258 resultados para Submandibular Gland Diseases


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This article discusses the management of prostate disease and new therapeutic approaches as a result from epidemiological and physiopathological links between benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction.


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We report on a series of 514 consecutive diagnoses of skeletal dysplasia made over an 8-year period at a tertiary hospital in Kerala, India. The most common diagnostic groups were dysostosis multiplex group (n = 73) followed by FGFR3 (n = 49) and osteogenesis imperfecta and decreased bone density group (n = 41). Molecular confirmation was obtained in 109 cases. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was obtained in close diagnostic collaboration with expert groups abroad through Internet communication for difficult cases. This has allowed for targeted biochemical and molecular studies leading to the correct identification of rare or novel conditions, which has not only helped affected families by allowing for improved genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis but also resulted in several scientific contributions. We conclude that (1) the spectrum of genetic bone disease in Kerala, India, is similar to that of other parts of the world, but recessive entities may be more frequent because of widespread consanguinity; (2) prenatal detection of skeletal dysplasias remains relatively rare because of limited access to expert prenatal ultrasound facilities; (3) because of the low accessibility to molecular tests, precise clinical-radiographic phenotyping remains the mainstay of diagnosis and counseling and of gatekeeping to efficient laboratory testing; (4) good phenotyping allows, a significant contribution to the recognition and characterization of novel entities. We suggest that the tight collaboration between a local reference center with dedicated personnel and expert diagnostic networks may be a proficient model to bring current diagnostics to developing countries. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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As B-cells are crucial for the production of antibodies and also in antigen presentation, they can play an important role in autoimmune connective tissue disease. B-cell surface antigens and receptors which are capable of activating B-cell function have been proposed as targets for therapy in these diseases. Anti-B cell treatments have been used recently in SLE and primary Sjogren's syndrome in a number of open studies, notably anti-CD20 (rituximab), with encouraging results. An anti-BAFF antibody (belimumab) has been tested in patients with SLE and also showed positive results in patients with increased levels of autoantibodies. In contrast, anti-TNF therapy in connective tissue disease and in RA can increase the levels of autoantibodies. Further studies are needed to define the place of these novel treatments in the management of autoimmune connective tissue diseases.


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Different interactions have been described between glucocorticoids and the product of the ob gene leptin. Leptin can inhibit the activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis by stressful stimuli, whereas adrenal glucocorticoids stimulate leptin production by the adipocyte. The present study was designed to investigate the potential direct effects of leptin to modulate glucocorticoid production by the adrenal. Human adrenal glands from kidney transplant donors were dissociated, and isolated primary cells were studied in vitro. These cells were preincubated with recombinant leptin (10(-10)-10(-7) M) for 6 or 24 h, and basal or ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion was subsequently measured. Basal cortisol secretion was unaffected by leptin, but a significant and dose-dependent inhibition of ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion was observed [down by 29 +/- 0.1% of controls with the highest leptin dose, P < 0.01 vs. CT (unrelated positive control)]. This effect of leptin was also observed in rat primary adrenocortical cells, where leptin inhibited stimulated corticosterone secretion in a dose-dependent manner (down by 46 +/- 0.1% of controls with the highest leptin dose, P < 0.001 vs. CT). These effects of leptin in adrenal cells are likely mediated by the long isoform of the leptin receptor (OB-R), because its transcript was found to be expressed in the adrenal tissue and leptin had no inhibitory effect in adrenal glands obtained from db/db mice. Therefore, leptin inhibits directly stimulated cortisol secretion from human and rat adrenal glands, and this may represent an important mechanism to modulate glucocorticoid levels in various metabolic states.


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The occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and related risk factors was evaluated in Seychelles, a middle level income country, as accumulating evidence supports increasing rates of CVD in developing countries. CVD mortality was obtained from vital statistics for two periods, 1984-5 and 1991-3. CVD morbidity was estimated by retrospective review of discharge diagnoses for all admissions to medical wards in 1990-1992. Levels of CVD risk factors in the population were assessed in 1989 through a population-based survey. In 1991-93, standardized mortality rates were in males and females respectively, 80.9 and 38.8 for cerebrovascular disease and 92.9 and 47.0 for ischemic heart disease. CVD accounted for 25.2% of all admissions to medical wards. Among the general population aged 35-64, 30% had high blood pressure, 52% of males smoked, and 28% of females were obese. These findings substantiate the current health transition to CVD in Seychelles. More generally, epidemiologic data on CVD mortality, morbidity, and related risk factors, as well as similar indicators for other chronic diseases, should more consistently appear in national and international reports of human development to help emphasize, in the health policy making scene, the current transition to chronic diseases in developing countries and the subsequent need for appropriate control and prevention programs.


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ÁBSTRACT : Mammary gland is composed of two main epithelial cell types, myoepithelial and luminal. The mechanisms involved in determination and maintenance of them remain poorly understood. Notch signaling is known to regulate cell fate determination in other tissues like skin and nervous system. It was also shown that it can act as tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on the tissue type. The mouse models overexpressing active Notch receptors indicated that Notch signaling is oncogenic in the mammary gland. This observation was followed by some descriptive and functional studies in human breast cancer and it was reported that Notch signaling activity or expression of its components are increased in some of the breast tumor samples compared to normal tissue. However, the physiological role of the Notch signaling and its downstream mechanisms in mammary gland is poorly defined. p63, a member of p53 family, has been implicated in the cell fate determination of keratinocytes. Knockout mouse models revealed that p63 is required for the formation of the mammary anlagen in embryo and its ΔN isoform is expressed exclusively in the myoepithelial layer of the adult breast. In order to understand its function in normal breast epithelial cells, I activated Notch signaling by expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) in normal primary human breast epithelial cells (HBECs). In this context, NICD reduced growth of HBECs and led to downmodulation of extracellular matrix-receptor interaction network (ECM) components as well as ΔNp63. Expression of ΔNp63 together with NICD partially rescued Notch induced growth reduction, which was correlated with an increase in ECM components. Moreover, silencing ΔNp63 in myoepithelial HBECs reduced growth similar to Notch activation and it led to downregulation of myoepithelial and upregulation of luminal markers. Complementing this observation, forced expression of ONp63 in luminal HBECs induced myoepithelial phenotype and decreased luminal markers. In vivo, by the analysis of a Notch reporter mouse strain, I showed that Notch is activated during puberty specifically at the sites of ductal morphogenesis, terminal end buds. FAGS analysis revealed that it can be detected in two different populations based on CD24 expression (low (lo) or high (high)): at lower levels in CD24lo, which includes stem/progenitor and myoepithelial cells and higher levels in CD24hi, which contains luminal cells. In parallel with in vitro results, the CD24lo mouse mammary epithelial cells displaying Notch activity have lower levels of p63 expression. Furthermore, deletion of RBPjk, the main mediator of Notch signaling, or the overexpression of ΔNp63 inhibited luminal cell lineage in vivo. Another important point revealed by Notch reporter mouse strain is the simultaneous activation of Notch with estrogen signaling during pubertal development. The expression of FOXA1, the mediator of estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity, is correlated with Notch activation in vivo that it is lower in CD24lo than in CD24hi cells. Moreover, FOXA1 is regulated by NICD in vitro supporting the presence of a link between Notch and ER signaling. Taken together, I report that Notch signaling is involved in luminal cell fate determination and its effects are partially mediated through inhibition of ONp63. Besides, ΔNp63 is required for the maintenance and sufficient for the induction of myoepithelial phenotype in HBECs in vitro and is not compatible with luminal lineage in vivo. Based on these results, I propose a model for epithelial cell hierarchy in mammary gland, whereby there are two different types of luminal progenitors, early and late, displaying different levels of Notch activity. Notch signaling contributes to the determination of luminal cell lineage in these two progenitor steps: In "Early Luminal Progenitor" stage, it inhibits myoepithelial fate by decreasing p63 expression, and in "Late Luminal Progenitor" stage, Notch signaling is involved in induction of luminal lineage by acting on ER-FOXA1 axis. It has to be investigated further whether Notch signaling might behave as an oncogene or tumor suppressor depending on which cell type in the epithelial hierarchy it is modulated and which one is more likely to occur in different human breast cancer types. RÉSUMÉ : La glande mammaire est composée de deux types principaux de cellules: les cellules luminales, qui bordent le lumen et les cellules myoépithéliales, qui se trouvent entre la lame basale et les cellules luminales. Les mécanismes intervenant dans leur différenciation et leur maintenance demeurent encore mal compris. La protéine transmembranaire Notch est connue pour déterminer le destin des cellules dans plusieurs types de tissus comme la peau ou le système nerveux. Selon le type de tissu dans lequel se trouve Notch, il agira soit comme un suppresseur de tumeur soit comme un oncogène. A l'aide de modèles de souris surexprimant les récepteurs actifs de Notch, il a été démontré que la voie de signalisation de Notch est oncogénique au niveau de la glande mammaire. Des études descriptives et fonctionnelles dans le cadre du cancer du sein ont permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de l'activité de Notch ou de l'expression de ces composants dans certains tissus cancéreux. Toutefois, le rôle physiologique de Notch et des mécanismes qu'il active restent méconnus. P63, une protéine membre de la famille p53, est impliquée dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Le modèle issu de l'étude des souris p63 knockout a révélé que cette protéine est requise pour la formation des primordia mammaires chez l'embryon et que son isoforme ΔNp63 est exclusivement exprimée dans la couche myoépithéliale de la glande mammaire adulte. Dans le but de comprendre les fonctions physiologiques de Notch, je l'ai activé en exprimant le domaine intracellulaire de Notch 1 (NICD) dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de glande mammaire humaine (HBECs). Le NICD a alors réduit la croissance des HBECs et conduit à la régulation négative non seulement de p63 mais également des composants du réseau d'interaction des récepteurs de la matrice extracellulaire (ECM). En exprimant conjointement ΔNp63 et NICD, il est apparu que la réduction de croissance induite par Notch était partiellement compensée, et qu'il y avait également une augmentation des composants ECM. De plus, lorsque ΔNp63 a été inactivé dans les cellules HBECs myoépithéliales, une réduction de croissance cellulaire identique à celle provoquée par l'activation de Notch a pu être mise en évidence, de même qu'une régulation négative des marqueurs myoépithéliaux ainsi qu'une augmentation des marqueurs luminaux. Afin de compléter ces informations, l'expression de ΔNp63 a été forcée dans les HBECs luminales, ce qui a induit un phénotype myoépithélial et une diminution des marqueurs lumineux. In vivo, par l'analyse de souris ayant un gène rapporteur de l'activité de Notch, j'ai démontré que Notch est activé pendant la puberté au niveau des sites de la morphogenèse canalaire, à savoir les bourgeons terminaux. Les analyses par FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting) basées sur l'expression de l'antigène CD24 ont révélé qu'il peut tre détecté dans deux populations différentes : une population qui l'exprime faiblement, qui regroupe les cellules souches/progéniteurs et les cellules myoépithéliales, et une population qui l'exprime fortement qui est composé des cellules luminales. Parallèlement aux résultats in vitro, j'ai mis en évidence un faible niveau d'expression de p63 dans les cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire de souris, exprimant faiblement l'antigène CD24 et présentant une activité de Notch. De plus, la délétion de RBPjr~, médiateur principal de la signalisation de Notch, ainsi que la surexpression de ΔNp63 in vivo ont inhibé la lignée des cellules luminales. Un autre point important révélé par les souris rapporteur de l'activité de Notch a été l'activation simultanée de Notch et de la signalisation de l'oestrogène pendant le développement pubertaire. L'expression de FOXA1, médiateur de l'activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs aux oestrogènes (ER), est en corrélation avec l'activation de Notch in vivo, plus basse dans les cellules avec une faible expression de l'antigène CD24 que dans celles avec une forte expression. De plus, FOXA1 est régulé par NICD in vitro confirmant la présence d'un lien entre Notch et la signalisation des ER. En résumé, la signalisation de Notch est impliquée dans la détermination du destin cellulaire des cellules luminales et ses effets sont partiellement modifiés par l'inhibition de ΔNp63. ΔNp63 est requis pour la maintenance et est suffisant pour l'induction du phénotype myoépithéliale dans les HBECs in vitro et ne peut donc pas se trouver dans les cellules luminales in vivo. Basé sur ces résultats, je propose un modèle de hiérarchisation des cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire, dans lequel sont présents deux types de progéniteurs des cellules luminales exprimant des niveaux différents d'activité de Notch, les progéniteurs lumineux précoces et tardifs. La signalisation de Notch contribue à la différenciation de la lignée cellulaire luminale au niveau de ces deux progéniteurs : dans la forme précoce, il inhibe la différenciation des cellules myoépithéliales en réduisant l'expression de p63 et dans la forme tardive, Notch est impliqué dans l'induction de la lignée luminale en agissant sur l'axe ER-FOXA1. Il serait nécessaire d'investiguer plus loin si le fait que Notch agisse comme oncogène ou suppresseur de tumeur dépend du stade de différenciation de la cellule dans laquelle il est modulé et laquelle de ces deux fonctions il est le plus probable de rencontrer dans les différents types de cancer du sein.


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Les POCT (point of care tests) ont un grand potentiel d'utilisation en médecine infectieuse ambulatoire grâce à leur rapidité d'exécution, leur impact sur l'administration d'antibiotiques et sur le diagnostic de certaines maladies transmissibles. Certains tests sont utilisés depuis plusieurs années (détection de Streptococcus pyogenes lors d'angine, anticorps anti-VIH, antigène urinaire de S. pneumoniae, antigène de Plasmodium falciparum). De nouvelles indications concernent les infections respiratoires, les diarrhées infantiles (rotavirus, E. coli entérohémorragique) et les infections sexuellement transmissibles. Des POCT, basés sur la détection d'acides nucléiques, viennent d'être introduits (streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte avant l'accouchement et la détection du portage de staphylocoque doré résistant à la méticilline). POCT have a great potential in ambulatory infectious diseases diagnosis, due to their impact on antibiotic administration and on communicable diseases prevention. Some are in use for long (S. pyogenes antigen, HIV antibodies) or short time (S. pneumoniae antigen, P. falciparum). The additional major indications will be community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections, infectious diarrhoea in children (rotavirus, enterotoxigenic E. coli), and hopefully sexually transmitted infections. Easy to use, these tests based on antigen-antibody reaction allow a rapid diagnosis in less than one hour; the new generation of POCT relying on nucleic acid detection are just introduced in practice (detection of GBS in pregnant women, carriage of MRSA), and will be extended to many pathogens


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Many patients with Crohn's disease carry mutations in NOD2, a molecule that can both activate and attenuate the pro-inflammatory effects of NF-kappa B. Recent studies implicate NOD2-induced ubiquitination of the NF-kappa B regulator NEMO as a potential means of manipulating the NF-kappa B signal.


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Hirsutism is a relatively frequent condition in an ambulatory setting affecting about 4% of women. A rational clinical and biochemical diagnostic approach assures an optimal treatment directed at etiologic and pathogenetic factors. The diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is evaluated considering the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for excessive growth of hair. Ovarian and adrenal tumors are the most serious diseases that have to be excluded by clinical and biochemical tests. The other causes for hirsutism are treatable by a great variety of modalities, available drugs can inhibit pituitary gonadotropins, the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the conversion of testosterone into biologically active substrate. Finally the binding of androgens to its receptor can be blocked. These possibilities for treatment and their indications for the different etiologies of hirsutism are discussed.


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Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease marked by a paradoxical immune status. The anergic state, which results from various immune defects, contrasts with the inflammatory formation of granulomas. Sarcoidosis patients may be at risk for opportunistic infections (OIs) and a substantial number of cases have been reported, even in untreated sarcoidosis. It is not clear how OIs in patients with sarcoidosis are different from other groups at risk. In this review, we discuss the most common OIs: mycobacterial infection (including tuberculosis), cryptococcosis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and aspergillosis. Unlike peripheral lymphocytopenia, corticosteroids are a major risk factor for OIs but the occurrence of Ols in untreated patients suggests more complex predisposing mechanisms. Opportunistic infections presenting with extrapulmonary features are often misdiagnosed as new localizations of sarcoidosis. Aspergillomas mostly develop on fibrocystic lungs. Overall, physicians should be aware of the possible occurrence of OIs during sarcoidosis, even in untreated patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Few studies have assessed secular changes in the levels of cardiovascular risk factors (CV-RF) in populations of low or middle income countries. The systematic collection of a broad set of both traditional and metabolic CV-RF in 1989 and 2004 in the population of the Seychelles islands provides a unique opportunity to examine trends at a fairly early stage of the "diabesity" era in a country in the African region. METHODS: Two examination surveys were conducted in independent random samples of the population aged 25-64 years in 1989 and 2004, attended by respectively 1081 and 1255 participants (participation rates >80%). All results are age-standardized to the WHO standard population. RESULTS: In 2004 vs. 1989, the levels of the main traditional CV-RF have either decreased, e.g. smoking (17% vs. 30%, p < 0.001), mean blood pressure (127.8/84.8 vs. 130.0/83.4 mmHg, p < 0.05), or only moderately increased, e.g. median LDL-cholesterol (3.58 vs. 3.36 mmol/l, p < 0. 01). In contrast, marked detrimental trends were found for obesity (37% vs. 21%, p < 0.001) and several cardiometabolic CVD-RF, e.g. mean HDL-cholesterol (1.36 vs. 1.40 mmol/l, p < 0.05), median triglycerides (0.80 vs. 0.78 mmol/l, p < 0.01), mean blood glucose (5.89 vs. 5.22 mmol/l, p < 0.001), median insulin (11.6 vs. 8.3 micromol/l, p < 0.001), median HOMA-IR (2.9 vs. 1.8, p < 0.001) and diabetes (9.4% vs. 6.2%, p < 0.001). At age 40-64, the prevalence of elevated total cardiovascular risk tended to decrease (e.g. WHO-ISH risk score > or =10; 11% vs. 13%, ns), whereas the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (which integrates several cardiometabolic CVD-RF) nearly doubled (36% vs. 20%, p < 0.001). Data on physical activity and on intake of alcohol, fruit and vegetables are also provided. Awareness and treatment rates improved substantially for hypertension and diabetes, but control rates improved for the former only. Median levels of the cardiometabolic CVD-RF increased between 1989 and 2004 within all BMI strata, suggesting that the worsening levels of cardiometabolic CVD-RF in the population were not only related to increasing BMI levels in the interval. CONCLUSION: The levels of several traditional CVD-RF improved over time, while marked detrimental trends were observed for obesity, diabetes and several cardiometabolic factors. Thus, in this population, the rapid health transition was characterized by substantial changes in the patterns of CVD-RF. More generally, this analysis suggests the importance of surveillance systems to identify risk factor trends and the need for preventive strategies to promote healthy lifestyles and nutrition.


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We created a registry to evaluate long term outcome, efficacy and adverse events for children treated wit TNF-alpha inhibitors in Switzerland. 106 patients (68 female/38 male) were included. 61 patients were treated with Etanercept (Enbrel) and 45 with Infliximab (Remicade). Concomitant treatment at baseline included corticosteroids in 26% and Methotrexate in 75% of the patients. Subjective disease activity three months after initiation of TNF-alpha was better in 81%, worse in 4% and stable in 15% of the patients. In total 24 adverse events in 21 patients were reported. Treatment with TNF-alpha inhibitors seems to be safe and effective for children and adolescents with rheumatologic diseases.