weeks after transplantation indicates that MRI of ferumoxide-labeled cells does not reliably report long-term stem cell engraftment in the heart.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate gadocoletic acid (B-22956), a gadolinium-based paramagnetic blood pool agent, for contrast-enhanced coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in a Phase I clinical trial, and to compare the findings with those obtained using a standard noncontrast T2 preparation sequence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The left coronary system was imaged in 12 healthy volunteers before B-22956 application and 5 (N = 11) and 45 (N = 7) minutes after application of 0.075 mmol/kg of body weight (BW) of B-22956. Additionally, imaging of the right coronary system was performed 23 minutes after B-22956 application (N = 6). A three-dimensional gradient echo sequence with T2 preparation (precontrast) or inversion recovery (IR) pulse (postcontrast) with real-time navigator correction was used. Assessment of the left and right coronary systems was performed qualitatively (a 4-point visual score for image quality) and quantitatively in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel sharpness, visible vessel length, maximal luminal diameter, and the number of visible side branches. RESULTS: Significant (P < 0.01) increases in SNR (+42%) and CNR (+86%) were noted five minutes after B-22956 application, compared to precontrast T2 preparation values. A significant increase in CNR (+40%, P < 0.05) was also noted 45 minutes postcontrast. Vessels (left anterior descending artery (LAD), left coronary circumflex (LCx), and right coronary artery (RCA)) were also significantly (P < 0.05) sharper on postcontrast images. Significant increases in vessel length were noted for the LAD (P < 0.05) and LCx and RCA (both P < 0.01), while significantly more side branches were noted for the LAD and RCA (both P < 0.05) when compared to precontrast T2 preparation values. CONCLUSION: The use of the intravascular contrast agent B-22956 substantially improves both objective and subjective parameters of image quality on high-resolution three-dimensional coronary MRA. The increase in SNR, CNR, and vessel sharpness minimizes current limitations of coronary artery visualization with high-resolution coronary MRA.