264 resultados para beta-bloqueador
SUMMARYDiabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency that results from the destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells (Type 1), or in part from beta-cell death and insulin secretion defects (Type 2). Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of beta cell neogenesis (to generate unlimited supply of beta cells for T1D transplantation] or identifying the specific genes that favors insulin secretion or beta-cell survival is of great importance for the management of diabetes. The transcriptional repressor RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) restricts the expression of a large number of genes containing its binding element, called Repressor Element-1 (RE-1), to neurons and beta cells. To do so, REST is ubiquitously expressed but in neurons and beta cells. To identify these essential genes and their functional significance in beta cells, we have generated transgenic mice that express REST specifically in beta cells under the control of the rat insulin promoter (RIP-REST mice). This resulted in the repression of the RE-1- containing genes in beta cells, and we analyzed the consequences.We first showed that RIP-REST mice were glucose-intolerant because of a defective insulin secretion. To explain this defect, we identified that a subset of the REST target genes were necessary for insulin exocytosis, such as Snap25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II, and Ica512, and we further demonstrated that among the identified REST targets, Syt IV and VII were also involved in insulin release. We next analyzed a novel RIP-REST mouse line that featured diabetes and we showed that this defect was due to a major loss of beta-cell mass. To explain this phenotype, we identified REST target genes that were involved in beta-cell survival, such as Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 and Connexin36, and revealed that another REST target, Cdk5r2 is also involved in beta-cell protection. In a third part, we finally suggest that REST may be important for pancreatic endocrine differentiation, since transgenic mice expressing constitutive REST in pancreatic multipotent progenitors show impaired formation of Ngn3-expressing endocrine- committed precursors, and impaired formation of differentiated endocrine cells. Mapping the pattern of REST expression in wild type animals indicates that it is expressed in multipotent progenitors to become then excluded from endocrine cells. Preliminary results suggest that a downregulation of REST would result in relieved expression of at least the Mytl target, favoring subsequent acquisition of the endocrine competence by endocrine precursor cells.Thus, we propose that the REST/RE-1 system is an important feature for beta-cell neogenesis, function and survivalRESUMELe diabète se caractérise par une déficience en insuline qui résulte d'une destruction des cellules bêta (β) pancréatiques sécrétant l'insuline [Type 1], ou à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline qui peut être associé à la mort des cellules β (Type 2). La compréhension des mécanismes de néogenèse des cellules β, ainsi que l'identification de gènes impliqués dans leur survie et dans le contrôle de la sécrétion d'insuline est donc importante pour le traitement du diabète. Le facteur de transcription de type répresseur, RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor [REST], contribue à la spécificité d'expression dans les neurones et les cellules β, d'un grand nombre de gènes portant son motif de fixation, le Repressor Element-1 (RE-1). Pour cela, REST est exprimé dans toutes les cellules, sauf dans les neurones et les cellules β. Afin d'identifier les gènes cibles de REST ainsi que leur fonction au sein de la cellule β, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques qui expriment REST spécifiquement dans ces cellules, sous la dépendance du promoteur de l'insuline (souris RIP-REST]. Cette expression ectopique de REST a permis de diminuer l'expression des gènes contrôlés par REST, et d'en analyser les conséquences. Nous avons montré que les souris RIP-REST étaient intolérantes au glucose et que ceci était du à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline. Pour expliquer ce phénotype, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que des gènes cibles de REST codent pour des protéines importantes pour l'exocytose de l'insuline, comme SNAP25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II ou ICA512. De plus, nous avons découvert deux nouvelles cibles de REST impliquées dans la sécrétion d'insuline, Syt IV et Syt VII. Par la suite, nous avons démontré qu'une nouvelle lignée de souris RIP-REST étaient atteintes d'un diabète sévère à cause d'une perte massive des cellules β. La disparition de ces cellules a été expliquée par l'identification de gènes cibles de REST impliqués dans la survie des cellules β, comme Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 ou la Connexine36. De plus, nous avons découvert qu'une nouvelle cible, Cdk5r2, était aussi impliquée dans la survie des cellules β. Dans une dernière partie, nous suggérons, grâce à l'analyse de nouvelles souris transgéniques exprimant constitutivement REST dans les cellules progénitrices du pancréas embryonnaire, que REST empêche la formation des précurseurs de cellules endocrines ainsi que la différenciation de ces cellules. L'analyse de l'expression de REST au cours du développement embryonnaire du pancréas indique que la diminution de l'expression de REST conduit en partie, à l'induction d'un de ses gènes cible Mytl, qui favorise la formation de précurseurs endocrines. Nous proposons donc que le système REST/RE-1 est important pour la génération, la fonction et la survie des cellules β.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) is an important transcription factor in liver that can be activated physiologically by fasting or pharmacologically by using high-affinity synthetic agonists. Here we initially set out to elucidate the similarities in gene induction between Wy14643 and fasting. Numerous genes were commonly regulated in liver between the two treatments, including many classical PPARalpha target genes, such as Aldh3a2 and Cpt2. Remarkably, several genes induced by Wy14643 were upregulated by fasting independently of PPARalpha, including Lpin2 and St3gal5, suggesting involvement of another transcription factor. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, Lpin2 and St3gal5 were shown to be direct targets of PPARbeta/delta during fasting, whereas Aldh3a2 and Cpt2 were exclusive targets of PPARalpha. Binding of PPARbeta/delta to the Lpin2 and St3gal5 genes followed the plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration, consistent with activation of PPARbeta/delta by plasma FFAs. Subsequent experiments using transgenic and knockout mice for Angptl4, a potent stimulant of adipose tissue lipolysis, confirmed the stimulatory effect of plasma FFAs on Lpin2 and St3gal5 expression levels via PPARbeta/delta. In contrast, the data did not support activation of PPARalpha by plasma FFAs. The results identify Lpin2 and St3gal5 as novel PPARbeta/delta target genes and show that upregulation of gene expression by PPARbeta/delta is sensitive to plasma FFA levels. In contrast, this is not the case for PPARalpha, revealing a novel mechanism for functional differentiation between PPARs.
The expression patterns of the three different peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isotypes have been determined during rat embryonic development by in situ hybridization. The expression of PPARalpha starts late in development, with increasing levels in organs such as liver, kidney, intestine, and pancreas, in which it will also be present later in adulthood to regulate its specific target genes. PPARalpha is also transiently expressed in the embryonic epidermis and central nervous system. PPARgamma presents a very restricted pattern of expression, being strongly expressed in brown adipose tissue, in which differentiation it has been shown to participate. Like PPARalpha, it is also expressed transiently in the central nervous system. Interestingly, PPARalpha, -beta and -gamma are coexpressed at high levels in brown adipose tissue. Finally, the high and ubiquitous expression of PPARbeta suggests some fundamental role(s) that this receptor might play throughout development.
The retinoid X receptor beta (RXR beta; H-2RIIBP) forms heterodimers with various nuclear hormone receptors and binds multiple hormone response elements, including the estrogen response element (ERE). In this report, we show that endogenous RXR beta contributes to ERE binding activity in nuclear extracts of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. To define a possible regulatory role of RXR beta regarding estrogen-responsive transcription in breast cancer cells, RXR beta and a reporter gene driven by the vitellogenin A2 ERE were transfected into estrogen-treated MCF-7 cells. RXR beta inhibited ERE-driven reporter activity in a dose-dependent and element-specific fashion. This inhibition occurred in the absence of the RXR ligand 9-cis retinoic acid. The RXR beta-induced inhibition was specific for estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated ERE activation because inhibition was observed in ER-negative MDA-MB-231 cells only following transfection of the estrogen-activated ER. No inhibition of the basal reporter activity was observed. The inhibition was not caused by simple competition of RXR beta with the ER for ERE binding, since deletion mutants retaining DNA binding activity but lacking the N-terminal or C-terminal domain failed to inhibit reporter activity. In addition, cross-linking studies indicated the presence of an auxiliary nuclear factor present in MCF-7 cells that contributed to RXR beta binding of the ERE. Studies using known heterodimerization partners of RXR beta confirmed that RXR beta/triiodothyronine receptor alpha heterodimers avidly bind the ERE but revealed the existence of another triiodothyronine-independent pathway of ERE inhibition. These results indicate that estrogen-responsive genes may be negatively regulated by RXR beta through two distinct pathways.
OBJECTIVE: Chronic activation of the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) in white adipose tissue leads to increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are involved in the development of insulin resistance. It is presently unknown whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta activation prevents inflammation in adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS AND RESULTS: First, we examined whether the PPARbeta/delta agonist GW501516 prevents lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine production in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Treatment with GW501516 blocked LPS-induced IL-6 expression and secretion by adipocytes and the subsequent activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)-Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) pathway. This effect was associated with the capacity of GW501516 to impede LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation. Second, in in vivo studies, white adipose tissue from Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, compared with that of lean rats, showed reduced PPARbeta/delta expression and PPAR DNA-binding activity, which was accompanied by enhanced IL-6 expression and NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity. Furthermore, IL-6 expression and NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity was higher in white adipose tissue from PPARbeta/delta-null mice than in wild-type mice. Because mitogen-activated protein kinase-extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)1/2 (MEK1/2) is involved in LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation in adipocytes, we explored whether PPARbeta/delta prevented NF-kappaB activation by inhibiting this pathway. Interestingly, GW501516 prevented ERK1/2 phosphorylation by LPS. Furthermore, white adipose tissue from animal showing constitutively increased NF-kappaB activity, such as ZDF rats and PPARbeta/delta-null mice, also showed enhanced phospho-ERK1/2 levels. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that activation of PPARbeta/delta inhibits enhanced cytokine production in adipocytes by preventing NF-kappaB activation via ERK1/2, an effect that may help prevent insulin resistance.
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na channel (ENaC) is a heteromultimeric channel made of three alpha beta gamma subunits. The structures involved in the ion permeation pathway have only been partially identified, and the respective contributions of each subunit in the formation of the conduction pore has not yet been established. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, we have identified in a short segment preceding the second membrane-spanning domain (the pre-M2 segment) amino acid residues involved in ion permeation and critical for channel block by amiloride. Cys substitutions of Gly residues in beta and gamma subunits at position beta G525 and gamma G537 increased the apparent inhibitory constant (Ki) for amiloride by > 1,000-fold and decreased channel unitary current without affecting ion selectivity. The corresponding mutation S583 to C in the alpha subunit increased amiloride Ki by 20-fold, without changing channel conducting properties. Coexpression of these mutated alpha beta gamma subunits resulted in a non-conducting channel expressed at the cell surface. Finally, these Cys substitutions increased channel affinity for block by external Zn2+ ions, in particular the alpha S583C mutant showing a Ki for Zn2+ of 29 microM. Mutations of residues alpha W582L, or beta G522D also increased amiloride Ki, the later mutation generating a Ca2+ blocking site located 15% within the membrane electric field. These experiments provide strong evidence that alpha beta gamma ENaCs are pore-forming subunits involved in ion permeation through the channel. The pre-M2 segment of alpha beta gamma subunits may form a pore loop structure at the extracellular face of the channel, where amiloride binds within the channel lumen. We propose that amiloride interacts with Na+ ions at an external Na+ binding site preventing ion permeation through the channel pore.
The beta 2-adrenergic receptor undergoes isomerization between an inactive conformation (R) and an active conformation (R*). The formation of the active conformation of the receptor molecule can be promoted by adrenergic agonists or by mutations in the third cytoplasmic domain that constitutively activate the receptor. Here we show that, of several beta-adrenergic receptor-blocking drugs tested, only two, ICI 118551 and betaxolol, inhibit the basal signaling activity of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor, thus acting as negative antagonists. We document the molecular properties of the more efficacious ICI 118551; (i) it shows higher affinity for the inactive form of the receptor and (ii) it inhibits the spontaneous formation of a beta-adrenergic receptor kinase substrate by the receptor. These properties are opposite those of adrenergic agonists, indicating that, in a fashion reciprocal to that of agonists, negative antagonists promote the formation of an inactive conformation of the receptor.
OBJECTIVE: Our laboratory has previously established in vitro that a caspase-generated RasGAP NH(2)-terminal moiety, called fragment N, potently protects cells, including insulinomas, from apoptotic stress. We aimed to determine whether fragment N can increase the resistance of pancreatic beta-cells in a physiological setting. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A mouse line, called rat insulin promoter (RIP)-N, was generated that bears a transgene containing the rat insulin promoter followed by the cDNA-encoding fragment N. The histology, functionality, and resistance to stress of RIP-N islets were then assessed. RESULTS: Pancreatic beta-cells of RIP-N mice express fragment N, activate Akt, and block nuclear factor kappaB activity without affecting islet cell proliferation or the morphology and cellular composition of islets. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests revealed that RIP-N mice control their glycemia similarly as wild-type mice throughout their lifespan. Moreover, islets isolated from RIP-N mice showed normal glucose-induced insulin secretory capacities. They, however, displayed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by a series of stresses including inflammatory cytokines, fatty acids, and hyperglycemia. RIP-N mice were also protected from multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and this was associated with reduced in vivo beta-cell apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Fragment N efficiently increases the overall resistance of beta-cells to noxious stimuli without interfering with the physiological functions of the cells. Fragment N and the pathway it regulates represent, therefore, a potential target for the development of antidiabetes tools.
A HPLC method is presented for the identification and quantification in plasma and urine of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists (betaxolol, carteolol, metipranolol, and timolol) commonly prescribed in ophthalmology. An extraction method is described using pindolol as an internal standard. An RSIL 10 micron column was used. The lower detection limits of the beta-blockers were found to be 4-27 ng/ml. This method is simple, rapid and sensitive; moreover, it allows the determination of 8 other beta-blockers.
Cardiac L-type Ca (CaV1.2) channels are composed of a pore forming CaV1.2-α1 subunit and auxiliary β- and α2δ-subunits. β-subunits are important not only for surface expression of the channel pore but also for modulation of channel gating properties. Different β-subunits differentially modulate channel activity (Hullin et al., PLOSone, 2007) and thus L-type Ca2+ channel gating is altered when β-subunit expression pattern is changed. In human heart failure increased activity of single ventricular L-type Ca2+-channels is associated with an increased expression of β2-subunits. Interestingly, induction of β2-subunit over-expression in hearts of transgenic mice resembled this heart failure phenotype of hyperactive single L-type Ca2+-channel channels (Beetz et al., Cardiovasc Res. 2009). We hypothesised that competition of less stimulating β-subunits (e.g. β1) with β-subunits causing strong channel stimulation (e.g. β2) might be a means to treat dysfunctional L-type Ca2+-channel activity. To test this hypothesis, we performed whole-cell and single-channel measurements employing recombinant CaV1.2 channels expressed in HEK293 cells together with both β- and β1a2b-subunits. Whole-cell analysis revealed no differences of maximum L-type Ca2+-current densities [pA/pF] with coexpression of either β1a-subunits (-52±3.8), β2b-subunits (-61.5±6.6) or the mixtures of β- and β1a2b-subunits with the plasmid transfection ratio of 2:1 (-60.2±1.6) and 1:1 (-56.7±2.6) respectively. However, steady state inactivation kinetics differed between particular β-subunit and the relative amount of β-subunit presence in the mixtures (β1a1a-subunit (-41.1±1.0), β2b-subunits (-35.1±1.1), mixture 2:1 (-40.3±1.5), and mixture 1:1 (-38.4±2.0); [mV]; p<0.05, students t-test). Using a novel single-channel analysis, switching of gating between β1-like and β2-like modes was monitored on a minute time-scale when both β-subunits were co-expressed in the same cells, but the larger amount of β1a-subunits is required for the effective switching of gating. Our results indicate a model of mutually exclusive binding and effective competition between several β-subunits suggesting that hyperactive channel gating mediated e.g. by β2-subunits can be normalized by β1-subunits. Therefore, competitive replacement between different L-type Ca2+-channel β-subunits might serve as a novel therapeutic strategy for e.g. heart failure.
This study was undertaken to assess in conscious normotensive rats the effects of beta-adrenoceptor stimulation on plasma neuropeptide Y (NPY) levels. Wistar rats were subjected to adrenal demedullation on the right side and were either adrenalectomized or sham-operated on the left side. Eleven days later, the conscious rats were infused i.v. for 30 min with either isoproterenol (10 ng/min) or its vehicle. Plasma NPY levels were significantly lower (23.8 +/- 2.6 pM, means +/- S.E.M., n = 12, P < 0.01) in vehicle-treated medullectomized rats than in corresponding sham-operated controls (36.7 +/- 4.1 pM, n = 12). The medullectomized rats infused with isoproterenol showed plasma NPY levels (36.7 +/- 3.3 pM, n = 11) comparable to those of sham-operated rats having received the vehicle. These data therefore demonstrate that plasma NPY levels are lower in rats without adrenal medulla and that in these animals isoproterenol increases NPY release, most likely by activating pre-synaptic beta-adrenoceptors.
The Cbeta0 alternate cassette exon is located between the Jbeta1 and Cbeta1 genes in the mouse TCR beta-locus. In T cells with a VDJbeta1 rearrangement, the Cbeta0 exon may be included in TCRbeta transcripts (herein called TCRbeta-Cbeta0 transcripts), potentially inserting an additional 24 aa between the V and C domains of the TCR beta-chain. These TCRbeta splice isoforms may be differentially regulated after Ag activation, because we detected TCRbeta-Cbeta0 transcripts in a high proportion (>60%) of immature and mature T cells having VDJbeta1 rearrangements but found a substantially reduced frequency (<35%) of TCRbeta-Cbeta0 expression among CD8 T cells selected by Ag in vivo. To study the potential activity of the TCRbeta-Cbeta0 splice variant, we cloned full-length TCR cDNAs by single-cell RT-PCR into retroviral expression vectors. We found that the TCRbeta-Cbeta0 splice isoform can function during an early stage of T cell development normally dependent on TCR beta-chain expression. We also demonstrate that T hybridoma-derived cells expressing a TCRbeta-Cbeta0 isoform together with the clonally associated TCR alpha-chain recognize the same cognate peptide-MHC ligand as the corresponding normal alphabetaTCR. This maintenance of receptor function and specificity upon insertion of the Cbeta0 peptide cassette signifies a remarkable adaptability for the TCR beta-chain, and our findings open the possibility that this splice isoform may function in vivo.
Only few infectious mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTV) have been characterized which induce a potent superantigen response in vivo. Here we describe the characterization of an MMTV which was isolated from milk of the highly mammary tumor-prone SHN mouse strain. Exposure of newborn mice to milk-borne MMTV (SHN) results in a very slow deletion of V beta 7, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 expressing peripheral T cells. Subcutaneous injection of adult mice with this virus induces a rapid and strong stimulation of all four affected V beta-subsets in vivo. Besides the strong T cell effect we observed an early proliferation and activation of the local B cell pool leading to the initial secretion of IgM followed by preferential secretion of IgG2a by day 6. Sequence comparison of the polymorphic C terminus with known open reading frames revealed high homology to the endogenous provirus Mtv-RCS. This is the first report of a virus having a complete overlap in V beta-specificity with a bacterial superantigen stimulating as many as 35% of the whole CD4+ T cell repertoire including V beta 8.2.