159 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 1356


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OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the risk of stroke associated with subclinical hypothyroidism. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Published prospective cohort studies were identified through a systematic search through November 2013 without restrictions in several databases. Unpublished studies were identified through the Thyroid Studies Collaboration. We collected individual participant data on thyroid function and stroke outcome. Euthyroidism was defined as TSH levels of 0.45-4.49 mIU/L, and subclinical hypothyroidism was defined as TSH levels of 4.5-19.9 mIU/L with normal T4 levels. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: We collected individual participant data on 47 573 adults (3451 subclinical hypothyroidism) from 17 cohorts and followed up from 1972-2014 (489 192 person-years). Age- and sex-adjusted pooled hazard ratios (HRs) for participants with subclinical hypothyroidism compared to euthyroidism were 1.05 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.91-1.21) for stroke events (combined fatal and nonfatal stroke) and 1.07 (95% CI, 0.80-1.42) for fatal stroke. Stratified by age, the HR for stroke events was 3.32 (95% CI, 1.25-8.80) for individuals aged 18-49 years. There was an increased risk of fatal stroke in the age groups 18-49 and 50-64 years, with a HR of 4.22 (95% CI, 1.08-16.55) and 2.86 (95% CI, 1.31-6.26), respectively (p trend 0.04). We found no increased risk for those 65-79 years old (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.86-1.18) or ≥ 80 years old (HR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.79-2.18). There was a pattern of increased risk of fatal stroke with higher TSH concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Although no overall effect of subclinical hypothyroidism on stroke could be demonstrated, an increased risk in subjects younger than 65 years and those with higher TSH concentrations was observed.


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BACKGROUND: Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum has emerged in the Greater Mekong sub-region and poses a major global public health threat. Slow parasite clearance is a key clinical manifestation of reduced susceptibility to artemisinin. This study was designed to establish the baseline values for clearance in patients from Sub-Saharan African countries with uncomplicated malaria treated with artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). METHODS: A literature review in PubMed was conducted in March 2013 to identify all prospective clinical trials (uncontrolled trials, controlled trials and randomized controlled trials), including ACTs conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa, between 1960 and 2012. Individual patient data from these studies were shared with the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) and pooled using an a priori statistical analytical plan. Factors affecting early parasitological response were investigated using logistic regression with study sites fitted as a random effect. The risk of bias in included studies was evaluated based on study design, methodology and missing data. RESULTS: In total, 29,493 patients from 84 clinical trials were included in the analysis, treated with artemether-lumefantrine (n = 13,664), artesunate-amodiaquine (n = 11,337) and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (n = 4,492). The overall parasite clearance rate was rapid. The parasite positivity rate (PPR) decreased from 59.7 % (95 % CI: 54.5-64.9) on day 1 to 6.7 % (95 % CI: 4.8-8.7) on day 2 and 0.9 % (95 % CI: 0.5-1.2) on day 3. The 95th percentile of observed day 3 PPR was 5.3 %. Independent risk factors predictive of day 3 positivity were: high baseline parasitaemia (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.16 (95 % CI: 1.08-1.25); per 2-fold increase in parasite density, P <0.001); fever (>37.5 °C) (AOR = 1.50 (95 % CI: 1.06-2.13), P = 0.022); severe anaemia (AOR = 2.04 (95 % CI: 1.21-3.44), P = 0.008); areas of low/moderate transmission setting (AOR = 2.71 (95 % CI: 1.38-5.36), P = 0.004); and treatment with the loose formulation of artesunate-amodiaquine (AOR = 2.27 (95 % CI: 1.14-4.51), P = 0.020, compared to dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine). CONCLUSIONS: The three ACTs assessed in this analysis continue to achieve rapid early parasitological clearance across the sites assessed in Sub-Saharan Africa. A threshold of 5 % day 3 parasite positivity from a minimum sample size of 50 patients provides a more sensitive benchmark in Sub-Saharan Africa compared to the current recommended threshold of 10 % to trigger further investigation of artemisinin susceptibility.


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L'élément génétique intégratif et conjugatif auto-transférable de 103 kb qui se trouve dans le génome de Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confère la capacité de dégrader le 3-chlorobenzoate et le 2-aminophénol. L'élément ICE c/c peut être transféré par conjugaison de la souche B13 à diverses bêta- et gamma- protéobactéries. Seule une sous-population de 3 à 5% des cellules transfère l'élément, les cellules dites "compétentes pour le transfert". L'acquisition de la compétence pour le transfert est vraisemblablement la conséquence d'une régulation bistable, conduisant une partie des cellules au transfert de l'élément ICE c/c tandis que, dans les autres, l'élément reste quiescent et ne se transfère pas. À ce jour, les mécanismes et les acteurs moléculaires qui régulent l'activation bistable de l'élément sont restés inconnus. Mon travail de doctorat visait à identifier les éléments bistables du régulon de la compétence pour le transfert et d'analyser les fondements moléculaires de la bistabilité de l'élément ICE c/c chez P. knackmussii. Le premier chapitre introduit le thème du transfert génétique horizontal avec un accent particulier sur les éléments intégratifs et conjugatifs (ICE) et ICEcIc. L'état actuel des connaissances sur l'organisation génétique, la régulation, l'intégration et le transfert de différents modèles de ICEs est exposé en détail. En outre, je m'étends sur les phénomènes d'hétérogénéité et de bistabilité phénotyplques, qu'on peut distinguer dans une population isogénique dans des conditions de culture homogènes, et qui sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c, dans la mesure où il ne s'active et n'est transférable que dans une très petite sous-population de cellules. Dans le chapitre 2, je présente une analyse globale des régions promotrices minimales des gènes appartenant au régulon de la compétence pour le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques d'expression des promoteurs et, s'ils s'avéraient bistables, leur activation dans le temps par comparaison avec le mutant lntB13. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des fusions de promoteurs avec des gènes rapporteurs et testé l'expression bistable chez P. knackmussii par microscopie à épifluorescence. Pour six promoteurs présentant une expression bistable, nous avons employé de la microscopie temporelle pour déterminer la chronologie de leur expression par rapport à Pint et PinR. Parmi eux, nous avons identifié deux gènes exprimés précocement et trois gènes exprimés tardivement dans le processus d'acquisition de la compétence de transfert. Dans le chapitre 3, j'expose une analyse d'expression génétique pour l'un des groupes de gènes dont la transcription est la plus élevée dans la région conservée de ICE c/c, les gènes orf81655-orf68241 contenus dans une région de 14 kb. Nous montrons d'abord que cet opéron fait partie du même régulon bistable que intB13 et inrR et analysons les caractéristiques génétiques qui conduisent à une transcription élevée. Nous étudions les fonctions biologiques de ce groupe de gènes par des délétlons ciblées et montrons que certaines d'entre elles empêchent le transfert de l'élément. Nous approfondissons la caractérlsatlon de I'orf8l655 en construisant une fusion transcrlptionnelle avec le gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (egfp) (en utilisant le système minl-Tn5). L'expression de Vorf81655 dans des cellules individuelles est comparée au signal mesuré par hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) sur le ARN messager du gène. En utilisant FISH, des délétlons du promoteur et de l'analyse directe de transcription, nous avons localisé la région promotrice du groupe de gènes. En outre, nous avons utilisé des mutations dirigées pour comprendre la bistabilité de cette région promotrice, caractérisée par une transcription très élevée et une traduction lente de l'ARN messager.  Dans le chapitre 4, nous nous efforçons de comprendre comment la bistabilité est générée au sein du régulon te de l'élément ICE c/c. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté de reconstituer une expression bistable, dans un hôte qui ne présente pas de bistabilité naturellement, à partir d'éléments génétiques individuels. L'hôte choisi est Pseudomonas putida dans lequel nous avons introduit une copie unique de Pint, PinR ou PaipA fusionnés à la egfp, construits qui permettent d'observer l'apparition de bistabilité. Nous avons ensuite construit différents assemblages de composants génétiques de l'élément ICE c/c, en nous concentrant sur la région parA-inrR. En effet, nous avons pu démontrer qu'une expression bistable apparaît dans P. putida grâce à ces éléments en l'absence de l'élément ICE c/c complet. À noter que la plupart des construits génétiques activent PaipA ou P|,,R, mais qu'un seul recrée la bistabilité de Pint, ce qui suggère que la région parA-inrR permet à la fois d'engendrer la bistabilité et d'opérer la transition entre les promoteurs précoces et les promoteurs tardifs du régulon de la bistabilité. Dans le chapitre 5, nous concluons sur une discussion de la pertinence de nos résultats et sur de futures perspectives de recherche. -- The 103-kb self-transmissible integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confers the capacity to degrade 3- chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol. ICEc/c can be conjugated from strain B13 to a variety of Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Interestingly, ICE c/c transfer is observed in a subpopulatlon of cells (3-5%) only, the so-called 'transfer competent' cells. The formation of transfer competence (tc) is thought to be the consequence of a 'bistable' decision, which forces those cells to follow the developmental path which leads to ICEc/c transfer, whereas in others ICE c/c remains silent and does not transfer. So far, the mechanisms and molecular partners generating this bistable transfer activation in cells of P. knackmussii B13 remain mostly unidentified. This thesis aimed at understanding the extent of the tc bistability regulon and to dissect the molecular basis of bistabillty formation of ICEc/c in P. knackmussii. The first chapter is a general Introduction on horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with particular emphasis on ICEs and ICE c/c. The emphasis is made on the current knowledge about the HGT gene organization, regulation and specific integration and transfer aspects of the different ICEs models. Furthermore, I focus on the phenomena of phenotypic heterogeneity and bistability (the property of two distinguishable phenotypes existing within an isogenic population under homogeneous conditions), which may play a particular role in ICEc/c behaviour, since ICE activation and transfer only occurs in a very small subpopulation of cells. In Chapter Two, I focus on a global analysis of the different core promoters that might belong to the ICEc/c tc pathway regulon. We studied both expression patterns of ICEc/c promoters and, once being identified as "bistable", their temporal activation compared to that of intB13. In order to do this, we used promoter reporter fusions and tested blstability expression in P. knackmussii using epifluorescence microscopy. For the 6 promoters that showed bistable expression, we used time-lapse microscopy to study the timing of promoter expression in comparison to that of P,,,t or PlnR. We could establish two "early" and 3 "late" phase promoters in the process of transfer competence. In Chapter Three, I focused my attention on analysis of gene expression of one of the most highly transcribed gene clusters in the conserved core region of ICEc/c, a 14-kb gene cluster formed by the genes orf81655-orf68241. First we showed that this operon is part of the same bistability 'regulon' as intB13 and inrR, and analysed the genetic features that lead to high transcription. We studied the potential biological function of this cluster for ICE c/c by making specific gene deletions, showing that some interrupt ICEc/c transfer. We further analysed the orfdl655 promoter by constructing transcriptional egfp fusion reporter strains using the miniTn5 delivery system. Expression of the orf81655 promoter in single cells was compared to signals measured by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on orfSl655 mRNA. We localized the promoter region of the gene cluster using FISH, promoter deletions, and by direct transcript analysis. We further used site-directed mutagenesis to understand the bistability character of the promoter region and the extremely high transcription but low translation from this mRNA. In Chapter Four, we set out to understand how bistability is generated in the tc pathway of ICEc/c. For this we tried rebuilding bistable expression from ICEc/c individual gene components in a host, which normally does not display bistability. As host we used P. putida without ICEc/c but with a single copy Pint-, PlnR- or PalpA- egfp fusion that enabled us to verify bistability formation. Subsequently, we built different assemblages of ICEc/c gene components, focusing on the parA-inrR region. Indeed, we found that bistable expression can be build from those components in P. putida without ICEc/c. Interestingly, most genetic constructs activated PaipA or PlnR, but only one resulted in bistable activation of PinT. This suggests that the parA-inrR region acts as a bistability "generator", but also as a bistability "relay" from early to late promoters in the tc pathway hierarchy. In the final fifth chapter, we conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.


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UNLABELLED: The relationship between bone quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and fracture risk was estimated in an individual level data meta-analysis of 9 prospective studies of 46,124 individuals and 3018 incident fractures. Low QUS is associated with an increase in fracture risk, including hip fracture. The association with osteoporotic fracture decreases with time. INTRODUCTION: The aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the association between parameters of QUS and risk of fracture. METHODS: In an individual-level analysis, we studied participants in nine prospective cohorts from Asia, Europe and North America. Heel broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA dB/MHz) and speed of sound (SOS m/s) were measured at baseline. Fractures during follow-up were collected by self-report and in some cohorts confirmed by radiography. An extension of Poisson regression was used to examine the gradient of risk (GR, hazard ratio per 1 SD decrease) between QUS and fracture risk adjusted for age and time since baseline in each cohort. Interactions between QUS and age and time since baseline were explored. RESULTS: Baseline measurements were available in 46,124 men and women, mean age 70 years (range 20-100). Three thousand and eighteen osteoporotic fractures (787 hip fractures) occurred during follow-up of 214,000 person-years. The summary GR for osteoporotic fracture was similar for both BUA (1.45, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) 1.40-1.51) and SOS (1.42, 95 % CI 1.36-1.47). For hip fracture, the respective GRs were 1.69 (95 % CI, 1.56-1.82) and 1.60 (95 % CI, 1.48-1.72). However, the GR was significantly higher for both fracture outcomes at lower baseline BUA and SOS (p < 0.001). The predictive value of QUS was the same for men and women and for all ages (p > 0.20), but the predictive value of both BUA and SOS for osteoporotic fracture decreased with time (p = 0.018 and p = 0.010, respectively). For example, the GR of BUA for osteoporotic fracture, adjusted for age, was 1.51 (95 % CI 1.42-1.61) at 1 year after baseline, but at 5 years, it was 1.36 (95 % CI 1.27-1.46). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that quantitative ultrasound is an independent predictor of fracture for men and women particularly at low QUS values.


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Staying satisfied and healthy in the face of a complex and uncertain professional world is a priority for individuals. This article examines the contribution of personality traits, career adaptability, and prior well-being as predictors of well-being over 1 year in four different professional trajectory groups: those who remained employed, those who experienced a professional change, those who moved from unemployment to employment, and those who remained unemployed. Results show meaningful differences between these groups in terms of well-being over 1 year. Employed individuals have higher life satisfaction and self-rated health than unemployed individuals. Regaining employment contributes to improved well-being. Different professional situations correspond to varying levels of career adaptability, suggesting it may be a precursor for career changes. Personality traits and career adaptability predict well-being over time, but the strongest predictor of future well-being is prior well-being. Results are discussed in light of career development, personality, and well-being theory.


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Cytotoxic T cells recognize, via their T cell receptors (TCRs), small antigenic peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells and infected or malignant cells. The efficiency of T cell triggering critically depends on TCR binding to cognate pMHC, i.e., the TCR-pMHC structural avidity. The binding and kinetic attributes of this interaction are key parameters for protective T cell-mediated immunity, with stronger TCR-pMHC interactions conferring superior T cell activation and responsiveness than weaker ones. However, high-avidity TCRs are not always available, particularly among self/tumor antigen-specific T cells, most of which are eliminated by central and peripheral deletion mechanisms. Consequently, systematic assessment of T cell avidity can greatly help distinguishing protective from non-protective T cells. Here, we review novel strategies to assess TCR-pMHC interaction kinetics, enabling the identification of the functionally most-relevant T cells. We also discuss the significance of these technologies in determining which cells within a naturally occurring polyclonal tumor-specific T cell response would offer the best clinical benefit for use in adoptive therapies, with or without T cell engineering.


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CSL is a key transcription factor, mostly acting as a repressor, which has been shown to have a highly context-dependent function. While known as the main effector of Notch signaling, it can also exert Notch-independent functions. The downstream effects of the Notch/CSL signaling pathway and its involvement in several biological processes have been intensively studied. We recently showed that CSL is important to maintain skin homeostasis, as its specific deletion in mouse dermal fibroblasts -or downmodulation in human stromal fibroblasts- creates an inducing environment for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) development, possibly due to the conversion of stromal fibroblasts into cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Despite the wide interest in CSL as a transcriptional regulator, the mechanism of its own regulation has so far been neglected. We show here that CSL expression levels differ between individuals, and correlate among others with genes involved in DNA damage response. Starting from this finding we show that in dermal fibroblasts CSL is under transcriptional control of stress inducers such as UVA irradiation and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) induction, and that a main player in CSL transcriptional regulation is the transcription factor p53. In a separate line of work, we focused on individual variability, studying the differences in gene expression between human populations in various cancer types, particularly focusing on the Caucasian and African populations. It is indeed widely known that these populations have different incidences and mortalities for various cancers, and response to cancer treatment may also vary between them. We show here several genes that are differentially expressed and could be of interest in the study of population differences in cancer. -- CSL est un facteur de transcription agissant essentiellement comme répresseur, et qui a une fonction hautement dépendant du contexte. C'est l'effecteur principal de la voie de signalisation de Notch, mais il peut également exercer ses fonctions dans une façon Notch- indépendante. Nous avons récemment montré que CSL est important pour maintenir l'homéostasie de la peau. Sa suppression spécifique dans les fibroblastes dermiques de la souris ou dans les fibroblastes stromales humaines crée un environnement favorable pour le développement du carcinome épidermoïde (SCC), probablement en raison de la conversion des fibroblastes en fibroblastes associé au cancer (CAF). Malgré le grand intérêt de CSL comme régulateur transcriptionnel, le mécanisme de sa propre régulation a été jusqu'ici négligée. Nous montrons ici que dans les fibroblastes dermiques CSL est sous le contrôle transcriptionnel de facteurs de stress tels que l'irradiation UVA et l'induction des ROS dont p53 est l'acteur principal de cette régulation. Nous montrons aussi que les niveaux d'expression de CSL varient selon les individus, en corrélation avec d'autres gènes impliqués dans la réponse aux dommages de l'ADN. Dans une autre axe de recherche, concernant la variabilité individuelle, nous avons étudié les différences dans l'expression des gènes dans différents types de cancer entre les populations humaines, en se concentrant particulièrement sur les populations africaines et caucasiennes. Il est en effet bien connu que ces populations montrent des variations dans l'incidence des cancers, la mortalité, ainsi que pour les réponses au traitement. Nous montrons ici plusieurs gènes qui sont exprimés différemment et pourraient être digne d'intérêt dans l'étude du cancer au sein de différentes populations.


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The evolution of cooperation is thought to be promoted by pleiotropy, whereby cooperative traits are coregulated with traits that are important for personal fitness. However, this hypothesis faces a key challenge: what happens if mutation targets a cooperative trait specifically rather than the pleiotropic regulator? Here, we explore this question with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cooperatively digests complex proteins using elastase. We empirically measure and theoretically model the fate of two mutants-one missing the whole regulatory circuit behind elastase production and the other with only the elastase gene mutated-relative to the wild-type (WT). We first show that, when elastase is needed, neither of the mutants can grow if the WT is absent. And, consistent with previous findings, we show that regulatory gene mutants can grow faster than the WT when there are no pleiotropic costs. However, we find that mutants only lacking elastase production do not outcompete the WT, because the individual cooperative trait has a low cost. We argue that the intrinsic architecture of molecular networks makes pleiotropy an effective way to stabilize cooperative evolution. Although individual cooperative traits experience loss-of-function mutations, these mutations may result in weak benefits, and need not undermine the protection from pleiotropy.


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BACKGROUND: The counting of poorly differentiated clusters of 5 or more cancer cells lacking a gland-like structure in a tumor mass has recently been identified among the histological features predictive of poor prognosis in colorectal cancer. MAIN BODY: Poorly differentiated clusters can easily be recognized in the histological sections of colorectal cancer routinely stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Despite some limitations related to specimen fragmentation, counting can also be assessed in endoscopic biopsies. Based on the number of poorly differentiated clusters that appear under a microscopic field of a ×20 objective lens (i.e., a microscopic field with a major axis of 1 mm), colorectal cancer can be graded into malignancies as follows: tumors with <5 clusters as grade 1, tumors with 5 to 9 clusters as grade 2, and tumors with ≥10 clusters as grade 3. High poorly differentiated cluster counts are significantly associated with peri-neural and lympho-vascular invasion, the presence of nodal metastases or micrometastases, as well as shorter overall and progression free survival to colorectal cancer. CONCLUSION: The morphological aspects and clinical relevance of poorly differentiated clusters counting in colorectal cancer are discussed in this review.