251 resultados para magnetic dependence
Rapid induction of withdrawal by opiate antagonists under anesthesia is an opiate detoxification technique. This technique is useful to reduce intensity and duration of withdrawal. Therefore, this technique represents an alternative strategy in the treatment of opiate addicted patients. This paper attempts to present a brief history of this technique, and a critical review of related issues.
BACKGROUND: Extensive research exists estimating the effect hazardous alcohol¦use on morbidity and mortality, but little research quantifies the association between¦alcohol consumption and utility scores in patients with alcohol dependence.¦In the context of comparative research, the World Health Organisation (WHO)¦proposed to categorise the risk for alcohol-related acute and chronic harm according¦to patients' average daily alcohol consumption. OBJECTIVES: To estimate utility¦scores associated with each category of the WHO drinking risk-level classification¦in patients with alcohol dependence (AD). METHODS: We used data from¦CONTROL, an observational cohort study including 143 AD patients from the Alcohol¦Treatment Center at Lausanne University Hospital, followed for 12 months.¦Average daily alcohol consumption was assessed monthly using the Timeline Follow-¦back method and patients were categorised according to the WHO drinking¦risk-level classification: abstinent, low, medium, high and very high. Other measures¦as sociodemographic characteristics and utility scores derived from the EuroQoL¦5-Dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) were collected every three months.¦Mixed models for repeated measures were used to estimate mean utility scores¦associated with WHO drinking risk-level categories. RESULTS: A total of 143 patients¦were included and the 12-month follow-up permitting the assessment of¦1318 person-months. At baseline the mean age of the patients was 44.6 (SD 11.8)¦and the majority of patients was male (63.6%). Using repeated measures analysis,¦utility scores decreased with increasing drinking levels, ranging from 0.80 in abstinent¦patients to 0.62 in patients with very high risk drinking level (p_0.0001).¦CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of patients with alcohol dependence undergoing¦specialized care, utility scores estimated from the EQ-5D appeared to substantially¦and consistently vary according to patients' WHO drinking level.
Objective: To compare multidetector-row computed tomographic (MDCT) enterography with magnetic resonance (MR) enterography performed upon acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. Subjects and Methods: Fifty-seven patients (mean age 33.5) with proven Crohn's disease and symptoms suggesting acute exacerbation were prospectively included. After oral administration of 1-2 liters of 5% methylcellulose, MDCT and MR enterography were performed on each patient (mean delay <24 h). Three radiologists blindly and independently evaluated each examination for technical quality and in terms of 8 pathological features of Crohn's disease. Observers' agreement, sensitivity and specificity resulted from comparison with the reference standard [surgery (n = 24), endoscopy (n = 17) and long-term follow-up (n = 16)]. Results: MDCT enterography demonstrated fewer artifacts than MR enterography (p < 0.0001). In 48 MDCT/MR enterography examinations, active disease was demonstrated: abscesses (n = 11), fistulas (n = 13), stenoses (n = 23) and/or intestinal inflammation (n = 38). Observers' agreement (range 0.56-0.87) was not significantly different between MDCT and MR enterography, neither in terms of sensitivity (range 58-95%) nor specificity (range 67-100%) for each of the 8 pathological features. Conclusion: Statistically, MR enterography is of similar diagnostic value as MDCT enterography for acute complications of Crohn's disease. Since the typical Crohn's disease patient is young and will very likely undergo life-long imaging, and given concerns about radiation exposure with MDCT, MR enterography should be the preferred modality.
Report of one case of bilateral cryptorchism with non-palpable testes in a 26-year old patient with progressive muscle dystrophy. Physical examination and ultrasound study to detect the testicular location were inconclusive. An analysis is made of data obtained with the NMR study as well as a review of the advantages and contributions from this new technique in the location and characterization of undescended testes.
INTRODUCTION: This study examines the relationship between nicotine exposure and tobacco addiction among young smokers consuming either only tobacco or only tobacco and cannabis. METHODS: Data on tobacco and cannabis use were collected by a questionnaire among 313 adolescents and young adults in Western Switzerland between 2009 and 2010. In addition, a urine sample was used to determine urinary cotinine level. Nicotine addiction was measured using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). In this study, we focused on a sample of 142 participants (mean age 19.54) that reported either smoking only tobacco cigarettes (CIG group, n = 70) or smoking both tobacco cigarettes and cannabis (CCS group, n = 72). RESULTS: The FTND did not differ significantly between CIG (1.96 ± 0.26) and CCS (2.66 ± 0.26) groups (p = 0.07). However, participants in the CCS group smoked more cigarettes (8.30 ± 0.79 vs. 5.78 ± 0.8, p = 0.03) and had a higher mean cotinine value (671.18 ± 67.6 vs. 404.32 ± 68.63, p = 0.008) than the CIG group. Further, the association between cotinine and FTND was much stronger among the CIG than among the CCS group (regression coefficient of 0.0031 vs. 0.00099, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Adolescents smoking tobacco and cannabis cigarettes featured higher levels of cotinine than youth smoking only tobacco; however, there was no significant difference in the addiction score. The FTND score is intended to measure nicotine dependence from smoked tobacco cigarettes. Hence, to accurately determine nicotine exposure and the associated dependence among young smokers, it seems necessary to inquire about cannabis consumption.
Non-invasive visualization of the coronary arteries represents a major challenge in modern cardiology, but this goal may be achieved in the near future by MR angiography. Possible applications are non-invasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease, and follow-up examinations for therapy control after PTCA, in order to detect restenosis at an early stage. A multiple slice technique (2 mm slice thickness, with a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 mm, Philips Gyroscan ACS-II, 1.5 Tesla) was used. Ten volunteers were imaged and 10 patients with coronary artery disease were examined before and after PTCA. MR measurements were validated by quantitative coronary angiography. The diameters of the proximal coronary arteries as measured by both methods were compared, and a good correlation was found (r = 0.76). Thus, it is concluded that non-invasive visualization of the coronary arteries is possible before and after PTCA and allows to determine potential restenoses. However, patient cooperation is essential for good image quality. Moreover, limited spatial image resolution and breathing artifacts restrict MR coronary angiography today to be used as a routine diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.
Aims Perfusion-cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has emerged as a potential alternative to single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to assess myocardial ischaemia non-invasively. The goal was to compare the diagnostic performance of perfusion-CMR and SPECT for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) using conventional X-ray coronary angiography (CXA) as the reference standard. Methods and results In this multivendor trial, 533 patients, eligible for CXA or SPECT, were enrolled in 33 centres (USA and Europe) with 515 patients receiving MR contrast medium. Single-photon emission computed tomography and CXA were performed within 4 weeks before or after CMR in all patients. The prevalence of CAD in the sample was 49%. Drop-out rates for CMR and SPECT were 5.6 and 3.7%, respectively (P = 0.21). The primary endpoint was non-inferiority of CMR vs. SPECT for both sensitivity and specificity for the detection of CAD. Readers were blinded vs. clinical data, CXA, and imaging results. As a secondary endpoint, the safety profile of the CMR examination was evaluated. For CMR and SPECT, the sensitivity scores were 0.67 and 0.59, respectively, with the lower confidence level for the difference of +0.02, indicating superiority of CMR over SPECT. The specificity scores for CMR and SPECT were 0.61 and 0.72, respectively (lower confidence level for the difference: -0.17), indicating inferiority of CMR vs. SPECT. No severe adverse events occurred in the 515 patients. Conclusion In this large multicentre, multivendor study, the sensitivity of perfusion-CMR to detect CAD was superior to SPECT, while its specificity was inferior to SPECT. Cardiac magnetic resonance is a safe alternative to SPECT to detect perfusion deficits in CAD.
Variations in the immunogenic and antigenic properties of native and denatured forms of cytochrome c were observed depending on the strain of mouse tested. In C57BL/6 and (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 (BDF1) mice, priming with either native or denatured cytochrome c (apocytochrome c) gave rise to T cell blasts responding in a similar fashion to the two forms of the antigen and to different peptides derived from CNBr cleavage of the protein when tested for proliferation in the presence of C57BL/6 or BDF1 accessory cells. A different pattern of proliferation was observed when apocytochrome c-specific DBA/2 or BDF1 T cell blasts were tested with DBA/2 accessory cells. In this case, no response was obtained to heme peptide 1-65. This was not due to an inability of DBA/2 macrophages to process and present heme peptide 1-65, as they were able to present this antigen to native cytochrome c-specific BDF1 T cell blasts. Thus, it seems that different sets of clones are generated upon priming BDF1 mice with denatured cytochrome c which are able to recognize different sets of peptides depending on the nature of the accessory cells. The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis that degradation and presentation of native and denatured cytochrome c by macrophages is dependent on the three-dimensional conformation of the protein.
Aim: To assess the specific effect of alcohol dependence (AD) or heroin dependence (HD) in patients and their spouses on the risk of psychopathology in their 276 6.0- to 17.9- year-old children (mean 11.3 years). Methods: The sample included 101 offspring of patients with AD, 23 of patients with HD, and 152 of medical controls, as well as their 2 parents. Participants were assessed using semistructured diagnostic interviews and family history reports by psychologists blind to patient diagnoses. Results: Children of HD and AD patients had largely elevated rates of recurrent major depressive disorder. Children of HD patients were also at an increased risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders (SUD). There were interactions between SUD in the 2 parents to increase the risk of SUD in offspring. Conclusions: These results emphasize the need for prompt identification and treatment of these children and highlight the need to pay clinical attention not only to the patient, but also to the co-parent in order to optimize prevention in offspring.
Sophisticated magnetic resonance tagging techniques provide powerful tools for the non-invasive assessment of the local heartwall motion towards a deeper fundamental understanding of local heart function. For the extraction of motion data from the time series of magnetic resonance tagged images and for the visualization of the local heartwall motion a new image analysis procedure has been developed. New parameters have been derived which allows quantification of the motion patterns and are highly sensitive to any changes in these patterns. The new procedure has been applied for heart motion analysis in healthy volunteers and in patient collectives with different heart diseases. The achieved results are summarized and discussed.
The impact of navigator spatial resolution and navigator evaluation time on image quality in free-breathing navigator-gated 3D coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), including real-time motion correction, was investigated in a moving phantom. Objective image quality parameters signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. It was found that for improved mage quality a short navigator evaluation time is of crucial importance. Navigator spatial resolution showed minimal influence on image quality.