191 resultados para chemical recovery
In order to explore the magnitude and duration of the long-term residual effect of physical exercise, a mixed meal (55% CHO, 27% fat and 18% protein) was given to 10 young male volunteers on two occasions: after a 4-h resting period, and on the next day, 30 min after completion of a 3-h exercise at 50% VO2max. Energy expenditure and substrate utilization were determined by indirect calorimetry for 17 h after meal ingestion. The fuel mix oxidized after the meal was characterized by a greater contribution of lipid oxidation to total energy expenditure when the meal was ingested during the post-exercise period as compared with the meal ingested without previous exercise. During the night following the exercise, the stimulation of energy expenditure observed during the early recovery period gradually faded out. However, resting energy expenditure measured the next morning was significantly higher (+4.7%) than that measured without previous exercise. It is concluded that intense exercise stimulates both energy expenditure and lipid oxidation for a prolonged period.
The chemical and isotopic composition of fumarolic gases emitted from Nisyros Volcano, Greece, and of a single gas sample from Vesuvio, Italy, was investigated in order to determine the origin of methane (CH,) within two subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal environments. Apparent temperatures derived from carbon isotope partitioning between CH4 and CO2 of around 340degreesC for Nisyros and 470degreesC for Vesuvio correlate well with aquifer temperatures as measured directly and/or inferred from compositional data using the H2O-H-2-CO2-CO-CH4 geothermometer. Thermodynamic modeling reveals chemical equilibrium between CH4, CO2 and H2O implying that carbon isotope partitioning between CO2 and CH, in both systems is controlled by aquifer temperature. N-2/(3) He and CH4/(3) He ratios of Nisyros fumarolic gases are unusually low for subduction zone gases and correspond to those of midoceanic ridge environments. Accordingly, CH4 may have been primarily generated through the reduction of CO, by H, in the absence of any organic matter following a Fischer-Tropsch-type reaction. However, primary occurrence of minor amounts of thermogenic CH4 and subsequent re-equilibration with co-existing CO2 cannot be ruled out entirely- CO2/He-3 ratios and delta(13)C(CO2) values imply that the evolved CO2 either derives from a metasomatized mantle or is a mixture between two components, one outgassing from an unaltered mantle and the other released by thermal breakdown of marine carbonates. The latter may contain traces of organic matter possibly decomposing to CH4 during thermometamorphism. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
Version abregée L'ischémie cérébrale est la troisième cause de mort dans les pays développés, et la maladie responsable des plus sérieux handicaps neurologiques. La compréhension des bases moléculaires et anatomiques de la récupération fonctionnelle après l'ischémie cérébrale est donc extrêmement importante et représente un domaine d'intérêt crucial pour la recherche fondamentale et clinique. Durant les deux dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont tenté de combattre les effets nocifs de l'ischémie cérébrale à l'aide de substances exogènes qui, bien que testées avec succès dans le domaine expérimental, ont montré un effet contradictoire dans l'application clinique. Une approche différente mais complémentaire est de stimuler des mécanismes intrinsèques de neuroprotection en utilisant le «modèle de préconditionnement» : une brève insulte protège contre des épisodes d'ischémie plus sévères à travers la stimulation de voies de signalisation endogènes qui augmentent la résistance à l'ischémie. Cette approche peut offrir des éléments importants pour clarifier les mécanismes endogènes de neuroprotection et fournir de nouvelles stratégies pour rendre les neurones et la glie plus résistants à l'attaque ischémique cérébrale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons donc étudié les mécanismes de neuroprotection intrinsèques stimulés par la thrombine, un neuroprotecteur «préconditionnant» dont on a montré, à l'aide de modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo, qu'il réduit la mort neuronale. En appliquant une technique de microchirurgie pour induire une ischémie cérébrale transitoire chez la souris, nous avons montré que la thrombine peut stimuler les voies de signalisation intracellulaire médiées par MAPK et JNK par une approche moléculaire et l'analyse in vivo d'un inhibiteur spécifique de JNK (L JNK) .Nous avons également étudié l'impact de la thrombine sur la récupération fonctionnelle après une attaque et avons pu démontrer que ces mécanismes moléculaires peuvent améliorer la récupération motrice. La deuxième partie de cette étude des mécanismes de récupération après ischémie cérébrale est basée sur l'investigation des bases anatomiques de la plasticité des connections cérébrales, soit dans le modèle animal d'ischémie transitoire, soit chez l'homme. Selon des résultats précédemment publiés par divers groupes ,nous savons que des mécanismes de plasticité aboutissant à des degrés divers de récupération fonctionnelle sont mis enjeu après une lésion ischémique. Le résultat de cette réorganisation est une nouvelle architecture fonctionnelle et structurelle, qui varie individuellement selon l'anatomie de la lésion, l'âge du sujet et la chronicité de la lésion. Le succès de toute intervention thérapeutique dépendra donc de son interaction avec la nouvelle architecture anatomique. Pour cette raison, nous avons appliqué deux techniques de diffusion en résonance magnétique qui permettent de détecter les changements de microstructure cérébrale et de connexions anatomiques suite à une attaque : IRM par tenseur de diffusion (DT-IR1V) et IRM par spectre de diffusion (DSIRM). Grâce à la DT-IRM hautement sophistiquée, nous avons pu effectuer une étude de follow-up à long terme chez des souris ayant subi une ischémie cérébrale transitoire, qui a mis en évidence que les changements microstructurels dans l'infarctus ainsi que la modification des voies anatomiques sont corrélés à la récupération fonctionnelle. De plus, nous avons observé une réorganisation axonale dans des aires où l'on détecte une augmentation d'expression d'une protéine de plasticité exprimée dans le cône de croissance des axones (GAP-43). En appliquant la même technique, nous avons également effectué deux études, rétrospective et prospective, qui ont montré comment des paramètres obtenus avec DT-IRM peuvent monitorer la rapidité de récupération et mettre en évidence un changement structurel dans les voies impliquées dans les manifestations cliniques. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons décrit la manière dont la DS-IRM peut être appliquée dans le domaine expérimental et clinique pour étudier la plasticité cérébrale après ischémie. Abstract Ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death in developed countries and the disease responsible for the most serious long-term neurological disability. Understanding molecular and anatomical basis of stroke recovery is, therefore, extremely important and represents a major field of interest for basic and clinical research. Over the past 2 decades, much attention has focused on counteracting noxious effect of the ischemic insult with exogenous substances (oxygen radical scavengers, AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists, MMP inhibitors etc) which were successfully tested in the experimental field -but which turned out to have controversial effects in clinical trials. A different but complementary approach to address ischemia pathophysiology and treatment options is to stimulate and investigate intrinsic mechanisms of neuroprotection using the "preconditioning effect": applying a brief insult protects against subsequent prolonged and detrimental ischemic episodes, by up-regulating powerful endogenous pathways that increase resistance to injury. We believe that this approach might offer an important insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for endogenous neuroprotection. In addition, results from preconditioning model experiment may provide new strategies for making brain cells "naturally" more resistant to ischemic injury and accelerate their rate of functional recovery. In the first part of this work, we investigated down-stream mechanisms of neuroprotection induced by thrombin, a well known neuroprotectant which has been demonstrated to reduce stroke-induced cell death in vitro and in vivo experimental models. Using microsurgery to induce transient brain ischemia in mice, we showed that thrombin can stimulate both MAPK and JNK intracellular pathways through a molecular biology approach and an in vivo analysis of a specific kinase inhibitor (L JNK1). We also studied thrombin's impact on functional recovery demonstrating that these molecular mechanisms could enhance post-stroke motor outcome. The second part of this study is based on investigating the anatomical basis underlying connectivity remodeling, leading to functional improvement after stroke. To do this, we used both a mouse model of experimental ischemia and human subjects with stroke. It is known from previous data published in literature, that the brain adapts to damage in a way that attempts to preserve motor function. The result of this reorganization is a new functional and structural architecture, which will vary from patient to patient depending on the anatomy of the damage, the biological age of the patient and the chronicity of the lesion. The success of any given therapeutic intervention will depend on how well it interacts with this new architecture. For this reason, we applied diffusion magnetic resonance techniques able to detect micro-structural and connectivity changes following an ischemic lesion: diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) and diffusion spectrum MRI (DS-MRI). Using DT-MRI, we performed along-term follow up study of stroke mice which showed how diffusion changes in the stroke region and fiber tract remodeling is correlating with stroke recovery. In addition, axonal reorganization is shown in areas of increased plasticity related protein expression (GAP 43, growth axonal cone related protein). Applying the same technique, we then performed a retrospective and a prospective study in humans demonstrating how specific DTI parameters could help to monitor the speed of recovery and show longitudinal changes in damaged tracts involved in clinical symptoms. Finally, in the last part of this study we showed how DS-MRI could be applied both to experimental and human stroke and which perspectives it can open to further investigate post stroke plasticity.
A new Early Triassic marine fauna is described from the Central Oman Mountains. The fauna is Griesbachian in age, on the basis of abundant conodonts and ammonoids, and was deposited in an oxygenated seamount setting off the Arabian platform margin. It is the first Griesbachian assemblage from a well-oxygenated marine setting and thus provides a test for the hypothesis that widespread anoxia prevented rapid recovery. The earliest Griesbachian (parvus zone) contains a low-diversity benthic fauna dominated by the bivalves Promyalina and Claraia. A similar level of recovery characterizes the immediate postextinction interval worldwide. However, the middle upper Griesbachian sedimentary rocks (isarcica and catinata zones) contain an incredibly diverse benthic fauna of bivalves, gastropods, articulate brachiopods, a new undescribed crinoid, echinoids, and ostracods. This fauna is more diverse and ecologically complex than the typical middle to late Griesbachian faunas described from oxygen-restricted settings worldwide. The level of postextinction recovery observed in the Oman fauna is not recorded elsewhere until the Spathian. These data support the hypothesis that the apparent delay in recovery after the end-Permian extinction event was due to widespread and prolonged benthic oxygen restriction: in the absence of anoxia, marine recovery is much faster.
Laparoscopy is one of the cornerstones in the surgical revolution and transformed outcome and recovery for various surgical procedures. Even if these changes were widely accepted for basic interventions, like appendectomies and cholecystectomies, laparoscopy still remains challenged for more advanced operations in many aspects. Despite these discussion, there is an overwhelming acceptance in the surgical community that laparoscopy did transform the recovery for several abdominal procedures. The importance of improved peri-operative patient management and its influence on outcome started to become a focus of attention 20 years ago and is now increasingly spreading, as shown by the incoming volume of data on this topic. The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) concept incorporates simple measures of general management, and requires multidisciplinary collaboration from hospital staff as well as the patient and the relatives. Several studies have demonstrated a significant decrease in postoperative complication rate, length of hospital stay and reduced overall cost. The key elements of success are fluid restriction, a functioning epidural and preoperative carbohydrate intake. With the expansion of laparoscopic techniques, ERAS increasingly incorporates laparoscopic patients, especially in colorectal surgery. However, the precise impact of laparoscopy on ERAS is still not clearly defined. Increasing evidence suggests that laparoscopy itself is an additional ERAS item that should be considered as routine where feasible in order to obtain the best surgical outcomes.
Patients undergoing spinal surgery are at risk of developing thromboembolic complications even though lower incidences have been reported as compared to joint arthroplasty surgery. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has been studied extensively in the context of spinal surgery but symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) has engaged less attention. We prospectively followed a consecutive cohort of 270 patients undergoing spinal surgery at a single institution. From these patients, only 26 were simple discectomies, while the largest proportion (226) was fusions. All patients received both low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) initiated after surgery and compressive stockings. PE was diagnosed with spiral chest CT. Six patients developed symptomatic PE, five during their hospital stay. In three of the six patients the embolic event occurred during the first 3 postoperative days. They were managed by the temporary insertion of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter thus allowing for a delay in full-dose anticoagulation until removal of the filter. None of the PE patients suffered any bleeding complication as a result of the introduction of full anticoagulation. Two patients suffered postoperative haematomas, without development of neurological symptoms or signs, requiring emergency evacuation. The overall incidence of PE was 2.2% rising to 2.5% after exclusion of microdiscectomy cases. The incidence of PE was highest in anterior or combined thoracolumbar/lumbar procedures (4.2%). There is a large variation in the reported incidence of PE in the spinal literature. Results from the only study found in the literature specifically monitoring PE suggest an incidence of PE as high as 2.5%. Our study shows a similar incidence despite the use of LMWH. In the absence of randomized controlled trials (RCT) it is uncertain if this type of prophylaxis lowers the incidence of PE. However, other studies show that the morbidity of LMWH is very low. Since PE can be a life-threatening complication, LMWH may be a worthwhile option to consider for prophylaxis. RCTs are necessary in assessing the efficacy of DVT and PE prophylaxis in spinal patients.
The term water stress refers to the effects of low water availability on microbial growth and physiology. Water availability has been proposed as a major constraint for the use of microorganisms in contaminated sites with the purpose of bioremediation. Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 is a bacterium capable of degrading the xenobiotic compounds dibenzofuran and dibenzo-p-dioxin, and has potential to be used for targeted bioremediation. The aim of the current work was to identify genes implicated in water stress in RW1 by means of transposon mutagenesis and mutant growth experiments. Conditions of low water potential were mimicked by adding NaCl to the growth media. Three different mutant selection or separation method were tested which, however recovered different mutants. Recovered transposon mutants with poorer growth under salt-induced water stress carried insertions in genes involved in proline and glutamate biosynthesis, and further in a gene putatively involved in aromatic compound catabolism. Transposon mutants growing poorer on medium with lowered water potential also included ones that had insertions in genes involved in more general functions such as transcriptional regulation, elongation factor, cell division protein, RNA polymerase β or an aconitase.
The present work describes a fast gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometric assay (Fast GC/NICI-MS/MS) for analysis of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-OH) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) in whole blood. The cannabinoids were extracted from 500 microL of whole blood by a simple liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and then derivatized by using trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) as fluorinated agents. Mass spectrometric detection of the analytes was performed in the selected reaction-monitoring mode on a triple quadrupole instrument after negative-ion chemical ionization. The assay was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.5-20 ng/mL for THC and THC-OH, and of 2.5-100 ng/mL for THC-COOH. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 12% for all concentrations tested. Under standard chromatographic conditions, the run cycle time would have been 15 min. By using fast conditions of separation, the assay analysis time has been reduced to 5 min, without compromising the chromatographic resolution. Finally, a simple approach for estimating the uncertainty measurement is presented.
Salt and heat stresses, which are often combined in nature, induce complementing defense mechanisms. Organisms adapt to high external salinity by accumulating small organic compounds known as osmolytes, which equilibrate cellular osmotic pressure. Osmolytes can also act as "chemical chaperones" by increasing the stability of native proteins and assisting refolding of unfolded polypeptides. Adaptation to heat stress depends on the expression of heat-shock proteins, many of which are molecular chaperones, that prevent protein aggregation, disassemble protein aggregates, and assist protein refolding. We show here that Escherichia coli cells preadapted to high salinity contain increased levels of glycine betaine that prevent protein aggregation under thermal stress. After heat shock, the aggregated proteins, which escaped protection, were disaggregated in salt-adapted cells as efficiently as in low salt. Here we address the effects of four common osmolytes on chaperone activity in vitro. Systematic dose responses of glycine betaine, glycerol, proline, and trehalose revealed a regulatory effect on the folding activities of individual and combinations of chaperones GroEL, DnaK, and ClpB. With the exception of trehalose, low physiological concentrations of proline, glycerol, and especially glycine betaine activated the molecular chaperones, likely by assisting local folding in chaperone-bound polypeptides and stabilizing the native end product of the reaction. High osmolyte concentrations, especially trehalose, strongly inhibited DnaK-dependent chaperone networks, such as DnaK+GroEL and DnaK+ClpB, likely because high viscosity affects dynamic interactions between chaperones and folding substrates and stabilizes protein aggregates. Thus, during combined salt and heat stresses, cells can specifically control protein stability and chaperone-mediated disaggregation and refolding by modulating the intracellular levels of different osmolytes.
Eight patients with colloid cysts of the third ventricle were examined with CT and MR. In six, surgical resection was performed and the material was subjected to histologic evaluation; the concentrations of trace elements were determined by particle-induced X-ray emission. Stereotaxic aspiration was performed in two. The investigation showed that colloid cysts are often iso- or hypodense relative to brain on CT (5/8), but sometimes have a center of increased density. Increased density did not correlate with increased concentration of calcium or other metals but did not correlate with high cholesterol content. Colloid cysts appear more heterogeneous on MR (6/8) than on CT (3/8), despite a homogeneous appearance at histology. High signal on short TR/TE sequences is correlated with a high cholesterol content. A marked shortening of the T2 relaxation time is often noticed in the central part of the cyst. Analysis of trace elements showed that this phenomenon is not related to the presence of metals with paramagnetic effects. Our analysis of the contents of colloid cysts does not support the theory that differing metallic concentrations are responsible for differences in MR signal intensity or CT density. We did find that increased CT density and high MR signal correlated with high cholesterol content.
The Munc13 gene family encodes molecules located at the synaptic active zone that regulate the reliability of synapses to encode information over a wide range of frequencies in response to action potentials. In the CNS, proteins of the Munc13 family are critical in regulating neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity. Although Munc13-1 is essential for synaptic transmission, it is paradoxical that Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 are functionally dispensable at some synapses, although their loss in other synapses leads to increases in frequency-dependent facilitation. We addressed this issue at the calyx of Held synapse, a giant glutamatergic synapse that we found to express all these Munc13 isoforms. We studied their roles in the regulation of synaptic transmission and their impact on the reliability of information transfer. Through detailed electrophysiological analyses of Munc13-2, Munc13-3, and Munc13-2-3 knock-out and wild-type mice, we report that the combined loss of Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 led to an increase in the rate of calcium-dependent recovery and a change in kinetics of release of the readily releasable pool. Furthermore, viral-mediated overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Munc13-1 at the calyx demonstrated that these effects are Munc13-1 dependent. Quantitative immunohistochemistry using Munc13-fluorescent protein knock-in mice revealed that Munc13-1 is the most highly expressed Munc13 isoform at the calyx and the only one highly colocalized with Bassoon at the active zone. Based on these data, we conclude that Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 isoforms limit the ability of Munc13-1 to regulate calcium-dependent replenishment of readily releasable pool and slow pool to fast pool conversion in central synapses.
For the first time in Finland, the chemical profiling of cocaine specimens was performed at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). The main goals were to determine the chemical composition of cocaine specimens sold in the Finnish market and to study the distribution networks of cocaine in order to provide intelligence related to its trafficking. An analytical methodology enabling through one single GC-MS injection the determination of the added cutting agents (adulterants and diluents), the cocaine purity and the chemical profile (based on the major and minor alkaloids) for each specimen was thus implemented and validated. The methodology was found to be efficient for the discrimination between specimens coming from the same source and specimens coming from different sources. The results highlighted the practical utility of the chemical profiling, especially for supporting the investigation through operational intelligence and improving the knowledge related to the cocaine trafficking through strategic intelligence.