167 resultados para bioinformatics gene expression liver
The Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS) is associated with a microduplication of 17p11.2. Clinical features include multiple congenital and neurobehavioral abnormalities and autistic features. We have generated a PTLS mouse model, Dp(11)17/+, that recapitulates some of the physical and neurobehavioral phenotypes present in patients. Here, we investigated the social behavior and gene expression pattern of this mouse model in a pure C57BL/6-Tyr(c-Brd) genetic background. Dp(11)17/+ male mice displayed normal home-cage behavior but increased anxiety and increased dominant behavior in specific tests. A subtle impairment in the preference for a social target versus an inanimate target and abnormal preference for social novelty (the preference to explore an unfamiliar mouse versus a familiar one) was also observed. Our results indicate that these animals could provide a valuable model to identify the specific gene(s) that confer abnormal social behaviors and that map within this delimited genomic deletion interval. In a first attempt to identify candidate genes and for elucidating the mechanisms of regulation of these important phenotypes, we directly assessed the relative transcription of genes within and around this genomic interval. In this mouse model, we found that candidates genes include not only most of the duplicated genes, but also normal-copy genes that flank the engineered interval; both categories of genes showed altered expression levels in the hippocampus of Dp(11)17/+ mice.
The use of immunosuppressive drugs in transplanted patients is associated with the development of diabetes, possibly due to β-cell toxicity. To better understand the mechanisms leading to post-transplant diabetes, we investigated the actions of prolonged exposure of isolated human islets to therapeutical levels of tacrolimus (Tac) or cyclosporin A (CsA). Islets were isolated from the pancreas of multiorgan donors by enzymatic digestion and density gradient centrifugation. Functional, survival and molecular studies were then performed after 4 days of incubation with therapeutical concentrations of Tac or CsA. Glucose-induced insulin secretion was significantly decreased in Tac, but not in CsA exposed islets, which was associated with a reduction of the amount of insulin granules as shown by electron microscopy. The percentage of apoptotic β-cells was higher in Tac than CsA exposed islets. Microarray experiments followed by Gene Set Enrichment Analysis revealed that gene expression was more markedly affected upon Tac treatment. In conclusion, Tac and CsA affect features of beta-cell differently, with several changes occurring at the molecular level.
Résumé Durant le développement embryonnaire, les cellules pigmentaires des mammifères se développent à partir de deux origines différentes : les melanocytes se développent à partir de la crête neurale alors que les cellules de la rétine pigmentaire (RP) ont une origine neuronale. Un grand nombre de gènes sont impliqués dans la pigmentation dont les gènes de la famille tyrosinase à savoir Tyr, Tyrp1 et Dct. Certaines études ont suggéré que les gènes de la pigmentation sont régulés de manière différentielle dans les mélanocytes et dans la RP. Dans ce travail, les gènes de la famille tyrosinase ont été étudiés comme modèle de la régulation des gènes de la pigmentation par des éléments régulateurs agissant à distance. II a été montré que le promoteur du gène Tyrp1pouvait induire l'expression d'un transgène uniquement dans la RP alors que ce gène est aussi exprimé dans les mélanocytes comme le montre le phénotype des souris mutantes pour Tyrp1. Ce résultat suggère que les éléments régulateurs du promoteur sont suffisants pour l'expression dans la RP mais pas pour l'expression dans les mélanocytes. J'ai donc cherché à identifier la séquence qui régule l'expression dans les mélanocytes. Un chromosome artificiel bactérien (CAB) contenant le gène Tyrp1 s'est avéré suffisant pour induire l'expression dans les mélanocytes, comme démontré par la correction du phénotype mutant. La séquence de ce CAB contient plusieurs régions très conservées qui pourraient représenter de nouveaux éléments régulateurs. Par la suite, j'ai focalisé mon analyse sur une séquence située à -I5 kb qui s'est révélée être un amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes comme démontré par des expériences de cultures cellulaire et de transgenèse. De plus, une analyse poussée de cet élément a révélé que le facteur de transcription Sox 10 représentait un transactivateur de cet amplificateur. Comme pour Tyrp1, la régulation du gène tyrosinase est contrôlée par différents éléments régulateurs dans les mélanocytes et la RP. Il a été montré que le promoteur de tyrosinase n'était pas suffisant pour une forte expression dans les mélanocytes et la RP. De plus, l'analyse de la région située en amont a révélé la présence d'un amplificateur nécessaire à l'expression dans les mélanocytes à la position -15 kb. Cet amplificateur n'est toutefois pas actif dans la RP mais agit comme un répresseur dans ces cellules. Ces résultats indiquent que certains éléments nécessaires à l'expression dans les deux types de cellules pigmentaires sont absents de ces constructions. Comme pour Tyrp1, j'ai en premier lieu démontré qu'un CAB était capable de corriger le phénotype albinique, puis ai inséré un gène reporter (lacZ) dans le CAB par recombinaison homologue et ai finalement analysé l'expression du reporter en transgenèse. Ces souris ont montré une expression forte du lacZ dans les mélanocytes et la RP, ce qui indique que le CAB contient les séquences régulatrices nécessaires à l'expression correcte de tyrosinase. Afin de localiser plus précisément les éléments régulateurs, j'ai ensuite généré des délétions dans le CAB et analysé l'expression du lacZ en transgenèse. La comparaison de séquences génomiques provenant de différentes espèces a permis par la suite d'identifier des régions représentant de nouveaux éléments régulateurs potentiels. En utilisant cette approche, j'ai identifié une région qui se comporte comme un amplificateur dans la RP et qui est nécessaire à l'expression de tyrosinase dans ce tissu. De plus, j'ai identifié les facteurs de transcription Mitf et Sox10 comme transactivateurs de l'amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes situé à -15 kb. L'identification et la caractérisation des ces éléments régulateurs des gènes tyrosinase et Tyrp1confirme donc que la régulation différentielle des gènes dans les mélanocytes et la RP est liée à des éléments régulateurs séparés. Summary Pigment cells of mammals originate from two different lineages: melanocytes arise from the neural crest, whereas cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain. A large set of genes are involved in pigmentation, including the members of the tyrosinase gene family, namely tyrosinase, Tyrp1 and Dct. Previous studies have suggested that pigmentation genes are differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. In this work, the tyrosinase gene family was used as a model for studying the involvement of distal regulatory elements in pigment cell-specific gene expression. The promoter of the Tyrp1 gene has been shown to drive detectable transgene expression only to the RPE, even though the gene is also expressed in melanocytes as evident from Tyrp1-mutant mice. This indicates that the regulatory elements responsible for Tyrp1 gene expression in the RPE are not sufficient for expression in melanocytes. I thus searched for a putative melanocyte-specific regulatory sequence and demonstrate that a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the Tyrp1 gene and surrounding sequences is able to target transgenic expression to melanocytes and to rescue the Tyrp1 b (brown) phenotype. This BAC contains several highly conserved non-coding sequences that might represent novel regulatory elements. I further focused on a sequence located at -15 kb which I identified as amelanocyte-specific enhancer as shown by cell culture and transgenic mice. In addition, further functional analysis identified the transcription factor Sox10 as being able to bind and transactivate this enhancer. As for Tyrp1, tyrosinase gene regulation is mediated by different cis-regulatory elements in melanocytes and RPE. It was shown that the tyrosinase promoter was not sufficient to confer strong and specific expression in melanocytes and RPE. Moreover, analysis of tyrosinase upstream sequence, revealed the presence of a specific enhancer at position -15 kb which was necessary to confer strong expression in melanocytes. This enhancer element however failed to act as an enhancer in the RPE, but rather repressed expression. This indicates that some regulatory elements required for tyrosinase expression in both RPE and melanocytes are still missing from these constructs. As for Tyrp1, I first demonstrated that a BAC containing the Tyr gene is able to rescue the Tyr c (albino) phenotype in mice, then I inserted a lacZ reporter gene in the BAC by homologous recombination, and finally analysed the pattern of lacZ expression in transgenic mice. These mice showed strong lacZ expression in both RPE and melanocytes, indicating that the BAC contains the regulatory sequences required for proper tyrosinase expression. In order to localize more precisely these regulatory elements, I have then generated several deletions in the BAC and analysed lacZ expression in transgenic mice. Multi-species comparative genomic analysis then allowed identifying conserved sequences that potentially represent novel regulatory elements. Using this experimental approach, I identified a region that behaves as a RPE-specific enhancer and that is required for tyrosinase expression in the retina] pigment epithelium. In addition, I identified the transcription factors Mitf and Sox l0 as being transactivators of the melanocyte-specific enhancer located at -l5 kb. The identification and characterization of these tyrosinase and Tyrp1 distal regulatory element supports the idea that separate regulatory sequences mediate differential gene expression in melanocytes and RPE.
Résumé: L'automatisation du séquençage et de l'annotation des génomes, ainsi que l'application à large échelle de méthodes de mesure de l'expression génique, génèrent une quantité phénoménale de données pour des organismes modèles tels que l'homme ou la souris. Dans ce déluge de données, il devient très difficile d'obtenir des informations spécifiques à un organisme ou à un gène, et une telle recherche aboutit fréquemment à des réponses fragmentées, voir incomplètes. La création d'une base de données capable de gérer et d'intégrer aussi bien les données génomiques que les données transcriptomiques peut grandement améliorer la vitesse de recherche ainsi que la qualité des résultats obtenus, en permettant une comparaison directe de mesures d'expression des gènes provenant d'expériences réalisées grâce à des techniques différentes. L'objectif principal de ce projet, appelé CleanEx, est de fournir un accès direct aux données d'expression publiques par le biais de noms de gènes officiels, et de représenter des données d'expression produites selon des protocoles différents de manière à faciliter une analyse générale et une comparaison entre plusieurs jeux de données. Une mise à jour cohérente et régulière de la nomenclature des gènes est assurée en associant chaque expérience d'expression de gène à un identificateur permanent de la séquence-cible, donnant une description physique de la population d'ARN visée par l'expérience. Ces identificateurs sont ensuite associés à intervalles réguliers aux catalogues, en constante évolution, des gènes d'organismes modèles. Cette procédure automatique de traçage se fonde en partie sur des ressources externes d'information génomique, telles que UniGene et RefSeq. La partie centrale de CleanEx consiste en un index de gènes établi de manière hebdomadaire et qui contient les liens à toutes les données publiques d'expression déjà incorporées au système. En outre, la base de données des séquences-cible fournit un lien sur le gène correspondant ainsi qu'un contrôle de qualité de ce lien pour différents types de ressources expérimentales, telles que des clones ou des sondes Affymetrix. Le système de recherche en ligne de CleanEx offre un accès aux entrées individuelles ainsi qu'à des outils d'analyse croisée de jeux de donnnées. Ces outils se sont avérés très efficaces dans le cadre de la comparaison de l'expression de gènes, ainsi que, dans une certaine mesure, dans la détection d'une variation de cette expression liée au phénomène d'épissage alternatif. Les fichiers et les outils de CleanEx sont accessibles en ligne (http://www.cleanex.isb-sib.ch/). Abstract: The automatic genome sequencing and annotation, as well as the large-scale gene expression measurements methods, generate a massive amount of data for model organisms. Searching for genespecific or organism-specific information througout all the different databases has become a very difficult task, and often results in fragmented and unrelated answers. The generation of a database which will federate and integrate genomic and transcriptomic data together will greatly improve the search speed as well as the quality of the results by allowing a direct comparison of expression results obtained by different techniques. The main goal of this project, called the CleanEx database, is thus to provide access to public gene expression data via unique gene names and to represent heterogeneous expression data produced by different technologies in a way that facilitates joint analysis and crossdataset comparisons. A consistent and uptodate gene nomenclature is achieved by associating each single gene expression experiment with a permanent target identifier consisting of a physical description of the targeted RNA population or the hybridization reagent used. These targets are then mapped at regular intervals to the growing and evolving catalogues of genes from model organisms, such as human and mouse. The completely automatic mapping procedure relies partly on external genome information resources such as UniGene and RefSeq. The central part of CleanEx is a weekly built gene index containing crossreferences to all public expression data already incorporated into the system. In addition, the expression target database of CleanEx provides gene mapping and quality control information for various types of experimental resources, such as cDNA clones or Affymetrix probe sets. The Affymetrix mapping files are accessible as text files, for further use in external applications, and as individual entries, via the webbased interfaces . The CleanEx webbased query interfaces offer access to individual entries via text string searches or quantitative expression criteria, as well as crossdataset analysis tools, and crosschip gene comparison. These tools have proven to be very efficient in expression data comparison and even, to a certain extent, in detection of differentially expressed splice variants. The CleanEx flat files and tools are available online at: http://www.cleanex.isbsib. ch/.
The hypothesis that constitutive and inducible plant resistance against herbivores should trade-off because they use the same resources and impose costs to plant fitness has been postulated for a long time. Negative correlations between modes of deployment of resistance and defences have been observed across and within species in common garden experiments. It was therefore tested whether that pattern of resistance across genotypes follows a similar variation in patterns of gene expression and chemical defence production. Using the genetically tractable model Arabidopsis thaliana and different modes of induction, including the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis, the specialist herbivore Pieris brassicae, and jasmonate application, constitutive and inducibility of resistance was measured across seven A. thaliana accessions that were previously selected based on constitutive levels of defence gene expression. According to theory, it was found that modes of resistance traded-off among accessions, particularly against S. littoralis, in which accessions investing in high constitutive resistance did not increase it substantially after attack and vice-versa. Accordingly, the average expression of eight genes involved in glucosinolate production negatively predicted larval growth across the seven accessions. Glucosinolate production and genes related to defence induction on healthy and herbivore-damaged plants were measured next. Surprisingly, only a partial correlation between glucosinolate production, gene expression, and the herbivore resistance results was found. These results suggest that the defence outcome of plants against herbivores goes beyond individual molecules or genes but stands on a complex network of interactions.
BACKGROUND: Cellular processes underlying memory formation are evolutionary conserved, but natural variation in memory dynamics between animal species or populations is common. The genetic basis of this fascinating phenomenon is poorly understood. Closely related species of Nasonia parasitic wasps differ in long-term memory (LTM) formation: N. vitripennis will form transcription-dependent LTM after a single conditioning trial, whereas the closely-related species N. giraulti will not. Genes that were differentially expressed (DE) after conditioning in N. vitripennis, but not in N. giraulti, were identified as candidate genes that may regulate LTM formation. RESULTS: RNA was collected from heads of both species before and immediately, 4 or 24 hours after conditioning, with 3 replicates per time point. It was sequenced strand-specifically, which allows distinguishing sense from antisense transcripts and improves the quality of expression analyses. We determined conditioning-induced DE compared to naïve controls for both species. These expression patterns were then analysed with GO enrichment analyses for each species and time point, which demonstrated an enrichment of signalling-related genes immediately after conditioning in N. vitripennis only. Analyses of known LTM genes and genes with an opposing expression pattern between the two species revealed additional candidate genes for the difference in LTM formation. These include genes from various signalling cascades, including several members of the Ras and PI3 kinase signalling pathways, and glutamate receptors. Interestingly, several other known LTM genes were exclusively differentially expressed in N. giraulti, which may indicate an LTM-inhibitory mechanism. Among the DE transcripts were also antisense transcripts. Furthermore, antisense transcripts aligning to a number of known memory genes were detected, which may have a role in regulating these genes. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to describe and compare expression patterns of both protein-coding and antisense transcripts, at different time points after conditioning, of two closely related animal species that differ in LTM formation. Several candidate genes that may regulate differences in LTM have been identified. This transcriptome analysis is a valuable resource for future in-depth studies to elucidate the role of candidate genes and antisense transcription in natural variation in LTM formation.
Emerging as an important correlate of neurological dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis (MS), extended focal and diffuse gray matter abnormalities have been found and linked to clinical manifestations such as seizures, fatigue and cognitive dysfunction. To investigate possible underlying mechanisms we analyzed the molecular alterations in histopathological normal appearing cortical gray matter (NAGM) in MS. By performing a differential gene expression analysis of NAGM of control and MS cases we identified reduced transcription of astrocyte specific genes involved in the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) and the glutamate-glutamine cycle (GGC). Additional quantitative immunohistochemical analysis demonstrating a CX43 loss in MS NAGM confirmed a crucial involvement of astrocytes and emphasizes their importance in MS pathogenesis. Concurrently, a Toll-like/IL-1β signaling expression signature was detected in MS NAGM, indicating that immune-related signaling might be responsible for the downregulation of ANLS and GGC gene expression in MS NAGM. Indeed, challenging astrocytes with immune stimuli such as IL-1β and LPS reduced their ANLS and GGC gene expression in vitro. The detected upregulation of IL1B in MS NAGM suggests inflammasome priming. For this reason, astrocyte cultures were treated with ATP and ATP/LPS as for inflammasome activation. This treatment led to a reduction of ANLS and GGC gene expression in a comparable manner. To investigate potential sources for ANLS and GGC downregulation in MS NAGM, we first performed an adjuvant-driven stimulation of the peripheral immune system in C57Bl/6 mice in vivo. This led to similar gene expression changes in spinal cord demonstrating that peripheral immune signals might be one source for astrocytic gene expression changes in the brain. IL1B upregulation in MS NAGM itself points to a possible endogenous signaling process leading to ANLS and GGC downregulation. This is supported by our findings that, among others, MS NAGM astrocytes express inflammasome components and that astrocytes are capable to release Il-1β in-vitro. Altogether, our data suggests that immune signaling of immune- and/or central nervous system origin drives alterations in astrocytic ANLS and GGC gene regulation in the MS NAGM. Such a mechanism might underlie cortical brain dysfunctions frequently encountered in MS patients.
Cancer stem cells are cancer cells characterized by stem cell properties and represent a small population of tumor cells that drives tumor development, progression, metastasis and drug resistance. To date, the molecular mechanisms that generate and regulate cancer stem cells are not well defined. BORIS (Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites) or CTCFL (CTCF-like) is a DNA-binding protein that is expressed in normal tissues only in germ cells and is re-activated in tumors. Recent evidences have highlighted the correlation of BORIS/CTCFL expression with poor overall survival of different cancer patients. We have previously shown an association of BORIS-expressing cells with stemness gene expression in embryonic cancer cells. Here, we studied the role of BORIS in epithelial tumor cells. Using BORIS-molecular beacon that was already validated, we were able to show the presence of BORIS mRNA in cancer stem cell-enriched populations (side population and spheres) of cervical, colon and breast tumor cells. BORIS silencing studies showed a decrease of sphere formation capacity in breast and colon tumor cells. Importantly, BORIS-silencing led to down-regulation of hTERT, stem cell (NANOG, OCT4, SOX2 and BMI1) and cancer stem cell markers (ABCG2, CD44 and ALDH1) genes. Conversely, BORIS-induction led to up-regulation of the same genes. These phenotypes were observed in cervical, colon and invasive breast tumor cells. However, a completely different behavior was observed in the non-invasive breast tumor cells (MCF7). Indeed, these cells acquired an epithelial mesenchymal transition phenotype after BORIS silencing. Our results demonstrate that BORIS is associated with cancer stem cell-enriched populations of several epithelial tumor cells and the different phenotypes depend on the origin of tumor cells.
To examine human gene expression during uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, we obtained three samples (acute illness, treatment, and recovery) from 10 subjects and utilized each subject's recovery sample as their baseline. At the time of acute illness (day 1), subjects had upregulation of innate immune response, cytokine, and inflammation-related genes (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF, and IFN-γ), which was more frequent with parasitemias >100,000 per μL and body temperatures ≥39°C. Apoptosis-related genes (Fas, BAX, and TP53) were upregulated acutely and for several days thereafter (days 1-3). In contrast, the expression of immune-modulatory (transcription factor 7, HLV-DOA, and CD6) and apoptosis inhibitory (c-myc, caspase 8, and Fas Ligand G) genes was downregulated initially and returned to normal with clinical recovery (days 7-10). These results indicate that the innate immune response, cytokine, and apoptosis pathways are upregulated acutely in uncomplicated malaria with concomitant downregulation of immune-modulatory and apoptosis inhibitory genes.
PURPOSE: Because desmoid tumors exhibit an unpredictable clinical course, translational research is crucial to identify the predictive factors of progression in addition to the clinical parameters. The main issue is to detect patients who are at a higher risk of progression. The aim of this work was to identify molecular markers that can predict progression-free survival (PFS). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gene-expression screening was conducted on 115 available independent untreated primary desmoid tumors using cDNA microarray. We established a prognostic gene-expression signature composed of 36 genes. To test robustness, we randomly generated 1,000 36-gene signatures and compared their outcome association to our define 36-genes molecular signature and we calculated positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). RESULTS: Multivariate analysis showed that our molecular signature had a significant impact on PFS while no clinical factor had any prognostic value. Among the 1,000 random signatures generated, 56.7% were significant and none was more significant than our 36-gene molecular signature. PPV and NPV were high (75.58% and 81.82%, respectively). Finally, the top two genes downregulated in no-recurrence were FECH and STOML2 and the top gene upregulated in no-recurrence was TRIP6. CONCLUSIONS: By analyzing expression profiles, we have identified a gene-expression signature that is able to predict PFS. This tool may be useful for prospective clinical studies. Clin Cancer Res; 21(18); 4194-200. ©2015 AACR.
Most fishes produce free-living embryos that are exposed to environmental stressors immediately following fertilization, including pathogenic microorganisms. Initial immune protection of embryos involves the chorion, as a protective barrier, and maternally-allocated antimicrobial compounds. At later developmental stages, host-genetic effects influence susceptibility and tolerance, suggesting a direct interaction between embryo genes and pathogens. So far, only a few host genes could be identified that correlate with embryonic survival under pathogen stress in salmonids. Here, we utilized high-throughput RNA-sequencing in order to describe the transcriptional response of a non-model fish, the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea, to infection, both in terms of host genes that are likely manipulated by the pathogen, and those involved in an early putative immune response. Embryos were produced in vitro, raised individually, and exposed at the late-eyed stage to a virulent strain of the opportunistic fish pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. The pseudomonad increased embryonic mortality and affected gene expression substantially. For example, essential, upregulated metabolic pathways in embryos under pathogen stress included ion binding pathways, aminoacyl-tRNA-biosynthesis, and the production of arginine and proline, most probably mediated by the pathogen for its proliferation. Most prominently downregulated transcripts comprised the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, the citrate cycle, and various isoforms of b-cell transcription factors. These factors have been shown to play a significant role in host blood cell differentiation and renewal. With regard to specific immune functions, differentially expressed transcripts mapped to the complement cascade, MHC class I and II, TNF-alpha, and T-cell differentiation proteins. The results of this study reveal insights into how P. fluorescens impairs the development of whitefish embryos and set a foundation for future studies investigating host pathogen interactions in fish embryos.
PURPOSE: Pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) has two common histologic subtypes: embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar (ARMS). PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status is a more reliable prognostic marker than alveolar histology, whereas fusion gene-negative (FN) ARMS patients are clinically similar to ERMS patients. A five-gene expression signature (MG5) previously identified two diverse risk groups within the fusion gene-negative RMS (FN-RMS) patients, but this has not been independently validated. The goal of this study was to test whether expression of the MG5 metagene, measured using a technical platform that can be applied to routine pathology material, would correlate with outcome in a new cohort of patients with FN-RMS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Cases were taken from the Children's Oncology Group (COG) D9803 study of children with intermediate-risk RMS, and gene expression profiling for the MG5 genes was performed using the nCounter assay. The MG5 score was correlated with clinical and pathologic characteristics as well as overall and event-free survival. RESULTS: MG5 standardized score showed no significant association with any of the available clinicopathologic variables. The MG5 signature score showed a significant correlation with overall (N = 57; HR, 7.3; 95% CI, 1.9-27.0; P = 0.003) and failure-free survival (N = 57; HR, 6.1; 95% CI, 1.9-19.7; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first, validated molecular prognostic signature for children with FN-RMS who otherwise have intermediate-risk disease. The capacity to measure the expression of a small number of genes in routine pathology material and apply a simple mathematical formula to calculate the MG5 metagene score provides a clear path toward better risk stratification in future prospective clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res; 21(20); 4733-9. ©2015 AACR.
BackgroundBipolar disorder is a highly heritable polygenic disorder. Recent enrichment analyses suggest that there may be true risk variants for bipolar disorder in the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in the brain.AimsWe sought to assess the impact of eQTL variants on bipolar disorder risk by combining data from both bipolar disorder genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and brain eQTL.MethodTo detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that influence expression levels of genes associated with bipolar disorder, we jointly analysed data from a bipolar disorder GWAS (7481 cases and 9250 controls) and a genome-wide brain (cortical) eQTL (193 healthy controls) using a Bayesian statistical method, with independent follow-up replications. The identified risk SNP was then further tested for association with hippocampal volume (n = 5775) and cognitive performance (n = 342) among healthy individuals.ResultsIntegrative analysis revealed a significant association between a brain eQTL rs6088662 on chromosome 20q11.22 and bipolar disorder (log Bayes factor = 5.48; bipolar disorder P = 5.85×10(-5)). Follow-up studies across multiple independent samples confirmed the association of the risk SNP (rs6088662) with gene expression and bipolar disorder susceptibility (P = 3.54×10(-8)). Further exploratory analysis revealed that rs6088662 is also associated with hippocampal volume and cognitive performance in healthy individuals.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that 20q11.22 is likely a risk region for bipolar disorder; they also highlight the informative value of integrating functional annotation of genetic variants for gene expression in advancing our understanding of the biological basis underlying complex disorders, such as bipolar disorder.
Numerous links between genetic variants and phenotypes are known and genome-wide association studies dramatically increased the number of genetic variants associated with traits during the last decade. However, how changes in the DNA perturb the molecular mechanisms and impact on the phenotype of an organism remains elusive. Studies suggest that many traitassociated variants are in the non-coding region of the genome and probably act through regulation of gene expression. During my thesis I investigated how genetic variants affect gene expression through gene regulatory mechanisms. The first chapter was a collaborative project with a pharmaceutical company, where we investigated genome-wide copy number variation (CNVs) among Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) used in pharmaceutical studies, and associated them to changes in gene expression. We found substantial copy number variation and identified CNVs linked to tissue-specific expression changes of proximal genes. The second and third chapters focus on genetic variation in humans and its effects on gene regulatory mechanisms and gene expression. The second chapter studies two human trios, where the allelic effects of genetic variation on genome-wide gene expression, protein-DNA binding and chromatin modifications were investigated. We found abundant allele specific activity across all measured molecular phenotypes and show extended coordinated behavior among them. In the third chapter, we investigated the impact of genetic variation on these phenotypes in 47 unrelated individuals. We found that chromatin phenotypes are organized into local variable modules, often linked to genetic variation and gene expression. Our results suggest that chromatin variation emerges as a result of perturbations of cis-regulatory elements by genetic variants, leading to gene expression changes. The work of this thesis provides novel insights into how genetic variation impacts gene expression by perturbing regulatory mechanisms. -- De nombreux liens entre variations génétiques et phénotypes sont connus. Les études d'association pangénomique ont considérablement permis d'augmenter le nombre de variations génétiques associées à des phénotypes au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, comprendre comment ces changements perturbent les mécanismes moléculaires et affectent le phénotype d'un organisme nous échappe encore. Des études suggèrent que de nombreuses variations, associées à des phénotypes, sont situées dans les régions non codantes du génome et sont susceptibles d'agir en modifiant la régulation d'expression des gènes. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié comment les variations génétiques affectent les niveaux d'expression des gènes en perturbant les mécanismes de régulation de leur expression. Le travail présenté dans le premier chapitre est un projet en collaboration avec une société pharmaceutique. Nous avons étudié les variations en nombre de copies (CNV) présentes chez le macaque crabier (Macaca fascicularis) qui est utilisé dans les études pharmaceutiques, et nous les avons associées avec des changements d'expression des gènes. Nous avons découvert qu'il existe une variabilité substantielle du nombre de copies et nous avons identifié des CNVs liées aux changements d'expression des gènes situés dans leur voisinage. Ces associations sont présentes ou absentes de manière spécifique dans certains tissus. Les deuxième et troisième chapitres se concentrent sur les variations génétiques dans les populations humaines et leurs effets sur les mécanismes de régulation des gènes et leur expression. Le premier se penche sur deux trios humains, père, mère, enfant, au sein duquel nous avons étudié les effets alléliques des variations génétiques sur l'expression des gènes, les liaisons protéine-ADN et les modifications de la chromatine. Nous avons découvert que l'activité spécifique des allèles est abondante abonde dans tous ces phénotypes moléculaires et nous avons démontré que ces derniers ont un comportement coordonné entre eux. Dans le second, nous avons examiné l'impact des variations génétiques de ces phénotypes moléculaires chez 47 individus, sans lien de parenté. Nous avons observé que les phénotypes de la chromatine sont organisés en modules locaux, qui sont liés aux variations génétiques et à l'expression des gènes. Nos résultats suggèrent que la variabilité de la chromatine est due à des variations génétiques qui perturbent des éléments cis-régulateurs, et peut conduire à des changements dans l'expression des gènes. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse fournit de nouvelles pistes pour comprendre l'impact des différentes variations génétiques sur l'expression des gènes à travers les mécanismes de régulation.