336 resultados para glycosidation sur support solide
RésuméAu tournant du Ve siècle avant J.-C., au moment de l'établissement de la démocratie à Athènes, apparaissent une série d'images qui mettent en scène des femmes armées de la double hache : Clytemnestre s'en sert comme arme lors du meurtre d'Agamemnon, Ino la brandit contre son fils, et elle fait également partie de la panoplie des femmes thraces à la poursuite d'Orphée. Ces femmes en proie à une folie meurtrière la détournent ainsi de son utilisation première, celle d'instrument employé exclusivement par un homme pour abattre le boeuf lors des sacrifices civiques qui réunissent la communauté des citoyens. Curieusement, la double hache n'apparaît jamais dans ces scènes où la mise à mort de l'animal est éludée.L'exploration de ces images questionne le problème du pouvoir et de la répartition des rôles entre hommes et femmes en Grèce classique.
Le support nutritionnel en soins intensifs est désormais basé sur des études de niveau A et B. La participation du SMIA au «Nutrition Day 2008» avait mis en évidence des déviations par rapport aux recommandations. Cette étude a pour objectif de réaliser une analyse approfondie sur un mois. Méthodes: Analyse des patients sortis ayant séjourné plus de 3 jours en mars 2008 dans un service de 32 lits bénéficiant d'une diététicienne à 60% et du Protocole NUTSIA depuis 2006. Extraction de la database: variables démographiques, nutrition risk score (NRS), jours de démarrage et voie de nutrition, bilan calorique cumulé. Résultats: 69 patients âgés de 60 ± 17 ans ont séjourné 9 ± 10 jours. Le NRS est réalisé tardivement dans 29% des cas. A 48h, le support nutritionnel est défini chez 67% des patients avec 43% de nutrition artificielle, une prédominance de NE (73%) sur PN (27%). Seuls 3 patients ont un bilan cumulé < -10000 kcal. La couverture des séjours par la diététicienne est de 50%. Conclusion: Comparé à l'EBM, les pratiques nutritionnelles sont globalement satisfaisantes, mais l'évaluation systématique est insuffisante. L'introduction de la NE est tardive et sa progression trop lente comparé au protocole. Les remèdes proposés sont une administration de NE par défaut, une augmentation de la présence de la diététicienne et son «empowerment» sur la prescription.
The way supervisors acknowledge specific contribution and efforts of their employees has an impact on occupational health and wellbeing. Acknowledgement is a protective factor when it is sufficiently provided. We carried out a study about occupational health in police officers with special emphasis on acknowledgment and reward. A questionnaire was sent to 1000 police officers and inspectors working for a cantonal administration in Switzerland. In total, 695 participants answered the questionnaire. We used the TST questionnaire (French version of the Langner's questionnaire on psychiatric symptoms) to identify cases characterized by potential mental health problems. Multiple choice items (5 modalities ranging from "not at all" to "tremendously") were used to measure acknowledgment. The score for psychiatric symptoms was high (TST score >or= 9) for 86 police officers and inspectors for whom health might be at risk. Compared with police officers having low or medium scores for psychiatric symptoms (TST score < 9), police officers with high TST scores were more likely to report the lack of support and attention from the supervisors (odds ratio [OR] 3.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.0 to 5.1) and the lack of acknowledgment by the hierarchy (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.9 to 4.8). They were also more likely to mention that judicial authorities have a low consideration for police officers (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.7 to 4.3) and that the public in general have a low appreciation of police officers (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.9). Preserving mental health in occupations characterized by high emotional demand is challenging. Our results show that acknowledgment and mental health are associated. Further research should address a potential causal relation of acknowledgment on mental health in police officers and inspectors.
Purpose: Retinal stem cells (RSCs) can be isolated from radial glia population of the newborn mouse retina (Angénieux et al., 2006). These RSCs have great capacity to renew and generate neurons including cells differentiated towards the photoreceptor lineage (Mehri-Soussi et al., 2006). However, our published results showed poor integration and survival rate after cell grafting into the retina. The uncontrollable environment of retina seems to be the problem. To bypass this, we are trying to generate hemi-retinal tissue in vitro that can be used for transplantation. Methods: Expanded RSCs were seeded in a mixture of poly-ethylene-glycol (PEG)-polymer-based hydrogels crosslinked by peptides that also serve as substrates for matrix metalloproteinases. Different doses of crosslinker peptides were tested. Several growth factors were studied to stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation. Results: Cells were trapped in hydrogels and cultured in the presence of FGF2 and EGF. Spherical cell clusters indicating proliferation appeared within several days, but there was no cell migration within the gel. We then added cell adhesion molecules integrin ligand RGDSP, or laminin, or a combination of both, into the gel. Cells grown with laminin showed the best proliferation. Cells grown with RGDSP proliferated a few times and then started to spread out. Cells grown with the combination of RGDSP and laminin showed better proliferation than with RGDSP alone and larger spread-outs than with laminin alone. After stimulations with first FGF2 and EGF, and then only FGF2, some cells showed neuronal morphology after 2 weeks. The neuronal population was assessed by the presence of neuronal marker b-tubulin-III. Glial cells were also present. Further characterizations are undergoing. Conclusions: RSC can grow and migrate in 3D hydrogel with the addition of FGF2, EGF, RGDSP and laminin. Further developments are necessary to form a homogenous tissue containing retinal cells.